Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 13, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    Stiff Challenge in
For Solons in Cap
The Vancouver Capilanoi, one
' tlonal league clubs capable of luccessfully challenging the Yaki
' ma Bean, will open a six-game series with the Senators at Waters
park at I o'clock Monday night. Make-up contests for those
' rained out early In the season are scheduled for Tuesday and
Thursday nights.
The Senators, idle Sunday,
' finished their Invasion of Brit
ish Columbia Saturday night
with a 11 to 9 decision over the
Victoria Athletics, enabling the
two clubs to break even In their
four games. The Solons now in
fourth place, lowest point for
the season, trail Spokane by a
game and a half principally be
cause the Indians took advan
tage of Salem's idleness to chalk
up two wins Sunday over Brem
erton, 2-1 and 15-1.
The Wenatchee Chiefs drop
ped the Tacoma Tigers twice,
12-8 and 1-0. Yakima was idle
Saturday, Wenatchee mauled
two Tiger hurlers for 14 hits and
an 8-1 victory.
Saturday afternoon's matinee
in Victoria saw the Athletics
unfurl a five run attack in the
second off Stu Fredericks and
then go ahead to win 8-7. Gene
Peterson took over in the sev
enth as he did in the seventh of
the night contest. He was cred
ited with the win after Bus Spor
er had been shelled from the
mound. Sporer performed well
through five innings before los
ing his control.
Manager Bill Beard and his
mates returned from the north
with a record of 13 home runs
Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 13, 1949
Salem Legions Nab Twin
From Silverton Sunday
Downing Silverton twice Sunday, 19-3 and 11-7, the Salem
American Legion Juniors remained out in front in district com
petition with a record of six wins as against no defeats. Both
fames were played at Silverton.
The Silverton club tallied
once in the first inning of the
initial contest only to have the
visitors check in seven during
the second and third for more
than enough to win. Sonny
Walker struck out 10 men and
issued but two bases on balls
as he went the entire distance
for the winners.
Salem got to Lester and Gus
tafson, Silverton pitchers for 15
hits, including Jack Largent's
homer with nobody on and
triples by Bill Johnson and First
Baseman Owens.
Bob DeGeer pitched the sec
ond win, giving up 11 hits. Sa
lem trailed S to 2 going into the
third when they picked up three
counters and notched five more
in the fourth. They made the
most of their 11 hits, including
triples by Sloan and Nelson. The
latter also hit a double. John
son tripled for Silverton.
BMverton 101000 13 4
Balem 043 011 19 15 3
Leeter, OuRtafeon (4) and Montgomery;
Walker and Jonee.
Silverton 300 110 3 7 11 4
Balem 113 510 x 11 11 3
Sandgreen. Owens Ml and Montgomery;
Degeer and Jonee, Brnwn 16).
National Open
On Tough Course
Chicago, June 13 U.P Cary
Middlecoff, the Memphis dentist
who found more gold on the na
tion's professional golf tour than
in filling teeth was a prize ex
ample today of why the lowly
bogie isn't necessarily the No.
1 downfall of a true champion.
The 28-year-old Middlecoff
simply went for the pin on every
shot and his tactics paid off as D- AAAoA tn Mm 1 1
he won th Nntinnnl Dnen Sat.i1' UUCU WO Null
Middlecoff scored bogies on
16 of the 72 holes, more than
any other player in the first
seven, but he scored 14 bird
ies, again better than any of the
close challengers.
The victory in 286 strokes,
highest winning score since Law
son Little beat Gene Sarazen in
a playoff in 1940 after both tied
at 287, was over a golf course
which proved to be as hard to
beat as the experts anticipated.
Correct for Newport
una 14 f 41 a.m. II 10:11 a.n. -a.s
4:41 a.m. II 10:11 p.m. 3.4
Juna II 3:47 a.m. 3 1 10:54 a.m. -0.3
I 33 p.m. II 11:11 p.m. 14
Jnn. II t il a m. 3.3 11:31 a.m. 1.3
I 01 p.m. 3.0
lane IT uo am. I I 1.10 a.m. I t
I 31 p.m. T.I 13:11 p.m. II
una IS 1:11 a.m. 1.1 1:10 a.m. 3.1
T:37 p.m. 7.3 1:04 p m. 1.3
Tuesday Night 8:30
Ruck Wearer and Al Sum
Frank Rtojark and Lefty Pacer
Dale Riser
Tonr FltU
Bill Weldner
Jar Klser
of the few Western Interna-
WIL Standings &
(Br tha United Preu)
Yakima 37 17
Vancouver 29 22
Spokane 28 28 .919
Salem 26 25 .810
Wenaechee 28 28 .500
Bremerton 25 32 .439
Tacoma 23 34 .404
Victoria 22 34 .393
Yesterday's Results
Spokane 2-15, Bremerton 1-1.
Wenatchee 12-1. Tacoma 8-0.
(Only games scheduled.)
Saturday's Results
Salem 12-7, Victoria 9-8.
Vancouver 7-2, Yakima 6-3.
Bremerton 10. Spokane 7.
Wenatchee 8. Tacoma 1.
in the seven games played.
Monday evening's encounter
will be before a "Family Night"
audience sponsored by the Sa
lem Y's Men's club.
Spokan. ono 010 011 1 1
Bremerton 000 000 10 1 T 3
(8 lnninaai
Kimball and Roast; Sullivan and Ron
nlni. Spokan, 301 010 2315 IS 1
Bremerton 000 0O0 001 1 11 3
Conant and Parka; Lamay, Halatead
(7), Arnerlch 10), Ronnlna til and Corey.
Wenatchee. 100 133 50013 14 3
Tacoma 340 000 001 3 11 4
Frlck and Winter: Walden, Knezovlch
ni Oreco and Warren.
Wenatchee 100 000 01 I 3
Tacoma 000 000 00 4 1
stevena, McCollum (7) and Winter;
Johnson, Oreco 14 1 and Sheet.
Real Fish Story
of North Eastham, Mass.,
lifts the 45-pound striped
bass he caught with a home
built cane rod In the surf at
Nauset Beach, Cape Cod.
Five Plaques to
Of Baseball Fame
Cooperstown, N. V, June 13
(If) Five plaques were to be
put In place today at the Na
tional Baseball Hall of Fame
commemorating two heroes of
olden days and three modern
Honored were Mordecal Peter
Brown and Charles A. (Kid)
Nichols, pitchers from base-
ball's misty past, and Herbert
J. Pennock, Charles L. Geh-
nnger, and Harold J. (Pie)
Traynor of more recent times.
AAU Track Meet-
Sees 18 Records
Posted by Stars
Portland, June 13 Five
college records and 13 In the
lower brackets were posted
here Saturday night as track
and field stars competed in the
1949 Oregon A. A. U. meet.
George Rasmussen of Oregon
vaulted 13 feet, 10 Inches to
raise the pole vault record a
full nine inches. Team mate
Jack Hutchins of Oregon ran a
sensational mile race to set a
new mark at 4:19.4 minutes.
Jim Newcomb of Santa Ana,
Calif., Junior college, held to a
winning pace that put the two
mile grind at 9:48 minutes.
The eastern Washington col
lege mile relay team was an
easy winner in setting a new re
cord for the event at 3:24.4 min
utes and Duane Eby of Oregon
State pushed the shot put mark
up to 47 feet, 8i inches.
Ten new high school division
records were chalked up and
three in the junior bracket.
Merlin "Bud" White of Port
land's Lewis and Clark college
was the double sprint star of the
six hour long meet. He remain
ed undefeated in the 100 yard
event this season by finishing
in 9.8 seconds, two-tenths of a
second off the 43-year-old meet
record of 9.6. He cracked the
10 second limit for the fourth
time this year by spurting ahead
of Dave Henthorne, Oregon, af
ter 60 yards and finished a foot
in the lead.
Then White won the 220 In
21.9 seconds.
A surprise winner in the 120
yard high hurdles was Ted Wa
terworth of Portland's Washing
ton high. It was his first com
petition over the 42-inch A.A.U.
standards, but he led with a
15.7 seconds time. High school
boards are 39 inches above the
Vancouver, B. C, entries
dominated the women's cham
pionship bracket, virtually
blanking the U. S. rivals.
Washington Seeks
Third Baseman to
Replace' Ed Yost
Washington, June 13 ()
Owner Clark Griffith of the
Washington Senators is maneu
vering frantically behind the
scenes to get a badly needed in
"I'm working on a trade," he
said, but that's all he would say
The Senators are looking for
a replacement for injured Third
Baseman Eddie Yost. Yester
day, Manager Joe Kuhel spent
a busy day on the telephone con
ferring with Griffith from De
troit, where the Senators open
a three-game series against the
Tigers this afternoon.
Yost severely sprained his
right leg in Wednesday night's
game in Cleveland. He report
edly will not be fit for duty for
at least three weeks.
Yost's loss could have a seri
ous effect on the first division
Senators. He rapped three hom
ers, a triple and a single in the
three-game St'. Louis series and
another homer in Chicago last
Rasslers to Try
Tag on Tuesday
A team tag spectacle, favor-
ite of many arena devotees, will
highlight Tuesday night's pro
fessional wrestling show at the
armory. Contestants will include
Buck Weaver and Al Szasz
against Frank Sojack and Lefty
The first preliminary at 8:30
will match Dale Kiser against
Tony Faletti. Jack Kiser, brother
of Dale, will tangle with Bull
Weidner in the other prelim.
Walter Johnson pitched 113
shutouts in his 21 years as
Washington Senator hurlor.
Wouldn't you rather
drink Four Roses?
Reduced In
FlM (Undid Whiskiy. 90.5 proof. K
spirit!. Fnnkfort Diitillin Corp.,
Yy . r. -TT7
Prof. Lestle J. Sparks, better known as "Lea,
came in for considerable overdue recognition
over the week-end when members of the "W" club and his
coaching associates presented him with an official Willam
ette university blanket, a jacket and a merchandise certificate.
Road Trip To Be Test
Of Bums in Flag Drive
New York, June 13 U R) The
of whether Boss Branch Rickey
ball's first truly great post-war
Right now it would seem that
riding a seven-game winning streak, have all of their potentially
great young players clicking in
such a manner that they appear
to be a team without a pro
nounced weakness. No other
club in the majors seems as sol
id throughout its lineup and
there is certainly no club which
can approach the Dodgers in
their vast reserve strengtn.
There were five players hit
ting .300 or better in the start
ing lineup which Manager Burt
Shotton fielded yesterday and
which scalped the Cincinnati
Reds, 20 to 7 with the highest
one-game run production in a
big league game this season.
Whats more, there are live
players who may well challenge
for the home run title. Duke
Snider, Gil Hodges, and Roy
Campanella have nine homers
apiece, Peewee Reese has eight,
and Jackie Robinson, seven.
- Reese Is -hitting .311, Gene
Hermanski .363, Robinson .349,
Hodges .313 and Billy Cox .302.
Even so the Dodgers are young,
at times inexperienced and at
times very ordinary. But with
Pitchers Ralph Branca, Rex Ba-
ney, Don Newcombe, Joe Hat
ten, and Preacher Roe operat
ing with a fair degree of consist
ency, they may not cool off dur-
ing their invasion of the west
which starts Tuesday in St. Lou
is against the equally hot Card!
nals. If they don't, they could
make a serious move for the
flag and go unchallenged the
rest of the way.
Greenhorn Johnny Antonelli,
19, outpitched Old Timer Dutch
Leonard, -as the Braves beat the
Cubs, 2 to 0, to divide a double
header in which Chicago took
the first game, 6 to 2.
Ralph Kiner's 14th home run
was the winning margin for
Pittsburgh in a 6 to 5 decision
over the New York Giants, who
suffered their seventh loss in
eight starts.
The Cardinals trimmed the
Phils, 7 to 3 behind Harry Bre
cheen's five-hit pitching but
Philadelphia bounded back to
win the second game, 8 to 3, as
Andy Seminick hit his second
and third homers of the day
and Robin Roberts pitched eight
hit ball to win his seventh game. I
In the American league the;
Tigers moved to within three
games of the pace-setting New
York Yankees by winning a pair
from Washington, 9 to 0 on the
four-hit pitching of Hal New
houser, who won his seventh
friin niutrM
next two weeks may tell the story
in Brooklyn has assembled base
baseball team.
such was the case as the Dodgers.
Major Standings 9
(By United Preaa)
W L Pet. W L Pet
Brooklyn 33 30 .115 New York 37 35.511
St. Lout 30 31 .080 Cincinnati 33 30 .433
Boaton 30 33 .577 Chleaao IS 31 .380
Pnildlphia 38 35 .631 Plttaburah IB 33 .313
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New York 33 18 .840 Boston 35 34 .510
Detrnlt 30 33 .577 Cleveland 34 34 .500
Phlldlphla 38 34 .538 Ohleaao 33 30 .431
Waahlnitn 38 38 .510 St. Lout 15 36 .304
Reeulti Sunday
Chlcato 10-0, Boston 4-3.
at. Loula 11-1. Philadelphia 6-1.
Cincinnati 7, Brooklyn 30.
Plttaburah 6, New York I.
New York 0-1, Cleveland 6-3. (3nd lame
called In Ith, wet irounds.)
Boaton 15-7, Ohlcaio 3-5.
Washlnaton 0-5. Detroit 6-1.
Philadelphia 4-11, at. Loula 1-10.
game, and I to 8 when Johnny
Groth hit a two-run double in
the ninth inning.
The Indians had their best
Sunday of the season, finally
breaking their Sabbath jinx by
defeating the Yankees, 6 to 0
and 3 to 1 behind the brilliant
pitching of Bob Lemon and
Mike Garcia.
The Boston Red Sox over
powered the White Sox, IS to 3
and 7 to 5 at Chicago.
Philadelphia won a 13 to 10
"wooden wedding" in St. Louis,
snapping the Browns' winning
streak at five games and split
ting a double header in which
St. Louis put across four runs in
the eighth to win the opener 6
to 4.
Srayron Legions
Nose Mt. Angel
Stayton Stayton'a American
Legion junior baseball club re
mained in the running for dis
trict honor by nosing Mt. Angel
Sunday 3 to 2. Russell, winning
pitcher, fanned 13 batters. He
and Ebner, opposing mounds
men, each gave up four hits.
Mt. Am el ... .100 000 1 2 4 1
Stayton 300 000 13 4 3
Norris-Walker Paints
arc modf in ioltm for
th So lam Climate
Stay Clean House Paint
Whit and colors. . Gal.
A real porcelain-like finish. qt. only
NORROC ENAMEL - qt. 1.70
House and Farm White 045
Red and brown, food exterior, utility paint. Gal.
Containing wood preservation. Gal. In B'i
Add color and protection. Green, black, red.
l Norris
PCL Standings
(Br United rttu)
W L Pet. W L rVt.
Hollywood fro MS Oakland 40 .487
Soittl. 44 38 .U0 SnFrnuco 3 42 .43
San Ditto 41 3 .131 LocAnBPU 45 .423
Sacramnto 21 II .491 Portland SI 44 .413
E.alt Santla
aVftttlt 1-3. Lo ainftlu 010.
Portland 5-1, Attn PrancUco 4-1.
Sacramento 1-3, Oik land 2-1.
San Dlfio 7-4. Hollywood 8-1.
Silverton Sox
Divide Series
With Sweet
Silverton The Silverton Red
Sox and Sweet Home broke even
as the result of two State league
game: played over the week-end.
Silvyrton lost on McGinnis field
Saturday night, 4-1, and then
went to Sweet Home Sunday to
win, 9-0.
Errors played a prominent part
in Silverton s defeat as Bill
Hanauska pitched seven hit ball
Saturday night,
Sunday afternoon Chuck Sau
vain held the opposition to three
blows as his mates collected 11
off Berg, Sweet Home chucker.
Albany scored six runs in the
fifth Sunday to beat Bend, 7-4,
in the other State league encoun
ter. Next Saturday and Sunday
Silverton will engage the Bend
Elks on the Bend diamond while
Albany and Sweet Home play a
home and home series.
Sweet Hotna ....033 000 0004 1 I
silverton 000 001 0001 I I
Brlahtwall and Wiley; Hanauaka and
Silverton 000 113 1031 11 1
Sweet Home 000 000 000-4 I 3
Sauvaln and Kerr; Bera and Wiley.
Aumsville Edges
Aurora in Ninth
Aumsville The local Willam
ette Valley league club punched
across a run in the ninth frame
to edge Aurora Sunday after
noon 10 to 4. Each side tallied
seven times during the first
three frames and each scored
two more in the eighth. Opposi
tion batters drove the starting
pitchers to the showers early.
Aurora 331 000 030 I 10 I
Aumsville ..333 000 03110 14 6
Crnco, Smith (31. Mllea 141 and Men
denhall; Buxton, Wilkinson (3) and Loula.
Industrial League
Interstate ....4
Naval Reserve 4 1
Clear Lake t 1
Teanuter .3 3
Pom Office 1 I
Warren' 0 4
LabUh 0 1
Game thla week:
June 14, 010 p.m., open date; June
IS. 7:S0 p.m., Interatate v Clear Lake;
3:30 P m.. Post Office t Naval Reserve;
June 10, I SO p.m., TeamMer va Paper
rr alter; June 17, 1:30 p.m., Warner vi
Wi can help you chaos
Pain'ar if you wish.
"Salem Made for Raiem Trade."
- Walker Paint Co.
Padres' Easter Defeats
Stars; Bevos Take Win
(By the Associated Press)
The Hollywood Stars are thankful for Luke Easter's terrifit
box-office power but his batting power oh no!
The San Diego Padres' giant Negro first baieman made it
very unhappy week-end for the Stars. On Saturday night, hit
double and homer accounted for five Padre runs and a 7 to I
win over the Facliie coast
league leaders.
Sunday, Easter slammed his
22nd and 23rd homer in each of
two games to pace the Padres'
double win, 7 to 5 and 5 to 2,
over the Stars. Some 12,364
fans saw Sunday's twin bill, sec
ond largest crowd in Gilmore
field history. Total attendance
for the series was 81.010, a new
home record for the Stars. The
double win gave San Diego the
series 4 to S, the first home
series loss this season for the
The amazing Portland Beav
ers stretched their winning
streak to five games in taking a
pair from San Francisco. Tit
first game was a 13-innlng af
fair and the second seven Inn
ings. The scores 5 to 4 and 3
to 2. Eddie Basinskl's two run
homer in the 13th gave the Beav
ers the first one. Jim Gladd
doubled home the winning run
in the second.
Frankie Dasso racked up his
ninth win of the season and Or
val Grove his second as the Sac
ramento Solons took a pair from
tne Oakland Acorns. The So
lons' 3 to 2 first game win came
on Al White's double and Rookie
Bill Wilson's homer in the ninth
The second game went 3 to 1.
In the day's only split, Seattle
took Los Angeles 1 to 0 in the
opener and lost 10-2 in the
nightcap. The Angels belted
five homers in the second game.
Clarence Maddern bagging two
Charlie Scham chalked up his
12th win of the year for the
Ralniers in the curtain raiser.
He spaced six Angel hits. Alan
Ihde, the loser, gave up only
four safeties in his seven innings
but one was Al Lyons' 14th
Official Box
(Pint Oimi Box -13 Innings)
Van Francisco Portland
12 3 0 Marquei.lf 10 3 1
Holder, rf
Rocco, 1
Pur tee, c
Nicely, a
I 1 7 0 Snup. 3 I 111
1110 Thorn a,3 113
til Rucker.ef 4 13
13 2 1 Brofta.rf IIS
114 BMlrultl.l 112
13 0 1 Pernandc.e ft 1 I
0 0 4 3 Aiitln.M 4 0 3
t iWArh 89 REG Ll
If you own a Dodge Car or Dodge Truck
SAVE $63,05
If you own a Plymouth Car
SAVE $60.00
Gat your car or truck raady now for lummtr driving and
vacation trips at special low prices.
W will install brand new factory built engine (not a
rebuilt job) on Dodge and Plymouth cars (1935 to 1949)
or Dodge trucks, Vi, Va and 1 ton (1935 to 1949).
Installation of engine and all necessary parti Includes:
Install new engine assembly; completely rebuild carburetor;
new distributor points and condensor; new radiator hoses;
new crankshaft drive pulley; new oil filter; new oil; all
gaskets and seals to complete Installation.
Regular price, Dodge cars and trucks 352.05
Special price complete 289.00
Regular price, Plymouth cars - - 329.50
Special price complete 269.50
Limited Stack ef Engines Available
First Come, First Served
Dodge-Plymouth Tarn Dodge Job Rated Traeka
High and Chemeketa Streets
mi, 9 I I I I Baltimn p I
Wwiner" 1 0
Pmint.p 110 0
Tot la II 13 M it Totali it H II
Wtnner Hntd out for Saltiman Is
Two out wh wlnnlnf run acorwl.
San PrinclMO 100 300 000 000 1-
HiU 111 400 113 010 1-
Portland OOfl 000 102 000 I I
Hit 000 000 303 111 1 I
Run: Holder. Shofn'r, Loditiant. Par-
t. Ruoktar 3. BrovU 3, Buliukl. Krror:
Winning pltehr: FUmlnf.
Pitcher Tp Ab ft H Br So Bb
Naiy US 41 4 t I I I
Sultuman I 33 3 t I t t
Plrmlni s II 1 4 1 2
Run batted In: Roeeo, Partee S. Nice
7. Pernande. BrovU 8, Baclnakl I. Twt
baa hlU: Partet. Kuektr. Horn run:
BrovU, Parte. BMlnlrt. Stolen baetu:
Rocoo. Vauihan. Bacrlfir: Rucker. Doub
le ptara: Marquei to Thorn a; Nicely te
Lartdiiianl to Rocco. lft on burn: San
PrancUco 10, Portland I. Hit by Pitch-
Br Nat 4Au.Ulni. DmBlrtu: Untart.
Inteln and Doran. Time 3:30.
Second cam bow 1 Innlnaa)
an Prancljco Portland
Tobln.ef 1110 3 0 8 1 3 110 Shupe.l 4 18
Rocco, 1 13 10 Thomaa.S 4 0 11
Shofner,3 8 2 1 4 Rucker.ct 3 3 2 0
Lodlalanl.9 3 1 4 4 BrovU ,rf 4 1 2 1
Jirvla. c 3 13 1 Baal nk 1.1 X 1 1 2
Nicely, 3 0 0 3 Olattd. e 4 3 4 1
Lien, p 3 0 0 3 Aiutln.M I 3 1 2
Rhan,rf 3 0 10 BrtdarJi.p 1 I I
Holder. rf 110 0 1 0 6
Total 37 130 13 Totals 3 131 J
Two out when winning run acorad.
in Franc Lco 100 OfH 0
Hit 112 003 0
Portland 000 101 13
Hit 031 313 1 9
Run: Tobln, Bhofner. Thorn a. Rucker.
Gladd. Error: Tobln. Shofner, Nicety.
Pitcher lo Ab R H Br So Bb
Lien IS 38 3 I 3 3 3
Bridie 7 37 3 S 2 3 1.
Run batted In: Rocco, Bainki, O-laddl
2. Jarvi. Two but hit: Lodliianl. OUdd.
Home run: OUdd. Stolen bae: Shofner.
Sacrifice: Brlde 3, Rucker. Double play:
Shofner to Lodigianl to Rocro. Left on
bae: San PrancUro 5. Portland 11. um
pire: Enaeln, Doran and Mutari. T!mf
1:43. Attendant 1141.
Lo Antele 000 000 000
100 C T
ir 1 I I
Seattle 010 000 00-
Ihde. Anthony (I) and Malona; Sehani
nd Orao.
Lo Aniele 330 001 110 14 1
Seattle 000 300 0 1 t fj
Watkln and Burbrink: ArdiaoU. MeCall
(4). Hodman (7) and White.
Sacramento 001 000 001 J f J
Oakland 000 010 010 I t 1
Dimo and Ratmondl ; Qaawar and
Sacramento 000 ftl I J I J
Oakland 000 001 01 I 1
Orove, Conger (7) and Ratmondl; Burf
lon, Candlnl (7), Thorn won (7)r Cecil
(1) and Kerr,
San Diego 010 300 101 1 l 1
Hollywood 330 100 001 It 1
Ramtdell. Salveson (!) and Unaer, Band
lock ill ; Flore and Rltchey.
San Diego 210 010 11 I 1
Hollywood 100 001 02 I V
Barrett and Moora; Schallock, Wood
(B) and Sandlock.
250 Court St.
rhon. 2-1908