12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 10. 1949 3 . . i - - Ai I 1 l 5 SO III: . ' I VT II ll. I m i ii ail ir! "Flyingest" Father Retires, Son Keeps on: Captain E. i Hamilton Lee (left) and his son, Captain Robert E. Lee, both - of United Air Lines, went separate ways Thursday when the . , elder Lee retired after 36 years and approximately 4,400,000 miles of flying. His son, based in Chicago, will keep on fly '.: ing United'i routes to the East, (United Air Lines Photo). Flyingest Man Hangs Up Togs, Leaves Son on Job CaDt. E. Hamilton Lee. termed by United Air Lines as the flyingest man in the world,' Thursday hung up his flight togs and at the age of 57 years began devoting his lull time to nis private business as an apartment house landlord in Clcndalc, Calif. " Behind the captain as he retires are 36 years of flying with 27,811.41 hours logged since he-S- started flying in 1913, and ap proximately 4,400,000 miles of flying, or 17S trips around the , world at the equator. . Lee, whose son, Robert E. Lee, . also is a pilot for United Air Lines, flying with United since 1942 and for a time out of Port land, learned to fly in 1913 at , a small field near Chicago. He barnstormed around in those early flying days and during World War I served as flying in structor. When the post office depart ment opened its first experi mental air mail route between New York and Washington in 1918 "Ham" Lee volunteered to fly the mail. He flew everything ' they had in those days and when the post office began pushing its air mail route across the coun try he went along. He first was assigned to the Cleveland-Chi cago leg and eventually flew every segment of the original transcontinental airway. When Boeing Air Transport, a United Air Lines predecessor company, took over the San Francisco-Chicago portion of the post office in 1927 Lee kept right on flying. The man, who is leaving United as dean of all the world's pilots, has been at the controls of them all single engincd Boeing 40s, tri-motorcd Boeing 80s, twin-engined Boe ing 247s, twin-engined Douglas DC-3s. In his 30 years in air transpor tation Lee has seen the devel opment from 90-mile-an-hour, single-engincd, open cockpit mail planes to five-mile-a-min- ute. 50-passenger, four-engined airliners. Bridges Faces rraignmenf San Francisco, June 10 ) CIO longshore leader Harry Bridges, who twice before rode out government efforts to deport him, is to be arraigned today on federal charges of perjury and conspiracy in obtaining his citizenship. Bridges was indicted by a federal grand jury May 25. He was accused of lying when he testified at his 1945 naturaliza tion hearing that he was not then and never had been a com munist. The Australian-born Bridges is president of the leftwing In ternational Longshoremen's and Warehousemen s union. One of his top aides, ILWU Vice Presi dent J. R. Robertson, was to be arraigned with him on a charge of aiding in the conspiracy. Henry Schmidt, another top ILWU official now directing the union's waterfront strike in Ha waii, was indicted on the same charge as Robertson. Schmidt's arraignment was postponed a week. The grand jury ended its in vestigation into other phases of the case late yesterday. It re turned no more indictments. Special Assistant Attorney General F. Joseph Donohue said the inquiry had revealed ' sub' stantial" communist infiltration Into western labor unions. "Any such infiltration is most alarm ing," he said. . Pea Harvest in Area Near Canby to Start Aurora Pea crop harvest in the Canby area is expected to start in about a week, according to spokesmen for the Birds Eye Snider packing firm which has about 400 acres of Canby area peas under contract. The company's 12 pea viners in its plant one mile south of Canby are being readier for the first loads of peas, which may be hauled in late this week, de pending on the weather. Company spokesmen said the crop this year is "favorable," and appears to be about the same quality as that of last year. Acreage also is about the same. FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! "DAFFY AUCTION" Eight Divorces in Linn County Court Albany Eight divorce de crees were handed down Tues day and Wednesday by Circuit Judge Victor Olliver. They were: Mary Morrison from Jack Morrison; Joseph L. Anderson from Aubrey Fern Anderson; Elsie H. Kennedy from Glade Kennedy; Patricia Soderstrom from O r v 1 1 1 e Soderstrom, Charles E. Smith from Esther Alice Smith, Mabel M. Jorgen son from William H. Jorgenson, Ruth G. Anderson from Milton J. Anderson and Gladys M. Tay lor from Clarence E. Taylor. Farmers Union to Meet Central Howell Central Howell Farmers union will meet in regular session on Monday evening. Plans for the annual picnic for members and friends will be made. This picnic takes the place of the regular meeting for July and will be held on the second Sunday, July 11th, place to be announced later. There are more than 120 spe cies of asparagus. - L'dyi,."!fVjW'! Norblad Balks Foreign Experts Washington. June 10 ( Rep. Norblad (R. Ore.) questioned to day the need of the economic co-o p e r a t i o n administration bringing European fiscal ex perts over to American methods of government administration, "It seems to me." he said in the Congressional Record, "that the only lesson they will learn is the horrible example of how a budget can remain unbalanced in a period of this nation high est income level." Norblad said the ECA reason for bringing the experts here was that inadequate controls over government expenditures and ineffective and inadequate systems of taxation in co-operating European countries create unbalanced budgets, thereby contributing to inflation and postponing recovery. The Oregonian asserted that the United States has balanced its budget only once in the last 17 years. ,V to your 1 Stea Br, m k Sl never wv lei toiie . I if i 1 jennet0' ,y )e -..Brand! , . .si Seems like everybody who TRIES IT loves BEVERLY! Beverly ! STABILIZED.. .so it apnadt like a dream, tastes trtth as fresh-roasted peanuts, AND NEVER GETS LOOSE OIL ON TOPI Let your youngsters enjoy plenty of Beverly it's a food liigh in body-building protein and energy values. Priced to please your budget at SAFEWAY TASTf WITHOUT tISKt Unlsss you're dtllghtnl with the leveity you buy.the store will rtfund your money. "Yet wc spend in additional half million to bring Europeans here to study our methods and at the same time go into the red another $800,000 by sending our experts to Europe to teach them budget balancing and efficient government operation," he said. "We are certainly going into the red to the tune of about two billion dollars in the United States again this year." Waitress Killed by Leap from Auto Portland, June 10 (Pi A 23-year-old waitress died in a fall from a moving automobile to day but police said there was some question whether it had snapped Portland's 81-day skein of no traffic deaths. Detective Sgt. Dan Mitola said occupants of the car report ed that Betty Riley leaped from the car as it was approaching a stop street, and fell on her head. The detective quoted Floyd Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson as saying the four were driving home early today when an argument arose over a $10 bill missing from Floyd Olson's wallet. When someone sugges ted going to the police station, the young woman opened a rear door and plunged out, the detec tive quoted the others. She was dead on arrival at a hospital. Asphalt Is found In lakes or in rock-like outcroppings and is also made in the process of re fining petroleum. CASH LOANS Auto, $100 f '1000 a. COMMERCIAL C RED IX PLAN INCOnPOaATSD, Salem Agency: 464 N. Church Personal IferrliriTl St. Tel. 34161 'jOY J homemade-heres winy. Nu Made is made the very same way you'd make mayonnaise at home . . . with eggs, pure salad oil, fine vinegar, selected spices. Then, fresh Nu Made is rushed daily to stores. That's why Nu Made tastes homemade . . . why it adds the right degree of zest to salads. Try it, YOU CANT BUY A BETTER MAYONNAISE THAN aa fezMJT SAFEWAY STORES mm TESTED APPROVED GUARANTEED ' 100 CERTIFIED RECONDITIONED WASHERS We are forced to sell at unusual bargains to make room for several carloads of stock expected to arrive shortly. All washers sanitized. EASY SPIHDRllR WASHERS 2 EASY WASHERS Now, with romaric spin rinse Regular prise 199.95, new 4 EASY SPINDR1ERS New, ell tteel, porcelain tub. Regular price 179.95, now 17495 15495 1 EASY WHIRLDRY Portable AQ QC Regular 59.95 f7.73 Other Spinner Type Models m lew 49.50 Reconditioned 7 Year Guarantee 99.50 99.50 MAYTAG White tub with pump (3 only) MAYTAG Aluminum tub, large roller (4 only) MAYTAG Aluminum n PA Oft CA tub (5 only) OTsJU to Q7.3U Automatic Washers Guaranteed Satisfaction BENDIX DELUXE 16950 BENDIX NEW DELUXE Completely Automotic 18950 Good Buys All Makes Washers THOR With ironer attachment. AUTOMATIC SENTINEL MONTGOMERY WARD White porcelain tub EASY WRINGER (4 only) APEX White, with pump KELVINATOR Montgomery Ward White tub with pump NORGE White tub (2 only) KENMORE White porcelain tub (2 only) ZENITH White porcelain tub VOSS White porcelain tub THOR With automatic pump (2 only) , STEED QUEEN White porcelain tub SPEED QUEEN White porcelain tub, automatic pump. , Friendly Credit Free Delivery 59.50 37.50 37.50 59.50 69.50 69.50 69.50 69.50 69.50 69.50 69.50 69.50 79.50 84.50 Certified Rebuilt Electric Refrigerators CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE Older model. Aft Cft lots of tervice. Only t7.sfW 14 CU. FT. GENERAL ELECTRIC Very good condition. Only 59.50 2 6 CU. FT. COLDSPOTS Late models, plenty of space, very good condition. 1 1 9 50 14 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE Late model. Lots of food storage space, Meter Miser unit. 29 50 27 CU. FT. 1947 FRIGIDAIRES Model CDM7, Freer er shelf, foods keep without being rtFQ Cft covered. 3 yr. guarantee. Only. . XJ 7Jw 19 CU. FT. 1949 KELVINATOR Model CM-R, 40-lb. freeser chest, just like new. Full OtO Cft door. 5 yr. guarantee. Only XOiJW Many Others to Choose From I nui(tmiiiuisiwiitpnuciioKt rmnsitii I 5ALEM OREGON CITY J Open till 9 p. m. Friday Nights CERTIFIED REBUILT ELECTRIC AND GAS RANGES ELECTRIC RANGES 2 L & H 3 burners, high top oven. Thermostatically controlled. JQ Cft Your choice s7.3w 2 HOTPOINTS 3 burners, high top ov- Aft en. Thermostat in oven. Your choice. . IZisfU 1 WESTINGHOUSE 3 burners, high top even. Porcelain. Good condition. CO C A Thermostat oven. Only J 7tJ V 11947 MONTGOMERY WARD 3 burners with deep well cooker, automatic oven. "I m Cft Plenty of drawer space. Only. .. . IZ43U GAS RANGES 1 CALORIC GAS RANGE All porcelain, white. Loto model with Minute Minder. ft Efft Only Oy.DU 1 WESTERN HOLLY GAS RANGE Q PA All white porcelain, just like new. Only 0)7.3 U 1 O'KEEFE 1 MERRITT GAS RANGE All white porce lain, griddle on top. Fully automatic OO )Q Many Others to Choose From 115 South Commercial Phona 3-9148