Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 10, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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Local Paragraphs
Miu Your Paper? If the
Capital Journal carrier fails to
leave your copy please phone
22406 BEFORE 6 P. M. and a
copy will be delivered to you.
Building Permits Bishop
estate, to alter a store at 223
North High, $200. Paul B. Wal
lace, to wreck wood portion of
cannery at 305 South High, $50.
E. A. Finch, to build a one-story
dwelling at 1535 Court, $4000.
Father, Son Dinner The En
glewood Evangelical United
Brethern church will sponsor a
no-host, father and son dinner
In the church at 6:30 the night
of June 17. The men's Sunday
school class Is behind the project
with Henry Myers chairman of
the committee on arrangements
Assisting him will be Otis Brad
bury, Wayne Schrunk, Frank
Young. Emery Raboin, Melvin
Propp and Harold Douris. Jack
Spong will serve as master of
Hall Wins Grant Carl Hall,
Salem artist, has been named
one of the six 1949 grantees in
art by the American Academy
of Arts and Letters. The grant
to each winner is $1000. Hall is
one of the artists whose works
have been chosen for exhibition
, in the Portland Art museum's
jury-judges all-Oregon show op
ening in Portland June 25. The
works are "Coast Rhythms," an
oil, and "Bird Call," a water
color. Delores Tndd Faces Charges
Delores Todd awaited hearings
later in June Friday following
the filing of two charges in dis
trict court as an aftermath to
the frustrated escape of her hus
band from the Marion county
jail. In one complaint, she was
charged with aiding an impris
oned person to escape. Bail was
set at $1000. A hearing was set
for June 14. The other charge,
filed by Sheriff Denver Young,
charged her with unlawful pos
session of narcotics. She entered
a plea of innocent to the charge
and trial was set for June 16.
Father Dies Dr. F. D. Voigt
will leave by plane Friday night
for Lincoln, Nebr., called there
by the death Thursday of his
father, WilTiam Voigt. Dr. Voigt
plans to return to Salem next
week following funeral services
for his father.
Bitten hy Dog Evan Even
off, route 9, was bitten by a dog
Friday, and was treated by first
aid. David Chandler, 3725 Port
land road, was taken to Salem
General hospital with a cut on
the right arm. The nature of the
accident was not determined.
Salstrom Twins Twins were
born to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sals
trom at the Salem General hos
pital Friday morning. "A pitch
er and a catcher," explained
Eddie when questioned concern
ing the babies' sex. The father
is employed at the Maple Sport
ing Goods store. The family in
cludes a daughter.
Frankie Frisch Quits
Giants for Cubs
New York. June 10 "PI
Frankie Frisch resigned as
coach of the New York Giants
today to accept a three-year
contract as manager of the Chi
cago Cubs.
The Cubs now are in Boston,
where Charley Grimm's resig
nation was announced.
Frisch, one-time manager of
the St. Louis Cardinals and the
Pittsburgh Pirates, returned to
baseball this year after a two
year stay in radio.
In Boston, owner Philip K.
Wrigley said Grimm was mov-
' ing up into the front office as
"I felt the move was neces
sary," Wrigley said, "to bring
another baseball man into an
executive position."
Named Dr. Raymond B.
Allen (above), president of
the University . of Washing
ton in Seattle, has been nam
ed to direct unification of the
Army, Navy and Air Force
medical service. Dr. Allen
will return to the university
next fall. (AP Wirephotn).
Te Cipltal Journal Weleajaia
the rollowlnV CIHtrm:
Woodburn To Mr. and Mrs. Jtrk On
tal. Jr . of Woodburn. t dauanttr, Junt
I it Balta Memorial hdapltal.
Woodburn Ta Mr. and Mrs. Jacnh
Oamroth f Woodburn, douititor, Junr
S. at aa)ni Oandral hoaptial.
Wnodbunt Td Mr. and Mr. Thomaj.
HlflofibeUiadl df Woodburn. a dor. Dald
W. Juna S dt tha Woodbura hospital.
vnt To Dr. and Mrs. Clsmant t--
of Mt. Anaai, d Odd, Juna a, dl
rtM Bdddltdl.
r w
I Barbershop Finals National
1 finals of the Barbershop Quar
tet contest to be held in Buffa
lo, N.Y. Saturday night will be
I heard in Salem Saturday night
I between 9:20 and 10 o'clock ov
er radio station KSLM.
Bowersox Graduates Joe
William Bowersox, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe W. Bowersox, 2346
Hazel Ave., is a candidate for
the degree of bachelor of arts
to be conferred at the 66th
commencement ceremonies at
Occidental college, June 13. A
graduate of Salem high school
where he served as student body
president, won several honors
and was active in sports, Bow
ersox majored in education at
Occidental and is affiliated with
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
Bridge Condemned County
Commissioner Rogers advised
the county court Friday that a
small bridge on the flax plant
road near Mt. Angel toward the
Harmony school has to be re
placed. He said a survey will
be made as to the amount of wa
ter running under it during fre
shet times, the only time when
there is water, and decision then
made whether a new bridge will
be installed or the present one
replaced with a pipe.
Pole Permit Given Portland
General Electric company has
been granted authority by the
county court to extend its pole
lines along county road 617 and
also dedicated roads in Labish
Plan Credit Week Prelimin
ary plans for a "credit week" to
be held in October were discuss
ed this week at a meeting of the
Salem Credit Council, Charles
Schmitz, secretary for the Sa
lem Credit bureau announced
Friday. The October event will
be aimed at extending greater
credit to the public through
tounder methods of operation.
Many features of public interest
are to be planned for the credit
Patterson Improves Salem
relatives are informed that Wil
lis S. (Red) Patterson, who was
seriously injured while working
with a silo filler near Gerber,
Cal., several days ago, is im
proving in St. Elizabeth's hospi
tal in Red Bluff. He regains
consciousness at intervals and.
according to his doctor, will be
out of danger as soon as he be
comes wholly conscious. He was
injured by a piece of mechanism
that flew out of the silo filler
and struck him on the head. In
formation as to his condition
was received here by his sister,
Mrs. O. J. Watts, 1011 Elm
Gl Gets Year for
Deserting Army
Frankfurt, Germany, June 10
') An American soldier who
says he was held incommuni
cado for six months by Czech
Dollce was convicted of deser
tion by a United States army
court martial yesterday, the
army newspaper Stars and
Stripes reported. '
The paper identified him as
Arthur W. Short, 28 (home
town unavailable).
It said the court martial at
Grafenwoehr, Germany, senten
ced him to one year's confine
ment and a dishonorable dis
charge. CROISAN CREEK building
site 4 miles from Ladd & Bush
Year-round creek, timber and
shade trees. 125 ft. frontage on
Croisan Road. Sign on property
adjoining new construction.
Owner on property Sunday.
Marimba Concert Monday,
June 13th, 8:15 p.m., i Bush
school. No admission. Publis in
vited. Wiltsey Music Studios.
1630 N. 20th, Ph 3-7186. 140
Revival still continues at Wes
leyan Methodist church. Rev.
Warren Pamp To Pee service
each evening at 8 p.m. Pastor
Glenyates. 138
Sewing, alt. 360 State St., rm.
27. 139
Federally insured Savings
Current dividend J '4 See
FIRST Federal Savings FIRST
142 S. Liberty Ph J-4944.
Up to 75 off on over 150
closeout Wallpaper patterns at
Elfstrom's, 340 Courrt St. 145
Guaranteed expert Swiss and
Amer. watch rep. at Jewel Box.
443 State.
A. A. Larsen, for more than 12
years with Hawkins It Roberta I
in the real estate business, has
moved to Center and High with
McKillop Real Estate. Phone
38620. 138
Come to Summer School at
the Capital Business College
Classes starting June 13. You
can get shorthand, typewriting,
accounting, filing, mathematics,
calculator, spelling In the morn
ing. Phone 3-5987. 140'
Road oiling Call Tweedtt.
2-4151 days and 3-5769 eves
Insured savings ears more
than two percent at Salem Fed
eral Saving Association, (60
Stat street.
Cherry Picking
Starts Monday
One of the largest crops of
cherries in recent years will start
coming off the trees next Mon
day and the state employment
service estimates that at least
2000 pickers will be needed. The
picking price is 2 4 cents a
pound, with adjustments to be
made in orchards where the har
vest varies. The crop is estimat
ed to be two weeks earlier than
last year. I
At the Willamette Valley
Cherry Growers association, it
was stated that the need for pick
ers is urgent.
W. H. Baillie, manager of the
Salem office of the state employ
ment service reports that at least
20 growers will be at his estab
lishment at Cottage and Ferry
streets at 6 o'clock Monday mor
ning seeking unattached pickers.
A number of orchardists have se
cured their pickers.
Posf Office" to
Be Repaired
The Salem post office will be
given a complete repair and
paint job for the first time since
it was constructed in 1937, un
der the terms of a bid submit
ted by R. A. Neumann and Son
of McMinnville. . The bid, lowest
one of five submitted, calls for
the expenditure of $9479..
The contract calls for repair
ing and painting the roof, re
pointing masonry wherever nec
essary, recalking the marquee at
the rear and approach steps on
the west and south sides; repaint
the outside trim and redecorate
the interior, place tile covering
on the floor of the men's locker
room, replace the sidewalk along
the Court street side and repair1
the walk along Church street. Aj
dead walnut tree located in the'
parking at the southwest corner!
is to be removed.
Other bidders were: Lorentz
Brunn, Portland, $10,989; Rob
ert L. Forster, Salem, $11,198;
Lewis Neuman, Salem, $11,682;
Grohne Co., Decatur, 111., $11,
882. Brown Talks On
Lumber Industry
Keith Brown, head of the
Keith Brown Lumber company,
told members of the Salem Cre
dit association Friday that the
lumber industry was headed
south for the California red
wood areas.
He cited the belief that the
industry is now centered in
Roseburg, but that despite its
move, a residual timber Industry
would be left in the Willamette
Reforestation and systems of
sustained yield for timber would
ease the problem of the future,
he said, but he expressed' hope
that industry of the valley
would find a use for the com
mercial hardwoods of the state.
An official of the state forestry
office accompanied Brown and
exhibited samples of the hard
woods of Oregon to members of
the association.
Sanitary Service Noted Cer
tificate of assumed business
name for Santiam Sanitary Ser
vice, Stayton, has been filed
with the county clerk by Har
vey Clifford and Rosa Moultet,
Phone 22406 before 8 p.m. If
you misa your Capital Journal.
Air-steamship tickets. Kugel,
735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7694.
Eola Acres Florist. Ph. S-5730.
Now is the time. Place your
order for the coming season's
canned fruits and vegetables.
Ph. 38487. Aufranc's Custom
Cannery. 138
Lannderette, 1255 Ferry. 138
Don't be satisfied with any
thing but the best In Venetian
blinds. See them at Reinholdt &
Lewis or ask their salesman to
call and give you free estimates.
Ph. 2-3639. 138
Strawberries, U - p I c k. Sat.
Clean yard. Ph. 2-2174. 138
Dr. L. B. Warnicker Dentist
is now associated with the Dr
Painless Parker office. 125 N
Liberty St., Salem. Ph. 38825
$50 trade-in allowance for
your old ice box on Zenith De
luxe refrigerator at West Salem
Hardware, 1111 Edgewater St.,
or Wallace Hardware, 2056 N.
Capitol. 138
Bank nf Manhattan atnoU
holders. Rights are now being
traded. For assistance write or
call Conrad, Bruce It Co., 203
Oregon Bldg. Ph. 3-4106. 138
Cold storage lockers. Get your
frozen food locker now at the
west end of the bridge. 139
For sale by owner 1 choice
Englewood lot. Ph. 3-5970. 142'
Complimentary presentations
given of the Luziers products.
Fri. & Sat. Lip Stork Beauty
Salon. Ph. 13836. 1872 State.
"Top Hatters" Dance Band
Cottonwoods, Sat. Danct 9 till
1. 139
mm --juu I,
kmhmJ : BNHiiiiiiSsfeaMs - wmatihmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJk
Curbstone Merchants This refreshment stand set up in
front of the William Pero home. 1460 D street by enter
prising youngsters is enjoying a flourishing curbstone busi
ness. Monday was a banner day with cash register receipts
showing $1.80. Recession came on Tuesday with only a dime
taken in. On Wednesday and Thursday sales were better.
Shown, from left: Judy Lynn Pero, 4; Jimmy Pero, 9, record
ing a sale on his cash register; Norman C. Waters, 11. dis
penser and Jill Cummings, 11, finishing off her punch.
Playground Season Opens
On Monday Afternoon
With virtually a complete staff selected and with the physi
cal plant in excellent condition, the Salem city-school play
ground season will open next Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. All
facilities, including the swimming pools at Olinger and Leslie
will be ready for operation at that hour.
Border Police Kill
Hungarian Official
Vienna, Austria, June 10 Wi .
A Viennese newspaper said to
day a top Hungarian officer was
shot to death yesterday while
trying to escape into Austria car
rying a list of Hungarian secret
service employees.
The Socialist Arbeiterzeitung,
which is usually well-informed,
identified the man as Colonel
Oszcso, chief of the personnel
branch of the Hungarian minis
try of the interior.
It said he managed to hide the
list before being seized and shot
by Hungarian police near the
Circuit Court
Arthur Frederick and Pfarl Wna
Thomwon a. R. W. Kant and thara,
order conflrmlm aala of re I property.
IWphlna v. Clauda Out, Jr.. rdr
modlfylna 4ttr9 W reaucine- aupnorv
money from 140 to 130 ft month for child.
Marten C. Berry w. O. A. OXoddirt,
reoir make dentil.
Mir Inn Verhaien va. Mr. Bertndlna
Cham be . dWn.e motion to make pirt
of complaint more dettnlt and certain
aa to date on which plaintiff mad de
mand for payment for aervlcu.
A. W. Bakrr vi. Richard and Jeanne
jrovne motion to make complaint more
definite and certain u to data mm of
money alletedly wm paid.
Mabel F. m. Walter B. Barton, divorce
complaint alleie cruel and Inhuman
treatment. Married April . ml. It Van
comer, Wuh.
f robot Court
William Iwan extat.
determined at t7.4.
Inherit a nee tax
Onrlne Hatteben tat appraised
135.138.57 br Anton DrM, Bd Overlund
and C. B. And won.
Llda B. Cranaton wtate, final account
of Pioneer Trust company, admlnlatrater.
Even Bitnuon aatate valued at ISAOO,
Blanch Evnon named administratrix
and Frank Hubba appraiser.
Varnum WelU Tremalna estate ord'r
ettint June it at a.m. as time for
harlni en petition for reappraisal of
tock of merchandise.
Allla M. Maer astat appraised at
11000 by Roy Hartand, Helen Codington
and Thomas B. Oabrlel.
Burdette R. Bennie estate, final order
to Rena Bennie, administratrix.
Nancy J. Darts estate appra:sed a
1101.47 by Ben Harruon. Beulab Bucklni
ham and Lena Anderson.
Robert John McOukre, minor. Mlllan
Belle McOulre. luardlan. authorised to
accept ISS.3S In compromise of personal
Injury claim.
District Court
Unlawful operation of a water eraft:
Richard Roy Carter. 1171 B. llh, held for
rand Jury, ball ISOO.
Larceny: Richard Roy Carter, contin
ued, ball 1350.
Carrying an unlicensed. concealed
weapon: Pete Brban, Jr., 30-0 it Jell term
suspended upon payment of 131 fine and
costs, placed on probation for one year.
Fugitive: flrnmla Davis, held tint It June
IT for California as a fiittMva on a charge
involving fictitious checks.
Aiding an Imprisoned person to escape:
Delores Todd, hearing aet for Juna 14,
ball liooo.
Unlawful possession of narcotics: De
lores Todd, pleaded innocent, hearing sat
for June If.
Folic Court
Vagrancy: John T. Courson, Illinois, 10-
dav Jail term suspended to leave town:
Hilllard L. Ware. California, five daya In
jail; Alfred w. Brewer, transient, five
dara in Jail.
Marriage Licansat
Donald P c heeler. II. sales elerk. and
Dessa Lea Holmes. 93, nurse, both Balcm.
Ollbert T. McCullwugh. . todr end
fender work. Oervala, and Betty P. Jaeuaa.
II clerk, PerUand.
Herman Hanson. Si. foreman. Portland,
and lelrn B. Halvoreen, St. accountant.
Charles Christian. SS. tttideni Denver,
Colo . and Olea Tervend, 34. student, Btl
Oeerae Kenneth temple, M wttll work
er. Palls Out. and DoretrtT niadya Pat
teraoa. It, office worker, Belea.
Carroll T Bese. 13 civil engineer.
Temonia, and Charlotte fleevae, M, alert.
The program will include
operation of the usual neighbor
hood playgrounds with the ex
ception of the one at Washing
ton school where possible con
struction work may be under
taken. Vern Gilmore as head of the
recreation department has made
the following assignments:
Leslie: Robert Metzger, direc
tor; Wilfred Loggan, life guard;
Donna Lambert, assistant life
guard; Ann Carson, Marian Car
son, check room attendant;
Hugh Bellinger, pool operator;
Jack Loftis, night janitor; Henry
Juran, boys' activities.
Olinger: Harold Hauk, direc
tor; Cole Stephens, Ray Corn-
stock, life guards; Marjorie
Lundahl, assistant life guard
Barbara Spagle, Barbara Zum
walt, check room attendants;
Allan Bellinger, pool operator;
Bobby Davis, night janitor.
Other assignments include
George Hanauska, boys' activi
ties. West Salem; Del Ramsdell
tennis Instructor, Leslie and
Olinger; E. Donald Jessup,
music director; Jim Dimit, .toft-
ball director.
Neighborhood playgrounds:
Bush, Norma Cam; Englewood,
Mrs. Caroline Black; Grant
Mrs. Gretchen; Highland, Mrs
Dena Davis; Richmond, Mrs.
Harriet Cain; West Salem, Joan
Ann Walsh; McKinley, Nancy
Snyder; Olinger, Mary Frances
Activities will include: soft-
ball, baseball, handcrafts, swim
ming (learn to swim campaign
July 11-23); music, kindergar
ten, horseshoes, clay modeling.
wood working and many others.
The grounds may be reserved
for picnics by calling the play
ground office, 22481.
Real Estate Deeds
Fewer, Contracts More
Thtft transfers of real estate
by deed have dropped from 20
to 25 percent over a year ago
and that more contracts are be
ing written, were some of the
opinions expressed during a
question and answer luncheon
program conducted Friday noon
by the Salem, Board of Realtors.
One member expressed the
opinion that 10 contracts were
being written to every deed re
corded. It developed that con
siderable refinancing It being
Violation of an exclusive
property listing contract does
not constitute a cloud on the
title in the opinion of title men
who took part In the program.
Other questions Involved some
what intricate procedures in the
transfer of property and the
probability that investment
money may be more plentiful in
the fall.
The regular onnu jl meeting of the members of the Bel
crest Memorial Aisociotion will be held in the Adminis
tration Building ot Belcrest Memorial Park on Monday,
June 13, 1949, al 2:00 p.m.
Ownership of one or more full sections in the pork
constitutes membership in the association. The purpose 1
of the meeting is to elect o
1949, to the date of the onnuol meeting in 1952, and to 1
tronsoct such othei business
the meeting.
Bltrest Memorial Association
Jaycees Enjoy
r49 Convention
Colorado Spring. Colo., Jiinesim. and Pantain .u. iPam is
, ,-.reiiow5 ime maurice , staff S(!l Herman M. Doney
West of Fon Du Lac, Wis., arei0ther members of the team are
naving tne best time at tne Hin:S(!,. j, w Marcroft. Pfc. G. B
U.S. Junior Chamber of Com
merce convention. I
West is typical of the hun
dreds of delegates undecided on
whom they'll vote for president
tomorrow. They're receiving
royal treatment from the four
presidential candidates and
their hardworking supporters.
Trips to mountain resorts, din
ners, beer and cocktail parties'
are a few of the lures being used
to win votes. Longtime mem
bers say it's the hottest Joycee
political contest they can re
West even got a free shoe
shine yesterday from one of the
campaigners for John W, Ham
rick, Gaffney, S C., textile mill
executive. Hamrlck is putting
on an especially vigorous cam
paign for the office now held by
Paul D. Bagwell, Michigan state
The voting tomorrow after
noon in city auditorium will be
modeled after the method used
in major political conventions.
Floor demonstrations with bands
playing and banners waving
will be staged by the state del
egations after each nominating
Among the 14 candidates for
the 10 vice presidential offices
is Frank Merrill, Albany, Ore
South River Road
iContlmifd from Paf 11
In fact, we have been approach
ed by a local attorney who has
advised steps will be taken to
enjoin the court in event we go
ahead on the new route.
"As it now stands the Silver
ton project seems to be held up
indefinitely until right of way
problems are ironed nut.
"As a result, if federal funds
are still available and the Sil
verton impasse cannot be ironed
out, there is certainly no rhyme
nor reason in allowing the funds
to lie stagnant and hold up the
South River road project which
already has been approved as aicar had been losl.
federal aid road, the engineer- Police raid the car was an em
ing has been done on it and It Is bezzled car from Mississippi,
virtually all ready to go. The juvenile who gave Infor
"Assuming that both rights of
way were now available and we
had funds for the one project,
certainly the Silverton road
would have the preference," the
judge continued. "But there is
no reason to allow the funds to
lie idle when the South River
road project is available and the
Silverton road is not and there's
no way of knowing when it will
Judge Murphy was directed
by the court to contact the state
highway engineer and ascertain
just the status of federal funds
for Marion county, what are
available and whether they
could be applied to the South
River road if it can be whipped
in shape in time to go ahead.
"Since 1939 to 1948." said the
judge, "only one federal aid
project has been done in Marion
county of this type for aid on
country roads, and that Is the
one on the Silverton road last
summer. Several other roads
have been approved for federal
aid funds and we should get the
use of such funds as rapidly as
possible for benefit of the peo
ple of the county."
trustee to serve from June 13,
as may properly come before '3
Capital Journal, Salem, Orennn. Friday, June 10, 19495
Salem Marines
Top Pistol Shoot
Ten wins and no losses with
an average score of 901.40 won
for members of Salem's Organ
ized Marine Corps Reserve unit's
pistol team top honors in the
northwest company pistol lea
gue contest.
That information was receiv
ed this week by the unit, offi
cially known as "C" battery.
Fourth 105mm Howitzer battal
ion from the headquarters of
the Marine Corps in Washing
ton, D. C. Headquarters also in
formed the group that a pla
que would be presented to the
unit and individual medals to
members of the team.
Final standings in the contest
as forwarded to Salem listed
the 17th Engineer company in
Portland in second place with
seven wins, three lnsses and an
average score of 732.88. Third
place was taken by B company
of the 11th infantry battalion in
Seattle, which had six wins, four
losses and an average score of
711.33 in the contest.
The contest, a postal one, was
larled in November, 1948. and
completed early in March of
'his year.
Officer in charge of the Salem
team vlsi First T.t Willi n
Crump, Tech. Sgt. E. J. Kelm,
Staff Sgt. R. E. Unruh. Pfc. B
C. Jefferies and Pvt. K. H. John
son.' '49 Wheal Crop
Second Largest
Washington. June 10 Thel
agriculture department today
forecast this year's wheat crop
at 1.336.A76.000 bushels, the!
second largest of record.
This estimate is 24,976.000
bushels more than the 1.312.
000.000 forecast a month ago.
It compares also with last year's
crop of 1.288,406.000. with the
record of 1,367.186,000 grown In
1947, and with the 10-year
(1938-47) average of 991,980,000
Today's forecast included 1,-
036.741,000 bushels of winter
wheat and 300.235,000 bushels
of spring wheat.
The winter wheat figure Is
IS. 265,000 bushels more than
the 1,021,476.000 forecast a
month ago. It compares with
last year's winter wheat crop
of 990,098,000 bushels, the rec
ord of 1.068.048,000 in 1947.
and a 10-year average of 726,
The spring wheat crop was 9,
225.000 bushels more than the
291,000,000 bushels indicated
month ago. It compares with
last year's crop of 298,308.000
and with the 10-year average of
'Dickerin' Dick'
'Continued from Page 1)
Carter admitted to police yes
terday that he had purchased a
a 1941 Buick for $100. had re
painted the vehicle and removed
it to a private garage. He claim
ed, however, that papers to the
mation to police was arrested
earlier this week on larceny
charges to which he pleaded
guilty in district court. At least
two other persons have
On Your Fint New Building
Plumbing by Judson's
279 No. Commercial Ph. 14141
Wouldn't you rather
drink Four Roses?
Reduced In pricel
$395 $2i5
Pint Blaniiad Whilkdy. JO 5 proof. MY
pints. Ftlnafort Distiller Corp.,
4 ?
Srth B, Thompson
Firemen Act
For Thompson
The Marion County Firemen'a
association, meeting in the park
at Aurora Thursday night, went
on record urging Governor Mc
Kay to reappoint Seth Thomp
son state insurance commission
er and ex-officio state fire mar
The firemen also urged
Thompson to accept reappoint
ment. Chief Willis Mathew and hir
department were hosts at the
meeting, which was the first to
be held outdoors.
Clarence Friend, chief of the
Hubbard department, gave a
talk on the prevention and con
trol of chimney fires. Chief W.'
P. Roble of Salem distributed
copies of the master inventory
sheets, completing a aurvey or
all equipment of the fire depart
ments in Marion county. Thi
completes about two years of.
work in the organization and in
stallation of the Marion county
mutual aid program.
The July meeting will be held
in Settlemier park in Woodburn.
A picnic lunch will be served
for members and their wives.'
Chief Joe P. Sowa and members
of the Woodburn department'
will be hosts.
Kansas Preacher Rev. Rav-.
mond Armstrong, formerly of
Salem, but now of Kansas, wilf
preach the sermon for the morn-
ing service of the Court Street
Christian church Sunday.
arrested in the past for some
connection with the actlvitiet of
the used car dealer. '
Carter's police record dalea
back to juvenile days In Rich
mond, Calif., and includes ar
rests for petty thefts, and two
federal offenses. One was tha
attempt to pass a dollar bill
which had been split while the
other was the illegal wearing of
a coast guard uniform. '
A nine-hour interrogation of
Carter Thursday ended late in
the night with the signing of
statements. The only break in
the questioning came when he
was led off to district court to
anwser charges of illegal opera
tion of an outboard motorboat.
He was bound over to the
grand jury on that charge. He
was accused of cutting in front
of another boat and spilling it
and its three occupants, two of
them women. Bail on that count
was $500.
Carter has also posted hail on
a charge of receiving and con
cealing stolen property.
We wish to thank our frienda
and neighbors for their many
kindnesses and sympathy during
the passing of our beloved hus
band and father. Mrs. Rosa Gra
ham, Beulah Graham, Mr. and
beeniMrs. Delbert Otjen. 138
from Mutrtl
N Y C.