V New Officers Announced i New office announced tot' the Salem district group of the Oregon Stale Music Teachers! association include: Lois Plummer Schmidt, presi dent; Jessie Bush Mickelson, vice president; Raymond Carl, recording and corresponding secretary; Charles Hargrave treasurer; Bertha Junk Darby and Prof. Ralph Dobbs, auditors. The group held its final meet ing this week as a picnic at the Frank Burlingham home. Mrs Darby gave a history of the lo cal association, organized in 1917. Gifts were presented three charter members still active in the association. Miss Elma Wei ler, Mrs. Dsrby and Prof. T. S Roberts. A gift also was pre sented Mist Lena Belle Tartar, who this year retired after 31 years teaching music at Salem senior high school. Several members of the local association plan to go to the state convention to be held Mon day and Tuesday on the cam pus of the University of Port land. Guild Members Meet in Garden Memberi of Saint Paul's Junior guild enjoyed an outdoor no-host luncheon in the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet north of Salem, Tuesday. As sisting Mrs. Goulet were Mrs. Frank L. Brownell, Mrs. Rue Drager, Mrs. Eugene I. Foster and Mrs. Z N. Chambers. Guests were Rev. George H. Swift Homer Goulet and Mrs. Clara Langrell of Baker. A memorial service was con ducted for the late Mrs. U. G Shipley by Mrs. Homer H Smith, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith and Mrs. Paul Gemmell. The committee appointed to assist with the St. Paul's Epis copal church's centennial cele bration on June 14 will be Mrs. W. H. Lytle, representative on the chruch executive board, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. Louis Lachmond Mrs. Homer H. Smith and Mrs. Donald Roberts. Mrs. Homer Goulet, chairman of a benefit card party to be held July 19 in the Homer Smith Gardens is making plans for the event. The guild will meet again in October with the following members in charge of the lunch eon: Mrs. E. E. Bragg, Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs. Miller B. 7 I m al am J r' I IS :- $ r-- 'r '4.. A ,-vv- oast mistress Club i ice npfjun m i ici no 11 1 f ecf Miss M Local DAK Announced ( Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday. June 19, 1949 7 I Committee appointments for Chemeketa chapter. Daughters iof the American Revolution, have been announced by the new 'regent, Mrs. Ruth Herndon, They are as follows: i Parliamentarian, Mrs. Oscar Hayter; custodian, Mr. W. B. 'Johnston. ! Advancement of American, , II , imusic, Mrs. William Thielsen. nSTQl Id T 10H Americanism, Miss Ola Clark. American Indians, Mrs, J. w. L, rvnfinmC Ml Ul IliWJI 1-5 train Meusey was elected pres-j SPANISH club ta to meet at "Mrs. Marion Wooden wai.ident for the coming year and S o'clock thia evening In the awarded the Toastmistres other officers named were Mrs. jYWCA. Otto Faulua to to show "oscar" for her talk at the club Marion Curry, vice pressdent;ipicturs taken on t recent trip. dinner meeting Thursday night Mrs. Mabel Haylps, recording . Missjsecretary; Mrs. Lochenour, cor-' responding secretary; Mrs. Geo. Beane, treasurer. One more meeting will be held June 23, when officers will Nash. Approved schools, Mrs. W. E. Hanson. Chapter mem bership, Mrs. J. M. Shipley. Con servation, Mrs. Alfred Vick. Constitution day, Mrs. Edwin A. Jory. Correct use of the flag, Mrs. A. L. Wallace. Good citizenship pilgrimage, Mrs. C, E. Robhn D. A. R. manual for citizenship Mrs. John Raphael. D. A. R. museum, Mrs. J. G. Heltzel. fit Wed May 30 The marriage of Mrs. Joseph W. Dougherty, the former Virjeane Highberger, was solemnized May 30. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Highberger of Aumsville, Mr. Dougherty the son of Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Dougherty of Salem. (Kennell Ellis Studio picture). Hayden, Mrs. E. E. Boring and Mrs. E. J. Scellars. Those present for the after noon were: Mesdames tart I. Andresen, E. E. Bragg, Frank L. Brownell, J. N. Chambers, Rue Drager, C. A. Dorffler, Eugene I. Foster, Lola Fursman, W. C. Gabriel, Paul Gemmell, Homer Goulet, H. H. Henry, E. H. Ken nedy, John Langrell, William H Lytle, R. E. Meredith, Louise Muller, Virginia Nowlen, Donald Roberts. W. Carlton Smith Elmer Smith, Homer H. Smith George H. Swift, Harry Wende- roth, Austin H. Wilson. SILVERTON Mrs. Irene Roubal, re-elected for the sec ond year to serve as president Installation of new officers for the Salem Zonta club was conducted at a dinner meeting of the group last evening at Sil-) ver Falls lodge, about 40 attend- j ing. The buffet dinner was serv-! ed on the patio. Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed of Eugene, a past district chair man for Zonta and a past presi dent of the Eugene club, was installing officer. Miss Dorothy at Kohlgren'a restaurant. Constance Wymart was another speaker and Mrs, F. M. White was toastmistress for the pro gram, Mr. Roy Lochenoyr, vice president, conducted the meet-'1 installed. July and August ing in the absence of Missjare vacation months for the Amanda Andersen, Miss Lor- group. FOR THE TIME Of YOIR LIFE! "DAFFY AUCTION" journal Wont Ads Pay ing and lending, Mrs. Clarence I ffiei8led ,t 1he of the Business and Professional Woman's club, and her assisting officers, were installed by Miss Hannah Olson, past president, at the formal banquet meeting Tuesday evening at the Trinity Lutheran social rooms. Assisting officers to Mrs, Rou bal are Miss Thora Arstad, vice president; Miss Stella Dybevik, secretary, and Miss Betty Hei denstrom, treasurer. Reports of the state conven tion held in Salem were given by the delegates attending. Mrs. Earl Spencer was vocal soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Lela Quin tal. Miss Shirley Seid and Miss Lois Olson gave piano solo selections. Mntcahv. Hoover house, Mrs. John H. Carkin. Junior American citizens, Mrs. Edwin Keech. McLaughlin house. Mrs. C. C. Geer. Motion pictures and radio, Mrs. M. A. Pekar. National defense, Mrs. H. J. Ostling. D. A. R. magazine, Mrs. P. T. Bouffleur. Press relations, Mrs, H. G. Henderson. Distribution of year! books, Mrs. Carey F. Martm. General chairman of birthday anniversary, Mrs. Homer Goulet. Auditing committee: Mrs. C, E. Roblin, Miss Helen Litchfield. Champoeg committee: Miss Ruth Rulifson, Mrs. W, E, Hanson, Mrs. David Looney, Mrs. A. A. Underhill, Mrs. Carey Martin, Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. E, B. Bosatt. Finance committee: Mrs, David Wright, Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mrs. C. L. Crider, Mrs, J, C, Sell, Mrs. L. D. Griffith, Mrs. John Black. Women's Council: Mrs. Nettie Roberts, Mrs. A. E. Ost lind, Mrs. E. A. Jory, Mrs. C. C. Best. Memorial Day and Armistice committee: Mrs. J. M, Shipley, Mrs, Philip Bouffleur, Mrs. E. Bergman, Miss Kate Dickson, Mrs. James Likes, Mrs, W, W. Allen. Program and year book committee: Mrs. Charles A Sprague, Mrs. William Thielsen. Mrs. W. E. Hanson, Miss Oia Clark, Miss Edna Mingus. Tele phone and transportation com mittee: Mrs. C. J. Lisle, Mrs. J. W. Nash. Ways and means com mittee: Miss Edna Mingus, Mrs John Black, Mrs. M. A. Pekar, Mrs. L. C. McLeod, Mrs, David Looney, Mrs. John Carkin, Mrs H. G, Henderson, Mrs. Lenard Kephart, Mrs, W. B. Johnston, Mrs. B. H. White. mony of building the Zonta bou quet with Miss Nellie Schwab as narrator. Mrs. Mabel Clock read the collect and Mrs. Harry W. Scott was installing marshal Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Turnipseed, Mrs. Fanny Marlatte, a past president of the Eugene club: Mrs. E, S. Fort- ner and Miss Doris Nelson, Mr? I, N. Bacon, retiring president presided at the business session The new officer installed in clude: Mrs. Robert M, Fischer. Jr., president: Mrs, William E Smith, first vice president: Mrs Frank J. Burke, second vice president: "Mrs. Gordon O. Leon ard, secretary: Mrs. John Clear water, treasurer; Mrs. R, W. Land. Mrs. Karl Becke, Miss Dorothy Cornelius, Miss Doro thy Pearce, the other four board members. Committee Chairmen Committee chairmen announc ed for the new year's work in clude: Mrs. R. W, Land and Mrs. Herbert Winkler, co-chairmen for attendance: Mrs W, L. Al len, fellowship: Miss Nellie Schwab, finance; Mrs, Harry W Scott, membership; Miss Janet Bower, bulletin: Mrs, James Bunnell, Miss Lean Belle Tar tar, co-chairmen for program: Miss Genevieve Morgan, pub licity: Mrs, Harold Larsen, gerv ice; Miss Dorothy Cornelius. public affairs; Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans, Blue Cross chairman; Miss Alene Phillips, intercity Mrs. James Heltzel, status of women; Mr. Herbert Winkler chairman for the permanent Helen Yockey Memorial com mittee; Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, international relations. oomS We know, because we were grooms one, that he's not supposed to see you in your wedding garments , so we'll be sure not ts divulge your wardrobe until JJere (Coined ike (J2ndt We know, too, you'll be ot your loveliest , . , ond we'd be honored ts think that your slippers ore chosen from our collection ot Wedding riginols. Wigf &prM flrip VASSAR These two elegant examples, for instance. The VASSAR ond the SYNN, both in white buck suede, the Vossor with o medium heel ond o slim, symmetric strap, ond the Synn with cushion plotform ond high heel. The sizes go like this; Nar rows, from 5 to 9; Mediums from 4 to 9. THE SALEM SHOE STORE THAT THE BRIDES ADORE ... . D We'll Gladly Charge It to Your Account mm mm WW i mm "Mac" Tiano, ELFSTROM'S Appliance Dept. Manager, Is Top GENERAL ELECTRIC HOME FREEZER Salesman in Pacific Northwest. Will Be Entertained in East by Top G-E Officials and Cleveland Indians i 4 cu. ft. Model 2 MILLION SEALED-IN REFRIGERATION UNITS HAVE BEEN IN USE TEN YEARS or LONGER No ofner manufacturer can make that statement. You'U be mighty troud to own one and NOW is the time to get one. NOW Is the TIME TO FREEZE STRAWBERRIES. Yes straw berries are now at their luscious best and you can buy them at rock-bot.om prices. 9.20 DOWN Month 5 ; ' '?) if- U 1 Ull I "It's eosy to win," soys Moc, "when you're selling the best , , . ond i automatically odd a new sales men the customer to my sales force every time I sell o General Electric Home Freezer. I can soy in oil sincerity that if you want the best in home freezing , . , osk for GENERAL 0 ELECTRIC freezer KprZ7t :.-": 13 GENERAL ELECTRIC Tops AM EVERY G-E HOME fREEZER OWNER IS A WINNER, TOO You beat the high cost of living by tremendous savings en food. You can save as much fit 146,00 yr. on food purchases. 4 cu. ft. Model 1190 XI R. D, "Bob" Scott, District Applionce Monoger for GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORP. in Portland, presents letter to Mac Tiano, stating ELFSTROM'S has won first place in Northwest Division of "Stort the Music" G-E Home Freezer sales tontest. Hugh Brisbane, winning G-E soles counselor, looks on. IfstfOr A'" 2) 30 DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER in Your Own HOME See For Yourself the Advantage of Home Freeiinf by Actually Trying There b ,Vo Obllgatiotrt. Bay . . . CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES lefer Buying Any Home Freezer Perfect Seal Cabinet Construction Famous G ! sealed-in refrigeration Unit Sliding baskets Tem perature Light Five Year Protection Plan. On S Ca, Ft. Model Shown Above Pay Only 31.90 DownTAs ft I f -t -fc Konit IjLgijRl 1 Salem' JTS r