Florida Governor to Wed L. A. Girl Florida's Governor Fuller Warren (left), will take socialite Barbara Manning (right) as his third wife on June 26, it was announced by the bride's mother in Los Angeles. They will be married in the Westwood Community Methodist Church at Los Angeles, honeymoon in Florida and live in the Governor's Mansion at Tallahassee, Fla. (Acme Telephoto). Noose-Cheating Bird Nears End Tacoma, Wash., June 10 P Noose-cheating Jake Bird, often doomed but never hanged, ap peared today to be nearing the end ot his rope nis iuuiui. In a curt court session yester day, the usually filibustering N.ffro was cut short by Super lor Judge Hugh Rosellini before he could commence his custom ary courtroom oration, and was sentenced to nang Juiy jo at me state penitentiary at Walla Walla. Since his conviction for slay Ins Mrs. Bertha Kludt Oct. 30, 1947. 48-year-old transient has heard his death sentence pro nounced three times, but each time won a stay of execution. Bird's various appeals and drawn-out legal maneuvers have taken him into 14 courtrooms and sent his case twice to the U.S. supreme court. He has admitted complicity in 44 k 1 1 1 i n g s throughout the country. i Flax Festival Dates l isted Mt. Angel Thursday, June IB. has been set as the date for the "Queen's Candidate Dance,"! opening dance of the 1949 Ore-j gon Flax Festival. On that night all candidates for the honor of being queen of Flaxaria will be introduced to the public. Place of the dance will be St. Mary's auditorium, Mt. Angel. ! It was announced by H. L. "Hi" Brendan, chairman of the Flax Festival committee that a large garden show has been added as one of the features of this year's Festival. The Festival committee has enlisted the help of the Mt. Angel Garden club In arranging a contest Involving displays of home-grown plants, j The contest will be divided into ten divisions with three winners in each division. Divisions will include: flower arrangement, fruit arrangement, vegetable arrangement, potted fuchia, potted geranium, Rose single bloom, gladiolas one spike, begonias single bloom, bouquet of petunias and a flow er arrangement for the junior division, 15 years old and young er. These plants must be grown in the exhibitor's own garden. The garden display is the sec ond new feature to be added to the '49 Flax Festival. The first addition, announced recently, is an industrial display, to feature farm implements, automobiles and home appliances. Dates for the Festival are July 29, 30 and 31. Buttons adver tising the event will go on sale at the candidate's dance. I Morse Opposes Labor Injunctions Chicago, June 10 MR) Sen. Wayne L. Morse, (R-Ore) pre dicts that a compromise labor law will be passed in this con gress but neither management nor labor will approve it enthu siastically. He warned a meeting of the Steel Founders' society, a group of steel easting manufacturers, that injunctions must be elimi nated from the new national la bor law, and that the Taft-Hartley law should be repealed. "Organized labor will dig in for as many years as it takes to resist return to government by injunction," Morse said. Marriage Licenses at Albany Albany Marriage licenses filed on Wednesday in the office of the county clerk were issued to: Donald L. Daley. 23. and Darla Jean Johnson, 18, both of Lebanon, and to Gerald Lee Knuths, 20, and Mildred Naomi Mickel, 19, both of Shedd. Administrator Appointed Albany Lester J. Kinder, Lebanon, Wednesday was ap pointed administrator .of the $8,000 estate of his late brother, Delvan Thomas Kinder. The estate consists of $2,500 in per sonal and $5,500 in real prop erty. Hop Growers Vote by Mail A reminder to hop growers that Saturday midnight, June 18, is the deadline for mailing ballots in a referendum on a proposed federal marketing agreement and order program was issued this week by M. W. Tate, chairman of the Marion county agricultural conserva tion committee. The ballot is a part of a print ed brochure mailed last week to all hop growers of record, and may be detached and mailed in an already addressed envelope requiring no postage. Any of the said growers who failed to receive a ballot by mail may obtain one, together with a copy of the proposed marketing agreement and instructions for voting, at the county agricul tural conservation office, locat ed at 203 Post Office building. Salem, or from the office of the county agent of the agricultural extension service, at the same address. The U.S. department of agri culture already has announced its approval of the program which, to become effective, must have the approval of at least two-thirds of the growers' voting in the referendum or by the producers of at least two thirds of the volume of hop pro duction represented. Handlers1 are being sent an identical mar keting agreement for their concurrence. The marketing order would regulate the handling of hops and hop products grown in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California when prices paid to growers were below parity by a surplus control plan requir ing that hops in excess of esti mated requirements for domes tic and export use be withheld from the market. bany, who died March 4, sub-1 mitted her report to the itate treasurer along with the tax statement signed by County Judge E. G. Arnold. The tax amounted to $4,229.48. Accord ing to the records at the county clerk's office, the next value of the estate after debts and ex penses were liquidated, was $31,809.35. Administratrix Files Report Albany Maud Ackley. ad ministratrix ot the $35,029.65 estate of John W. Sellers, Al- rapllal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June lfl, 1949 FOR THE TI.MF. OF VOIR LIFE! "DAFFY AUCTION" Wouldn't you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced in price! $315 I $2 Al QUART I PINT I MMIS Fint B landed Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 grain neutnl I g J nirire Cf.nkfnrt niettll. Pnrn MVP 1 -J1 u Several on Beach Trip Hubbard Mr. and Mrx. Al bert Kilmer of New Mexico are visiting in Oregon. Saturday they accompanied Mr. and Mrs Elmer Stauffer to Nelscott. They were all joined there by Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pulley and Randy. 7kat Wen Appreciate TOILETRIES MEN AFTER SHAVE LOTION "Northwoods Fragrance" a clean, refreshing fra grance as bracing and in vigorating as a spring morning in the north wood. $1.00 lit n COLOGNE The HIS' strictly mascu line exclusive "North wood Fragrance" Co logne that lends a finish ing touch lo good groom in $1.00 CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stat Street PECIAL! 10 DAY OFFER Deluxe Perma-Kleen All-Removable Slat VENETIAN BLINDS 65c Sq. Ft. Installed Regular 75c iq. ft. Value No More Cleaning, Headaches Ever with Flexalum Now that hot summer weather is here Venetian Blinds ore more necessary than ever. Shut out the heat and glare while letting in plenty of light and fresh air. These deluxe blinds have all the features you've ever dreamed of custom made with famous Lorentzen "Levolor" hardware 14 decorator colors in the flexi ble aluminum slats, 4 cords for smooth easy operation regardless of size. ECONOMY SPECIAL! Non-Removable Eggshell Aluminum Slat Blinds 45c Installed Full, Frothy Cotton Marquisette CrissCross Curtains by Bridal Veil J I pi Celery crisp rurUInt to fit every nit window with the famnu Wit a -Set permanent flntih. Generous billowy 0-lneh ruffles. So easy to launder. 44x45, S.40 pr. 44x111, IM pr. 44x54. I.JW pr. 72x111, 1.115 or. 44x63, 4.25 pr. ?2xM, 9.35 pr. Wx90, 11.90 pr. SUNNY KITCHEN CURTAINS We've Just rerelved shipment nf starchleas organ die priscillas with the famous Saylerized permanent finish that endures through damp weather and through countless washings. You simply wash, dry, dampen and Iron. No starrh needed. Gay floral designs on white. 4S-inch size 4.fi." pr. 54-lnrh slse 5. .15 pr. Matching yardage 1.1.1 yd. Have You Visited Our Bargain Basement Lately? AT PENNEY'S Salem, Oregon SHOP SATURDAY AND SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY Shop Penney's Shop and Save with Confidence INFANT'S PLASTIC BIB DAINTY PLASTIC, PATTERNED PLASTIC BOUND EDGES MADE WITH FOOD TROUGH SECOND FLOOR 10c BOYS' WAIST OVERALLS STURDY 8-OZ. BLUE DENIM OVERALLS POPULAR BIG MAC BRAND. ZIPPER FRONT BUILT FOR ROUGH SUMMER WEAR MAIN FLOOR .49 WOMEN'S RAYON PANTIES LOVELY RAYON KNIT PANTIES COLORS: WHITE, TEAROSE, BLUE, YELLOW SIZES S-M-L MAIN FLOOR 3 for 1.00 MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS COMBED COTTON POPLIN TRUNKS ELASTIC SHIRRED WAIST, DRAWSTRING ASSORTED COLORS MAIN FLOOR 1.98 FLANNELETTE DIAPERS CUT SIZE 27"x27" DOUBLE NAPPED BUY NOW AND SAVE! SECOND FLOOR 1.99 Dozen BIG VALUE! MUSLIN SHEETS thread count 123 saturday feature compare and save mezzanine' 188 II" X 10" PLASTIC SASH CURTAINS STURDY, DURABLE PLASTIC COLORFUL FLORAL DESIGNS SOFT PASTEL PLAINS DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1.00 WOMEN'S NYLON HOSE ALL HOSE NO. 1 QUALITY 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER IN SMARTEST SUMMER SHADES MAIN FLOOR 88c COTTON HOUSE FROCKS COLORFUL PRINTS AND STRIPES ALL DRESSES WORTH MUCH MORE BROKEN LOTS AND SIZES DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1.00 WOMEN'S SHORT COATS 100 ALL WOOL COVERT FABRIC BEAUTIFUL STYLES, 31" LENGTH COAT IN SUMMER'S HIGHEST TONES SECOND FLOOR 9.S8 STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 Monday Thru Saturday