AUTOMOBILES TEG EHT DOOG LAED UOY EVRESED SPELLED FRONTWARDS MEANS GET THE GOOD DEAL YOU DESERVE AT VALLEY MOTOR OF COURSE Liberl Finance Terms Enjoy Dependable Transportation While You Pay 1949 Ford Custom Fordor. Very few milea. First owner driven. Radio, heater. This one will go fast. Don't wait. $1995 1 948 Ford Super Del mt Fordor. Lifeguard body, ra dio, heater, overdrive. $1545 1947 Ford Super Deluxe 4 dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, un dercoating. This is a perfect ear. $1395 1947 Ford Deluxe Tudor. Heater, aportlight. A bargain. $1295 Many more low priced cars at Bargain Prices. We invite you to come in and inspect them. No obligation. Let us demonstrate the English Ford. 35-40 miles per gallon. Terms 12-18-21-24 Months to Pay VALLEY MOTOR MART "USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY" CENTER AT HIGH PHONE 3-3147 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS If ANTED furnitur to flu rfptU. Lm Srot. Fura R.f!nifaln Co Pb t-1001 CSED FCBNITCB. KKmt t-tltt. ! PERSONAL SSS Cross St. 'IT'S NO SECMET" Olenn Weetlry pays more tor used furniture appliances than any other dernier. Ph. 38110 tor Cuh in 1 Flash. STANLEY HOME Product HS Cress St. Ph. 2-SM. PlM ALCOHOLICS Anonxmoua Boi ?3i. 1-5334. AUTOMOBILES CLEAN Sedan. II Chev. Special Deluxe 1759. Phone 3-0311. '4 pry. S-pass. Recently overhaul!. MM or reu. offer. Must Mil. 12? North River Hoati. Qlit IMS CHEV., excel. See at 120B B SI MODEL "A" Fordor Sdn. Good mechanical condition. U. 43 Twk Avenue. M CHEV. CPE. 240 B. Hlfh. ' CHEV. FLEET LINE Aero aedktt. BAH. Clean, in food condition. Will tak alder ear a part payment. Ph. 2-8778. U0 19R7 PONTIAC. Excel, cond. mechanically. Nearly food a new, oritlnal owner. Reasonably priced. IMS Wert Owen. Ph. 34330. 'M MEKCURY 2 Door Sedan MM. Rt. 3, Box . Homeatead Rd., alter h p.m. STUBEBAKTR, 2 dr. Champ. Mr, food cond. Ph. 2-7S1B. t41 FORD PICKUP In pretty fair ahape, motor overhauled lait fall, low oil con sumption, spare tire. Can be had with or without pipe rack and Tite. Phone Salem 3 -SUM before S:, or phone 3-fl20 evenings. aj T OWNER 191 Cher. 2 dr. RAH, Xx cellent motor. After 4:20 p.m. 1 lo model A, just overhauled, ta. Ki. 3B300. Rt. 7. BOX 92. 1 BT OWNER: '27 model Suick 4 dr. Sdn., very food cond., IMO, 14 mile north of Woodburn. Georse Hooley. 4142 '44 DELUXE FORD 4 dr. RAH, new seat cover, battery. After 5 p.m 133 H. Com'I. a M CHEV. Sedan S135. Prctum Rd. 1 Mf. School. BOX 434A, Of Swesle Q140 7 HUDSON uper . 250 Portland Rd., apt. 4. 1M FONTIAC Club Coupe. Ctood, clean car. See owner 850 8. lath Uvea, or Sun. 4 140 CLEAN 1M7 Chev. Coupe. Or!lnl paint. Price 13(0. Call at S74 N. Front. House in rear. ' MERCURY Sport Sedan. Less than aooo milei. RAH and lote other extra. Cort 12700. Sell lor 3lM. Ph. 4-W35. JIM Garden Rd. t,14fl m G.M.C. Si. Equipped with Bktlch nin lima apreader. Ph. 2-0SB4. 1S1' Precision Rebuilt Motors With New Motor Guarantee Also new motor. savins. on all oar repair. See us about our monthly pay ment plan. Amundson Garage lot Edxewater Wet Salem Phone 2-7133. FOR SALE sr trade, 'It Ford, R&H. Frl. JSM. 014S ' CHEV. eonr, Orif, owner Low mlleare 379 N, Liberty, Apt. . Call ev. f!41 Eisner Motors to Sel! WFOR BALE: '40 Old Cib. Opt. Very lood J cond. t40 N. lSth. 10 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TRADI TERMS 131 Fairgrounds Road PhOD I-I4I WANTED clean 210 6 Com'I tued car Bob Uarr Thl Tim If HVDSON1 SefTte Salaa Part Borne of Good Cue Car SHROCK UOTOR CO ChureA Chemeketa Bu. Ph Eisner Motors to Buy Eisner Motors Fine Cars P0NT1ACS '4? Sdn. cpe '41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford D.L. pt. ep. 1385 '41 Chev. idn $895 '48 Ford pickup $1295 '39 Nash coupe S393 '38 Chevrolet dn 295 TERMS T1UOIS Herrall-Owens Co. Mt II UMn n Hill MOTORCYCLIS, SCOOTERS 1 R4RLXT DAVIDOV '74 in eicel rortdtlion. SIM V, Rt IW. Ph. 3HJ afier i at p m tl Indian Cushman Mustang Whlzzer Shrock Motorcycle SsIm Ph t-HH farm cquipment filBtOM GARDE! TRACTOR with plow m tli;Titor, . Ph. HI14, oitO' AUTOMOilllS 1947 Ford Sportsman conver tible. The sport car you have been waiting for. Runs like new, $1595 1948 Ford Station Wagon. Clean, body A-l. Motor firat class, ' $1495 1947 Lincoln Sedan Coupe. Radio, heater, overdrive. Quality car at bargain price. $1745 1946 Hudson 4 dr. Sedan. Super 8. Radio, heater, over drive. Beat this price, $1295 1946 Nash Ambassador 4 dr. Sedan, Weather eye heater, $1445 BOATS FOR SALE, BOATS Super Special. New marine plywood 13 ft. V bottom boats, Ph, 2-0060. Rt. 7, box 22 Clarter Rd, TRAILERS WHEEL Trailer, HeaYy dutT alt steel. SOOxie rubber, excel, cond. 95. Hubbard Home Appliance. Ph. 5H. tl3 IMS ALUMINUM trailer, eastern built. 2ft ft., excel, cond., fully ulp, Saerl- lice. Albany Trailer Court,. Albany, Ore. tit! '44 WHITLEY house trailer IT. Bleep two dr., tandam wheel, elec. brake, all rum. can are at sroou Trailer para. KM State St. tl( FINANCIAL TLENN WOODRY pay top cab price for furniture appliance. Ph. J51I0 for Immediate ruulu, no haiilint. rliS- VACATION LOANS Your Way and Fast Get vacation loan from Penontt Finance Co. where If "ye" to 4 out of 1. Cah on aalary, furaltur or ear. No co-aimer necessary. Phone or vltlt the YES MAN TODAY. You'll appreciate t&e consideration he'll how you. PERSONAL Finance Company tit State St. Km. 1SS. Ph. 3-2i He. S-133-M-1SS C, X. Alien, Ye Uanater T140' PR IV ATS MONET Special rataa and tern on tarter loan tone and short ttmo payment ROT B SIMMONS 1St Sop'h Commercial St Phee S-ftltl AUTO LOANS WILLAVETTX CREDIT CO. 141 S Cbureh Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-144? Ue, Ho U-144 8-144 BEX 08 FOR ATTRACTIVE PARM LOANS ONLT 4 OR INTEREST I to 44 Yecr n4 No Com ml Ion Leo N. Childs, Inc. S Stst Si OEKERA1 miArtCS CORP. LOANS Lt .U4 ftnd u-m ROT R. SIMUONS msURANCR AND LOANS tt Coinnierels s. Ttt. t-tl $ CASH $ $25 to $500 PORNITURI, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS CP TO 4444 Olf lOftn up tp tSM Com Id w phoss Hollywood Finance Co, 1t4t Pirtroud Rot Acrou stieH from Oftsfe No PsrklRt problem PbOD 1TMJ Lie N UIS4-S24I Plcyd Knon, ifsr. t FARM AND CITT LOAM 4'iV 04 4 TOHR OWN TERMS of frpsotsst Uh.n rsuoa Osih for Real tsuis Contract OAPITOL ICURfTTSS CO toi PtoBr Trtutt Bids Ph 1-1141 r Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem it Vicinity. See State Finance Co 153 S. High st. OlftfCTOft? 4.DDINO MACHINES AH stftfctt niw mfhtn td, rnU4 rpttr4 Ratb 4M Cotirl vttnn 4-4113 APPLIANCE ERVIt-f ELECTRIC ROMS sppiiinef fepsir ertts rrt estimates Fi aor-jns setepie on ae appHaneat Vtuct's Stsctrla Phone 4-4344 Ml S tWTH St AT-rR DOOR GRINDISO t TO RADIOS Aurhortrstf Wirrsnty fttpttr Ststton for alt mlM or Auto Rtdio uern ftstSio Co 144 S Libert? Ph - MARION UOTORt NASH SERVICE Ttg seme 4r psosa t-4114 HffM a Cam'I Fh. -tll tllinlttt epeetatlet ftemodet, repair that home new Term Ha down garment Phone l- oH4 Itt lLDING CONTllACToil Alt Sroe AU hes rstsed K fnu& dations Phone S5ot alt.' BftLDOEINr) Deas ftokiBiOB. Ph. HU1. OIRECTORY Bulldostnf. ievelim, road bid., clear Ina, teeth for brush. Viiiii Kuatyt 161 r ii view Ave, Ph, M!t(, Salem, o-lK Llfhtcrawlr dom. Ph. t-ltlt. CASH REfllSTERS IntB delivery of o rectater At male ton oa;ed Ron 4ft Court RCA ch rented re ft t-T? o EMEXT CONTRACTOR General cement cont. Honest work at honest prices. Ph. J-t5S or 3-747 ol4 For eipert fuaranteed satisfaction new or repair of founrialion. sidewalk, drlvevaya. patio, curbs, wall, etc Call 2-4S&0. OI44 CEMENT WORK Bulldlm foundations, remodetini, paint -int. Klant Sroi., Ph 33393 alSH Let u do your remeni work SOW Driveway, sidewalk, patios, etc Ph 3-4! 3. cbimnct awrrr Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Enstey 771 S. 31st. Ph. 3-T17. oiS" ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vine' Electric for electrtcat wlrtn contract In repalrto S Liberty Ph 2-t23 0 KXTERM1NATORX Br;thaupt for flower Dial l-l7t f HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS LAN DSC Apr NL'RSERT A DaettitJ & Sons. Ornamental 1 . Lancaster Or at 4 Cor Ph 2-1322 LAWKMOWERS Sharpened, ctiaranteed twice Mew power sad hand mower Call Harry W. Bcolt. 14? So, Com ! St oUi' LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWTt MOWER SHARPENING Ex peri wots. P Roacn, calt 3S0SJ oltl & block laylat MATTRESSES Capital Bedding.. Phone 2-4 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc. IMS Court St. Ph. 3-7553 ali2 NURSES' REGISTRT Practical Kurses day-nlfht Ph. OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chair, file and fills cttppHw. ?, dupltcatc-r and suppltf. dex lamp typewriter stands, brief case Pierce Wire Recorder. Roen. 5t Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younter, Ph. 3-8572. PA PER HA S G ING Expert Paperhsnflns and psintlnt, B 3. Woodworth. Ph. 1-SS6. Free est. &14S Ifstrooi's art eoulpped to do rem palntlnc Phone 3-S4M o FAINTING AND PAPEBBANGJKG P1CTTSX FRAMING Plcturs frsmiia Pilous J-88T ffutchsos PtDt Stoit PLUMBING Plber, 844 S. Com'I. Ph, S-SCl. olJt PHU.VING, SPRAYING Philip W. BUke. Ph. M3!. L. W. Ct.uIie. Ph. 3-7484. RADIO REPAIR Ctanertt Elec. horn ppl, rplrtng, lso tdto rpntrtn. Brodwf.jr Appl. Co, 443 Csssplstt serv., tmj. rstes. Piss pickup a est. J&ftn's Hteio Shop, ass Court at Ph 3Q7!S ft 33414. O1S0 RADIATOR REPAIR CteftttM, ttpsired. J, a Btlr Bsns. Ph 31144 Bj Drlv-lo Thsfr. Sioet 1957. o; REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE REPAIR KeivJnator freezers. Lehman Matthew 33T N Hifh St. Ph, 4741, oUi SAND GRAVEL Garden Soli crushed rack Shovel and as.jiin exavtttnc Wtiltng Sand 4t Oravct Co, f'hons 4-429 o VaJJtj Sand A Oravtl Co Silt, and St flit din Excavattftc 15B thovel ft cat Tractor acoo ft truck tor dirt stovtns Ph office 540. re c Salem Sa Wrk. Ph. J-TaS. 1345 (f. 4th SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS EJettrl Roto-Rootr EkcIb! Patent Raaor harp Steal Cuttlnt Rladw Clean Pavcra r Draips Septia Tna Olaaoad Raaa Ph -! or )- SEPTIC TANK 4 Mtkt'a Septic Serrtot, Tank elaanad, Roto Rooter Srrtc b Sw. sim BtH w, Baiem. Ph. t-si(. 4-SJ3T. OI54 SEC MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about in- atatimc tha nv approval seo pa; eoncrfta ptie tank. W lay drain Hnw tuo. Pn. s-9i(B ei44' K P. Hamtt. Bott tanks claanad Slectrte machlna wrtt cn r ant drain llnta, Ouarantd work, li3-th ai., wet aasm Ph 1-7404. ci TOOLS FOR REST Howwr Bros. Yoar power loo! rental flsse oiiarier. Hew addwsa 1418 S. 14th Ph. 4-344S. ouj TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Rtralnrtin Rjt.i Cndr- wood portatalM Ail ro( tuwd oiifhtnw Repaira and rent Roen, 454 Court TRANSFER STORAGE -oc) ft Olsta&ee Transfer. .tart Burner oils, coal ft erluu Truck to Portland dally Aient for Bklna House hottf rood morfd to anywJief In US o Canada Larmtr Tranafar ft St&raie Ph J-IUI VENETIAN SLINDS Mads It Salem Pre sat titan tit Blind man aiem Venetian Slfnd made to order rannUhad Refnholdt ft Lawt 4-4414 well nmr.uvfi fred Wrmort Rt. S. Bt Ph. -)! J. A, Sneed h Sons, well drilling. S0J Broolcs St., Balem. Ph. -&. el W e ATRXXaTftlPPINO Pre aslirosias. T. PL'LLAff, Ph. WINDOW SBADEB WINDOW CLEANING Aeatt Cieanera Windows, wails A woodwork cleaned Foora craned wated and polished Ph t-im tit Court Lansdoc Culbertsos and slather WOOD A BAWDt'ST West Salet Pael Cn Ph 3.(ni LODGES A Ainaworih Lodge N&. 301 AP ft AFt Tue.t June Hth. Sftffd 8 pn, J4l 7 nesdsy night VUttor rei com Hodson Council No, U R At S.M, fpecii meeting. Degrees. Refreshment. Wednesday, June IS. 7:30 p.m. 142 Journol Wont Ads Poy All Grains Lose In Monday Trade Chicago, June 13 fP Grains lost ground rapidly toward the close today, ending with fairly lubstsntis! losses. Early gains extending to more than a cent in wheat were wiped out under light but persistent selling. Corn and oatj were weak from the start. Demand dried up, partly be cause of declines in cash wheat prices and partly because of nervousness resulting from an other drop in securities at New York. Rams over the week end in the midwest served to de press corn. New crop wheat was being purchased on a to-arrive basis at Kansas City at prices to 7 cents under last Saturday, cash dealers said. Visible supply ot wheat increased 4.120,000 bush els during the past week, the board of trade reported. Wheat closed l3-2!6 lower, July $1.834-1.84, corn was ti to 2 cents lower. JuSv SI . 30 oats were IH-lij lower. July 58, rye was 1-24 lower, July $i.34-V soybeans were 2'i to 4 cents lower, July $2.22 Vi- 4, and lard was 8 to 30 cents a hundred pounds lower, July $11.12. $250,000 Sawmill Fire at Pendiefoit Pendieion, June 13 Wi The sawmill, one planing mill and offices of the Pendleton Lum ber company were destroyed by lire Saturday. Damage was estimated at $250,000 by the owners. City firemen and air base equipment worked to save the stored lumber, a new planing mjii and nearby dry i:ilns. A Union Pacific engine crew turn ed steam jets on telegraph poles along the nearby right-of-way when the heat igniied the poles Charfes Dower, Pendleton, and Orville Smith, Heppner, the owners. Indicated the saw mill would be rebuilt. LEGAL NOTICE OF FXAMWATinV NOTICE IS HERESY OEVBS tht nfvtl Service Sxsmlnatlana lor POLICEMEN ana lor FIREMEN eti&iect ta th cwt reeulattona and provisos of th Civrt Serv- Comaiission or stm, Orwon, fa s)nsndif will P heJd at th City Kali, Sa lem, Oreaon, as foU&wai POLICEMES, Police Department, Tburt- dar, June 23, 1444, 6 00 a.m. GENERAL SCOPE OP EXAMINATION. m addition to physical examination &y I he city phyiclani keenness ttt ohaer' vatton, readme eomprehenAton, aWiity lo follow directions, relations with othr. aptitude lor police work, elmple problem in arithnntlc. ccoaraphj of tha city, state jaw and tr erdmanee. Ten Per Cent credit allowed on War Time Service record. PAY; J33S.OO month (or oeainnera. REQUIREMENTS ; Applicant Htuit iiave oeen sona nde retldenta of Salem, Oreson for at least one year Itnntedlateir pre vious to the dace of the examination and must 6e registered voters. AOE LIMITS: 2! to 35 war fWTTH MILITARY --riVICE COMCEMIOKSf. FIREMEN, Fire Department. FRIDAY JUNE 44, 1444, 4:44 a.m. GENERAL SCOPE OP EXAMINATION addition to physic i examination o? tha city physician: keenness of oburva t, readint comprehension, s&iiit? follow dlwctlotia, relatlona with others. phyalcal aomtr to meet ttr department reou(rement. Ten Per Cent allowed an War Tims Sere- lee record. rAY: 4225.99 a month for winner. Physical tests as would ha ordinal!! -wed in lire fiihtlne. REftUIRKMENTS; Applicant must have on oona Ilde resident pi tha cit saiem, oreaon. ror at least ons eesr im- ftsediaieiy previous to th daie ei the ea- amination and must he renuerwS voters AOE LIMITS: 31 to 11 years. Applicant will be required to take onytai ejtamtnatton Irom the city phyn- Iclan, Each sppliest shall cause to oe filed with the Secretary of th Commis sion a statement from tha etit physician eertifTina that the applicant v mentaih man physical!? fit for th position of fire nan or policeman. In the atwenct of uch a eerti'teata an pplir-ant will not be permitted to isxs th exmintion. APPLICATION BLANKS ma? be on tatned at tha office of the City Record er, mas a fflM in pertan. and will not & accepted for ftllnc after the lol lewtnc dte; FRIDAY, JUNE IT. 144, at t: p.m. Dated at Saiem. Oreson. June T, i am Servfe commission miSSrm capital aamaj, June t. . ic 11, u, nth etetf olds arta a rectlved bw the aoerd Marlon County, oreton, up to a:9C o - iloea PM. on Taely, June ii, !. fr turnishlni K cenj &f stsh wood at he vartoii sohonl of the- Dtotiirt. SpeciffciUon Qitntut and old forms nj oe obtained tront and bid shall feel filed with the District Clerk st S Korth Biah Street. Salem. Oreson. CON ELL C. WARD, Dlstrie Cieik. Canftai Journal June 1, S, 13, 1 Four Hsnds n Pi no Joe Louis, retired world heavy weight boxing champion, Join Len Horn, entertainer, at the piano in a Chicago Right club where h it sppearing. j?rM'-M 11 '-n in iiiim in i-rnr Another PrefHe John Barrymore, Jr, reads his movie contract after its approvai in Ios Angeles superior court. Slocks Plunge To 4 Year Low New York, June S3 (& The stock market plunged to a four year low today in one of the sharpest declines of the yesr. A steady flow of seHmg or ders pounded prices down frac tions to an extreme of 6 points. Most losses were around 2 points or less. The volume of trading ex panded as the market weakened. Turnover was at the rate of around 1.300,000 shares for the full session, which would re suit in one of the busiest days of the year. Today's spii! represented continuation of a downward trent that started around a month ago and which has per sisted almost without interrup tion. Wall Street quarters saw noth ing itartimg in the news to ac count for the price weakness. but merely fresh accent on the gloomy thmkmk on the course of business which has dominat ed the financial district for a long time. The fact that the break coin cided with the start of a sched uled one-week walkout by the nation a solt-cos! miners was viewed as accidental. Key issues under fire Includ ed U, S, Steel, Bethlehem Steei, : General Motors, Chrysler, Good year, American Smelting, Do Pont, International Paper, Santa ?e. Standard Oi! NJ, Skeily on. Twentieth Century-Fox, Guif Oil, and Boeing, The market, on average. broke through its 1847 low ar ound midday and stayed on a downward path. Toward the close of trading the general price level was just on the verge of cracking through the 18i low established in January of that year. Corporate bonds dropped with stocks. U. S. government issues, however, held firm In over-the-counter dealings. Forest Fire Hazard At Danger Point Portland, Ore., June 53 UR- The weather bureau prediciedl" !" f rowi" .of hbT more hot, cJesr weather tori most of Oreson today nd t forest fire condi- lion in the slate hats reached L r u...,ju ien tisngproiisi lewf oi f Ut--"' sll MfHfnrrf Sprfmrtnrf-,(iu f KOSCOUrjf. i MMnu'hiU 1t E IlfC V-'BS rejiOrtCO raijtfif niffht M-vt at T.akA Morwin Jn Cowlitz county, Washington. STOCKS B? tne A8C!s(d Ffsaaf srif& Can ........ ............ m Pow & tt ...,.,. ............ 4m Tti Tl t US1 Attrozt4a aeitltx Aviation ...,, ..,,...,. S4 Beth Steel ,,, Boeln Airplana ....... ............ Call! Paekifit ............ 31 V Canadian Pie if 1 I6i Cut I ,,,,,,,,,., 5& Catefotlltr tri 2krys?er omwlth A 60S ............ J( c&ns vsfle ..,,, i Continent! Can .,,1il SSi Crown Seffr&& ,,,,,,,. J6i Cartisa WrtaSt tt , ,,,,, uQutit mterzt ............ i-T Daoont 4e Nfnt ti Qenerai JSwiris , a Oeneral Isioior 1 Lob Sell "A" ,......,...... H MoBiaotnery wars ffash Kemntaof 1V !f4 Oairj ......................... is Wy Cntri Northern Paslfi li P Am ytafe s.. Pac Gu Etea ,,,,, it P Tl Ti W Penney S C ..................... nAia. Cero , ......... . Rayonler 3!S Heyn&l(is s4il 1 BiMilsl 3 Sloria Rfrt Roebuck Southern Patlfto ... Slsndar Ca ,, S filce' Coco ,. tT TranaamerSfa ......,,,... l Wnlon CM! Cat t' Union PaclCtft ..................... '5 nlte AtcUne , - B B Steel . ,,.- Wamef Bra PI ., ta'5 Salem Markets r f li xlstne t'epltei Jarnt Keora. fReew datly?- K1H fee1 fMMt n Itakett PetteU - Balrr Peed raaltrys fc-tn jrl Grade A eMn e hen Te; rde A Leahem eent. Ord A e&l&rl fryer, three 5QUrt4 and up tie. Ord A &Sd t&eat tt ent Baylns PMee JPjclra It re AA, S5c; lara AA Sle; iarae A. -tJ-SSf; mediant Afc, We; meefiaa A, pailel tS-r. Waaa Frteea Sat &&nwi ? nte a&nre fftea arieae ahsw Qta4 A teH ;iiat( t St; ' s um. Me, Battaefat Premium, s, Jta. i, tltf e fatten iea SaHee Wnaiaaal r , (a; U ?tt Interest in Corn Growing at Albany Albanjf An !ncrjwd inter- v" ' " " , ,t ( . "l" ' ' Jf ' MJ?er( Lmn CGtmiV eXWfl- "u" lv .R conesi an(J r?eejvefJ thffif , hybrid corn. Of thl number eight re girJs. The hybrid corn Js .n three vrietie( Oregon J08t Orpgon 525 and Oreson 355, Enouxh corn for earh contestant to plant one sere of corn was sup plied jmnUy by the Heymao Campbii Frms ftf Albany and Harley Haftfem of Lehanori. Ait cJub members growmg corn wiii hsvt an opportunity ta exihiht t the Bank nt AJ- bany Corn Sbnw in the fjtiJ anrf nlito take part in the Saie Corn Show and yieJd contest. Former Grord fsfonders Home for Grsduation Grand Island Mrs, Giles Rocfchifl and son Le, of Fox Ore,, formerly of this district,! came to attend the eighth grade! graduation of Dayton grade j school Thursday evening and! visit her husband" mother Mrs i Clarence fiockhili. Her daugh-! terf Alvit Rockhill, has stayed! with her grandmother and was! a member f the class, and ac-! compacted her mother to Tox. Misses Myrtle and Iv Hock-j hill who have been atudents at Cascade college have returned to their home here following ctote at eollege Monday, First use of gunpowder tn r tillery was io batte fortifica tions and it was not used in th field under 3t in th 3Jth sen-tury f spits! Jsarn!, SaSem, Orjfn, MARKET QUOTATIONS ti trt ?t dairy ,.m ts mm Sali ,.,...,.. t m6 Vet tV5&-is4 &si ..jjese to tarn K pctcf PtM: with V' nA ar-cet t ch t' To .i eta tto ?riBitf sixinte s si s& i 9ttat tstaitf siiTs is h &?-Sftr VaJJey roit to coaBtry point S Je- Wrr- firs J cr ee-tl1; S, 5 Ke li ; C. for, its lb. Atev prsc ltt ft 8;&, 19 '91 J iripw v lur Frtland Bitf 4ttrtt 4e, ettwar, S prsn, . iRMf CE&utJ. Sffe-., Hs CJicffs, tit rstsJJw fOf&iv. Sri ysn)Min sf ?tfc, ertttti irt Sft A iff Swf twa feisft4 &3 a- M-s; ,. m-i'mm, 4c; nftd Apt?; -I at SO- trc Stf f&aa- ditStwvs-i. f 5iicjiist, Tftw, nt R Seratt -t- 44-t3; Wifffi IS J b Mt ?dr.41 to i,VlWBt:WWKW roastera t IS, snst Jl-2Jr 16.; t&el. Leah&rn ander Ifc. itf' svr R)MU JB 111- erhlie Irve, ecHtte, - in Si-t5e t&L i-t lb l-ile IS; fcicre 1 enti to-c; sld &r heavy dees, -J; dreseit ifjf to Tnrae? tPrlie are iw t tft roc(ueei nn a &"?tf Jfftt nasisf - A ynu-ns; t&m : e- ycttfff nn asTRfwaffy Sf Ofjt rkejt ta re.tte. t-aae A jeanj Sent Se o? ? tfe-s tCBiW wkb -w t asraia B?3i Ftry Jic IS., trees f la ffa Vallej acafaa and f4a ta Habafr 3Se . an fJ-m&Rth ar&th. BJ5mlnlly, Calve. r .. cc-4inf t weiahi. ss JSs 1.. feeer Sail -Te Ih. Cn-nnlr? buyers pay Je les. Walnsti FnaKtS m4 ttt &m a tttt eAtat, S7J. 9ttt flaatWy Jarattto. J&S. 33 2 flimlttj- latjt, 3 nteatttift S fc; -on b11 4tWl!l: it riiftel mnSs. i fe. te sefilTjt, its: small, JJa PMttaiti Graf Popttastt, Jitnt a aev-waeti ttii? anaated- train; 0vU. Sa, z, -ls wnlte. i.e.3;: krly. Nft. S, -J B.W Caah het ifrloJ: &rt whit srt witttt n-xcJiiJSia text tttk hii eiu& I.S5; etm (d 3.SS. Hard 4 wtntet; Or 5. St; JS rent J,it; 11 per nt i-li; 11 w nt Hard white saartr ordinary J; ii per rent 3.3Si il per tent J.3t; iJ yr wtit S3&. Twttty' tf fecetjwa; Wheat ISS; ntrtey J; Iloar 1; earn oat 4 ttlie4 11. Pe-etland Uetet)t P&rtiand, Or un It K.B i-iveiwr CaftEe ihfe 3,seff; h&rd&ver 3W. Cfve JW. excessive supr trA catMt n&t moK-m. Hsyei taifctn . -4qc n& vtozt fawrt; ry i t, Dry tat ter nearly tendy, nitli tnod 15S& psiinii IT.S, Oilier led ler ii t& J5.5. MPdnjm siossera je.OC Sariy fcfd a Kirnner and estr- a& 7&&ns iS tfr iJ. Pncueatty n biSi rs conunsn t ttew tt oeet aw. Su"i tr. CfWl ijeef Bttll "il 1, Miaiss and taod oll IS. Ge tc s t ,6e, Qand and oaetee -.-ealer ied. MEly t Yl.m, Htsz JSC. Uarket &w. seni f&wer. Of&d nd ehefe.e Isfl f& Jss psanes. faraefy 23.0C. ffa?fy a.e 3J..W. 33 3iW eoun!: ta S5.Se C 5S& to & can- 14 55 ta li Choice ltt teder nit held eaav eiieep lsle l,5aa, Jiertet ery tloer, 0o0d and ESsfre pnnt JamS opened i $3 f&wer i Tjvasff? S&me frayer if tiw tva Atti'itT iewer. Sa erfT fa an tcretwd taaat eamatan ttwt metUm trtde. Gond trux let aid eraa ma Sid 1999 toed llfftt held ttetdy Bp l& t.oa. rfct i,fTes&f rnirsEn. June IS fJSEJAi Slshle h&a SfflT; m&flerateiy allv. sleaily io xtr&n &n lfh: inpreaseS &oly teaST & as renJ f&wer &u over ffc.; 1&& Jf.JW for one loan1 osfrher; hlt tftftd anri efc&Jre !7-JS ife. Jl JS-ti.; 3S-3iW tfr. SB iW-Jf It: JOS-339 1&. 1 S tn&S nS efcoire so wnjier X5a ij& few 3?-0S Ih. tt.96-t.Q: AsiaMe rallie salable ely JSft: anaven: ler and heifer sleatiy jo fall? cent hither: jrm( aoyane on araoes: eo sail, weal to Jf rent lir- ej; bulla iwily aiean?: yealer we; and tb&see fee J.TS-J.mS; t sa for hot fowr loafl iJas-UTB lo. elahlr Inadx rhole heifer J antf Ti; hJjh- ?vfi 1 . Ife- eS M : nrt( mertvwm t& fe - jft-n-d steer 33 J55'JtS, twn lt.f; lew caao t ta 31 fie; caranet aaa ewtier t"c,5e-i Sr; mefttum aaa ; caaic waier S1.W-1"1.&&; ta S1.W ar- '.ctif; tace and teedera tedr sf ro. Baiehie hees 19Sar lfhler Jernh 1 aa-jas, fjwwsly J.flft lower; aond to rhoKe sprlsas toppe at Jae. rofBperahle eirorn itmM jt se; f ;n? i 4ff eenta ic er at &3 down, Fairview Man n Vscatica Fairview Thomas Wright left WedfiejKfay by train for ione-month vacation to be soent r in Wiscomtin, his former home jf. ee Rvftm He is employed at the Howard 4Sa Kets aawt ueet, Stephens farm her. Miss Helen hi, amd at tt aewer, Kr, a matirr itj sttnauuue GurmRfKfon f Jties, w. cwe ot ;Hi absence, jjae-.?-., w.f ntf f. Kift- wsi&n' ; ' "' 1 "?awt Mi. GatSvrTn SmSt f Paitff! Pft- fJF i f ftet. et;t ; ta.(t aa. Hrrv a. e U&f I UAll I i-sf. tn friwcK, ?rd e, Sete a? ?r a. m Letavette- Feel mvict tat tt-nt-B. B,S1. t. ot Lteette, ha aeet J hi horn hr itfne th, were Steffi rsjfv the WpSfifMJfile rtfner! Itame, with ffev (T S wtkJ7 of &Ff thia eerta, saVio iivti la Yma;lt THijoi( rowntie tar tae put . year. He o&rn Is Asaaet. Wl . Be f?. and rwe fvere fMn he IT ve):r f e, fn fJ he Jrvrritf to Anal lAdtlt wfvn wrvtve him. Al '(ttvmt It a "a, etl &f e: one dhter, Mr, trm i5ti J P&ilfarn aod iwo trandrhiidfen, K t a mmht-T &f ffve Slit isxtr at ?"tnn .life Ciwr.rnfff ervff! an elt e- J wlB'1 n e'" Cer . Tifclseti Amy Cym ft. Tlhsei, reiireo" r',l jfn mr, re!(5nl &? ?ny srne it erf in JsfMMvHr. n8P-ffl ta-?-aer ataiatat, iitnt 11, t a ienll af a accident iwaat wadn-4 walfa a tittered h;l hendlunt hi aaeeltt Si Evsor rifle. TJfc&eJt w term Jn 0-.. Kns. an jn?rifi M Mr A. !., ter a( Or. Cftatte taw. Mr. Trftfcer rtht hi wife here hn Pr, and rt tar tt,Ut: ttve ur AtMt JtucC !. Bvln no ner rill, ooelfif h jJ nit hnme :lh fna taw t Ai 4-erttMmecrt Life Sed my wpa((&f-&vSirfr'lfvrisnt at na n iffjnmT. woe-?. trorffinhrowf-rwsiftey c- Monday, Jsse IS, IT CfriitswS atvifte vs;- 13 Wat, 1, tt$nt HtaStiv iltcir Sift to. e'ntrt. AiJj Ffi Aaror Fanri s?vJea Affreel Fs4Mtfia, J, ;s TaS tfWiaftea , Faansttitt. pum amity axtfccucii: Sit fiutiir, Mf, Isssa Rtfiic is Fv so, 'irif w in iS B'j.!viift- itmtSff?, Tns M-rrice t-nfartei by Hev, c-r.a tew Sitottc Fawatp; lat ttt Dm!, -t is it ys Pmis4 EBafsaaoyi-Jy by v&tr &tf fry i Isr- mtif Marine aat Mtur iJ-. Fottst a torn Aittsiat VI, iMt ti Ktftttot, lii. :h it9, prHii Sir is is SHJ. JIJ tr faiBify r&ove So- Or : Sd ht JliMJS ritirs Si ifWS-iJWi- sd ! daS(. Mf. ssd JSf. IwjJ Eswti, ; F- Jrj Jatf5f r.ti fc-JT As-ft ari?. i Wsced;!, arsa-ve-a. is, Kf. Jeit Suft H'.HBt f t'f cute ?flri issfjs Ttor- ff (ft JJ Q Zvntjner , h& passed away as a re Ett? MPifJ e?fr Taeasay afsw vtiw 5iit tea tfeait n ", &Rt38r lsd iralled Ctnsj- ni Ssain 13. A frrwimai&n fry (rati. Eraser &e?n tn Cfetfei& Pa., Sep-iemfcer aft, 'S3S. tw o(t tt the fat Cnristian ana A'icait. atBHtwr Ke t tt 3a ?ta- fisfft a a ssw man and is Ctmi? EflS. He- married Kry Gliiwr St PennaTivant, h& died in llt il a miti tu Sehieifen h& aariav 0rrd st Swr'a4 tiw Rar at cans-y. dauanjent. i?ra Alien t Cwetoa .'T n Berth Felt ? Wilsenyllle. n4 te t traiMfehifaiea -r&hr. A. J. Hm- mt m etaTtvm n& inree Wr. spkl RsS?, Sen fcic4, Mf fi. U. H.iint and Mr, J, C, Ri4 tft ?ennyival. Jtfv. 3Erl B. Cotton ot t!s tntft6 ehareh &ffiid. aait n tiasfemftt t Z.&n SfHs5i ?riS' ttix Cntmsiaet tit ST. AF. A A. St. f irnlfB Mr. SliWBser h4 toes t. TBteaft-fee-r f 3 ?ef. in hwe, ?tlt7-f wei W. B. TftffrTTPJfl. Grnt W f!sK, & L. ?ro, Si AmanAsos. Ciaren Si4 and Qtta Krueaer. Mr, &4tfc Aarsxa- Fttnere-l etvtae fat St Ad&i? Jtefcws. died liondtr ia PwiJan Jsli&win- 11 illse arer !Hha:iaa:T t ih Cani-y Panertl hsssev ttit feactat at avs-n car ar. tw t aeA May 38-, in fw- tr and M ta tiw Cfttt State her itmily a Wtry rntHl, t 15S. &t It h a married t Adslph Seleast in Jtinnea;. Jn iS. lir. asid Mr. 3tV t mnvetf In ta Amele, and in anfey 1 1SS ha? hUAfrntf she- feiva thw an, AKaut ttbS ei;n af P&rt Jand sd iintrd at iynsrooa, CJtt,t thrs dotht:rav Helen esrji at Pac ian. AJye JTay &f 3fte90d, Ctllt., tisd ait& EJHar nf Sufherhn: ihre isi, and an feiathep Atph WtSiasas Cf&ft Hill; Attat. Hecmaaeaa. tt&wss ttttnsan an Leal ?enead la Siittiwapait, eeaiaa" een trandchiidfen jtnd on t-tfBl shiid. Bervire were s&rwiireted er Jf. A. Wanvf. ff Belhany letieiJ Pre ehaieh, Psff&earer wera Htnaaa ftiwi ei ?saiwt ftf Sa lens, Jsr Grantee at ctttat&, aeJKt y BlFyw g-? Reddlst, Ctllt, DEATHS iW. S- JtTBt Jaa KamoSa. 75nni ef Fs : IOC! RJ!?ftt Jvitw- ? 4 Sf ct year, Satvtvei ay lfe, Bamsl ct Chlfnt, Mian,, twa aafe ier, Eerlh M. Cle-rfc ot Plaejctan, Min ntf Ansatta Linden Portiand; t aim Tms Harn&i &f P&rilantf arvi Jack Htmai a( San &fe& Cafff. ; antf &rh r, ite'e Htmal aj Sa Fjafwisce fjsswnrfnent e! aeftiaet ftiM frl vn Bsell-EdiBrrd shaaei, Htg tsr Earlesc, Jr, Oee? JWaar Srie?t Jr., Jai fSdBt et 1M Bry tre, i a fel hsapiSatt Wedittdr Jtitt Swrvlve ni lf SsSra. JEvelyn larfey af aatessi ftyfc,. Ehn ?irly ot Stleas; iM-a-aaB Tonvy Aitera of !ns; parenl, 5Ar and Sr ffr-frfst S. Esrfy, r., st &s mlaa, e ataiei1, Mr. Reert Tiatiey Rartey ct EStdtdelatt. Secvtce wSf .eSd l ih Clch-Krrlf eheael Tn-:. d. Jne it I S ith Ren fJ-iEer ftrafn f?lsiln. inlerrBest- iff ih ClSif Vie remee;?. Rifawlf i-tee ay Captltl post. t AerJ6 Lealdn, Laara eH w I,ira Bef MaA. 1 the hfjse ftf hr lathe. Mr. I.msn W. Kfi-weil Sart Cairi Sree Jn 11, s in aae- si i . Stttvlv feT i.rt ?Malera Mil, l elan Slia Hafll Mr. t.lvl S Mhel B(, aoih at &?tn- a awtiwiv ASr K. Sfrrej s-i Pw!5n; tf tnd jmw Re. Cffffs-rtf e. Htll, Rifhard B, ! tlt, Safeerl SfiS and ffsrd HrS. 3 :af tm : ?ti ?ntfHnl. JCh ilee Anae Hill at Si-Ht- ia neftw : Dr. John W, W ia Gw etty ta4 : ysraK V. Jstser &t Jn)jwnenc and ; era! ntere anS nephe In Calltam. i ntf trl. JWemfrr &f er Chr :Ua eaMrca tt aitiMte. Ornsn. An- natincmat ai -tviMi it in ; Bsrll-Edward ihtal : f WWr Rritt n( Wer Briit, resident: f ; entffetan. in Iftl effy. ne JJ. at Ihe : tee a? yer. iServfce wtlf fee- nVi :TMe4, J-ta 1. ' 1ft Mft. 1 51 aaB i-atel lta rttlwc Qelta f- f tntermeat St Bt?a? E .aiftfrt, Arlhr B. Bfe ot ftclem nit Jtoiseri W. Bfe ?rf Sk Istoni?, Celif.f ie?, Wi Sf fvrv: f&!1 &f EvajvM&at 1ft l tl a.tai'M&.ftt&ften. antf 1 res rnff aHtren. Se-twiw wta & Sief4 A th Cta'ittt-Bttrlck ftsfet TwM, Jrt;w: v sl P sb, h Be-, CSeer Btwal fi5il?y ojer!nt ift BeSeres 3sfJB nrfMf Why Saffer Ar? Losger Wa M(i its ac remedie Asntelnt t$z tsst eear n Cha B sttlier tth St' lilfRerM yn- are affltsie- -daorder nuftt Serv lun lfvy Sfdnay IM ?i5iMMt &!ter E5H 'fw'tt a aw ataxia!- fw CHARLIE CHAN cHfvrss rsa co mft ? 3 lm Sat Oat Fheoe WW AttSt OKE Tint Maftf WtQf FALSETEETH With Lin,WwFy Sti !-. lawth r nee taat le- af tnseeara fle ih Jiroaaln, eilajtlan pete a? setm tro"- t na B e-tke-Ba aa-fi4' 't-; o'e oftsr intar ftft Off irrrs at y srsr