AUTOMOBILE I AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES IAUTOMOIILES AUTOMOBIUS I AUTOMOBILES Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon, Thursday, June 9t 194.4 23 I SELLING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF USED CARS ON HAND Here Are Just a Few of the Many Bargains You Will Find on This Lot '40 V-8 COUPE CQC Made over to S pass. A real classy job. JJ '39 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR rQr With radio and heater, nearly new tires. '42 DE SOTO COUPE qqc With radio and heater, clean in and out OVO 39 DODGE FIVE PASS. -nc Heater, no radio for this price you can f) 7 J sing your own songs '42 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR on- Special DeLuxe, new paint, underseat rS7J heater J s J '36 DODGE PICK-UP n,c ' This is a good pulling horse and H does- Af)-J n't eat when it isn't working Two, '46 Plymouth Sedans. Two. '38 Chevrolet 4 door Se- One, '42 Chev. 4 door, r & h, newL dan,!- . , . -i-t ,., jOne, 37 Chevrolet Coupe, paint, clean, extras. Qne' ,35 vg Seda) One, '38 V8 Sedan. One, '36 Chev. Carryall. Terms If Needed No Trades ACME MOTOR CO. Front and Center Streets c.138' TEB EHT DOOG LAED UOY EVRESED SPELLED FRONTWARDS MEANS GET THE GOOD DEAL YOU DESERVE AT VALLEY MOTOR OF COURSE Liberal Finance Terms Enjoy Dependable Transportation While You Pay 1949 Ford Custom Fordor. Very few miles. First owner driven. Radio, heater. This one will go fast. Don't wait. $1995 . 1948 Ford Super Deluxe Fordor. Lifeguard body, ra dio, heater, overdrive. $1545 . 1947 Ford Super Deluxe 4 dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, un derrating. This is a perfect car. $1395 1947 Ford Deluxe Tudor. Heater, sportlight. A bargain $1295 Many more low priced cars you to come in and -inspect demonstrate the English Ford. Terms 12 - 18 - 21 VALLEY MOTOR MART "USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY" CENTER AT HIGH PHONE 3-3147 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PEAT MOSS with turkey droppings Me per Baca. ;-"' Stort,434B SJUvtrtM Bd. Ph. a20aJur NEWBEBG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP kinds: Pit rum travel; sand; mix crush; concreti ptpt & tile. ro-mfoflna attal; cemantt septic tanks OREGON GRAVEL CO. 0t W. front St Ph 1-3411. M43 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson tod Uootw Appliance, at Oavurts GARDEN BAND. gravel, crushed roc Shovel dru-ilnt eieavatlng WAL&V IHQ SAND G HAVEL CO Pn 1-839 D WHITE HOt'Bt Product. Ph iTlll QUI 14 CU. rT. CHEST trtMtr New 1330 (HI Ph. 1-4314 SALEM SAND GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Sot4 Clearing Dittnlnt Sewer Basement Equipment Statu II B H yd PT Bf 10 B yd P" ' D-1 CM Dorer 10.30 per nr D-i Cat Dom H' D-4 Out Doif i 7 00 per hr Pbone Dr 1-1401 EvM 3-83M W 3-4400 tjmOreop B" CEDAR posU. ytW-wood post, ahlnilt; tale end elte poles Phillips Bros. Rt 4. Boa til PB MP33 WALLING SAND GRAVEL CO CRUSHED BOCK for roads and dmawa cement, ready oats concrete, tardea and. Bulldotino drainage and 4itehtna -rd. onaval and dra Una Ph 8-I349 FLATROCK fM abiims roea wells, walks, tardtnt. and all rock const we dti and Mil here or at Pit Sea or aU lor prices Phillips Bros., Rt L po. - FERTILIKER. Cow horia or thicken ma .. rf.n.rrf in Salem Well rotUd or trtsh, U 00 per cubic yrd del Also manure oy eack 11.00 oti sack At place. ill del five eack orders. Phimps Bra Rt I 4V sob ua. "- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED IMMED. Lartt Iota ol food used furniture. Will pay lop prices. Call Oleno Woodry. 3.1110. "I!3!! OOOD COtNTRT home to board two girls, ages 1 and I. Reasonable. Ph. 33111 before 3J0 p.m. J1' A jfWNT ttrawbernrs Market prict in cash Contact Jory Parklnf Co at Ter minal Ice. 34t D St Phone 3-4SM a WANTED furniture t rue repair Lot Bra Para Rerinlabiaf Ca Pfc I-T001 PD rrBNTTTBR Ftn t-flW Journal Want Ads Pay 1947 Ford Sportsman conver tible. The sport car you have been waiting for. Runs like new. $1595 1948 Ford Station Wagon Clean, body A-l. Motor first class. $1495 1947 Lincoln Sedan Coupe Radio, heater, overdrive. Quality car at bargain price. $1745 1946 Hudson 4 dr. Sedan. Super 8. Radio, heater, over drive. Beat this price. $1295 1946 Nash Ambassador 4 dr. Sedan. Weather eye heater. $1445 at Bargain Prices. We invite them. No obligation. Let us 35-40 miles per gallon. - 24 Months to Pay PHOTOGRAPHY LANDSCAPING and architectural pho toiraphr Ph. 3-7307. nb!37 PERSONAL STANLEY ROME Products Ml Cross St Ph 3-6440, pl40 ALCOHOLICS Anonymou Box 734. 1-633 piflb AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL $1650 194T CHEV.. PLEETL1NE SEDAN. 3 TONE BLUE. U.S. ROYAL MASTER W. 8. WALL TIRES. RADIO. HEATER SPORT LIGHT. ONLY 33.00fl MILES THERE'S NONE BETTER POR LOOKS OR PRICE. SEE IT AT LODE RBROS. YOUR OLDS DEALER 2410 Fairtround Road Phone 3-1400 ql3l" SPECIAL $1085 146 BTUDEBAKCR CHAMPION SE DAN LOW MILEAGE AND CLEAN THROUGHOUT. THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE YOU CAN FIND BUYS LIKE THIS. WHERE AT LODER BROS. YOUR OLDS DEALER 3410 Pslrt round Road Ph. 1-I4M Jill 1948 SPECIAL $2665 1B4 OLDS FUTURAMIC 01 SEDAN. HYDRAMATIC DRIVE. RADIO. DOU BLE SPEAKER. W S. WASHERS. WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES -TONE UP HOLSTERY. ONLY 11.000 MILES. ONE OWNER. A NEW CAR LODER BROS. Your OHsmnbilt Dealer 3410 Fairground! Road Phoni I-140A 0.130 Clean car. 3703.00. ql38' 1041 PORD Pit M P In prlty fair ship, motor overhauled last fall, low nil con sumption, spare tire. Cen be had with or without pipe rerk and vie. Phone sti'm j -irons oeioro t.w. or on one 3-0300 trenlnts ql42 ql3t 1M) PLY. 4-dr 1330. 450 N. 30th. 41 FORD convertible, perfect: take stove, refrtt. and wanhini machine as part payrrfVnt. Phone 3-4)131. Q137 FOR RALE: 1037 Ro Flvlne Cloud srdan by owner. Kxcllent runmni ennditlnn. D'morutratloa by aopolnunent. Ph 344l. 0.131 1041 4 TON DODGE PICKUP Lw m'!.a., .tr.:int pndilmi. r, tlUi. nu 1, Boa 1U r fx t-.nnfl 1W We Say-LOOK OUT "CUrencys (Shrock) has lowered the boo mon prices' to make way for more trades on the New STEP down HUDSON. Come in and look over our wide selection of Good Used Cars. 1948 HUDSON 3 SEDAN. RAH 1018 PORD CLUB COUPE, RAH 1948 NASH SEDAN, CLEAN 1047 FORD COACH. RAH 1948 FORD CLUB COUPE. RAH 1946 HUDSON CLUB COUPE, R&H, OD 1941 BUICK HEDAN. RAH 1940 CHEV. SEDAN. RAH 1940 PLYM. CLUB COUPE, RAH 1040 DODGE SEDAN PLUS A Onod Selection of Most Make and Models from 39 to 49 SATISFACTION WITH EACH TRANSACTION Shrock Motor Co. THIS TIMI IT 8 HUDSON Two Locations nd Open Evening For Your Convenient Highway Sales Yard 3020 Portland Road Phone 27023 Remember there are others So DRIVE SAFELY SPECIAL FRIDAY ONLY $1695 will bur thut premium quality 194 Bulck RoadmaJter Sedan- 3H 000 aetua mile, by one owner, and serviced regularly in our ahop. Tine two-tone tray finUh. Exceptionally clean Interior. Top mechanical condition. Good ttrea. Tltu U ona of our lineal tued can. Otto J. Wilson Co. "Oreson't Oldut Automobile Alerter Commercial it Center PRICES REDUCED SOME GOOD QUALITY AT WARNERS 1948 MERCURY 8 PASS. COUPE. R&K. OVERDRIVE I J 39 J 19t FORD SEDAN. 8 000 MILES. BLACK. WHITE WALLS. ONE OWNER CAR 149S 1040 FORD SEDAN CUSTOM. MAROON. RADIO. HEATER, OVERDRIVE ,, 300ft 1046 CHEV. FLEETLINE TUDOR. DARK BLUE. RADIO HEATER .... 11 1043 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. RADIO ft HEATER SOI 1S41 FORD TUDOR. '46 MOTOR ft FRONT END SOft 1040 FORD COUPE .'..... 4ft 1030 FORD TUDOR 491 1030 INTERNATIONAL PICK UP 441 1938 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SOI 1037 PONTIAO TUDOR. CLEAN 101 1031 FORD TUDOR 941 WARNER MOTOR CO. YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER AUTOMOBILES For Your Complete Satisfaction 1141 BUICK Suptr Conrtlblt ....13401 1147 BUICK Roidmutir Sedta . 3116 1041 BUICK Supm SUa 8 1041 BUICK Super Bedmet 1041 PONTIAO Convertible 1705 1047 CHEVROLET Club Coupo ... 3035 , 1640 BUICK ftPKlal Tudor I 1940 PACKARD 130 BtdtB Other to ChooM From Otto J. Wilson Co. Commercltl t Cmur qlS8 AUCTION CARS, TRUCKS AND PICKUPS FRIDAY, JUNE 10 7:30 P.M. and Every Friday DRIVE AWAY A BARGAIN TERMS AND CASH All cars for sale should be de livorpri tn th Auction Market between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. FRI DAY. Bring your title. SUDTELL'S AUCTION Lane Sudtell. Auctioneer 4315 Silverton Rd., Salem 1 Mile East of Fairgrounds Near Lancaster Drive COME EARLY AND LOOK THE CARS OVER 137 11 NAH a nb. I erl. twin over drlvt, p&uint tir. weather t. rtdio. bed. foam rubber euJhloni. Firat el ma eond. 11300. Carl B. Miiuen 740 S. Win der. l GOOD I KED Yd OaMon Dump ft Holat. 100 00. 10 ft. Van But lrutalld. 1000. New 100 Oil. Oai. Tank with 3 Wheel Trailer. I35O.0O. STIINKE S. 1810 N Com 1 St . l 1041 NAIH I pbm. coupt. R ftH. Prlcfd to Mil. Rt. . Bolt 10M.Ph. 31131. ql30 IVmVrcI rV Coot. Eiecl. condition. 3135 Portland Rd. nlJO- W Si prt RI'KK ir-danctte, 11.000 mile- 830 Union St. Q.130 Tm. FORDedn. Oood llri ft moinr 090 N. Cnttat?. QUI IP CMrv. FWtiin 4-dr. dn. Llitt ntw, Drlvtn 11,300 nllf. 1887 N. Winter -41 DODOE 3 PASS - 11193 TMb week onlr! ST0 Ratetlff Dr. 4131 '4 CHEV. dump truck. 4-1 rr hoi. Lew than 1 (MM) ml. AH aummer tnb lth b.a Co, 0Oe th trurk. PB. I3IM ifter 4 pin, or 133 N. Hit ir il 31 CHEV. II tudor. Oood pitnt. Recently overhauled Biflf. Oood rubttr. 0)3 BeN wont. Call after 0 par 137 NAM AmbWadtr 17. F-jIIt eoulppd L T.i.eite lreiienr rnnd' :in On waar. ftoo ! SoutS Satltsi UoibL 13l 1318 CHEV. COACH 1937 CHEV. SEDAN, RAH 1937 FORD COACH. RAcH 18.18 CHEV. SEDAN. RUNS GOOD 19.15 CHEV. COACH 1034 FORD SEDAN. CLEAN 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1933 CHEV. PICKUP 1931 FORD SEDAN 1930 PORD PICKUP Downtown Sales Lot Where Chemeketa Goes to Church ' Phone 37922 SPECIAL FRIDAY ONLY 54S Center St. AUTOMOBILES '43 G.H.C. 6x0. Equipped with Bauh man llm apreader. Ph. 3-0504. qlll TRADE '14 FORD with cuh difference for 41 or later model. Ford la excellent condition. 1080 Norway. ql38 4ll CHEV. eonr. OriK. owner Lw mlltaaa. 110 N. Liberty. Apt. 0. Call tva. q!4I 1143 Bulck Super 30 CONVERTIBLE I paa. New top, overhauled motor, good tlrM. body ft paint. Pb. 1-4133. Eva 3-018 13f 030 N. 13th. Ph. 31363. Eisner Motors to Sell FORD 1914 3 door atdftn t?l. Ph. 3-1737. 4131 19U CHEV. coupe. Oood condition. Ph 43171 L. K. Bateman. fxt. 351 before 1 p.m. 314 W. Indtpendanea tt: p.137 FOR IAI.E BT OWNER: Beautiful black late 1041 Commodore "" Hudaon 4 door aedan with radio, heater, auto matic ahift, dual anoopar Hthta. nickel wheel trim, whlM wall tlrea. wlndahild wanher and other txtras. Low nueaiic. Call 3-0301. Eva. 3-4331. Ql37 138 NASH 110. Ph. 3-6670. Q137' CHEV. '43 Aero. Clean. Ph. 3-3771. 960 34c Ollchrut. ql37 Prices Always Lowest at league's Used Car Lot We Don't Sell Them, They Sell Themselves 35. Fine, Thoroughly Reconditioned Used Cars Come In and See for Yourself Salem'i Most progressive Dealer HOME of KAISER FRAZER 2 Locations See Charlie Hayes at 2640 Portland Road See Joe Spurlock at 352 N. Commercial Teague Motor Company Phone 2-4173 fOR SALE: '40 CV4li Clb. Cpft V'rr lo! CDtid. 4Q N. lltn. ql4lt M A MODEL motor tu. Trana. tlo. Ra diator III. 'tvMin. tin ZEEB'S USED CARS Btrr sn.L . tradb TERMS lit Pair roundRoad Phono 1-64 WASTER clean wed cari Bob Uarr 3160 S Com ) 0 Thu Tlma It'a HUDSON I Sfi Salta ParU Rome of Oood tTaey Carl SHROCK MOTOR CO Church ft Chemeketa Su Ph l-IMI Eisner Motors to Buy ADMINISTRATOR rfenlrei to Ifll eouity Of estate in new i4t rora numo iruri. Already financed. Se W W. MrKlnney, fOT P.oneer Truat Bulldlnf. Salem. Or 4I JT 16 Mr RCt'RT BTATIflN WAGON. Perfert ronnidon. il-iW. down Ph. uni owner Set atter I p It 73 N. Llbertv Apt. no. loi. J,1J" '41 CHE. Khnol bit, new tlre. food coad. Mako Iler. ill w. Browmnt Ae 3111 Ehner Motors Fine Cars DEPENDABLE 1944 DOOOE Cl'ST. 4 DR 8r DAN RAH BPAI'TIFTL LTOHT ORTN PINISH. YOU MUST SEE THIS TO APPRECIATE IT. VERY CLEAN. A ONE OWNER CAR UMi 1141 DODOE CUST 4 DR. SEDAN. AIRCRULSKR RED. RADIO, ALL WEATHER FRESH AIR DUAL HEATING SYSTEM. LIKEGUAHU TUBLS AND OTHER EXTRAS. THI8 IS A BEAUTY HWS J947 MERCURY 4 DR TWN SED RA; H ONP OWNFR CR ORIO INAL OR AY. CLEAN AND SHOWS EXCELLENT CARE BY FORMER OWNER 14BS 1941 PORD SUPER DE LUXE 4 DR SEP HTR ANOTHFR ONE OWNER CAR IN A BEAUTIFUL FORD MAROON. VERY MUCH ABOVE AVERAOE I495 1940 PIYMOI TH DE LUXE 4 DR SED. RAH Am 1941 DODGE I PASS. CPE. R&H Hi ABOVE CARS GUARANTEED. TFRMS. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION AT OUR FUTURE USED CAR LOT S. W. CORNER HIGH AND UNION STREETS STAN BAKER MOTORS Tour Dependable DodBf-Plymouth-Dodga Job Rated Truck Dealer 0.131 DEPENDABLE USED TRUCKS THERE ARE NO BETTER TRUCKS BEING OFFERED IN SALEM AT THESE PRICES 1947 DODOE TON PICKUP m0 1347 DODOE 1 TON CAB ft CHA3U 1:00 1941 DODGE 3li TON 3-6 YARD DUMP 3.00 ' 194C DODGE i, TON PANEL 1948 DODGE 3 TON FLAT BED WITH HOIST " 19M 19 DODGE 3 TON, 3 SPEED AXLE ft BROWNIE 1344 1939 O. M. C. TON PANEL 100 ABOVE TRUCKS GUARANTEED 1941 FORD 'a TON PICKUP tbl ON DISPLAY AT OUR FUTURE USED CAR LOT S. W. CORNER HIGH AND UNION STREETS STAN BAKER MOTORS Your Dependablt Dodae-plymuoth.Uodae Job Rated Truck Oea'.r AUTOMOBILES PONT1ACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1445 '41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1395 '41 Chev, sdn $895 '48 Ford pickup $1295 '39 Nash coupe $395 '36 Chevrolet sdn 295 TERMS TRADES Herrall-Owens Co. S0 N. Liberty Ph 14113 141 FORD FICKLT ton Inaulre at houae trailer at rear of Central Howell Store on Silverton Road, avaa. or Sun. .130 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer Shrock Motorcycle Sales 300? Portland Rd, Ph. 3-1433 Oft' CUSHMAN motor acooter. 3 wheels. Excl condition. Sea altar 3:30 p.m. at ms VLita Avt. a!38 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR BALE Late model Rototlller. ued 36 boura. price 3373.00. See Jayhawk Trail er Bales. Junction Portland and Stiver ton Roadi. qbl39 BELT-p"lJLLEY lor D3 with hitch on It, ood ahape. 10 It. Oliver Superior train drill, power llfu, food ahapp. Fair ban la Marie hammer mill lika new. for aood cow. Ph. 37103. qbl30 1947 FORD Feriuaon tractor and equip ment. Very reasonable. Rt. 3, Box lOf.7, Ph. 3113S. qbl3' TRACTORS and IMPLEMENTS ALL PRICED TO SELL TD Int. Blade-Drum Armor. To Int. Blade Armor. Like New. HD7 A C. Bare. New Condition. A. C. Model K. LookJ and runs Ilka new. WHEXL TRACTORS 134S PORD New (uarantea 1943 JOHN DBERK model M. New tuar antee. NEW PEROUSON and ImplemenU for Immediate delivery PARMALL Model M. Perfect OLIVER 70. A-l condition Old model JOHN DEER D All in Top Condition BIRD AND EYSSET CO. 71 Wallace Road. Weit Salem. qb!37 USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular alif $3 and up. Mon t ornery Ward afe Co. Salem. qbl38 GIBSON GARDEN TRACTOR with plow. due cultivator. 3BS0. Ph. 30314. qbi40 BOATS S H.P. FLOTN outboard motor. Uaed 3f hr. Like new. Laat rear'a mode, 113. Ph. 38413. 1073 14 Xlm. Waat Salem, nnll TRAILERS ..1917 ROI.LAWAV A-I cnndltlon, aleepi 4. IMS .00. Ray Hlllyer on KZ, Brook, Ore. tlSfl GOOD 18 Ft. trailer house, fully equipped. Will 1 reasonable. 33fl0 N. Church. mu lt PT. House trailer. Nw. never uaed 0. R. Duncan. Hubbard Ore, Box B" Ph. 403. tlSS Ifll FACTORY BI'll.T 13 ft Land Yacht trailer home. Uied very little, Kierv thim modrn. 701 Cherry St. Dallai. Cal: bet warn 6 and 7 p.m. 1 1 3S 4vi'HITLKY houetrai!eV 2l7 Slerp 4 two dr.. tandem wherl. eler. brakee, 1. furn. Can ra at Brooka Trailer Park. 1984 State St. tier. II PT. collate trailer, excel, condition Reasonable. 3333 Portland Rd. till FINANCIAL VACATION LOANS Vour Way and Fast Gt a a rat Ion loan from Personal Finance Co wnere if "ye" to 4 out of I. Ch on aalarr. furniture, or ear No co-alanere ntceary. Phone or vlell the YES MAN TODAY. You'll appreciate the consideration he ll show toj. PERSONAL Finance Company 111 Stale St., Rm, 133. Ph. 3-3441 L.c. S-133-M-133 C. R. Allen. Ye Mannerr rlS7- PRIVATE MONEY Special fates and terms on Unei loan lont and Rhort time payments ROT H SIMMONS II Soi 'h Commercial SI Phene l-tl AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE f-RlfUri CO lJ S Church Ptrkine Plenty PTt t-Uif Lie Ro M-l9 S 1M REI US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR INTERMIT to 44 Yean and No Commit lo Leo N Childs, Inc. REALTORS IH Itw St, raoM l tt r USED CARS FINANCIAL WANTED TO BORROW u.300 on real e tnte. Oood wcurlty. Interest. Capital Journal. Box 493. rl38 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-138 and M-331 and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 8. Commercial St. Tel. 3-11(11 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS CP TO S300 Car loans up to 1300 Come In or phone wood Finance Co. Holly 1991 Pal re rounds Road Across atreet from bank No Parklni problems Phone 37033 Lie N M39-S391 Floyd Kenyon, Mar. r FARM AND C1TT LOANS 44 and 1 toau OWN TERMS ol taparm.nt Imin r.aaon Caah lor Real Katata Contract and Second Mortaaara CAPITOL SECURITIES CO am Pioneer Triwi Bldl Ph 1-7181 r Buy Real Estate Mortgages lor Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem St Vicinity. See State Finance Co. 1S3 S. High St. TRANSPORTATION LEAVINfi Julj lat for Yankton, 8.D. ita ear. Room for 1 paylna paManiera Wrlfe Capital Journal Boa 4R. US! DIRECTORY 4. P PINO MACHINES AH mokea uaed maehlnea aold. rtnUd repaired Roen 4B Court Pbone l-f.773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aervlci Free estimates Tiade-lns accepted on new appliances Vinces Eieetrlo Phom 3-??39 157 S Liberty St o1 AT-L'R POOR GRINDING AUTO RADIOS Authorlted Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radloa Morrow Radio Co. 133 S Liberty Ph 3-0033 O MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlni aervlce day phone 9-9310 Nlim 3-1804. 331 Center, o Mlk Panfk. 373 S. Com'l. Ph, 3-3181 Brake and Wheel alumni apeelallKts Bl II.DINQ CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home nnw Term Nodown payment. Phone oI44 iii ii.dinV. contrVctora Alt Bros AIko hmixes ralKd. New foun dation. Phone 33909. olS7' RiLi.noiNfi Dean Robinson. Ph. 30637 O101' Rulktorlnt. levellni. road side., clear. inir. teeth for brush. Viral! Hiukey, 1010 rairUcw Av.. Ph. 3-3140, Salem. o-lOO' M.lit rriiwler doiini. Pli. 3-3330. o180 i n Hrf.ivir.Rs Indian' delivery of new RCA cash reg idler Al maiea aoid rented, re pa -d Roen 430 Court Ph 9-0773 o C K.MR. N'T CONTRACTOR! For expert fuaranteert etlifarttin new or rrpair of foundation!, elf ewalki. drivrwaya patloa, curba, walL ete rail l-4"i0 144 cemi:nt hork NOW Ph OKI "HiMNfT nwr.rp Karnace c.-tmnerl vacuum cleaned 771 S llt Ph. 3-7170. Olll' rLM:TRUAL CONTRACTINO Vlice' Electric for electrical wlrini cnntrarTine repainni 117 S Liberty t XTI KMINATORi Brthaupl:r7oT'fTowirr"Bra' 'j-ini1 iMii sf iioi.ri propi ctii " " UMI'I Aft St ISFR1 MWNHOHrM Sharpened, tu a ran teed R power and hand m'ertt Call Hirrv W Sfott. 147 So Com 1 St olS LAWN MOWER Ml ARPI.MNO LAWN MOW V.liniHR PF NINO Eiperf work P Roarn. tali 3101.) al43 At rou door laenmower aharpenm Detver lit Lkwonower aiaa Pb lOSit , fciMtlifll1nii)hiianiaW Envoy? Mrs. Eugenie An derson (above), Democratic National Committeewoman from Minnesota who may soon be named U. S. ambassa dor to Denmark. (Acme Tele photo). Visit Breitenbush Springs Fairview Mr. and Mrs. John Allison and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood and two sons, spent Sunday at Breiten bush springs. DIRECTORY Plreplares, chimneys & block laylne. Ph. 35963. o MATTRESSES Capltat BeddlDi. Phone 3-4088 MI SIC LESSONS Spunl.iri and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court 9t. Ph. 3-7119, olB3 NURSES' REGISTRY OFFICE Ft'RMTI BE SUPPLIES Dr.'k chairs, (lies and flllna auppllei salex. duplicator and aupplira. deal, lamps typewriter stands, brief eaes ?terc Wire Recorders, Roen. til Court OIL CIRCtXATOR SIRV1CE Call Cy Youngfr. Ph. 3-6073. olSl' IMPERI1ANOINO Expert Paprrhanilng and paint Ini. H I. Wood worth. Ph. 3-S8HB. Pree M. 0148 Clfstrom'a art equipped to do rout patntlni Phont 2-3493 PAINTING AND PAPF.RII ANGING Painting and paperhanglnf. Fret eitl- mate. h. 3-9513. BS7 Bhippinc. 0163- Clf60lfor your-Palntlni Paper-nanalnc- Attractive rales. Ql45 PICTURE FRAMING Picture rramini HuWbeoo Paint tort Phoka 3-6BB7 Fisher. 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. PRUNING. SPRAYING Philip W. Brllkc. Ph. 3-1308. L. W. Caudle Ph 3-7900. RADIO REPAIR Complete serv.. reas. rates. Free pickup At est. John's Radio Shop. 350 Court Bl Ph 30713 & 23416 OlSO RAlilATOIt RKPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr ft Sons. Ph 31193 Bj Orlve-ln Theatre. Since 1917 ol4B' REFRIGERATION AI'PJ.IANCF REPAIR IcelvtnTtoVfr triers Lehman Matthews 337 N High 8t Ph 37941 0144 SAND is (i RAVEL Oarden Soil erushed rock Shovel and dravlin excavatlns Walling land A Oravei Co I'honc 3-34fl o' "valleySnnd tV Oravei Co Silt, sand ti III dtrl Excavatlna 10 B ihovel & cau Tractor scoop trucks for dirt tnovlm Ph ofMct 340U3. res 37146 e SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto- Rooter Eiclus!vs Patent Raior harp Sttl Out Una Slade Clean Sewera oi Drama Septic Tankf Cleaned He as Hn 3-3331 Of I-B46B SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Aervlec. Tanks rleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewer. t079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 8-9468. I-&.137 oiriS SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In stalling the new approved 300 gallon concrete; septic tank. We lay drain line a!so. Ph. olw K. P. Hamel. Septic tenki rleaned Elertrle marhlne nervira on sewer and drain llnea. (luarantead work. 1143-lth St.. dalem PH 3-7404. 0l4J TOOLS FORIt F, NT Howaer Bros. Your power tool rental head Quarters. New address 1410 S. 12th Pti. 3-364B. Ol3 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Roval. Under wood portables Ah makes used machines Rrpatrs and rent Rata. 436 Court, o' FR AVs FE P ""ST( R A V. E '.ocal At Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal briquets Trurks to Portland dally Agent for Beklns Hotue hold aoods moved to anywhere In U 8 o. Canada Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 0 VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Pre aat Phone 3733B Elmer tht Blind man o' WELL DRILLING Pred VVxoiore Rt. 3. Boi 317. Ph. -S.3S OlM J. A. Snetd At Sons, well drilling. ?" Brooks St., Salem. Ph 3-6S09. CUH' tEATIIFRSTRIPPINO WINDOW SHADES HINDU ( LtAMNti Arm ' indo Cleaners Windows, wails A) wood won cleaned Toots c'tand waaed and pollihed Ph 3-9337 34'. Court (.tnidnc CJlberuon and Mathi WOOD A SAW PI' ST Wen Bale! Fun Co LODGES I.O O.F tnspU every Wed nenday tilghl. Vwitori wn L'ume Mutnomah Chaptrr No 1 R A M. Regulnr Convoca tion. R. A. dPKrrt' Hcfrrshmcnts Thursday, Juno 0, 1!HD, 7;yo P M LuriKP i:7- ' pacific lvllie No. 5n AF, A A$K A. M. M M. DpRTpe Ptidsy June 10. 7 p.m. 138' Kim-wood 204 AFAM Monrttu rve. June 13. Hta' ( (immuiiu n tlfin. 7.30 p. m. West Salem Cit Hall. KlnRwnod 204 AFAM Monday eve.. June 13, Stated enm- munlrstinn, 7;30 pm. West Salem City HalL 1M Edgar Earley, Jr., Dies Suddenly Stricken Friday while work ing in the state motor vehicle department at the Capitol, George Edgar Earley, Jr., late resident of 1902 Broadway street, died about two hours lat. cr at a local hospital from a coronary bloodclot. Earley. who was born . at Chambersburg. Pa., July 29, 1918, and received his schooling at Carlyle, Pa., came to Salem to live following his discharge from the army. A veteran of more than six years of service in the army, including over seas duty, he was a member of the 104th cavalry, which one. was stationed at Salem. While stationed in Louisiana he was married September 9, 1944, to the former Evelyn Akers of Sa lem. Surviving besides the widow are a daughter, Shanna Earley, and a step-son. Tommy Akers, both of Salem; parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Earley, Sr., -ef Downlngtown, Pa.; a sister, Mrs. Robert Trader of Downlngtown: and a brother, Paul Earley. if Philadelphia. Announcement of funeral services will be made later by Llougn-iJarncK company. ; Miss Payne to Meet With Y W Groups r Miss Elizabeth Payne, YWCA national staff executive admin. istration adviser, arrived Thurs day from San Francisco to spend three days visiting with local YWCA groups. ,"; On Friday evening, she Is- to meet at 8 o clock with the .lo cal YW board In an open forum meeting in the YW building. Also during her stay here, Miss Payne is meeting with various committees of the local YW, In her work she consults with- all workers and leaders active in the administration of a YW group and assists and advises In set ting up organization and pro- gram. DEATHS J4 P. Harnolg Jean B. Marnols. late resident of Port land, at a local hospital Juna T, al the, ase of 84 rears. Survived by wile, Alica Harnols of Chlsolm. Minn., two daugh ters. Bertha M. Clark of Pipestone. Minn. and Angelina Linden of Portland; "two Hons, Tom Harnols of Portland and Jack Harnols of San Dleao, Calif.: and a or oth er, Jack Harnols of Ban PranoUco. Announcement of service laiar by Uw How ell -Edwards chapel, ' Henrf OvergarA Henry Overgard, late resldrnt of route I. oox 7B1A. Salem, at a local hospital. Jui 6, at the aae of 83 years. Survived by his ulie Ellse Overgard of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Dolezal of Salem, a son. Her man Overgard of Cheyenne, Wyo., " and four grandchildren. Services will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Friday, June 10, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Seth Hun tington officiating. Interment la Be let aat Memorial park. William Henrr Brownell William Henry Browne)!, at Long Beach, Calif. Services will be held at the dough- Rarrick chapel Friday, June 10, at 3 p in, with Rev. Seth Huntington of fie la tint. Interment in Balcrast Memorial park. Robert L. Tavlor Robert L. Taylor, lata resident oi 1130 Hood street. In this city June t. Survived by wife, Anita Taylor of Salem; a daugh ter, Mary Lee Taylor of Salem: parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taylor of Omaha, Nebr.; and a brother. Edward Taylor or Omaha, Nebr. Shipment Is being made t Cornlna. Iowa, my Uie Howell -Edward chapel lor sertlcas and Interment. (eerie Kdsar Earley, Jr. (leorae Edaar Earley, Jr., lat resident of 1903 Broadway street, at a local hospital. Wednesday, Junt I. Survived by ila. Mrs. Evelyn Earley of Salem; a daughter, Shanna Earley of Salem; a step-son. Tommy Akers of Salem: parents, Mr, and Mrs, Oeorte B. Barley, Sr., of Doan- .netown. Pa.; a sister. Mrs. Robert Trader of Downinstown; and a brother, Paul Earley of Phila delphla. Announcement of nervlca later Off C lough -Bar rick com pany. fieorg A. Mera Utorge A. Mvera, lata resident wf 73 South 13th street, at a local hospital. Juna 3. Services will be held at tha Clous h-Rarrick aha pel Saturday, J'int 11, at 10 30 a m. with Interment In Btl- trM Memorial park. OBITUARY Gears P. 7.1m me r Aurora George P. Zimmar. lata at Can by, died at his home June 1, Survived b m widow, Lena; sons, Howard of Sher wood, Roy of Canity; daughters, Bertha Kllv of Wllsonville, and Myra Allen of Or -ton City; three sisters Mrs. Aofliia. Rolley rf San Francisco, Mrs. R. M. Hising and Mrs. J. C. Reir. Pennsylvania; one brother. A. L. Zimmer of Pennsyl vania Funeral services Thursday 3 30 p m. at Canby Funeral home. Vault lottrroenl. Zlon Memorial park, Canby, Jamea Franktln Miltn Iebanon James Prank Im M alone, tT. died ai his Saeet Hme reeldencs M liine 1. Born in Sweat Home. July 3, 1870, lie wss a life-long resident of the to n. He as a barber 0? trade. Services will b he;d Friday at in a m . IiST. at the Hiwe.H-iMon chapei In Seet Home with i:1f r Sam Km bull nffte:ailng, Rwrlsl will be in the Ames remeierv. Surrrv- ors or a da m)ir. Olea Malone; son. Our. hmtner Farmer, and ona grandson all oi Sweet Home. Harry Sure Cvilrk Alban- Harry Br .re PusTk. 11 nstKa if Lebnnnn but a life-iona resident of Al oanv wnere h anaat'd in tha bwnkt .in h.neM. died In a Portland horJ'al 'iie.ia, f'tilnwins a proinnied ll'nesa. F,meral st ues a' I lie Fort miller -Frrd-rrtck''n Ijneral Imme at 3 p m.. Thuts dav. Mr Cu:rk was horn September 33, 1H77, tne son or the late J W CuaicK, fotin der of tli J. W. Cosirk Ai Sons bam at Albanv. and of Mm. Salome peebler Cu .,cn He marr ed Nina Cllne here Jul? 3. 1303 Sue died In May. 1039. Mr. (iu ick sa affiliated W.i llie J. W. Cisirk A: Sons bank (or many years, and un ii m as so'd to the Flr.M National, where ipon he became associated with Utst ,n.i it nt ;rm ff'ir.lm are three rhildrsn: Mrs. Jai'ie I.. S'hts, Salrm: John Bra CM"., k Peons. li! . and Wallace Cllne Ui- ten, E'ien: a hro'ner, Therl CuaM'k, :Jt".ko in. and lo ir i endrlilldren, old una greHt rranclcu.d. ran-1 Marlon H'altnn A ii nin KrmrU Marion Walton. JV son inl Mr. and Mr.. D C. Walton, R FD No. I I. Albanv died Tuesday at the VetetsaV l;irwiuial at Oakland. Cal. The borty 4 1 .itin fent to tne F'trtm.!r-r n dene k.en J f mTm home .iere lun-ral arramemenia I be;n tnede for annnnnremeni life wm a trieran of World War ti hot i for tne la.t !hie years had been 'in I iiov-d by the palm-rly Art Co., at SS i rnnf ii-n M ami horn at A'hany Jul 31. 133). Bes.d-s hi par'n'ji he Is survive! bv h'e grand-nt'ier. Mrs. O A Kratl. Lebanon. a,nd several gunta and uncle.