12 Capital Journal, Salem, UI.ASI1F1SO AOTIBTlllMOl Per LIM 1M Per Une 6 time e Per Um time 00 Per LIM 1 month . U-M " Ouutd W tele lto par Us mi day ilia Wei I time mln 86)6 time ntn II JO N Refund UADVftl la Ucml CM. 0li Jo Pisco) ad Ad Phone i-40w FOR SALE HOUSES Y OWNER; Cloa in, mall houi. cement floors, shower, toilet, 40 u, oriuao. weu, A. rich soil. Total 1300. 130 Norman ' Ave. 4 blks. K. or bum nosp. mu Y OWNER: 2 blocks W. New Medical . jCHnlc. 2 Bdrms., hardwood fin., full .basement, piped oil furnace, garage. Im ' mediate, possession. Price 68500. 636 Cet- lernn Ave. in.. i-oiii or ,- 4 KM. Modern Home. Lane corner lot, at .bached garage. Uuit tell Itnmed. Owner being transferred. 756 McNary Ate.. W. -Balem. 139 BY OWNER: Large noue, I rm. down, I up. 4 lota, fruit 4b nut trees. Could be made Into apu. Price 046OO. Back SchelL P. O. Bos 326. Oenral. ai59 FOR SALE BY OWNEm,: New 2 bdrm. home.PH A, term. 6750 down. Pnone 3-3880. a 160" KINGWOOO UTS. 2 bdrm. home, b ment, rumpua room, oil heat, two 11 re places. New carpetlni, F.H.A, Call own er 3-S3U. aiwv BT OWNER: 3 "fcated. 033 N. b.r. home, 17th St. centrally lo- 140 LEA VINO ,t FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath upstair and down. Hardwood floor through out. Full Plas tered earaie. Lot oi storage space, Terraced back yard. Cost over 118, 4)00 to build. Will sell for S14.W0, some terms. Also will consider cheaper house In trade. For more Information Inquire at Stevens Used Cara, 676 S. 13th St. ii IMMEDIATE pos. Small house At double arise. r acre. Excellent well. IMWO, 13000 down, balance terms. Rt. 4, box .098. Ph. 2-0734. mL NW Prlnile school on Battle Creek road. a!41 NEARLY NEW attractive 1 bd. rm. home, f pi ace es Venetian blinds, all modern tt big gar. For quick sale, 14,000. Immed. pos. Terms. iw iana Ave. en. aim. 141 A REAL BUY Large living rm. with fireplace. 2 Bd. -m. Full dining rm. with French dr. penlng Into patio and beautiful back ward. Lane landscaped lot with view of ity. Price 19000. W1U taka limit F.H.A. Joan. FOUR BED ROOM Attractive older home, large lit. din. rm. Full basment and large porch. 230x 110 ft. Shady lot. Planted to fruit, ber triea and flowers. Restricted Diet. Owner moving to Calif. Will sacrlflc for lM, Cell Bon Clean. "Vyalter Musgrave Realtor .,311 Bdtewater BY- OWNER. Home with 2 bdrms.. "rm., din. rm., kitchen bath. Large 'karate with guest tt utility rm. Large tot. Excel, location. 17000. 1010 Norway Bt. Ph. 3-35B6. a 139 cIndalARIA, S bdrm. home. By owner. 330 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 11341. alOl BY OWNER: New 2 borra. home on V A. Near school, bus shopping center. 'Largo llv. rm., din. rm., utility nice -kitchen with lot of built Ins. H.W. Doors, unfinished upstairs. Oarage. Ph. -2-2358. al41 8? BDRM. older style corner lot. Small down payfent. 2305 N. Sth. a!43 fttJtM. modern, newly redecorated. Price .33M. Small down payment. Ph. 3-747. in al39" Ntw l rm! Wired for atove. Well partly dm. Cherries, walnut, garden In. Lot tox300. Inquire at 410 Waldo. Price 11730. al39 GOOD BUY 16050. New. 2 bdrm. North. Hdwd. firs. Utility rm. ttaohed gar. Auto. W. ars Stem. to A. Appraised O. X. loan 15000. This la priced to sell. ;C. W. Reeve Realtor -45 S. Com ml. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. : ailf RM. cottage. Oood location. 4 fruit tree. 63800. 670 Ratcllff drive. al43 BDRM. HOUSE. Llv. rm., kitchenette, hardwood floors, attached garage. Un- llnlahed upstairs. Lot 00' 1 113'. Price 'y.300. 4750 Harconrt off Dearborn. ! BT OWNER. A bargain, attrac Cap Cod -Built 1S41. Nr. Bush school. to blk. to bus. 2 bdrms. dn., 2 up. Hdwd. fir, dn. Oil fir, furn.. In. weelheratripped. Nearly fenced back yard. Price 17150. 11550 dn. Bal. FHA. 1131 Leo St. Ph. 2-4703. alii COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS ' ROOTTN-TOOTTN OOOD BUYS POSSIBLE 9150 DOWN and III month will buy 3 Rm hs outside city limit. Price 11400. POSSIBLE 1300 DOWN and 130 month will buy unfinished house H. in elty limit. Prtee 13400. POSSIBLE 1100 DOWN will buy 2 Rm Hae on large lot, Electrle Well. Cloa to school. Outside city. Price 11800. POSSIBLE io DOWN and 210 month will buy you lot 80130 ouUtde rtly limit HE. Price 6136. POS&IBLE 1000 DOWN will buy you Oood 2 bdrm hs with unfinished upstairs. 2 car garage. Loeat ed on 4 acre 1b elty limit. Price 13500. OLBATH LAND CO.. REALTORS "' OP EN EVES TILL 6:301 16 Center St. Ph. 24053 KINGWOOD HTS. ... thl, I bdrm horn,. Bxrl!,nt Uw. .Apt. In bumDt, Onlr T.rmi. B. Isherwood Realtor tOOY N. O.pltol ril. 33MI. Bv.. MtH al HEW t BDRM. hotnt. HtrdwcMd floor,. ftil kitchen, lot of built-in. Oil hrat. S.autllul Tie. IHM. PO. 111)? -irwnr. 1M EjYlY HIM DN. Hodrrn BR horn. m.- (Uitrlcl. B,l,no. M00. F.H.A. Ph. Mm. J2. Biggest Bargain in Oregon f-room house and bath, hot and cold thaler, gas Its hi, ahrub and flower. I OPn hnujte Sat. and "on, 13750 terms. Oervats. Bar Luthy. 0160 tE0N7CHILDS, INC., . REALTORS 'CLEAR LAKE DISTRICT. 1 acre good !oll. Unfinished 4-rm. house. Elec. wa iter srstrm. Small chicken house. Price "only 13130 "ao1 acres. 0-rm. house. Some fruit, "sprlni water. IMMV "WORTH THE PRICE, t Mm. plastered "house, practically new. Nire slied rooms. iLene garac. Paved street. Enalewood Du(. Price onlr 18000. Leo N. Childs, Inc., ! Realtors it Stale Bt. Pftrme 1-30M Evening Call: 1-4001 or 2-6102 ai40 5 Bdrm. F.H.A. Terms ggNew hardwood flra cement foundation. gJ:vtns rm , din. rm., kit . Venetian glind. floor furnace, att. gar. Close to fjBL. Vinrent'o school. Full prie 66,750. Rawlins Realty H oil t wood District a)h. 2-4684. Eve. 2.0011, 3-7136. 3HTI7 ! Open House Sunday : 2:00 to 6:00 NO REASONABLE OFFER S REFUSED eOModern I BR hfwne with largo rooms. rlatred, insulated, aeather trlpred. aahardwood floor, carpeted, electric heat. Sfcenetlen blind Aj drape Rum by door. Smear school 6 tore. aardea Road. Rt. a, box 116. Ph 81116 - iJW. NF.W '"f ached garue. Lot 100x160, Can ,.. State Finance Co., R'ltors 318 63. HUB SU, PB. 3-4111, B0. 661 142 Oregon, Saturday, June 11, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES OWNER TRANSFERRED, will take car on eeuitr. Ranch type, new a fed. rm. electric. Fr. P1-. Hwd. firs., landscaped. w. atrip, Ins. Or will trad for house In Eugene. 155 Morntngald Or. al40 .tot NEAR ENOLeVoOD SCHOOL. lovely I bdrm. rambling type borne, has large room end everything. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor too South Commercial Phone 3-3640 Eve. J-SIM a 1401 LOOK at thl for only 17150. 2 B.R.. hdw. floors, Venetian blinds, nice list living room and the yard 1 good. THIS IB STORY AND HALF, I room home ha lot of square feet, all room are good us, and witn tne nice Basement. sawdust heat, fireplace and hardwood floor, make thl a good bur at 18000. Goodwin and McMilhn REALTORS 414 Court Ph. 1-4707 Ev. 2.47712-1212 a 140 BY OWNERi 2 bdrm. home. N. Pine kitchen, fireplace, attacned plaatereo garage with utility room. 120 N. 22nd. a!41 REDUCED for quick sale BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. hs.. lovely yard, shrubbery, 6350. Includes circulating heater At rang. Bendu optional. Near bus, store school. 455 Ford St., Salem al44 PRIVATE PARTY: rm. house, S bdrms. to block lo Highland school. Small down payment, balance 150 per Will have to sea to appreciate. Full price 14750. Will aell furn. Ph. 2-0083 al41 BY OWNER Living rm.. kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 BR, bath, full bsmt. Oarage, large lot, fruit trees. 1110 NEBRASKA ST. PH. 2-5073 FHA APPROVED al30 A NICE modern two bedroom house la the Leslie district there is a 47500 Q loan which can be assumed. Owner win sell for as little as 11300 down. A good property and a good value. Total price 59050. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 North High St. Phone 2-700 Kve. Phones 3-4311, 2-6605 a 139' EARLY POSSESSION Of a three bedroom house, nicely lo cated near grade school. The house ha basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, dining room and nook; attractive fenced yard with outdoor fire place i ga rage. It' priced at only 17090. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 141 North High St. Phone 2-7060 Eve. Phone 2-4501, 2-6005 al30 ALL THE EXTRAS! In thl moderately priced 2-bedrootn home with floored attic, croner lot. outdoor fireplace, sprinkling system. double garage, ft block to school. Only 17000. No. 352. 3 BEDROOMS! Lovely setting, private drive, to base ment with auto, oil furnace, main floor utility room, fireplace, dining room, lovely back yard for children. Easy term. No. 204. 1 ACRE! Very close In on corner at bus line. Hard surfaced road on both sides of property, 1 bedroom home. Part base ment. Lots of fruit and nut tree. Only 17000. No. 311. SUBURBAN RANCH! 2 home on 40 acre. 1 home very mod ern with fireplace, basement, auto. heat. Also older type 3-bedroom home. Year round creek, excellent barn. Just the place for a lot of fun for the whole family. Only 111.600 with very easy term. No. 1056. F.H.A. LOANS MULTIPLE LISTINGS Reimann for Real Estate 401 South High St. Phone 2-0303 Eva. Sun., 2-1241, 2-2346, 3-5905, 3-3736 a 130 A LAER NIAGRAB ! ! ! Tea, folks, regardless of how you epell It It's "A Real Bargain." A 2V bed room comfortable home nl Salem' beat location, Owner MUST leave at once priced reduced from 19800 to 17400. Nice wooded lot on beautiful FAIR MOUNT HILL, wonderfully secluded, nice patio. If you don't believe It drive by 125 E. Superior. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone 2-5116. 331 North High Eves. Si Sun. Ph. 2-7534, 2-1724, 2-7433. a 140 MANBRIN GARDENS 1 10,750. Beautiful, modern l-year om nous, l bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath. Inside utility room, attached garage. Wall to wall carpet In llv. rm. and din. rm. Panel fireplace wall. Large lot. Backyard fenced. Call or aee Andy Hal vo.'sen. Phone office, 3-6030, or home, 2-7163. McKillop Real Estate Center and High Sti. a!39 BT OWNEB: Attractive new 2 bdrm. home location Ideal for small children Engle wood. Automatic oil heat, f'place, hdwd fl. throughout, plenty of storage, new lawn. 86,100 F.H.A. loan. 1070 N. 23rd 136 OPEN HOUSE 1350 Norway St. Sunday Aft. Make an offer on this one. 6600 down buys sew 2 bdrm. home. FHA term. 6700. 81000 down, new suburban furnished home. acre. lOSSO. 1 1 MM down I bdrm home. Myrtle St. Rent 365 mo. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate tea. j-oih North Bu Dennt a 130 BUT FBOM owner If you are In the mar ket for a new home, never lived In. See this beautiful 3 odrm. home, over the week-end In Salem's nicest district. Priced 112.500 FHA. 80.500 at 345 Can dalaria Blvd. 2 to 6 and T to 0 p m Builder, Pence A Sons. a 130 BY O W NE B : Leaving state.' must aell 2 bdrm. unfinished house. Lot 00x130. 3 blocks from school. Bu by house ev ery hour. WIU sell on terms, 870 Cade. 141 0S.7M. CLEAN 1 bdrm. home, furnished Close lo school. Bus at door. South. Call Stanley Brown with ! State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 8. High Bt. Ott.eeo. CLEAN modern 2 bdrm. home. Hollywood diet Close to Catholic chool. Hdird. floor. Fireplace. Parly room In basement, Thl 1 a beautiful home. Must sell. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 163 63, High St., Ph. 24131, Emj. I-SMM ga.ae. NEW modern 2 BR home on bus line, close to school. Hdwd. floor, fire plre, oil furn a re, V blinds, attached garage. Immediate possession. 1450 da. Cell Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 113 S. Nigh St.. Ph. 2-4131. Eve. 356l By OWN1B: Oood 4 bdrm. home. Ph. Sm ali OPEN HOUSE Sun., May 12, 1:30 to 6 AT 1320 MARKET ST. You'll find real value hrr. in a I BR home, basement, fireplace, at only $8950. BURT PICHA, Realtors 179 N. Hiih SU Ph. 2-349 Sill FOR SAL! HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS SERVICE STATION Oood locttloa. 1 hotuu, tcr. fu.l ell tnics. iBCom. 113, par pne, 111.000. Call Roy Forrl. APARTMENT HOUSE SPECIAL mo, old. beet of construction, elec. heat, partly furn, I per mo. Price 155.000. Call Coburs L. Orabenhorst. 11 unlu. lneom M CANDALARIA HEIGHTS Salem' finest residential are. Her t on of the beet view. 2 bdrm. homes In Sslem. Hwd. firs., llv. rm., din. nook. Inside utility, dttl. garage, forced-air oil furnace. Price 114,750. Call Peter Oeiaer, GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Office Phone 23471 Sundaya and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 3-8010 Peter H. Oelser 3-99U Earl West 2-1333 all OPEN HOUSE BRAND NEW SUNDAY, 2:00 P.M. TO 6:00 P.M. 1835 NORTH WINTER STREET BUILDER'S BARGAIN A grand 2 bedroom home with auto, oil beat and fireplace. Oood U kitchen and convenient utility room. The bedroom are of ample else. The best of material and eicellent workmanship, built according to FHA specifications, guarantee a home of top quality. 11700 down and 153 a month will move you in Immediately. Full price if 100. ALDEN BOWES REAL ESTATE 2360 FAIROROUNDS ROAD Phone 3-3687 Phone 2-4791 Phone 3-7276 al39 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNEB: Eng. style 6 rm. hae. 3 B.R., brk. nk., F.C.B., auto oil, so. man Phone 36766. a 1 2J PANORAMA view cottage at Road's End. Might take modern bouse trailer & part. Phone 2-4540. a 140' ENGLEWOOD Verv nice 2-bdrm. home. hdwd. firs. f'place, eicell. loc., 50x100 lot. owner needs larger home In Enilewood, Will pay cash difference. INCOME PROPERTY Lavel g-unlt nermanent rental court. Large lot, 3 farages, utility rm. Income tilt per mo. pius owner quarters, Ac cept nice home la trade. 40 ACRES NORTH All in cultivation except some paitura, 3-bdrm. home, stocked and equipped, Take home in Salem as part payment. 32i2 ACRES Excellent soli, this year's crop goes If taken aoon. nice modern home, good barn, stocked and equipped. Take Salem noma as pan payment. We have many more good llsllnga choose from. Come lo and let's talk It over. Call Mr. laNooneheiter. H. E. Corey Real Estate VIEW HOME by owner. Candalaria Heights. New 2 bdrm., lge. liv. rm., din. rm., kitchen and nook. Dble. garage, auto, oil furn. Immed poss. $14,500, terms. 245 Al ice Ave. Out S. Commercial, turn west at Dairy Queen. Ph 3-4408. .139 INCOME property tor Ml. In heart ot Hollywood, witn B-yr. leaae. uooa in com. New bulldlni. 1M Jf. 16ln at. alal FOR SALE LOTS LARGE BUILDING lot. Englewood district. Keesonaoijr priced. PH. 3sm. aa- 016 DOWN and 313 per month for lot with fine water. On SUverton Road close to school. General Real Estate 255 Center St. - Open Evenings aal3 VIEW LOT 75x75. City water, basement dug. King wood Dist. ow. wi, aays rn. 33998. 1206 Ferry. aal38 CROISAN CREEK building site 4 miles from Land St Bum. Year-round creen, timber and shade trees. 135 ft. frontage on Crolsan Road. Sign on property ad joining new construction, owner on property Sunday. aal39 VIEW LOT, 64x143. city water, bus serv ice, near school b, bioerty Ha. season able. Ph. 22100. aal43 6 LOTS In southeast Salem. Price S1800. W. G. Krueger Realtor 147 M. Com'l Ph. 2-4738 VIEW LOTS, 600 blk Tut a Ave WOOD ED LOTS, 600 blk.. Ratcllff Dr Re trie ted, elty water. Ph 3-4314. aa FOR SALE FARMS MOTHER-IN-LAW LIVING QUARTERS 70owvt acre close In, nice two bodrm. modern home PLUS two rm. house In back for in-laws. 610,00 6 acre, good location, 1 rm. house, larsa barn, 34x100 chicken house, 2 acre fruit dt nut. Call Ivan Slver Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 B. Commercial Phone 2-3840 Eve. 2-7012 bl40 60 A. FARM. Will take trade. Inq. 00T N. Capitol Apt. 6. blit 30 ACRES NORTH All good Willamette soil, part cleared t In crop, balance fine paature it some timber, 2 small bids. It priced at 57,000 for quick sale. DAIRY North on paved road 51 A. all In crop B pasture, late built modern home with 1500 aq. ft. floor apace. Lots of out bides all fence. All equipment goes tncld. Ford tractor 6 nice cow. Thl la good buy at 116.300. Terms. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3335. Eve3-7686 b!40 FARMS 85-ACRE FARM, Orade A dairy with milk machine. Beautiful house, 1 c aires. All farm machinery, well for Irrigation, Crop in. Short distance to Satrm on pavement. HAVE A WONDERFUL 1 acre with 2 bdrm. house. All fenced and crow fenced, double garas. City wster. nice lawn and flowers, Ven. blinds. Would make a nice place for working man to have a few enwa and chickens. 4g ACRES EAST of Salem, nice home near Pudding River and creek, with Ir rigation rliht on both. Nice deal for nursery. Equipped with farm machin ery, small garden tractor cow, fruit and walnut (or tamilr use. 00 ACRES in Howell Prairie district, on pavement. Nire farm. If taken at once buyer get crop. Barn, poultry house, machine shed. 110 ACRES, nice Col. type home. Nice barn, hog house, chicken house, new fruit nous. If this place to taken at once crop go with it. George W. Hubbs Co. J. ZEEB, MANAGER 1653 N. Capitol Phone 1-3031 P. C West. Farm Salesman O. West. Farm Salesman. Ft. Ph. 2-546 Evening Phone 3-8481 b!) Suburban 31 A. I bdrm. home. Large LR. Fire place. DR. B nook. Dble. plumbing. Bsmt. 3 car ear. Oood trout stream T A. otraw Si cane berries. Price 111.000. C. W. Reeve Realtor tt . Cann l. PH. I-UM. tva. !) FOR SALI ACRIAGI 8H ACRE with 50 feet hlway front age on So. 00 Older tp hem ith outbuildings, fruit ahade tree. Sti5. Phone 2-6110. bb!44 ACRES North with Income. Modern el ect rie home. Oood barn, nice yard, ahrub. family orrhard. etc. Priced right. Rt. 3, box HI. Salem. Ph. 1-1851 bbltl tu ACRES, new heme. 6400, RU Box 640. Bast B4. M1J0 IFOR SALI HOUSES t l.nd. v.ldln, tad r.pilr hop. mo. ItMO U1 Atndu. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or trade for Salem property Rental property In Eugene on 00 N Valued at 118,000. 6 units, room for expansion. Write Lakeside Lodge, 3741 Barger Drive, Eugene. c!41 Best Buys ENGLEWOOD DIST. 81000 down on a neat, rather small but weu arrangea nom. Attacnea garage, nice front and back yds. Electrle heat. Full price only I6B50. Evening Phone 3-0473 or 2-3556. Bargain Brand new. Very well constructed. Full basement, lot of built-in, attached aa' rage, extra large lot. Bu at front door. Total price only 18500. Evening Phone 2-0473 or 3-3558. SUBURBAN An exceptionally nice home, full base ment, very nice outbuilding. Lola of b mines frontage. Bl. of property, Ii excel, subdivision property. All equip' ment goes. Total price 836.000. Will ac cept other property a part payment. Evening Phone 3-0473 or 3-3556. Farm North Howell Here's a farm we are proud of. 70 A. In North Howell. 3 set of building. Home very modern. Built In 1038. 2 A. of beaver dam. Several A. of berries. Several cabin for berry picker. Family orchard and nuts. Crop go If sold soon. Owner forced to sell because of health. Liberal term. Total price onlr 130,000. Call for Mr. Leavens, evenings Phone 3-9403 or 3-3558. AI Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 37830, 2-4506 C140' CR018AN CREEK building site 4 miles irom Ladd it Bush. Year-round creek, timber and ahade trees. 125 ft. front- age on Crolsan Road. Sign on property aa joining new construction, owner property Sunday. c!30 Small Down Payment Move in complete. Plumbing tfe wiring rougnen in. well. 3 bdrms. Att. gar. Vi A. good soli. Full price 13200. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Comm'l. Pb. 3-4500. Eve. 3-0538. C139 FOB FOUR SAVINGS Inveatment buy a nut mortgage on real estate, Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself Amount 1500 to several thousand dou lars, net investor 5v We make all col lection for you It desired. STATE FINANCE CO- 163 B. Bilh, WANTED REAL ESTATE THREE BEDROOM house, new or nearly nrw, ciuh a scnooi. ioca. Businessman will pay up to 815.000 total price. 876 per mo. and S3OO0 additional over 18 mo. Write Capital Journal Box 898. eal30 WE ARB in need OI good bouse to cell in or near saiem u you wish to uat your property for sal see GRABENHORST BEOS, REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ea NOTICE! If your property la for sal. rent or exchange, list tt with tu We have all kind of cash buyera STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S High St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE IF YOU have nice roomy home too iig for you, trade us our compact 2 bedrm. cutle. Phone 2-6775. cb!3 NEW S BR all electric. Excellent located & mruom. uonsiaer rural or coast nron. erty on trade. 266 E. Lefelle St. cbl30 IS ACRES, all modern two bd. rm. house at seno to trade for Salem property. Ph. Salem 38713. cblSO EXCHANGE FOR TRADE List your property for trade. We have trader lor all type of real estate. COLBATH LAND CO. 1661 Center St. Phone 2-4553 Cbl39 RESORT PROPERTY PRICED TO SELL: Yaquln Bay near Newport, lo a. aeeutuui setting, 3 B.R. cottage with bath, concrete dbl. garage. greenhouse, large garden, planted oy ster tideiand frontage, oppor. In Hill ing, oysters, mooraae. resort, floral business. I4.000-t7.000, part or all. Oeo O. Island, Rt. 2, Box 261, Tlgard. Ore. CCH0 BEE "WESTW1NDS ADDITION." 60 Beach front snd ocean View lot mil south of Oleneden Beach P. O. See Owan Werterberg A Doxate on land. CC139 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERY. FILLING STATION, LIVING QTRS. 13400 only: real cheap rent, excellent location near Salem. This la truly a good buy. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 660 8. Commercial Phon 2-3846 Ev. 2-5360 Cdl40 CAFE 8750 full price for thl good going cafe, right downtown, cheap rent. You can take over Monday morning. SERVICE STATION 11400 full price 1 sold this week. High way location In Salem, very good etup. Call Ray Davis Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 8. Commercial Phone 3 J(l0 KM, )-6M1 cdlto TAVERN CLUB Odl establishment, doing excellent busi ness. Fine restaurant equipment, draught beer, dancing, club privileges. Owner claim approximately S10M net per month. Pull price 130.000. Call Mr, lean for more detail. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 Nor lb Rub St. Phono IMmo cdl39a TAVERNS! 4 of them from M5A0 to 130.000. If you re In the market be aura to aee the ml No. 114. Reimann for Real Estate lei South High St. Phono 2-6103 til' SERVICE elation for lease with inven tory and equipment. Holivwood district United Petroleum. Call EAM 1106, Port land. Ash for Mr. Moon or Mr. Sykea. NEW FAMILY FLAT. Just completed. Each apt. has l Bdrma., nice llv. rm.. kitchen, dinettes, lots et eloaeta and butlt-ins. Ideal name and Income Terms. R t Meredith Rlt. or R M Moa, 114 8. CocamerciaL Pa. tdltt- (REAL ESTATE MORE VALUE LESS PRICE $9950 0 aUAIX DOWN PAYMENT 9 WARM PLASTERED OARAOI TOLLY INSULATED BAND SPLIT CEDAR SHAKES 0 SIM. BEATINO PLANT 0 M I 119 LOT 0 P1REPLACI 0 BEAUTIFUL DEOORATINO 0 LAROE WINDOWS 0 II I 1 LIVINO ROOM 0 GLASS BRICK 0 3 LAROE BEDROOMS YES Thar, u a Xltehen. Dinlai Boon, Bath, leu oi built.lDJ. What aU. could you dcalro IB Uia homa of your drcama. $10,500 REDUCES 11100. THIS HOME IS CERTAINLY IN THE OOOD BUY CLASS NOW. BUNGALOW I BEDROOMS. LR Kill. DINETTE. BATH. KITCHEN. OARAGE, PULL BASEMENT, PURNACI. LOCATION THE BEST. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL HANDLE. Chas. Hudkins & Son, Realtors Over 27 Years in Salem 2S0 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 SUBURBAN A two B.R. homa with 11 acre at 9S Robert. Ava., bua ona block, aaraca, ,Ic. pump, laundry traya, ahower. Oil circulator and cu cook atov. ao with sale, wired for alec, ranae. The price la Itft&O with , down payment of 11000, balance 150 per month. Johnaon. HERE'S VALUE 2 acres, suburban, ranch-style home. 2 B.R. and den. fireplace, unique kitchen, hdwd. floors, double garage. Insulated. 18800. Will consider car or lot In town In wap. Crawford. FINE LARGE BUNGALOW Large lot, N. W. Kelzer. 2 B.R.. 3rd In basement, fireplace, double garage, nice lawn, shrub and flower. We want an offer on thl one. Crawford. HOLLYWOOD DELUXE Nearly new, 4 B R.a well constructed bom, hwd. floor, fireplace, un deck, coner lot. 812,850. Crawford. 1320 MARKET ST. 18050 1 the full price of this English style 3 BR. home, full basement, fireplace, good terms, too. Crawford. WANT TO BUY A JOB? Small restaurant all equipped. Price only 8050. Owner will accept 8300 as a down payment. KliKin. AUTO COURT AT CUTLER CITY Owner will accept some aceace up to 112,000. Klgglns. LOOKING FOR INCOME PROPERTY? We have several listings that show a nice Income and are priced right. Come In and let u show you these. Kit gins. DRIVE INN Doing tood buslneju. Nice setup. No competition. Located between Salem and the coast. About 3 acre of ground. Kiggin. BURT PICHA REALTORS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IDEAL BUSINESS lots 00 foot frontage on Fairground Rd. uoou nouse on rear property, rn. juiae. coiw BEAUTY SHOP for lease, good location, Reasonable rent. Ph. 30053. edito' ELECTRIC Contracting it Service. Large larming aiat. provia.es sieaay yr. arouna wortc. rrancnise on major uv.ii"ite, att. living quarters with refrlg., range, auto, wasner v on nir. low rent. moo. bldg. At invent, about 84100. 20 ml. N, Salem on SflE. Hubbard, Ore. Ph. 4511. cdl43 GROCERY STORE doing good business. Must sell because oi illness, some terms. T. J. Murphy, rails City, Ore. cd!40' NEAT ATTRACTIVE cafe, new equipment. 3n WE. N Salem, pn. 33326. cu FOR SALE or trade, new garage & sta tion with living quarter. 1604 N. Com'l. Ph. 36831. cdl30a WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE 81000 PER MONTH? You would then call me to day and I'll tell you about a real good CAPE. Excellent equipment. Downtown location. For appointment see Mr. or ton. EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY 139.000.00 gross last year. Stock, fix ture, package beer license, all for 37.500.00. See Mr. Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271, Eve. 33683 cdl40 Business Property South Commercial St. 3 bdrm. home. Bid. 24x50 on back of lot for shop. Approx. T block from Ladd 4b Bush Bank. Price 18900. C. W. Reeve Realtor 043 8. Comm'L Ph. 3-4590. Bv. 3-0538. cdl39a ARE YOU Interested In the service sta tion business? I have one for sale at Inventory price. In Monmouth. Ore. Con tact Warren Doollttle, Distributor Oen eral Petroleum Product Plant No. 34610. Cdl41" WITH OPTION to buy fully equipped con fectlonery, grossing approx. 536,000 per yr Writ Capital Journal, box 393. Cdl39 FURNITURE FOR SALE UNTAINTED furniture, closeout prices. WOODROW'S. 450 Center St. d t MO. OLD 7 ft. Frlgldalre, O.E. stove, chrome set. living rm. set. Miscellan eous. 1058 Howard. Ph. 30574. dl40 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phono Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 8-5110. da' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK TW6FINE riding horse. Well trained. Some equipment. Call at 3305 S. Cot tage If interested In good horses. el3S LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer E. C. McCandllab, 1131 8 36 Pb 3-8147 eal53 RAB8ITS 7 RARR1TS A- hutches. 630 Union St. ebl30 PETS ADORABLE COCKER pups. Reasonable 3 black, 3 blond. 1106 N. Church. ecl41 WANTED Pe. Chow puppy. Write full desc. price. R. F. Budrow, Newport. Ore. "141 HOLMAN'8 Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt. 1, Box 163 DD. Stayton Near auction house MlM FUEL PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oax. Ph. 6BF22. FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phon 3352 Dallas collect, summer rates. inw GOOD 16 In edcinc, 13 50 a load Double load 610. Oregon Fuel Co. Phon 3-5533. TRI-CITT rVEt Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery. Ph 21442. W give SON Ores 8 Stamps Own 16 In. mill wood CALL HI OH WAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESR CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End Block Wood. Pb. 26414 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. Bioca. Planer A slab wood B dust. Ph. 34031 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chick every Thurs day. Ph. 3-3MI. Leea Hatrhery, f PRODUCE Ml ft "RILL itrawhernei. 1' tntlee north. Sunriev. at Lanratter ana ni. iw in R F. Cerolheri ft Son. HI 30 Tot"i.LGO a lone way to find 'em any better. Marshall strawberries, 7c lb. Oo. N. on 09E to Green Apple Market, turn left first road. Turn left after crossing R R. track. Sat., Mow.. Tu.. 8 am to I 10 am ff 141 GOOD TR tWRERRir. t'-Ptek C Ete'.tiuhi. Rt. 1 bnx 341. On Siile eist at Cham a 0-Coratr. 11141 REAL ESTATE PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES Marsha Us. U pick. per lb. Bring your own containers. Picking Sat. & Sun. Oo to pen 4 cor ners, turn right ' mil to Macleay Rd. Out three mile to Rt. 5, Box 416. R. M. Llvesly. ff 139 SOUR PIE CHERRIES 8c lb. U-plck. 1 mils south of Brook on 99E. J, Fair. ffl39 GOOD STRAWBERRIES. U Pick. 10c. Hi ml. east of Totem Pole. Turn right 2nd house, J. L. McDonald, rt. T, box 355. Ifl38- NETTED GEMS seed pot., 81.50 hundred. L. Ped, Rt. 1, Box 149F. 2l miles north Of underpass. Phon 3-1560. Xf 139" STRAWBERRIES You pick. Andresen Farm, N. Lancaster and Havesvllle Drive, Rt. t. Box 176. Phone 3-1801. ffl39 STRAWBERRIES u. pick. Se lb. Plenty of berries. Joe Uenny, 1 mile cast of Brooks. mile north. Box 216. ffI42 STRAWBERRIES- U-plck, iOc. Bring con tainer. Out SUverton Rd. 2V ml. to Middle Orove School. Turn right M ml. Herr & Rleosche. ff GOOD STRAWBERRIES. D-pick, 10c. Joe Fendrlck. Rt. 6, Box 456, McClay Rd. Bring containers. ff 140 HELP WANTED CHERRY PICKERS. Very large crop. Fred Kirk wood, 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 3-6547. g!3" WANTED Berry pickers. Marshall. 3 wxt. picking, starts Mon. 13. Furnished cabin. Rt. 1, Box 156. End of mail rt. Crooked Finger rd. Mary Magrew. gl41 PICKERS, Corvalli strawberries, Monday. - murai norm oi town, uncasier ana 09E. This Is only the 2nd picking and they are good. R. F. Carother dt Son. gl40 WANT man with drag saw to cut 2 trees. rnonej-1913. gm CHKRRY PICKERS wanted. Oood crop. tv m start june it. a. t. HOUIIieur, Kt. 6, Box 440, Orchard Heights Rd. g!40 WANTED: Cherry picker starting June um. uooa camp ground. Amnion Orice Rt. 6 Box 593 Orchard Height Rd. Ph. 147 CHERRY PICKING to start Mon. Rt. 8. Box 590, Orchard Hts. Rd. 2 ml. off Wallace Rd. Ph. 16F14. R. K. Worral. 1140 CHERRY PICKERS register now. Ander- uU tan in. n, uaniuirf x naycaviue or. Rt. 7. box 175. Ph. 3-1801. g!42 WANTED Cherry picker soon. Ph. 23024. gl42 STRAWBERRY PICKERS. 5c a box. R. P aarnwcij. o h. River Rd, Keuer. g!39 CHERRY PICKERS, Start Mon. Ph. 33314. or 20346 after 7 p.m. gl3P CHERRY PICKERS register now. Picking about June 15. Very heavy crop. Camp lte available. Watch for stm at Y out Orchard Hti. road. 2'i miles from Wallace road. William Fruit Lands, Rl, 8, Box 609. Ph. 17F3. gl HELP WANTED MALE WANTED PARTNER, new garage & serv ice station. 1094 N. com 1 Ph. 36821. ga!39a COOK; Man to cook for large group. 8170 icm main ir nine rcrin. pea Orecoa Stat Training School, Wood burn. g HELP WANTED JEMALE EXPERIENCED lingerie end sportswear sales latlT. Age 33-30. Permanent posl Mon. Writ Capital Journal Box 399. gbl41' GOOD COOK et house keeper (or 3 ks. Modern home. No washing or iron mg. Call 2-6617J gb!41- HAVE OPENING for alert beauty oper- ator-manicuriai ana nair strung. New equipment and shop. Eugene Hotel Beauty Salon. Eugene. Oregon. gbUO AVON COSMETICS. Est. 1880, hai open ing ior smart, mature women wno want extra money. Write Dlst. Mgr.. 8335 8 E. Yamhill. Portland. gb!40 INTERVIEWERS for part-lime work in terviewing people for market research surveys. Collet background denirable. not essential. Answer fully. AIRMAIL. A. J Wood 4t Co., 121 S. Broad St.. Phil.. T. Pa. bl40 EMPL0YMEN7 AGENCIES Ornci AND CLERICAL POtlTlONl CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 200 Stat St pn f-ttaa. gt- WANTED SALESMAN NEVER WORRY ABOUT LAYOFFS Be in driver seat if you think you can ',1 leakrroofing compound for general roof work, otd direct. Two order weekly good for 150 00. Will enow you. Liberal cotnmlMion. Permanent. Own hn. Home every night. Write todav. SHJ. Box 1700. Cleveland. Ohio. till SALES OPPORTUNITY for young man No experience necessary, good alry and com ma i on while learning to sell world famous Maytag home appliance A real future for young man interested In selling. Oood training I acuities and tudv course available. Sto or call for an interview new. C. H. Abreaa Hard war. Wnodburn. Orevn. gelJa Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED SALESMEN SALESMAN. Must have car. Apply 6 a. to 11 a.m. Willamette Valley Bool Co.. 30 Lena Ave. WANTED, an axxreaslve young man. ex perienced lo selling real estate. Must have car. P. H. Bell. 361 Cbesaaketa St. WANTED POSITIONS WANTED by young girl: Stenographic position. Dr.'s office preferred. 1 year nurse training and business college. Phone 1681. Box 383, Silverlon. hl41 LAWN mowed, edging, shrubbery work Ac hedge trimmed. Experienced man. Ph. 2-1633. hl44 DAY AND night nursery. Excel, care, ihona 3-3173. Reasonable rate. hl65 CUSTOM PICKUP HAY BALING HERR & RIENSCHE 3'i ml. out SUverton Rd. to Middle jOrov school. Turn right U mil. hl43 CUSTOM HAY balelng, rake with Job. aiso win mow. tn. moj. bi62 HOUR WOBK, Mon. Tue. Wed. Ph. TRACTOR WORK of all kinds, discing, Plowing, leveling, pn. 3-1131. al44 TREE SPRAYING, light tractor work. No- lea Bat hurst. 4386 Kager Bt. Pb. 2-2907. hl42 DOZING WORK, D4 16.50, D6 16 per hr. i l yi. dragline & crane, truck dr crawler mounted. Call Woodburn Red 139, Box 111 Oerval. hl41 NEED AN office Mgr. or salesman? 10 yrs. experience retail selling. Capital Journal Box 395. hl41 EXP. GROCERY Mgr. wishes work In Salem area. Rets. Available July 1. Reply Capital Journal Box 304. hl41 3 CARPENTERS New or repair. By hour orjoo. rnone 5-0520 or 3-9374. hl41 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney ouiMing. ea. 3-4369. pre estimates hl6l CARPENTER H'K. New, repair. Ph. 2-2039 moi- FISIIING RODS reflnlihed and rcnalrurf uuiiuimo wore. Koa mae to oraer. Work accepted at Howard Maple's (jpuivma, uuoqi or nramoia neraware or 3-6014 evenings. hi 39 LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and nut ng in new ones. Ph. 2-3608. hl58 GRADER WORK by the hr. or loh at wis, roads, subdivision. Ph. 29315 or wMirve. ,158 POr.'H mimeofraPhlnB. tvolne jsnrvlr i-rompt service, quality work, lower boj it. lorn, t-n. 3-3Si3. hl55' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice, former phone opr. Ph. 2-5072. h!52' LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilling. New lawna, tree mciisra noyer. en. MUD. niSB" INTERIOR PAINTING. EXP. Ph. 1-6798 nit SEWING and alteration. Ph. 2-4854. hi 48 ROTOTILLER work. 1145 Hood SL 2-0594 11144 CEMENT WORK Wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h!44' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov Alllster. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. hl44 AL'TO PAINTING lust a ahade better by O RELIABLE baby ltter. Any hour. Ph FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE IN. Room for woman only. 425 N winter. Ph. 2-1835. JkHl' SLEEPING BOOM. Ph. J-33S. jkltl' m. SLEEPING Rm. HC watar. 4tl N. NICE LARGE aleeplnf room. Twin beda. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for untla. ....... ....jw mwtn. rn. a-30Zf. JK1M ATTRACTIVE rma. 2035 McCot Ph. -0S3 lkU5 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. t-3181 FOR RENT APARTMENTS R.M. furn. apt. 125. 2210 Hazel. JolSB' well FURN. sleeping rm. Close In. H&C 2 ROOM Apt. Bath.shower, utility R. No children, nvi Mihum ..,. -. JV11V NEW A attractive 3 room & bath court -iiv. wuiurn except ior atov tt refrlg. Utility room furnished. Apply at 1555 " JPI40' M. FL'RN. Apt. 550 Water Bt. Jp 130 NI5EIlT 'urn,sned 3 . apt. Close in. 3 vawiu ou. i uag s. ausn sank. Cor ner Commercial at 310 Bellevue St. mtva 3 ROOM mod. apt. Ph. 2-0138. S63 per no. 6 RM. furn. apt. Main floor. 2310 N. 4th. jjemon, JP142 CLEAN 6 RM. unfurn. aot. Priv. nt fihii. ircn eaceptea. rn. 2-esoo or 3-8636 before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m. Jpl39 TO PERMANENT party. 3-rm. unfurn. in nice res. oiat. utilities and elec trie range. 1476 Elm St. Ph. 2-8802. JP139 S BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. 1549 oruoway. liu at oo Marlon. Jpl30 5 RM. turn apt. 692 8. 2Sth St. Jpl39 RM. FURN. apt. Hot fc cold water. Shower bath tt elec. range. 1 or 3 ad ult. No children. Ph. 2-8626. W. Satrm 1P142 4 RM. APT. fum. 2 adults, olentv stars ijj . Lam, iti. ent. Ph. 37694. lpl30 FL'RN. 1 OR t RM. apt. Cheap. 6 fin. walk imps O.K. 160 union. Ph. 2-9835. Jpl4P CLEAN FURN. APT. rrivete bath. 3455 Jpl40' 2 ROOM furnished upstairs apartment. wiin oam at outside entrance, to a middle aaed. working couple. No drink ing, pet or children. 456 S. 18th or Ph. 2-1056. JP140 CLOSE IN. Small apt. women only. 435 Wl"tcr. Ph- 2-1835. JP141 FURN. 4 Rm. Apt. Utilities furn. Re7orT- -?-'!--3?3-A-ieth- JP139" FOR RENT HOUSES 6-RM. 3-br. flat, newly dec. Adults. 060 N. ffUh at. 36375. Jml41 FURN. COTTAGE. 1 Bdrm. 840. 3 ml. North of Brooks on 99B. Rosa Cottage. Jm 143" NEW DECORATED home, new carpeting. iiaiidie axed couple. Ph. 31336. Jml40 NEW 6 ROOM house for rent. Oood dlst. Suburban. 163. Ph. 2-1073. Jml42 SMALL 2 RM. mod. furn. house tor 3 working ladle. North near bu. Ph. 3-1438. jmlJO S BDRM. HE. Wired for electric range. Family fruit trees. 150 per month. Lo cated at 700 Hollywood av. Ph. 3-3136. Jml41 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 2-ROOM partly furn. garage bouse. Ph. 3-4808. )13 BENT Singer electric aewing machine by month in your home. No extra charge for delivery pickup of machine. IB 00 pei mo. J164" t ROOM furnished house for 1 gentle man. Ph. -30. mo NEW Business' bldi for rent, 34x50. Available July 1. 2066 N. Com.. In-.-... at 300 N. comi. mo IN. POWER 8YCLE mower: power mow er: garden tillers; paint sprayer; pow er tools; plumbing tools; air compress or and etc. Howaer Bros., 1410 S. 13th. Ph. 3-1646. J143' FOR RF.NT: Rustnes location In DeLakc. 2 room suitable for Attorney or Real Kutate office. Writ Box 101. DeLake, Oregon, or call 336 DeLake or call at Tourist Cafe. DeLake. 1139 BUSINESS for rent. Sea under Bumw Opportunities. J1I0 PFFICI apace and desk apaeoa. Pb. tOawL GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of fice er it ores STATE FIN A NCR CO. Ph. 34121 r D DRITt trucks car PB 1-6102 POWER TOOL rental tor aom 4b a dusmau Bowser ' Ph 8-3644 TRAILV.R9 13 00 per day Bowaaf Bra 1410 4V 13th, Wait Baleai Ja FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS KM for rent. H. L. U!I. ) OOOD USED PIANOS. R L. Stiff. noo ANDES for rasa Ward. Ifoouomarr TO DO a food Job rent food floor aand ar. w. Mil .tarrlhlnf u .omplata uu tok. HOWSFR BR Oft PB t-S8ll I WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT By responsible employed couple, modern furnished 1 or 2 bedroom. Need by July 1st. Ph. 3-3940. Jal40 REGISTERED Nurse urgently needs 1 or 2 bedroom furnished noma north, iter. Ph. 3-9366 or 2-4888. Jal40 VET AND wife desperately need partly furn. house near Hollywood Dlt. No children. No drinker. Ph. 33745. Jal40 t BDRM. USE. on one fir. Ph. 3-6316. Jal36 BE FIN ED MAN. wlf and 1 child 11 yr. old, want unfurn. 2 B.R. modern home cloae in. Will give excel, care. Ph. 2065T alter 3 p.m. Jal39 ROOM AND BOARD VACANCY for room board. 120 N. Win- r. J1142 LOST AND FOUND LOST: BLACK purse. Finder may keep purse, but please return all personal be longings. Reward. Write Capital Jour nal Box 387. kl40 MISSING from "Y" Wed. aft., Roadma- ter bike, Jr. lu. Reward. John Soco lofsky, 1310 Market. Ph. 3-8835. kl40 LOST: pair boy's brown oxfords, size 2 in Salem store last Sat. afternoon. Pleas Ph. Mr. Hommel, Tuberculosis hospital. kl30 i LADY'S Oruen wrist watch April I. Between Miller tt Penny. Pb. 3-3487. kl4l LOST: Small black corday purse. 8. Com merctal. Bat. nlte, June 4. Reward. Ph. 2-2713. k!4t MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' batter. 404 Court. We close Saturdays 13:30. ml56 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg, State St Commercial St. SALEM Phon 3-3311 m HAVE YOUB SINGEB Sewing machln repaired by a qualified Singer repreaen ta" e. Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on al make of ma chine. Pre- estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. m BUILDING MATERIAL OE-ROOF NOW. First quality asphalt shingle In 2-1 design, 17.95 per qure. Phone 3-0191 for free estimate. mal41 NEW NEW NEW Panelshake in sulated siding. Weather proof-termite proof. Added beauty for old buildings. Phone 3-9191 for Information. mal41 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform tt Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace tt masonry material. PL'MILITE WEST SALEM ma 139 REINFORCING STEEL! Blok-Mesh In 4", 6", 8" and 13" width. PUM1LITE WEST SALEM mal39 NEW grade A doors 36.50. Screen doora an thicknesses of plywood. New win dows 100s of saih. Flrtex. sheet rock, In sulation, cedar shake, asbestos aiding. Compare our prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 25821. 1 ml. North of Kelzer. mal43a SPECIAL!! Outside house paint 33.45 per gal.; paint sprayer rental reduced 13.00 per day with purchase with paint. Howaer Bros.. Ph. 3-3646. mal43 HOWSER BROS., your power tool rent al head quarter. New address, 1410 S. lath. Ph. 3-3646. m142 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar h ingle. No. 2 15 cedar wall shake and undercourse, 112.80 painted. No. 1 unpainted 59.00. NO. 3 06.50. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 3-1196 ma ts FT. ROOF RAFTERS, 15 each. Al Mos hi. s, oox .1, rurner. saiem Ph. 2-2957. ma 140 SHEETROCK, new shipment. H" tt IV. oeb us ior new row can pricea. Beitn Brown, Front tt Court. ma Builder-Contractors Wt have a complete stock of framing lumber, timbers tt ahlplap, all trades, at rock bottom price. West Salem saw mill, 1050 Wailac Rd. Ph. 30503. Fret PTery. mal43 ALUMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHIN OLE. Th modern permanent roof ing. Se your dealer or Call DlsL 3-6401. mal56 DOORS. INTERIOR 2 panel door, at the areai upeciai purcnaa bottom price, bargain of only 16.00 each. Keith Brown, Fornt tt Court 8ts Salem. ma SKIL-TOOL rental service. more. 45 SUverton Rd. NEW SHIPMENT piast board. V Ottet 6c sq. ft Rock lath. 46 sq. ft, MONTOOMSRT WARD 81LEM USED FIR FLOORING. Ph. 39702 or '" tnal20 SAVE ON ROOFINO Let Ward civ you com plow STALLED price oo your roofing need. Wide rang of color Call our outside mleman tot tree aaumau. Phone 3-3191 MONTOOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ALUMINUM ROOFINO 3 ft width la tbe following lenitngt ; 1174 2.33 10 2.90 1 3.48 t Ass about Installation service MONTOOMERY WARD At CO. SALEM. OREOON ma NURSERY STOCK BEDDING PLANTS. S do i for 81. Ofranl- ... uinuiHUK, orooas. moio- rocfJsiAi for sale, iso varieties ..w m. fiAiui. VJarU bOlKHr AVE. mbl30 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED sewing machine. Ph. 33136. " nisi t-GAL. paint tank, complete. 815. U65 ei. nl3 NEW & USED SINGER Electric sewing machine. Term. t'5 down. We will demonatret in youi home by appointment. SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 130 N. Commercial. Phon 3-3313 B141 GARAGE house to be moved. Make ofler. . aaer. hi. g. box 07, SUverton Hwy. past Lancaster Dr. nltl GOOD SET golf dubs. Res. 113 N. Com 1. P..!: 130 W?.Dt.8,lw INO r"nM IJ0' Jwomower w vim. new moior. urea, outline !Ee,JfI.t' 'l!1"1' rouD- Bo 602 Dallas highway. ai3 FENCE POSTS, poles, an type. Shingle ......, . iiiugri. rnmip strcu, Rt. 6. Box 116. Ph. 68F22. STRAWBERRIES, u pick 7e lb. Bring con- Portland highway to Wood view road. niso Mt'ST SACRIFICE new 32 high standard m.u nr. unwiwraQ portSDl typeTlt- er. 2040 Madison B. n WALNUT WHAT-NOT, Antique French lurnKun. enme m colored glass, dia mond ring. Bay Window Antique ahon. 436 Court St.. upstairs. nl40 FOR BARGAINS In AntiquA. visit the amjW ninwfW AOHTM SHOP, W CtUTt St.. upstair. nit 1 FT. by 0 ft. canvas tent. Excel. eonO. rn. -vut, mi. nlM. ITBAWBCBBIES. you pick. 6c lb. SaU araay m wuDoay, wiuiamaoa farm. Rt. ni20 CLOTH1VQ far sale. 600 N. Liberty. nl20 (Continued on Page 13) -