"3 j- Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June !rf-"tyvti .B,.jniiiwwwpi HP U w yif-'?T 'fi-" T" Select Gloves the Bronx, N. Y., Michigan Boxing Middleweight champion Marcel Cerdan (left), and challenger Jake La.Motta, of examine tour sets of boxing gloves in the Commissioner's office in Detroit. Each I ' - J I l .... ik. I .... I r. 1 t, titl hmil Th . I HClCClCa 0B r IW USC III wic .iu.ic loin nm. ,uu. .... gloves were then placed in the commissioner's safe until 3 fight night. (AP Wlrephoto). Girls State to Open Monday The annual Girls State, spon sored by the American Legion auxiliary, will open Monday In Baxter hall on Willamette uni versity campus, 209 girls from all sections of Oregon to be here for the event. The sessions con- 1 tinuc through June 30. Z'f'J? Instruction in city, county, and stale government is given at these events. There wjll be a rtaff of 2R in charge of the girls Gov. Douglas McKay is to address the group at 4 p. m Monday. State Senator Marie Wilcox, Grants Pass, and Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee of Portland will be here to give the instruction in state govern ment, the session to be in the capitol building. Mrs. Claude Poland of Portland and Mrs Marvin Moore of Newberg will give the instruction in city gov ernmcnt. From the group one girl will be chosen to go to Washington. D C, for the instruction in na tional government, a girl from each of the other states also to attond that event Mrs. Stanley Krueger of The Dalles, formerly of Salem, is the state director for the Girls State work in the Legion auxiliary. iUnknown Leads .'First Round of "Hotional Open 5 Chicago, June 10 u.R The -fclg boys of golf were back seat Jidcrs today, as little known Les Kennedy led 159 survivors into he second round of the National Vpen golf tournament at Me Iflinah country club. '., The course proved to be just Us tough as the experts said it ""d It produced a surprise in 31-year-old Kennedy, a red headed freckle faced New Eng ender. He has won his section al PGA championship for three straight years while collecting Jrwtlcally nothing else in prizes. He was the first day leader jj ith a two under par 69, regard ed by the lads with the money J inning rating as mighty good n Medinah's number three, a ,981 yard chunk of water, trees nd rough. ;j His performance set him one stroke ahead of a quarter of )Jvals. two of them equally unknown. CAPITOL ALLEYS MIXRD nOI BIKS I.KAOrf John Olodt scored tnr top serita of S8R and tied with J. Olnry, Jr., for the high am of 314. The Gruesome Fouriomr scored i 1936 Mrle. Orunome Pouraomp (ft) M, Pugh 431, OJney, Jr., -S89, E. Whittaker 413. Morev fil.V Alphabet t M. Mllford 330. J. Mllford 513. Betty Ree.-e 407. R'e.ie 487. Alley Cat r;j L. Albnrh 423, J, AI brlrh 53B I). Olnev 3B7, Olwy. Sr.. 495. Mud Dauber (li Lawiew 425. E Willard i2... N Law.lf.'i.s 314. . WillHrd 493 l.tirkr Strike -C. Pnsell 413V Ha r( well 395, L. Joiim 478, M. Jones 475. SIMke.-flplil J. Allen 409, Cline 671 . flibtw 413. Ander.son 448. Greeny four 3-H. Olodt 357. J. Olodt i8, Bn.vre 3R0, C. Bovce 555 Xhmitoi lrt Crawford 441. W. Clark 440, E. Whlt worth 339, Chfrrtnuton 448. Cyrlnnen 1 Kmrwrtrm 380, Polinky 258, OMund 58!. Bunny 319. S lilt and a MJii m-P. Gardner 398, Farm 418, . Gardner 261, W. Onrdner 4fl0. University Bowl MEN'H HI MMKR M'Afil'E No. I HK--B. Hillerirh 398. Hub Saal feld 37. Reed 353. D. Hlllerich 4BB, No. K (S) Pearl 453. Bean 430. Erpln .472. MorrLn 422. No. X l Inalla 477, Morey 380. Schmidt 44.1. Hansen 495. No. 4 (2) Wilton 480. Brig 440. Mur ray 491, fl.mons 485. So. 5 1 Holt 600, Duncan Amen 378, Otinn 404. No. it) Oarrlion 440, Blalna 436, Farley 454, am 1th 477. worth, managers of the Ameri can and National league pennant winners last year, will select the pitchers. Seeks Divorce, Charge: Cruelty, Albany Merle Jewett Page charges cruelty against Lee aJ Page in a divorce complaint filed in corcuit court. They wore married at Gulfport, Miss., March 2. 1944. She asks $30 per month for the support of a child. Nobel Prize Winner Dies Oslo, Norway, June 10 (R) Sigrid Undset, Nobel prize win ning author, died today at Lille hammer, Norway. . . Grants Pass Man Tokyo Rose Witness Portland, June 10 () John E. Turnicliffe, 37, of route 4, box 233, Grants Pass, has been sub peonaed as a witness in the treason trial of Tokyo Rose. The trial will open in San Francisco July 18 for Mrs. Iva ; Toguri D'Aquino, one of the women who broadcast for the Japanese In war time under the name of Tokyo Rose. I In Grants Pass his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mae Fuller, said she understood Turnicliffe was being called as a defense wit ness. She said Turnicliffe denied, however, that he had ever met or seen Tokyo Rose. Turnicliffe could not be reach ed for comment. He was a civil ian worker captured at Wake island and imprisoned at Shang hai and later near Tokyo. Because of the alkaline con tent of ashes, tools and contain ers used to handle ashes In big power plants must be made of metals which resist corrosion. GNL'LYWEDS GNUI.LIFY GNUPTIALS Zookeeper Charles Allen at Griffith Park, Los Angeles, coaxed a lovely lady gnu (foreground), obtained from San Diego, into the pen of Ned (background) when he noticed the latter seemed neurotic. Everything went nicely until the lady suddenly stopped and sniffed a Braham bull in an adjoining cage. That infuriated Ned to the point of charging and goring the girl friend twice. Now they're in separate pens until they act gnormal gnulyweds. (AP Wirephoto). Gno, Gnu, Says Gned the Gnu Los Angeles (UP) Ned the Gnu made it plain that he won't stand for a girl friend who flirts with the fellow in the next cage Keepers at Griffith park zoo noticed that Ned was lonesome and imported a female from San Diego, Cal. Ned pawed the ground in welcome and everything looked rosy until the girl gnu suddenly stopped and sniffed at a Brahma bull next door. Incensed, Ned chased Miss Gnu alt around the pen before keep ers led him into another pen. "In a day or two they'll be rubbing noses through the wire," predicted Head Keeper Charles Allen. "It just takes time." $150000 In Prizes on Every Show! "THE FISHING and HUNTING CLUB" Featuring You, the Sports-Loving People of America. Send in your questions for answering by the board of experts. 7:30 to 7:55 P. M. Tonight, KSLM SPONSORED BY YOUR HELPFUL M0BIL0IL DEALERS (H. A. Simmons, Distributor) TAKE TIME OUT 0." THE KITCHEN.., PUT TIME ON YOUR HANDS! COOKER Relax with a Presto CooekbI Enjoy delicious fooda Presto Cooked in mere minutes with all their garden-fresh colon and 8avorB, vitamins and minerals ataina Mnri nniiriarimont far the entire family. More leisure time for you! Easy to use and clean, Presto is highly economical. Saves fuel costs. Reduces meat shrinkaRe. Ideal for quick safe canning, too. L I I H - i PRESTO COOKERS ar madt In twe modali. MODEL '40' (Mlmtrat') b) Cott from flrtMt quality Simalloy. MODEL '60' b prctwd from Antt quality aluminum. EMI LUMBER BROWN I 0 YARP- r OK THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! "I 'DAFFY AUCTION -Base- baseball Fans Tj Ballot for All-Star Teams Chicago, June 10 (U.R). IJall fans of the country began noting today to pick players who tyill represent the American nd National leagues In the lRth jlnnual All-Star baseball game 4uly 12 in Brooklyn. ? Balloting will go on until mid ifiight June 29. Last year fans oust 4,107,893 votes for their fa vorite players. The fans, through local news papers and radio stations, vote Jor eight players from each lea gue, one for each position on the (ague team except the pitcher. Ion Boudreau and Billy South- FOR SALE FAIRCHILD FOUR PLACE Just licensed June 1, 194A. Good for one year flight. Price $1800 or make an offer. See Lake Lobish Welder 4 Miles N. of Salem on 99E Did you know you can buy an Indian for as little as $9.39 weekly? MfJ HKTum 4m. turn 1 Ask TED STARCK goqgcd aa: One of the finest programs of thoroughbred racing ever pre sented in Oregon. Ample free parking space Direct bus service trom Fifth and Stark, Portland t ... Fifth and Main, Vancouver. FIRST POST 1:Vt r. M. wrrk nliMi l:tHI P. M. Saturdiir Phont TWmoaks S626 lot dinner resematuns WHIM UNION AND ANCOUVIR AVINUtl MEET ( I I I BW aV I I LIKE & REFRESH EflG SPRING SHOWER! When mind and body are fatigued, what is more invigorating and stim ulating than a glass of really GOOD beer., a light, mild, delicately flavored beer- that rare Old Bohemian, Type Lager beer. Bohemian Club. It's like a refreshing Spring shower on parched oiL Export Lager Beer . - HIEE SiMiE WewJLowJPrice en ON THE TIRE THAT BUILT aSEMl REPUTATION FULL SHE I Yilii' "s FULL WEIGHT ,&uat?wWf&m FULL STRENGTH WhW y Come in-Compare all these SHbIKiIx iiJ ii n j EXTRA STRENGTH f j , ' ffl DOUBLE GRIP TREAD pjl Sl 'jj "k SAFETY TRACTION M EASY RIDING COMFORT 1t?triV, it 'f tm W$!fi GlID BARGAIN f&z? SPARES II FAMOUS MAKES NEW CAR TAKE OFFS Trd In en new General Super Squeegees. Seme driven few bleckt, teme few mllet. Vourt new f eentatienel wtvlngi. Alte guerenteeel used Hret. IP TO 50 OFF NEW TIRE PRICES 33 isjacCEnflTi H:i EES- B , . . and used lubes. Jvst what you need In an emerfency. Plenty mf them her with piwty .1 miles left In mem. FROM 300 KfWH) IT KlrKMIAN MWIMt IC SeOKANI STATE TIRE SERVICE State and Cottage St.. Phone 22459 I : :