Peanut Crop v Too Extensive Da 11 at, June IS Wi Are American farmers growing too many peanuts? Yea, aaya Bill Seals, Presi dent of tht National Peanut As sociation, "they have a certain market the Federal govern ment." Seals, who lives In Washington, D. C, was here for the Southwestern Pesnut Shelt ers association's annual conven tion. He said the Federal govern ment guarantees the peanut growers $211 to $238 a ton. Pea nut shelters or manufacturers must meet that price or the farm er will sell to the government. Seals said. Seals said a "certain market" with the government had en couraged farmers to Increase production. Last year, an estimated two million tons of peanuts were grown in the country. This year, the government has ordered the growers to reduce their acreage by 20 per cent. "Farmers must reduce their acreage to be eligible for gov ernment - supported prices, but that will not necessarily reduce the number of tons grown," Seals said. ( He said farmers who scattered - peanut seeds loosely in the past, may plant more carefully: that careful growing can produce a larger yield per acre. - lV-i fl : " '5f f 7 Jh f -Ac r I M which are marked right ascen-i sions and declinations, can easily find and follow Vesta for a few weeks from the figures given below, rearranged from Dr. Hugh Rice's regular Asteriod Notes in Popular Astronomy for May, 1949. Interpolations for dates between can easily be made. ! On the first night of observa 10 Salem Men To Be Honored high standards of professlonal.Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June IS, 194911 achievement In providing qual- In Word Battle C. B. Baldwin (left), secretary of the Pro gressive party, and Sen. James O. Eastland (D., Miss.), right, chairman of the senate judiciary subcommittee, waged a duel of insults during an open hearing of the subcommittee in Wa shington. Sen. Eastland called Baldwin a "S O B." Baldwin called the senator a "narrow-minded bigot." Baldwin's re fusal to state whether he is a communist kicked off the duel. The subcommittee is holding hearings on the Mundt-Nixon communist control bill. (Acme Telephoto) Ten members of the Salem Underwriters association will be honored June 17 at a lunch eon meetinff of the associaton to tion Vesta cannot likely be dis- be held at the Senator hotel. .ura .rm . Chairman of the luncheon is me same iiriu ui view, mane a diagram of the arrangement of the brighter objects. By the next night, one will be out of place somewhat. This is Vesta. Its rate of motion is thus determin ed and its position for the fol lowing evening is easily predict ed. The positions in right ascen sion and declination are: June 12. ITh 26.0m. minus 18.1 degrees: June 20. 17h 13.9m, minus 18.4 degrees; June 28, 17h 2.7m, minus 18.8 degrees. Hartman Family Holds Reunion at Sublimity Sublimity The Hartman re lationship had a picnic in the Hartman grove Sunday, June 1 in honor of five in the relation who graduated from high school and from the eighth grade. Those present were Mrs. Frances Hart man, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart man, Angeline, Melvin and Dar rel, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hart man, Robert, Geraldine, Leland, Linda, Sandra and Dennis, Mr and Mrs. Ray Hartman, Mar- lene, Kathleen and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bradley, David, Uuane, Dwlght, Douglas and Deanna, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Harksen, Rose Elaine, Marveline and Ronald. Burton C. Selberg of the Equit able Life Assurance Society of the United States. The awards will be presented by Gus Moore secretary of the Salem Y.M.C.A The 10 life underwriters will be given the National Quality Award in recognition of their Vesta Is Now Making One Of Near Earth Approaches By J, HUGH PRU1TT AJtronomtr, Bxteulon Dtvuioo, Orlon Hlhr Education 8?atm Nowadays almost any eighth grader can readily call the roll of the nine larger planets. In order of diameter downward they are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Pluto (proDaDly), Venus, Mars and Mercury. But who recognizes the names of the next four even should they be recited to him? As a- 1 ; siaeraoiy. ine uiuereiii-e in re flecting sunlight to us is attrib uted to the nature of their sur faces. Some telescopic observers of Vesta have noted an orange or pinkish color to its light. There seems also to be a slight varia tion in its brightness due likely to irregularities in its surface conditions as different sides are turned toward us In rotation. was the goddess of fire and the domestic hearth. In every city and village the temples of Vesta maintained small, continuous fires from which any citizen's source of heat, carelessly allow ed to go out, could be replenish ed. The priestesses in charge of these temples were known as vestal virgins. refresher, here they are: Ceres, Pallas, Vesta and Juno. The largest of the "big nine" has a diameter of 87,000 miles; the smallest, 3,100 miles. The "secondary four" boast diamet ers of 480, 3uu, zu ana ia miles. All four revolve in the space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and were discovered in the years from 1801 to 1807. This week Vesta makes one of its closer approaches to the earth, a so-called opposition. This indicates that Vesta and our world are on the same side of the sun and that since we are between them, we see old Sol and this little planet in opposite directions. Of the quartet of minor planets just mentioned, Vesta is the only one that ever becomes faintly visible to the unaided eye. This seems surprising since two others excel it in size, Ceres con- Ladies Attend State Home Extension Meet Central Howell Marion county home extension commit tee members attending state council meeting recently in Cor- vallis included Mrs. Frank Way, chairman; Mrs. Ralph Mercer. vice chairman; Mrs. Richard Chittenden, treasurer: Mrs. Ro land Seeiiar. Mrs. Grace Cra mer, Mrs. James Keyes. Mrs. Josephine Fox, Miss Eleanor Trindle, H.D.A., and Miss Anne Bergholz. 4-H county leader. At the elections held on the last day Mrs. Josephine Fox was seated as first vice president of "the state council. ity service to the insuring pub lic. The Life Insurance Agency Management association and the National Association of Life Underwriters are the sponsors of the award, which was granted to more than 8000 life under writers in the United States and Canada in 1948. James M. Clark, Bankers Life of Iowa, and vice president of the Salem Association will pre side at the meeting. cars at their Wednesday night meeting, the last until fall. New officers arc Verl Hersh berger, commander; James Loop, vice commander; Duane Hatcher, adjutant and treasur er; A. O. Sorierholm, chaplain; executive committee, Frsd itru bhar, Soderhlom, Forest Loop and John Stauffer. Delegates elected to the con vention at Salem August 4, S and 8 are Hershberger, Hatcher and Levi Miller. Hubbard Legion Post Names New Officers Hubbard The American Le gion post 186 elected new off i The owner of a small tele scope even good prism binocu lars and a good star map on MilnM' Reg. 8c "SWIPE'S" Handy Pock of Cleansing Tissue Ideal for Vacation Needs , DRUG SECTION 3 IOC $2.26 VALUE FOR FATHER 89c Plastic Poker Chip Rack 98c Plastic Poker Chips 39c Playing Cards ALL DRUG SECTION FOR $1.19 S1.23 Valua NO-FRIG-OD Will eliminate all odors from refrigerators and de crease need for defrosting odorless and harmless. DRUG SECTION 89c Reg. 79c CASHEW FLAKE jiq Made in our own kitchen "t VC Reg. 5c GUM and LIFE SAVERS (for 20 C CANDY SECTION FAVORITE HOT WEATHER FOOD Fifth Avenue GOLD LABEL ICE CREAM 39 e qt. Fifth Avenue Ice Cream 33 qt. Home Mode. Style 5Q qt. BAKERY SECTION Reg. $1.09 NYLONS, 51 9., 15 d., includes several QQ numbers slightly irregular . 00 C All $1 .95 Rayon Slips $ ,(3 Reg. $1 .98 Crepe Gowns $ J APPAREL $7.95 Value SANDWICH TOASTER With WAFFLE GRIDS AUTO SUPPLY SECTION $3.95 $4.95 Reg. $6.50 3 Reg. $7.50 C A LI Smoothing Plane PUeO 14-in. Jock Plane 340 AUTO SUPPLY SECTION Reg. 98c CHERRY FITTERS Takes the Hard Work Out of Canning Cherries . VARIETY SECTION 59c Values fa $1.98 Close Out LEATHER WORK GLOVES Nat sec onds or rejects Split Leathers Buckskins, ttt Horsohidoi end ethers YOUR CHOICE "C VARIETY SECTION 141 N. Liberty Fred Meyer Phone 3-S4S or 3-6383 FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! Ill Wouldn't you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced in price! TIIll INIUtANCI I U I s I I I O I 1UY1IG A HOME? It is actually title to land Ton 're boring whea you purchase real property. Protect your in vestment . . . make sure your title le sound , . . safeguard your ownership with a Title and Trust Company title Insurance policy. You pay only one premium yet the protection continues as long as you own the property. Insist Usea tee PrafectiM Title h PretMes T5lW& ondUircn&tT corn f 1 v TIHt Trait Mldlag JM 1W. f earth Are. Peruana- (.Onfea 45 QUART PINT I JTOITJL I I Fine Blended Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 gram neutral I jt-J I a. A. 1 cmritt Franktnrt llifiti linrs i:orn.. I mr7, II I JU r P III IV -"-r: I a, Uia MMua i latkaaas Maria Meal OSfVeaM Mate) auction" zr.rrr l f 1 1 1 CAP I T A t, SUSHUS AND IISIIVIS OVII II. !. yv - iVOIV For the First lime ...and at Amazing Low Prkesl ia i J.1 j : f J M M 7S IMS, Hi 4 iV7&dfe rzzxwx, i Mill, i i iikgk. sv wxtxx- av i r .-aw- BSBSSSSS' l In Rt-ur 1 'in a win SB" -. . rAVER f DRAPER. SUr HOLSTERY fabrics -2. " a US g-Ht " J Wmmm i WHY PAY MORE? 1.98 to 4.29 YARD YARD 2.69 to 9.95 Drapery Fabrics Upholstery Fabrics . . YARD All yours ... the luxurious fabrics you'd expect to pay two to three timet os much for . . . the deep, full colors ... the wide variety of florals, stripes and plains you want. Now "custom-cut" for you slip-covers, upholstery, drapery or bedroom ensembles. Come in, phone or write today . . . Sears experienced personnel will assist you in selecting the most attractive fobrics for your home, and save you dollars at these remarkably low prices. c Sears, Roebuck and Co., 484 State St., Salem, Ore. Please have your decorating representative call to show me your "Custom-Cut" Decorator Fabrics. (No obligation on My Part Whatsoever) On AM. (Dote) . . . PM . (Time) Name Address , . , Apt. No Phone. City Srote . . gfK Sear$ StQte St Phone 3-9191