16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 10, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN . Cummer t 'Wheu tnc 4tu entered Cougu Alia were pkuu.uig' uie aunte sutuuo, cumue waved uuqu uu iareweui to Jell aua continued to the black smith &nou. Connie sprang lightly to the grouna. "Luai. a whcci ..aliway to town. I aiant have a wrenca, I, couldn't tighten it. 'lane care ol U lor me, will you, Lew It the Jikht rear." V'Sure. How'd you get the wheel back on?" ."A man came along and helped me. Jell Tyler. Know him?" "Jeff? Sure. He's a cowman right down to hla hocks and his bock Is good. Drove it Into the vaUey himself, too. All white- fucfes, and a couple of bulls youi father'd be Droud to own." Connie said, "He was on his way to town to meet hla brother." "Uh-huh. Brother aims to open a law office and Jeff bought the old feed store and fixed It up for him." Connie's gaze went to a one- slorv building across the street. Ex tpndinc over the sidewalk was i sign which read Olenn O lea son. Attornev-at-Law. "Gleason! If he's Jeff's brother shouldn't his name be Tyler?" "Foster-brother. The Tylers looted him when he was eight. Jeff Kan sixteen. They educated him to, a fare-you-well. She Rot up. "Ill walk to the tore and have the order put up. Hurrv it alone. Lew." Cougar was wild and woolly, all right. As Connie started for the store she brushed elbows with bearded miners, tinhorn gamblers and demi-ciaa n esters, ana expert ly dodged several drunks. Presently she passed a small neat building with an Inconspicuous sign which proclaimed 11 the Miners and Merchants Bank. Her father had established It. His own risk, In such a lawless community, was great; but Jeb King was a public spirited man, and handling the gold which came from the gulch was a service he felt he owed to his Jel low citizens. The swinging doors of a saloon parted suddenly and a bearded man erupted from within. He glared at her irom angry eyes, then swiicnra Bis gaze to a passing miner. "You seen Slua Benjamin?1 Hie man shook his head and the breaded one hurried across the atreet. She heard him mutter, The amy tniei roooea mer From the far end of the street came a clatter of hoofs and Con nie glaced lu that direction to see hull a duzen horsemen loping Into town. She recognized Chuck Gale and his out! it and immediately ex penenced an uneasy feeling. As she readied the store steps they pulled up at the rack outside nd Chuck slipped to the ground, fche had no excuse for avoiding linn, so smiled pleasantly and said " Hello Chuck. I've got to give my order to Mr. Wolfanger. I'm 'way behind schedule." She smiled again and turned to the steps. "You seen Slug Benjamin?" The question halted her and she turned. The bearded miner was addressing his question to still an other pedestrian. The store was fairly well filled, so she gave her order to Hank Wolfanger and told him she'd be around for It later, then went out aide and started for the blacksmith aliop. She saw the bearded miner cross ing the street toward a saloon on it far side. A man stepped out of the en trance to a tent saloon and the street about him emptied as though he were afflicted with the plague The miner broke into a lumber ing run. "You low down thief!" he shouted. There was a flash of flame from the hip of the man on the far side ol the street, then a terrifying whe-e-e! so close to Connie's left cheek that she felt the breeze of the bullet in its passage. Connie felt herself snatched about the waist and thrown violent ly to the sidewalk, and even as she fell there was another booming shot and she heard again the rush of the slug through the air. Somehow she failed to hear the third shot, and she was dismayed when she saw the bearded miner fall forward on his face and roll to his side. The marshal grabbed Slug Ben jamin, who was protesting that he hat! shot in self defense. "Self defense my eye!" roared the marshal. "One of you fellers fetch the doctor for Grubb. Come along, Slug." He atarted back to ward the Town Hall with hi prion-er. Connie sat up and so did the man who had thrown her. Jeff Tyler's lace wore the saa ana numoie ex presslon of a hound dog that has Been caugnc smeenmg a rone. . "I'm sorry, Miss King," he apolog ized, "but you were right In line. "I guess I was excited. Gosh. I feel funnv Inside.' she said. When she glanced at him again he was intently watcnlng the marshal and his prisoner, who were just Dassintr on their way to the Jail- There was a hint of puzzlement in his eyes. "You know that man. don't you?" she said. He started, then looked down at her. "No'm: but I've seen him somewhere before and not In Cougar." "Here comes the stage now. And you'd better call me Connie. After ah. we re neighbors. He flashed that rare smile of his, then stood eagerly waiting as the stage rolled to a stop. The door opened and a young man alighted. Connie saw a fresh-complexioned face, clean shaven, blonde curly hair and neat attire. Then the two were shaklne hands. Olenn. doggone you! You're looking like a million dollars!" "Thanks, Jen. same to you. "Connie shake hands with my brother. Glenn Gleason. Glenn, this is Miss Connie King of the Crown ranch." Glenn stared for a moment then sweept of his hat and bowed low over the fingers Connie gave him. "This, he said, "is the nicest thing that could have happened. Your humble servant. Miss King." (To be continued r IM AFBAID ID ACCEPT TAKE A GENUINE DOLLAR) THIS ASA GENUINE BILL ANLI l-LA-U II IN MRU) MR. BAUGHMAN ' rULVtls LHJNrEKrfclT a BtSlUt ir Mil uaiwkc THE TWO SIDES OF tWSHINSOfif PORTRAIT SEE THE DIFFERENCE t THE eOJNTERFEiT HAS DULL. LIFELESS EYB . IDDCAJ II AD nO DDrVCM t tNiCQ A I-1AOI SMUDGY afl&aatNPSEEjMQWV I SFF- 1 ( GARRY ON MR. BAUGHMAN ' l rnt: a li im-i j Tine 7 LESSON MAY KEEP OUR READERS' FACES AND BANK BALANCES BOTH OUT OF THE RED to Make J SIZES 12 41 Button-Down Dress Summer can be cool and comfortable If your wardrobe Includes a frock like this! Front-buttoned, It features big patch pockets, breeze - catching sleeves cut-in-one with yokes. Try stripes In two directions. no. 3051 is cut in sises 12. 14. 18. 8; 30, 36, 38. 40, 4, 44. 4 and 48. Size 18, 44 yds. 36-ln. Bend J5c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State 8 lee desired. Cottons again strike a hi eh fash- Ion note. They are Inexpensive to make, easy to hand'.t Send now for the SPRINQ FASHION BOOK which includes In 1U ISO nsttern design, a big selection of alluring suggestions for cotton fashions for every age and occasion Price Just 30 cents. Address Caoltal Journal, 993 Mission SU, San Francisco 6 Calif. . ' 0 ZIIZaaZlBa MANT IT UK? A PSCE O". F BUT MOtgV-l KHOW-Tft-A-ft WHAT J D KTM-n"U.TOKE A LSI T T TWSCOtHTTW-A TOWN-CUTE I HM-M 1 W6LL, I'VE GOT OYER ( HO-HO! NOW, I O HOrEV TO BUILO TVf SORT OF HM44 I UTTUE HOUSES -CHURCH I VEV NCE- B A HONORED MILLION I WQIT A I P HOME PORORPHOaS THAT I I YES? I 6CHOOL-TOWN HftUL-STORFS-1 BUT I BUCKS 6AV6 IT I MINUTE- J u IN MHO-1 OOHTT WftNT IT LIKE ,-' AND FARMS AROUND-'AND ALL misf- CAN B6 DONG (SrrTf S s-1 I'M FEEUM ' YOU'RE NOT FAIRJ) HUT SUE PLEASES) WELl.'KUNT HEART NEtRlTUATS WWAT BOTHERSrTTS5 , ,fMISHTVLOW,RLCWASLON&ASM30ME AND 1 r-VNON PAIR LArjiC'-IFSHesiMe.RUtW.l'M ACRAlDit T 'WELLO.AMBV.TCOSETTAS BEEN (AND ROSETTA CPLEASEO HER N0RTm HAVINS SHE'S UF 1 FISHT 1 MISHT WIKp u HOW ARE TvWO-TIMINJ' ME AKNTT EN6AiSETA TILL THIS NEW IjWORTM FISUTINS TO AND I AlKfT OLUTE SUKE ) " tVOO? UK!' MV FEE-UN'S SHE HAS A 3LW COME -7- 7 J . V ITS WORTH THE PRICE 1 E jSaaf sS HURT. A RKSHTTOSO ALONG WHOJ 0&ArC ,, r '1 fTTC t il 'J vug "' ' GREAT DAV-.T-AFORE BUU.ET BETEM ) LCAISE IT TO 1 fjkj HlPla s) f ABmCR OOlCY HAW3 WILL AGAINVT L V YO' TAKES YORE MAP J HIS YS. ymf OOOO OL fWPY W . - V IS DEAD. ) WASTE AWAY T' . SIKJ-v to' needs some fS THAT'LL Give I rsttw ySV nevah skim am' bomes k so, 1 FRESH AiR IN YORE ) ( HIM PLEHTV 4& HOOMKJSS o7?X' i SEEN TOUTA SORROW.' if LES I HEAD. 1 ' V Or FKESH AIR SC O" JfVSf AMYOWfc. 9 WASTIN'GOOD 1 KAT" Srrad 7 IN Ms - nr W rHiNGS.rrV "JU I MLADIR.7 )meat is a , -?this S M I OH. I OUST WMAT ARE VOU T( SHE WRITES ) Y SHE SAYS We f AND TO THINK T THATS FINE H f I'LL SAV THEY H.W GOT A PANTING FOR? SO FAST 5 APE THROUGH) X LOVED HER LOVE LETTERS ARE ! SHE MARRIED YE U LETTER rTTQ ANOr'MA JAY? "T'SALLOVER! SO MUCH! I ARE THE THE POSTMAN 1 ( T from SLOW ,y OUR ROMANCE" wrote her a essence X lJ 1 1 " oyT lovetter "SEi?' T ponT KMOW EXACTLY S'M'.A COWlf OPfOWX LAa mm :te raiuB Lewis, Jr. attrtl BbrthRi Icnck Hrfc fthrtatr C IS rc.nk U.-lowir SUa hrlh a... Tka Llllla ilM J SS Pinlnf r.r.d. . lf Cr.rtF ! 1U j Ctmtm CtTlltr Ohmi Mwii Sprt tw ESfS Msrf w M ,,. Al CI. Or,h. Cndl. Ulbt K. M.uiIm iK.prt... Al CU. Of.h. Sil,.t ft!! 11..U.. 15 I T.n Mil glmfr Frttw n.hfiUf Ng" 7 ; n.brl.l II..IU. W.biUr t St PT..SIF Bmll If"' ' i' SS1- k vsss ffrssp :4S mIWI Top B.nd Theitrt lr 16 ThU Mail. T"A Bml-Und PlarhottM M A,," Kid Bill fllcn DukouI Don FivorlU If g i band M clic. Kid Rhythm Tlmt B.tbll ForlU Hiba4 rob sirl.hl Arraw SBpptr Cllb BlSfbill lwU Tbuu Mr.Ubl Ar Newt ( W.rl Btb.ll Jck Rmllh Bh Muil JdhhIw DinnU BKbt.ll '"k CartH Hhw :4B j rithinf - Ban tint JaminU DaranU BawbaU Jack Caw Bbaw m A siwt s BaMbaU '' lfVlft Krlwl Local New iwrt Pan Flaal Stw Sparta SptlUh 111 W Neva Blf Tawa Cnb Taniar Dane ' V:i. Maitc Bi Taw Track HW Ul'i Daaea "Tm Fultaa "LcwIb. " Jr. Saaa Maraa Irark UN fttrcaada It I Bob rl Bhaw Carraat M Ckalea Track I4M Yaa tb Wri Ml Bob Paala Bhaw Wcilara Caravan Track UN Orrhralr ;4B j Mailt Wfttera Catataa Track II V9 Orcbulra KiBBUa Olf 81a Off l:BJ A.M.. 8la Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Hodia Podra Newa :1 Hodft Pdfa KOIN Kltek 30 Na KOCO Klock KOIN Hlaelr 4a Hodtt Podnt KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7 M Mut. Tlmekccpar Now Hr Thli Tai Sitter Kola Klock .16 Mm. Timekeeper Now Hear Thli Ntwe Newi SO March Itm The Old Bona Farm Mkt. Sep. Newa :4a Newt Newa Eiteotloa Sertlee ConinmtrNewa 8:00 Newp T B A Science EecomIor Mmle far Toa .IB Braakfaal Gam T B A Popular Varietiei Mail far 30 Breakfaat Cans Jerry Marlaaa Home Blntera Yoa Arc Thar .4ft Top f radaa Sam Barea Weitern Meladlai Yoa Ara Thera P:B0 Barraia Coaatar Frank Merrlwell Havea f Reel Newa IB New Frank MerrtweJl Havea af Real Ufa Pretend :S0 Soa al Plaaeer Fd McCanaell ote Wit boat Junior Mlaa :4ft Matla Ed McCanaell Worai Janlor Mlaa jl :00 Nartbweal Newa Newa Cyela af Song Theatre af Todar lfl Maale Psblle Affair Cycle af Sen Tbeatrt af Teday I IlM PaeUr Call Roaa Peitlval Raapiodgr In Grand Caatral W U Malc fioaa Featlval Bhylbm Slallaa nj a :00 Newa Farm-Homo Hoar Saturday Serenade Stan Over ! 11 :ll Garden Galde Farm-Homo Hour Saturday Serenade Hollywood I I -SO Proudly We Hall Mary Lea Taylor Saturday Serenade (live and Taka Proudly We Hall Mary Lea Taylor Saturday Serenade nive and Taka j J :00 Doa, Platter Jock Youni Oreconlana Everybody'a Ideaa Newa l ift Doe, Platter Jock Youne Oretonlani Ortan Mood Driver'! Playhoaao I U Doa, Platttr Jock Newa a soorli Meet the Mlaaua ''-4ft Doe, Platter Jock Report an Europe Ted Data Preaeata Meet the MUiaa 1:00 Top Tradea TDA Review la Mother Kaowa IB Newa TBA Rhythm Beat :M Norlbweat Newa TBA Klddlca Matinee Belmont Stake ;4ft Boh Eberly Show TBA Kiddlea Matinee Belmont Stakea 2:00 Bill Harrington Year Health Sat. Matlae Newspaper af Air IB MmIi Blta at Hit Sat. Matioe Newapaper of Alt to Nowa Cenlraita Sat. Matinee st. at Chaaa 4B Blna glaga Contrast Sat. Matinee sat. at Chase 3:00 aeal Star TBA Chln-Up Corner nWb " lo Here'a to Veta Wordwood Foreal Cbia-t'p Corner uick Haymea -30 March Tim Orchestra Chin-L'p Corner Hay for Youth -4ft March Time Orchestra Chln-Up Corner Way for Youth 4:00 Bob Poole Newa Little Bit af Jait Griffin Barcroft" IB Bob Pool Guest Star Little Bit af Jais Laka Saecea tM Son f Time TBA Spotlit n Haste Catbird Seat :4ft Newa TBA Spotlit pa Music Larry LaSaear ' L -f -J Tl 'i? ffl Mm.s$ rT3?T SS2iie3aEl' j kno EXACTLY? frrftaw:f yq(B? r h X J S WUVARF VOI TFPceTpD SEES TOME SOMETHIN6 SET RUSTY ANO PATTY, EVA.' J P" Nmu CO - ' r S " TLTkV PHONvisecwgaoN.'i'M 'the 6l.tteis tra.l' is showing M3Stwere ms.B.a.'THATS T "VL1'. ! J$ M. -TL U uZxSi ANXIOUS TO HS A LOOK AT OVER IN CACTUS KN09.'TONy-THE MESA, RI6HT WHERE ) TVatcm I ! P" 1 !. - MACE HEwfi.B'tL f J THAT MOVIE... THEN I'LL SAID WE CAN TAKB THE STl , Jw6 WERE THIS UOKHM6.' J t5a??lifb NEAR '''Sir " OM T3 A STANOARJ3 " OH, IT'S V'SOT T'BE CASES -V'tS f'ln 4.' T f .if (Ci'xi"- V' . , D s v PlCTV-FOOT LOTX DERFECTL.V OR V SET TOOK TpOHESf C2 VTv 'JAv5y S'"J Chcav aujch to ovvN iT --LevEL.' -- IN THIS (CjLJ ' fv ' ',r ' "'Mrn'' li"1 ipi " ' J ""P . fcln idilr fij Pattern Knvfloe No. IUIST con- 5 H'" .I l vNlC. J .-CK a a , I mWtirw VI material dlrM-tlons; embroidery and pB fn I 1 "Nx "' w t A A iTVT To w"ln " P Mn1 I NOT THAT TMI4 ISN'T ) RAH1 AT HOME I TAKE ) "VWUVjHll?KOm00HOl I "".J. Rlif mi )6 I ' S AV in COINS civlu. pattern niunbei A PERFECTLY NICE DRE$5.Qfp THE fINECLOTHtS T06E 24? jl' i'cARE WHAT THE CX0 I 3 IT nam .dares, ana ! num- BEBE.-rrS, JtttT THAT-.hEN EAT'. MtlP 6UE4T.DONTJ f fiteZtR THEENK,MM. J"DLI AJWRE AO--I PERM APJ, V JLC - lw to PeK, Howrts C.plll Jour. M IN A H0ME llK TMft..A 1 j j vSTW W0RTH..BUT- FOB .) "ITHENt 0NLSgl,'JNfJ I ji' -X. oa. i MWlon Street fean rran- A the WEAR THEIR 1 1 f JW&U TV JUNIOR--MEB8E I V .yJfjy'i iS. I V tttCO J WCKT60WW 'OkJfr jjj j W0lO0K OKAYiy Mf' RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM ritiOAT- KGW -P.M. iKOCO DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC. 550 lry Friday P.M. ft: IK). Squirrel Catei la.A 5:841 Johnny Lujackt :V0, Keep- in Up With Sports i 6:1ft, Home Editloa: 6:30, Yukon Challenieri 6:45, Dirt Doe- trt l:Wi. Edwin C. Hill; 7;15, Elmer Da visi 1:30. The Sheriff) 6:00. Musle af Nor man; 8:30, Sports Blue Book, B:4B, Sports Show; 0:00, Fat Mam 0:30. 'Neath West ern Sktest 10:00, Richfield Reporter. 10:15, iniermeisat 10:M. Concert Hour. 11:30, Memos t Tomorrow i 12:00. Xtra Heart 1:00, Slaa Off. beat I 1:00, Raand-a Bors: 1:15. Tim Tempos! 1:45, Adrentarea la Ra searrht S:00, Deep River Boyst 8:15, Mar tin Acronskyt 8:20, Home Demonstration Acenti 8:45, Prankla Carl; 0:00, Johnny Olsen Get Tuethert 0:10, Toyland Tancsi 10:00, Stara af Tomorrowi 11:00, Girls' Carps i 11:80, American Farmer i 18:00, Treaaary Show 18:80, Fascinating Rhythm) 1:08, Ballad Bon lilB, Hera Raeeet 1:80, Band Boti 8:00, Tea and KOAC .r:I KOAC Standard Time) P.M B: On th Opbaati ff&O SporU Clabi 8:00, Newst 6:15, Eddy Duchlni 6:30, Hi of Csecboslovakiai 1:15, Erenln Farm Hoar, 8:00, Research Report) 8:15, Her' to Vets i 8:30, Great Sons, 8:45, Newai 0:00. Muslct 8:43, Evenln Meditatlonsi 10:00. Sicn Off. KOAC Standard Tlm lAAT Sitnrday A.M. 10:M, News i IWMV 10:15, Especially for Women. 11:00, The Concert Halls 12:00, News; 11:1ft, Noon Farm Hoari 1:00, Rid 'em Cowaoyi 1:30, Voice of th Army, 1:4ft, Melody Lanet X:M, Masle f the Matters t 8:80, Selene News af th Week; 3:1ft, Spirit f the Vfklnaai 4:00. Driver's Playhouse, 4:15, Sonrs of th West; 4:45, Children' Theater. Crumpets i 8:00, 101 Ranch Bar St 8:80, Meet the Band, 4:00, Janlor Janet Ion t 4:80, Jaisy Concert. Little Garden Club to Meet Salem Heights The Little Garden club of Salem Heights, will meet Thursday at 12:30 for a covered-dish dinner at the home of Mrs. John Douglas at 725 W. Salem Heights avenue. The club will discuss plans for the program for the coming year. ACROSS It. Ronch L Sun . SB. Flahe 4. Dive 17. Dlstrlbole 8. Arabian eon the card m&ndar IS. Sound of A lz. Becllna drum 18. Skip 40. Garden Imp) 14. Learnlni merit 15. CongreRat 42. Obliteration 17. Individual 46. Kind of cheet IS. Pur 4. British 19. Charncterlstlo cna;lntr fruit of th SO, nreek letter Rourd UroilJ 61. roema SI. Alack $2. Sack 23. SurRical 63. Ha debts thread fi.4, Roman 18. Part of a whip emperor 29. Primitive mo- 1ft. Goddess of tho tion pie- barret tur toy r-.nxuta SI. Natlv mtaJ DOWN 32. Carrlsd L. European S3. Sell natlT LiAicniBiipiEiiiBi ipi E ft oUlIoIp!e!sUoIca qIa'mp,1w sBtTImIeIdI Cwfei 'N EM?JltZaaanl S T I Olwp R E I M? Al 1 IniCD o nTsB ten'dMno A PITH FRiOlNtcA'D O N EB R U I nBeIA T ER T R T ' SiEBw itpfs P I TTpREg Mmw3 P nIebTiriaTs 1N C PW RloiW R JK B N e-IIled1sUrIu Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl t. River In Franco T. S. Not ao much 4. Like n hous a. Display con- plcuouily . t. Nothing ' T3 WJ 7 W TT" 3 f;f 3 3" ir tt vkl SWT" f 3 - -' 'f-: - ,-"- 35" : ,. 42 3 4 Us : 'I??- , SO ,y SI ;.; SX " '. $9 fr. SS Stair On who run away aecratly Blnirl tmvaJT- tnf pitch Anger Thin: law Greenland Mt- tlement Princely Italian family Ancrler Jewel Beak liaklnf a great ool Englleh compoiir Apart On who aruarantfM payment Mo In warmth South Ameri can ant mala Additional Cowboy' ropn Black Knnb in th center of hi Id Harvest Unit of work Central Amr lean tre Condensed molsturn Dutch com- tnuno ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem i I WAS IN TH' JUDGE S DEN. tSSKS . W watching A CARD SAME 7 OtiS ffiyCL V f BETWEEN Hl AND HIS LNCLE -.)' B?24,cARP' V 1 HE'S TRYING TO GET il flcM. V BACK SOAE 0 Tu- $50 HE A Ju. SPi,,?1- I SPENT TO ENTERTAIN WOLFSANG) i cSV AT THIS POINT TH' JUDGE If fc c V IS IN TH' HEAT CABINET J( . f E DONG A ; 19 SWEAT f SLCe SOP MUWM L VY J 1 f"E JUDGE 1 XsJ I t rl thehcxk v 'l.w rTs v. if ro rwi