Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 10, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    Two Services
For Children
In commemoration of Chil
dren' Dav the First Presbyter
ian church will have identical
t-nrnlnB services Sunriav, the
first one will be at :45 and
the second at the usual hour of
worship, 11 o'clock. The Junior
Choir, directed by Virginia
Ward Elliott, will sing "Hnooy
Voices Slnein'" by Tours at the
first service. The minister's ser
mon subject is "Today's Chil
dren Tomorrow's World". At
the 11 o'clock service the morn
ing choir will sing "Glory and
Honor" by Rachmaninoff.
The Junior Choir members
who have had a superior record
of attendance during the three
years will receive certificates at
the 11 o'clock service: Sue Sv
ring, Betty Burnside, Jean Rick
ard. Gloria Butler. Robin Roach
Jack Braucht, Carl Madsen,
Marilyn Snarks, Lauris Kolskl,
Carol Mefford, Janet Hamblin
Diane Kennen. Sara Mayers.
Jim Hardie, Bob and Bruce
Wulf, Rosemary Gilbert. Diane
Meola, Nancy Weeks, Marlene
Sitlinger, Martha Klaus, Clarke
Pickering, Peter Manning, My
rtle Robb. Judy Bale, and Shir
ley Hawke.
Several boys and girls of the
Junior Department, who are to
attend the Presbyterian sum
mer camp for Juniors at Silver
Creek next week, will be com
missioned as delegates from the
church to camp. The delegates
will be: Norman Ballmer, Elvis
Barker, Kenneth Bostrack, Don
aid Cooper, Bobby French, Lan-
ny Gosling, Jimmie Hoffman,
Philip Klaus, Sara Mayers, Dia
ne Miller, Clay Newell, Clarke
Pickering, Robin Roach, and
Dick Turnbull. Leaders for the
camp from this church will be
The Rev. John L. Goodenberger,
Martha Marshall and Robert
Mruam Method lit Andrew Lanten
dorf. minUtr. Sunday hool, 10. Worship,
11. Young people meet, 1:45.
Church of J'iut Chriit of the Latter
Day Salnta (Mormon) K. P. Hall. Oak
and Mill. Sunday school, 10. Evenint
service, 7.
Christian Science Sunday achool, 9:45.
Service, 11.
St. Paul'i Catholic Father John J.
Walsh, putor. Sunday maxae. ft and 10.
Week day, I.
Alien blr of God Berrel H. Scott. Pas
tor, Sunday achool, 9:45. Divine worship,
11. Youni people'! aoclety, 6:45. Evan
tellatlc, 8.
Church of God Rev. E. R. Nix, pastor.
Sunday school, 10. Worship hour, 11.
Evenint service, 8.
Plli rim Hollnf Carl Mansfield, pnx
tor. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour,
11. Evening service, 8.
Seventh Day Adrentlst Elder A. D.
Chllson. Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo
cal elder in charge. Sabbath school. Sat
urday, 9:30. Morning worship, 11, Batur
day. Sunday evening evangelistic service.
Flrat Christian Arthur Charles Bute,
minister. Sunday school 9:45. Communion
and morning service, It. Sermon, '"What
Happened?" Theme a follow-up of Pen
tacost Sunday. Christian Endeavor, 7,
both Junior and senior. Installation of
Missionary society and Junior Oulld of
fleers. Mrs. Arthur Charles Bates In
Charge, at the 8 p.m. service.
Methodist Ben P. Browning, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. Nursery. Classes for
all age groups. Oeneral worship service,
11. Subject, "What Is Man?" Speaker. W.
D. Plnson. lay member of the church.
Youth Fellowship, 1.
Trinity Lutheran M, J. K. Puhr, pai
tor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10.
Divine worship and Holy communion 11.
8rmon. "Teach All Nations." Luther
League, 7:30.
Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle. pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10.
D.vlne worship. 11. Sermon: "Marks of
Distinction." Holy communion. Luther
league, 1:30. Topic. "Room for Ood,"
Christian and MUalonary Alliance Gor
don T. Brat void, pastor. Sunday school,
10. Sermon. 11. pastor in charge. Youth
meeting 6:30. Evening evangelistic serv
ice. 7:45.
Calvary Lutheran James A. Toft, pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible class. 10.
Worship hour, 11. Sermon by pastor.
Mill City Churches
Presbyterian Dr. David Ferguson, min
uter. Sunday school, 10, Morning church
services, 11. ,
Churrh of C h Hat Thorn a Courtney.
Jr . minister. Sunday school. 9.45. Morn
ing worship, 11. Christian Endeavor hour,
4 30 p.m. Evening! worship, t:5.
Catholic Rev. Mai,
services 9 o'clock.
pastor. Morning
Free M M he ri lit Donald Hlnkle, pastor.
Sunday school. 10. Morning church serv
ices. 11. Evening services, 7:30.
Community Rev. Wayne Watklns. pal
ter. Sunday school. 10. Mornin worship,
II. Evfnine s-rvke. 7:45,
Shakespearian Gift Dr. Elmo N. Stevenson (center), presi
dent of Southern Oregon college, receives i gift as nucleus of a
Shakespearian library presented by the Dramatists' Alliance of
Stanford university through Robert E. Dodge (right), president
of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival association, while festival
founder and producing director Angus L. Bowmer voices ap
proval. Special use will be made of the collection during the
Shakespeare summer achool to be held at Southern Oregon be-
ginning on June 13.
L!M Ai
Church Regrets
Pastor's Leaving
The resignation of Dr. Charles
Durden, pastor of Calvary Bap
tist church for the past four
and a half years, has been "ac
cepted with regret" by mem
bers of the congregation.
" During his tenure the church
membership has been increased
from approximately 625 to 8111,
a new parsonage has been com
pleted adjacent to the church
and the church program has
been expanded. Dr. Durden is
a member of the board of educa
tion of the Northern Baptist
convention with headquarters in
New York, a member of the
board of trustees of Linfield col
lege and for two years has been
chairman of the budget commit
tee and chairman of the slate
board of the Oregon Baptist
Dr. Durden has been active
in the Kiwanis club, Shriners,
Knife and Fork and Salem Min
isterial association. He has been
popular as a speaker through
out the Salem area.
At the conclusion of his work
here September 1. Dr. Durden
will become director of town
and country work for the Ore
gon Baptist convention with
headquarters in Portland, trav
eling throughout the state for
evangelism and counseling
among the churches.
Radio Program
By Young Folk
The Senior Young People's
Society of the Bethel Baptist
church will present a radio style
program Sunday evening at 7:30
o'clock. They will broadcast the
program into the main audi
torium of the church. The pro
gram will be rich with musical
numbers and speaking by the
young people. Gary Radke is
to serve as the announcer and
about ten other young people
will participate in the radio style
presentation of the program.
The public Is cordially Invited
to attend.
Grosseth Named President
Fairview At the annual elec
tion of officers of the Fairview
Community club Glen Grosseth
was chosen president: Mrs. Carl
Wood, vice president; Vernon
Stephens, secretary. Good at
tendance was present at the
spring picnic held Saturday.
S toy ton Churches
Baptlit Rev. Wlllard Buckner, pastor.
Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11.
Training hour, 7:111. Evening service, 8.
Churrh of Chriit Clyde Freeman, pas
tor Bible school, 10. Worship aervice. 11.
Youth Fellowship, 6:30. Evening worship,
Church of Christ L. M. Seid, minister.
Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve
ning worship, 6.
Methodlit John Morange, pastor. Bible
school, 10, worship service. 11. Youth Fel
lowship, 6:30. Evening worship, a,
Assembly of God Rev. Melvin Stock
wi), pastor. Sunday school, 10. Mornina
service, 11. Youni people's meeting, 6:45.
Evening evangelistic service 7:45.
Imtnsrulate Conception Catholic Rev.
Math. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services:
Masses 6, 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.
St. Partlek'a Catholic (Lyons) Father
Leander Schneider. paMor. Winter sched
ule. 1st. 3nd and 5th Sundays, mass
10 30 a.m.; Ird and 4th Sundays mass at
8:30 a.m.
Our Lady of Lnurdea (Jordan) Father
Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched
ule. 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundaya, mass 6:10
a.m.: 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30
Utley to Sing
Sunday Night
William Utley, who recently
returned from New York City
where he has been studying
music for the past seven years,
will appear at the First Chris
tian church Sunday morning at
the 11 o'clock service singing
"O, Divine Redeemer" by Char
les Gounod. Utley graduated
from Willamette University
School of Music before going to
jNew York. In that eastern city,
he has appeared as soloist and
j tenor in a quartet in several
New York churches. He is plan
ning to leave this fall for a
year's study in Milan, Italy.
A special service will also be
held Sunday morning for the
Dedication of Parents with chil
dren born in the last year. This
is an annual service held on
Children's Day each June. Me
mentos of the occasion will be
given each infant by Mrs. Elvin
Thomas, Cradle Roll chairman.
The service will be concluded
by the sermon the Rev. Dud
ley Strain, pastor of the church
entitled, "The Worth of One
At the evening service, be
ginning at 7:45 p.m., the chil
dren of the Bible School will
present their Children's Day
Program under the direction of
Mrs. Lloyd Reilly, Children's
Superintendent. An open house
will be held that evening for
parents and friends of chil
dren In the Bible School.
Silverton Church
Members Visit Home
Silverton Members of the
First Christian Church Mission
ary society and a few additional
guests, drove up to the Beaver
ton Northwestern C h r is 1 1 a n
The group entertained nt a
downtown cafe for the pleasure
of two former Silverton women
now making their home In Bea
verton, Mrs. Minnie Preston,
whose birthday anniversary was
the occasion of the local folk
making the trip, and Mrs. Lucy
Wray, special guest, who is in
her 91st year.
Making the triD from Sil vpr-
ton were Mrs. Maggie Terry,
Mrs. George Kirk. Mrs. Del
Harrington, Mrs. Ida Markin
ster. Mrs. Laura ripiwr Mr.
Lydia Dawes, Mrs. Merlin Con
rad, Mrs. T. P. Heindenstrom,
Mrs. Bertha Morlev. Mrs C .1
Cooley, Mrs. Nettie Good, Mrs.
T T ,
t,ura naevernicK, miss Rose
Specht, Mrs. Carl Specht, Mrs.
Alice Egan, Mrs. S. A. Gay, Mrs.
Gus Herr. Mrs Stev F.
Arthur Dickman, Mrs. Ben Gif-
ford and Mrs. Lynn Neal.
Good Attendance at Church
Hopewell There
attendance at the Hopewell
United Brethren church for the
annual Children's Day dedica
tion program. After church, a
picnic dinner was held at the
lovely Maude Williamson State
park in the Wheatland district
Wood burn
Priest, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Service,
. w.,u orcono ana incoim
Uster Olhson, pastor. Sunday achool, 9:45.
Preaching, ll and 7:45. Young people, 6:45.
S"?."LB P"1"1"' Paator. Bandar achooi
rxwuini, i. ano 7:40,
- -- .... . ..incoin. Arthur
Gobi, putor. Sunday achool. 9:45. Wor-
... . launi people, e:45.
r t ,rM1""'l'i Oirtleld and Third
... - Penton. paator. Sunday achool
peopli t-lg ,0""p, " n1 Vouna
Churrh of Jem, chriit of Uller Day
Salnta-IOOF hall. Sunday achool, 10. a.c
rament meetina, 11:30.
The Beortanlted Church el Jem, Chrlat
of Latter Day Salnta-Corner of Sec
ond and Oarfleld. oeone Oniana. pajtor
Church achool. 10. Pre.ehln,, li. z,0na
leaeue, 7. Lecture atudy, S.
r.-t 1 ''f'rlaii 1 rmlea eaat on
""'O" 5l ," larl K. fenton. pai!
tor. Worahlp. 10. Sunday achool, 10:15
' ""'-Thirdnd Oram. nay.
10 Ud ",tor- cl,urc" ""'.
10 and S p.m. Youni people, 7.
SI. Mary, Minion CErlMopall E t,,n.
coin at Cuplda Court. William Van Ut.
ter, near Church achool, 10. Worahlp, n.
Ti'.,.1!.'..""'!' h"'- """lemur
t.I?"S". t"'"","-Harln N ctlria.
luck lunch at I. ' "
n.?.'."':..rrr"i"',-"" Tremble,.
Christian endeavor, 7 10. wo"n,B'
"'l-H'th Mhool auditorium Har.
VS. Worship, ll. " l'nufen ch001-
"iween 3rd and 4th
S.nday strvleM 7 am. 6 30 . " and
16 Aftsrnoon devotions, o:eiieg
Nldaro Lath trait ilionitorj Services
U. Sunday school. 10.
Bapllai-Bruce Wakeman, ptJ,of 1
2 r.ol, 10. ChlMren day "otram
Bene'ri w vice, Top.
--. , a.-.. , irmoni rtui. Butor
li . winrnint i
viiiorpni mtruni, 7.10 p.
p.m. Ivi.
Pur Camera Baptist -Julius K. Herr,
minuter. Churcn B.oie icnooi. n
for all group. Morning worship aervice.
ll, irrmon lui'jn i. ."- --
I Am Saved." Spertal music. Sunday eve-
i Ininlnn. ID 111 service
followed by ' message entitled ' What Is
Your Aim In Life.''
t'nited Pentecostal 446 Perry street.
Rv. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday
school. 8.4S. Morning service. 11: sermon
subject, -Bonds Which Could Not Hold.
Evening service, 7:30: sermon subject,
What Will the Harvest Be.
Central Lutheran Oeines and N. Capl
1. O. B Rundstrom, pastor. Radio broad
t nn kri.m Sunday achool. t:4S.
Worning worship, 11.
Truth renter 262 N. Coitage. Sunday
school. 6 4S Tuesday evening service, 6;
eubjert. "Prosperity." Library open u
noon to 3 p.m.
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win
ter. Chester WF. Hamblin. pastor. John
L. Ooodenberger. asM-tant pastor. Church
school, 41: J. J- Plttslmons, superinten
dent. Morning worship. 10:&S: 'Todays
c-lldren Tomorrow a World." aermon by
the pastor.
Institute af Religious Selene Salem
Woman a club. 40 N. Cottage street. Rev.
William Byron Charles. "Has Tithing Vir
tue In Truth?" 11. "Lea Fundamental
Simplicity," 6.
First f'hurrh of Christ. Scientist Liber
ty and Chemeketa streets. Sunday school,
li. Morn ins service, 1 1: sermon uujni.
"Ood. the Preserver of Man." Nursery for
children up to 3 years of age provided
during the morning service. Evening serv
ice, 6; sermon subject, "Ood. the Pre
server ot Man."
Church of Jesus Chrlat of Latter Day
Saints 5th and Madison. John E. Salis
bury, bishop. Sunday achool, 10. Print
hood meeting and primary, 11:30. Eve
ning meeting, 6:30.
Bethany Evangelical and Reformed
Marlon and Capitol streets. Rev. Russell
Mayer, pnstor. Sunday school. 10. Morn
ing worship, 11. Evening worship, 11.
Grace Lutheran (E.L.C.) Luther 8,
Borsen. pastor, Worshipping in Eng la
wood achool, N. lBth and Nebraska streets.
Divine worship, 11.
fit. John's Lutheran (Mo. Synod) N.
16th and A streets, Rev. H. W. Oross,
pastor. Morning services. 9 and 11. Sunday
school, 10.
First Spiritualist 248 N. Commercial.
Services, 7:30. Circle, 8:30. Rev. Mary
Oerken, speaker.
First Evangelical L'nlted Brethren
Where Marlon crosses Bummer. Rev, Wll
mer N. Brown. Sunday school. 9:45; Mr.
n. crmei. suDerintenrif nr. Momma
service, 11. graduation of caiechtsm class;
sermon aubject. "Mile-posts." Evening
service, 6, Children's day program by
Sunday school.
Faith Gut Del Tabernacle 1306 N. Sth
street (6th and Oalnesl. Rev. Max Wyatt.
pastor. Sunday school. 10; separate rooms
for all classes, competent teachers. Morn
ing worship, 11, sermon by Rex. Max
Wyatt. Evangelistic aervice, 6; Rev. Wyatt,
Leslie Methodist 8. Commen-lal at
Myers. O. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday
school, 8:46. Morning service. 10;" aermon
subject. "Technique in Building Oood
Will." Rev. N. 8. Hawk preaching. Youth
Fellowship, 7. Evening aervlct. 8, Youth
Fellowship In charge.
St. Mark Kvanzellcal Ln therm 341 K
Church street. M. A. Oetaendaner, D.D.,
pastor; John L. Saglien. Sunday school,
S:45. Morning worship, 11; aermon topic.
Church of the Foursquare Ge-apel 400
. 10th street, between On ter nri r-h.
meketa. Rev. L. E. Munson. ntor Run.
day school. 0:48. Morning service. 11;
sermon aubject, "The Gifts of the Spirit
Evening service, 7:45. Foursquare Crusad
er services. 6:45; aermon subject, "The
Last Judgment."
Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor; Rev. C.
E. Brlckwedet, assistant pastor. Sunday
Morning worship, 11. Rev. C. E. Brlck-
wruc. iireacning. xoum meetings, 8:45.
Evening evangelistic service, 8.
. winoini Dipuii i miie norm
u. vn j mi,. uii nignwsy vvt,. KCV, E,
Brlckwedel, pastor. Sunday school, 0:46,
ship, ll. Young People's league, 6:30.
Evening evangelistic service, 7:30.
Rethrl Rant il M rntt.. n .....i
V "uyne, pnnior. uunaay
ischool, 8:48. Children's day worship ser
vice, 11, with the following message by
the pastor, "Home, Sweet Home."
Libert street (Liberty and Belmonti. Rev.
v. .,t, mry w, Beu, pastors. Sun
oay srnoo, 10. Morning service, 11. Eve
ning service, 7:46.
Weslevan MrihAHi.t u,h .;,.
Hhi' i- .YRt"' p"Btor- 8,indy
school 10. Morning worship. 11. Young
S"PIei meeting. :4s. Evening service,
speaki?"" Warren pmP-To-Pee will be
'"unmi niFinnniM h, win
ter at Jefferson street. Louis C. Klrby
P-i-vY "n 8undBy ooi, 0:45. Morning
lencesof Christ"; anthem. "As Pants the
Heart, solo by Mrs. Olen Humlston. Eve
ning service. 7:30; sermon aublect. "The
ws . .. ."uin groups meet at
6.45 to go to Mrs. Harry Irvine's.
wi h.i.",, ",n
!ri-V..r-T V1 nox M completed and
dedicated for about two months, but will
" n" , , ",cre nenneiess. Sunday
school. 10. Morning aervice. H 30. Eve-
hi.t?.- jonn K. Salisbury.
B,,rwi.- J , VD"r" smoent Dav The
no .h. .,, pr;;;t'."
t i ..r.i Mai
c n.oir lias Elm atrret. A H
c , ; "no.iai -lnini ana or!h.
..'...V J. minlaur. Churrh We?.;.."?, LM '"' """
2..- Worahlp, 11: a.rmon. "Oo Yal But
rir.i iirry. Youth PellowahlD 8 30
Youni Adult rallowahlp. ,"w,"'
in. putor. Bund., "hie"' l" tllS
,uS"'S!i. 1!vln """"IP. 11: anmen
Ooai.1 . Another
wrVtt. a? """.'Si ' vnm
Jiana DM." ' ""'" "aicnini
MIAMI, n - ,.
aehool. 10. - """t
Mil ft 1 1 MP frail
nr.. : cxzrm2ZL
Invites You
Two Worship Services
Every Sunday
8:45 . m. ll t. m.
Sunday School B 50 m.
C R.
f V
" V - -3i: - .- & -If : v i
C. N. Rynerson, former edi
tor of Oregon Labor Press and
later member of the state
industrial accident commis
sion and the Portland staff of
the state department, who
died in Portland Thursday.
Children's Day
At EUB Church
Children's Day will be ob
served next Sunday. June 12 at
the First Evangelical United
Brethren church. The Catechism
class, under the direction of
Rev. Gerald Jaffe will be pre
sented In the morning worship
service at 11 o'clock. Certifi
cates will be given to those com
pleting the prescribed course. A
class of children will be receiv
ed into the church membership.
Rev. Wilbur N. Brown, minis
ter, will speak on the theme,
The Sunday school will pre
sent a Children's day program
in the evening service at 8
o'clock. The committee has ar
ranged a presentation around
the theme, "God's Garden."
Mrs. Holden in Seattle
Silverton Mrs. Ed Holden is
in Seattle for three days this
week visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McDermand who have
as their house guests a sister
and brother-in-law of Mrs. Mc
Dermand, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Childs, whom Mrs. Holden has
not seen for fifteen years. The
three families were formerly of
Fayette, North Dakota, the pres
ent home of the Childses.
Silverton Woman Recovering
Silverton Mrs. Carl Specht is
convalescing from minor sur
gical treatment at a Portland
Up From te Ranks Gor
don Gray, North Carolina
lawyer and publisher, at his
Pentagon building desk short
ly after President Truman
nominated him to be secre
tary of the Army. Gray, a
one-time buck private has
been under secretary of the
Army since last May. He ia
a native of Balitmore, Mary
land. (AP Wirephoto).
achool. 10. Mornlnt a,rvle,. 11. Toung
propie. 7. Evenint aervtrr. n
f Always
136 North Commorcial St.
Air Forum on
Parking Tax
An open-forum broadcast on
the controversial off-street park
ing proposal will be carried
Friday night over Radio Station
KOCO from 7:30 to 8 o'clock.
The discussion panel is to be
made up of representatives of
the two opposing factions.
Mayor Elfstrom's special com
mittee which is on record for an
occupational tax against Salem
businesses to pay for the proj
ects, consists of Chairman Ken
Perry, Ralph Nohlgren and Rob
ert DcArmond.
Speaking against the proposal
will be Terry Randall, Everett
deWeese and Ed Randle, repre
senting various groups of Sa
lem merchants.
Dr. Robert D. Gregg, dean of
the College of Liberal Arts at
Willamette university will act
as moderator.
KOCO officials said that plans
were underway to present more
open forum programs in the near
Sonja's Sables Stolen
New York. June 10 W For
the second time this year, thieves
have made a big haul from the
personal belongings of ice skat
ing star Sonja Henie.
Yesterday, $35,000 worth of
her sables and other clothing
was stolen from a truck which
was hauling the clothing to an
air terminal for shipment
Service Examinations for POLICEMEN
nd for FIREMEN subject to the rulMt,
reaulations and provisos of the Civil Serv
ice Commission of Salem. Orcson, ' as
amended) will be held at the City Hall, Sa
lem. Oregon, as follows:
Policemen, Police Department, Thurs
day. June 2i. 1B4B, 0 00 a m.
in addition to physical examination by
the city physician: keenness of ooxrr
. at Ion, reading comprehension, ability
to follow directions, relations with others,
aptitude for police work, simple problems
in arithmetic, teographv of the city, state
laws and city ordinances.
Ten Per Cent credit allowed on War
Time Service record.
PAY: 22SM a month for betinner.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have
oeen bona fide resident of Salem. Oregon,
for at least one rear immediately pre
vious to the data of the examination and
must be registered voters.
AGE LIMITS: 31 to SR years (WITH
FIREMEN. Fire Department, FRIDAY
JUNE 34, 1049. 00 a.m.
in addition to physical examination by
the city pjiyslclan: keenness of observa
tion, readlnc comprehension, ability to
follow directions, relations with others,
physical ability to meet fire department
Ten Per Cent allowed on War Time Serv
ice record.
PAY: 33S 00 a month for beslnners.
Physical tests as would be ordinarily
used In fire flahtinr.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have
been bona fide residents of the city of
Salem. Oreson. for at least one year Im
mediately previous to the date of the ex
amination and must be rc altered voters.'
AGE LIMITS: 31 to SI years.
Applicants will be required to take a
physical examination from the city phye
lclan. Each appllcat shall cause to be
filed with the Secretary of the Com mis
slon a statement from the eity physician
certifying that the applicant Is mentally
man physically fit for the position of fire
man or policeman. In the absence of such
a certificate an applicant will not be
permitted to take th examination.
tained at the office of the City Record
er, must be filed In person, and will
not be accepted for filing after the fol
lowlnt deles:
FRIDAY, JUNK 17, 1040. at b.OO p.m.
Dated it Salem, Oreton. June 7, 1040.
Civil Service Commission:
By: Alfred Mundt, Secretary
and enter Examiner
Capital Journal. June B, 0. 10 11, 11, 14th.
1 Hough.
In If Wood,
od en rha Reed'
Pays to Shop
or BITTH vaiuis
Solem, Oregon
r m tfi
fl L7 sr
Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 10, 194911
r 0 a
If p J$
Fire Chief and Two Aides Die at Fire Four unldentifed
firemen bear grim faces as they slosh through water carrying
the body of Edward Novak, St. Paul, Minn., fire chief killed
with two aides when a retaining wall fell as they had
just about finished directing a fight on fire at an industrial
plant. (AP Wirephoto).
Disc Jockey Bats Out 350
Songs in Week on a Bet
Hollywood (U.B Steve Allen, a midnight disc jockey who aayi
any Jerk can write that stutt
batted out his 350th song in a
and made a date to eollect
$1,000 from crooner Frankie
Laine had said it couldn't be
done. He has a higher opinion
of song writers than Allen, who
spends 55 minutes of his hour
long show NOT playing records.
"That high opinion's gonna
cost him a grand," Allen beam
ed. "In seven days I have writ
ten 350 songs at the rate of 50
per day and it was a cinch.."
It's also, he admits, a "mop of
slop," musically speaking. Out
of the 350 tunes he tinkled out
by ear (he can't read notes)
maybe 40 or 50 good ones
popped up.
"But they're all songs," Allen
insists. "Anybody could do it.
It's just a matter of mathema
tics. You take three or four
notes, add a lot of chord struc
tures and melodic progressions
and boom, you've got a song.
"That's what I told Frankie
last week. He wouldn't believe
me. We got into an argument
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you hear on the air nowaday.
week today to prove his point
and when the smoke cleared t
had myself a $1,000 bet."
Laine let him off easy. He
said he'd settle for 350 tunes.
Allen didn't have to scribble
any lyrics to go with them. But
he maintains he could've dont
that, too.
"It would have taken more
than an hour a day, though" he
said. "That's all I spent on my
50-a-day quota. Just turned on
the tape recorder, sat down at
the piano, and plinked away."
He did most of his plinklng in
a record shop at Hollywood and
Vine, much to the horror of a
gang of painters who're re-tinting
the building. All those
gawking crowds made 'em ner
vous. Allen doesn't think he's ac
complished anything very spe
cial outside of being $1,000
richer. The tough part ot this
song-writing racket, he says, is
peddling the stuff once you get
it down on paper.
Dr. Sam Hughes
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