Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 10, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    McNulty Hurls 8-2 Winner!'
For Salem over Victoria
WIL Standings
(Br th AiaociBtad TrM)
i W L
Yakima 35 16
Vancouver 38 30
Salem 36 33
Spokane 35 35
Wenatihf 35 37
Bremerton 34 39
Tacoma 33 31
Victoria 30 S3
Results Thursday: Bremerton 3-5,
wenaicnee o-4: racoma 8-8. pok
ane 7-13; Vancouver tt. Yakima 0;
Salem a. Victoria 3.
Victoria, B. C, June 10 Ray McNulty, Salem'i handy man,"
baffled the Victoria Athletica with his aoft pitches Thursday
night. And while he walked i half dozen men and appeared
headed into trouble on two or three occasions, the slugging of
his mates, combined with their three double playa kept the A s
from scoring no more than two
tallies. The outcome was an 8-2
triumph for the Senators.
Three of the 12 hits the Solons
collected off a trio of Victoria
chuckers Rex Jones, Toby To
bias and Frank Logue were
homers. Wayne Peterson and
Marty Krug hoisting their over
the fence while Bud Peterson
hit Into the long right field for
an inside-the-park four base
A directional signal for the
outcome was raised Immediately
after Umpire Rocky Flammia
called play when Wayne Peter
son hit Rex Jones' first pitch
over the fence. That was all
that frame but the blast of hits
overtook Jones in the next when
Bob Cherry, Ray Carlson, Bob
Hedington and Marty Krug sin
gled in succession while McNul
ty cleaned the sacks with a dou
ble down the third base line that
was fair by inches. The upshot
of the attack was four runs.
- Bud Peterson's homer in the
fourth, Mel Wasley's triple in the
seventh and Marty Krug's blast
over the center field boards in
the eighth constituted the bal
ance of the Solon scoring.
A mighty overthrow of first
base by McNulty was responsi
ble for a Victoria tally in the
fourth. McNulty had previously
walked Gil McDougald and the
latter went all the way on the
McNulty stood, off the Athlet
ic until the ninth when John
Hack who had previously hit
into three double plays, singled
to score Pinch Hitting Day.
Spokane and Tacoma split two
gi-mes, the Tigers winning the
first, 9-7 and losing the second
13-8. Vancouver gained a game
on Yakima by whitewashing the
Bears 9-0. Bremerton downed
Wenatchee twice, 3-0 and 5-4.
As a result of the 'evening's
campaigning Salem is three
games out of second place and
one ahead of Spokane. The
Bears' bulge has been trimmed
to S and a half.
Donkey Softball
Set for Sunday
Donkey Softball, with a brand
new bunch of long eared ani
mals available, will be played
at Waters park Sunday night
beginning at 7:30. Riders will
be provided from teams repre
senting Jary Florists and the
12st Street Market. The program
is primarily for the purpose of
producing laughs and sore
Following the game a donkey
race will be staged across the
Official Box
Bale Victoria
W.Pftfcn.t I I I Balaul.rf
B Ptrin-M
Carbon. c
14 0
1 1 Hack.lf
It Matoh.Sb
2 2 0 M'Douc 1.2b
ISO Finan.ef
t t 1 Morgan.e
2 10 Kler.a
3 12 Jonti.p
Jacob. k
110 0
Tot al 36 12 27 14 Tot all 33 10 27 14
z Filed out for' Tobia In alxth.
a sinElMi for Lotus in ninth.
Score by lnnlnta:
Salem 140 100 110 8
Victoria 000 100 0012
Wlnnlni pitcher, McNulty; loalnt pitch
r. Jones.
Error: McNulty, llatoh. Left on buea:
Saltm 7, Victoria 10. Home run: W. Pe
terson. B. Peterson. Krut. TbrM-baae
hit: WaMey. Two-base hits: Carlson,
Knit, McNulty. Mori an. Matoh. Runs bat
ted in: W. Peterson, Hedtniton. Krut 2,
McNulty 3, B. Peterson. Waaler, Hack.
Sacrifices: Carlson. Ortelc. Stolen bases:
Cherry. Wasley. Double plays: McNulty
W Peterson-Krui, Buccola-Keller-Bucco-la,
Hedlnttoo-W. Peterson-Knit, McDou-tal-Keeler-Buccoli.
McNulty-B. Peterson
Krut. Tine: 3:01. Umpires: Flammia and
The short scores:
Spokane 041 001 1 t
Tacoma 015 301 X t 10 0
Biahop,. Babbitt (3) and Rossi; Knsiof
Ich; Johnson (3) and Warren.
Spokan 035 000 33013 30 2
Tacoma 200 300 030 I 14 2
Neeley, Conant (Di and Rout; Fortler,
CUry (3 and Warren.
Wenatchee 000 000 00 3 0
Bremerton 000 001 x 3 7 1
Orrelt and Winter; Kahout and Ronnlnt.
Wenatchee 000 001 0304 i 2
Bremerton 300 101 0011 10 8
Ca pi inter and Winter; Marshall and
Vaklma 000 000 0000 0
Vancouver .010 433 OOx 12 1
Soriano, D. Driutnt ) and Ortelt:
Nicholas and Sheelr.
Silverton Sox
To Host Sweet
Home Saturday
Silverton The Sweet Home
ball club will play the Silverton
Red Sox here Saturday night
announces "Bill" McGinnis. Be
cause of preference of the fans,
home , games will be played at
night instead of afternoon.
Sunday afternoon the Sox and
Sweet Home will meet on the
latter's diamond.
Pheasants Knock Mootrys
Out of Undefeated Ranks
There are no undefeated clubs in the City Softball league.
The Golden Pheasants saw to that Thursday night when they
nosed the hitherto unbeaten Mootry squad 3-2.
In the other contest under the
lights on Leslie field, the Paper-
makers blanked 12th Street 8 to
0. A big six run first inning de
cided the issue.
One of the largest crowds of
the season, 382 highly partisan
spectators by actual count, plus
anotner is that came and went,
saw the program.
Mootry's were leadine 2 to 0
when disaster overtook them in
the fifth. With two out, W.
Miller singled and went to sec
ond on an error. Orv Miller
walked while Jack DeBow was
safe on a fielder's choice, result
ing in the bases being loaded
Then Bob Warren connected for
a sizzling triple that cleaned the
bases. Warren turned in a sen
sational defensive bit of play
wnen ne made a circus catch of
Spueak. Nelson's apparent triple.
The Teamsters and Warners
went nine frames before the for
mer gained a 5 to 2 decision.
Four runs in the ninth decided
the issue.
Friday night's games: Randle
Oil vs. Knights of Columbus;
hock wool vs. Marine Reserves.
Mootry' loo 100 0 I 4 3
PheaxanU 000 030 xi s 6
Rawlins and Henery; Ulller and Wnner.
Papermakera 601 01 S 1 0
12th Street 000 000 1 2
Knliht and Woodworth; Wlnkenwerder.
Hllflker 1 and Weaver.
Teanutera ooo 000 104 S 4 2
Warnera 010 000 0012 I 7
Keuacber and Bannon; Wright and
Seals Sell Star
Fielder, Hitter
Portland, Ore., June 10 W)
The San Francisco Seals of the
Pacific Coast baseball league
have sold their star outfielder,
Dino Restelli, to the Pittsburgh
Restelli, who was hitting .353
last Sunday, has been the main
batting punch of the Seals.
Drawing Show
Four Sponsors
Needed for Loop
When drawings were conduct
ed Thursday night in connection
with the city program of junior
baseball it was found that at
least four additional sponsors
were needed to handle the
youngsters who had registered
for competition.
Requirements of a sponsor
will be explained to those inter
ested in such a project by the
Maple sports goods store.
When complete the "B" divi
sion will include six teams and
the "C" division nine. "C divi
sion drawings will be carried
'B' league drawings:
v .. uarfhknta (Dlarera already se
lected Irom tnat area). iera rv.
or to ne
named later) Jim Brown.
Bettlemeler. Bon StetnKe. mm
Catron. Paul Burton, dick smito. im
Klncald, Dick Harnaday. Orson Cooley,
Don Huff, Darce Mock. Leonard Severn.
Bob Chapman. Bob Stelnbruck, Richard
Morris, Bcott Pane and Jay Dee Rlckman.
Team No. 2 (Sponsor to be named) cur
tlis Adrltt, Dean Read. Clair Blmmoni,
Allan BaeMiier. Kiaon narin.
l. Elmer Wlnexan. Larry Chamberlain,
Don Lee Bltichke. Donald Lee Phillips,
Cliff Hutchinson. Bob Nopp. BlllT Duns
worth, Bill Walker. Ronald Helaeson. Dick
Kortteooon ana Lon V ,
Lumber Co.Iohnny Re. RT Puhlman.
Larry SDrinier. Charlet Rlchleman. Ployd
Truiael. M. Helvlt. Vance Cooney, Eu
gene Johnson. Bob Barnlck, Doug Con
nory. Nell Bwingle. Paul Thomas. Keith
Lenninaer. waiiy uioson, wim w-
ert Barnes. Tom Hunt and Bob roy.
Mayflower Mlla Jonn Hoy, atooiq rop-
pita, Kenneth Burroughs, Ray Mental,
Bill Beeoa, rat wan,
at u.itnti John Mlnlflce. Jerry Sm alley.
Eugene Oebauer. Bob Btrayer. Bob Pren.
James Dempewolf, Larry Martin. Stanley
Pawley and Victor Barnlck. Salem Heights
Tigers Oeorge Matten. Paul Harvey, Bob
Suther. Fred Butler. Steve Merchant. Bill
Coleman. Fred Bolton. Jerry Walling,
Wally Canon, Jonn wiiour. non toon,
Echreln Klech, Don Hunt, Mark Dec aw,
Bovd Aydelott, Lou Kurth and Roger
Spoke Pitcher
Leads Wl After
Soriano Setback
Tacoma, June 10 W) Yakima
pitcher-prexy Dewey Soriano's
initial defeat of the campaign.
suffered Thursday night at the
hands of the Vancouver Capi
lanos, left Spokane's Dick Bish
op as the Western International
league's leading pitcher, it was
revealed in averages released
today by the office of Robert B.
Abel, league president.
Bishop was another Thursday
starter, but his 5-0 won-lost re
cord was protected when he was
shelled from the mound and his
successor, Gene Babbitt, receipt
ed for the defeat.
- Manager Bob Johnson of Ta
coma, a part-time hurler (3-0):
Carl Gunnarson, Vancouver (2
0); and Merle Prick, Wenatchee
(2-0), were the other unbeaten
pitchers in the circuit with two
or more victories.
Soriano, with an 8-1 record.
was next in line, followed by
his Thursday conqueror, George
Nicholas of Vancouver (7-2),
and Jim Olson of Salem (7-2).
John Marshall of Bremerton
became the league's first 10
game winner when he gained a
Thursday night verdict over
Wenat c h e t . The Bluejacket
right-hander has lost four
Marshall is also the strikeout
Wouldn't you rather
drink Four Roses?
Reduced In priced
$295' $215
Fins Blended Wtiiskty. M.S proof. M trti Mutrd
spirits. Frsnklort Distillers Corp., N.Y.C
leader, having whiffed 81 op
posing batsmen, while Wenat
chee's Bill Caplinger is next in
line with 08. Joe Orrell of wen
atchee and Lloyd Dickey of Ya
kima are tied for third with 64
Leadini W-I hitters (Including tames of
June t).
Rhyne, Wen 42 160 79 46 10 .468
vannl. Tak. ftl 318 SO 38 0 .413
Brenner, Van 30 tt IS 11 3 .403
Cherry, Salem ....48 174 85 47 4 .374
Cameron, Wen. ...43 158 68 35 I .367
Warren, Tac 51 1S1 70 51 & .366
Homeruns Orero, Tacoma, 13.
Runs-batted-in Warren. Tacoma, 51.
M: to?
' 'V "a
L. ft. . X.
I' A'
W... M A i
f life Aufirn Th Elks-sponsored spring golf tournament
at the Salem Golf club when the prises were distributed.
From left to right, Floyd Boxter, chairman of the golf com
mittee; G. B. Wynkoop, exalted ruler who made the presenta
tions; Dick Yost, champion and Jim Sheldon, runner up.
Salem, Oregon. Friday, June 10, 1949
Tigers Chill Yankees,
Trim Lead to 3i Games
I Br tt Ajuoclated Prtsat
Credit the Detroit Tigers with stopping the New York Yankee
Cakewalk in the American league.
With fan attention focused on the St. Louis Cards' sizzling
spurt in the National, the hustling Tigers have been giving Casey
Stengel a rough time. I
Major Standings
Willamette Grad
Named Silverton
High School Coach
Silverton Milton R. Baum,
Willamette university graduate
in physical education of this
spring, has been named prin
cipal coach for Silverton high
school. He succeds Jerry Gas
tineau, also a Willamette gra
duate, who resigned to accept
the principalship of Newport
Seattle Gains on Stars;
Beavers Top Seals, 10-9
fbr IT.. junclatd PT.W) V.
The Seattle Ralniers may make the experts right yet.
Picked by the dopesters to cop the Pacific Coast league pen
nant, the Rainiers idled around the second division until recent
ly. Now they're in second place and gaining every day on the
pace-setting Hollywood Stars. i
9 PCL Standings
Baum, a graduate of Camas,
Wash., high school, where he
earned two basketball letters,
is 6 feet 2 inches tall and
weighs 180 pounds. His com
petition with the Bearcats gave
him two letters while he also
played service basketball. Coach
Johnny Lewis is high in his
praise of the new Silverton men
Stengel's Yanks took a 6-game
lead into Detroit after Sunday's
split in St. Louis. Now the mar
gin is 3"z and sinking fast. Red
Rolfe s Tigers have won eignt 01
their last 10 games.
Art Houtteman, a young man
who nearly lost his life in a se
rious auto crash at Lakeland,
Fla., in spring training time, did
the latest Job on the Yanks a
six-hit, 9-5 Tiger triumph. It was
the Yanks' fourth straight loss,
three to Detroit.
Hoot Evers, who was shoved
over from center field to left to
make room for Rookie Johnny
Groth, was a one-man team yes
terday. He banged out a triple,
double and three singles for five
hits, scored three runs and drove
in two more.
Connie Mack's Philadelphia
A's also closed in on the Yanks,
securing third place, five games
out of first, by edging the Chi
cago White Sox, 1-0, in 12 in
nings. Dick Fowler won a tight
duel with Bill Wight on a walk,
Luke Appling's two-base, error
and an infield grounder.
Dick Starr, a non-winner who
has lost seven, finally made the
victory column, 11-0, as the St.
Louis Browns made merry with
Ellis Kinder, Cuck Stobbs and
Frank Quinn. It was the first
shutout thrown by a Brownie
pitcher this season and the sev
enth Red Sox' defeat in the last
nine games.
By United Preaat
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Brooklyn 20 .592 Nf York 36 23 .331
St. LouU 37 10 .337 Ctnclnatl 23 27 .443
Boston 23 20 .383 Chlcaao 17 23 .370
Ptulad.1. 28 23 .431 Pltjburah 17 31 .334
w L Pet. w L Pet
N.w York 30 18 .652 Boston 33 23 .30C
Detroit 28 31 .371 Cleveland 32 22 .500
Philadel. 27 23 .540 Chlcaao 21 37 . 438
Waxhitn 35 23 .521 St. LouU 14 33 .286
Bes.lts Thursday
Chicago ft. Brooklyn t.
C.nclnnatl 3, Boston 10.
St. Louis 4, New York 1.
Pittsburgh 3, Philadelphia 4 118 In
Philadelphia 1. Chicago 0 (12 Innings).
Boston 0, St. LOUU 11.
New York ft. Detroit 3.
Only gamea scheduled.)
The modern major league rec
ord for most bases on balls giv
en up in a season is held by Bob
Feller who walked 208 men in
Brooklyn clung to that half
game lead in the National by
subduing Chicago, 9-5, while
both St. Louis and Boston won
to remain right on the Dodgers'
Ralph Branca was knocked out
in the eighth when the Cubs
scored five times.
Howie Pollet, back in his 1846
form, whipped the slumping
New York Giants with six hits
4-1, as the Cardinals made it
six straight wins and 15 out of
17. Unearned run in the sixth
following Eddie Kazak's error.
Bob Hall, a Johnny-come-lately
in Billy Southworth's start
ing rotation, turned back Cincin
nati with seven hits as Boston
387 Court St.
M "& . 'WlNTHROP
1! fi iN-h-OMERS It
f' kl
.IsTfVI W faah- a aaar M ' I VWf1TTf
yi m
X I ip
I Jr-- IF
MimnN M
Vv'fV'e'gfV stair ! fly"
I fll frlr,TS,l
Ph.3-8155 H
Th Stcret to loafing in Luxury
Add the final touch to leisure comfort
. . . wear the last word in leiiurt shoes
Vi'inthrop In-'oOuters. Indoors or
out, at home or away, you'll find
In.'n-Outeri your best bet for
every leisure hour. Set our com
plett selection.
romped home with a 10-2 deel
sion. It was Hall's second start
and first since May 20.
Bill Salkeld hit the only
homer of the game, in fact the
only one of the day in the Na
The Phillies squeaked past
Pittsburgh, 4-3, in 18 innings
the longest game in the majors
since 1946. Del Ennis single, a
double by Andy Seminick and
Jack Mayo's fly ball broke it up
in the 18th, after Murry Dickson
had hurled 11 scoreless relief innings
Dickson, who has trouble hit
ting the winner's circle since he
was purchased for $125,000 from
St. Louis, suffered his ninth loss
despite the fine effort. Jim Kon-
stanty shut out the Pirates in the
last nine innings to earn his first
victory of the year.
Thursday night Seattle copp
ed its eighth in a row with a
ninth inning win over Los
Angeles. At the same time, San
Diego's big bats landed atop the
Stars for a 7 to S decision. The
Stars now hold 64 game lead
ever Seattle.
The Ralniers Angels game
was a pitcher"! duel between
Denny Gatehouse and Don Wat
kins, both of whom hurled eight
hit ball. Seattle pushed across
its winning run when Tom
Neill walked, went to second on
an infield single and then hit
for home on Al Lyons single.
Johnny Ostrowski's 19th homer
of the year provided the Angels
only run.
The Padres delivered their
one-two punch to the Stars
Larrupin' Luke Easter poled his
20th homer with one aboard
and magnificent Maxie West
slammed his 22nd, also with
mate on the cushions. The Stars
managed to get the bases loaded
in the eighth with a potential
chance to tie things up but
manager Fred Haney sent Al
Unser in to pinchhit for George
Genovese. The move drew
grandstand boos and more boos
when Unser bounced into a
double play.
Speaking of boos, manager
Charle Dressen of Oakland got
the razz throughout the Oaks
game with the Sacramento
Solons who won 7 to 3. The fans
loudly protested at the flurry
of deals that has removed many
o the 1948 champs from the
Oakland payroll. As to the game
itself, the Solcns got off to a
three run lead in the first after
two were away. The Solons also
got two other runs after two
were out.
Portland nosed out San Fran
cisco 10 to 9 in a wild game that
saw a total of 26 hits, four
errors and six wild pitches. San
Francisco looked like it had the
tying run scored when pinch
hitter Dick Lajeski cracked a
tharp grounder that had base-
hit written all over It. But
Beaver third baseman Leo
Thomas made a spectacular grab
and threw out Lajeski to end
the game. Portland jumped to a
5 to 2 lead in the first two
innings but the Seals thanks
to Mickey Rocco's three run
homer came back with a six
run outburst in the fifth. Port
land tied the game in the sixth
and iced it in the seventh with
doubles by John Rucker and
Joe Brovia and a single by Jim
Official Box
flan rraaeiiwa ( (lt TarllaM
Hotder.rf 4 111 Marquai.t 4 14 0
VauRhan.l I 3 9 Shup.l 4 1 10 1
Reitelll.r I 1 4 t Thorn ai.J Mil
Rorre.l till Rucker.ef 1320
Shofnfr.J 3 110 Brovia. r 4 S 3 1
Bv United Prtaa)
W l Prt. w T. ..
Holy wood 7t .S3 Oakland M 3 .48
Soattlt 43 31 flan Fraro 36 30 ,4S4
San Ditto 3 .531 Loa Anil 30 44 405
Sarrmntn 35 30 .403 Portland 31 44 .300
warn TBaridar
Valtl 3, Loa Anr'Itv 1.
Portland 10, San Praneisro t.
fUeramtnto T. Oakland 3.
Sao Ditto 7, Hollywood 3. v.
Tobln t 111) BBRlnikl.3 3101
Parttt.e 3 0 2 0 Oladd.e 4 1 ft 0
Nicely, m 3 13 1 Auntln.aa 1 3' 3 1
Dempaey.p 4 10 1 FlfmlriR.p 1 0' 0 1
Oabln.p 0 0 0 0 DlBiaoi.p 0 0 0 1
ChMo.i 1 0 0 0 Mrlrvin.o 11-11
Jarrii.v loan rrnrm.. n a a a a
LaJfikif.x 1 0 0 0
Wurphy.w 0 0 0 0 . 30 13 34 T Tot all 36 11 7 10
a Chfio filed out for Partem In Ota
7 Jarvli aate on error for NteiMy in 0th.
i LaJeikle grounded out tat Gable In
w Murphy ran for Jartlt In 0th
sen Praocuco UOOMool t
p" 322 060 000-13
Portland 320 oil jnn 10
320 022 40X 13
Rum. Bolder. Vauchan, Rentelll. Rorco,
gnofner 2. Tobln. Parlee. Nicely, Jtar
quei 3. Bhup. Rucker i, Brovia 2. ' Aui
tln 3, Mrlrvin. fc
winning pitcher, Mclrvln;
cher, Dempsej.
Pitcher IP Ab Ho Ra Er So Bb
20 11 0 1 a 1
S,w" T 2 0 0 0 Q
"""t 4 31 10 0 1 1 fl
2f" S 3 2 3 0 2 3
Ur"rvin 4, 10 10 12 2
rrori, Holder, Tobln. Oiadd. Austin.
nun. naiieo m. Hnolner. Shupe 3. Rurk
er. Brovia 2. Tobin, Holder. Thomas, Roc
SL3'""1""". Dempsey. Mclrvln. Glartd.
Z b" h.lti. vuan S. Bhupe. Rro
hJL huBMl?rt.!' Au!"ln- Three
bate hit. Mclrvln. Home run. Rocco. Sto-
. niceiy. iwurpny. BarnficpR, Fle
ming. Partee, Banlnskl. Umpires, Mttturt.
rfien,-?rd Dorn' Tim' Attend
losing' pit.
Loa Antelu nnn am iiMiTa
tUa 000 000 1011 0 1
Wwfetkin D Utl0,1i Oalehouae and
Sacramento 300 OOO 2037 til 0
"klnd 000 001 0203 0
HOlcombe. Duio and Raimnnl- n..
c;i. Bean (0) and Padaeit.
San Dteeo .300 012 001 T t I
""'""ooo 000 Oil 0101 I
C. Adams and Unnra: Uoltha M
en (7, Huthea tot and Bandlock.
Bill Hanauska's American Le
gion junior baseball club, spon
sored by Capitol Post No. 9 will
entertain Oregon City at 6:30
Friday evening at Waters park.
The locals will be seeking their
fourth straight win in district
Correct for Newport
0 00 a m.
1:3? p.m.
0 hi a.m.
3:35 p m.
1:35 a in.
2 13 p m.
2:10 a.m.
3:A1 p m.
201 a.m.
4:41 p.m.
1:41 am.
1:35 p.m.
7:13 a.m. -l.T
0:57 p.m. t t
0:00 a.m. U.7
7:4i p.m. J.l
1:44 a.m. -I I
1:34 p.nj. 3.1
0 38 a.m. 1.1
0:24 p.m. 3.3
10:11 a.m. O R
10:10 P.m. 3.4
10:54 a.m. -0.3
11:12 p.m. 3.4
Dance Band at m
SATURDAY 9 till 1
Bookish typo?
Here's one to get his
nose out of thtt book: a
fine-figured MmnhatUH
0) Manhattan Tint
Imof ptrftcliy and kp
ihtir ihao.'
Com in for Fofnor'i Day
IrsMfs rooVn.
Father's Day
Juno 19th
Butlnttsman typ?
Give him tie thsc
mesns business: a
srutHf, itriped
MtnhtlUn repp.
Jo Cellofl typat
Slip him this spotty
Mcnbsttmi bow:
youthful psnel types,
dots tad stripes.
Dashing typo?
He'll be dotty about1
this beiutifully tailored,
soft, luxurious lillc
MsnbslUn Tie.
The M
$1.00 to $3.50
"The Store of Style, Quality ond Value"
on rg