16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVIRTlBIMOl Pet Lint lc - Per Una I time -40c - Per Lin I timet toe Per Line 1 month 13.00 OuuMe of Salem lie per line pet dar. Mln loci I times mln ff time mln 1130 No Refund MAD IBS Is Ural Newe CoL Onlrt - Per tine Ta Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES HOMES ABOVE AVERAGE 119.000 for thl English atyle 3 BR home. Has lge. llv. A din. rm"., 3 beih. full dry basmt., oil ht., close to Bre.de, er. ft Jr. schools. ' 118.000 CAPE COD Tull bmt.. 3 Ige. BR.. 18x3 liv. rm., 13x13 din. rm.. nook (in. in Ph. me.no any. covered petto. 3 fples.. 1-rar gar 10 ft. pvd. it. front, ill In lawn ft hruba. 115.350 VIEW HOME Well planned J BR piped oil ht.. 2-rar tar.. W It. front all In lawn. No ereck d plaster In thin home. 821.000 4-WAY VIEW Lge. pirlure windows. 2-cer gar.. 1 Ige. BR. Just the place to be by yourself but Dot isolated. 121,000 BRICK HOME Basmt. , all plastered, full plumb.. 3 lie 'SR., room for more, 2-car gar, life time roof. Ph. 3-660. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th 61. 143 ijIDRM. houe. Attic, heat, wall to wall carpeting, nire yard, cement drive, nice garage worx snop. rn. una. aw- mDOWN buy new 3 bdrm. Hdwd. fir. Garage. 17900 FURNISHED fit BI'RBAN HOME. 4 bdrm 1 acre. This U a buy, only I9S00. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate 40 N. Church. Ph. 3x7642 Rea. 3-0120 al40 WELL BUILT HOME "17000. North. 3 BR', fenced In back 'yard. Large lot. OI loan can be uium d. MUht consider farm. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol tMflce Ph. 3-3882. Eve. 2-3147, 3-8H38 al43 -NEW HOUSE BY OWNER BR, attractive kitchen At nook, comb. XR ft dinette, f'place. hdwd. fir . ample cupboard ft cloaet apace. Lot 73x150 with peach tree. 1 blk. from Kriaer store. t blka. from achool. Frnr.en food locker next to back of lot. 1 9800. Ph. 3-720 142- By OWNER; Large no use. 8 rm. down, 3 UP. 4 lot, fruit ft nut trees. Could be made Into apta. Price 14800. Mr. ack Bcheli, P. O. Box 325, Oerval FOB SALE BY OWNER: New 3 home. P. HA. terms. 1760 down. 1-3880. bdrm Phone alio- KTNOWOOD HTR. 3 bdrm. home, base ment, rumpus room, oil heat, two fire "places. New carpeting. P.H.A. Call own er 1-8542. aien feY OWNER: 3 eated. 623 N. b.r. home, centrally 17th fit. i LEAVINO FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, balh upstairs and down. "Hardwood floor through out. Full plas tered garage. Lot of storage space Terraced back yard. Coat over 118. TjOO to build. Will Hell for 114.000, some "term. Also will consider cheaper house In trade. For more Information Inquln ftt Steven Used Car. 878 8. 12th St a 154' IMMEDIATE poa. Small houae ft double . varaa. 't acre. Excellent well. 15000, -42000 down, balance terma. Rt. 4, box 08. Ph. 2-0734. ' ml. NW Prlnitlr -chool on Battle Creek road. al41 fJTARLY NEW attractive 1 bd. rm. home, f'place it Venetian blinds, all modern A Dig gar. For quick nlc, 14,800. Immed pots. Term. 190 Lena Ave. Ph. 28778. a!41 A REAL BUY Lara living rm. with fireplace, . Bd. rm. Full dining rm. wiln French dr. opening Into patio and beautiful back yard. Large Undamped lot with view of Ity. Price 4B000. Will take limit F.H. A. loan FOUR BED ROOM Attractive older home, large llv, & din rm. Full baament and large porch. 230x 110 ft. Shady lot, Planted to fruit, ber fle and flower. Restricted Dlst. Owner moving to Calif. Will sacrifice for I8B50 Call Boa Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edge water Ph. 35100. Eva. 39gjg a!4l FaNDALARIA, 3 bdrm. home. By owner. 320 CandalarU Blvd. Ph. 31241. al81" Y OWNER: New 3 txrrm. home on H A Hear achool, bua St shopping center Largo llv. rm., din. rm., utility & nice - kitchen with lot of built Ina. H.W floor, anflnlahed upstairs. Oarage, Ph 1-3358. A 1 4 1 I' HDRM. older tyl corner lot. 8m a 1 1 down payfent. 2306 N. 6th. a 1 42 ritM. cottage. Oood location. 4 fruit trees 13600 870 Ratcllft drive. al42 IfFW I BDRM. home. Hardwood floors. Big kitchen, lot of butlt-lna. Oil heat. Beautiful view, (6300. Ph. 31339. Bv owner. al40 BWLY $i7wTlN.odern"rBR: homeT nice district. Balance 85400. P.H.A. Ph. 30169 143 Biggest Bargain in Oregon room house and bath, hot and cold water, aa llfhu, shrub and flowers Open house Aat. and Sun. 13750, KZ term, nerval. Ray Luthy. a 140 LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS CLEAR LAKR DISTRICT. acre good anil. Unfinished 4-rm. hou.e. Elec. wa ter system. Bmall ehlcken house. Price only 627M 39'i ACRES. 6rm. house. Soma fruit Spring water. fHBO WORTH THE PRICE. 3 bdm plantered bouse, practically new. Nice slxed rooms Leree aaraae Pavrd street. Englewood Dut. Price only tROOfi Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors 144 S4tl m Ptione 3-3663 Evening Call: 3-4007 er 3-lioj 2 Bdrm. F.H.A. Terms Hew hardwood fir,, cement foundation. Hvlng rm , dm. rm.. kit , veneilan blinds, floor furnace, all. gar. Clrue to l. Vincent s school. Full price 19,750. Rawlins Realty Rpllvwood District P. I MM. EVr. I 6013, 1-1138, t-5757 141 mm. NEW unfinished hnusa Eat. Uchad gsrace. Lot IOO1I8O. At- Call Stanley Brown :th tftate Finance Co., R'ltors t8t 8. R trt St , Ph. 1-4131, Eve. 3-551 aMr tfwNrft TRANXPt.RRID. will take nr nn flUltv. Ranch type, new 3 bd rm, all .leetrle, tr. PI., Hwd. firs. lendjraped. aW. atrip. Ins, Or will trade for house in .Eugene. 056 Morntrtcaide Dr 140 a.feZN AR ENOl . W OOD " "SC H OOl. "lovely bdrm. rambling tre home, has large room and eternitlng Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 South Commercial -Phot 1-1849 Eve. 31280 10 l5OK at thU foV onlT I79M'3 B.R hdw floors. Venetian blinds, nice aia htni room and tlie yard w snod HIA III ATORY AMI H4.LP, I room home ha loi of aquare feel, ail rooms are jood sue, and with the nice baaement. sawdust heat, flreplaco and hatdwnotf floora, makes this a aood buy ai 1000 Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court 9. 1-470T Evt. 1-4TT1 -f-TlM 4 ala .7M. (MEAN 1 bdrm home, furnished Close to arhofll. Bus at door. Soutn "Call Stanley Brown 11 h State Finance Co., R'ltors IM a MlA Sl.( PA. l-tlll, Kva. I-6MI 1U Oregon, Monday, June 13, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BEST BUYS CABINET HOP Owner forred to sell. Sacrificing equip ment, building, machinery, for 110.000. Or will sell building only for 11000, Lib eral termi. Eve. ph. 30473 or 33651. ENGLEWOOD DIBT. Brand new 3 bdrm. home with unfin. upnlalrs. 3 bloc It i to frade achool, I blocks to high achool. A real bargain. (1700 down. Total price 110.000. Eve. Ph. 3-0471 or 3-3551. DUPLEX Older type home In good condition. Pri vate ent. to each unit. Private bath rooma, corner lot. but at front door achool 3 blocki. $1000 down. Total price uuij fiow. w.ww. a. av(j or jjoaa. FARMS 31 ACRES I arret under cultivation. 9 aerea In beaver dam. 3 rm. houae. Conalderable aw timber. Owner forced to leave atate. Total price 16500. Eve. Ph. 30473 r 33658. I ACRES Close In Eait. Large barn, aeveral out- bulldlngi. nice home alte. A good buy for iszso. Termi. Eve. Ph. 38403 or J3668. Al Lsaak & Co., Realtors 3038 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830. 3-4598 al 4 RM. HOUSE at Woodburn. Wlredfor electrir range. Lot 00x60. Price 82460. Harry Collins. 3330 Hyde St.. Salem. al45 LOOK, YOU Houae Buyers! I have a new 2 bdrm.. llv. rm., kitchen, bath, utility, all plaatered, vent, blinds, 12x20 garage Only 11600 down. Bal. F.H A. Would take building lot or car as part uu-H payment, t-n. a-OBJZ. 14A BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. home. N. Pine kitchen, fireplace, attached plaatered garage wun utility room. 520 N. 32nd. 141 REDUCED for quick sate BY OWNER 3 bdrm. h.. lovely yard, shrubbery. SS230. include circulating heater range. Bendix optional. Near bus, store ex scnow. 45a Ford St., Salem a 144- PRIVATE PARTY: I rm. house, I bdrms ' block to Highland school. Bmall down payment, balance ISO per Will have to to appreciate. Full price IS7S0. Will sell furn. Ph. I -MM 141' A LAER NIAGRAB ! ! ! Ye, folks, regardless of how you spell 11 11 a Real Bargain." A J1 bed room comfortable home nS Salem beat location, owner MUST leave at once priced reduced from 19800 to 17400. Nice wooded lot on beautiful FAIR MOUNT HILL, wonderfullja. secluded, nice patio 11 you don t believe It drive by 13! I. Superior. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone 3-5838. 231 North Hlsh Evea. Aj Sun. Ph. 2-7634, 1-1734, 3-7423 al40- BY OWNER: Leaving atate. rmutt sell 2 bdrm. unfinished houae. Lot 60U20. 1 block from achool. Bu by house ev ery hour. Will etl on term. 870 Cade 141 IS.iMlO. CLEAN modern 3 bdrm. home Hollywood diM Close to Catholic school Hdwd. floors, Fireplace. Party room In baaement. This la a beautiful home Must sell. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High St. BR home on bus Hdwd. floor, place, oil furnace, V blind, attached garage, immediate pOMeuion. 1650 dn Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B. High St., Ph. 3-4121, Eve. 3-556: 142 By OWNER; Oood 4 bdrm. home. Ph. 39395 ai4&' BY OWNER: Eng. style 8 rm. he. 3 B R., brk. nk., FC.B., auto oil, 1860 So. High Phone 38788. a 162' PANORAMA view cottaiaatRoada End" Might take modern house trailer a.' part. Phone 3-4540. al40 INCOME property f orsa Ie ln1 heart l Hollywood. With 6-yr. lease. Oood In come. New building. 1646 N. 16th it. 141 FOR SALE LOTS llfi DOWN and 115 per month for lot with fine water. On Oil vert on Road close to school, General Real Estate 156 Center St. Open Evening al43 VIEW LOT, 64x143. ctty water, bus serv ice. Near school. 8. Liberty Rd. Reason able. Ph. 33109. aal43 VIEW LOTR, 600 blk., Tt Av WOOD ED LOTS. 800 blk.. Ratcltff Dr Re iricted, city water. Ph 1-4384. aa FOR SALE FARMS Stocked & Equipped 30 acre between Woodburn ft Mi. An sel. All 1 tillable. Willamette soil. Love ly modern seven rm. home. Oood build ing, own pavement. Include AC trac tor with full line machinery. II milk cows. butt, milker, hay ft barn, for 17 000. Some terms STROUT REALTY 50 8.13th Ph. 1-5S3J b!40 M 6 THE R - IN - LA W L I V I N G QUARTERS 7MA acre cloe in. nice two bedrm mtKlern home PLUS two rm. house In beck lor in-law lio.oon B acres, good location, 7 rm. house, lane barn. 24x100 chicken house, 1 acre fruit ft nui Call Ivan Si vers Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Phone 1-3849 Eve. 2-1013 bl40 M A. FARM. Will lake Irade. tnq. 07 N ipnoiApi. a. but " .SO A( MM-" nTt'iT All good Willamette soil, part cleared ft In rrous. balance tine pasture ft some timber, 3 small bids, ft priced al I i.LKHJ tor DAIRY North on paved road II A all In crop ft pasture, lale built modern home wtlh 1500 sq. fi. floor spare. Lot ot out bides ft all fenced All equipment goes inrld Ford Irartor ft 5 nire cows. This I a eood buv at 115 500 Terms. Sullivan Realty Co. 3165 Portland Rd Ph. 3-1336. Eve J -linn bl40 M'BI'SBAN FIRM CI.OEIN 16 Rich rre on paim't, mostly bottom soil running aster in pasture VERY AT TRACTIVE set of bides. Mod. 3 BR home, elec. heat. 8 fireplace, palm ft on i id ftrepl , t ear aaraae. Roomy barn with eonrrele floor and he fork. Pliry hse. A model Country eatate. You'll O for this. 116.500 Terms ill AI.ITY LAND DC Al. ITY 81 DO. 11 Acre, roll I hi Wit Silt, on puml close in. Nrw I DR. mod home, lee I. ft D Rnvs , Hied kit. ft bath, plbg ti pat fully insul. A W. stripped Full bum t 50 cu It. deep freeie. NEW ter se e with finished apt , rented. NEW 10io barn, all concrete floor. 100 ea parltv pliry har Auto Lwn pk. net A SUPER VALUE here fnr 1JA 000. Ex tra land :th it. stream available. Rl Y AX 1M OMR fARM. My a; mean see this 10 choire Birr on pavmt. tew mile north All in tine prod Bpven Berries ft Nut. Ha aood I BR ha new barn, aaraae pltry hse. Reduced to sell al tnn. 19850 Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service 16 s. Comi St , pit. t tm. Eve. 3-7440 b!4l FOR SALE ACREAGE 14 ACRES I mi. ant, E. of SaWc. All gncHl land with good improvement Want residence In town on account f ill health. What have you to offer for exchange F. H. WEIR Uiiroa imi . ka L ra. I-Mll. Mltf FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS FILBERT TRACTS Thee tract range from 1 acre to 3' acre, located on paved road. 4 Mi. from Salem, close to Prlngle School. Dae. llfhU available. The tract ara priced from 11.250 to 13.150. Reasonable Terms. If you are looking for A country homealte, do not fail to aee and consider the. Call O. H. Orabennorat Jr. A GOOD ONE TO SEE t bdrm. on on fir., llv. rm.. din. rm.. kitchen, hall. bath, full bmt., lie. lot paved at. elo in location. Priced to U at $7,500. Call Roy Perm CANDALARIA HEIGHTS St km a flneat bldg. loU. excellent view of Teller, mtn. eity. Inside eitf limit. Bus aervlce, etc. Price 11.000 and up. Convenient term. Call Coo urn L. Qrabenhorat GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 Souh Liberty Street Office Fhon. 3-3471 Sunday and Evening Call Roy Ferri 3-8010 Peter H. Oelser 1-9961 Earl West 2-1332 OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Country Living for Only $4250 Just a little over aere land with comfortable 3 bedroom home In a nk oak grova aeuing, located about 2 mll from elty limit don't overlook thl. Want to Buy a Furnished Home? We have ft good one. completely furnlahed on N. 13rd St., ha modern 7 yeara otdi 3 bedroom home with full baaement, fireplace, large lot. Th price I exceptional 110.600. Include everything. You'll Say "It's Just Like a Park" When you see the landscaping surrounding bhia attractive 3 bedroom home, th entire yard la enclosed by lovely natural tree and hrub. there i an unique petlo with a large atone fireplace, lt'a located on the South Rlvar Road tha price la ONLY $10,700. Manbrin Gardens Special We have several 2 and 8 bedroom home In the Manbrin Garden that art )ul waiting for an owner. They're well built with lovely hardwood floor, auto oil heat, fireplaces, large lota. 12300 down will make you proud ownre. Balance on easy monthly payment. A Swell Place for the Children Plenty of place to romp around thl 1.87 acreage on Claxtr Rd.. plenty of room inaide too. Thi home ha 4 bedroom, lara basement with oil furnace, fireplace and double garage, the hoy la modern, there 1 a good chicken house and barn tha price i rsibt. Gee!! We'd Like to Own This Home Becauxe H' o spacious with 4 lovely bedroom and double plumbing; lot of comfort. 2 fireplace, well sun room (ue It for a green housei. complete double lot with many, many varlentiea of flower and shrubs, sit up high with excellent yiew of the eity. Location 1 top too. Wed like to how It to you. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors Eve 3-8053 - 3-33832 3-3633 - 3-337 477 Court St. FOR SALE ACREAGE 14. amRR with 500 feet hlway front eie on Bo. 99. Older type home with AHih.itidines. fruit ft shade tree. 14950 Phone 3-8110. bl44 7 ACRES North with Income, Modern el- r tinm. UOM Cam. Dice Jru shrubs, family orchard. tc. Priced right. Rte. 3, box 361, Salem. Ph. 2-1857 bbl41' If ACRES of choice land. No buildings, m nl nreen School. go ACRES near Swegie School. No build ings. OMKR'B REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 35091 bb!43 4 Acres Suburban Equipped Oood soil all year creek, modern 3 bdrm. home part bsmt. Oood buildings. As sorted fruit, berries ft nut. New irriga ting system ft tarden tractor and flock of hens included in 87.000. 2 cows, calve ft furniture available extra 1500 If taken with place. Good town near Salem. STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th Ph. 1-5323. bbl40' REAL ESTATE Chicken Ranch 3 A. berries ft fruit. 6 rm. h.se. Chicken hse. Oood well. Lovely view. Close to school. Ph. 3-3280. General Real Estate Co. 355 Center cl40 FOR K4.I.E or trade for Salem property: Rental property In Eugene on n. Valued at 119.000. 6 units, room for expansion. Write Lakeside Lodge, 3741 Saner Drive, Eugene. cl41 COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS TRADES 91 imi' Warm fnr rite nrnnertv. 1 BDRM. home for 3 bdrm. home close to Cathollr Rrhnnl. LARGE MARKET Grocery, take City home for Down Payment. INCOME Property in Woodburn for Sa lem home. TRAILER PARK ft Apt. House for City Home. BDRM. Horn for Acreage In Central Oregon 8 RM. HOl'SK for lot outxldt eltv limits. lOpen Eves. Till 8 101 COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center St. Ph. 34552 cl41 FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate, Salem ft vicinity. Examine aecurlty yourself Amounts 1500 to aeverat thousand dou lara, net investors 5v We make all col lection for yon If desired STATE FINANCE CO. 151 8 High WANTED REAL ESTATE Wl ARE In need good house to aell In or near Salem If rou wlh to list your property for sale tee GR4RENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phona 1-3471 ca NOTICE! If your property ta for sale rent or exchange liM It with aa We have all kind of easb buyers TATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 151 8 High St fa RESORT PROPERTY PRIfT.Dfo AELL: Yaqulna Bay near Newport. 16 A. Beautiful setting, 2 B R. cottaae with bath, concrete dbl, garage, greenhouse, larpe garden, planted oy ster tldeland frontage, oppor. .in flsh ine. ovsiers. monrate. resort, floral business 18 000-17,000. part or all. Geo O. Egland. Rt. 3, Box 391, Tieard, Ore eel 40 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES grocery! filling station. living qtrs. 1140(1 only; rc.l f(i,.p r.nl. eTC.ll.nl loc,!ion nr,r Siil.m. Thl, u truly food On,. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Phone I J4l Eve. 1-530 edl40- CAFE 1750 full Price for lhi good going cafe. Heht downtown, cheap rent. You ran take ovei Monde t tnormni SERVICE STATION 1,400 full price l sold this week High way location In Salem, very good aetup. rail Rav DavU Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8 Commercial Phone 2-J849 Eva. 1-1651 Cdl40 KRVK'E atatton for tease with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum Call K Ait 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr Syke. td NrW f rtMIIT FLAT. Just completed. Eah apt. has 3 Bdrms., nire llv. rms., kitchen, dinettes, lota of closets and hutlt-lns Ideal home and Income. $9950. Terms, R E. Meredith Rll. or R M. Mason. 1T0 8. Commercial. Ph. 38841. rdt40 37. 800 "CLEANING "ft" PRI'SSINO Rirl shop ft equip niiMncM showing steady lnrreae tone If tue. low rent. 85500. SERVICE STATION Hock and equip. Leea pumping 13,000 gal. mo 6.16 000 BUSINESS BUM D. Leased tor 4 yr al 400 mo. 18 500. RES ID COURT I Unit. Renls are Rea Has caretaker GROCERY STORKS 1500 Stork, equip., llv qtri. tease. 7500 Stork equip lease or rem 16 000. Property Inet. stock, eulp , Mv ir it toe. Sleek tvvoie ft equip Ig. II. le ia 000, Proper tv inrl E2 WR IN SEA I R 444 M. HIS 81. IFOR SALE HOUSES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 HOI'REH for the price of one. Only 19000. 1 ha 7 rm. 1 has 4 rms. Large garage. Close In. Newly decorated. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Office Ph. 3-3862. Evea. 2-3147, 3-8836. edl43 IDEAl7B iTsiNESS lots" 00 "foot frontage on Fairground Rd. Good house on rear property. Ph. 36189. cdl40" BEAUTY SHOP for lease, good location Reasonable rent. Ph. 20953. cd!40' ELECTRIC Contracting ft Service. Large farming dint, provides steady yr. around work. Franrhtie on major appliances, att. living quarters with refrig.. range, auto, washer ft oil htr. Low rent. Mod. bldg. At invent, about $4100. 20 ml. N. Salem on 99E. Hubbard, Ore. Ph. 4511. cd!43 GROCERY STORE doing good business. Must sen because ot illness, some terms. T. J. Murphy, Falls City. Ore. cdl40 WOI'I.n YOU LIKE TO MAKE 11000 PER MONTH? You would then call me to day and I'll tell you about A real good CAFE. Excellent equipment. Downtown location. For appointment See Mr. Or ion. EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY S3R,000 00 gross last year. Stock, fix tures, package beer license, all for I7.f)00.00. See Mr. Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. ARE YOU Interested In the aervlce sta tion business? I have one for sale at Inventory price. In Monmouth. Ore. Con tact Warren Doolittle. Distributor Gen eral Petroleum Product Plant No. 34819. ed!41 FURNITURE FOR SALE t'NPAINTED furniture. cIoeout WOODROW'R, 450 Center St. MO. OLD 7 ft. Frit Ida I re, O.I, atovr, chrome set. living rm. set. Miscellan eous. 1058 Howard. Ph. 30574. dl40 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid" Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Marker Ph 3-5110 da AUCTIONS Fl'RN ITU RE AUCTION every Tuesday. 8 p.m., Glenwood Ballroom, 800 yd. N. of Chemawa 4 Cornera on 99E. No Junk, all aell. Sell on commission or pay "U" the cash. OLENN WOODRY. AUCTIONEER ddl45 Another Big FURNITURE AUCTION TUESDAY. JUNE 14 B P.M. SHARP AND EVERY TUESDAY Hold Inside Spacious Glpnwood Ballroom S00 Yds. N. of ChpmRWfl 4 Corn?rs on ftE Con.lsiina of several large lot of New and Used Furniture as follows- SNEW PHIt.CO DEEP FREEZER ABC WASHER S4' REFRIGERATOR AIDE OVER WESTINOHOUSE ELEC. RANGE 4 5 PC. DINNETTES '31 ) LUXURIOUS DAVENO SUITE, CLUB CHAIR. GHEY MOHAIR FRIEZE 4 PC. BED SUITE. INC. BOX SPRING A N L MAI IN Swxia WOOL RUO xl3 COTTON BRAID RUG 9x13 FIBRE RUG Sx7 R ATT AN IN RUO DAVENPORT SUITE ) 3 CEDAR CHESTS 4 PERIOD LAMPS 4V Kneeliole Desk MtRRODS ft PICTURES SUSFD SWING ROCKFR NEW SWING ROCKER SHOWER STALL. COMPLETE SINK S10 ' DOOR S WINDOWS 3 DAVENPORT SETS 9x13 GLAMOUR RUG COGSWELL CHAIR g-4IMMONS BET1 .COMP ft SPINETTE DESK ft CHAIR i CROCKS 8 CROCKS f El ECTRIC YACVUMS f LINOLEUM S SMALL APPLIANCES MANY MORE ITEMS GLENN WOODRY AUCTION EER SRLIJI ON COMMISSION OR PAYS "TV THE CASH dd!40 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK t jTRRFY-orERVeif T 'wetforTf yr. CmV. fine shape. 1100. Ph. 36100. Rt. 1, box 11 el41 LIVESTOCK WANTED RON DEO ft LICENSED livestock buver I. O. McOandlUh. 1117 8 18 Fn 1-1147 a 151 PETS ROLLER CANARY linger 111 Ml. Ph. ! CI57 Write) full it, Newport. WANTED Fe Chow dejic. ft price. R. T. Ore. HOLM AN A Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt I, Bos 181 DD, BtAyton. Rear auction House eel 14 FUEL PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oa Ph gF13 onofi 16 ik edging. 18 5ft a load Double tad 118. Oregoa Pwei Co. Phone W144T REAL ESTATE MORE VALUE $9950 ) SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WARM PLASTERED OARAGE FULLY INSULATED f) RAND SPLIT CEDAR SHAKES 11000 HEATING PLANT It 1 ISO LOT f FIREPLACE 9 BEAUTIFUL DECORATING LAROg WINDOWS 11 S It UVINO ROOM OLA88 BRICK 1 LA ROE BEDROOMS YES There U a Kitchen. Dining Room, Bath, lot of built-in. What ! could you desire in Mi horn of your dreams. $10,500 REDUCED 12500. THIS HOME 18 CERTAINLY IN THE OOOD BUY CLASS NOW. BUNGALOW 1 BEDROOMS, LR 14x31. DINETTE, BATH. KITCHEN, OARAOE. FULL BASEMENT, FURNACE. LOCATION THE BEST. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL HANDLE. Chas. Hudkins & Son, Realtors Over 27 Yean In Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4120 PETS FRFSR CLEAN sawdust. Phone 3361 Dallas collect. Summer rate. aelOO TRi-crrr fuel Fresh eut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 37442. We give S ft H Oreen Stamp. Green 16 in. ml 11 wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT BAWTJUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End ft Block Wood, Ph. 16444 ee- WEST SALEM FUEL CC Biock, planer ft slab wood dust. Ph. 34031. FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE- chick eveT Thurs day. Ph. 3-3861. Lee's Hatchery. ' t RED FRYERS 75c each. Ph. 4423. Silver ton. Mrs. Harris. Rf. 3 Box 121. 1142' PRODUCE OIT'LL GO a long way to find 'em any better. Marshall strawberries, 7c id Oo. N. on 9E to Green Apple Markrt, t'irn left first road. Turn left after crossing R R. track. Sat.. Mon., Tue.. 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. "141 GOOD STRAWBERRIES. U-plck. C. A. Ziclinskt. Rt. 7. box 341. One mile east of Chemawa 4-Corners. ff 11 Strawberries U-Pick 8c Bring container, come get yours todaj 11. ml. East of Kelier School. E Sproed. Rt. 3 Box 403 L. ffl42 STRAWBERRIES U. pick, 8c lb. Plenty of berries. Joe Henny, 1 mile east of Brooks, mile north. Box 216. ffl43 STRAWBERRIES O-Plfk 7c lb. Rt. 6 Box 110 G. I mi. E. of Pen 4 Corners. How ard Grimm. ff!40' MARSHALL Strawberries U-PIck 1c lb Good picking. 4 ml. out of Bilverton Rd L. V. Hammer Rt. 8 Box 373A. ff 142 GOOD BALED ALFALFA ft grass hay Especially good bone hay. 3650 Portland Rd. Pii. 3-1044. ff 140 STRAWBERRIES 8c lb. Bring containers pick them. Marvin Van Cleave. V miles East of Tolem Pole. mile north on Van Cleave Rd. Ph.3-8161. ffldl STRAWBERRIES, U pick, 10c lb. Bring your own container. Rt. 3, Box 44B. 1 ml. east of Reiser Sch. ff 142 STRAWBERRIES- -U-pick 10c. Bring con tainers. Out Sllverton Rd. 3'i ml, to Middle Grov School. Turn right ml Herr ft Rlenache ff OOOD STRAWBERRIES. O-pirk. 10c. Joe Fendrlck. Rt. 5, Box 458 McClay Rd. Bring containers. ff 140 R ET RASPBERR U.S. Ph a-V37 746 Rrooks. ffl45 HELP WANTED WANTED Berry pickers. Marshall. 3 wka. picking. Starts Mon. 13. Furnished cabin. Rt. 1, Box 156. End of mail rt. Crooked Finger rd. Mary Magrew. gl41 PICKER sTcorvam " strVwbe7rlesMoriday. l' miles north of town. Lancaster and 99E. This is only the 2nd picking and they arc good. R. F. Carothera ft Son. g!40 WANT man with drag aaw to cut 3 trees. Phone T-4B13. gl41 CHERRY PICKERS wanted. Good crop. Will start June 14, A. E. Bouffleur, Rt. 8. Box 448. Orchard Heights RcL 140 WANTED: Cherry pickers starting June nth. Good ramp ground. Am mon Grlre Rt. 8 Box 593 Orchard Heights Rd. Ph. 16F15. gl7 BOYS ft GIRLS 13 yrs. of ate or over. Interested in pirklng cane berries ft beam on a platoon. Call Mrs. Martha Plnson Ph. 35865 after 6 p.m. or atop to aee her at 642 N. Cottage. 12- CHERRY PICKING to start Mon. Rt. 8. Box 690. Orchard Ht. Rd. 3 ml. off Wallace Rd. Ph. 16F14. R, t. Worral al40 CHERRY PICKERS, 3338 or Ph. gl40 21208. IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad In Education Column. Kl48 CHERRY PICKERS register now. Andrr- son farm, N. Lancaster ft Hayaavlllc dr Rt.7. box 175. Ph. 3-1801. 1143 WANTED Cherry pickers soon. Ph. 33024. gl2 CHERRY PICKERS register now. Picking about Juno 15. Very heavy crop. Camp alte available Watch for sun at Y out Orchard Ht. road, I1- miles from Wallace road. Williams Fruit Land. Rt. I. Box 600. Ph. 17F3. gltl HELP WANTED MALE WAS'TED PARTNER, new garage ft aerv lce station. 1694 N. Com ! Ph. 36831. g139 SALESMEN WANTED HAVE OPENING on our sale force for 1 or 3 neat appearing men. aaea 30 lo 50. with car and willinanes to work. We will train you and furnish lead when you are ready. Bee Mr. Miller. Room 31. 341 N. Commercial St., Salem. Ore., between ft 13 a.m. aalt: RELIARI.EMANwlth car wanted to call on farmers in Marlon countv. Wonder ful opportunity. 115 to 120 In a day. No expenenre or capital reouired. Per manent. Write todav. Mr NESS COMPA NY. D-pt. B. 3423 Magnolia St., Oak land 1. Calif. gal40 YOrNtT"MANonder 38Neat7igrfree to travel, Ore., Wash, ft Calif, and return. Mr. Collier. Grand Hotel, I: to : pm Don't phone. gal48 COORi Man to cook for large group. 1170 mo., le maintenance Perm, poa Oregon State Training School, Wood-; burn. ga I HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN to sew coat linings in fur coats. set Mixa washerman Miners rur Dept. gbl43 SILK FINISHER to rork in drv cleaning Cleaner. Monmouth gbl48 plant. Apply Perki or Ph. 443. SALESGIRL wanted. Mutt be experienced. Ph. 38577. 06142- XPERIENCED lingerie and sportswear aales lady. Age 31-10. Permanent posl 'lon. Write Capital Journal Box 391. gbl4t HOUSEKEEPER for 1 adulti. Ph. 34m. HIGH smoOL GIRL for mother's helo er. Rm. ft board, wages, may go heme nite. Ph. 3-1476. gbl42 ASSISTANT lo bookkeeper. Some dictation necessary. Beginning wage 1171. Repi Capital Journal box 401. M4J RECREATION directory for summer month. Oood Job and good pay. prefer-rj rably a F E. teacher on vacation. Ph. 1-1013 gbltl BXPERW AlfRFe,7fte7ncWworkra'to p m. No phone rail please, call ai the Rlu Anchor. 1115 Edaewater, West Salem. gbl43 OOOD COOK ft house beeper for I wk. Modem home. No washing or iron ing. Call 3-M1T. gbltl' INTERVIEWER. f(,r Mrt-tlm work In ter lewina people Mr maraet research Mine' Colleee barki round desirable not essentia: Answer full. AIRMAIL, A 4 Wood ft c , tit 8. Broad 8t PfellA., X PA. SkltA I REAL ESTATE LESS PRICE HELP WANTED FEMALE HAVE OPENING for alert beauty operator-manicurist and hair itylini. New equipment and shop. Eugene Hotel Beauty Salon, Eugene, Oregon. gbl40 avon Osmetics, Est. "lase, has open lng for smart, mature women who want extra money. Write Diet. Mgr., 8226 S E. Yamhill. Portland. gbUO EMPLOYMEN1 AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITION 1 CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 180 State St Ph. 1-1488. gf WANTED SALESMEN EXP. TIRE Salesman. Must be acq. li Salem. State age ft exp. Capital Jour nal Box 402. Kg 146' SALESMAN. Must have car. Apply S a.m. to 11 a.m. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave. OS WANTED, an acgreaahre young man, ex perienced in celling real estate. Must have car. P. H. Bell. 361 Chemekata St WANTED: MAN devote spare time new profitable business for Salem district. No selling. 650 cash or security requir ed for 'i interest. Your money fully secured, write give age, reference. H. Potter. 3718 S.E. 33 PI.. Portland, Ore ggl40 LONG NEEDED INVENTION Established Company. Every home, fac tory, store, farm a prospect, Low price, long profit. Exclusive. Fine outfit. Nc deposit. Information sent Air Mail, Write 156-P, R. C. Building, Red Comet. Inc.. Littleton, Colorado. gff!40 WANTED POSITIONS DEPENDABLE Woman wants house work or practical nursing. Call 26876. hl42 WANTED by young girl: Stenographic position. Dr. "a office preferred. 1 year qurse' training and business college. Phone 1881, Box 285. Sllverton. h!41 LAWN mowed, edging, shrubbery work ft nedse trimmed. Experienced man. Ph 2-7823. hl44 CUSTOM PICKUP HAY BALING HERR & RIENSCHE TRACTOR WORK of all kind. Plowing, leveling. Ph. 1-1121. TREE SPRAYING, light tractor work. No- len Bat hurst, 4385 Hager St. Ph. 2-2907. hi 42 DOZING WORK. D4 16.50. Dfl 11 per hr ft 1 yd. dragline ft crane, truck ft crawler mounted. Call Woodburn Red 139. Box 177 Gerval. hl41 NEED AN office Mar. r salesman? 10 gelling. Capital h!4l yr. experience retail Journal Box 399. EXP. GROCERY Mar. wishes work in Salem area. Rets. Available July 1. Reply Capital Journal Box 394. h!41 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 2-4369. Free estimate hl81 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 1-3039 hl61 LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put ting In new ones. Ph. 3-3608. hi 5! grader work bv the hr. or Job. Street, road, subdivision. Ph, 39318 or 23897 eve. hl58 POE'S mimeographing, typing service, Prompt aervlce, quality work, lower price. 860 N. 16th. Ph. 1-1643. hl55 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 1-5073. hl52' LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototillmx. New lawna, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph 1-1110. hl49 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. SEWING and alteration. Ph. 3-4854. 1)148 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4850. hI44' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins op worg guar, w h mc Al lister. 840 Trade Pit 2-1498 h!44 AI'TO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray Etter Cell Shrock Motor Co 3-1101 EDUCATION "Get Ahead WiuTDieseT Everywhere industry Is turning to DIE SEL for economltal streamlined power: R ll road, trucks, tractors, factories, large ft smalt power and lighting plants. Be ahead of the crowd prepare for this opportunity now. You ran start learn ing Diesel operation and maintenance while holding present Job. If vou are mechanically inclined write for free tacts, utilities Diesel Training, Registrar. 2521 Shetfletd. Chicago 14. hhttl IF YOU like to drawskelchor-paint write for Talent Teat tNo Feet. Give age and occupation. Box 393 Capital Journal. hhl45- ARTISTS MAKE MONEY. Do Tou like to oraw? send name, address, age and oc cupation tor FREE ART TEST to find out your ability. Box 391 Capital Journal hh!45 FOR RENT ROOMS WELL Fl'RN. sleeping rm. Close In. HftC water. Men only. 737 Center St. jkl42 CLOSE IN. Room for woman only. 435 N Winter. Ph. 2-1115. Jkl41 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 1-4335. Iklll NICE SLEEPING Rm. HftC water. 461 N. if IV ) HQ MCE LARGE sleeping room. Twin bed 740 Chemeketa. Jkl40 L I G H FF R O V s E K EEPING room for gent 1 c". man.117.50 month. Ph. 3-3031. JklW ATTRACTIVE fin J5McCot Ph"l-603 Jkt45 NICE SLEEPING RM. for emploved" la dy. Kitchen privileges. Ph. 3-5006 1155 Leslie St. jk!42 NICE SI-EEPING room 'men. 44t Center Jkl42 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 1-1161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. furn. apt. 133. 3210 Hatel. jp I ROOM mod. apt. Ph. 3-I13I. 189 per mo JP141 I RM. furn. apt. Mate floor 3110 N. 4th Mr. Fred Lemon. Jplti I RM Fl'RN "apt. Hot ft cold 'water Shower bath ft elec rante l or 1 ad vlu. No ctiUdrea,. PH. 1-MI4. W. Salem P141 FOR RENT APARTMENTS riCE 1 rm. upstairs unfttra. apt. Priv. ent. Utilities ft alec, range. 1478 Sim. West Salem. Jpl43 CLOSE IN Small l room furn. apt. for 1 person. 635 N. Winter. JpltO t LGE. RM. unfur. Apt. Auto, otl heat. Elect, range included. Private bath. Will allow children. Ph. 37773. Jpl 42 Fl'RN. 1 OR f RM. apt. Cheap. 1 fin. walk" Kids O.K. 160 Union. Ph. 1-1836. JpHJ' FrlTgte bath. 3455 JP140 BOOM furnished u pa tain apartment. With bath ft outside entrance, to middle aged, working oouple. No drink' Ing, pet or children. 466 8. 18th or Pn. a-1056. Jpl40" CLOSE IN. BmH apt. N. Winter, Ph. 3-1816. women only. 425 JP1411 NICELY farnlsbei 4 room basement Apt. oa Mill Creek. Private. 1S 8. 24th. JP142 4 ROOM flat baaement In Hollywood diet, me naiei at. No phone. 850 Jpl30 RM. furn. Apt. To employed couple or ingiav near new enopping center. 400 rt. 13 th. Jp 142 L. Stiff JP142' FOR RENT HOUSES S BDRM. house for rent. 130 Cascade Dr. Ring wood m$. M7.B0. Ph. J-I236. JmI43 S-RM. 3-br. flat, newly dee. Adults. 4 SO ft. High at. 36375. Jmt41 FURN. COTTAGE, t Bdrm. $40. S ml. North ol Brooks on E. Rosa Cottage. jm!43 NEW DECORATED home. middle aged couple. Ph. NEW B ROOM houa for rent.. Good dit. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HAVE HOL'SE 31x37. Ph. 3-3605. J 145 RENT Singer electric sewing machine by month in your home. No extra charge for delivery ft pickup of machine. 16 00 pei mo. 1184 NEW BUSINESS bldg. for rent. 34x50 Available July 1. 3088 N. Com I. Inquire at 3090 N. Com I. J140 M IN. POWER 8YCLE mower: power mow er: garden tillers; paint sprayers; pow er tools: plumbing tools; air compress or and etc. Howser Bros,, 1410 8. 12th. Ph. 3-3646. J143- OFFICE space and desk space. Ph. 15601. r GROUND FLOOR room, eut table for of. flee or store STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 J" (J DRIVE truck car Ph. 3-9101 TRAILERS 12.00 per day Rowacr Bros 1410 S. 12th. West Salem 1 BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. J' GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Btlff. for rent Montgomeri 1 TO DO a good lob rent a good floor Sand er. W ell everything to complete th lob. HOWSER BROS. Ph 1-1640. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT By responsible employed eotiple, modern furnished 1 or 3 bedroom. Need by July 1st. Ph. 3-3940. jaI40 REGISTERED Nurse urgently needs 1 or 3 bedroom furnished home north. Ref. Ph. 3-9368 or 3-4868. Jal40 VET AND wife desperately need partly Turn, house near Hollywood Dlt. No children. No drinkers. Ph. 2374S. Jal40 ROOM AND BOARD VACANCY for room ft board. 639 If. Win ter. 142 -evee-. LOST AND FOUND LOST: BROWN billfold. Jexalca Crotwell. Reward. 2131 Center St. Ph. 36841. kl40 LOST: BLACK purse. Finder may keep purse, but please return all personal be longings. Reward. Write Capital Jour nal Box 397. kl40 LOST: Blue silk stripe border umbrella on Browning ous May ztnn. Reward. ia& Dearborn Ave. k.141 MISSING from "Y" Wed. aft.. Headmas ter bike, Jr. txe. Reward. John 8oco lofsky, 1310 Market. Ph. 1-8635. kl0 LADY'S Oruen wrlat watch April 1. Between Millers ft Pennys. Ph. 3-1487. k!42 LOST: Bmall black eorday pure. 8. Com mercial, aat. olt. June 4. Reward. Ph 3-3713. fcl41 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court We close Saturdays 13:10, mlM' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EULER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State ft Commercial St SALEM Phone 8-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represea ta" e Ph 1-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on al: make or ' chine. Pre estimate given before work la started Singer Sewmg Machine Co 130 N com'l m BUILDING MATERIAL STEEL AND ALUMINUM Window Frames. Casement, double hung commercial type. PI' MI LITE. West Salem. maltO' FIREPLACE MATERIALS. Superior Heat- form ft Bennett-Ireland fireplace elr . culator. All fireplace ft masonry ma terial. PUMILITE. West Salem, ma 140' CHIMNEY BLOCKS ft foundation block. PUMILITE. West Salem. mal40 4E-ROOF NOW. First quality asphalt shingle In 3-1 design, 17.15 per square. Phone 1-91BI for free estimate, ma 141 NEW -I-NEW NEW Panelshaka In aulated aiding. Weather proof-termite proof. Added beauty for old building Phone 3-9191 for information. mal41 NEW GRADE A doors 16.50. Screen doora all thlrknrsses of olvwood. New dowa 100s of sash. Fir lea. sheet rock. In sulation, cedar shake, aabeatos siding. Compare our prices. C. O. Long. Ph. 25821. I ml. North of Kelxer. nfti3 SPECIAL!! Outside house paint 13.45 per gal.; paint sprayer rental reduced 13.00 per day with purchase with paint Howser Bros., Ph. 3-3646 mal42' HOWSER BROS., your power tool rent al head quarters. New addre, 1410 B 12th. Ph. 3-3646. ma 141 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar ahingle. No. 2 IS eedar wall shkkes and underrourae. 112.80 painted No. 1 un painted 19.00. No. 1 16.50. Ted Muller, Ph. Salem 2-1198 ma SR. FT. ROOF RAFTERS, 18 each. Al Moss t. 3, box 31, Turner, saiem pn. i-?vvi ma 140 SHEETROCK, new shipment, H" ft V See us tor new low caan prices, neun Brown, Front ft Court. ma Builder-Contractors Wc have a complete stock of framing lumber, timbers ft ablp?ep. all grades, at rock bottom prices West Salem aaw. miH. 1050 Wallace Rd Ph. 353 Free Delivery. a!43 ALU MA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. Tht modern permanent roof ing. 8 your dealer or Call Dlt- t-6401 mailt ROCKLATH, Plaster and Stucco Materials. Complete line quality materia)!. PUMILITE WEST SALEM mel4f INSULATED side wall shakes, g color Willamette Valley Hoot Co. JO tana Ave mal40a NEW SHIPMENT plast board ie: sq ft Rock lath M 6 rt i in MONTGOMERY WARD SVLEM VaJly Farm ma!4 USED FIB FLOOR1NO. Ph. 31701 at mailt 1-43 8. SAVE ON ROOFTJIO Let Ward give y STALLED prlcw vfl fot roortBg aeed wide ranot of colors Can our outside salesman foe free est im at Phoae 8-1191 MONTOOMERY ARD ft OO M. OR800R BUILDING MATERIAL DOORS. INTERIOR 2 panel doors, at the great special purchase bottom price, bargain of only 18.60 each. Keith Brown, Foml ft Court Bu, Salem. ma ALUMINUM ROOFTNQ 1 ft width. lj tot following length: r ii7t r 2 33 ir iw ir it! Ask about installation aervie MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREGON NURSERY STOCK BEDDFNG PLANTS, B doa for ll. Gerani ums, fuchsias, 1.50 doa. Araleac, 8 lor 1. Merrills Greenhouse, Brooks. mbI40 FUCHSIAS FOR SALE. 180 VARIETIES. MRS. F. B. WARD, 4380 CHERRY AVE. mb!3S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., M Lana av. B 140 C81D aawtog machine. Ph. 33131. alW NEW & USED SINGER Kectrte sewing maahine. Term. 11 down. W will demonstrate) In youi horn by appointment. SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 110 V. Commercial. Phong 1-1J B141 GARAGE house to be moved. Make offer. V. I. Wagers, Rt. 0. Box 807, SUverton Hwy. past Lancaster Dr. n!41 FENCE POSTS, pole, all type. Shingles, fertilizer ft flatroek. Phillip Bros., Rt. 1, Box III. Ph. 68F23. n WALNUT WHAT-NOT, Antique French furniture, china ft colored via, dia mond ring. Bay Window Antique hoP. 439 Court St.. upstairs. nl40 FOR "BARGAINS" in Antique, visit tha Bay Window Antique Shop, 431 Court St., upstair. q140 3 FT. by 9 ft. canvas tent, fcxeel. sond' 3-6008 Eve. 0140 Good a nw. nH2 SILVER TONE CONSOLE radio ft record " Player. Excel, cond. 1830 N. Cottage. D142 STRAWBERRIES. U-plck, Sc. Nice ber ries. Oood picking. Bring containers. P. E. Sander, Rt. 7, 352, Salem, 1 ml. S.. H, ml. 8. Totem Pole. n!42 MOVING SALE I GARDEN MASTER planting machine, puh type. A disc for any spacing, seed or kernel, 110. Sump pump, used 3 mo., like new, W h p., 140. Electric chick brooder, 50 chick capacity. Sear mod el, 110. Infra-red brooder unit, 300 chick capacity, llfi. Battery fence charger unit. 110. 1 old 18x20 still camera with bellow ft fixed lens. 120. 32 auto, hi st and rd pistol, S20, one 13 guag Hanger shot gun, single barrel, IT. RT 7, BOX 92 PH. 28200 nU2 SAVE MONEY!! Buy good clean used clothing cheap. Garment Baaaar, 3030 John St . Ph. 3-5497. nl4S KEROSENE white enamel rang. Simu lated elec. range style. Ooronado. 1385 Broadway. nH2 OtJVFR No. 20 Combine. 1 Ford buck rake. 1 Ford mower. I Ford post digger. 36 weaner piaa. 1 Dodge 4 wheel drive pickup. A. V. Jack. Gilbert, Ph. 321, Sweet Home. n!45 DAVENPORT ft chair. Maple fin. arm, coll spring cushions. 169.60 value for 889.68. Maple arm love seat ft chair to match 60.88. We give Oreen Stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 8. Com'l. n!42" 7-WAY floor lamp with ntte lite. Bronx or Ivory stand. Plastl-etlk shade 10.98. Green Stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 8. Com'l. nl42 GOV'T. SURPLUS bunk bed with mattress m wifltn (32.95. Green Stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 8. Com'l. ni 42 FROM STORAGE, large lot of nearly new furniture. Inc. Grey Mohair Fries Da veno ft Club Chair, Period Style Dinette Set, 4 Pc. Bed Suite, Inc. Box Spring ft Innerapnnc Mattre, Enamel Trash Burner. Older V Refrig. Westinghous Elec. Range. ABC Washer, t Window. Shower Stall, complete. 30" Door. Sink. Desk. Wool Rug. Cedar Chest. 100 Other Item. All go TueAday nlte, 8 p.m. at Auction. No Reserve. Sal held Inside) apaoiou Glenwood Ballroom, 800 yd. N. Chemawa 4 Corner, Htway 99E. Glenn Woodry, Auctioneer. Ph. 35110. Sells oa Commtion or Pay "U" the Cah Out right. Ttl4!" SPOT CASH for your furniture. Appli ance. Rug. What have "U"? GLENN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER B145 CLEARANCE SALE HALF TON Chain Hoist, Hkc new. 114,10. 18" 8 blade lawn mower 17.80. Baby Buggy. 15. Play Pen 17.50. 30-gat. Elec trie Water Heater, 839.50. 1055 Portland n!40 ARE YOU Interested In the ervic sta tion Otislne? I have one for sal at In ventory price. In Monmouth. Ore, Con tact Warren Doolittle, Distributor, Gen eral Petroleum Products. Plant No. 34611. ni41 T-D II Angle ft Tilt Dozen ft Carry All att. A-l cond. Guarantee. Only 1300 hr. Very reasonable. I. C. Claua. Rt. 2. Bnx 45. Ph. 3115 Dallas. n!41 AUTOMATIC Donut Machine with track. O. C. Adams, Rt. 3, box 630 Oregon Ctty. nlto Belling out for I. B140 PULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Pb, 36357. &15S FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll ers, milk pasteuriser, at close-out price. Tester Appliance Co. &148 NO WAXING REQUIRED when you usa Plasti-Kote. th cllophane-3ik finish for your floor or linoleum, Ysater Ap pliance Co. al48 DEEPFREEZE home freer er. 1129.95 and up. Yeater Appliance Co &I48 ELECTRIC SEWING machine. ( Free-We-tlnghouse) Yeater Appliance Co. nl48 EXHAUST FANS Close-out price. Tester Appliance Co. nl48 USED REFRIGERATORS, washing ma chine, ranges, water heaters. Yeater Appliance Co. n!48 STEEL clothesline post. Ill ft up. Rail ins In stock, copper lanterns ft vane at reduced price. 1145 N Liberty. n!53 PEAT MOSS with tuntey droppings tSc per sack 8 tacks H 50 Vallev Farm Store. 4345 ailvcrtoo Rd. Ph 22034 nl46 GENERAL ELECTRIC C rosier, Gibson and Mon tag Appltanot at Gcvurtg n NEWRERG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP ow"- mgn quamy, attractive price. All kinds- Pit run, gravel; sand; mix crush; ronrrete pipe ft tile; r-lnfortng steel; ecme&ti sepiic tank OREGON GRAVEL CO 1408 N Front St Ph 3-3417. n!42 GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. Shovel ft drag-line excavating. WALL INO SA WD ft GRAVEL CO Pb t-4. WHITE BOI'.E Product. Ph 2-8741. nl41 New 1330 00. SALEM 8AND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Bwer ft Basement Equipment Rental l yd 12 00 per hf. It 8 yd oo per bi. D-3 Cat ft Doset 1ft 50 per nr. D-t Cat ft Docer 1 40 per hr. D-4 Oat ft Doaei 1.00 per hr. Phone Davg 1-1408 Ivc J-I3M or 1-4408 Bgltm Oregon o WALLING BAND ft GRAVEL Ctt CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway cement, reany mil concrete, gardes and. Bultdoaing, drainage and ditching. Vt-yd, above) and drag Hat Ph S-I34t. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NEED AT ONCE, lane quantity used funiturc. Ph. 35110. WOODRY. na!45 OOOD COUNTRY hem to board two girls, ace t and f. Reasonable. Pb. sn before 1 10 m. nal It WE WANT gtrawberrlea. Market price la ee.sn tontari jory rarxing co at Ter minal Ire. 241 D St Phone 3-450 na (Continued on Page 17)