li Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June f -I I - IVflMlA I A AIMf in JIMFVC LUUIID III Atomic Plant 1 t I I v".. j i . ?v in Lucky to be Alive John Gooden (left) and Carl Herker (right) help Van Halstead of Los Angeles, ashore, after he was saved from drowning. Halstead and four others were knocked off a Long Beach breakwater by a huge wave. His brother-in-law, William Smith was drowned, the others swam to safety. Halstead was rescued b,y a fishing boat and revived. (AP Wirephoto). Portland Office To Advance CYA Portland. June W Estab lishment of an office here to support a Columbia valley ad ministration is planned by a new organization, "Businessmen for CVA." Austin F. Flagel Jr., tempor ary chairman of the group, said the office would serve as a speakers' bureau and provide Information on the CVA. He said he believed "many business and professional men and women have been misled In forming their first opinion of CVA by speeches and material which play fast and loose With the facts. Provisional directors of the group: E. B. Aldrich, publisher of the Pendleton East Oregon ten; W. J. Seufert, The Dalles salmon and fruit packer; Alfred H. Corbett and Kenneth Krae- mcr, Portland attorneys, and Klcael. John C. Beatty was named temporary secretary. tour of the experiment station viewing all field crops. The tour is in charge of the farm crops department, Oregon State college. Tearher Resijns Wheatland The Wheatland school closed. A picnic was held at the Williamson state park. Mrs. Milo Canfield, the teacher, declined her position because she does not wish to teach 1949 50 term. Oak Ridge, Tenn., June 8 UPt Tense management and labor leaders continued their media tion marathon today, hoping to compromise before threatened strike idles the Oak Ridge atomic energy plant. Working doggedly without rest since 9 a. m. yesterday, com pany and union representatives said they hoped to have a key to the problem before the mid night strike deadline. The chairman of the atomic energy labor relations panel, William H. Davis, said in New York he wanted management and labor to intensify their ef forts to solve the dispute. Although close observers do not consider Davis' action to be formal intervention in the dis pute, it is hoped it will prompt the CIO United Chemical Work ers union to cancel strike plans at the plant producing uranium 235 for atomic bombs. The union has announced the strike threat to back up its de mands for a 25-cent hourly wage increase for 2,000 workers at the plant. Carbide and Carbon Chemi cals corporation, operator of the plant for the atomic energy com mission, has made a counter proposal calling for a six-cent reduction in wages. The present wage is $1.59 under the contract which expires at midnight. House Group Slashes Military Pay Bill Washington, June 9 W A house armed services subcom mittee approved the new mill tary pay bill today after pairing another $68,000,000 off of already sharply sliced schedule for pay raises. The subcommittee knocked out a proposed increase of $3 a month in the $42 subsistence al lowance now drawn by officers. This allowance it given in addi tion to the one granted for an officer's family quarters. Chairman Kilday (D., Tex.) told reporters he hopes to have the new proposal on the house Chairman Kilday (D., Tex.) estimated that the elimination of this small boost, as urged by Rep. Case (R., S.D.), would ac count for a saving of about $68,- 000,000. Multnomah Yofes For Special Levies Portland. June 9 ) Portland and Multnomah county voters put their okeh on special levies In an election Tuesday, School district voters approv ed a $2,520,000 levy by an un official 34,601 to 18,424. County voters gave a less en thusiastic nod to a $1,975,000 levy 30,812 to 25,820. In both Instances the added money It expected to maintain led the retirement of the oldesi and salaries threatened I federal Judge in the United with curtailment or cancella-1 sutf f District Judge Tillman lion. In Johnson of Salt Lake Citu who was 91 last January 8. Judge Johnson hat served as district Judge for Utah since No vember 22, 1915. Oldest Judge to Retire Washington, June 9 Ifl- President Truman today approv- Snow Plows Open Diamond Lake Road Klamath Falls, June 9 "l The state highway department officially opened the Diamond Lake highway this morning fol lowing a lengthy winter closure due to deep snow. The road opened today ex tends from a junction with US 97 to Diamond Lake. The west road from the Rogue River val ley is also open. Fishing season opens at the lake on June 15. Summer homes at the lake are still blocked by snow. Jr. C. of C. Picks Chicago Colorado Springs, Colo., June 9 Wi Chicago today was award ed the 1950 convention of the U. S. Junior Chamber of Com merce. The dates will be June 15-18. Oregon Stare Sets Annual Field Day The annual agronomy field day at Oregon Stale college will be held Tuesday, June 14, ac cording to N. John Hansen, county extension agent. All per sons interested are invited to participate in the field day, Hansen said. The day will be spent In a Amazing New Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And S ha del We also wash, rat ape, paint an 4 reslal roar eld Venetian blind. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Fm Estimates rhone $-7321 1453 Rure SL West Salem We give S&H Green Stamps Quality Meats PEERLESS MARKET Market Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 170 NO. COMMMERCIAL Courteous Service PHONE 3-5704 SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS GRADE A Leon Sugar Cured Kolsrs -49c "D 49Ct SS 4 49c GRADE A LARGE JUICY BOLOGNA Olid VEAL lb Crc FRANK- ' (U LIVER .. Jltr STEAK b FURTERS 5lL SAUSAGE 'b 4DC For Stew or Fricasiea .......,- VEAL' nft. BONELESS "0NING STEW 29 CUBED ,. 59' SQUARES 10 FRESH DRESSED FRYERS, HENS AND RABBITS Compar with other Dog Bowli up 10 $3.30 VAIUEI Serves food and Water Separately at One Time Makes Dog feeding lasy Won't Tip or Slip! Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless rWK8$5.00 Bulk 1 ton $10.00 2 tons 17.50 Frte delivery anywhere In Salem Area Phone 3-8127 After 8 PM Phone 24397 Here ttie eiifest wae to feed your dog you ever law! Ii'a the new Ken-I.-Bar hat two separate howl for food and water. Saves time, fim and muss. Fa.y to clean. Toujth, resilient heavy aiioe plastic comes in beautiful blue. Avail able txctuurtfy through thu special oflrr. NOV far t limited time only you can set this a mating value for Ust $1.00! l nil senvaitonat bargain offer if Lank tff 'hit ' a. Onv'l P.. I I it lnW' ti "n "fty ran at I IWn-LHaMnn. L made to introduce vou to Ken-L-Ratfotl the ONLY ONE of America a four leading doc fooda made with lean, red meat U. S. Government Inspected hone meat. Yet costs no more than ordinary dog foods. Feeding Ken-Lit anon is the money-savins; way 10 feed your dog meat. Send today for your Ken-I.-Bar and discover how easy it makes dog feed ing. Mail handv order blank and en. enclose $1.00 along with 4 labels of it en-l-nation. Ketvl-Rotion, Dept. 29, lev 1721 Chicago 77, Illinois I Please send me Krn-L-Rars. I enclose $1.00 I and 4 Kcn-L-Ration labels for each Ken-L-Bar. NAME. ... ADDRESS CITY ZONE. ...STATE.. (This offer closes December 31, 1949) VENETIAN BLINDS r"3 ' I ... J a . ' s-. OUTSIDE AS V LJ LOOK AS SMART FROM THE FROM THE INSIDE) iWo't tomattiinaj about Venation Hind that novo - 'world of difference I the way yovt homo looks. Tney fiavo an kndMdvol eeovtv. cleaner tool . . . thty whiipor to poittrt-by "hero's o homo In good otel" Sears Harmony Hovtt Stool Hind ore He belt money Con buy. Alto avoHoblo with wood at oHrmmvm slot At lew a 4 Aft tH In the coupon below tor a frtO otti note. No obrtgoNon. ail at bring H to Sears. 1 . r -s aii 1 1 Msilil pri-jrj I - e-.I Li NAMI. STMET-. CITY. 484 STATE ST. MM II j APPKUVtO WAILH 1 UL1924-K I TJTTJjT ih'S serially numbered Ao- nrAuail Tun am anU wlL A. S. U. APPROVED WATCHES sr. precision mad for ACCURACY. Distinctively created for STYLE. Expertly designed for UTILITY. L nff O N0-l 2 345 Jjffl f noMEXPANS,0N BAND I'V'IxSr INCLUDED! M0 EXTRA COST! i:WiiiiiAiMnnria Here it watch that you can use and abut because it's mad to "take it." Wear it for work or for sports . . . reqardlett of what you're doing you'll elwayi nave the correct time right at hand. Because here's a watch that has the finest precision workmenship sealed in. In fact, it's sealed so safely it takes wrench to open the back. iff- 1 ' -'"w 'S M0 MONEY DOWN 1 A WEEK Here'j a watch for real "He Men." A Watch that can take th Rough and Tumble of vary-day lift and eom up with the correct time all the tim. And it hat those extra features that youwant . . . Shock Proof, Water Tight, and Radium Dial. It's a real 17 JEWEL MOVEMENT, too. that's Anti.Min. netic. It has just about EVERYTHING that you could want in a watch . . . plus OUTSTANDING VALUE. Because while the reaular oriea u 139.50. we are featuring it at only $24.95... over 3 saving while our limited quantity lasts. MAIL ORDERS FILlEDrT.: Factory Distributors for LONGINES TAVANNES WITTNAUR BENRUS GRUEN HELBROS BUL0VA HAMILTON ELGIN WATCHES ace This Watch Immersed in Water Hill SALEM'S LEADING GIFT HEADQUARTERS Brewa'o Jewelry, tfbortr Coart tC. flalesa rieoto tend me tnelSt.K "ttjfl t4 T.W afC, oof tpeoal sfieo et l!4.V I oncloso tl ond oonio to M bolc fl aoekir- Cnoroo to my otooont Q Money enclose? Q Nov Ottos D Send CO D. Cy. Oft NIW ACCOUNTS Hajejlon. SATISFACTION OUARANTttD AT