l' FOR SAL! MISCELLANEOUS! CLEARANCE 8AL fLOOR MODEL ODD ITIU8 Brina taaf of this ad to gi the price: CALORIO OAS HANOI, for eltr or bat tled . clock timer, light. Brand new, Lut '40 model, reeulsr price ll . Clerne Pc tllOM. MAGIC CHIP OAfl RANGE lor )Oltld gas, swing-out broiler and ovaa. light timer. Rtiular 1234 50. Ono 40 door model, to clear at 1117.50. OENCRAL OAS WATER HEATER for Cllr iaa. so-gallon. Oolj ooa. Reiular 177.00. Bale price HJM. . UTILITY FLOOR FURNACE for BOllled lu, pilot Hi tit nd 100 hut-o. 17. 000 BTU. AOA approved. Bait price 111. PAYNE FLOOR FURNACE tor bottled iu, aiighlly ued. 40.000 BTU. AOA approv ed. With automatic control. Bala price 150. BR1LLIANTFIRE OAS HEATERS for City 0. or for bottled iaa. 35.000 BTU. AOA approved. Radlant.Clrcultoi-Vatd. Salt price 157.50. SERVEL REFRIOERATOR, 4-lt., Uatd. 165.00. Brim Thli Ad To -. m OAS St APPLIANCE CO. 349 Ferry Street. Fa. J-0001 Opposite Marlon Hotel nUO GOOD USED Hoover vacuum cleaner. 015. Phone 3-0368. ELECTRIC HOT water tank, colled refute burner, prcaiura cooiar. ro. .,-. D13I' riMEVT mixer. babT bed. blib chair. 4151 Durbln. Ph. 3-0307. Bill SWING CUTOFF 13" aaw, heavy duty, bench. 030 Union St. nlM BABY BUOOY. Excel, cond. 35 lb. le box. Ph. 1-0700. 1 used 4 BAB aide raka. lute rat a U Trie tor Co. Ph. 8-4101. nl' 18 FT. Co-op Self-propelled Combine. Cut less than 000 acre. Will take 0 It. com bine or cattle. Alien Olnincn, hi. Albany. 3 ml. N.E. of Knox Butte. n0 HALF TON Chain Holit. like new. 114.00 10" S blade lawn mower 17.60. Baby Bmir, 15. Play Pen 1T.W. 10-cai. iec trie Water HtiKr. IIS. 50. 10U Portland B140 Jnriiiv KAfiDLE. nad bridle Ilka new Ph. 37103. nl metal RED At sorlng-rilled matt ran Davenport, Electric Sweeper. Ph. 37010 at 1040 Broadway after 4. nlS ARE YOU interested In the aervlct sta tion business? I havt ont lor saie at in ventory price. In Monmouth, Ore. Con tact Warden Doollttle, Distributor. Gtn era! Petroleum Product. Plant No 34610. T-D IS Ancle ft Tilt Down Si Carry All att. A-l eond. Ouarantee. Only 1300 hra. Very reaaonable. I. C. Claua. Rt. i. Box 45. Ph. 3110 Dallai. AUTOMATIC Donut Machine with track o o. Adinu. Rt. 8. box 080 Orel on City P140 OATS VETCH hay. Selllni out for 12. oo ion. ro. saw. rt!i.t.Kfi hriuhaa. 1740 Orant. Ph. 31357. nllfl FARMERS ATTENTION Fence) controll er!, mllx paateuriitr, at close-out price Tetter Appliance Co. Pl0 NO WAXING REQUIRED when you tue Plaatl-Kote, the oellophane-likt finlah for your fioora or unoaum. xesier ollance Co. nl' DEEPFREEZE home merer. 1130.09 and ud. Yeater Appliance Co n.' ELECTRIC SEWINO machine (Frtt-We tinthouie) Yeater Appllanct Co. nl4fl' EXHAUST FANS Ctoat-out price. Yeater Appliance Co. tlKED REFRIGERATORS, washing ma chines, range, water better. Yeater Appllanct CO. nm STEEL clothesline pott. Ill A up. Rail Ini in Mock, copper lanWrn A vane at reduced price. 1140 N Liberty. MM FEAT MOSS with turxey drooping 00c per sack. 0 tarkt 04 50. Vallev Far. Store.4340 SUvcrtoo Rd. Ph. 33034. Ol 40 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier, OlbaOD tnd Moatao Appliance at Oavurta. NEWBERO TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP SOIL High quality, attractive price. All kind: Pit run: travel; tand: mix eruth; concrete pfpt St tilt; re-lnforrlni itel; cement: septic tank OREGON ORAVRL CO. 1408 It. Front St. Ph 3-3417. B143 GARDEN SAND, f ravel, cruabed rock Shovel At drag-line excavatlm. WALL LNQ BAND O RAVEL CO Ph 1-0040 WHITE HOUSE Product. Fh. 3-8741, Bl41 U CU. FT. CHEST fr - Hew 8330 00 Ph. 3-4384. SALEM SAND B) O RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Retd . ciearlni D rich In wer A Buement Equipment Rental IS B H yd. 18 00 owr br M B yd. t.OO per Br D-7 Oat Doner 10.00 per br D-0 Cat Doaer 1.40 per br D-4 Oa St Doaet 1.00 Pf Bl Phone Day 8-1400 . Erea. 3-134 or 3-4400 Salem Orel on WALLING BAND Si GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED BOCK for road and drlvawtra cement, ready mix concrete, cardan land. BulldoaJnf. dralnac and dltchtni -pd. ahovel and dia line. Fh. 1-0340 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED IMMED. Larg leU of food uied furniture. Will a j top pneea. caii uienn wwwij, GOOD COUNTRY home to board two flrla. ace 1 and 8. ReaaonaM. Fh. 83010 before 3:30 p.m. nal On WANT etrawTMrr.ee. Market price eath. Contact Jory Packlni Co. at Ter mkoal lee, 310 D St. Phone 3-4400. na WANTED furniture to tin rrpalr. Lot Broe. Furs. rUflnUhlni Co Ph. 8-1001 PSED rCRNTTTJRE. Phone 1-0180. a' PERSONAL STANLEY HOME FTOdQCt. IBS CTOM St. Fh. 3-S440. 10 ALCOROUCS Anooymou. Dos Tit. 3-81J4 P100 AUTOMOBILES CLEAN '41 Chev. Special Deluxe 8 Dr. Sedan. 1700. Phone 3-0311. Q.141 it FLT. B-oaaa. Recently overhauled 1814 or rea. offer. Mutt U. 3107 North River Roed. e.144 into chev., excel, eond. Bee at 130S B wth lioo. e.141 '81 MODEL "A" Fordor Sdan. Oood mechanical condition. 101. 43S Fawk Avenue. 11 USED TRUCKS 1041 tnt'l Lon Wheelbaae Pickup lflS deral with Bodr and Hout 1S43 Federal with Locclni Equipment 1040 White with Lofiint Equipment 1047 Motor 1M7 O.M.C. 8 Ton 1041 lnt'1 Lnni Wheelha with Body 1046 lnt'1 KB-9 Lono Wheelbaae 1041 lnt'1 K-l 30 Paemer Bu 1048 H rater Loerlo Arch JAMES H. MADEN CO. VUl Sllverton Rd. Salem, Orecon Phone 14133 iJr 84 FORD FirKlT. With itation wacon body. 3J40 Cherry ave. Fh. 3-0847. clJO CAR AUCTION TO Rt Y or tell 9W ear. Market Sat. mint 7 SO p.m. Aumavtlle Sale A Service. Aumavtlle, Ore. Ph. 1001. qllO' It' CHEv7PE7l40sTiVh. 0144 '48 CHEV, FLEETLINB Aero ledan. RAH. Clean, in eood condition. Will take older car a part payment. Ph, 3-1770. a 140 1P?7 PONTIAC. Excel, cond. mechanically Near: mod ax new. oriilnal owner Reeonably priced. 1010 Wet Owen. Ph. 34130. m OP MFRCtRY 8 Door Sedan 0400. Rt, 8. Box 030. Homtitead Rd., after I P m. 0140 OTIS f qHO' '41 STl DFBAKrR. 3 dr. Champ, btr, rood cond. Pn. 3-7110. US' 4 M'FER DLE. PORD "8" 4 -door Sedin RAH. A-l condition. See 4k make offer Ph. 1-0341. olio 1041 FORD FlCRl'P tn pretty fair inane. motor overhauled iait low on ton tumpHnn, ipere tire. Can be had with or without pipe rrk anr viae. Phone Salem 1-ftOOI feefort O.JO, Of phnne 1-0108 tveninto, 4J1U AUTOMOBILH 1 117 FLT. 0-dr., 03M. 450 N. 30th. 0,130' FOR SALE; 1037 Re a Firing Cloud aedan by owner. Excellent runnint conaiuon. Demonstration by appointment. Ph 30041. 0 1040 TON DODGE PICKUP Low mile, excellent condition, heat er, 11101. Rt. 1, Box 100 or Ph. 8-4101 9.138' '41 KASM Amb. I crl. twin lin., over drive, passing oetr, weatner eve. raaio. bed. foam rubber cushion. Firat cla cond. 31100. Ctrl B. Hansen 740 S. Win ter. GOOD VIED Yd. Otllon Dump & HoUt. 1000.00. 10 ft. Van Bed, lnatalled. 1000. New 600 Oil. Oil- Tank with 3 Wheel Trailer. 1300,00. STEIN KE'B, 1010 N Com'l St. QUO 1648 NASH I ptJ. coupe. R.&H. Priced to ell. Rt. 6. Box 1051. Pb. 11138. 0.130' '40 MERCL'RT Conv. Excel, condition. 3135 Portland Rd. Ql3 -41 81' PER Bt'ICK atdanatti. 11.000 mtlei 030 Union St. 0130 -16 CHEV. Sedan 0135. Rt. 0 Box 434A. Prat urn Rd. 1 Ml. Eait of Sweile School. 0. 1 40 liw'pONTlAC Club Coupe. Oood. titan car. Be owner oo s. ntn Evea. or sun ql40' CLEAN 1X7 Cher. Coupe. Original paint Price 0350. Call at 874 N. Front. House In rear. 4iw '10 MERCURY Sport Sedan. Lett than 1000 miiei. hah ana lots oiner exira. Cott 13700. Sell lor 83150. Ph. 3-5035 3100 Garden Rd. 0.140 '41 O.M.C. 8x6. Equipped with Bauth man lime apreader. Ph. 3-0504. alOi1 '40 CHEV. conv. Orig. owner Low mlleaie. 670 N. Liberty, Apt. 0. Call tve. q!41 1043 Butck Super 50 CONVERTIBLE I puj N.w top. overhiull motor, food ttru. body pilot. Pb. 1-4132. Ev. t-ott Eisner Motors to Sell Prices Always Lowest t Teague's Used Car Lot We Don't Sell Them, They Sell Themselves 35 Fine, Thoroughly Reconditioned Used Cars Come In and See for Yourself Salem'i Most Progressive Dealer HOME KAISERFRAZER 2 Locations See Charlie Hayes at 2640 Portland Road See Joe Spurlock at 352 N. Commercial Teague Motor Company Phone 2-4173 1SV' FOR SALE: '40 Old! Clb. Cp. V.rj food cond. 040 K. 13th. Q140 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT - SELL TERMS 838 Pair round Road TRADB Phone 8-8454 Bob Marr Thl Tim It' HUDSON! Service Sale - Peru Home of Oood Diet Car 8HROCK MOTOR CO Church Ohemaketn St. Ph 1-0101 Eisner Motors to Buy 40 MERCURY STATION WAGON. Perfect condition. 01500. 0030 down. Ph. 34071, owner. See after ft p.m. at 730 N. Liberty Apt, no. am. qua1 Eisner Motors Pine Cars PONTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1445 '41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1395 41 Chev. sdn $895 '48 Ford pickup $1295 '30 Nash coup .$395 '36 Chevrolet sdn 295 TERMS TRADES Herrall-Owens Co. 00 tt. Liberty 1047 FORD PICKUP Vt ton, Inquire it houie trailer at rear of Central Howell Stort on Sllverton Road, tve. or Sun. a :so MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 8-1433 e FARM EQUIPMENT USED FARM MACHINERY Uaed Farm all Tractor with Plow Ued T-30 Traetraetor Deed TD-38 Traetraetor with Doser and Drum Uaed Para all with New Rubber Uied Oliver 00 Oood Condition TJaed TD-14 with Doaer and Drum Uaed Cletrao Tractor Ued Oarden Tractor with Equipment Uaed Plowa One, two and three bottom Practically New 60-T Pickup Baler 11-R Combine I ft. with Pickup. Out only o acre. We alao have practically full line- Tractors and Farm Equipment 1040 Byater Locilni Areh JAMES H. MADEN CO. 8058 Sllverton Ad. Salem, Ortion Phone 34133 qbl30 FOR SALE Late model Rototlller. uied 38 noura. price 0378.00. no Jayhawk Trail er waiee. junction Portland ana silver ton Roadi. cjbll1 BELT PULLEY for D3 with hitch on It, cood ahape, 10 ft. Oliver Superior iratn drill, power lift, food chape. Fair bank More hammer mill like new, for lood cow. ?h. 37108. qbl30 1047 FORD Fercuon tractor and equip ment. Very reuonablt. Rt. I, Box 105Z Ph. 31138. qblSO GIBSON GARDEN TRACTOR With plow due ft cultivator, IBM). Ph. 30114. qM40 AIRPLANES FOR SALE One 1040 Ircoup with only 350 Hrj. Hour meter; aermima altlmeref; 3-way Bend ix radio. AIwit hanitred. Jimea H. Meden Co. 3051 Sllverton Rd. Salem, Oreion. Phone 34183 or 33153. i no TRAILERS 8 WHEEL Trailer. Heavy dutv alt tteeT. 800x10 rubber, excel, cond. 101. Hubbard Home Appliance. Pit. 4111. t!4J UED COLUMBIA Houae Trailer. a'.mot new. S lee pa 4: Beauty Rett mattreaa and aprlni; oil heat; ea cooklni; both elec. and a lltA. Water under pre u re. lee brake See at Jtmej H. Madel Co.. 3055 Sllverton Rd., Salem, Oreion. Ph. .14113. llll' FISHERMEN: Cuatom 10 ft. houae trail er, Butene. icebox, bed, clean. 1475 or trade for bluer one. R. R. Rtek. Star- ton. Phone Blue 10SN. till Itto ALt'MlM'M trailer, eaitern built. 31 ft., excel, cond., full? equip. Sacri fice. Albany Trailer Court, Albany, Ore tl41 ,.1047 ROLLAWAY A-l condition, alerpe 4 1005 00. Ray HUrer OS 00E. Broou Ore. till 4 WHITLEY houae trailer 17. Sleep 0 two dr. tandem wheel, elec. brake, all furn. Can at Brook Trailer Park. 1114 State St. ti FINANCIAL !RKOAL FINANCE CO.. Ill S'tt. Rm 115 pn I 344. C B. Alrlen, Mar. Lr 8V133-M-144, 1180 FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONET Special rataa and term on larger loan loni and ahort Urn payment ROY H SIMMONS 130 Sorh Commercial St Phone 8-8101 AUTO LOANS WILLAUETTS CREDIT CO. 1S3 B Church Parkin a Plenty Ph. 8-3407 Lie NO M-1S0 S IJ4 i BEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE PARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4Vfc INTEREST 0 to 40 Year and No Commlaaloa Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 Stat Si Phone 8-3003 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-1SI and M l 31 and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 130 B Commercla Bt. Tel. 3-0181 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loan up to 8000 Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1001 Pain round Road Acroa atreet from oanb No Parklnc problem Phone 37033-Lle N U308-S30I Floyd Kenyon, Mrr. r FARM AND CITT LOANS 44". and 6 TOUR OWN TERMS ol repayment within raaaon Caih for Real Etat Contract and Second Mortcaxe CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Triwi Bid Ph 3-7101 ra Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings 'Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity. See State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. DIRECTOR? ADDING MACHINES All makei need machine aold. rented, repaired Roea 400 Court Phone 1-077 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aervlce Free eatimete Tiade-ln accepted on new appliance Vluce'a Electric Phone 3-0130 157 S Liberty 8t e AT-UR DOOR GRINDING AUTO RADIOS Authorlted Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radio Morro Radio Co.. 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-0055. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towtno aervlce day phone S-03S0 N!nt 3-1004 33? Center O Mike Panek. 375 B. Com'l. Ph. 8-5101 Brake and Wheel allanlni apedaiuts. 0154 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now Term. No down payment Phone 3-4850 o!44 BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bro Alo hoiuiea ratted. New foun dation. Phone 35000. ol57a BULLDOZING Dean Roblnaon. Ph. 20537 BulldotlnK. levelinc, road bid., clear Inc. teeth for bruah. Viral! Hiukey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3140. Salem, c-100 Lliht crawler doBlntt. Ph. 3-3330. ol0 CASH REOI8TERS Inatani delivery ot new RCA cah reiLMer A) make aold, rented, r paired Roen 450 Court Ph 8-0773 o1 CEMENT CONTRACTOR Oeneral cement cont. Honeat work at honeat price. Ph. 81505 or 3-74S7. 0184 For expert guaranteed tatlafaetlon new or renalr of foundation!, aldewalki. driveway, patloa. curbs, wait ate Call 3-4B60. 01' CEMENT WORK Bulldln foundation, remodellni, pont ine. Klan Bro., Ph. 33303. ol50 Let u do your cement work NOW Driveway, sidewalk, patloa, etc. Ph 1-4411. 0148 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum cleaned. Enaler 771 S. 81lt. Ph. 8-7170. olBO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vines' Electric for electrical wlrlno. contracting, repalrlu 107 ft. Liberty Ph. 80330. EXTERMINATORS Brelthaupt'a for nowtro. Dial 3-0170. o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watkln Co product Pre .lvery 1711 Center Ph 3-5300. LANDSCAPE NURSERY P .V Docrfler St Bon, Ornamental. 110 N. Lancatter Dr. at 4 cor. Ph 3-1133. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed rvlc. New power and hand mower. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 So. Com' Bt. 0155' LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING work. F. Roach, call 31030. Al your door lawnmower aharpenlnr Dealer the lawnmower man Pb. 36833 Fireplace, Ph. 35000. chimney ek block larlnt MATTRESSES Capital Beddln. Phone 3-4011. MUSIC LESSONS Spanlah and Hawaiian Gutter, Mando lin, Banlo, etc. 1833 Court Bt. Ph. 3-7510 olOJ" rHIBlnta "registry OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Dejk chair, files and filing auppllaa, a tea, duplicator and lupplle. desk lamp typewriter stand, brief Pierce Wire Recorder. Roen. 008 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SFRVICB Call Cr Toanaer, Ph. 3-0073. PAPERRANOINO Expert Paoerhanilni and painting. I Woodworth. Ph. 3-5100 Free eat. el4fia clfitrom' are equipped to do foui painting Phone 3-1413 e mintinondpaperhan6ino Pamtlng and panerhanglng. Free xV mate. h. 3-0513. 887 Shipplno. Q103' Call 33001 for your Painting Paper - haniln Attractive rat 0145' PICTURE FRAMING Pler freming Butchec Paint Stort PhokC 8-0887 w Fiaher. 144 B Com'l. Ph. 3-3010. Q154' PRL'NINO. SPRAYING Philip W. Bf.Jke. Ph. 3-1308. L W Caudle Ph. 3-T0OO RADIO REPAIR Oeneral Flee, home appl. repalrtne. Io ra1lo repa.nni Broadway Appl. Co 4M court Bt. saiem. rn. a-iaas. oij Complete aerv., rea rates. Free pickup ft et. John Radio Shop. 350 Court M Ph 30718 ft 81410 OI50 RADIATOR REPAIR Oined t pi l red i C Bur Sin Ph 3111). Br Dm-is Theatre. S.nce 1017 IU Grains Bound Up In Late Trade Chicago. June 11 The grain market overcame the in fluence of a highly optimistic, official crop report and bound ed up in late dealings today. Trading was active with a good deal of short covering account ing for much of the market s strength. Mill buying gave wheat sup- extended to less- than a cent and largely reflected an agri culture department estimate this year's total crop would be the second largest on record. Many grain men discounted this estimate. They said It would be the highest of the year. The reason for this view was an increase in reports of crop deterioration in the southwest because of recent rains. Some of these rains have been very heavy. Soybeans came ahead strongly toward the close, week -end short-covering being the major factor in the advance. Corn and oats overcame early weakness, but were not quite as strong as wheat. Purchase of cash corn on a to-arrive basis from the country slumped today. The close was at the highs. Wheat ended 1 Vo-lo higher, July $1.963s-L4, corn was un changed to 1W higher, July $1.32-1. 32. oats were high ed to higher, July $1.36 , er, Jyly 59 4, rye was unchang soybeans were 2s4-3Vo higher, July $2.25, and lard was 10 to 15 cents a hundred pcunds high er, July $11.25. Different forms of the Bantu language are spoken by tribes native to Africa south of the Equator. DIRECTORY REFRIGERATION ft APPLIANCE REPAIR SAND ft GRAVEL Oarden Soil crushed rock Shovel and drailin excavating Walling Band ft Gravel Co Phone 8-0340 o Valley Band ft Gravel Co Silt, sand A Ml dirt Excavating 10B ahovel ft eat Tractor scoop A truck for dirt movlm Ph office 34003. res 37140 oa Salem Saw Writ, r-h 3-7803 1393 N 5th 0151 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Raxor ?hrp Stee) Cutting Blade Clean Hewer oi Drains Septic Tank Cleaned Rta Ph 8-0331 er 8-0400 SEPTIC TANKS Mike' Septic Service. Tank cltaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewer. 1070 Cm 8t W. Salem. Ph. 0-0408. 3-5337. 0158" SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about in stall Ini the new approved 800 gallon concrete septic tank. We lay drain lines alao. Ph. 3-0468. ol4B K. F. Ham el. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on icwer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th St., WMt Salem Ph. 3-7404. ol4S TOOLS FOR RENT Howser Bros. Your power tool rental head quarters. New addraa 1410 B. 13th. Ph. 3-3040. ol03a TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portable All make used machine Repair and rent Roen. 456 Court, o TRANSFER ft STORAGE 'ocal ft Distance Transfer, iterate Burner oil, coal ft briquet Truck to Portland dally. Agent for Bekln Howe hold good moved to anywhere tn OB o Canada Lamer Transfer ft Storage Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Free eat Phont 37338 Elmer tht Blind man. e Salem Venetian Blind made to order oi reflnUhtd. Relnholdt A Lewis 3-3038 WELL DRILLINO J. A. Bnttd A Bona, well drilling. 3505 Brook St., Balem. Ph. 3-6000. el 51 WEATHERS-TRIPPING WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Hade to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdt A Lewi Pb 33630. WINDOW CLEANING Acme V.'lndow Cleaners Window, wall A woodwork cleaned Fioora cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph l3331 347 Court, Lansdoc, Culbertaon and Mather WOOD ft SAWDUST West Saler. Fuel Co. Ph. 8-4031. LEGAL NOTICE OF EXAMINATIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Civil Service Examinations ' for POLICEMEN and for FIREMEN subject to the rules. regulation and proviso of the Civil Berv ice Commission of Salem, Oregon, a amended will be held at the City Hall, Ba lem. Orecon. a follow: POLICEMEN, Police Department, Thurs day. June 33, 1040. 0 00 a m. OENERAL SCOPE OF EXAMINATION. in addition to physical examination by the citr physician: keenness oi ooaer tat Ion, reading comprehension, ability to follow direction, relation with others, aptitude for police work, simple problem in arithmetic, geography of the city, atate laws and city ordinances. Ten Per Cent credit allowed on War Time Service record. PAY: tail 00 a month for beginners, REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must hive oeen bona tide reildent of Sslem, Oregon, for at least one year Immediately pre vious to the date of the examination and must be reentered voter. AOE LIMITS: 31 to 18 Tiri fWTTH MILITARY "RVICE CONCESSIONS i . FIREMEN. Fire Department, FRIDAY, JUNE 34, 1044. 0 M a m. OENERAL SCOPE OF EXAMINATION In addition to physical examination by the city physician: keenness ol observe' tlon. read:n comprehension, ability to follow directions, relations with otnert. physical ability to meet fire department requirement. Ten Per Cent allowed on War Ties Bert Ice record PAY: 1335 00 a month for beg inner. P:,rlcal teat a would be ordinarily used in fire fithtln. REQUIHEMFNTS: Applicant must have been bona fide resident of the city of saiem, oreion, for at least one year im mediately previous to the data of tht ex amination and must be reentered voter AdE LIMITS: 31 to 31 year. AppilcnU will be required to take ohyaicai examination from the city phys ician. Each applicat ahall cause to M filed with tht Secretary of tht Comml sion ttttement from the city physlciin certifying that the applicant I mentally man phralcaily fit for the pnaltion of fire man or policeman. In the absence of turn a rertmctte en applicant wm not permitted to tune the elimination. APPLICATION BLANKS mar b tvined at the office of the City Record er, must be filed In per on. and will 1 be aerepted for filing after the fel low: fit dte FRIDAY. JUNE IT. 1040. gt I 00 P IT) Dattd Ot Salem. Oregon. June 7, 1048. Civil Service Cmmllfi Br: Alfred Mundt. Secretary end CMef Examiner Capital Journal, Juno I, I, 10, 11. 11, 14tB. il PI 1 3 II no k- 'Headliner' United Mine Workeri President John L. Lew ia, shown at his desk in his Washington headquarters, poses for his first picture since he called out his 4S0.OO0 miners for a one week "stabilizing period of Inaction." President Truman, commenting on Mr. Lewis' action, said John L. was hanting for headlines. (Acme Telephoto) MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Ltvaatacl Marktt (By valltj Packinf Ctimpanyi Cutter cow 10 00 to 813.00 Fat Dairy cow lli oo to ns.oo Bull 110.00 to 130.00 Calves, good '.JOO-450 lbs.) 110.00 to 120.00 Veal 1 150-300 lb. i good ..120 00 to i.uu Lwk price paid within l5e oi rori and price for each tvpe Top. 170-315 .be Portland Predate Batter fatTen tame, niejeel to lmm atate change Premium quality naitmum to JO to 1 percent acidity delivered m Portland 01 -04c lb., nrst quality ae-e.se second aualltv 07 -40c VaHey rout end country points 8c let thap flrat Batter wnoieiaie run ouia euoae w wholesale: grade AA. 03 icore. C1-03C; 03 score 00-OHc; B, 00 core. S7C id.: 00 score, 00c lb. Above price or strict ly nominal Cheese Be Dine eric to Purtltnd wnoi ale Oregon imgiea 304j 40 Wa Oregon I loai. 4l-aONo; wipiaw ww o ilngtes Ef a 4Te vDoieaierf graae targe SJ-Hc: A medium, 03-5Hci grade B. arge. 47 4-WtC Portland Dairy Market Better Price to retailers oraoe unnLi 00c: AA carton 07e; A prlnu 00c. A cartons, 07c: B prints. He. Eggs Price to retailers. AA targe 50c . cert If led A large, 00c ; A large 14-asc; AA medium. SSc: certified A medium SSc; A medium 14c; carton 3c ad ditional. Uheeae Prlee to retalltrt: rortiao Oregon singles 40-SOWic Ortgon loal. 43Sk-S3e; tripieu isoc lea: tnan em eu. Pnltrv Live Chlekene - No. 1 quality POP plant. No 1 broiler undtr 3W Ibi 37-30 lb; irrer lbi io-uc; id ii-sjc: roastera 4 lbs. and over 31-33C lb.; iowi. Leghorn under 4 lbs. 33r: ever 4 lbs. 3ftc; colored fowl, all weight. 30; roosters, all weight. ll-30c. Rabbits Averaie to crowera lot live white fryer, white. 4-8 lbs 31-lle lb; s-0 lb 10-Slc lb; colored 3 cent lower; old or heavy doe. 0-14c; dressed fryer to Butcher B7-80C. Turk eye (Prlcea quoted are lot to the producer on a dreattd wetgm oatiti - 0 S grade A young torn 41 13a lb : Na 1 young hens, nominally 00c Dressed tarkev to retllerai Otade S young bena. 70-7U New York lyla dreaa td A grace ycung toma M-00 Portland Mlteellaaeene Caieara Bark Dry 13HC lb., green 4f lb. Weal Valley eoers and medium grades 40c lb Mohair 38c lb. on 18-month growth. nominally. Hide calves, ioc lb., according to weight, kips 30c lb., beef S-iOc lb., bulls 0-7c lb. Country buyers pay 3c lea. Nat Qaatatleaa Walnatt Fran que t tea flrn jualtt torn oo. 34.7o, large. 33 7e; medium, 37 3e; lee and oualltv turn bos. 30.3a. taiga 30 3t: itdium, IB c; oab H.ac; eon tnei rim Quality large. ao.7c: medinm .; sec ond quality large. 87.3c; medium 34.7a: baby 13.3a, Fllberta Jumbo, 30e t targe. ISe. medium, lie; email, 13c quotation above supplies) wi nena Pertland Drain Portland. June 11 fv Wheat future and eash oraln unquoted. Cash whest tbldt: Soft whit 3 30; aoft white excluding rext 3.30; whit club 3.30: western red 3.30. Hard red winter: Ordinary 8 30: 10 cent 3.30; 11 per cent 3.37; 13 per cent 3.30. Hard white baart: Ordinary 8 SO: per cent 3.37; 11 per cent 3.30; 18 per cent 3.11. Today' ear receipt: Wheat 70: barley li flour S; corn 3: oat 0; mlllfeed IS. One type of banana has a single fruit which may be as much as two feet in length and thick as a man's arm, enough to make a meal for three men. LEGAL EXECUTRIX' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that PEANL OERTRUDE OWEN ha been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, appointed executrlt of the estal? of ALBERT EL- WYN OWEN, deceased. Anr peraons having claim aeainat ald ette are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said executrli st 310 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, within all month from the dtt or this notice Dated this 3 1st dv of May. 1140, PEARL OERTRUDE OWEN Executrix of the Estste of Albert Elwvn Owen, deceased. RHOTEN j PHOT EN SAM F. SPEEP.ATRA Pioneer Trust Building Sslem. Ores on. Attorntri for Bnetttni. Mr 31 31 June 4 II 10 LODGES A SALEM LODGE No. 4, AT. cV W&AM. will open at C lough Bar rick Mortuary Mori. June IS at 10:15 to conduct the funeral serv ice for Bro. Geo. A. Mpyerx. 13v Jq I.O O.F meets every Wed- iieaunr mgnt, v uiiiuib wwi oume, 1 Klntwood 204 AFAM Monday eve.. June IS, Stated communica tion. 7:30 p. m. west Balem citv Hall. 13J A Klniwood 304 A. F. At A. M. TyX. Monday eve, Junt 1). Slated cummunication, 7:30 p.m. West Sa lem City Hall. 130- KIR THK TIMK OK VOIR LIFE! "DAFFY AUCTION" 2 U. S. Airmen Sent to Prison Burlonwood Air base, Eng land, June 11 WPi Two U.S. air men were honorably discharged and. sentenced to terms at hard labor today for trying to hold up a Manchester hotel. A general court martial of the 39th air depot wing sentenced Cpl. Mitchell O. Sowell, 21, of Memphis, Tenn., to five years at hard 'abor. Private Cecil C. Gei- ger, 22, of Warren, Tex., was given two years. Both were charged with at tempted robbery. Sowell was accused of flour ishing a gun at Mrs. Winifred Clewlow, proprietress of Man chester's Winston hotel, on March 30 and demanding mon ey. Military police said Geiger was an accomplice. Sowell admitted in court that he had tried to rob the hotel He said Mrs. Clewlow apparent ly thought he was joking and told him to go away. "I started to step backward," he said, "and stumbled. The gun went off twice and both shots hit the ceiling. 1 ran away and caught up with Geiger about two blocks away." He said he decided to rob the hotel because "I owed my bud dies about $300 and they were hollering for their money." Geiger said he "needed mon ey for my leave." Sowell was arrested when airforce investigators found his uniform cap In the hotel, where it had fallen when he stumbled It bore a pin with the name "Elaine," which an air police officer had ordered him to re move earlier In the evening. Umatilla Pea Crop Cut in Half Pendleton, June 11 f Scorching spring temperatures and scant rainfall have slashed Umatilla county's annual $4. 000.000 a year pea Industry to about half of Its 1948 output. The 1949 crop will be about 55 percent of last year's, and well under the long-time aver age, County Agent Vic Johnson reported. He added that rains in the higher elevations could still help, but that the continued hot weather hurts more every oay The outlook for wheat somewhat better. Jim Hill, man- r nf the Pendleton Grain S"ou7pLrr..d -boutiSnell Sentenced to 10 25 percent less than last years bumper crop, or somewnere near the long time average of d.000, 000 bushels. Growers working lighter lands have been the hardest hit. and It is questionable if some of these fields will be harvested. Pea canners reported having a tough time getting enough peas to keep operating. One official commented: "We are having a dickens of a time getting enough peas to keep going." The result has been that there are far more Job-seekers than there are Jobs in the pea indus try. Ed Arnold, Milton, man ager of the nation's largest pea cannery, reported that there has been more labor available this year than anytime since 1939. The first machine to make barbed wire was patented In 1874. Palmistry Readings Will tell your pwt preient and future. Will advise on Readlncs. Onrn a.in. l f to It .m. Moved from 46fl Ferry ta 171 . Commercial love, marriMS j. X .A and business, -fill VI Answers all f II 1(7 Questions. Are Mfjjw wrein 1 9- - doubt Special I Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Grange to Meet At Coos Bay Coos Bay, June 11 Oregon'! state Grange meets here in its 76th annual convention starting Monday with more than 600 delegates already signed up in the advance registration. C. Girard Davidson, assistant secretary of the interior, heads the list ot outside speakers. He is expected to urge approval ol the proposed Columbia Valley administration. State Grange Master Morton Tompkins in his address Mon day is expected to discuss issues to come before the meeting, and perhaps to offer his recommen dations. In addition to the CVA, one of the controversial issues on the agenda is discussion of the Brannan farm program, pro posed as a replacement for the present price-support program. Gov. Douglas McKay speaks Tuesday morning and officers will be elected Tuesday after noon. Bridges Likely To Escape Trial San Francisco, June 11 (JP CIO Longshore Chief Harry Bridges may never come to trial on charges of conspiracy and perjury growing out of his nat uralization proceedings in 1945 Bridges has been indicted by a federal grand Jury on charges he swore falsely he was not a communist at the time of his nat uralization. Also indicted were Longshore officials J. H. Robertson and Henry scnmidt. They were charged with conspiracy. But the statute of limitation may intervene to throw out all criminal action against the de fendants. Such a possibility was broach ed yesterday by counsel for both sides and Federal Judge Michael J. Roche. F. Joseph Donohue, special as sistant attorney general, said: "We expect our entire case to be attacked on the ground that the statute of limitations has run out. We hold that the satute is five years in immigra tion matters, not three. No Trains for British Sundays London, June 11 VPi Rail way sinkers defied today a gov ernment demand to end their Sunday only" work stoppages on Britain s state-owned rail lines. Engineers and firemen, de manding revised schedules which will not keep them away from home at night, went ahead with plans to halt their trains on north-south lines at midnight tonight for the fourth week-end in a row. Meanwhile 49,000 London trainmen were called to a mass meeting Monday to decide whether to bring all London's surface and underground lines to a standstill. Rail union offi cials said any action taken would be unofficial and with out union sanction. In addition to the schedule changes demanded bv engine men, the nation's railwavmen are seeking a general 10 shill Ing ($2) a week pay raise. ine laDor government sent a stern demand to the strikers last midnight to quit the "Sunday only" walkouts so negotiations can be resumed. Strike leaders contended to day appeals to end the stoppages "have so far been a complete is i failure." The Sunday strikes are not union-led. f . IT parr pr nn I0T 13110. . . . "-r - Edward Willie Snell. 27, was handed a 10 year prison term by Judge George R. Duncan this morning on his plea nf guil ty to a charge of statutory rape committed on a 13-year old girl. The court had received his plea earlier but Saturday morn-1 ing received testimony dealing with the crime so the court could be more fully advised as to the circumstances surround ing it before passing sentence. Snell reportedly is married and the father of two children. FERTILIZERS NOW AVAILABLE AMMONIUM NITRATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA NITRATE OF SODA CYANAMID 16-20 AMMO-PHOS. 11-48 AMMO-PHOS. Woodburn Feed & Supply Co. Phnn M-147 Woodburn Saturday, June 11, 194013 Salem Markets CoMplcted from ceperli eg Oaieet dan tre fee the galdaaee at Capital Jearaal Seadeta. iBevt dally Beiall Peed Prteoa ' Etc Met) 10.00. Rabbit Pellet 14 M. 1 siry Feed SI.05. Peellrvi b jyint iric Or ad A eeiOv-1 ed hen 28c; grade A Leghorn hen,1 34 cent. Or ad A colored ' fryers, three pounds and up. lie. Orade A old rooat 10 -enL , tige Buying Price Extra large AA, 43c t Inrat AA 01c, lartt A, 40-ft3e; medium AA 40c; medium A. 41-40c; pullet 30-12e. Wholesale Prlcea Egg bolts! price I t 1 cenu sOove these prices above. Orade A generally ouoted ot 60c, nva-fl-um 4e. Batterfat Premium. OSe, No. L Old No. 8. 0S- le (buving prices . Better Wbolasal grad A. 00; tw- L 11. Junior Rose Festival:. Parade in Portland Portland, June II UP) Tht adults gave way to the young sters today, as the junior rose festival parade began its march through the east side of Port land. Small Queen Patricia, th head of junior Rosarla, took over from Queen Joyct, who was re cuperating from yesterday'! sunburn. Queen Patricia and her small court moved down the line 6t march along with brownies, bluebirds, and children's Hosts. DEATHS Jean B. Hani els Jean B HarnoU, lata resident of Port land, at a local hospital June 1, at the at of 64 years. Survived by wife, Alle Harnola of Chltolm, Minn., two daugh ter, Bertha M. Clark of Pipestone, Ulna , and Anaellne Linden of Portland; two sons. Tom Harnol of Portland and Jk Harool of Ban Diego, Calif.: and a broth er. Jack Harnots of Sao Pranclsro. Announcement of atrvlca lattr by the Howell -Edward chapel. " t Oearge CO tar Barley, Jr. Oeorce Bdaar Barley, Jr., late resident of 103 Broadway atreet, at a local ho pit el, Wednesday, June 0. Survived by wife, Mrt. IvelTn Barley of Balem; a da ugh tag j flnanna Barley of Balem; tp-on( Tommy Akera of Balem; parent, air. nd Urs. George B. Barley, Sr.. of Down- ingtown. Pa.; a lter, Mr. Robert Trader, of Downlnctown: and a brother, Paul Barley of Philadelphia. Services will be eld at tha Clough-Barrtck chspel Tut oay. June 14, at 1:30 p.m. with Inter ment In the City View cemetery. Rltutl ta lc aervlce by Capital pott No. 0. Amen can Legion. fH ueortt a. Merer Oeori A. Merer, let resident of TOT 13th at., at a local hospital. June 0. fliirvtved by tha widow, Mrs. Oeortt A. Merer. oon, otorga Edward Merer, and three daughters, Marjerle Julia, Meyer. Marvel Otonia Merer and Mrs. George W. Thomas, all of Salem: two sis ter, Mrs. J. a, Harriot of IndlnapottM ma., and Mr. Arthur Taylor. Cleveland. Ohio: two brother. Edward Meyers of San Francisco and William Meyera. Al turvivra oy two grandchildren. Service be held from the Olouth-BarrUk chapel Monday, June tt. at 10:30 a.m. wait tha Rev. L. L. Rica officiating. RiU i.Utlc aervlce by Saltm Lodte NO. 4 AP as AM. Interment in Balcreat Memorial park. Mrt, lela Irene Bagland Mr. Lela Irene Rati and. at the resi dence, route I, Brook. June 10. Survived oy husband, Noble Rat land of Brooks; a son, Jsmes Ratland of Brooks; two sla ters, Mrs. B. L. Thorneberry of Brook and Mrs. Je Scott of Borger. Texas; four oromer. cnaries Lang ot Wheeler. Tex as, William Lang of Shamrock. Tesa. Henry I, arts of Monterey, Calif., and Otl L,an oi Denver, coio.; and three hair brothers, James Rucker of Slaton. Teia WIH:m Rurker of Brownswood. Te, and Wilton Rucker or Anton. Texas. Serve less will be held at tha Clouah-Barrtck hapel Monday. June II, at I p.m. with Rev. Beth R. Huntlniton officiating, te ar men t la Be!cret Memorial park. r Mrt. Sharon Blek ' Mr. Siiaron Rick, lata resident of Sa lem route 0, at a local hospital, June 0 at tha ate of 35 year. Survived by hus-v band. Albert Raymond Rlrk of Balem; two daughter, Louise and Sharon, both of Sslem; pnrentj. Mr. and Mrs. James Elar do nf Orovllle. W.h.: a sister, Mrs. Dor is Kline of Orovllle. Wssh. Services wera held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Satur day, June II. at 0 30 a m., with Intermenf at Belt rest Memorial park. La are Belle Mesa Laura B:ie Moss, at the home of hVY daughter. Mr. Leston W. Howell t 830 North Capitol street. June 11, at. the age of. 03 years. Survived by two daughters. Mrs. Isejtlon Hildai Howell and Mrs. Msbel H IL both of Salem; a brother. Mark M. Mvers of Portland: four grandson. Dr. Clifford P. Htil. Richard W. Hill. Rob ert L. Hill and Howard Hill, al! ol Sslem t a great tranddauanter. Kathleen Anoe Hill of Salem: two nephews, Or. John W, Mrers In Oregon City and Vlrtll V. Mr of Independenre and eeversl niece and nephews In California and Missouri. Member of the First Christian church at ft tide ton. Ore eon Announcement of servloe later by the Howtll-Idward ehsp ei. Alle Remplen Bwco.ee. Alice Ktmpton Swanaon. at the resi dence 131 North lth street. June 11, at tn see of 01 yeara. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Walter Mean and Mra. Lee Cross, both of Salem: a grandson, William R. Laeey ol Salem: two grand d' uihters, Mr. Oertrud DeLapo and Mr. Kenneth Owvno. both of Salem; and four ireat grandchildren. Servlros will be held Monday. June II, at 1 10 e m. al the w. T. Rlgden ahapel. Interment , the City View eemettrr. SALEM LAWN SPRINKLER CO. Salem's Own . I " Salem's Exclusive ! ! . with the experienct that counts Phon 3-4S37 734 N. High St. 1:1 a..