Rex Ross Dominates Open (Class at County Jersey Show By CLAUDE STEUSLOFF Taking tint prize in every class he entered, Rex Ross, Mt. Angel breeder and Imported, dominated open class Judging at the 31st innual Marlon County Jersey show held yesterday at the State fair grounds. Both female championships went to Ross. The senior and grand ' champion was Standard Come Dolores, a 2 year old cow sired Wheat Firm But Grains Lower Chicago, June 10 W Wheat held firm while feed grains slumped on the board of trade today. Buying of wheat by mills helped that grain, and an advance in cash prices plus more unwanted rains in the southwest spurred along the upturn. Action of wheat did not aid corn and oats. Corn slumped on light selling, part of which was hedging against purchases of more than 100,000 bushels of cash torn on a to-arrive basis from the country. It was the second straight day of fairly heavy country cash grain offer ings. Wheat closed higher, July $1.94-, corn was -IV, lower, July $1.31. oats were 1V-1V4 lower, July 58, rye was unchanged to Vi higher July 31.36. soybeans were Vt "lower to Vt higher, July S2.21 2.22, and lard was 10 to 17 cents a hundred pounds lower, July $11.10. - The word "artillery" was first used for all engines used to dis charge missiles, but in more re cent times It has been used only for firearms of long range ca pable of discharging a bursting projectile. MARKET QUOTATIONS states LtTMtMl MmrhtX IB VUaj Paeklni Company) Cutttr cow 19 00 to 113.00 Fit Dtlry cows 111.00 to I IS. 00 Bull iiB.oo to lao.oo Calvea. iood (300.450 lb.) 118.00 to 120.00 Vet! (150-300 lbs.) good ..S20.00 to S24.00 (jc prle paid within sse oi port' ad pile for etch t?p. Top, llO-HS ib Strawberries aoM for S3 35 to 13 H flat on tht Portland KastsWe Farmer ftlarket today. Bine cbe (Tie brouiht IS to 30 cent a pound; tartarianc brought 10 cent a pound. Tom toe old for 13.75 a 10-lb. box. Raapberrlu moved t 11.00 a 12-eup fill. Cabbaio waa 13.50 to 13.00 a crate. Lettuce old for $1.00 to 11.35 a crate, Turnip were $1.00 a doien bunctie. Beet brought 40 to 60 cent a dozen hunches. Spinach oVd for $1-00 an orange box. Tertian rrwftais Bntterfat Tentative, atraiect to 1mme dlat ehanio Premium qualltf maxtmum to Jl to 1 percent acidity deliver) id Portland 61-4a lb.. first quality 59-62C lb. second quality 57-B0c. Valley route and country points I ls tnan mas. Batter Wboleaalo FOB bulk cube to wholesalers grade AA, 03 score. 61-B2c; A. 03 acore W-Ole; B, 00 score, 57c lb.i C, $0 acore, 56c lb. Above price arc strict ly nominal Cbawaa Balltne Brine to Portland Whole gale Oregon angles, 38 -46". Oregon lb loaf, tlVfc-M1: triplets Vie lea than in ilea. Kgga IT Wkeieealere) A trade lant ll-ftavbc; A medium. u-HSac; grace large, 47H-50c Pertlaai Dairy Market Batter Price u reUllera: Grade AA prtnte 66c; AA carton I7e: A print. He. A carton. 67c; B print. 13c. Igga Price to retallera: AA large He. certified A lara. 56c: A large. 4-aftc; AA medium, 65c; certified A medium 65c; A medium 54c; carton 3c ad' dlt tonal. Oregon alnglea 40-WVie. Oreiot loaf, t lb 4tt-63VbOi triplet lVae laa than ein flea Ptiltry- Uva Chtokena - No. 1 qnallt? FOB plant. No. 1 broiler under IVfc Ibe. tt-lie io : iryer i-i ids io-jjc; id wc; roaater 4 lb, and over ll-aie lb.: fowl. Leghorn under 4 lb. 23c: over lb. 35c; colored fowl, all weight, rooateri. all weight. 16-20e. Babbit Average to grower for live white frrera, white. 4-5 lb 3l-23e lb; 6-6 lb 19-21C lb: colored 3 cents lower; old or heavy doe. l-14c; dreued fryera to butchers S7-60c. Tarkeya (Prlcee quoted are lot to the producer on a dratatd weigni oaaiai 0 B grade A fount torn M 63c lb.: No 1 fount bene, nominally 60e Dressed tarkeya to retailer! fliade A, young hen. it-Tie tie Tort gtyia. oraea- a a grade young coma w-bpb Pertland Mleeeltaaeeae 1 attar Bark Dry 134c lb., green 4c lb. v Ml Valley eoaxM and medium gradoa tic lb Mohair 35c ft. on 13-month growth. nominally. Bldea Calve. 30c lb., according to weUht, kip 30c lb., beef t-loe lb., bull l-7c lb. country buyer pay w leaa. hmt QoetatloB Walaaia Pranquettca rirtt quallt Jvm bo. 14 7c. large. 12 7e: medium. 27 3c; ee' nd oualltv turn boa. J0.J. art 3$ 3e; medium. J61e: baby 33 3c. ofl abet flral quality large, me; meainm m c: aw . ood quality large S7Ja. medium 141s: Pfcaby 23 So. rilberta - jumbo. 30 lb t (arc lt medium I6e; amall. 13c Quotation above supplied e-j Mertb Portland Wheat Portland, Ore.. June 10 ( Cash wheat (bldt: Soft white 3.25: aoft white eluding Rexl 3.25; whit club 3.35; west ern rd 2.35. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3 35; 10 per cent 3.35; 11 per cent 2.26; 13 per cent 3.21. Hard whit Baart: Ordinary 2 35: 10 per cent 3 36; 11 per cent 3.26: 13 per cent 3 io. Today er receipt: Wheat 61; barley 1; flour corn 3; oau 3; mUlfeed 14, Portland, Ore, Jun M 6j Weekly Uvratock; Cattle: Friday salable 150: calve 35 by Standard Come Son and out of Standard Coma Doris. Junior hampion was the junior heifer Crowning Designer's Ruby. The grand champion bull of the show was 6 year old Le moni tion Double Aim, owned by Bar ry & Lee of Aumiville. He was champion at the 1947 show, aft er having been made Junior champion when first shown as bull calf. Neal Miller and Fred Davis of Woodburn took the junior bull championship on a senior bull calf sired by Girlie Maid's Eagle. Two junior showmen won first prizes in open class com petition. Victor Barnick, Brooks, was first in senior yearling hei fers and Betty Jean Vogt, Ric key, stood at the top of the three year old cow class with Pride Jane Joy. The senior heifer calf class brought out 16 individuals which judge Walter Leth said would do credit to State Fair Jersey classes. He criticized some of the animals at the lower end of the line as being too fat for showring Jerseys. That the Ross herd sire im ported Lynns Crowning Design er is one of the most prepotent bulls ever to come to western U. S. was demonstrated when his get swept the junior yearling. senior calf and junior calf classes. Ringside observers prais ed their remarkable uniformity and beautiful Jersey type. Lynns Crowning Designer Is a 10 year old bull purchased by Ross on his second trip to the Isle of Jersey. His sons and daughters have won many cham pionships both here and in Jer sey and his tested daughters have averaged over 600 pounds of butterfat. Complete Open Claaa Jadglnr Beialta: Junior bull calf. 1. Crowning Valiant Dealgn. Rex Rob. Mt. Angel. 3. Unnam ed calf, Ron. senior bull cair. nrat ana junior cnam- plon. unnamed calf. Neal Miller Fred Davie, Woodburn. 3. Unnamed calf, El win Pierce, West Stayton. Junior yearling bull. 1 and 3. Unnamed ralvea, Lewis Judson. Salem. 3. Flossy Li lac Eagle Boy. Miller & Davit. senior yeaning nun, i. uoronator ror ward Guy, Hugh Harris, Salem. Two year old bull. 1. Llndell Oalln thfa's Sport. Floyd Betes. Salem. Aged bull. First, senior and grand cham pion, Lemonltlon Double Aim. Barry tfc Lee, Aumsvllle. Junior heifer calf. 1, 3 and 1. unnamed calves. Rex Ross. Senior heifer calf. 1. Designer's Love ly Chimes. 3. Crowning Designer's Llndy. 3. Designer's Charming Lady, all owned by nex nou, . unnamed can. v. C. jirocx, Salem. Junior yearling heifer. First and Junior champion, Crowning Dealgner'a Ruby, Rex noss. . crowning designer a Kose Bud, Rex Ross. 3. Unnamed heifer, Hugh Har ris. 4. Standard Volunteer Frisky, Ronald oarnicK, jarooas. Senior yearling heifer. 1. Lemonltlon Ox ford Daisy. Victor Barnick. Brooks, l Challenger Trlnkett Jewell. James Berger, Salem. 3. Rich Lea Oust Gift. Stanley Two year oid cow. Flr,t, senior and grand champion. Standard Cornea Do lores, itex kosb. I. Rich Lea Missy. Stan !ey Riches. 3. Standard Come Alice, Rex Ross. 4. Paula Ann Signalman. D. C. Brock. I. Royal Valentine Volunteer, Brock. Three year old cow. I. Pride Jan Joy. Betty Jean Vogt, Rickey. 3. Rich Lea Pompey's Polly. Btanlev Rich. Four year old cow. 1. standard Come Son Doris. Rots. 3. Standard Coma Babe Ross. 3. Oxford King Buttercup, Victor Aaed Cow. 1. ram nnii n n... Ross. 3. BTbll Lad Trilby Baronet. Barry - vvim oiaig r U1C ejl. HOU. 4. Com Son Junior'a Cragett. Roaa. S. Sally'a Sybil Princess. El win purr. Cow er I years. 1. La sate Baronet Cow Who has nrodtirl MM over of butterfat in 305 days. 1. come Son Junior's Cragett, Ross. Best uddered cows, l, 2 and J, Rex Product of dam. 1, I and 3, Rex Ron Junior xet of lira i a .. HossmP' Lynn Crownln Deeigner, Rex Senior get of aire. 1. On get of Lion Farm Come Bon Junior, Rex Rou a Ongetof Standard Come Bon. Rex Rots! Stocks Decline To 2 Year Low New York, June 10 (1 A fresh sinking spell carried the stock market to a new two-year low today. A mere handful of offerings of stock was sufficient to depress prices fractions to as much as 2 points or so. The direction was downward almost from the starting bell on ward. In the last half-hour or so a little resistance developed. Trading activity increased as prices weakened. Turnover was at the rate of around 800,000 shares for the full session. Railroad issues were singled out for attention although minus signs cropped out in virtually every group. The rails evidently reflected the concern felt over the present and potential effects of the walkout of the coal min ers scheduled for next week. Among the losers were Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, Standard Oil (NJ), United Air Lines, An aconda Copper, Du Pont, Allied Chemical, Philip Mqrris, Radio Corp., Woolworth, U.S. Rubber, General Motors, Chrysler, U.S. Steel, and Bethlehem Steel. Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck attracted modest back ing off and on. STOCKS a im American Can .... Am Pow Lt .... Am Tel Tel .... Anaconda Bandlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane .. Calif Packing .... Canadian Paclfla Cae J I , Caterpillar , Chrysler , Comwlth at Sou Com Vu.tee Continental Can . Crown Zellerbacb . Curtis Wright Doutlaa Aircraft . Dupont de Nero ,., General Electric , utnetal rood Oeneral Motor Ooodrear Tlra ... Harvaatar ... Int Paper , Kennecott Libby McN Jk L. .. Lon Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nah Keivintaor . Nat Dairy NY Central . ., Northern Pacific . Pae Am Fish Pac Oa A Eleo . Pac Tel Tl ... Penney J C ..... Radio Corp Rayonter Rayonler Pfd Reynold Metal . . Aatte Proa i The frigate bird has the habits of a pirate. This odd looking sea bird steals much of its food from other birds, forcing the victim to give up the prize by a literal shakedown' twist from its powerful beak. oart aunnlv hM tit u .. . ateady: cutter and common cteer and cutter cow II 00 to 13.M; choice Hob: Friday alable ISO: supply held Sheep: Friday iable 60; no early ala undertone weak. Chicago Livestock Chicago June II ajaj USDA)-i'afabie hof. 6 000: low. uneven; tedy to weak trade on butcher; pot 3 cent lower mostly la closing trade on ... 325 lb.; ow fairly active, steady to Huisnnt cente nigner; top 11 74 sparingly; moat good and choice 170 350 lbs. 31.00-31. 50; 300-30 lb. 30.50-31 00-350-330 lb. 10.50-30.35; 330-351 lb. 1173. 10.50; mall lots 300-400 lb. and over 17.75-18.50; fat ow under 37 lb. 17 75 10.75; few 13.00 : 400-450 lb. 16.50-17 50; 475-550 lb. 15.35-18.33; few heavier ow d--wn to 14.75. Salable cattl 1.000: salable calve 300: slow; general market weak at recent de cline with spot additionally 35-50 cent lower all through list: clearance again Incomplete: scattered load and lot me dium and good alauihler ateer and heif er 33.00-38.00; odd head choice steer vearllnc 37.33; good 1,450 lb. teer 3J 3.V common and medium beef cow 16 75 10 00: canner and cutter 13 00-10 50; medium and good aauttage bull 30,50. I J SO; common to choice lra 31 .00 37.50: lop 37.50. Salable sheep 100: receipt mainly Texas feeding lambs: scattered supply medium to choice native apring lamb very dull at 34 00-21. 00 to amall killers: alauettter ewe very dull at 1 00-0.a0. according to weirht; bulk f down. Salem Markets Completed from reports af Salem Sea era ior sue gwiaane ei capital Journal Reader. Revised dally). Set all Pawd Proas Esk Mb 15.05. Rabbit Pellets 1 4. 30, Dairy Feed I3.S5. Poultry: b'ivin vinca Orade A Color ed hen 38c; grade A Leghorn hen, 34 cent. Orade A colored fryer, three pounds and up. 31c. Grade A old rooster 16 -ant Uf Buying Prices litre large AA, 83c; large AA 51c; large A. 40-SJe; medium AA, 40c: medium A, 47-40c; pullet 30-32c. Wholcaale Price Bag wholesale prices a to 7 cent above theae price above Orade A generally auoted at Uc; mt d:unu 54c. Batlerfal Premium, 3e. No. L tli Wo. S. - t (Duyinc prieesi. Batter - Wholesale grade A. Mc; ra- .aii lie DEATHS Jean B. Haraela Jean B. Harnols, late resident of Port' land, at a local hospital June 1, at the ace of 64 year. Survived by wife, Alice Harnols of Chlsolm, Minn., two daugh ters. Bertha M. Clark of Pipestone. Minn.. and Angeune Linden of Portland; son. Tom Harnol of Portland and Jack Harnols of San Diego, Calif.: and a Broth er, Jack Harnol of San Francisco. Announcement of ervice later by the Howeu-Kdward chapel. George Edgar Garley. Jr. Oeorge Edgar Ear ley, Jr., late resident of 1903 Broadway street, at a local hospital, Wednesday, June 8. Survived by wife, Mr. Evelyn Barley of Salem; a daughter, Shanna Barley of Salem; a tep-on, xommy Acer or sal em; parents, Mr and Mrs. Oeorg E. Barley, Br., of Down ing town. Pa.; a Uter. Mr. Robert Trader of Downing town: and a brother. Paul Earley of Philadelphia. Service will be ieid at the Clough-Barrtck chapel Tues day. June 14. at 1 :30 p.m. with Inter ment u the city view cemetery. George A. Meyer Oeorge A. Meyer, late resident of 137 s. 13th at., at a local hospital, June 0. Survived by the widow, Mr. Oeorge A. Meyer, a on, Oeorge Edward Merer, and three daughter. Marjorle Julia Meyers, Marvel Oeorgia Meyer and Mr, Oeorge W. Thomas, all of Salem: two cu ter, Mrs. J. S. Herrlot of Indianapolis, Ind.. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor. Cleveland. Ohio; two brother. Edward Meyer of San Francisco and William Meyers. Also survived by two grandchildren. Service will be held from the Clough-Barrick chapel Monday, June 13, at 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. L. L. Rice officiating. Rit- aa.lMic service by Salem Lodae No. AP ft AM. Interment In Belcrest Memorial park. Mrs. Lei a Irene Bagland Mr. Lei a Irene Real and. at the real dence, route 1, Brook. June 10. Survived by husband. Noble Ratland of Brook; a son. James Kagiand of Brook; two ls- ter. Mr. B. L. Thorneberry of Brook and Mr. Lee Scott of Boner, Texas; four nromers. unane bang 01 wneeier. Tex as. William Lane of Shamrock. Texas. Henry Lang of Monterey, Calif., and Otis Lang of Denver, Colo.; and three half Drotner, James Rucker of 61 a ton, Tex, William Rucker of Brown wood, Texas, -r.a wiiton Rucker or Anton. Texa. An nouncement of service later by Clough Barrick company. Mr. Shares Blcka Mr. Sharon Rlcki, at reldent of rout I. Salem, at a local hospital, June 8. at the aae of 35 year. Survived by husband. Albert Raymond Rick of Sa lem. Announcement of service later at the Howell-Edwards chapel. , 10'a . 31 Sichfield 13 lefea-ey Store 31 'ear Roaback 34 southern Par. fie 34 Standard Oil Co 7 Itjdrbaker Corp If lunh:n Mining ...... 8'i rranaamerica 10S Mn:on Oil Cat 'Jnlon Pacific 75 United Airline 10 U 8 Steel 31 Warner Bros Pi 10 Woolworth 46 California Feels Quako) San Francisco, June 10 (4) A small to moderate earthquake set bird cages and chandeliers swinging along 100, miles of the central California coast last night. No damage was reported. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 10, 1949 17 Bear and bull baiting, popular in England for 700 years, were not prohibited by parliament until 1835 LEGAL MOriCE OF FINAL HEARING A administrator with trie will annexed of the estate of UDA E. CRANSTON, de ceased, the undersigned has filed in Cir cuit Court of Oregon for Marion Count i. In Probate, it final account In estate of a:d decedent, and July 13. 1640. ten o'clock, a.m.. Pacific Standard Time, and courtroom of aald court have been ap pointed by said court for hearing of ob jections to said account and settlement thereof. JIONEER TRUST COMPANY, By K. E. WEAVER. Its Secretary and Trust Officer. AD MINISTRATOR WITH THE WILL ANNEXED AFORESAID. ALLAN O. CARSON and WALLACE P. CARSON. Attorneys for Admin 1st r tor with the Will Annexed. Junel0,17.34.Julyl.l J. W. DORAN FEED MILL Gervais, Ortgon Formerly Chat. H. Lilly Co. NOW OPEN for Business Custom Cleaning & Grinding Feed - Seeds - Groin Now Available tOolutn BLENDED WHISKEY $3-30 W 45 QUART Ifk $2.10 m P,NT BLENDED WHISKEY 16 PROOF 70 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO.. ALADDIN, PA. PIMPLES OONT SQUIEZI THIMI Instead brash oa KLKEREX and ace hove amatingly fast It hides ugly pitnplee aa it dries them often set first trial. Not a greasy salve that vtm- flea thrive on, bat a aoothiog medicated iquid that relievca ttrb-drivts radneaa out. Ask foe Kim IX at all dear. AO DouOe your moaej back it it . soFrrnpiiciT' W W ah BETWEIN Tnri iLJ'i, To quJcklv li llm .nH m. nova .oft mm. taMn citl Holt ( ,, mm l. Srholl'. 71 ito friends with Guild Wine Ad vie to daring young mtm U't amort to moke) f ritndt with tht bott or the) girl friend's pop a with Guild California Port. Ditp rtd in color ... it hot o rich . flavor that opptals to tvtryoot. St I favor that oppoali to tviryon. Wi ei rou. noiicnoN-sotino in (aupoini it wins mowiii suite. 10I " " $loo Allowance On Your Old Regardless of Condition Crusader Tire Plus Tax Six 6:00x16 Shop the town see how you save with these low-priced Cru sader Tires.. Sturdy 4-ply construction for good mileage at reasonable speeds. Rib tread helps prevent dangerous skid ding safety for less with Sears Crusaders! Size Reg. Tire 6T5(h 16 1225 5.50x17 10.55 Buy on Sears Easy Terms Only 10 Down All prices plus tax Shop until 9:00 P.M. Tonight and Every Friday Allstate Cushion Tires 18 MONTHS GUARANTEED Give you tht "new-car" ride on your present car. Genuine ALL STATE first-quality. 24 lbs. air pressure for cloud-soft comfort. Equip now. Savel 1615 Clearance Special! SEARS RECAPPED TIRES Total Stock 99 Tires 6.00x16 and 6.50x16 All to go at One Low Price 4 99 m I t. fclarhwall Whllcwall . . 19.40 Allstate Super-Safety-Premium Tires 18 MONTHS GUARANTEED New high first-quality standard of dollar-saving tire perform ance. Be miles ahead. Save on Safety-Treads now at Searsl Liberal trade-in allowance. Allstate Premium-Quality Tires 24 MONTHS GUARANTEED Sears finest tire of 85 deeper tread, 100 rayon cord for extra blowout protection. Re-tire now! StoM fr .11 ura. rrWM 9m Ul &!aataMi' SEIVRS 484 State Street Phone 3-9191