AUTOMOBILES SELLING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF USED CARS ON HAND Here Are Just a Few of the Many Bargains You Will Find on This Lot '40 V-8 COUPE Made over to 5 pass. A real classy job. '39 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR With radio and heater, nearly new tires '42 DE SOTO COUPE With radio and heater, clean in and out '39 DODGE FIVE PASS. Heater, no radio for this price you can sing your own songs '42 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR Special DeLuxe, new paint, underseat heater '36 DODGE PICK-UP This is a good pulling horse and it does n't eat when it isn't working Two, '46 Plymouth Sedans. One, '42 Chev. 4 door, r & h, new paint, clean, extras. One, '38 V8 Sedan. Terms If Needed No Trades ACME MOTOR CO. Front and Center TEB EHT DOOG LAED UOY EVRESED SPELLED FRONTWARDS MEANS GET THE GOOD DEAL YOU DESERVE AT VALLEY MOTOR OF COURSE Liberal Finance Terms Enjoy Dependable Transportation While You Pay 1949 Ford Custom Fordor Very few miles. First owner driven. Radio, heater. This one will, go fast. Don't wait. $1995 1948 Ford Super Deluxe Fordor. Lifeguard body, ra dio, heater, overdrive. $1545 1947 Ford Super Deluxe 4 dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, un dercoating. This is a perfect car. $1395 1947 Ford Deluxe Tudor Heater, sportlight. A bargain $1295 Many more low priced cars you to come in and inspect demonstrate the English Ford. Terms 12 - 18 - 21 VALLEY MOTOR MART "USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY" CENTER AT HIGH PHONE 3-3147 0151' FORJALE MISCELLANEOUS GIRL'S BICYCLE. Good condition. 750 Beck Ave. Ph. 21115. nl38 T-D IS Anile ft Tilt Dozen ft Carry All att. A-l cond. Guarantee. Only 1200 hrs. Very reasonable. I. C. Clliu. Rt. 2, Box 43. Ph. 3115 Dsllss. J' DARK BLUE baby busty. Excellent cond. Used only few month. u 836, will sell for 135. Will give carriage pad. Ph. 3.7488. n38' GOOD used baby play pen with pad, sleeping trailer. Ph. 3-5002 13S- AUTOMATIC Donut Machine with trsek. O. 0. Adam. Rt. 2, box 630 Oregon City. nltO OATS VETCH hay. Selling; out for 113.00 ton. Ph. 36608. n!40 68 WIDE gauge cat. 11730 John H Smith Grand Ronde. ' HOYT ST. SURPLUS ' ICE BOXES 110.00. Steam Table 125.00. New DeLux Washer 189.91 Bunk Bed and Mattresses, Berry plclcer bunks, you fix em, 11.00. 10.000 Gal. Wood Water Tank 165.00. 300 Oal. Gaa Em. Irritation Pump. 9 HP. Wisconsin, Hiy Cover Tarns. Low bed 16 C M C, ideal hay or farm truck. 1T International flat bed 43, CLOSE OUT ON LAVA TORIES cast iron enamel. ehrnme cen ter aet filler and trim 131.50. , V lit Galv. Pipe, toll pipe and filtlnu, eptlo tanki, 500 Gal. Laundry im. steam cookers, it am kettle, bakery lee. oven, apud peeler, wsshers. awivel chaira, secretarial dealt, sink, toilets, tuba, lavatories, ft V Ropt. House and outside wire, entrance conduit twitch boxes, rense cable and outlet, lV8- oak table 130.00. Easy chair 115 Mable Daveno 123.50. Oil circulator 135. Wall safes 11.00, Hammermiu, f rind your own feed, 145.00. COME IN AND LOOK. Com south on 13th to larte HOYT tiOH Turn east sne block. Tel. 17916. MM FARMERS ATTENTION Penes controll ers, mUi pasteuriser, at elose-out prices Tester Appliance Co. D14I NO WAXING REQUIRED when you use Plaett-Kote, the eellophane-like finish for your floors sr linoleum Yeater An oyance Co. Pl DEEPFREEZE homo rreezers. 1139 95 and us. Yeater Appliance Co nllS ELECTRIC SEWINO machines (Free-Wes-tinehouse) Yeuer Appliance Co. nl48 EXHAUST FANS Owe -out prices f eater Appliance Co. nl' USED REFRIGERATOR S, washing ma chines, rentes, water beaters. Teate? Appliance Co. nl48' TEFL clothesline' posts, IU up" Rail mis in stock, copper lanterns vines St reduced prices. 1145 N Liberty. nlsl PEAT MOSI with tune droppings Me er isrk tart i 84 so. vsiiev tore.4346 Silver too Rd. Pn 13034 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier 01fcor sod Uootaa App..soe 4 Otvurit AUTOMOBILES 595 595 895 695 895 265 Two. '38 Chevrolet 4 door Se dans. One, '37 Chevrolet Coupe. One, '35 V8 Sedan. One, '38 Chev. Carryall. Streets 1947 Ford Sportsman conver tible. The sport car you have been waiting for. Runs like new. $1595 1946 Ford Station Wagon Clean, body A-l. Motor first class. $1495 1947 Lincoln ' Sedan Coupe Radio, heater, overdrive Quality car at bargain price. $1745 1946 Hudson 4 dr. Sedan Super 8. Radio, heater, over drive. Beat this price. $1295 1948 Nash Ambassador 4 dr. Sedan. Weather eye heater. $1445 at Bargain Prices. We invite them. No obligation. Let us 35-40 miles per gallon. - 24 Months to Pay FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEWBBRO-TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP SOIL High quality, attractive price. All kinds: Pit run; gravel; land; mix crush, concrete pipe St tile. re-tnfor".ni ateel: cementi eepuc tanks OREOON Q RAVEL CO, 1405 N. Front St Ph 3-3417. B143 GARDEN SAND, travel, crushed rock Shovel ft drai-line excavating WALL ING SAND ft GRAVEL CO Ph 1-9349 WHITE ROUSE Products. Ph 2-8741. nl41 SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clear lnt Dltohltu Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 15 B 4 yds 12 00 per hr 10 B H yds 9.60 per hr D-7 Cat ft Doter 10.50 per nr D-e Cat ft Doaer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Doaei 7.00 per hr Phone Days 1-9408 Eves 3-838 or 2-4400 baicm Ores on n WALLING SAND ft ORAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK (or road and driveway cement, ready mix concrete, garden and Bulldotlnt drainase and dltchlne 4-yd shovel and dras Una Ph 1.0249 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED IMMED. Lsrge leu of good tined furniture. Will pav top prlcei. Call Olenn Woodry. 3-5110. nal39 GOOD COUNTRY horns to board two I iris, aaes 1 and I. Reasonable. Pti. 2316 before 3 SO p m. nal39 WE WANT strawberries Market prletln eiih Contact Jory Parking Co at Ter Bilnal Ice. 249 D St. Phont 3-4590. n WANTED rurnlturs to fius ft repair. Lee Bros Purs Rsflnlshlns. Co h 1-7001 inm rVRNTTTTRE Plume 9-9165 PERSONAL STANLEY ROME Product 665 Croat St Ph 1-5446. pl40 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Box 724. 1-6234 AUTOMOBILES USED TRUCKS it41 Int'l Lorii Wheelbue Pickup 1941 Federal with BrwlT and Hoist 1943 Federal with Lofftlnt Equipment 1940 White with Lotsini Equipment 1947 Motor 1937 O M C. S Ton 141 tnt l Lnns WheeTb.e with Bod 1946 Int'l KS-5 Lons Wheelbw 1941 Int'l K-6 39 Passentm Bus 1646 Hr'ter Losstnt Arch JAMES H MADEN CO. 991 Sihertnn Rd. Salem, Own P:mne 34123 13r Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES We Say-LOOK OUT 'Clarencys (Shrock) has lowered the boo mon prices" to make way for more trades on the New STEP down HUDSON. Come in and look over our wide selection of Good Used Cars. 1948 HUDSON SEDAN. RAH 1948 FORD CLUB COUPE RftH 1948 NASH SEDAN. CLEAN 1947 FORD COACH. RAH 1946 FORD CLUB COUPE R&H 1948 HUDSON CLUB COUPE. RAH, OD 1941 BUICK SEDAN. RAH 1940 CHEV. SEDAN, RAH 1940 PLYM. CLUB COUPE, RftH 1940 DODGE SEDAN PLUS A Good Selection of Most Makes and Model from lis to 49'a SATISFACTION WITH EACH TRANSACTION Shrock Motor Co. THIS T1MI IT Two Locations and Open Xveninu For Your Convenience Highway Sales Yard 3020 Portland Road Phone 27023 Remember there are others SPECIAL FRIDAY ONLY $1695 Will buy this premium Quality IBM Buick Roidmuter Sedan. 3a,0W actual mile, by one owner, and serviced reaularly In our shop. Fine two-ton, aray finish. Exceptionally ctean interior. Top mechanical condition. Oood tires. This U one ol our finest used cars. Otto J. Wilson Co. "Oregon's Oldest Automobile Agency" Commercial st Center PRICES REDUCED GOOD QUALITY AT WARNERS 148 MERCURY 6 PASS. COUPE. RAH. OVERDRIVE 1339 1948, FORD SEDAN. 8,000 MILES. BLACK, WHITE WALLS. ONE OWljER CAR H95 19.49 FORD SEDAN CUSTOM. MAROON. RADIO. HEATER. OVERDRIVE .. 2098 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE TUDOR. DARK BLUE. RADIO ft HEATER .... 1395 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. RADIO ft HEATER 095 1841 FORD TUDOR. '46 MOTOR ft FRONT END 895 1940 FORD COUFE 845 1939 FORD TUDOR S 1931) INTERNATIONAL PICK UP 445 1938 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 395 1937 PONTIAC TUDOR. CLEAN 395 1036 FORD TUDOR 345 WARNER MOTOR CO. YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER AUTOMOBILES 1938 BUICK Special Sedan. Radio, heater. New mo tor run less than 4000 miles, origins! blue finish. A real value S595. ORVAL'S The lot with the turntable! Center at Church Sti. Phone 3-4702 ql3 PRKCISION RF.BULT MOTORS With new motor suarsntee. Alo new motors, 35, savlntcs on all car repairs. See us about our monthly payment plan. Amundson Garage 809 Edftewater St. West Salem Phone 3-7133 t!38 AT LEE'S Another Sensational Value 1946 BUICK SUPER 4 DR., RAH. VERY CLEAN. THIS SAME CAR IS BRINGING J 1795.00 FROM L.A. TO SEATTLE. OUR PRICE $1625.00 LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church Ph. 3-1527 Q138 1948 Ford V-8 V2-T011 Pickup 16.000 mile. 6 ply rubber, 4 speed trans-, mlion. healer. DOWN PAY T. 1475. PULL PRICE $1395. ORVAL'S The lot with the turntable) Center st Church 8t. Phono 3-4702 Q138 AT LEE'S HERE'S ANOTHER WEEK-END SPE CIAL. 1942 OLDS 76 CLUB SEDAN RAH WHITEWALL AIR-RIDE TIRES. WAY UNDER BOOK PRICE AT 1933.00 LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church Ph. 3-1527 ql36 1941 FORD Super deluxe tudor. radio, heater, tag linhts, new motor run less than SOOO mile, new Atr Ride tires. DOWN PAYT. 6275. FULL PRICE $795. ORVAL'S fThe lot with the turntsblei Center st Church Sts. Phone 3-4702 q!38 AT LEE'S 1A47 BUICK SUPER ESTATE WAOON. ONLY IB 000 MILES ft JUST LIKE NEW. THEPE SELL NEW FOR 14 OoO.OO. YOU CAN HAVE THIS FOR 92405 00. LEE'S USED CARS 340 N Church Ph. 31537 0.438 1942 OLDSMOBILE '78" Redan. Relio. Heater. Hvrtrsmstle. One owner, s dandy. DOWN PAYT '400. PULL PRICE 11193 ORVAL'S 3-4703 q!38 1942 STUDS CHAMP COUPE 1695 1941 CHEV. SPEC. DLX. t door ... 795 1919 FORD TUDOR 39 1916 BUICK 3 door SEDAN 495 1938 PT.YMOUTH COUPE SB'S 1937 PLY 4 PRW. COUPE 365 1931 CHEV COUPE 65 CAPPS USED CARS 951 Union Ph. 36t43 ql38 CAR AUCTION TO RI'Y sr sell ymmr ear. Market Rat. nltht 7 10 p m. AumsMUt Rales A Service. Aunuvllie, Ore. Ph. 1081. ql39' 1941 DeSOTO C'iMom Sedan. Radio, heater, fluid drive, over drive, motor la in eieellent eonnlMon. food tlrei. DOWN PAYT USD. PULL PRICK 691 ORVAL'S Th lot with the turntable) Center st Church Sti. Phont J-4?nl oil1 m Mr.Srt RY 9 Door Vdan 1400. R Box 939. Homeitesd Rd.. after IAUTOMOBIIES m chfv. coach 1937 CHEV. SEDAN, RftH 1937 FORD COACH, RAH 1936 CHEV. SEDAN. RUNS GOOD 1035 CHEV. COACH 1934 FORD SEDAN. CLEAN 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1933 CHEV. PICKUP 19X1 FORD SEDAN 1930 FORD PICKUP S HUDSON Downtown Sales Lot Where Chemeketa Goes to Church Phone 37922 So DRIVE SAFELY SPECIAL FRIDAY ONLY 845 C.nter 81. AUTOMOBILES 4fi SUPER DLX. FORD '-8" 4 -door Sedan RAH, A-l condition. See At make offer. Ph. 2-6343. 0139 1948 CHEV. CONVERT. Radio, heater, windshield washers, fog lights, side view mirror, back up light, bumper ends, light green flnUh. black top. 2500 actual miles, 'one owner. DOWN PAY T. 6710. FULL PRICE $1995. ORVAL'S The lot with the turntable) Center st Church Sts. Phone 3-4702 ql38 PRICES ARE DOWN ' AT STEVENS USED CARS 41 Buick Super Conv 41 Ford Sednn 41 Ply. Club Coups 41 Mercury Sedan 1 Plymouth Sedan 41 Oldsmobile Sda (76) 40 Hudson Sedan 40 Stud baker Coupe 9 Pontlac Sedan 39 Ford Coupe 38 Butck Sedan 37 Oldsmobile Sednn 37 Pontlac Club Cpa 37 Chevrolet Coupe Most of These Cars Hive Radio and Heater Many Other Good clean Can to Choose From STEVENS USED CARS 678 8. 13th ft 790 8. Com'l SPECIAL $1650 1947 CHEV. FLEETLINE REDAN. 2 TONE BLUE. U.S. ROYAL MASTER W. S WALL TIRES. RADIO. HEATER SPORT LIGHT. ONLY 23,000 MILES. THERE'S NONE BETTER FOR LOOKS OR PRICE. SEE IT AT LODER BROS. YOUR OLDS DEALER 3410 Fain round Road Phone 3-1490 ql38 1941 PLYMOUTH SperUi Deluxe sedan, radio, heater, fog light, good tlrev DOWN PAYT. 6.135. FULL PRICE 6896. ORVAL'S (The lot with the turntable) Center at Church 8ts. phone 3-4703 q!36' SPECIAL $1085 1946 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SE DAN. LOW MILEAGE AND CLEAN THROUGHOUT. THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE YOU CAN FIND BUYS LIKE THIS. WHERE' AT LODER BROS. YOUR OLDS DEALER 3410 Psiriround Road Ph. 1-1496 q!38 1940 FORD COUPE Oood ttre. tailored sst eoveri. heater, real transportation. DOWN PAYT 6176. FULL PRICK 6591. ORVAL'S (The lot with the turntable) Center st Church Sts. Phone 3-4703 ql36 1948 SPECIAL 1946 OLDS PUTURAMIC tl SEDAN, HYDRAMATIC DRIVE, RADIO DOU BLE SPEAKER. W B. WASHERS WHITE SIDEWALL TIRFB. J-TONE UP HOLSTERY. ONLY 11 000 MILES, ONE OWNER. A NEW CAR. LODER BROS. Your O. timoblle Deeler 1410 Fairirounds Rtsd Phone 1-1490 ql3J 179 S Oft q!39 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES DEPENDABLE 1946 DODO I CUST. 4 DR SEDAN, RAH BEAUTIFUL LIGHT OREKN FINIBH. YOU MUST SEE THIS TO APPRECIATE IT. VERY CLEAN. A ONE OWNER CAR .M6 1047 DO DOE CUBT 4 DR SEDAN, AIRCRUIflER RED. RADIO. ALL- WEATHER FRESH AIR DUAL HEATINO SYSTEM LIFEOUARD ' TUBU AND OTHER EXTRAS. THIS IS A BEAUTY 1695 1647 MERCURY 4 DR TWN. BED RAH. ONE OWNER CAR OHIO INAL ORAY. CLEAN AND SHOWS EXCELLENT CARE BY FORMER OWNElt iB& 141 FORD SUPER DE LUXE 4 DR SED HTR ANOTHER ONE OWNER CAR IN A BEAUTIFUL FORD MAROON. VERY MUCH ABOVE AVERAGE , 40 1940 PLYMOUTH DE LUXE 4 DR. 8 ED. RAH 605 1941 DODOI PASS. CPE. RftH a ABOVE CARS OUARANTEED. TERMS. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION AT OUR FUTURE USED CAR LOT S. W. CORNER HIGH AND UNION STREETS STAN BAKER MOTORS Your Dependsble Dodse-Plymouth-Dodie Job Rated Truck Dealer 138 DEPENDABLE USED TRUCKS THERE ARE NO BETTER TRUCKS BEING OFFERED IN SALEM AT THESE PRICES 1947 DO DOE K TON PICKUP mso 1947 DODGE 1 TON CAB ft CHASSIS uoo 1947 DODGE 31 TON 5-6 YARD DUMP 35,00 1946 DODGE TON PANEL 137s 1946 DODGE 3 TON FLAT BED WITH HOIST .'. 1985 1B46 DODGE 3 TON. 3 SPEED AXLE ft BROWNIE 1514 1939 O. M. C. H TON PANEL 700 ABOVE TRUCKS OUARANTEED 1941 FORD 4 TON PICKUP 557' ON DISPLAY AT OUR FUTURE USED CAR LOT S. W. CORNER HIGH AND UNION STREETS STAN BAKER MOTORS Your Dependable Dodie-Plymuoth-Dodse Job Rated Truck Dealer 1 SPECIALS 1947 STUDEBAKER; SEDAN J. 1495 1947 STUDEBAKER TUDOR REOAL , 1495 1040 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 895 1947 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR, FULLY EQUIPPED 1495 1941 STUDEBAKER 3 PASS COUPE 746 1941 STUDEBAKER DOOR SEDAN 795 1941 FORL 5 PASS. COUPE 895 1948 STUDEBAKER REGAL I DOOR, 3000 MILES FULLY EQUIPPED. COST $3860 NEW, NOW 2335 BONESTEELE'S SALES AND SERVICE, INC. 370 N. Church Phone 3-9277 AUTOMOBILES For Your Complete Satisfaction 1648 BUICK Super Convertibl "495 1647 BUICK Roadmsster Sedan .. 3165 1946 BUICK Super 8dsn "45 1946 BUICK Super Bedanet 1B9fc 1946 PONTIAC Convertible 1947 CHEVROLET Club Coupe ... 1635 1940 BUICK Special Tudor 196 1940 PACKARD 130 Sedan Others to Choose From Otto J. Wilson Co. Commercial st Center 138 T939PLYMOUTH CPE. Black Ilnlnh, mntor and tires sre ex DOWN PAY T $200. FULL PRICE $595. ORVAL'S The lot with the turntable! Center at Church Sta. Phone 3-4TM 1941 FORD PICKIT In pretty fair shape, motor overhauled laat fall, low oil con numptlon. spare tire. Cen be had with or without pipe reck and vise. Phone Salem 3-5098 before 6:30. or phone 2-6308 evenings. Q142 lMrpLT. 4-dr., 6260.450N. 30th. Q' FOlTsALE: 1927 Reo Flyina Cloud sedan by owner. Excellent runntns condition Demonstrstlon by appointment. Ph. 26989. 1946 TON DODGE PICKUP Low mileage, excellent condition, heat er. 11395. Rt. 1, BOX 156 or Ph. 2-4B0B, q!39 1941 CADILLAC t pees, coupe. "BS" moriet, IuIIt equip ped. Jet black flnlah. white wall Urea, tailored Beat covert. DOWN PAYT. 550. FULL PRICE 81466 ORVAL'S iTh lot with the turntable! Center at Church St. Phone 3-4702 138' 41 NASH Amb. 6 eyl. twin Itn., over drive, oasslns eear. weather eye. radii bed. foam rubber cushions. First class cond. 61300. Carl B. Hansen 740 S. Win der . J 1 OOOD 1SED H Yd. Gallon Dump ft Hoist, 180000. 16 ft, Van Bed, Installed, "00. New 600 Oal. Oai. Tank With 3 Wheel Trailer 1260.00. STEINKE S, 1610 N Com'l St. 0U6' 148 NASH to sell. Rt. pass, coupe. R AH. Priced 6, Box I05S. Ph. 31136. 4139 46 MERCI.RV Conv. Excel, condition. 3125 Portland Rd. 139 11.000 mile. q!36 1986 FORD sedan. Good tires 696 N. Cottage. 'IS CHEV, Fleelline 4-dr. sdn. Like new Driven 11,300 miles. 1887 N. Winter. qlS '46 DODOE 6 PASS. - 11196 ThU week only! 670 Ratcllff Dr. :t CHTV. dump trurk 4-5 yr. box Les 1947 CHEVROLET rieetline Aero. 2000 srtusl mlv re- dio, heeter, white wall tires, two-tone tan flnUh; thl U eharp. DOWN PA Y T 1576. FULL PRICE 81696 ORVAL'S (The lot with the turntable) Center at Church St. Phone 3-4702 0118 then 5 000 ml. All aummer tot) with bn Co aos with trifh Fit. 13586 after pm. or 681 H, His ft- 6111 IAUTOMOBIIES USED CARS AUTOMOBILES 3 CHEV. Sedan 812. Box 434A. ol Sweele rrauim no. i mi. School. lt)4i) PONTIAC Club Coupe. Oood, clean car. See owner 650 S. 16th Eves, or Sun. 0,140 CLEAN 1S7 Chev. Coupe. Ortnlnal paint. Price 8J50. Call at 674 N. Front. Houe In rear. q!40 49MER cTlRY Sport" Bed an.Lesi" th a n 6000 mile. RA'll and lots other extrai. Cost S27O0. Sell for 42150. Ph. 3-5035. 3190Oerden Rd. q!40 NASH Ambassador 1947. Fully equipped. Low mneaie. Excellent condition. One owner. See st South Salem Motel. ql3fl BADE 34 FORD will for 4t or later model, condition. 1060 Norway cash difference Ford In excellent ql38' '48 CIIFV. conv. Oris, owner Low mileage inn N. Llbrrty, Apt, 9. Call eve. ql41 1943 Buick Super 60 CONVERTIBLE 8 pass. New top. overhauled motor, toon tires, body ft paint. Ph. 3-4123. Eve 3-0416 ql19 Eisner Motors to Sell Prices Always. Lowest at league's Used Car Lot We Don't Sell Them, They Sell Themselves 35 Fine, Thoroughly Reconditioned Used Cars Come in and See for Yourself Salem's Most Progressive Dealer HOME of KAISER FRAZER 2 Locations See Charlie Hayes at 2640 Portland Road See Joe Spurlock at 352 N. Commercial Teague Motor Company Phone 2-4173 0139 FOR NAI.R: '40 Olds Clb. Cpe. Very sood cond. 940 N. 13th. qMO ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL . TRADE TERMS 111 Fain rounds Road Phone t-64M WANTED 3160 ft used cars Bob Marr This Time It's HUDSONI Service Sales . Peru Home of Oood Use Carl SHROCK MOTOR CO Oh or oh ft Ohemekats Sta Ph Eisner Motors to Buy 46 MIRCI RT STATION WAOON, Perfert condition. 81590. 1510 down. Ph. 34971, own! Bee after I p.m. st 730 N. Lll.erlv Apt. No. 301. qt39 Eisner Motors Fine Cars TONTIACS . '47 Sdn. cpe $1445 41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford OL, spt. cpe. 1195 '41 Chpv. sdn $R9fl '4 Ford pickup $1295 '39 Nash coupe $:iPo 36 Chevrolet sdn. . . . 295 TERMS TRADES Herrall-Owens Co. If Liberty Pb 11 1 1947 FORH TH Kl P l tnn inquire at houe trsiler ei rear of Central Howell tore eo Silverton Road, eves, or Sin i Capital Journal, Sal em, Oregoi MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3001 Portland Rd. Ph 3-1433 qt Cl'KtfMAN motor acooter. 3 condition. Set after 5:30 Vista Ave. wheels. Excl p.m. st 1331 oal38 FARM EQUIPMENT USED FARM MACHINERY Usd Farmall Tractor with Plow Used T-20 Tractrartor Uei TD-35 Tractractor with Doier and Drum U.ied Farm II H with New Rubber Used Oliver 60 - Oood Condition Used TD-14 with Dozer and Drum Used Clrlrac Tractor Used Oarden Tractor tth Equipment Used Pious One, two and three bottom Practically New SO-T Pickup Baler 33-R Combine 5 ft. with Pickup. Cut only 30 acres. We also have practically full line Tractors and Farm Equipment 1948 Hyster Lostlns Arch JAMES H. MADEN CO. 3955 Slherton Rd. Salem, Oregon Phone 24123 qb!39 FOR SALE Late model Rototlller. uied 35 nours. price 37B qo. see Jayhawk Trail er Salei. Junction Portland and Silver ton Road i. qb!39' BELT PI'LLEY for D2 with hitch on it sood shape, 10 ft. Oliver Superior sram arm, power niu, good shape. Fair banks Morse hammer mill like new tor sood cow. Ph. 27103. qblJ9 1947 FORD Ferguson tractor and equip ment, very reasonable, Rt. 6, Box 105Z. Ph. 31126. qblSO I'SF.D TRACTOR, TIREB. popular sls. ia ana up. Montsomery Ward ft Co . Salern qbl38- GIBSON GARDEN TRACTOR With Plow, jisc a cumvaior, isto. Ph. 30.114. qbl40 BOATS H.P. El.tilN outboard mulor. U.ted 3S hrs. Like new. ljm yenr model, 18. Ph. 28412. 1013' a Elm. West Salem. qql3t AIRPLANES FOR SALE One 1946 Ercoupe with only Hrs. Hour meter: sr;i.Mllve altunrrei, 2-wsy Bendlx radio. Alwavs liansered. James H. Mfldfn Co . 20:S flilveilon Kd. Salem, Oregon. Phone 24123 or 33jJ. M39 TRAILERS ! WHEEL Trailer. Heavy dulv all ateel euuxlfi nibiier. exrrl. cond. (93. Huhbnrd Mome ftppi:aiice. rn. 4.M1. 11431 t'SED COLl MniAHouTiaiIrralmoA new. Sleeps 4; Heauly ReM mattress and spnns; oil neat; kss cooking; both elec and las lltes. W ater under pressure lec brakes See at James H. Madel Co., 2955 Silverton Rd., Salem, Oregon. Ph 123. 1139- I.ATi:o Hote Trailer. Shr bath, fliili louct. Refrm. Elec. heat ano cookins, Elec. water henier. New tire. Lois of cupboard spner. 11350. or will consider trade for late mdle car. 307 N. James Ave.. Siiverton, Oreaon. 1138 liHH AU:M1NIJ5I traUeeasternbunr, 25 ft., excel. cond., fully equip. Sacri fice. Albany Trailer Court.. Albany, Ore. 1 1-43 ..IH17 KOI.I.VAV A-l condition, slcepr 4, tSSi.OQ. Kay Hlllyer on 99 E. Brook. Ore. U39 GOOD 16 Ft. trailer house, fully eoiiTpped. Will sell reasonable. 2360 N. Church. 1 13B- r. House trailer. New. nt R. Duncan. Hubbard Ore. 4603. er used Box 8. tl38 Ph. 11(48 FACTORY BUILT 18 ft Land Yacht trailer house. Used very little. Every thing moririi. 701 Cherry St. Dalles. Call between 6 and 7 P.m. t!38' '4 WHITLEY house trailer 37. Sleeps two dr., tandam wheels, elec. brakes, el: turn, can sre at Brooks Trailer Park, 1834 State St. tl40 17 FT. ci FINANCIAL '.RSONAL FINANCE. CO., 618 State, Rm 125. Ph. 2-2484. C. R. Alylen, Mar. Lie. 8-123-M-165. rl3!" PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on target loans lons and short time payments ROY H SIMMONS 136 Soc'h Commercial St Pnone 3-9161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CHKDH CO 182 S Church Parkins e Plenty 2-24S7 Lie No M-15B S I 14 i Ph. SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4"fi INTEREST 6 to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 3-3663 WANTKD TO BORROW 11.500 on real e tate. Good security. 6 Interest. Capital Journal. Box 493. rl38 GENERAL F1NANCB CORP. LOANS Lie 8-138 and 54-336 and ' ROT R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 6 Commerclk 8t Tel 3-9181 r $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loans up io 1500 Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Psrklm problems Phone 37033 Lie N M309-8361 Floyd Kenyon, Mar. f FARM AND CITT LOANS 4 '4 and 1 VOtiR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Caah for Real Estate Contract.' and Second Monetises CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 30) Pioneer Trust Bids Ph 3-7IA3 r Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity. See State Finance Co. 153 S. High st. DIRECTORY 4 f) D INO-M A t H I N6E8 APPLfANtE KFRVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair lervle Free estimates It ede-ins aceepfd on new appltanree Vmees liectrie Phon 1-9:39 157 8 Llbertf Rt O s. rlTRnoo rt. r i n n i n o and repalrlne A I TO RAUIOH Authorired Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co. 13 S Libert? Ph 1-6035 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlnt service day phone 1-1186 3-lB'l4 33 CTter Mike Panek 375 R. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161 Brake and Wheel aliening specialists ol5' Rt uTrfl N O-C: ARPENTR Y Remodel, rfpalr that hnme now Term No down pay.'uem phone 3-4850 ol4 RI IIDINO CONTRACTORS " Bl i.i.noio Dean Rob:nsr nulldoing. levelma. road bloi . cier Ine. wtn fnr sr'i.h Virell Hi.key, inin Fairvlew Ave. Ph. 11146. Salem. -160' n, Frifayf June 10, 194919 DIRECTORY Z L Is h tc rs w Is r doslns. Ph. 3-3220. CASH 8 tVi INTERS Instan delivery of new RCA casH resisier Al muei aoid. rented, re-pa.-ed Roen 456 Court Ph 8-6773 o" CEMENT CONTRACTORS For expert sjisranteed latlafsctlon new or repair of foundation!, aldewalki, driveways patios, curbs, wait eto Call 3-4850; ol44i CEMENT WORK Bulldlni foundations, remodellni, paint Int. Klans Bros., Ph. 33292. ol5 Let us do your cement work NOW. Drivewsys. side walks, pstlos, etc. Ph. J-4ia. Q148 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnsce chimneys vacuum cleaned. Enswj 771 8. 2Ut. Ph. 3-7176. o!66 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vinca Electric for electrical wiring, contracting repairing 167 t Liberty. Ph 3-9239 o t'XTLRMINATQRS Cockroach, Moth. Exterminator Serviea. Ph. 3-3036. Lee Cross. 1355 Pearl. 0156" Breithaupt'l tor flowers DlaJ 1-9179 o IIOLXEIIOLD PRODt'CTS J. R Watklns Co products. Free 4 ivery 1717 Center Ph. 3-5393. o" LANDSCAPr MRSERY P A. Doerfler ft Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N Lancaiter Dr at 4 Cor. Ph 3-1333. Q LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, suaranteed service. New power and (land mowers. CsU Harry W. Scott. 147 So. Com'l St olS6 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING work F Roach, call 36038 Al rou: door lawnmower aharpenlni. Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 36833. leys ft block lsylnc. MATTRESSES Capital Beddlns Phone 1-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin. Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. 0163 NXRSE8' RKGIKTKY Practical Nuries. day-night. Ph. 35072. 0145 OFFICE FURNITURE ft SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flies and fllins supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands, brief cases. 3ierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court.' OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6072. PAPER HANGING Expert Panerhanslns and palntlns. H. I. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free eat. o!48- PAINTIM. Slfitrom's are equipped to do your Painting Phone 3-3493 e PAINTING AND PAPERH ANQING Painting and paperhanclnR. Free esti mate, h. 3-9513. 657 Shlpplnf. 0163 Paper 0145 PICTUKfc FRAMING Hutcheon Point Store. Fisher, 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. 0154' PRUNING, SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1308. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900. o!45f RADIO REPAIR General Eire home appl. repairing, also radio repairlna. Broadway Appl, Co. 453 Court Si. Salem. Ph. 3-1565, 0163 Complete serv., reas. rates. Free pickup ft est. John's Radio Shop, 360 Court St. J"1!?07 1 a 23 4 1- O1B0 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr ft Sons. Ph. 31193 By Drlve-ln Theatre. Since 1917. 0149. REFKKiLRATION A APPLIANCE REPAIR. Kelvlnstor freezera. Lehman ft Matthews. 317 N High St. Ph. 27941. Q144 HAND ft GRAVEL Oarden Soli crushed rock. Shovel sad drasiine excavatlns Wall Ins Sand ft Gravel Co. f-hone 3-9249 o" Valley Sand ft Gravel Co Slit, ssnd ft Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel A cat. Tractor aconp ft trucks for dirt movlni. Ph officii 34003, res 37146 SAWS Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-7603. 1393 N. 5th. 0131 SKWEHM AND SFI'TIC TANKS Elect, le Ruto-Rouier Exclusive Patent Rator yharp Steel Cutting Blades. Clean Hewers or Drains Septle Tanks Cleaned Hp as Ph 1-5337 or 1-8469 IEPT1C TANKS Mikea Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079. Elm 8t W. Salem. Ph. 8-9466. 1-6337. 0156 SEE MIKE'S SErTIC RE R VICE about In stalling the new approved 300 gallon concrete septic tank. We lay drala lines also. Ph. 3-9468. 0149 K. F. Heme. Septic tank I cleaned" Electric machine service on lower and drain llnei. Guaranteed work. 1143-6th St.. West Salem Ph. 3-7404. oU5 TOOLS FOR RENT Howser Bros. Vour power tool rental head quarters. New address 1410 8. 13th. Ph. 3-3B46. 0163' 1 YPEWRITERS ' Smith Corona, Rem Inst on Royal, Under wood portables Ah makes used machines Repsirs and rent Roen, 436 Court. TRANftf-fcP STORAGE ''Oral A Distance Transfer, storage. Burnet oils, cosl ft briquets. Trucks to Portland dally Atent lot Beklns House hold soods moved to anywhere Id US. o. Canada Larmer Transfer ft Storase. Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BUNDS Made In Salem Free est Phono 17331. twiner the Blind man. Salem Venetian Blinds made to order ol rt finished Retnholdt ft Lewis. 3-3639. WELL DKILI.ING Fred Wymore. Kt. 3, Box 117, Ph. 3-3135." 0168 J. A Sneed ft Sons, well drilling, 1506 Brooks St., Salem. Ph. 3-6809. 0156 U LATHER STRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph I-596T.' WINDOW SHADE!) WINDOW CLEANING Arme indow Cleaners Windows, wells ft woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waied and polished pft 1-3337 347 Court Lsnedoc. Culberuon end Mather. WOOD A SAWDUST Vvrt Salet Co. Ph 3-4031. LODGES ' X.O.O.F meeU every Wtd J ncuday night. Visitors wel- Pacific Lodite No. 50, A.F. to A. M MM. Degree Friday, June 10, 7 p m. 138 Kl!iKood 2(4 AFAM Monclay eve. .June 13, Sta'pd cimimunicit ( ion'. 7:30 p. m. West Salfm Cify Hall Kliifiwood 204 A. F. At A. M. Momtsy eve., June 13, Stated communication, T;3G p.m. West Sa lem City HalL 130 To place classified ads Phone 2-2406 If