Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 10, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    II Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 10. 1949
fmm,f.:,mum.,m i., n...n am minimum ,n;
let's Go to Sea for a Buffet Supper !
Devilled crabs, baked in shrimp-colored pottery shells and
carefully speared with slim, silvery oyster forks, deep sea
green asparagus vinaigrette, a tossed salad and savory sliced
eggs, set the stage for happy summer eating. All arrayed on
one platter it makes for easy serving, buffet style, with rolls,
and cheese straws. Dessert can be apple tarts served with
hard sauce, spooned from a chilled bowl with a gravy ladle,
and coffee either hot or iced.
Pfficers Installed in Junior
Woman's Club at Woodburn
Woodburn New officers of the Woodburn Junior Woman's
ftlub were Installed at impressive candlelight services, Wednes
day night, at the library club
Mr. and Mrs. Mohring were
hosts at a dinner honoring Ed
die Gaschie on his birthday an
niversary and George Mohring
and Jimmy Cole, who were con
firmed in the Trinity Lutheran
church near Mt. Angel,
A decorated cake and tapers
centered the dinner table with
covers placed for Rev. and Mrs.
Werth, Ruth and Paul, Mrs. Dor
othy Mohring, Mr, and Mrs. Carl
Gaschie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cole,
Jimmy and David of Woodburn,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gaschie
and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gas
chie Cassandra, Jerald, Frankie
and Ardell of Mill City. Miss
Jean Kaylor and Miss Wyona
Cole of Portland and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mohring.
Elnora, George and Dorothy. An
afternoon caller Was Miss Doro.
thy Schnlder of Portland.
looms with each retiring o"'cer. r ,,,, t A
4ntallinc hpr successor. ThoselL""nP' rClCS I WO
Jnitalled were: Mrs. Lois Gavi
la, president; Mrs. Lyman
feely, first vice president; Mrs.
tewart Popp, second vice pres
ident; Mrs. Layman Baird, sec
retary; Mrs. Donald Olson,
treasurer; Mrs. Joe Sowa, and
ilrs. Leo Miller, directors and
Mrs. L. B. Detweiler, club ad
visor. J Mrs. Gaviola named the fol
lowing standing committees:
atourtesy, Mrs. Walter Scarbor
ough, Jr., Mrs. Leo Erwert; par
liamentarian, Mrs. Arthur M.
Burt; publicity, Mrs. Wayne
iSyers; music, Mrs. Roy Arney;
program, Mrs. Lyman Seely
lYiembership, Mrs. Stewart
S The club voted to buy male
iflal and make curtains for the
girls' dressing room at the
Jvoodburn swimming pool and
Jlso voted to contribute $10 to
Jhe Boys' School at Woodburn
to apply on their recreation pro
The president was authorized
4o select a committee of six
Jnembers to decide on and ar
range a booth at the North Mar
ion County fair to be held at
,Woodburn in September. The
constitution was amended by a
Vote eliminating the age limit
or members. Guests were mem
bers of the senior Woman's club.
Special music was a vocal
Solo by Mrs. Robert Renn. ac
companied by Mrs. Howard
Refreshment were served by
Ihe hostess committee, Mrs.
Con Barrett, Mrs. Adrian
Schooler, Mrs. Arthur M. Burt,
Mrs. Lawrence Heer, Mrs. Ray
Jllller and Mrs. Harold Schiel
This was the final meeting of
Jhe club until the first Wednes
day In October.
Campus Event
On Saturday
An event for tomorrow will be
the luncheon for which Mrs. G
Herbert Smith is to entertain at
her home for the wives of trus
tees of Willamette university
and some of the visitors here
for commencement on the cam
pus. Places will be marked for:
Mrs. Charles B. Harrison of Co
lumbus, Ohio, Mrs. John L.
Knight of Berea, Ohio. Mrs.
Hugh McGilvra of Forest Grove,
Mrs. L. O. Griffith of Eugene,
Mrs. C. L. Starr, Mrs. Dean Pol
lock, Mrs. Guy Goodsell, Mrs.
Carl J. Hollingworth, Mrs. Clar
ence M. Bishop, Mrs. Robert Not
son, Mrs. F. M. Phelps, Mrs.
James W, Crawford and Mrs.
Lawrence Nye, all of Portland,
Mrs. R. L. Elfstrom, Mrs. M. C.
Findley, Mrs. E. E. Bragg. Mrs.
A. A. Lee, Mrs. A. A. Schramm.
Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mrs. Roy
Harland, Mrs. Roy Fedje. Mrs.
George Rhoten. Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague and Mrs. Smith, all of
Sunday afternoon Dr. and Mrs.
G. Herbert Smith will be hosts
at dinner at University House at
12:30 o clock preceding the com
mencement exercises. The affair
will honor the candidates for
honorary degrees, the commence
ment and baccalaureate speakers.
The faculty reception for sen
ior and their parents and uni
versity friends will be Saturday
evening in Lausanne hall.
Sojourners Club
"Keep Oregon Green" was the
theme for the Sojourners club
party Thursday afternoon. Each
member and guest was presented
with a KOG placecard, and for
souvenirs a small potted tree and
a KOG ash tray were given each.
Albert Wiesendanger from the
KOG association and Homer Ly
on, Jr. of the state forestry de
partment provided the favors
for the group. MrsAl Collins
was chairman for the day.
Mrs. Fay Baker of Littleton,
Colo., Mrs. Lakin Wesphal, Mrs.
Grace Beaver of Darby, Mont.,
and Mrs. B. George Braniff of
Bozeman. Mont., were visitors.
Honors at bridge went to Mrs.
William E. Healy. Mrs. Frank
Ward. Mrs. Arthur Young and
Mrs. Roger Webb, and at pino
chle to Mrs. George Riach and
Mrs. Fay Baker.
Announcement was made of a
no-host supper to be given the
evening of June 17 for members
and their husbands at the Roger
Hoy home.
Picnic for
Forty members attended the
picnic for Lions club auxiliary
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. John Ramage. Mrs.
Laura Steele was a guest. Mem
bers of the board were the
Reports were given on the
state convention held the first
of the week at Astoria, Mrs. L.
J. Stewart, Mrs. Fred G. Star
rett and Mrs. Merrill Ohling
giving the reports.
Announcement was made of
the joint installation with the
Lions club on June 30 at the
new country home of Mr. and
Mrs. Saul Janz in the Turner
Mrs. Walter Dry gave a re
port on work for pre-school
blind children.
A gift was presented Mrs.
Jacob Fuhrer, outgoing presi
dent. Mrs. Wayne Doughton,
I next year's president, made some
announcements regarding plans
for the new year. This was the
final meeting of the group for
the summer, members to re
sume their activities in Septem
ber. ...
Hagedorn, Jr., was honored at
the Howard Rogan home Fri
day evening, with co-hostesses.
Mrs. Howard Hagedorn, Sr., and
Miss Mary Alfred. Pink and
white colors in floral arrange
ments made up the room and
table decorations.
Guests present included Mrs
Maurice Mundorf, Miss Freda
Van Overn, Miss Gladys Fletch
er, Mrs. Oral Egan, Mrs. Carl
Zimmerman, Mrs. William
Jones, Mrs. Charlotte Morrison,
Mrs. Richard Bergerson, Mrs.
Joseph LeRud, Mrs. William
Meithke, Mrs. Harry Sherwood,
Mrs. R. E. Shaffer, Miss Ruby
Alfred. Mrs. Nellie Waterson,
Mrs. Hans Hagedorn, Sr., Mrs.
A. E. Reid, Mrs. Oscar Loe. Mrs.
Dan Fletcher. Mrs. Harry Hage
dorn, Mrs. Albert Erickson, Mrs
Conrad Johnson, Mrs. Richard
Nelson, Mrs. Frank Newell, Mrs.
J. D. Drake, Miss Gertrude Van
Overn, Mrs. Lou Hogland. Mis
Lillian Schafer, Mrs. Virgil
Huddleston, Mrs. Ben Wage and
Mrs. F. E. Sylvester.
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Dr. Scott A. Wheotley
One lady said recently that her
stomach use to be like a "gas
factory!" That is, when she ate a
meal it seemed to turn right into
gas. She was always bloated, had
awftit stomach gas pains, daily
headaches and constant irregular
bowel action. Now. however, this
lady says she is FREE of STOM
ACH GAS and she says the
change is due to taking KAL-O-
DEX. Her meals agree with her.
No gas or bloat after eating.
Headaches and constipation are
gone. "Oh! what relief!" states
this lady. "Why don't other gas
and constipation sufferers get
KAL-O-DEX contains S Great
Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear
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gish intestines and as a diuretic
on kidneys. Miserable people
soon feel different all over. So
don't go on suffering! Get KAL-O-DEX.
Sold by all drug stores.
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