'IS Capital Journal. Mem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTlSINOi Per Line . ...im Par Line I time 40e Pet Lin 8 lime 60 Per Lino 1 month 13 M Outside of Salem lie per line pet day. Mia. Wei I tlmaa mis Ma i time mis II JO No Refund BEAD ERA to Loral New Cel. Oalri Per un oe To Place an Ad Phone 2-Z406 FOR SALE HOUSES ST OWNER: Close m, small house, cement floors, ehower, toilet, 40 ft. drilled veil. .' V A. rich olt. Total 13400 030 Norman . Ave. 4 blka. E. of State Hosp. 139 BY awNKTiblocki W. New Medical .Clinic. 2 Bdrmg.. hardwood fir., full basement, piped oil furnace, garage. Im . mediate Possession. Price 69500. 636 Cat " terlln Ave. Ph.. 2-671 or 3-6289. 139' IRMTModeriniouM. Large corner lot. at- tached garaae. Must tell Immed. Owner ' being transferred. 766 McNary Ave.. W. Balim. a 139 aY OWNER: Laria tioum. I rnu. down. up. 4 lota, fruit it nut tires. Could be made Into apLa. Price 14800. Mr. 1 Zaek Ac bell. P. O. Box 33ft, Oervaia a lav it OWNER: 3 bdrm. FHA appraised .pome, wardrobe closets, many extras. rnce J mi reaucea. rn. aua FOR RALE BY OWNER: New 3 bdrm borne. P.H A. term. 750 down. Pnon '"3-3880. a ICO STTNGWOOD HTH. 3 bdrm. home, base ment, rumpua room, oil heat, two fire place. New carpeting. F.H. A. Call own ,' tr 3-1542. a 110' T OWNER: 3 b r. home, centrally lo cated. 623 N. 17th Si. LEAVING ' awn rAMFAP nt a 1 'SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath upatalra and down Hardwood floor through out. Pull ples trred garaae. Lota of aioraie apace Terraced back yard. Coat over 118,- 000 to build. Will acll for IM.BOO, a ternu. AUo will eon We r cheaper houae ' In trade. For mora Information Inquire t Steven Ued Car. 671 S. 13th Bt a 154 Englewood Beauty Too may have quick poMeaalon of thia lovely three bedroom pre war built .home with a food basement, automatic oil heat with air conditioning, fire place In basement, also additional fireplace ,-ln Uvlni room, aood alze dining room , with I arte window, hardwood floora thruout. all :nda of ah rub and flow ers, property ha not previously been He red for sale, reasonably priced at 113.100. ftliow n by apoplnlment. Call Mr. Bourne. Eva. Ph. i-izn, ,Joe L. Bourne Realtor -1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8316. enr Tm MEDIATE poa. Bmall house As double garage, acre. Excellent wen. isuuo. $2000 down, balance if rnu. Rt. 4. boa 4)08. Ph. 3-0734. S ml. NW Prlnele 'achool on Battle Creek road. al41 Seari LY NEW attractive I bd. rm. home, 1 place As Venetian blinds, all modern Ac big gar. For quick ale. 64,600. Immed. pas. Term. 180 Lana Ave. rn. soim. 141 A REAL BUY Large living rm. with fireplace. 1 Bd. t. Full dinlna rm. with French dr. anenlna Into patio and beautiful back yard. Large landscaped lot with view of ally. Price. 6900Q. will taxe Jimit r.n.n. loan FOUR BED ROOM - Attractive older home, lane llv. it din Tm. Full bailment and large porch. 23Ux lift ft. Shady lot. Planted to fruit, ber- -rie and flower. Restricted Dist. Owner moving to Calif. WU1 sacrifice lor aMi. -Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor . 1311 Edge water Ph. 35 100, Eve. 39939 141 BICE t B.R. home In auburb. lot lie 100x130. Tree, beautiful aetllna. Even built-in radio In breakfaxt bar. B aure to ae thi. Price 18950 00 Goodwin & McMillin REALTOR ; Ph. 1-4707 43 Court Eve. J-13B3 3-4773 a 136 TstateTveterans lo. 1: 14900. Two bedroom home with a large garaae on bla lot. 103x96. Low down payment, to. 3: A good two bedroom plastered " horns with endowed utility, large ear '"' with work bench, location north 1 100 down. Three Bedrooms ' lnaulated m story home, plastered, automatic heat, located north in re stricted district, owner leaving city I Will arranae term lo aiitt buyer. Tills -type of home rent eaaily for US to 175, per month. Believe we ran arrange fin ancing at less than rent. Full price . 19.000. Bee Mr. Bourne. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8216. BlJI BY OWNER, Home with 3 bdrm.. llv. . rm.. dm. rm.. kitchen Ai bath. Lane rate with auest A utility rm. Large lot. Excel, irwatlon. I70O0. 1030 Norway St. Ph. 1-3-.M. ai39' t EanDALARIA. 3 bdrm. home. By owner 130 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 11341. all $10,500 An excellent 4 bdrm. modern home on 6 acres of good soil. This hse. has large apacioua rm., fplace, full hnmt., lots Of berries. A good family orchard on this property. A good buy. Call Mr. ft oonc heater. H. E. Corey Real Estate 1966 H. Broadway Ph. 3-0551 Eves. 3-0103 or 3-3816 ill!' rDlllwHE7VrUyVurn. moo-down. , balance 130 a month. Full pnee onli 6A7QO. Would lake ear on down pay ment. See at It IB 6th, between 1 A I 'fn. West Salem. all!' So. HIGH P-T. 3 BR mod. home, oil fur nace, fplace. Another good buy for 111.9 SO. LARGE HOME CLOSE IN. Very best of ronat. New heating sral. Deep lot. Truly A buy for Ita.ooo. Larsen Home & Loan Co. avtelusive List Inn personal Service M4 I. Com ! St. Ph. 3-1381. Eve. 3-7440 aua- It OWNER: New I barm, home on A .Alear school, bus Ai hopplna center .liee llv. rm., din. rm.. uiilitv sy nice kitchen with lota of built Ins. H w floor., unfinished upstair. Garaae. Ph 1-1.15. aii St OWNER: Just nmpMad'Vbdrm. home Attractive nook and kitchen Large util ttr rnH ft re nl ace. Lot TlalM with peach trees I block from Keiser soire. Ph t-7M0. alii rTRM. older aorner "W Small down pay rent. 106 W Hh. ai41 ItOWNFH: Eng. ft via i"m. hie I B R.. rk. nk . FC B auto oil. i860 Bo. High Phone 18796. aina "Suburban - Northeast .Jwat Haled small but neat I bedroom . iMena loealed a pp. 1 mite beyond Sele ohool oa Prelum Rd : t arre: axcal lent deep well: wired for ranae: quirk netiosaion. Akm6 price la 19.150. Look for antr sun. PRICE JUST REDUCED LOOK ! ! ! prom It. 800 down to M 4M On a com fort able older style I bedroom home lo cated on elusive Fairmnunt Hill on fireplace; nleely secluded lot alio IMattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE fh. 1-5816 111 H. Huh Ph. TT51I . 1-1734 ISA I RM. modern, newly rednroraled. Price ,15350. Small down payment. Ph. Tt7 aii SlW i RM. Wired for slove Well partlj--d'it. Cherries, walnut, aardrn In. lot .0x106. Inquire ai 410 Waldo. Fries II 7 so all' GOOD BUY 0050, Hew. bdrm. North. Hdw. firs OMUty rm, ttaoned aar. Aulo W. aa- tern. tj A Aopraued O I. la 6AO00 Thta u priced to sell. ' C. W. Reeve Realtor HI OsSkal L Ph. 1-444. Syet. I-9114 aim- Oregon, Friday, June 10, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES t BDRM. HOUSE. L!v. rm.. kltcheaelta, hardwood floor, attached gsrage. Un finished upstairs. Lot 60'xlS2'. price 17.400. 6750 Hareourt off Dearborn, all BT OWNER.-A bariTln7"a"ttrae7cape" Cod Built 141. Nr. Bush actiool. H bit. to bt. t bdrm. dn.. 3 up. Hdmd. firs, dn. Oil fir. furn . Inj. At weatherslripped. Nearly ft dc Ml back yard Price 17150. 11650 dn. Bal. F.H A. 1115 Lee St Ph. 3-4701. aU WHY PAY RENT? 1611 down. New 3 bdrm. home. Nice llv Ina ra. Dinini apace. Kitchen Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. Btairway to attia. Near bit At store OMER 8 REAL ESTATE 46 H. 13th Ph. 35001 . sill COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS R OOT I N -TOOT IN OOOU BUYS POSSIBLE 1150 DOWN and 125 month will buy 1 Rm has outside eity limits. Price 11400. POSSIBLE 1200 DOWN and 130 month wJl buy un fin lulled house N. in city limits. Price 13400. POSSIBLE 1300 DOWN will buy 3 Rm He on lane lot. Electric Wen. Close to school. Outside city. Price 11800. POSSIBLE 110 DOWN and 110 month will buy you lot 60x130 outside city limits NE. Pries 1325. POSSIBLE 1800 DOWN will buy you Good 3 bdrm hse with unfinished upstairs. 3 car garage. Locat ed on ' acr tn city limit Price 15500 COLBATH LAND CO . REALTORS OPEN EVES TILL l:30l 1661 Center St. Ph. 34552 139 KINGWOOD HTS. See this 3 bdrm home. Excellent view Apt. in basement. Only 15350. Terms. B. Isherwood Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Ph. 33863. Eve. 38836 a 139' NELSON NEWS W. SALEM COTTAGE LR, At DR.. 13 by 13 bdrm.. bath, wtr. htr.. gar. 60x100 lot, paved at. sidewalk, 84300. ATTRACTIVE HOME N E. 13xlf LR. with fplace. DR. 3 bdrma, kit., full bath, bsrot. with L. facilities, sawdust furnace, wired lor elec. range. elec. wtr, hir. hwd. Ilr., gar., paved Ac sldewalx, paved alley, outdoor fpiaca Af rish pool. Fenced yard. IB950. SER. ST. - GAR. - 2 HOMES On through Rd. with expanding busi ness because of Detroit Dam traffic New pumps, air compressor, hoist, weld ing equipment, battery charger. 14400 down, tull prlct S16.0OO. Good value, TRADE CITY HOME FOR GOOD FARM 76 ae. alt In seed, hay Jr. grain crops. f. orchard, garden, old but aood I rm. mod. home, lae. barn, chicken hte.. brooder hae . milk hse.. fruit tue. At machine shed. 6 m. from Salem eity center. All crops included In the price of 113.000. Would take city home a part pay. NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS PERSONAL SERVICE BY MEN WHO SPECIALIZE 703 N. High Ph. 3-4832 al38' ALL THE EXTRAS! in this moderately priced 3-bedroom Home with Moored attic, corner lot, outdoor fireplace, sprinkling system, double gargge. ft block to school. Only 17.000. No. 353. 3 BEDROOMS! Lovely set tint, private drive, base ment with auto oil funace. main floor utility room, fireplace, dining room, lovely bark yard for children. Easy terms. No. 104. 1 ACRE! Very close In on corner at bus line. Hard surfaced road on both aides of prop erty, I bedroom home. Part basement, Lou of fruit and nut trees. Only 17.000 No. II SUBURBAN RANCH! 3 homes on 40 acres. 1 horn very mod ern with fireplace, basement, auto heat. AUo older type 1-bedroom home. Year round creek, excellent barn. Just the Place for a lot of fun for the whole family. Only 111,600 with very easy ternu. No. 1056. F. H. A. LOANS MULTIPLE LISTINOS Reimann for Real Estate 101 South High St. Ph. 3-9303 Eve. A Sun.. 3-6241, 3-3346. I-590S, 3-3738 f al36- EARLY POSSESSION Of a three bedroom house nicely locat- ! ed, near grade school. The house ha j basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood ! floors, dinlna room and nook: attractive fenced yard with outdoor fireplace: gar- aae. It's priced st only 17950. Salem Realty Co. Realtors 14 N Hiah St. Phone 1-7640 Eve. Phone 1-451. 3-6605 alSB A NICE modern two bedroom house In the Leslie district there 1 a 17500 O.I loan which can be assumed. Owner wilt sell for as little as 11200 down. A good property and a ood value. Total price 19850 Salem Realty Co. Realtora 149 N. High St. Phone 3-750 Eve, Phonea 3-4591. 3-6605 alls' OWNKr'trannferred.' willTakecaron equliv. Ranch type, new 1 bd. rm. all electric, lr. PI. Hwd. firs., landscaped. W. strip, In. Or will trade for houae In Eugene. 155 Mornlne side Dr. a 140 1 II HOl'HF.. electric, water, oil heater B a yard, 13000 cash Caroline Radke. 9.0 Wall St.. Sllverton, Ore. a!36 NEW I RtiKM. home. Hardwood floors, Big kltrhrn. lot of bullt-lna. Oil heat. Beautiful view, 16500. Ph. 31339. Bv owner. at 40" ONLY llftiW ON. Modern 3 BR home, nlre district. Balance 65400. FHA. Ph. 36189 am A REAL BARGAIN I room modern home lust denovated lane Int. xnlcnttid location. ONLY 14 800 Includes furnish In, large gar dan fruit and berries. Now vacant. Homeseekers Agency Biggest Bargain in Oregon 6-room house and bath, hot and fold water, gas Ha his, shrubs and flowers Open house Sal and Sun. 11760. K UriM. Oervaia. Ray LI ten j, a 140 VVW nni'AE. plumbing and wiring rouahed in. roof on, partition In Lo ealed in Kelaer Dist . very nice location tn pear orchard, new subdivision. Over 800 . ft of fir. anare. plus aaraae. Re. sit if ted Dial. 13000 will buy, with a small dn. payment. Finish yourself and SI VI toner. Trade Trade Trade What da ou havf to trade We have elt home suburban homes, farms, acres e. bus meases grocer? stores, apt. rise , service slat Ions, auto courts, trailer courts', lots Portland pronenv. Osweao. Bend. Neabera, Independence. Ore. City Contact us if you ha some thing to sell or trade. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. One S. Olson C R. Jtiekard 665 Chemewa Rd H Mile West of Keiser School Phone 3-1180 or 1 Oil ! LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS CLEAR LAKE DISTRICT 1 acre aood soil Unfinished 4-rm. house. Elec wa ter system. Small chicken houae. Prke only li:M 3'a ACHES I tm house. Soma fruit Amine water laavo WOHTH THE PHICE. 3-bdm plastered house, pracncall new. Nice sued rooms Large eaiaae Paved street. Englewood Dist Price only 19000 Leo N. Chilris, Inc., Realtor 141 Siai Phone I Mil Even in is Call: l-4Mf or 1-6101 alt- Journal Want Adi Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES OWNER LEAVING STATE ' a $9500 Take a look af this modern 3 bedroom home with large rooms, plastered. Insulated, weather-at ripped, hard wood floora, carpeted electric heat, venetlal blinds and drapes. Bus by door, near school and store. GARDEN ROAD, Rt. 5, Box 115 Phone 21119 GRABENHORST SPECIALS S. 12TH STREET Comer lot No. 3 b'lsinesa tone, lot 46x162. 1 bdrm. with bamt . a -i to-oil beat wired for range. Oreat poaslbllltte. price only 16 000. Call Richard E. Grabenhorat, SOUTH RIVER ROAD . WOODROW STREET - HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Business and Industrial sites, front footsie to suit purchaser. 34 ft paved street. Excellent location near J-B Drive-in. Call Cob urn L. Grabenhorat. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty Street Sunday and Roy Ferris 3-80)0 Peter H. Oelser 3-9966 Earl West 2-1232 FOR SALE LOTS St 5 DOWN and III per month for lots with fine water, On Sllverton Road close to school. General Real Estate VIEW LOT 75x76. City water, basement dug. King wood Dial. 8650. Wl. days Ph. 33998. 1205 Ferry. aal39 CROI8AN CRKF.K building site 4 miles irom Ladd it Busn. Year-round creek timber and ahade treed. 136 ft. frontage on uroiaan Koan. sign on property ati Joining new construction. Owner or property Sunday. aal39 VIEW LOT. 64x143. city water, bus serv ice. Near school. B. Liberty Rd. Reason able. Ph. 32109. aa!43' 1 LOTS in southeast Salem. Price 11800 W. G. Krueger Realtor 147 N. Com 1 Ph. 3-4721 VIEW LOTS, 600 blk.. VlSl Av WOOD- ELI LOTS, BOO DIB, RatCUII Dr. trie ted, city water. Ph l-4?4. FOR SALE FARMS FARMS 65-ACRE FARM, Oradr A dairy with milk machines. Beautiful house. 7 calves. All farm machinery, well for Irrigation. Crops In Short distance to Salem on pavement HAVE A WONDERFUL 1 acre with 1 bdrm. house. All fenced and crow fenced, double garage. Citr water, nice lawn and flowers. Ven. blinds. Would make a nice place for working man to have a tew cows and chickens. 40 ACRES EAST of Salem, nice home near Pudding River and creek, with ir ritation rights on both. Nice deal for nursery. Equipped with farm machin ery, small garden tractor, cows, fruit and walnuts for family use. 60 ACRES tn Howell Prairie district, on pavement. Nice farm. If taken at once buyer gets crop. Barn, poultry house, machine shrd. 110 ACRES, nice Cot. type home. Nice barn, ho house, chicken house, new fruit house. If this place Is taken at onre crops bo with it. George W. Hubbs Co. J. ZEEB, MANAGER 153 N. Capitol Phone 3-3031 F. C. West. Farm Salesman PC. West. Farm Salesman. Eve. Ph. 3-548 Kvrnlnx Phone 2-5481 b!39 GIVEN A FARM! Your Uncle Sam ha. given this owner a Tule Lake homestead. His house at 3604 Hulsey has I obe gold 3 Bd. Rms.. Din. Rm . Liv. Rm . Fireplace, fine xl t chen. full basement, auto otl heat, large lot. 13500 dn.. 170 a mo. F.H A. E. A. MeGLAUFLIN Edw. A. Dvck, Realtor Suburban 31 A. 6 bdrm. home. Lane LR. Fire place. DR, B nook. Dble. plumbing. Bsmt. 3 car gar. Good trout stream. 7 A. straw. Ai cane berries. Price 111.000 C. W. Reeve Realtor 46 1. Comm I. Ph. 1-4590. Eve. J-953 b!39 HFRF'ft A PLACE YOU CAN GO TO WEEK-ENDS, away from tlve city, plen ty of fishing, trees, berries 61 fruit. A small house for you At the wife, an other one for the kids. Creek frontaxe. It takes only 1500 dn. At a small month ly Payment to take over. Full price 13501). Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive I.W.ngs Personal Service 164 S Com I St. Ph. 3-9389. Eve. 1-740 b!3S S GOOD PARMA 103 A. Wit. At beaver dam soli Exel. bulldinas, lge, dairy barn, norih. 133 A, Polk county, part Irrigated, fine bldas. 8t A. Howell Pratrle. Good bldgs. Crop goes. Phone 3-5B80. ED. LUCKINHIAL RKAL ESTATE 440 Norlh 1 4i h Af bill' FOR SALE ACREAGE J ACRES Norlh w.th income Modern el ectric home. Good barn, nice yard anrubs. familv orchard etc Priced right. Rte. 1. boi 303. Salem. Ph. 1-1657 bbltf t'x aYrY... new home. 1100. Rt. 4 Box 140 Hatter Rd bblig REAL ESTATE Best Buvs ENGLEWOOD DIST. 11000 down en a neat, rattier amall but veil arranaed home. Attached garaae. nice front and bark yds E'.ectrtc heat. Full price onlv 195. Evenings Phone 3-0471 or l-SWt. Bargain Brand new. Verv well constructed Full basement, lots of built -Ins, an ached ae rate, extra tarie lot Bus at front door Total price only 165O0. Evenings Phone -04TI or I JVM SUBURBAN An exceptionally nice home full base mem, wry nice ouibulldinas Lois ( b it t mess front aae. Rl of property, is excel, subdivision propen Ail equip ment goes. Total price 118 000. Will ac cept ot her propert y as part pav ment. Eve nines Phone 3-04T3 or 3-155. Farm North Howell Here a farm wa are proud of T A in North Hoaelt. 3 seis of buildins Home very modem Built m 1936 1 A ot beaver dam Several A ot berries Several cabin for berry pickers. Family orchard and nut. Ctooa go If sold "n Owner forced t sell becauso ot health liberal terms. Total price on'.v un oo Call for Mr leavens, even.ns Phone I 01 or 1-1M8 AI Isaak & Co., Realtors OH Portland lid. P. I TaSO. I-4M 140' IFOR SALE HOUSES .7 2 L acres, beautiful aettlng, Jots of tree. Price only Offlct Phone 3-3471 Evrnlng Call REAL ESTATE 836 ,000 B ura a real business that net over 113.000 year. Well est eh., steady customers, still showing increase. Ph 3-6680. ED. LUCKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 North 14th St. cl38 CROIRAN CREEK building site 4 miles Irom Ladd Ai Bush. Year-round creek, timber and shade tree, 135 ft. front age on Crolsan Road. Sign on property adjoining new construction. Owner on property Sunday. C139 Small Down Payment Move in Ae complete. Plumbing St wiring roughed in. Well. 3 bdrm. Att. gar. A. good soli. Full price 1330O. C. W. Reeve Realtor 145 a. Com ml. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 1-9536 C139" FOR YOL'R SAVINGS Investment buy g first mortgage on real estate. Salem & vicinity. Examine security yourself Amount 1500 to several thousand dou lars. net investor 6. We make all col lection for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 161 8. High. WANTED REAL ESTATE THREE BEDROOM house, new or nearly new. close to school. Loral businessman will pay up to 815.000 total price, 675 per mo. and 83000 additional over 18 mo Write Capital Journal Box 399. cal39 WANTED LISTINGS. Whavveral buyer for 3-bedroom house In aood district. See or call Andy Halvorsen. Phone 3-9620 office, or 3-7163 home. McKillop Real Estate Center and High Street eal39 WE ARE In need 01 good bouse to sell In or near Salem lf you wish 60 list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phont 3-2471 ea NOTICE! If your property la for sal. rem or exchange, list It wltb u We have all kinds of cash buyer STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 High St EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BY OWNER: . odern auburban 3 bdrm 3-yr. old house with attached garage; half acre land, landscaped, all fenced 5-inch well with Jet pump, orchard, berries, etc. Exchange for home In Englewood dist. Phona 3-3110. 4135 Glenwood Drive. cbl38 NEW S BR all electric. Excellent lorated A thruout. Consider rural or coast DroD- erty on trade. 265 E. Le telle Bt. eb!39 WE HAVE client with large place that wouia nge to exchange tor amall acre ase.. Bee Mr. Brown, Phone 1-8630 or 3-4937. McKillop Real Estate Center and Hlsh cblll SA At 'RE A, all modern two bd. rm. house at Bend to trade for Salem property. Ph. Salem 38713. cbl39 EXCHANGE FOR TRADE List your property for trade. W have trader for all types of real estate. COLBATH LAND CO. 161 Center St. Phona 3-4532 CB139' RESORT ROrERTY run r it hi hkli.: y equina Bay near Newport. 16 A. Beautiful setting, I BR. collate with bath, concrete dbl. garaae. greenhouse, lane garden, planted oy ster Uriel and front aae. oppor. in flih ins. ojsirrs. moorage, resort, floral business. 16 000-17.000. part or all. Geo O. En land, Hi. 3, Box 391, Tlggrd, Ore. CC140 SEE "WKKTWINliS ADDITION." 60 Beach Front and Ocean View lots " mils south of Gleneden Beach P O. Sea Owan VeMerbere At Doxste on land CC139 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IDEAL MSI NESS lots 90 foot frontage on raimrnund Rd, Oood house on rear pioperty. Ph. 36169. eel 140 NEW MMI1.Y FLAT. Just completed. r.nrn apt, j Harms., nice llv. rms.. km -hens. rt. tied en. lots of closets and bn;ll-in. Ideal home and Income. 19950. Terms. R E Meredith Hit or B M Masun, 176 8. Commercial. Ph. 38841 ruUO ELECTRIC Comranlng Ar Service Large Nnn.ng di't provides steady yr around work. Franchise on major appliances, ait. llvinic quarters with reln . range, auto, washer A oil htr. low rent. Mod. blrla Al invent, about 8loO, 30 ml N. Salem on PE. Hubbard, Ore. Ph. 4511. cd!4.l GROCERY STORE doing goodbuslnrM Must sell necause of illnes. Some terms. T. J. Murphy, rails City, Ore ed!40- BEM'TY SHOP for fease. good location Reasonable rent. Ph. 30953. edl40' NFAT ATTRACTIVE cafeTnew equipment On E. N Salem. PH. 23326. rd!43 FOR SALE or trade, new garat ' V ta uon aith living quarters. 1694 N. Com I Phl82I. (tie,. TAVERN CLUB Old establishment, doins excellent bual nes Fine restaurant equipment, drauaht beer, dancing, club privileges Owner claims approximately It. 000 net per month. Fult price tJ 0.000. Call Mr. Bean for more details Salem Realty Co. Realtora 14 N Hwh St Phone 3-7660 TAVERNS 4 of them from 1800 to 130 000. If you re in the market be sura to see them! No. 774 Reimann for Real Estate 301 So. High St. Ph. l-ajnl fdll6' WOI lit" VOL- MKCTOtttKEie) R MONTH- You would-tnen call me to rt and I II tell you about a real good CAFE Excellent equipment Downtown loration. For appointment See Mr. Or ion t I I I INT Nr.HlHBORHnOO OROC1HY 13 000 0 gross last year. Si oca. na tures panase beer license, all lor IT vnooo See Mr Orion. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor i Chtmefeei St P. 10371. BV. NMI tuts. REAL ESTATE MORE VALUE $9950 9) SMALL DOWN PAYMENT FULLY INSULATED 11000 HEATINO PLANT FIREPLACE LARGE WINDOWS 6) OLAS8 BRICK YES There la a Kitchen, Din In Room. Bath, lot of built-la. What 10 could you desire in Ui bona of your dreams. $10,500 REDUCED 13500. THIS HOME IS CERTAINLY IN THE GOOD BUY CLASS NOW. BUNGALOW 3 BEDROOMS. LR 14x31. DINETTE. BATH. KITCHEN, GARAGE. FULL BASEMENT, FURNACE. LOCATION THE BEST. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL HANDLE. Chas. Hudkins & Son, Realtors Over 27 Years in Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Property South Commercial St. 1 bdrm. home. Bldg. 34x50 on back of lot for shop. Approx. 7 blocks from Ladd At Bush Bank. Price 10900. C. W. Reeve Realtor 141 S. ComaVL Ptt. 3-450. Eve. 3-9536 Cdl3 Business Opportunity We have an Emergency Sale of Orocrev business, including Real Property with 6 room living quarters, furniture loes also. Proprietor called east ana must sell at once. 1.12,100 business In 1948. The price Is 113.500 and 17.600 will handle. Location, small town North, submit of fer. Burt Picha Realtors 179 N. High St. Phone 3-3641 Call: Johnson, Phona 3-7451 cdlSI ARE YOU Interested In the service sta tion business? I have one lor aaie ai Inventory price. In Monmouth. Ore. Con tact Warren Doom tie. uutriDUtor uen eral Petroleum Product. Plant No 14616. dl41- NELSON NEWS IDEAL FOR SPECIALTY MECHANIC A 35x30 building at a good cross rd. lo cation plus a 3 bdrm. mod. home with, elec. wtr. ntr., eiec. neating system, aooui i acre land, for only 15500. The owner will take a car as part paym t. Nelson & Nelson Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 702 N. High Ph. 3-4633. cdl38' FOR "SALE : Established el et t r ic al e on trading business. 1300. Plus all or part of 13.000 stock. Ph. 114 Delate, Oregon OCEAN ELECTRIC. cdl38 SERVICE station for leae with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr. Moor or Mr. Sykes. cd' WITH OPTION to buy fully equipped con fectlonery, grossing approx. 136.000 per yr Writs Capital Journal, box 393 cdl39 FURNITURE FOR SALE 1 MO. OLD 7 ft. Frig Ida I re. G E. stove, chrome set. living rm. set. Miscellan eous. 1058 Howard. Ph. 30374. d MO- NOW S. & H. GREEN STAMPS In addition to living you quality furni ture at Salem's lowest prices we now offer you even greater savings by giv ing S. H. GREEN STAMPS witn every purchase. Thia Friday and Saturday we will give double green stamps. Don't forget to ak for them. SAVE $25 I -pc. chrome dinette. Ext table with genuine formica top that will not burn, chip or crack, plus 4 fine chrome chairs. A reg. 174 95 value. Only 149.95. 45 down. 3 a week. SAVE $59.50 Lovely modern bleached walnut 6-pc. bedroom suite plus an excellent guaran teed 210-coll Innersprin mattress and matching box spring. Suite consists of roomy chest of drawers, drop center vanity with 33x14 In. landscape plate mirror, vanity bench, full slxe bed and night stand. A reg. 1210 value. Now only 1149.50. Ill down. 98.16 a month. SAVE $50 Excellent Daveno and matching swing rocker In a very lovely tapestry cover. Fully guaranteed construction and a tremendous saving. Reg. 8149.95. Only 199 95. Just 110 down and 8 a month. DOUBLE S. St H. OREEN STAMPS H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd, Phone 3-3717 rairgrounas Rd. at N. Cottage d!36 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST r ICES paid. Phong" Glenn at Woodrt Al,, on Market Ph 3-5110 da LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock biirer E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S 35 Ph 3-8147 eal51 RABBITS 1 RABRITS Ar hutches. 630 Union St. ebl3 PETS ADORABLE COCKFR pups. Reasonable. 3 blaclt. I blond. 1101 N. Church. ecl41 iToTleVcan JtYingiio"oorphT3592' eclS7 HOLM AN S Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt l. Box 161 DD, stayton. Near auction house ec!5 FUEL GOOD 16 la edalng. IS50 a load Dfl.ible load 610. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-5533. eel6 TRI-CITY FTJE1 Preah eul sawdust. Prompt delivery Ph 173 Wa give 8 H Oreea, Stamps Preen 16 tn. mill wood ee CALL-HIOHWAY FUEL" FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End Block Wood, Ph. 18444 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CO B.ork, planer Ai slab wood Al d;wt. Ph. 3031 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs dar. pn. 3-1861. Ie a Hatrhery. f PRODUCE 4TR 4WRf BR IE "Marshall. TJ pick. Ir per lb. Bring our own container. Picking Sat. Ar Sun. Oo to wen 4 cor ner, turn rtaht mile to Marleay Rd Out three miles to Rt. I. Box 476. R M Livesly ffll SOI'R P1F CHFRRIFS Ic lb U-Ptek. 1 mile south ot Brooks on ME. J. Fair ffll GOOO TB4WrilRIF. V Pick. ItV. Ii mi. east of Totem Pole. Turn right 3nd house. J. L. McDonald, rt. T, box 155 tfll9 NETTED OEMS seed pot . II M hundred. L. Fed. Rt. 7. Box 149F 3 mites north of underpass. Phont 3-150 IIIJ' STR4WRIRRIFS You pick. Andreien rarm. t. Lancaster and Havevme Drive. Rl. t. Bog 171. Phont 3-101. ftlJI ATRAWRFRRTFA U. pick. Ac lb. Plenty or oerr.et. Joe Henny. I mile east or Brookv mile norm.. Sot 316. ftl43 TRHRARRIEA U-P!rk.Ac RriBgcon ta.ners. Out Sltvertao Rd 11 ml. to Middle Orovo School. Tvrm fkssi tan rt A Hiasageno, I REAL ESTATE LESS PRICE 0 WARM PLASTERED GARAGE 6) HAND SPLIT CEDAR SHAKES 66 1 160 LOT BEAUTIFUL DECORATING S) 11 31 II LIVING ROOM t LARGE BEDROOMS i PRODUCE GOOD STRAWBERRIES. D-plCk. 10c. Joe renorick. Rt. 4. Box 464, McClay Rd. Bring containers. f f 140 HELP WANTED CHERRY PICKERS wanted. Good croo. win start June is. a. e. souiiieur. nt. .Box 4460rchard Height Bd 10 STRAWBERRIES 10c lb. U-Pick. Plenty i nice perries now avauaoie. i't mues north of Kelxer school on Clear Lake Rd. Patch Is spotlessly clean. No weeds or grass. Come anytime Sat. or Sun. Patch will be open all day Sun. for the convenience of those whose work make It difficult to pick other days. Come out At get some of these delicious berries ior canning. T. A. Brewster Rt. 3 Box 361-C. .138 WANTED: Cherry pickers starting June um. uoon camp (round. Ammon Grire Rt. I Box 193 Orchard Heights Rd. Ph. 16F16. gi7 CHERRY PICKING to start Mon. Rt. 8 Box 5B0..Orchard Ht. Rd. 3 ml. off Wallace Rd. Ph. 1F14. R. B. Worral. (10 CHERRY PICKERS register now. Ander son farm, N. Lancaster at Haycavllle dr. Rt. 7. box 171. Ph. 3-101. al42 HELP WANTED Experienced gardener. niBuuin jjanuscape service. Mon 2- S3 alter 5p.m. gi3 MANAGER TO PICK cherrv rrnn Mi have exp. and make arrangements for truck and pickers. Phong 2-4453 after P m - 136 WANTED Cherry pickers soon. Ph. 33024. 142 STRAWBERRY PICKERS. Ic a box. fi" P nam weu, mo h. River Rd., Keiser. a 139 CHERRY PICKERS, start Mon. Ph. 32374. or 3034 alter 7 P.m. g!39 CHERRY PICKERS register now Pielrin. aoout June 30, poslbty sooner. Very heavy crop. Camp sites available. Watch for sign at Y out Orchard Ht. road. 3'i miles from Wallace road. Williams nun untu, KC. I. box 60. Ph. 17F3 141' STRAWBERRY PICKERS. R. P. Barn wc if 4930 N" "-'r. Rd- HELP WANTED MALE WESTERN UNION offers steady employ- mrni jgung man is or oiaer wnn Bervi- cycie. cusnman, or Salisbury scooter. Light, pleasant work. Inquire Western Union, 437 State St. gaI38 W ANTE DpXrtVer, new garage St serv- ico station. 1694 N. Com'l Ph. 36821. gal3l WANTED: Exp. men to help harveat cherries about Juna 16. Capital Journal Box 391 gal38 COOK: Man to cook for largg group. 1170 mo., less maintenance. Peru. pos. Oregon State Training School, Wood burn, gi helK'wantVdemale HAVE OPENING for alert beauty oper- aior-mamcurisi ana nair stviing. New equipment and shop. Eugene Hotel Beauty Salon, Eugene. Oregon. gbl40 YOUNG GIRL to work during dinner eve nings, rrivate ooarnmg nouse. Prefer one living close to 601 N. Winter. gbl38 AVON COSMETICS, Est. 1806. has open ing ior smart, mature women who want extra money. Write Dist. Mgr., 6335 8.E. Yamhill. Portland. b!40 INTERVIEWERS for part-time work In terviewing people for market research surveys. College background desirable, not essential. Answer fully, AIRMAIL A. J Wood St Co., 131 8. Broad Bt. Phtla.. 7. Pa. gbltu COMBINATION waitress Ai kitchen help! experienced. Coles Portland Rd, gbl38 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 30 State St Ph 1-1488 gf WANTED SALESMAN SALES OPPORTUNITY lor young man. No experience necessary, good sslary and commission while learning to sell world famous Maytag home appliances. A real future for young man Interested In selling. Oood (raimnt facilities and study course available. Stop or call for an Interview now. C. H. Ahrens Hard ware. Voodburn. Oregon. gal39 SALESMAN. Must have car. Apply I a m. lo 11 a.m. Willamette Valley Roof Co. 30 Lana Ave. g WANTED, an aggressive young man. ex perienced In selling real estate. Must have car. P. R. Bell, 161 Chemeketa 8;. WANTED POSITIONS CUSTOM PICKUP HAY BALING HERR & RIENSCHE 3i ml. out Sllverton Rd. to M ddle Grove school. Turn right mile, hi 43 HOUSE WORK wanted.-" ionKm,West Salein. Ph. 3-1901. bill CUSTOM HAY baleing. rake with Job. also will mow. Ph. 37103 hl63 HOUR WORK. Mon. Tuos. At Wed. Ph. hi3- TREE SPRAYING, light tractor work. No- ten flat hurst. 436 Hager St. Ph. 3-3907 hl flOEING WORK. D4 16 50, D6 II per nr a l M dragline At crane, truck At crawler mounted. Call Woodburn Red IS. Bo 177 Oervai. hl41 GIRL 11. wants summer Job. Exp. with children, housekeeping. Ethel SklUInf. Lyons. Oregon. hill NEED AN office Mr or salesman? 10 yrs. experience retail sell Int. Capital Journal Box 198 hill EXP. GROCERY Mgr. wishes work in Salem area. Refs. Available July 1. Reply Capital Journal Box 394. h!41 t CARPENTERS New of repair. By hour r job. Phone 9-053 or 1-174. h!41 PLASTERING, P4TCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 1-418. Pre estimate. hill CARPENTER WK. New. repair. Ph. 3-3031. h!61 FISHING RODS reflnlshed and repaired. uuarameea wore, noas maae 10 order. Work accepted at Howard Maple i Sporting Goods or Bramble Hardware or 3-0014 evenings. hi J LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and pit- --vg in new ones. pn. i-Jioi. hl.t GR 4DEB WORK by the hr. or job street, read, subdivision Ph. 3931) or 13697 eve. Ml' FOE'S gslmeoorapnint, typing service. promt service, quality worl. lower price. 66 N. 16th Ph. 3-364 hlJJ TF1E PHONE C4LL9 TAKEN. 14 hr serv- Ire, Former phone opr. Ph 3-I6T3 bill Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED POSITIONS LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilling. New lawns, tree work. Rtrhard Boyer. Ph. 1-6110. hl4S SEWING and alteration. Pn. 3-4654. ht48 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4650. h!44 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. Mc Allister, 140 Trade. Pa 3-149. h!44 BABY MEE. Jb.3-06I0. hl38 AUTO FAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 1-1101 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4331. PLEASANT sleeping room. Very close In. 348 8. Church. jkll LIGHT HSKPG rm. with kitchenette. Mod. home. Bus. 1110 Trade St. J kill NICE SLEEPING Rm. HatC water. 4TnT High. Jkl40a NICE LARGE aleaplng room. Twin bed. 140 Chemeketa. Jkl40a LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle man. 117.50 month. Ph. 3-1038. Jk 1 50 ATTRACTIVE rms. 3036 McCoy. Ph. 3-6003 1 jkl45 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 1-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS WELL I' URN. sleeping rm. Close In. H&C Water. Men only. jpl40 S ROOM Apt. Bath.shower, utility RNo children. 1130 Madison. Jpl40 NEW St attractive 3 room Ar bath court apt. Unfurn exrept for stove St refrig. Utility room furnished. Apply at 1555 Mc5y' Iplto - RM. FURN. Apt. 150 WaterJSt. Jpl39 NICELY furnished 3 rm. apt. Close ln!3 blocks Bo. of Ladd Ac Bush Bank. Cor ner Commercial at 310 Bellevue St. jpn FURN. SMALL 1 rm. apt. for single per- son. 635 N. Winter. Jpl36- 1 ROOM basement apt.' Clost in. 435 D1- VJ.!; jpiai- S RM. Turn. apt. Main floor. 3310 N. 4th7 Mrs. Fred Lemon. Jp143 CLEAN 5 RM. unfurn. apt. Prtv. ent. Chil dren excepted. Ph. 3-6000 or 3-136 before 11 a.m. or alter 6 p.m. jpl3- TO PERMANENT party. 3-rm. unfurn. apt. in nice res. dist. Utilities and elec tric range. 1478 Elm St. Ph. 3-8802. ipi3 I BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. 154 Broadway. Call at 640 Marion. JpU S RM. furnapt. 692 8. 35th St. JP119 I RM. FURN. apt. Hot' cold water. Shower bath Ai elec. range. 1 or 3 ad ult. No children. Ph. 3-6636. W. Salem. . JP143' 4 RM. APT. furn. 3 adults, plenty storage. 735N. Capt. Prl. ent. Ph. 37694. Jpl39 t LARGE room furnished apt. Private front and back entrance. Bath. For couple or mothers with toddler. Can stay with me while mother works. 945 So. 12th. Jpl38 5 RM. APT. Unfurn. 160. Plenty built-in closet. Close lo. 666 Kerry St. Ph. 2-1994 JpISI FURN. l OR l RM. apt. Cheap. S fin. walk. Kids O.K. 160 Union. Ph. 2-9835. Jpl41 3 RM. APT. Close in. partly furn. Ideal for couple. Ph. 24411 or 38953 after 5 p.m. Jplll ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. apt. with bath, part ly furn. All electric, dull. 1194 Chem kfta. JpI38 CLEAN FURN. APT. rrivate bath. 3455 8tate. Jpl40 3 ROOM furnished upstairs apartment. With bath St outside entrance, to a middle ased. working couple. No drink ing, pets or children. 466 S. 11th or Ph. 2-703. Jpl40 FL'RN. 4 Rm. Apt. Utilities furn. Reason- aoie. Joa B. lBtn. Jpl39' FOR RENT HOUSES S BDRM. house with elec. St bath. 640. vme mi. e,si owegie acnooi on Pratum Rd. M. D. Towry Rt. 0 Box 433L after I p.m. lml3S FURN. COTTAGE. 1 Bdrm. 840. ml. North of Brooks on 99E. Rose Cottage. Jml43 RM. HOUSE, 940 D Bt. Ph. 26406. Jml38 NEW DECORATED home, new carpeting. middle aged couple. Ph. 21329. Jml40' 3 BDRM. house. 441 N. 33rd. Inquire 1835 TradeSt L Jmll- NEW A ROOM house for rent. OoodTdisT. Suburban. 15. Ph. 2-1071 Jml42 FOR RENT: 4 room house. Close to can nery. NO CHILDREN. 1031 Em St. West Salem )ml38 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS NEW BUSINESS bldg. for rent. 34x30. Available July I. 3088 N. Com'l. Inquire at 3090 N. Com'l. J HO M IN. POWER SYCLE mower; power mow er; garden tillers: paint sprayers; pow er tools: plumbing tools: air compress or and etc. Howser Bros., 110 S. 13th. Ph. 3-3646. JH2 FOR RENT: Business location In DeLake. 3 room suitable for Attorney or Real Estate office. Write Box 101. DeLake. Oregon, or call 236 DeLake or call at Tourist Cafe. DeLake. J 1 39 CLOSE IN N. front. Lower floor suitable for office, living qutr. upst. 1100 per mo. NEW BUS. BLDG. in Hollywood, large floor space. 1176 per mo WAREHOUSE close In So. Ha office and Pibg. 145 per mo. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Persona Service 164 8. Com ! St. Ph. 1-831. Ive. 3-7440. JUS- BUSINESS for rent. See under Business Opportunities. J139 OFFICE apacea and desk spaces. Pb. t&ftflT 1' GROUND FLOOR room, suitable for of fice or stores STATE FINANCE CO Ph. 34131 j u DRIVE truck ear Pa 1-1103 POWER TOOL rentals tor borne Ai ts dutria use Bowser Bros Pb 1-1146 I" BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. J TRAILERS. 13.00 per day Howser Bros 14108. 12th. West Salem r GOOD USED PIANOS. R L. Stiff. J FLOOR SANDER for rant Montgomery Ward ! TO DO a good Job rent a good floor gand er, we ell everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS Pb I -ISM J WANTED TO RENT W4.NTED TO RENT Bt reiponslble employed couple, modern furnthed 1 or 3 bedroom. Need bv Julv 1st. Ph. 3-3940. Jal40 registered Nurse urgently needs 1 or 3 bedroom lurnisnea Dome norm. Ret. Ph. 2-9.169 or 3-48M. al40 VET AND wife desperately need partly furn. house near Hollywood Dist. No children. No drinkers. Ph. 33745. Jal40 RE FINED MAN. wife and 1 child U yr. old. want unfurn. I S R. modern heme close in. Will give excel, care. Ph. 30657 after 3 p.m. jalll" MGR. MILLER'S Fur Dept. wishes jTor 1 bd. rm. hse, in good district. Ref. Ph 3m .11138 ROOM AND BOARD TACWCY for tM kMrtf. nt H. wtn- r. i'to- LOST AND FOUND LOST: BLACK purse. Finder may keep purse, but please return all personal be longings. Reward. Writ Capital Jour nal Box 37 kl4 LOT: pa r bo s brown oxfords, sire 3 in Salem s'ore last Bat. ariernoon Please Pn. Mr. HensaaeL Tibemilois beecntei. All! LOST AND FOUND A LADY'S Gruen wrist watch April . Between Miller Penny. Ph. 1-1487 kl43 LOUT: Small black cords y purse, B. Com-' mtrclaL Bat. nlte, June 4. Reward. Pn. 3-3111. kill MISCELLANEOUS LPS SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 13:30. ml 56 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EM LEH DENTIST Adolpfe Bid. Stat Ai Commercial Bt. BAL EM Phone 1-3311 m AVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repreaen ta" e. Ph 3-1512 for free pick up and delivery service on ah make of ma chines. Pre: estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l Bl BUILDING MATERIAL NEW GRADE A doors I8 60. Screen doors all thirknesses oi plywood. Mew win dows 100s of sash. Firtex, sheet rock, in sulation, cedar shake, asbestos siding. Compare our prices. C. a. Long. Ph. 35831. 1 ml. North of Keiser. ma 143 INSULATED side wall hake. I eoIorT Willamette VaJley Roof Co., 30 Lana Av. mails STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frame. Casements, double hung Ac commercial types.PUMlLtTE, Wcl Salem. m138 FIREPLACE MATERIALS. Superior Heat form At Bennett-Ireland fireplace circu lator. All fireplace A: masonry materi al. PUMILITE - West Salem. malSB ROCK LATH, Piaster and Stucco Materials. PUMILITE West Salem. nia 138 SPECIAL!! Outside house paint 13.45 per gal.; paint sprayer rental reduced 13.00 per day with purchase wltb paint. Howser Bros.. Ph. 1-3646. mal41 HOWSER BROS., your power tool rent al head quarter. New addres. 1410 8. 12th. Ph. 3-3646. mal42 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingles. No. 3 16 cedar wall shakes and undercourse. 112.80 painted. No. 1 un Painted to.00. No. 2 16 .50. Ted Muller. Pti. Salem 2-1196 ma NEW LUMBER for sale, lxl rough, 4000 ft. Make an offer. Rt. 1. boi II. I bl. No. of R.R. on Wallace rd. ma 136 sVftTbOO FR.AFTERs7"l 5 each, Al Moss Rt. 2, box 21, Turner. Salem Ph. 2-2957. ma 140 SHEETROCK, new shipment. H" As See us for new low cash price. Keith Brown, Front it Court. ma Builder-Contractors We have a complete stock of framing lumber, timbers St shlplap, all grades, at rock bottom prices. West Salem saw mill. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. Free Delivery. m143 ALU MA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. Bee your dealer or Call DUt. 2-6401. ma 156 DOORS. INTERIOR 2 panel doors, at the great special purchase bottom price, bargain oi only 16.60 each. Keith Brown. Fornt Ai Court St., Salem. ma NEW SHIPMENT plast board. V e: tt . 6o sq. ft. Rock lathe 4 it. 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD AIL EM ma USED FIB FLOORING. Ph. 29703 or 2-439. mall SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 1-1191. MONTGOMERY WARD At OO. SALEM, OREGON ALUMINUM ROOFINO I ft. width In the following length 6 .11.74 2.32 10 2.80 13- 19 Ask about installation eervice MONTGOMERY WARD as CO. SALEM. OR BOON NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS FOR BALE. 180 VARIETIES. HHS. r. m. WAKU, 4310 CHERRY AVE. mb!39 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 139 WOOD BURNING range 820. Lawnmower 85. 1933 Chev. New motor, tires, outside excellent, inside rough. 885. R-t Box 803 Dallas highway. nl39 FENCE POSTS, poles, at) types. Shingles", fertiliser At flatrock. Phillip Bros- Rt. I. Box 118. Ph. 68F22. n' WALNUT wllATNOTi Antique French furniture, china St colored glass, dia mond ring. Baye Window Antique shop, 439 Court St., upstairs. nl40 FOR BARGAlNsTn Antiques, visit the Baye gWindow Antique Shop, 439 Court St., upstairs. nl40 7 FT. by 9 ft. canvas tent. Excel, cond. Ph. 2-6008 Eves. nl40 STRAWBERRIES, you pick. Ic lb. Bat urday Ac Sunday. Williamson farm, Rt. 7, Box 264. nl3l ROOFINO Willamette Valley Root Co., 30 Lana ave. nl38 CLOTHING lor sale. 580 N. Liberty. n!39 CLEARANCE SALE FLOOR MODELS ODD ITEMS Bnn copy of this ad lo get these prices: CALORIC GAS RANGE, for city or bot tled gas, clock St timer, light. Brand new. last '41 model, resrular price 1189.50. Clearance price 1139.60. MAOIO CHEF OAS RANGE for bottled gas, swing-out broiler and oven, light As timer. Regular 1234.50. One '4J floor model, to clear at 1187 50 O EN ERAL OAS WATER HEATER for City aas. 30-gallon. Only one. Regular 177.50. Sale prke 143 00. UTILITY FLOOR FURNACE for bottled gas. Pilot lis 1H and 100', shut-off. 17. 000 BTU. AOA approved. Sale price 135. PAYNE FLOOR FURNACE for bottled ess. Slightly usrd. 40.000 BTU. AOA approv ed. Wltb automatic controls. Sale price 150. BHILL1ANTFIRE GAS HEATERS for City gas. or for bottled gas. 33.000 BTU. AGA approved. Radiant-Circulator-Vented. naie price l7 50. SER VEL REFRIOERATOR. 4-ft., used: SH3.DO. Bring This Ad To PROPANE OAS At APPLIANCE CO. 140 Perry Slreet. Ph. 3-50M8 Opposite Marlon Hotel nUi9 GOOD used Hoover vacuum cleaner. 115. NEARLY NEW box spring and Inner spring mki.r.. ruu.ir 4-9141. nlja" ELECTRIC HOT water tank, colled refuse Burner, pressure cooker. Ph. 3-8186 . nl39 CEMENT MIXER, baby bed. high chair. 4155Durbin. Ph. 2-0287. nl39 LOTS. Bell Crest Memorial park. Ph. 1-3097 n!39 SWING CUTOFF 12 ' saw, heavy duty. bench. 130 Union St. ni3 BABY BUGGY. Excel. ond. 36 lb. ire box. Ph. 3-0796. i39. I USED 4 bar side rake. Interstate TrYc tor Co. Ph. 1-4161. mag. II FT. Co-op Self-propel led Combine. Cut lea thsn 00 acres. Will take It. com bine or cattle. Allen O ins rich. Rt. 2. Albany. 3 mi. NE of Knox Butt, nil H4LF TON Chain Hoist, like new. 114 M. ia a oisoe ian mower 17.30. Baby Buggy. 15. Play Pen 17.50 30-eal. Elec tric Water Heater, 139 50. 1051 Portland B140 JOCKEY SADDLE, pad Ac bridle Ilka new" Ph. J110S. nl3t METAL BED Ai spring-tilled mattress' "Ti.rvi .. .nun ewnper. rn. nnio at 1640 Broadway after 4. mi MY BOOK BOUSE. I 1 ; travel ship. 2 n13' ARE YOU interested in the service sta tion business? I have one for sale at in eotory price. In Monmouth. Ore. Con Met Wsreea Doollttle. Distributor. Oen eral Petroleum Producta. Plant No, B141 BEAUTIFUL Baldwin Aerosonle Sp;n-1 si vie Piano. 6 TQ Ratcltff Dr 136 (Continued on Pogt 19 I