Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 10, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    Four Corners Rod and Gun
Club Entertains Wives
On Tuesday evening at the Community hall the Rod and Gun
club entertained their wives at a turkey dinner. Covers were
laid for thirty nine. Scenic movies in technicolor and other
aport pictures were shown by Fred Smith. Thomas Jones receiv
ed the George Cadwell trophy for the largest trout caught in
'May. This is a perpetual sward
Named William Ward Pig
man (above) was named by
Whittaker Chambers at the
Alger Hiss perjury trial in
New York as man who sup
plied him with government
documents when Chambers
was a Soviet spy ring courier.
Pigman, of Appleton, Wis., is
a former chemist of the U. S.
Bureau of Standards, (AP
Verbal Battle
At Silverton
Silverton A verbal battle
between the Chamber of Com
merce and the Junior Chamber
of Commerce regarding the con
struction of a dam for the city
water system unfolded during
a meeting, of the city council
here this week.
Mayor Clinton Weiby presid
ed. City Manager Robert Bor
land, City Attorney Rex Al
bright, and ex-Mayor George
Christenson, who serves as as
sistant mayor and is chairman
of the aldermen, were presented
with other members of the coun
cil. Two petitions were present
ed. One by directors and mem
befs of the Silverton Chamber
of Commerce, V. V. Runyan,
president, and Walter Green,
forum secretary, and the other
by the Junior Chamber of Corja-
merce. I
The Chamber of Commerce
petition requested the city coun
cil "that any and all action on
the question of improving the
city water system be deferred
in order to allow further In
vestigation. We feel that re
gardless of the merits of the
were not adequately presented
case the issues on either side
to the voters, and that the sub
ject should be thoroughly stud
ied before action is taken which
might commit the city to a
wasteful and unsatisfactory sys
tem." The Junior Chamber of Com
merce petition asks that the city
council "consider not only a
dam with settling basins but
also to Include a filtering sys
tem for a possible solution of
the present problems." The
petition was signed by 61 names.
Jim Jones is Jaycee president;
Wade Scott and Bob Edgerton,
vice presidents; Maurice Davis,
secretary, and Howard Morri
son, treasurer.
Following lengthy discussions,
the proposition was placed In
the hands of the city manager
to present to the planning com
mission for future advice as to
the actions of the council.
winner to have his name
engraved upon it each year. For
the center piece Waldo Miller
arranged an old shot gun, two
old powder horns and used brass
rifle shells with violets in them
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Meyer and
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller were
in charge of committees,
Four Corners Professor and
Mrs. Henry A. TenPas and chil
dren John, Bill and Lynn of
Corvallls spent a week with Mrs.
TenPas' parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Nelson Anderson, 390 S. Lan
caster drive. From here they
went by automobile to Waldo
Wis., where they will visit Pro
fessor TenPas' parents before
going on to Urbana, 111., where
he will teach in the University
of Illinois for the summer. While
there he will study for his Doc
tor's degree. They will return
to Corvallis in the fall
The Friendly Neighbors and
the Krazy Kard Klub held a
joint meeting on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shrake
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snook
as hosts at the Warren Shrake
home on East State street
Pinochle was the diversion and
late refreshments were served
to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sunderlin,
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Gilming, Mr.
and Mrs. Loren Rickey, Mr. andj
Mrs. Lawrence Shrake, Mr. and
Mrs. Arlo McLain, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Scorgie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Chrisman, Mr. and Mrs. S. H.
Cable, Mr. and Mrs. William
Fiester, Jr., and Mrs. E. E.
Walker, Mike Mackel. Honors
went to Mrs. Sunderlin and Ross
Members of Brownie troop
107 are participating in the
Brownie day recreational camp
on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays for two weeks at Crest
wood acres. June 13 is visiting
day for the mothers and all in
terested persons. Girls going on
Monday were Kathy Snook, Bar
bara Burns, Janice Shrake,
Betty and Faye Futrell, Rose
Dunigan, Joyce Brant, Connie
Chambers, Jo Gannon, Janice
Phillips, Judy Scott, Denise
Lawson McCail
McKay Aide
Radio Newscaster Thomas
Lawson McCall will become
secretary to Republican Gover
nor Douglas McKay July 1.
The appointment, expected for
some time, was announced by
the governor In Portland last
McCall, a former newspaper
man, has been a Portland news
caster several years. He
1936 graduate of the University
of Oregon. Then he worked for
the Bend Bulletin, The Daily
Idahoian in Moscow and The
Oregonian in Portland.
In the war he was an enlist
ed combat correspondent for the
Like the governor, he is a re
publican. His family also was
In politics, and his grandfather,
Samuel Walker McCall, former
ly was a Massachusetts gover
nor and congressman. McCall
has been active in young re
publican affairs here.
Now 36, McCall will act as
McKay's administrative assist
ant. His salary will be $6,000
annually. The governor's pri
vate secretary will continue to
be Alene Phillips, who served
two previous governors.
McCall takes a position that
has been vacant since Eric Al
len, Jr., resigned to become city
editor of the Medford Mail-Tribune.
a bicycle on hit way home from
a lodge meeting, was hit by a
truck driven by Richard B.
Crook and owned by Thor B.
Ask. The defendants filed an
answer claiming Bierly was rid
ing on the wrong side of the
Woodburn Company to
Attend Guard Outing
Woodburn Woodburn's hea
vy tank company of the Oregon
national guard will entrain here
Saturday morning, June 11, for
a two-weeks encampment with
the 41st division at Ft. Lewis,
Wash. A total of four officers
and 71 enlisted men will rep
resent the local unit at the
training encampment which will
run from June 11 to 25. Capt.
James J. Anderson is comman
der of the local unit.
Lt. Darrel Anderson of Cutler
City, a reserve officer and bro
ther of Capt. Anderson will go
on active duty with the com
pany for the encampment. Other
officers are Lt. C. E. Enos and
Lt. Stevenson.
81 from Dallas to 1
Attend Guard Camp
Dallas Seventy-six men and
five officers of the Dallas hea-,
vy tank company, Oregon Na
tional guard, will leave here
early Saturday morning for Fort
Lewis and a two-weeks training
session. The company will go
to Salem to board train for the
Washington camp.
The officer complement was
completed this week when Dar-
rell L. Jackson was appointed
second lieutenant to fill the last
vacancy. Commanding the unit
is Capt. Richard W. Harmon.
First Lieutenant George F. Wil
son is executive officer, and
Second Lieutenants Floyd R.
Grubb, Carl E. Wood and Jack
son are platoon leaders.
Two unit cooks, Pfc. Donald
E. Fischer and Pfc. Ross D. Cur
ry left Monday to attend a pre
camp mess school at Fort Lewis.
This is the first time that the
local company will train at Fort
Lewis. Previously they have
gone to Camp Clatsop.
Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon. Friday. June 11, 1949 5
Judge Dismisses Suit
On Highway Death I
Albany Circuit Judge Victor
Olliver has dismissed a $10,000
highway death damage suit upon
stipulation of a private settle
ment. The suit was brought by
Sarah L. Bierly, widow and ad
ministratriv of the estate of Da
vid M. Bierly, who died June 9,
1948 after being struck by a
truck two miles north of Harris
bury on Highway 99E. The suit
charged that Bierly, 73, riding
Don't Forget the Open House Tonight
New Building
We did the cement work
Walter A. Nystrom
Phono 21337
Evergreen School
Graduates 8th Grade
Silverton The eighth grade
graduation exercises were held
from the Evergreen school
Thursday of the past week with
Dr. George Martin of Willam
ette university, giving the pro
gram address to the graduates.
Class members were present
ed by Mrs. Emma DeLapp, prin
cipal; Rev. Arthur Charles
Bates gave the invocation;
George Kaufman, chairman of
the board of directors presented
the diplomas, and Mrs. Casper
Oveross played the marches for
the processional and recession
al. The members of the class are
Richard Klopfenstein, Jean
Cole, Lena Kuenzi, Franklin
Perkins and Vernon Aplet.
Klopfenstein was valedictorian
and Miss Cole for salutatorian.
Perkins read the class history.
Miss Kuenzi the class prophecy
and Aplet, the class will.
Salem's Own . . .
Salem's Exclusive . . .
with the experience that
Phono 3-4537
734 N. High St.
On Your New Building
We are proud to hove a part in the new
enterprise in the way of providing the
Representing General of America Co.'s
Guests at Dinner
Silverton Maternal relatives
of Mrs. Ida Doyle and Miss Han
nah Olson of Mill street, from
Portland, visiting as dinner
guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. B
Reinertsen, and the aged father
of Reinertsen, Rev. J. C. Rein
ertsen, retired Lutheran mini
ster, and a brother of a former
minister of Immanue! Lutheran
church, the late Rev. J. B. Reinertsen.
For beauty training Ex
cellent opportunities are al
ways open to the skilled
beautician Clasnet are now
forming at Salem i oldest
and most advanced beauty
school. Call or write tor out
new low rates.
Oregon School of Beauty
230 N Liberty Ph. 36800
TOO! ' :--?'
Moke the most of your home comfort
by remodeling your overcrowded home
this week! Stop in and talk over your
space problems with our friendly ex
perts. They'll analyze your needs; show you how easily you can add that ex
tra room . . . build that den for DAD , . . modernize your bath or kitchen!
Come on down and see us today.
State St., Four Corners
Dial 3-8513
nvii ;
14S No. Liberty
I J I II I ,J Some people prefer Skits'
nniiw.iW IS Select in the handy 12 PAK of
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f j W i ho"ever YOU buy beer-you're Miff
m i I ' k sura to agree, "Sicks" Select M If
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and tha handy
12. PAK'
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Great Half-Price Offer
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Buy the first 10-qt. can
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Get the second 10-qt. can
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20 qts. for only
Exceptional performance at an exceptionally low price. Fortified with anti
corrosion and oxidation agents to resist breaking down, to sludge less. Low
carbon content for less engine knocking. Buy now!
. . 1.98
. . 99c
Allstate Chassis
Recommended for JP(
all cars, trucks LB.
5-lb. can 89c
Buy the first 10-qt. can
at the regular price
Get the second 10-qt. can
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20 qts. for only
Vi price offer also good on 5 gal. cans.
Special Bulk Price Allstate Compounded Oil
Drum lots Allstate Compounded Oil
79c gal.
.... 71c gal.
Clearance Special!
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Total stock 99 tires
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All to go at one low price
Shop until 9:00 P.M. Friday
&aH&saas (!!)( 484 State Street
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