14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 13, 1949 .'VOUBE MIGHTY CLOSE - THE CALL HAD NOTHING TO I T NO PEPLIES YET ON MY WANT-AD 1 1 At tJlis moment, in troat of ' iht hoto) RADIO PROGRAMS Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN MONDAY P.M. . MOUTHED ABOUT YOUR DO WITH YOUR EX-FIANCEE, I GUESS BOOBS WHO BUY COO 'YOU WISH CAB TO ) YEAH STICK AROUND CESSION WITH THE ChiEfCchARUE THEY'RE IN THE DIAMOND RINGS DONTGROW ONJ jrMEBBE SIRf w-S 'MK5HT NEED A T OF SECRET 5ERVCE.5TEVE3oarK.TOO.ASTO WHY IhOGANBERRY BUSHES 1 MEBBE.WKfr- Mp!ff,NfctP A SW7V M ROBBIE KAYNE WALKED t-V (AlL !TrT 'l fca QkooroN her job-and you 1 rii iTx!l Chapter 5 Connie King loped her pony along the trail to Jeff's homestead. She was In a gay humor. Jeff was busy gettin In his win ter'! supply of firewood. Connie heard the ring of his axe long be fore she saw Jeff, and followed the sound through the trees. Little imps shone in her eyes. Sneaking up close to him, she said in a voice which was supposed to be gruff and threatening, "Stick: 'em up!" Jeff wheeled to atare at a point ed finger, with a thumb cocked like, the hammer 01 a gun, ana tne as tonishment on his face was replaced by that transfiguring grin. He hast- uy raised nu nanas. She lauehed. "Howdy, neighbor! He lowered his hands and waved to the trunk of a fallen tree. "Have a chair. It s a bit hard but the best 1 can offer. . fihe turned to saze about her be fore she obeyed. At the foot of the alone on which tney atooa was a neat, carefully built cabin with a Drintr -house close to the back door, Off to one side were a pole corral and a shed where Jeff kept his sad dle and tools and the few imple ments he owned. She faced him again. "You certainly picked a grand location, Jeff. You re a real cattleman, one seaiea nerseu uu the tree, and Jeff sat down beside Ijer. "How's our young attorney-at-law coming along?" she asked. . "Yesterday he was as chipper as a red squirrel. He'd gone out and got himself a client." - "Really? Oh. I'm glad!" 4'Uh-huh. He went over to the jail and convinced Slug Benjamin that he could talk him out of the hangman's noose." ."Oh!" Some of Connie's anima tion died. "That's not so good, Is it?" "Well, anyhow it's a case. It'll give the boy something to do and He'll be earning a fee. And, after, folks '11 know that he has the stuff oi a good trial lawyer In him." . Impulsively she put her hand on his knee. "You want very much to see Glenn succeed, don't you, Jeff? I'd like to help you if I can.' ' He turned quickly, his eyes shin ing. "You would? Connie, you can! (Jlenn can't be driven; he mast be led. If you were to do some of the leading, he might reach the heights. Just be kind to him. Encourage him. Show him that his success would please you." She gave his knee a friendly lit tle pat and got up. "I understand. Well, I must be running along. I wanted to see your place and at the same time tell you that I men tioned you to Dad and he's anxious ta meet you. why don't you and Olenn ride over on Sunday and spend the day with wr He not to hLs feet. "Sav. Connie t&at'd be great! We'll be there. sure." Olenn fed and watered the bav horse Jeff had given him and loafed about the office the rest of the day. Toward evening he went over to Mike's place and bought a drink. -He hung around the place until Mi ice ngntea me hanging lamps, then went outside and walked lei surely to the Town Hall. Only the night guard was on duty. He took Olenn Into the cell room. There was a small bracket lamp on the wall and by Its feeble light Olenn could see SIuk lying on nls side In the bunk, hLs face to the wall, a blanket over him. Slug sat up and swung his legs to the floor and Olenn sat down beside him. "Slug, it looks to me as though our Dest aeien.se is a strong onense. Right at the start I'm going to lash out at Orubb as a potential mur derer. I have It all written out for my opening speech, and I want to rend It to you." 'Olenn's reading was suddenly and rudely interrupted. Slug's left arm circled his neck, the forearm clamping beneath Glenn's chin. And all the while Slug kept mum bling In a low tone as though car rying on a conversation. 'A minute, two minutes, and he released the pressure gradually, his eyes on Olenn's face. The feeble struggles had ceased; Oleason lay Inert on the bunk. Swiftly Slue stripped off the frock coat and stock tie: then with strip he had already torn from the blanket he bound Olenn and gagged him. He raised his voice so that the guard could hear. "Hey, Pete! Olea son 's readv to go." Slug, like Olenn, was smooth haven, and the light was feeble. -The man came into the cell room and saw what he thought to be the frock-coated lawyer bending ove. a client who had already lain down on the bunk. Slug waited until he heard the key grate and the hinges squeak, then turned and walked toward the door with his head lowered as though deep In thought. From beneath his lashes ne coma see the lower hall or the guard's body. He passed from the ceu ana me aoor crushed his shoul der as the guard started to close it. men ine movement was abrupt ly arrested. "Hev!" said the guard aharolv. "wnai me r Slug sprang at him. For a few seconds they wrestled back and forth, fighting furiously. The grip on the guard's throat tightened. The man's knees began to sag, his face purpled. And presently the guard went limp. He went into the hall and locked the door behind him. Quickly, qui etly, he descended the stairs and went through the rear doorway. He kept to the al.jy until he reached Olenn's place. Opening the rear aoor. ne went into the Kitchen, lighted the lamp, and methodically set about packing a supply of food stuffs In a flour sack. Taking this with him, he proceeded to the sta ble, lighted a lantern and saddled Glenn's horse, tying the package behind the cantle. "The best defense, says he, Is a strong offense. Weil. I sure made her strong!" He thumbed his nose In the direction of the ail. "You can whistle for that other five hun dred. Mister Oleason." (To be continued) Animal hoofs, whether one- toed as in the horse, two-toed as In cows, pige and sheep, or four toed as in the hippopotamus, are! modifications of a five-toed ar rangement, i ft 3047 SIZES 12 44 Shirtwaist Styling Tailored or feminine the themes up to you In this smart shirtwaist style! It's equally nice with the soft touch of eyelet banding on both the bodice and skirt ... or minus the trim in a lively line up of stripes. No. 3047 is cut in sizes 12. 14. 16. 18, 20. 36. 38. 40. 42 and 44. Size 18, S yds. 35-ln., 14 yds. trimming. Cottons again strike a high fash ion note. They are Inexpensive to make, easy to handle Send now for the SPRINO FASHION BOOK which includes in Its 150 pattern designs, a big selection of alluring suggestions for cotton fashions for every age and occasion Price Just 20 cents. Address CaDital Journal, 5S2 Mission St., San Francisco 6. Calif. R2238 Scot tie Apron Set This easy sew apron is pretty as it is practl cal. Make three sturdy Scot ties two to guard your hands from hot pots and the third as a pocket. Trim the apron with gay plaid ruffles and mnke the pups' coats of the same laonc. Pattern Envelope No. R3238 con tains complete easv-to-iollow di rections; tissue pattern: material requirements for adjustable size. To ootain trm pattern send 20c in COINS giving pattern number youi name address and Bone num bei to Peggy Roberta Capital Jour atu 828 Mission Street San Francisco- 8. Calif 11 en"" i . r-HEZS II nc: J. I U . I J7 k xGJl v VTTJ -J V l O L",r" "xWiSJjTM HtAMOTING -RSNTOSTIC'" HmU&ToTiF ENOUGH? WHY- IT P Is" p I TM00L0 B0eBEPS'CE-m T IT'S NOTJU6T UNBELIEVABLE-BUT ITS ggftl,-) I'LL SETTLE H ENOUGH TO BUILD TW f WILL 8UIL0 TH' i :4S I BEEN 0 LEGEND POP OVEP A LEGENO THT MONEV-THOSE JEWELS - COR a St FINEST LOXJT COB 1 MOST KWVELOUS ' ' ' l P I THREE .fJND(?EO VEflRS-BUT ) ftNYMORE, EH. 4 HONORED MILLION? WHY- J HUNDRED OPPHN6 THUT ANVQHE f? HOME IN THE ' Q U H nESN"" THERE'S NO TELUNGOj TQiop, "f- I 'JJ imm;i mm m I f I CAKl'T BEI KWMV, HELLO, " " . . I 1 AREVOO SLAO ENOOSU ) I WV OF COURSE! (17 ( L0NES0MNO: AMBROSE. I'M " 'I'-- ItOMEBBE SEE ME WILL SEVEN O' CLOCK 4.: T tm LONGER . I'LL J SO SLAD CS. ,f-iTONISHT ROSIE S DIMMER HERE cci-- i. i":M u M ( CALL ROSETTA ) YOU T15 1 J J 6IRL? , BE OKAY? JIoImAKEIT V:" PRISUTnCWV!7 CALLED JflPV 1 Z- 7 -c,S O'CLOCK. ) E ttJ7 -UrkjLr li r '' l CANT WAIT .-. PIG MUST WiN-BKAUSE Li DOODtRSWOXTH IS SO ) n K NICE HOCKS .T- IWWHttY &7 MY DEAB BBOTHtB'S A V WAK-YED, HE GOTTA OH, BOY T WHAT MAM-1L I STALM.NCMrT I f I 4 L THODO06MBRE0 MS BEEN l I l JDG B TOUCH.'.'1) J YUMNY.'.'-SUCH WELL' HC'U. , X . tS'' - Cc"ic'r.O EATEN -AND SJ Tttt- . , fl- 7 UPHOLSTERED mS&rr i PROBABLY) CJr'J I The most HK can have J (I ( irLL BE a MIRACLE fl snoot X V , A jm IN Nil SWL S l IP ?;7 IF THERE'S ANYTHING IN tV(', . t fdCERO, DIDNT YOUR V 4J A FINE THING N TWHY DIDN'T YOU V I DID I CH, WELL, ANVWAY M FATHER HELP VOU NO! YQUP SON LEFT BACK I COME AND ASK I THAT I --0 Q vtty ioNT HAVE WITH VOUR EXAMS?l COT fcL, T fff JSnoi I ) ME TO HELP YOU ) LAST t VI TO BUY ANY 5mT-h' THEM W& JTCHOOLM WTH youR ygApopl' I , NEW BOOKS SSO, TEX. THAT'S I BILL HAD TO 60 TO OOUS T SUSS. C0M6 ON. iSllVJw wk ' 1 MVJOB. iVLbO KNOB WITH TEX...LETS YOU MAYBE WB CAN SOMETWNfl D4B PIRST TIMS AiuEem? - BILL.YWLL HAVE TO POSTPONE OUT TO THE CANK m Rlp6 OJT TO TWE SCLVB WE MVWEByWE fMB HERB' fH LETBTRy THAT RIDE OUT TO HAONTEP CANY04. TOMORROW. J CANVON - WANT TO, PATTY A ALL t OteSELVES,1! g? MX TOFWIT U JWT60T WORD THAT SOME OTHEM ft. v. . irfW.TWATCVB--ReMSMBER.s9 6Mt s 5 P H i, t. . ,i - rt N 1 I - 1 I KSLM KGW KOCO C K0ii 5i rmllra UwU Jr. Wmii1! IMrtl Rbriha Ranrh Htrk Ihrlair U rrsnk BtsluwM umt H abrlfan luck Llltl Shew M hulii r.r4. N.wi Blnf Cr.ifci Club IS. CBfl u Crmm CUr Gtttii Mwi wH r Edir Mwwnw m Hwrmtu Miel KalrM Candlrllthl Knoi Hitniii"" L : RMpcrnn Mtiel hlrN bilvtr Bcvlab 1:M Casl. MKnlfbl Voict ml Ni Cbt HBIIf Toi MIs FlrtitOM Troplftiia Nwi 7'- oibfltl Hutltr Telctbvn Hr lltrt ! Vttn Rsdl Thtra 1ft NcrtbWMt Ntwa Trlcphont Hoar Coniliol Inradw Bdl Tbaatr M Hwli Dr. 1. Q. Handttand Radla Tbtalr : Maala Dr. I. Q. Baniiand Badla Thealra 8H Huile Contcntfd Hoar Duroul Dopa Mr Frlnd Irma :lt Mualc Canlcnlcd Hear Hwipball m, Friend Irma :4S Clica Kid Radla Cltr Haiehall Bob Hawk Shaw Cltto Kid Harhowia Baitball Bob Hawk Sbaw 9i00 Let Gona Do It Supper Clttb Raiaball Lowell Thanaa ;H Lat Gaaria Da It Stmt af Warld BaKball Jack Smith Bba :I0 Mnrdtr by Eapart Cavaleada Raaeball Talent Baaata i Murder by Eprt Cavalcada Baaeball Talent Scovta I A M Nwa Stmt Newa na Star Final " HI :' Kalael LaeaJ Nawa Sparta Pact Final Track 149. Inner Sanelnm inrj M Newa Orcbaatra Track UM Inner Saactam Y Muala Orcbeitra Track 1400 Ufa Danca ajaa :M Fultan Lawli, Jr. am Bi.ru Track MM ftertnade li It Amtr. Fa mm af Carrtnt A Chala Track I4t Yob and Warld. I s af tha Air Made Mederne Track MM Orcbaatra Tht Dr Sob Bain Qaarttt Track MM Newt ItiO SJib Off 'lin Off SIib Off allaBl TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. iOO Newa Yawn ralral March Time Vawa ratral Newa " Newa March af Time Newa Newa Break rail dang Breakfaat Gam I op Ira dci Bartaln Counter Victor Llndlabr Sun at Oontiri Lean Back North oat Nawa Kate s.Qltb Paalor'i Call Charlie Splvah Newi Threa Sana Wllea Ortanal. Walla Serenade Top Tradea Newa Quaes far a Day Quccb far a Day Ladlea Ftral Ladlea Flrat Nortbwrai New Bob Eberly Shew Hoaie " Jobnsaa Family Tell Nelcbbor Hint Blntt Bodia Podia Hodie Podia Newa Hodia radio Farm Time Farm Tlma The Old Sonaa Newi Fred Warlni Fred Warlni Rider of tiara Sam Hayes Second Cup Second Cup Jark Berch N Y Honeymoon N Y Honeymoon Tommy Doriey Tommy Doriey Tommy Doriey Tommy Doriey Today'e Chlldrea Brlibter Day Acalnti lha Storm tralnil tha Storm Muale Muile lappy Gang Happy Gang Songs af Tlma News Double ar Nothing Double ar Nothing Newa Light af World Life Beautiful Ma Perkins Pepper louag Happiness Backitago Wife Stella Dallas Lorento Jonea Wldder Brown A Girl Marries Portia Facet Life Juit Plain Bill Front Tags Farrell fload of Life Lora Lawlon Aunt Mary We Love a Learn Tet Bitter New a Sports Tap a' Marntaa News Western Melodies Western Melodies Home Singers Church In Wild Haven of Rett Haven of Rest Huile Without Words Coffee Cup N.W. Report Rhapsody Rhythm Rhapsody Rhythm Glass Wax Glass Waa Glass Was Glass Wag tven body's Ideas Musle' Newt Ted Dale Presents Mae'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae'a Melodlea Mac's Mclodlea Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodlea Women's Pais I'hllfljopher Spotlight Musla Spotlight Musle KOIN Kloch KOIN Block KOIN Kloch KOIN Kiosk News News Fred Beck Consumer Nawa AM Baker Robert Lewis Robert Lewis Festura Story News Grand Slam Rosemary Wendy Warrea Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Bandar Big Sister Ma Perkins Dr Malona Guiding Light Duncan HcLo4 Coma A Get II .Norab Drake Makes Yoa Tick tnd Mrs. Bartaa Perry Masan Pal O'Brien Sbaw Air-fla Newspaper ml Air Newspaper af Alt Winner Taka All Tunefully Years News Meet the Missal Meet the Missal Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC. 650 Monday P.M. 6:0 Squirrel 6:00, Keeping I'p With Sports; :lft. Homo Edltiom :. Challenge af Yukont 1:00. Edwin C Hill) 7:1ft, Elmer Davlsi 1:80. Mr. President i 11:00, Lone Ranger i S:Sa, Dream Girl: 1:4ft, Arthur Gaetht S:M, Railroad Hoart t:S. Ella Mae Morse i :. Henry J. Taylori 10:00, Richfield Report er! 10:18, fnlermettoi 10:M, Concert Hourt 11 :M, Mem to Tomorrow; 1S:M, Xtra Henri 1:00, Sign Off. CV Tuesday A.M ta 4:45 P.M. :0. fx LA r.artr Blrdi 1:00, McCall Newai 7:1S, Bob Johnson: 1:M. Bob Haien Show) 1:45, Time Tempos; S:M, Myrt and Margai S:I5, Martin Agronskyi :JMt, Zeke Mannerst K:45, Easy Aceai 0:00, Breakfast Clnbi 10:00, Tha Newa 10:15, Stare af Todart 10:80, Kay Kyseri ll:(M, Ted Malona; 11:15, Galen Drake) 11:110, My True Storrt 11:00. Betty Crorkert 12:15, The News) 12:30, Baufcbage Talking) lt:45, Clob KOAC Mvn pm S:VC' 0b h Bet; 5:50. 550 Sports Clab) :M, News) :lov Dinner Melodies) :, Musle af Csechoilovaktai 1:15, Bvenlag Farm Hour) S:IW, Sports Time) 1:15, Cam pus Recital! S:4A. World la Review) ft:M, Musle That Endurest :4ft, Meditations) 10:00, Sign Off. (Listed as Standard Tlma) KOAC srzz ta i4S .aa.i 10, News i 10:15. Par Wameai 1:S0, Psychology af Famllyi 11:00, Caw eert Hall. 12:00, Newsi 12:15. Noan Farm Hoar) 1:00, Ride 'cm Cowboy) 1:15, Var iety Timei 1:30, World la Our Affair) 1:0, Melody Lane: t:30. Memory Book mi Muslei S:00, News. Timet 1:00, North westerners; 1:80, Kai West) 1:00, Breakfast In Hollywood) S:Sft Ladlea Re Seated; 8:00, Sarprlse Package! 8:30, Bride and Groomi 4:00, Weleooss Travelers, 4: SO, Art Llnkletter. Fairview Man on Vacation Fairview Thomas Wright left Wednesday by train for a one-month vacation to-be spent in Wisconsin, his former home. He is employed at the Howard Stephens farm here. Miss Heles Maurer will substitute durini his absence. ACROSS 1. Formar Pres ident B. On top of t. Beverage 12. Medley 12. Tart 14. Humorous pareon 15. Dramatic musical work 17. Covenant 19. Strike with the open hand tl. Outleta 22. SinKlng vote 25. Brother of Odin 2(1, Pronoun 27. Scotch rlvtf 2S. Rldloula 20. That man Pertaining to South Amer ican moun tain! Extreme fear Artificial language; Parked for shipment Bitter Tetcb Kind English letter Take dinner Rail birda Israelite tribal variant Public apeak era Mother-of-pearl Hobby Bearlpe Polo team Liquor Not hard -L AicniB ipiEniii o'AlMlPig.R'SBTpaJM glp tNE is S,T olWmaMiAjTtrll c oJr nT(tTJn on o A PITB PiRiO'N ?H7 D,0 !lmaS"ljNHEiAT E H TfRjc at i IsieBwspIs1 BmfclllllmlatlEtfg aito n'eBTir a is I niC lplEMIluepsURlco II. DOWN 1. Also L High moun tain I. Exclamation ' 2 w r i7 1 in l"1 1" jM 1 I tin Tr7, 7 Tn,, 9 ' Si St '' jfc w--&--w '1jJA -uu Solution of Saturday's Puzzh Plane handle 4. Trunk 8. Like I. Candle snuffer T. Belonging to ua I. If I. Counterparts 10. Direction 11. Eons It. Indian mi) berry IS. Meanuring instrument 20. Genus of the oat 22. Jewish month 11. Light cotton fabrlo 24. Spread to dry 2. Gloomy 29. Entries In an account ' 20. Musical Instru ment 21. Gaelic 13. Splendor 15. Braxlllan money SA, Plagues 40. Turkish decree - 42. Current of air 43. Lounge 44. Spoken 4. Type measure 48. Long narrow tnlet BO. Note of a dova 51. Groove 52. Before Be. Empire itatet 4- n abbr. ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahem lAtEPE ARE NO BORING MOMENT fOff MARY ,$INa SHE RFCAME PAID COMPAMION TO A FIERY LITTLE. fCENtH CANADIAN BEOU IN THE HOMl OF OSUM OtfNWOOO -AND JUNIOR. . CHEWING OUIA KINGS IAUGH bcAUE I TEACH THE LA0IE5 TO ROLL THt CIGARETTE ' .THAT EES BAD FSANKLY, t D0NT KNOW, I BEBE!"THE MANUAL OF ' CORRECT DEPORTMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEWOMEN '.' WHICH I STUDIED AS K GIRL. SOMEHOW t AILED TO COVER THE SU&JECT! Va, A I WW .. l r l em 41 nil 7ft5KVAMrfB NICE PARTY, FATHER -IN SPITE OF THE UNSCHEDULED--UH ENTERTAINMENT 'RIGHT, JUNIOR '-)THE LADIES ALL LIKL0 BEBE THEY MIGHT HAVE FELT DIFFERENTLY IF THEY'D CAUGHT S0ME0F THE HEART- HUNGRY LOOKS THEIR HUSBANDS WERE. BEAMING HER WA1 I KILUltl HID T IL rfe life jjfy I SPENT iSO ENTiRTAININS UNCLE W3.MaAN(3. WITH(UI Hl EVEN SPENDNS A D1WE TO TREAT BACK SO 1 TKIfcD 1U Kt&AIN SOV.E Of THE WONEY AT CARDS, BUT HE JOLTED ME FOR $ 21 AFTER THE GAME HE CASUALLY SAID HE USED TO BS A CARD DEALER 30 YEARS AGO IN A GAMBLING, CASINO v. AN DON'T TAKE HIM ' on wrru dice' I SAW HIM palming the Cubes AN HE CAN ROLL 'EM THRU A BUGLE , An SHAKE OUT J aOT VwvH! Li ' f AS PIANO VARNISH I Jly,A l-'l t