10 Capita! Journal. Salem, Oregon. Saturday. June 11, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN The uaj'ittti ci wnich h. pueu -Alice ie tti udu iaiti ume u.emi uieabuii iO uii tMev.ua nu uee.i iaie ol uii a. haiuaiup ior miner and son. Jon Tyier, apui'tta o lemoise, tm yona ine tan o. aiuy to ee ih the toy hau everyim. neeut lor the development w a noima healtny, happy Noihnu wa oo good lor Geii. John ana oeil oiea white if went lo chooi and piayea. By tn time he was ready lor cohege. Johi Tvler had died. The wnole ouiden now on nui. Jeff reaouoled nu elioru. ne atii the boy to Chicago to siudy jaw, and cupported hun while ne purnuinn his studies. And no Glenn wan Iinlshed wi.h his achuoi ins and in a ahort time ahouid Dt if.uDDortina. Glenn himself aeemed eager U. get to woric. tor over a we in kept clofii to the ollice. Jell root in occasionally to see how thing, were going; and now. on the morn ing oi tne ninth day, he enteieL t rwpotion room to find hia loo- tei brotner with hla leet on the desk and hi nana ciaspea uemm hi head. "No bites yet?" Nnt vn a nibble." Olenn un clasped hi fingers and made an Impatient geauire. noua unna, i. least there d be a will to draw or a deed to record.'' Jeff smiled. "Thew folks got to be educated; they're not used to having a lawyer around. It nevei occurs to them to hire someoooy unless they can't shoot their way out." "Like that fellow. Slug Benja- m'-Slug doesn't need a lawyer, Hit goose is as good as cooked. ' "Maybe." Glenn had shed wme of his gloom. "Jeff, I've a gooo. mind to go over to hi ju nuu talk: with him." Jeff grinned at him. "Stick to your knitting and you'll be a Dig man in this country. . , Hows the bankroll holding out?" "It isn't. I'm flatter than a flap Jack right now." Jeff took a worn wallet from hlt pocket, extracted a couple note and tossed them on the aesic oe rnr htm. "When that's gone know where I can get more. Don't be afraid to ak wnen you neea help, fellow; I'm in this with you.' "Thanks, Jelf; I can use it. "How Connie?" Glenn's eyes brightened. "Now you're talking about something! Met her father and mother and pad a rather nice time. Gosh, Jeff. never knew one man could own to many cows." 'The Crowns a big spread, and It'll be Connies one of these days." Glenn grinned at him. "What Kind of a cattleman would a law yer make?" "The very best. Fellow with a Drain like yours could plug a treat manv leak. Glenn walked witii him to the floor and watched as Jeff mounted he aorrel and rode out of town;, then he crossed the street to Mike Pacheco'a saloon. Glenn changed nls twenty dollars into chips and at the end of an hour he was broke. I G Towering he went out and turn-j rd towards the Town Hall. The, Kindows of its second story were aeavilv barred and somewhere be und those bars was Slug Benjamin, iwniting trial. He walked up the liens and entered the place. "What do you want?" asked a juard. Glenn saw that he was wear na a Colt nix-gun and that a riot iun stood close at hand. "ira a lawyer. ne explained, i Ihlnk vou have a prisoner here sho might need mv services. He talis himself Slug Tenjamln. j Glenn submitted to a search after which the guard ushered him into I large room fitted with three cells But one of the cells was occupied. "Lawyer to see you. Slug." said pit guard, and pushed Glenn into the cell. "Mv names Oleaaon he said I've Just opeed an office here at Cougar." The man peered at nim. "Oleason. lid vou say?" "That's right, Glenn Oleason." Slug continued to stare at him r a momem: then. "What ou ant me to tell you aooutv "The shooting of ihat fellow iiubb." "It was self defense. How was to know the danged fool wasn t .eeJeo ' Did vou make that clear when on were charged with tne mur ier?" " Yes. But Justice Sam ToLson is . mintr mm.se If and had it in lor .ne. He bound me over to the grano lury." "Have you got any money?" "What for?" "I don't work for nothing. And where a man's life is at slake, my ee is large." Slug s La red at him suspiciously. 'I gut a little.'' he admitted. "How much?" "Oh five hundred bucks" Glenn got up. "Your life's not north much, is it? Well. Ill be getting along." "Wait a minute. Set down." Slug put out a detaining hand. "I might make that thouMUid." "Cash on the barrel head." "No. Half now. and the otner ialf when I'm free." "All right." He sat down again. Slug eyed the open corridor door and lowered his voice. "You go to Mike Pachecos and tell him I sent you for it. Say to him. "The goose nangs high. He 11 give It to vou. Now tell me how vou aim to get me off?" Not now. I ve got to lav mv plans for your defense first. I'll take it up with vou when I have he retainer. ' Ten minutes later he entered Mike Pac hero's saloon. Mike was, behind the bar. Glenn leaned overi and spoke in a low voice. im SlUK iieniamlns lawvpr. He told me to come to you for the five hundred dollars of his that vou have. Mike simDlv stared him. and Glenn added. "Hp said to tell vou the goose hangs high. Oh, said Mike He went into room behind the bar and came out with a package of banknotes 'I'll take a hundred of it in chips. This time. I intend to take you to the well-known cleaners. (To he continued) 3025 a&3k sizes (AsTy r i i.f, ,-r v . rs mm Vacation Specials lour .Summer sunrLse to sunset set all in one pattern! Shorts and bra for cutting capers on uie sana or icr gatnerinp a wonneriui tan No. 3025 Is cut in sizes 10. 12, 14. 1(1, 18. and 20. Size 16 alio r la and bra 1 yds. 35-in.: dress, 3' yds. Cottons again strike high fash ion note They are inexpensive to make, easv to hand'.i Send now ior the SPRING FASHION BOOK which includes in its ISO pattern t!e.signs. a big selection of alluring suggestions fot cotton fashions for every age and occasion Price Just 20 cents. Address Capital journal. 552 Mission St., San Francisco 6. Calif n 9Q97 Hummer Arrssaarirs Hera la erisp. fresh handbag and head band at which lends Itself grace fully to your entire wardrobe. Cro cheted of white straw-ltkt yarn in a simple stitch, It ia trimmed with circles of gav colors. The handbag handle is adjustable to wear over the shoulder or m the wrist as Illustrated. Pattern Envelope No. R2827 con tains complete crocheting instruc tions, stitch illustrations, material requirements and finishing direc tions. 1 obtain trm pattern send 30c in ix)iN giving pattern number vour name address and aone nunv bei to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour uu 828 Mission street San Fran Cisco 3 Calif ROOM AND I0ARD By Gene Ahem AC WHAT BEASTLY LUCT.i? I wS Sl'Rt aw CARD 1 TW ;TAR5 DONT FAXO. ' Ll- VAtXiLD TAKE H'' 1 tAE TVI5 AAONTH'" I 5PCNT BUT. BLAST' AFTRV I SSO TO ENTFRTAIN UnO-E K I Tu CsAC MF. ( rWOLR5.N5 TMf.N IN TING j CA5LALUY FNTONED N TO PCSAtM SOWC OriT, 'E UntO BE K CARD 1 I LOST $21 MORE TO A DEALtR YE AOS N30 IN I V MlAA AT CARDS"" V A GMBLINAj CASINO . ,l ENTKTAININ(3 V LS V IM AMAZED AT THE WAY AN YES. WE HAVE PLENTY ORDINARY JOE LIKE ME CAN OPCASE RECORDS WHERE SPOT A BOGUS 6'LL.MP. BAUGHMANl SCHOOL CHILDREN OUR READERS CAN STEP OUT 'HAVE CAUGHT BAD MONEY WITH THE EXPERTS AFTER rPA55ERS.MR ROPER NOW THEY STUDY OUR SERIES FOLD YOUR 6000 BILL IN omjToHOT MAGAZINE '(THROUGH THE SEAL" AND LAY IT BESIDE THE J" 1 Mkk 1-SIIIIIL KCOLINTERFEIT 4 fTERFEIVJ 6ALDY LISTEN TO THI5MMM1 WAS - COO OiAMOfND RlN& JUST VONCefiiN focsale cheap by vhcwicoulo WOMAN HATER-CALL XSPtNO THIS Tor the aw A wncan citizen. an tAfiS . i , - . . u . . i i i ..IT znm ouicneJt avvs to spot a pm tun is by looking closely at the treasury seal. On e Menuioe bill, the saw teeth eround the nut are even end sharp on a baa gui, cney are almost dlwavs blunt end broken. '" -Z'-xl ADDRESS JPffif,i g, PROflTABLY flL?C ViRl RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 13S0 UBO SATURDAY KGW NBO tM. koco r 'K0IN I M Drlvrrt PlifhH .IS Fraak H'hIiiwii I U mhr Binia EXHIBIT -i O 9 ffin Cnu 0 i-ti A HUNDPED MILUOfj? UOOK OOUGWl WO' HO! O HUNDB6G, SOMCtfS-SEE? Q0LO- I WBEBUT A MUNCPO COLON' M0NEV.-AT1O I ('POORAMByV , Viwdeed; J POOR AM BY IS REALiy OW THE SPOTHE'D LIKE TO 1 . . MARRY ROSETTA BUT UE HATES ) frT TO SPEND THE MONEV i W EH GB&tr Q00EQEY ! ANO mERPS BOSHRS 1 1- i eeuevt it re mors as gooo or OEAL-WMV IT AU? 6ETTER-MD EMEWUX MUST BE WORTH ONO WHOLE BARRELS A-A-ANNIE-W-WH6Re HOW- ... . rrs fit old paeeEf'CA 1 FQtjSNP rr- its mine- I WANT TO SPGNO EVETyTHNS IN IT TO HELP ORPHANS- BUT I NEED H6LP'VPUR HELP, MR. LOCUST- I : .Take a umber Taka NtMbn I iValra Truth Valr mt Truth l.ifa Britna at I if Brsini al Mt Ibt Praia Mrtt lha Praaa Il'a the T. Maile Muaic 1t:M Open Una TB4 TBA Hand f I.an4 Band! f Land Orrhatlra Orrbaalra Hrra'i la Vla Elmrr Prtrrios III! Farad Para da d Tanava Canova Kauntf I Tfasa Ban4 l a Tim (.rral WhlU Ka r.raal Hhlt Way Jtidi rtrnnla Day Show Omnia Day Rha (rand Ola Oprr Grand Olt Owry Via Daman Sha ! Via Da men a Show Truth ar CantMaanra Pddla Canlar Kddia Cantor Star Thtalra tar Thaalra CandlHltht ad Sllar Srm Troalrana Drlvar'i Playhaiiw Ten pa Tlaia Bandiland fUnditand Dm nut Dapa Haieball Batattall Hair ball Craaa Sarllaa. I'. S. A. ' Pinif Ahaad I OrrhrMra Gaaa Satr iaaa airf Orrhaalra Stwt Carrrnt C 'laic Marfan Dawnav Weilern Caravan Wrtlrrn Caravan Un Off Baataatl Baieball Baieball Burba II Barball irwu Raund I' Danrlnt Party Danrlnt Parly Danrin Parly Danclni Party Danrlni Party Danrlnt Party Sim Off " Philip Marlawa Philip Marlawa Maila Mtm-nm Vienna SIsiTlt Aiala Ktai II Agala Slat II Aaala Slag II Aaala Vaaghn Maaraa Vaagba Maaraa fiang Builara Gang Baalera PIt Slar Pinal Splka Janag ! Janaa Jantaca Beaeh Janltan Bearh Serrnad Orcheilra Orehrttra SUNDAY ' HE'D BETTER MAKE UP WIS MIND BECAUSE BOSETTA'": dcewl RAVINS THEPIELD EVER SINCE (PHOEBE TOLD MER TO PROD r-)7 HIM ""TH J t COMPETITIQU VOKUM AND MY PIG WFBt 1 Cvjr. BACK AN HOUAAGO- h .'-liAO.r-THEPE'S PTHAT LAZV UOUT VOKUM 1 A, CkUt TO A BfcAI. TRA- ' WE MALES HAVEN'T A CHANCE.' EVE WAS CREATED FROM ADAM'S RIB AMD WEVE BEEN TAKING A . RIBBING PROM YOU FEMALES EVER SINCE! T fe DON-T ( FiG&EBtD WORR-,. V IT D BE A Sim !aUH -SMtS I T LET HER WOiTl KIOHT K AWAY, sopnowiN HllWff 1 rO' TM' LATE. ncn.' I ET MEB MftHT tm AFORE. SHE LOST AOUMCI icV wvj.Ty XJWL tpjrV 'ji DAID.T AH WERE WHO CARES ABOUT W THAWS TOO ? THERE, AREOE1ST ONI L HILLIOHS OT HILL WAY, FATBACK B'LLIES-BUT HOWi -but; IT'LL CAN I REPLACE U TAKE ALL TH" THAT et T j ' COURME y j ' WE MAS?- MUTT. THE BIJOU theater IS HOLDIN' A TALL STOW TELLIH CONTEST TDHIGHTI FIFTY BUCKS FIRST PRIZE FDR THE BIGGEST WHOPPER FIFTV BOCKS. EH? ( NOT BAD! V LISStN- I rah W DEATH) "WT?l pOf L THERE I WAS. HUMTIH6 BENGALTIGEffS IN INOIA- CONFBPNTED BV A SNARLIN' TIG6B ANO MVCOM LEFT IN CAMP1 I SEIZE 0 HIS JAWS ( AND HELD THEM OPEN" I HELO THEM APART FOR A MONTH UNTIL THE BEASTc 'STARVED I ONCE I WAS IN KANSAS, I BENTY THAT ' DOWN ATA PUMP FOR A DRINK AIN'T NO OF WATER ANO TWO HUSKV 1 WHOPPER FARMERS GRABBED ME". AND pushed mv nose mo the GROUND! BEFORE I COULD GET LOOSE I HAD PLOWED UPMOST OF KANSAS those kfwrtj Guvsj II 7 -BUT. MUTT, VOU ) I 1 Iht GOT THE NOSE ) I that I lff-j TO DO IT ! i"" u,i n nnws7 a 9 uari . -h H . " IT WAS THQgE SCENES PI qu SEE, EVA, I'M CamKEOF! Ar "'"'ZiJ Tv-v ctu. (now nor the mcvie wer i-Ia6 wesa- -a-Vj lS 'o D,5rry "ex BAC" tex, rusty anp r are 6onS (track a? SuPlelWwStL " C THAT 6MC4T BUSINESS. EVERVBOC OlTO THE CANONA6AIN JoSLSa EXCITED ABOUT T (tX "gS& l 1 mSStoSeS WA fH "tf 7' tAl '5 "1 " Made Mumf Muile Crnt. Lutheran lal Baptlil Ch. Ut Baplitl Ch. Vair at Pmpharv Val af Praphy Radla BlblaClaaa Radla Blbla Claaa Lalhcran Hoar Lnlhfran Hour Sl-WB Mur la Ordrr Canraa af Maalr Camraa af Mtilr BlbltVlihiTihta Bihlt Hlthllthta Church in llama Churrh In Ham Stmt Mam. Xrranad Oaa'a Mail Ncwi Orrhrilra Nrwa Mill Rarth Trl Nawa Maal Kandar Pavarll Canary Pl Khaw Vale af Army Juvanll Jnrv Javnll Jury Hons ar Hralar Houa ar Mritarr Traa ntrllv Tra Dalartiva 1 1'ndr Arrnt I I I'nder Arraat I I Mr. Flt-lt I 'Muile laha Living 194 Living lt Eirrnai Light Klarnal Light filt-nn SI altay fJlpnn Shi May t'htraga Boand Tabl News David Baa Ores. I'nlv Thratra I'nlv. Thratr I'nlf Thcalra t'nlT. Tbratr Man't Family Man'a Family It Kldi Quia Kida Jana Pirhan Jan Pirkan Rurprltc ftarrnadr Sarprii Saranadc Jamaa Mrltaa IJamaa Mrllan Drrp River Bora Stmt Fellowthlp Veira Frllawahlp Valca Chapel "ifAir Clark Uennla At Maria Baat Ava Maria Haar Chareb fa Wild. Krne Whit Warna King Warn King Plrat Baptlit ll- Firit Bapliit Ch Flrt Bapllal Ch ! lUniitt Ch. Serenade far Slrlsga New Gay Lambarda Warda A Maila Wardi A Muila U'orda Muile Words Muate Nammy Kara Sammy Kay .Sunday Musi ftunday Mnale Roy Rogers Roy Rogers Mrk Carter Slfk Carter Male fur Knnday Music for Snnday For Christ Far Christ Warwlrk Theatre Warwtrk Iheatr Sunday Kerenad Sunday Serenad New Bigga, Oranlal Blgga, Oranlal Trinity Chair Churrh af th Air Churrh of th Air Churrh af th Air Churrh af tbt Air Newt Howard amilh tiallery Gossip Newa Invitation la Learning Peoplo'i Platform People's Platform Salt f.aka Taker. Sail Laka Taber. Syncopation Piera SvneapallOB Piece Symphanelt Synpbanelt Magi la Maalt newa CBS Symphony CBS Rvmphan? CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony Muslo tar Yo Maite far Toa Must af Mailer Muile af Maitars Martin A Lewi Martin Lewis Dick Pawell Dick Pawell Harris a Fay Harris a Faya Cborallera Char alien Newa My Serenad Wings or Heating Wings af Healing Orchestra News Secret Mission Secret Mission nregery Hood Gregory Hoed Mayor af Town Mayer f Town Medical Hllttea Northwest News Twenty Questions Twenty Questions Waller Wlnch'H Lauella Parson Fred Allen Fred Allen NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC Symphony Album Familiar Muslo Take ai Leave It Take er Leave II Horace Heidi Horace Held! Barns a Allen Burns a Allen Symphony Hoar Symphony Hour Newa Maala Muale Symphony Hear Symeham Hoar Catholic Hear Cathalic Hoar 1I:M I Sign Off Newa Mary Ann Mereer western Caravan Western Caravan Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Dallas Ministerial Land af Free Chapel af Air Chapel af Air Muile far America Candlelight Kllvrr Family Hear Family Hour Oii I a Harriet Otile Harriet Hit Parade ' Hit Parade Call the Police Call Ihe Police Rocky Jordan Rocky Jordan New George Fisher Frank de Vol Frank de Vol . Warwick Theatre Warwick Theatre Ave Maria Ave Maria Dave Dannie Dave Dennis Sunday Concert Sunday Concert Sunday Concert Sunday Concert Sis ap Sports Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Earn Vacation Earn Vacation Our Mlas Break Oar Miaa Break Lam Abner Abaer Hit Parade Hit Parade Life with Lalgl Life with Luigl The Whlaller ThWhlllcr Five Star Final Sam Spade Sam Spade Hr. of St. Franria Serenade Night Editor Orchestra Orchestra Sign-Off Iff FY Saturday P.M. 5:tn. It's In the Family! I:lft, Let Freedom Rlngi J:M, Teen Tunes: Here's te Vetsi Home Edillan Newsi :M, Dixie land: !:M. Maslcal Elrhlnrsi ?:M. Johnny Thompsoni 7:1.1. Bert Anderws: :00, Lnne Ranger i R:M, This Is Your rni; p:im, Break the Banki ;, Pat No vak for Hiret 10:1X1, Nrwat 10: 1 A. Dance Orchestral 1H:4S, Some I.Ike ll Hoti 1 f :B. Beverly Hills Orch.i IZ:M Xlra Henri 1:00, Sign Off. KCY Sunday A.M. ?:M. Morning MrL dlea; S:M. Maslr Tim! :IW. Fine Arts Quartet; S:M. Hear af Falthi !:(, Constant Invader i IH:X0, Message of Israeli 1 1 :M, James Roosevelt i 1 1 :1a, Romanre of Ihe Highways! :M, Na tional Vespers: IS:Afl. Parade of Hltsi I1:M, Piano Playhoavei I :MI. Editor al Hornet 1:15. Society Newsi 1:in, Bresthoff Orcb.i t:M, V. 8. Navy Raad: :M. Op era Albumt l:M, This Changing World; (IJ.lcd aa Pacific Daylight Time) itrAC Ootordar r.H l:M Om the rXWMlai Upbeat i S:M. US Sperls elabi :M. Newai S:I5 Loab al Aaitrallai London Letleri 1:45, Holland To lay nd Tomorrow; 1:00, Grand Opera I'.nighti :, News i :M, Danea Paradtl 10:00. Sign Off (Listed as Staadard Time) :I5, Honeydreamerflt t:SS. Hands y With Voai 4:M, Music Meeds! 4:M, Greatest Story Ever Toldi S:a, step the Mattel :, Liltle Herman: S:S, Think Fa ill 7:, Walter Wlnrhelli 1:15, Loeetla Par sonst ):M, Theatre Gulldi S-.M, Jlmmla Fidlert S:4.t. Roadsld Chapeli t:0, Drear Pearson; M:1A, Monday Morning Headlines! B.S0, Walter Wlnrhelli :I5, Intermaasai I0:M, Richfield Reporter i 10:15, Drew Pearaani 10: SO, Jantien Reach Oreh.t II :00, Nocturne; II :M, Claremonl Ore. I !?:. Xlra Houn l:0. Sign Off. Mrs. Sipprell Gets Special PTA Duties Mrs. Ralph B. Sipprell, presi dent of the Marlon County Council of Parents and Teachers sent Tuesday in Portland, where she attended the Oregon Con gress of Parents and Teachers' June state board meeting. At the meeting Mrs. Sipprell was appointed by Mrs. H. H. Har- graves, state president, a mem ber of the committee to prepare the president's calendar for the forthcoming year. Mendenhall Family in Reunion at Donald Donald A reunion of the Mendenhall families was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mendenhall. A picnic dinner was served in their beautiful yard and all enjoyed the birthday cakes, it being Mrs. J. H. Mendenhall and J 1 m m 1 e Lappens birthdays. Family pictures were taken as1 it is the first time all of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mendenhalls' children had been home at once in 15 years. Sixty guests were pres ent. - rJH? lNlBEI00WNyewMAH,NT i'l 'Wa4 rrrv moppid.i'm apra'D SI fiaVmVli V M I WORTH HAVING Sil 'JC still ill TROUBLf. 6tTTlN6 OUR Kil 3r53' ll J Mi7t PONY PROPERLY I'M Vmi NOTSURt t wOULDMAVt UT hlR VTAyJ--CA'T MAKE A H0UH PtT OUT Of A WILDCAT.'.. . HLY.'WHY THt 6UD0EM SILENCE, II1 R1! fPS ACROSS L Intredlent af varnlsti 4. Habitation I. Tear 11. Self IS. Canters 14. So. American wood aorrel 1. D ift controls 17. Domesticat4 II. Templt: archale Sfl. Irish oipletWa 11. Pack 2). Stayed 17. Traditions) weather la J lea tore tt. Look after 10 Natlv SI. Like ti ll. Tine XI. Fuss S. Compass point 1. Destroy IT. niner JS. Extended written ax position 42. Marries 43. Km It etonea 44. Ftsrilns appuP renanc 45. Make amenrls 48. Rubbing out H. Poor bt. Osrsman 4. Fyea: Scntph fs. Any monkey M. nnw Tahtclo 17. Biblical character sioit n flMin i MJU5Lr Ul e0MlTL QRiB A i s Ls is iMjrirtt II o Niea vVsiTAL 0Pj IP 0jj )CS3lij iSjPjsjB TJOlMl un p'l aInIe pjai-!s d's'a l. sjlgoLp1 CJW AIK'THrIa SUH;t iiPAwflai;i mi s i t aIIo p s ba DOWN I. Turkl.h iltla 1 5 J I M 3 9 7 i I ,; ft Y I" li 'n Tf : ,yv. T li lai" T 3 a a jail r, 3"m C T"55 : tft$ r irn Ts 3 7f I. Etas t. icandlnt-vlta meaaura t. Ship worm S, Goddaaa ol ta barreat f. Down: preflS t Ahenste I. fftyle or tTP 10. Solid water II. Small cushion 11. Cheaa place It. Dry to. so to n 21. Moater tt. Habitual drinker 24. Sbort iacktia IS, Finished 2t. Portals 11. Speaks snrrlrf II. Famrmo pbt lanthroptsl 4. Studio 14. 5hnr It. Sail of windmill 40. Aftereong 41. Sinned i. Aurtdes 4ft. Arabian earment 4t. Strike lift-nit? 4. Female sbeep 4. Frn U. Afririt ante. J lopa U. OU: SuflU f