12 Capital Journal, Salem. CLASH PIED ADVEETlIlNGi Pa Lin 1M Per Udi I time 40 -Per Line time 0e P -Per Uu 1 month 13 00 OuUMt W Ka 1CDB IN per Mil iw day ft! In loci I time min Bee timt in In 11-20 No Rerunl RIADthtS la Local News Cl Oairi Ptr um o To Place in Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES V3UILDER & OWNER of these exceptional home would like the opportunity of showing them to you. Architecturally perfect. best of con it ruction, beautifully decorated. These ,n ara two bedrm. home Just completed )Uvt large living rm. with fireplace, attached garage, picture windows. Con s' true t ion supervised by P.H A. Carries in.mmitl.ment of 18200 00. 11550 00 down. 'approx. $60.00 per month Includes taxes. - Ins., etc. Open house every day except ... Ann. between 4 At 8. Out Liberty no wut on Oha. Avt. H. B. Collett, owner -"and builder. flfflWNER: Close In. small house, cement floors, shower, toilet, 40 ft. drilled well. H A. rich aoll. Total $3400. 630 Norman I ' Aft. A blks. E. or State hoi, p. -Yy OWNER: t bloeka W. New Medical Clinic. 2 Bdrms., hardwood fir., full basement, piped oil furnace, Karaite. Im l medial Possession. Price $9500. 636 Cat terim Ave. Ph.. 3-674 9or3-&289. a!39 iMTMoilern House. Lame corner lot. at tarried garage. Must sell Immed. Ownei - helm transferred. 76ft MeNary Ave.. W Salem. 139 fO SALE by owner, house. 2 lot, busl - new sone. Near 8 12th hopping Mi ,v tr lot. Ph. 27877 after ft or on Sat. a!37' ' ir OWNER: Good 4 Bd. Rm Home. Also new 4 Bd. Rm. on l noor. imnwa : poai. 3S Lansing Ave. al31 . TY OWNER: Ler rouse, 6 rma, down, I p. 4 lota, fruit At nut trees. Could be made Into apt. Price $4800. Mr. Schell, P. O. Box 325. Oervais. a 159 It OWNER: 5 bdrm. FHA appraised noma, wardrobe elcetj, many extra Price Just reduced. Ph. 2-7534. a!38' FOR fcALE OR TRADE: Unfinished, rus- tie, brick veneer, 2 bdrm. hie., aouth Salem, Consider amaller house or am all acreage. That. Harris. Jefferson, Ore. al37 FOR SALE BT OWNER: New 3 home. P.H A. term. $760 down. bdrm Phonf also 2-2880. iLrNOWOOD HTS. 3 bdrm. home, base ment, rumpua room, oil heat, two fire 1 place. New carpeting. P.H.A. Call own- ,-Vf 3-8542. alec WHY PAY RENT? MIS down. New 2 bdrm. home. Nice Uv- tnx rm. Dining apace. Kitchen. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. Stairway t 4- attic. Near bus ti store. OMER S REAL ESTATE 40 N 13th Ph. 1-6091. alST .rr. BASEMENTS? . YOU BET! 'liT.OfW.OO a yer Old 1 BR, LR. DR. ' Kitchen. Hdwd. floora, full finished b axemen t. 'n, 000 00 2 year old-2 BR. LR. DR, Kitchen, Breakfast nook. Hdwd. floora, " oil pipe furnace. PhIIo, Picket Fence, Mil finished baxement. In, 500.00 a BR, Party room. Pecan floors, 3 fireplaces, air conditioned, full "Oaement. II 1,500.00 Very nice 1 BR. LR, DR. Kitchen. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, Vene tian Blind. Built-in Refrigerator, full finished basement. 12.W).00 3 BR, Party room, Sewing ' room. Hdwd. floora. Fireplace, lawn, shrubbery, garden. Full finished base mnt. m. 700.00 1 BR, Den, LR, DR, Kitchen, j ' Whok, Hdwd. floors, fireplace, oil fur '""rtWre, full basement, J.SOO00 2 BR. Den, Party room, LR. " DR. Kitchen, Brkfxt. nook, Hdwd. floors, 1' fireplaces, air conditioned, full fin " Uhe dhaseraent. For appointment aall Tn Orton. ! Huff Real Estate Co. RpRltors 841 Chemeketa St. , h. 19271 Eves, 23983 , . al37 knino ft rm. home about 2 years old near Keleer school, or will trade. What have Ton? 'Itf.omi a bdrm. home near Kelrer school, oil furnace, attached garage, nice large ' lot. CALL IVAN SIVERS. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 9(10 B. Commercial Phone 23849 Eve. 3-7012. 137- r LOTS and a 2 bedroom cottaae with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, peran floon. garage. Priced at 16950 or L will trade for a I bedroom home with basement. I NimilRRAN HOME, east, with t bed rooms, bath, 11 vi nit room, dining room, s dining room, k lichen, unfinished attic. ..garage, oil floor furnace, close to school an4 bus line. Trees, flowers and artruba. , Price 17950. LOOKING for a good comfortable older l,t?re home Her la one with 2 bed rooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, basement, garage. Price U only (700. P. H. Bell. Realtor 381 Chemeketa St. Ph. I-4M8, J-1545 - Eves a-7f.8ft, 3 'al REDUCED TO 18850-MUST BELL . Klce modern I bdrm. F H A. offer. Small a4n. Payment or car. Phone 3-0180. al37 FY OWNER: 2 b r. home, centrally lo 8".W .,m.h Sl- 6W NICE 3 bdrm. wjm targe living rm., fireplace, lovely kitchen, dinette, at tached garaae. hdwd. lira Ihru-out. veo. A. Walters, Realtor .Phona 2-3840 Eve. 1-5380. al37 " LKAV1NO ' FOR CALIFORNIA eUCRlFIC'E NFW 4 HFIJROOM. HOME Tile, kitchen, bnlh uv.Mlr and down Hardwood floors tlirouKh out. Full plas tered garage. Lnls or aioraxe apace. Terraced back yard. Cnt orr IIB,- 'fJW to build. Will aell for $14,900, xomr terms. Also will conMdcr chrpr houe -th trade. For more information Inqulrr Stevens Used Cara, 078 S. 13th St al54 ;uLE0 N. CIIILDS, INC. REALTORS II (VE IN 4 8 acre. PioMeied 3 bdim jione witli basement: furnace, tinraue, ttiicken hou.e. Paved road. Price only Iflfrno. Term TMT THE PLACE for chicken dlnnera. nMht club or tavern. Larae bids. 30x50 Finished In knotty pine; fireplace. Some equipment. Living quarters. I acre land: irnall stream. Price complete only $10.- Oftn. Terms, pMTini. VIEW HOME Large liv 1n rm with fireplace, 2 bdimx. plus den Carpet wall to wall. Pull cement baae "hient; oil furnace. Price right at $12,- "LEO N. CIIILDS, INC. ih utata si. Evenings ca la, WML- EXTRA nice, new 3 bdrm. Ige Urint rm., kit., att. garaae utility, 2 locks lo school. 3eo. A. Walters, Realtor , Phone t-JMt Eve tlQ gi37 ..V EnRlewood Beauty - Ymi may have quick pOAexion of thin -ioealy three bedroom pie ar built hr-me with a good ba-enirnt, automatic ltt heat with air condtinini, fire p!-r , tn basement, alno attdll lonal tirtnlai-e Mrt' Uvlnt room, gorxt sire din:ng roitm i'h large a indnw, liariood flonr . thruout, all kinds of shrubs and flnw- , properly lias not prrtiounly been effred for aale, rtaonaili priced e( lU.ftoa. suion br aptipiiitment. Call Mr, Bourne. Eve. Ph. a-liW. :Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N Capitol Ph. .18210 VIEW ae.tftgwReaiitlful nrw I bdrm, rm onr ' floor, lee. Uv. rm., D rm.. kit., baui, big fireplace, hdd. lira, elec. )wal, lot , lOtm lot, $8000 FHA it 150 per mo. Very 0OL t CUT! PS Pull price for thee t bdrm. md rit homea. both well located, suburban. nod terms. C4LL RAY DAVIS Qeo. A. Walters, Realtor r . 940 ft, Cfltnmercial Oregon, Thursday, June 9, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES IMMEDIATE pm. Small home At double taraie. acre. Excellent well. $5000, 13000 down, balance termi. Rt. 4. box 60S. Pn. 2-0734. '-i mi. NW Prlnale senool on Battle Creek road. a 141 NEAR LTNE"wa tt rac t ivt 1 bd. rmThomt. f'place At Venetian bllnda, all modern At bit tar. For quick aale, $4,000. Immed. poaa. Term. 190 Lena Ave. Pn, 30770. aI41 A REAL BUY Large living rm. with fireplace. 3 Bd. rm. Pull dining rm. with French dr. opening Into patio and beautiful back yard. Large landscaped lot with view of city. Price 19500. Will take limit F H A loan. FOUR BED ROOM Attractive older home, large Uv. tt din. rm. Full bamnt and large porch. 210x 110 ft. Shady lot. Planted to fruit, ber riex and flowers. Restricted Dlst. Owner moving to Calif. WU1 sacrifice for 18950 Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1111 Edae water PD. 35109, Ive. 3993d aI41 NICE t B.R. home In suburbs, lot slxe 100X120. Trees, beautiful setting. Even bullt-lo radio In breakfast bar. B sure to see this. Price 19950 00 Goodwin & McMillin REALTOR Ph. 1-4707 434 Court Evf. 2-72B3 3-4773 a 138' STATE VETERANS No. 1: 14900. Two bedroom home with a Isrge garage on big lot. 103x9ft, Lou down payment No. 3: A good two bedroom plastered home with enclosed utility, large gar age with work bench, location norih 1500 down. Three Bedrooms Insulated l'i story home, plastered automatic heat, located north In re stricted district, owner leaving city will arrange terms to suit buyer. Thl type of home rents easily for 165 to 175 per month. Believe we can arrange fin anting at leas than rent. Full price iv.ouu. see Mr. Bourns. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8210. a!3 BY OWNER. Home with 2 bdrmx., lY rm., din. rm., kitchen 4t bath. Large garage with auext A utility rm. Large lot. Excel, location. 17000. 1030 Norway 6t.Ph: I -3580. ISO)' CANOALARIA, $10,500 An excellent 4 bdrm. modern home on ft acres of good soil. This hse. has large spacious rms., f place, full Iwmt., lots or berries. A good family orchard on this property. A good buy. Call Noonchester. H. E. Corey Real Estate 1-055! al38- BDRM. HSE. partly furn. $1100 down balance $30 ft month. Pull price only ).i no. would taxe car on down pay ment. Bee at 1118 0th, between 7 tt I p.m. Weat Salem. al38' SO. HIGH ST. a BR mod. home, oil fur. nace. f place. Another good buy foi 111.050. LARGE HOME CLOSE IN. Very best of const. New neating syat. Deep lot. Truly ft buy for $12,800. Larsen Home &Loan Co Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 2-7440. a 1 38 St' BUR BAN ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home In nice quiet neighborhood. Half acre grounds with trees Ac garden spot with variety of berrlex. Oarage with work shop. IDEAL for small family or elder ly couple. 17800. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate PJi. 3-8839. 137 BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. home on A. Near school, bus Ac shopping center Large Uv. rm., din. rm., utility tt nice kitchen with lots of built Ins. H.W. floors, unfinished upstairs. Oarage. Ph. 2-2J53. ftltl BY OWNt.R: Just completed 2 bdrm. home. Attractive nook and kitchen. Large util ity rm., fireplace. Lot 73x150 with peach trees. 1 block from Kelxer sotre. Ph. 2-7330. al38 !i BDRM. older style corner lot. Small down piyfent, 230ft N. 5th. a 142 BY OWNER: Eng. style 6 rm. hie. a B R., brk. nk.. PC.B., auto oil, 1800 Bo. High. Phone 38788. a 182 OR LEASE, 2 bd. rm. home with elec tricity and bath, 1 ml. east Swegle Sch. and Pratum Rd. M. D. Towry, Rt. 0. Box 43 3 L after ft p.m. al37 Suburban - Northeast Just llsled a small but neat 2 bedroom home located app. 1 mile beyond Swegle school on Pratum Rd.: acre; excel lent deep well; wired for range: quick posaesslon. Asking price 1 $8,250. Look (or our sign. PRICE JUST REDUCED LOOK ! ! ! Prom 89,800 down to $8 400 On g com fortable older style 2 bedroom home lo cated on exclusive Falrmount Hill; atone fireplace; nicely secluded lot. pal in. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE 231 N. Hnth 3-1734 al38 5 RM. modern, newly redocorated. Price 15350. Small down payment. Ph. 3-7947. NEw"i"RMrwired7or stove. " vVellPsrtly dug. Cherries, walnut, garden In. Lot 90x300. Inquire at 410 Waldo. Price $1750 al39 ft RM. collage. Good location. 4 fruit trees f300. 070 Ratrliff drlvr. al42 :iBIiRMTlHn!HE. L7v7rm., kitchenette, hardwood floors, attached garnae. Un finished liiwtall'x. Lot 80 x133'. Price 17.500. 4750 Harcourt off Dearborn. al39 OWNER LEAVING MAKE OFFER 2 BDRM HOME. Full basement, Ae U.M NORWAY ST. Readv lo move In. 2 bdrm. home, unf inUlird up. Enleood acIiooI. Till la nice. Make offer. 10imi)WN New !urnllied home. ac North. Pull price 183,10 L. E. Klumpp Real Estate 4S0 N. Church St. Ph. 27843 al37 BY OWNFR. A bargain, attrac. Cape Cod Built 1941. Nr. Bush school. i talk, to bti. 2 bdrms. dn . 2 up. Hdwd. firs, dn Oil fir. furn , Ins A weatherstripped Nearly fenced back yard. Price 17150 11550 dn. Bal. FHA. 1335 Lee St Ph 2-4701. ilia GOOD BUY $"80. unlit xtem. 1 Tlili New, I hdrm. North. Hdwd. firs r rm. ttaclied ear. Anlo. W. -i A Appraised O. I. loan $5000 priced it C. W. Reeve Realtor 94 S Comm I. Ph. a-45M. Ere. J 9ld al3 Choice View Property I-ovelr. Very modern. Excellent const 3 bdrm home. Tile balh to klichen. Full baaement. 2 fireplaces. Paito. Larae pic ture amdows ReautKul view Recreation room in basement. Well landscaped lot Consider some trade. 10 Acres Close In On Portland rd. about 350 ft. highway frontate. Good location tor court, trail er park, or other biinr. Also ntce sub-dlv ision. Good I bdrm. mod. home Full basement Oil hrat Good barn At Out bidas. Will conaider aood home In Salem as part pavmrnt. Call Mr. Noon dieier, II. E. Corey Real Estate 1385 N. Brnarlwa Ph, l-053 Fe l-Altl or S-lt.10 alST FOR SALE J.0TS HERE'K tOI R OPPORTUNITY lo get a dandy permanent tie located on Hint wood drhe Will consider effrr. Man eihera In choose from in Ihls area. See or pi tone A N WULICH Rfs.1, ESTATE llll Rug, wm luce, ft,. tMli FOR SALE HOUSES OWNER LEAVING STATE ... - " S&fo'AM,. .... $9500 Take a look at this modern 3 bedroom home with larae rooms, plastered. Insulated, weather-stripped, hard wood floors, carpeted, electric heat, venetlal blinds end drapes. Bus by door, near school end store. GARDEN ROAD, Rt. 5, Box 115 Phone 21119 GRABENHORST SPECIALS ACREAGE - KEIZER m acres, almost 1 acre of strawberries, sweet corn, price $4,000. TERMS. Call Peter Oeuer. 13.000 will buy this I timber. Some can be a bargain. Call O. H SUBURBAN City bii. 2 bedrm.. Uv. rm . din. rm., hall. bath. Inide utility, land. Built In 1941 by present owner. 17,850. Call Roy Ferris. APARTMENT HOUSE SPECIAL 1 units, 8 mos. old. best of construction, elec. heat, partly furn. $680.00 per mo. Price S55.000.00, Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. GRABENHORST 114 South Liberty Sleet Bund ays and Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter M. Otlaer 3-6968 Earl Weat 3-1232 FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN! LOTS WITH WATER. BUB SERVICE, CLOSE TO SCHOOL. Balance lift per month. 8e them today! Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 2-9203 Eve. tt Bun 2-8241, 2-3738, 1-5905, 2-2346 aaiar SILVERONA ADDITION 2 frontage lots, 50x100. Building lots, 70x100. On Sil wrlon Rd. near new school. Ph. 27376. an 137 VIEW LOTS, S00 blk., Ywia Ave WOOD ED LOTS, 600 blk., Ratcllff Dr. Re stricted. City water. Ph 2-4284. FOR SALE FARMS Stocked & Equipped 29 'a acres brtween Wood burn dt Mt. An gel. All is tillable. Willamette soil. Lot ly modern seven rm. home. Good build ing, own pavement, includes AC trac tor with full line machinery, 11 milk cows, bull, milker, hay tt barn, fo $27,000. Some term.. STROUT REALTY 99 S. 12th. Ph. 2-6323. blS7 Suburban 21 A. B bdrm. home. Larae LR. Fire place, DR, B nook. Dole, plumbing. Bsmt. 3 car gar. Good trout atream. 7 A. straw. tt cane berrle.i. Price $11,000. C. W. Reeve Realtor 04ft S. Comm'L Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-8536 b!39- HERE'S A PLACE YOU CAN GO TO WEEK-ENDS, away from tne city, plen ty of fishing, trees, berries tt fruit. A small house for you St the wife, an other one for the kids. Creek frontage. It takes only 1500 dn. tt a small month ly payment to take over. Full price 13500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Peritonei Service 104 8. Com'l St. Ph. 1-8389. Eve. 3-7440 b!38 3 OOOD FARMS 202 A. Wll. At beaver dam soil. Excl. buildings. Ige. dairy barn, north. 133 A, Polk county, part Irrigated, fine bldgs. 84 A. Howell Prairie. Good bldgs. Crop goes. Phone 2-06HO, ED. LUCKINBEAL REAL BBTATE 440 North 14th St. bl38a Trade - Trade - Trade Have 10 acre farm with lovely hdwd. firs,, full balh. living rm , dining rm.. unf. attic, outdoor fireplace, attached garage, beautifully landscaped. Peaches, walnuts. Boyaen berries, filberts, cher ries, garden, grapea. Be sure and see this. Priced at only $10,600. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. ON AS S. OLSON ' P. R. RICHARD 665 Chemawa Rd. 4 ml. W Keller Sch. Phone 3-13B0 or 2-4312. bl37 012,85062 acre farm, one half cultivated and the rest pasture. 6 rm. house about one yr. old. Large 15 stanchion barn. Has 3 Irrigation wells, terms, CALL IVAN SIVERS. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 S. Commercial Ph 2-mO Eve 3-7012 blS7 FOR SALE ACREAGE 4 Acres Suburban Equipped Good soil all, year crerk, modern 3 bdrm. home, part bsmt. Good buildlnas. As sorted fruit, berries Aw-nutx. New irrltat Ins svjitem A garden tractor and flock of hens Included In 17000. 2 cow, calves tt furniture available extra 1500 if taken with place. Good town near Salem STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th. Ph, 2-5323 bbl37 1 ACRES North with income. Modern el ectric home. Good barn, nice yard, fllirubs. family orchard, etc. Priced right. Rti. 2, box 363, fialem. Ph, 3-187 bbltl- V ACRES, new home. $4800. Rt. 4Box 640. Baxter Rd. bblJ9 ft ACRES with nice ft rm., family orchard. 3 nod out 6 Win.". Will consider good late nutdel car. Inquire Bill Auto Paint ffiinp. 1090 I anraMcr Drive bbt3 realestate Small Down Payment Moe in A- complete. Plumbing A wiring rouahed In. Well, 1 bdrms. Att. gar xn A a on el aoll. Full price 13300. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Com ml. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9.HJ6 C139" WHERE can you beat this? 125 acre ranch" 3 bdrm. houe Full plumbing, barn, alio lane marh. shed, chicken house. Would make a aood dnuy farm 14 atanchlons, aier cup for each cow. 2 aprinta. Fi ult, berries, nice Irees. Only 38500. Reas. down Pon. Oct I If interest ed call Sederalrom or Hue he a BDRM. home N. Church St. Plastered HW floors. Att. garaae. Clone in. Price 17500. Imm po.s Call Huahe 1-7049 NI4K and livable 3 bdrm. home. Full Plumbing, larae lot att. aaiaae Furn Uhed Pull price I4J50. Call Sederalrom eve. 2-7692. Severin Realty Co. Ill N. Huh Ph.'a-4016 rl37 SPECIAL An all-rear round fishing resort atream flnwg past thta 7 rm. partially furn. house. Only 3ft minutes drive on paved road from Salem. Its beautiful ly located among large shade trees. The price 'g only I8N00 for June only. For tun her Information or lo see this call Leuue H Ellis, broker, l-llll. At 3130 Garden Rd CUT BA,aw -Rut ft real business Uiat nets oer 913 DM year. Hi etab . ate id tusinmers. at Hi showing Increase. Ph a-6ao. ED. LUCKINBEAL REAL Ban ATI M Heft Mtn eX ole IFOR SALE HOUSES S rm. home. Total BARGAIN! 6 acres located on paved road. Spring, oak and fir cult. Long frontage on paved road. SEE THIS. It 1ft Grabenhorst, Jr. BROS., REALTORS Office Phone 2-2471 Evenings Call REAL ESTATE MR. INVESTOR!! Here La a buy for you. S unit courts plus living quarter. All furnished Ac equipped with cooking utensils, linen, silverware In each cabin. In good loca tion. One block from fishing dock. Very good percentage on your Investment. This property Is priced to sell 6c must sell soon, owner was killed In auto acci dent. YOU MUST SEE THIS New 2 bdrm. home with hdwd. floors, Y. blinds. LR, K. bullt-ins, cooking St wtr. heat elec. Oil furnace, garage, bus by door. Large lot with very nice shrubs At garden. Will exchange for acreage. LOW DOWN PAYMENT 2 bdrm. home with unfinished attic, lea. LR. DR, modern K, bath. Full bsmt., sawdust furnace. All newly re-decorated. Very good location In Hollywood dis trict. Price $9,000, only 10 down. Balance like rent. NICE FAMILY HOME Lovely ft bdrm. plastered home, all In sulated, hdwd. floors, fireplace, LR. DR, K. bullt-ins, nook, V. blinds. Dble. pibg.. bsmt., dble. garage. Bus 1 blk., large lot. Very nice location. Lots of shrubs. Par ty room above garage, HARDWARE STORE Will sell at Inventory price, absolutely no blue sky. The place of business la In downtown Salem, a very good location. The Inventory will run approximately $8,000 to $9,000, wholexal price. Owner forced to sell because of Illness, you can get a good deal on this. SUBURBAN HOME W acre on Lancaster drive. Very good soil with a variety or berries At gar dening. With 4 bdrm. home tt 2 stan chion barn, poultry house. Nice lawn it Jot-s of shrubs. Price $10,500. Would take 3 bdrm. home In as part payment or In trade. George W. Hubbs Co. J. ZEEB, MANAGER N. Capitol Ph. J-3031. clJ7' ACRES near Wallace rd. 0 rm. house. FtuIi, chicken house, etc., $3000 down Balance terms. Ph. 2-0209. c!37 BEST BUYS TRADE A CAR Almost new home with full basement. Hollywood dlst. Electric heat, att, gar., close to St. Vincent At Highland schls. 2 blks. 3 bus Ac stores. FHA approved. Total $8950. Will take car up to 81500 as part payment or trailer hse. up to $1200. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 1-3350. $1,750. DOWN Brand new, itt. gar., ft blocks to sch., Immed. posi. A real value lor only 17250. Eve 2-0471 or 3-3.S58. TRADE Attractive almost new 3 bdrm. home. Ex tra sleeping room above gar. Private well. Extra large lot. Enough room to build another home. Priced right. $6950. Term. Would exchange for a Bend, Ore., city property. Evex. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3550. BUSINESS BLDG. Choice location north, with lots of park Ing space, ft rm. apt. upstairs. Have tenant who Is willing to take long lease at 1150 a month. A good value at $13, 700. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-8850. FARMS ft ACRES EAST Choice home site, several out bldix., close in east. A bargain for 15350. Terms. Ever. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 16 ACRES Almost new 2 bdrm. home. Several chick en hcuwe, 3 acres berries, private well. Terms or will trade for small proper ty. What have you? Full price $12,000. Eve. Ph. 3-9402 or 3-3558 111. ACRES ft rm modern home, new sink water heater. Electric pump. Plenty of water. Barn A Thicken hse. Grade sch. acroxs road. Total price J2 TOO. Very attractive terms. Eve. Pit S-9403 or 3-35:i8. Al Isaak & Co.f Realtors 3030 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830. 3-4596 C1S7 EUGENE HOME AND INCOME ROOMING HorsE, 14 rooms plus own era apt. Only two blocks from clt center. Income of 1500 month. Well built, good condition. Will consider trade for Salem property or acreage. See or write P. J. Varley, 417 Lincoln St., Euiene, c 1ST FOR VOI R SAVINGS Investment buy g first mortgage on real estate. Salem to vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dou lara. net investor 5 We make all ol lections for you If desired STATE FINANCE CO.. I&J ft). High WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINGS. We have Several buyer for 1-bedroom house In good districts. See or 11 Andv Ha Ivor en Ptmne 1-8630 olfice, or 3-7163 home. McKillop Real Estate Center and High Streets calJi Wl ARE In need ei good houses to aell In or near Balem If you ta to Uat your property for late eeo ORABENRORST BROS., RtALTOM 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 1-3471 fa NOTU'El If your property la for ai rem or exchange, lut H with a have all kinds of cash btir 8TT1 FIN A NCR CO. REALTOR! MS A RcD St EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WE HAVE client with lane placet that would like to exchange fnr small acre aae. See Mr, Broan. Phone 3-8630 or 3 4I.K. McKillop Real Estate EXCHANGI REAL ESTATE BT OWNER: . odern suburban t bdrm 3-yr. old house with attached garaae: half acre land, landscaped, all fenced, ft-lnch well with Jet pump, orchard, berries, etc. Exchange for home In Enilewood dlst. Phone S-ftllO. 412s Olenwood Drive. e138 TAVERN & CLUB Old establishment, doing excellent busi ness. Fine restaurant equipment, draught beer, dancing, club prvlileges. Owner claims approximately 11.000 net per month. Full price $20,000. Call Mr. Bean for more details. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 14 N. High St. Phone 27060 cdl37 26 ACRES, all modern two bd. rm. house at Bend to trade for Salem property. Ph. Salem 18712. cfol39 EXCHANGE FOR TRADE List your property for trade. We have traders for all types of real estate. COLBATH LAND CO. 1681 Center St. Phone 3-4652 eMJ9 RESORT PROPERTY SEE "WEHTW1NDS ADDITION." 40 Beach Front and Ocean View loLa mile south of Gleneden Beach P. O. Bee Owan Werterberg At Doxsle on land. eel 39 busi'ness'oftortVinItTf.T' Business Property South Commercial St. a bdrm, home. Bids. 24x50 on back of lot for shop. Approx. 7 blocks from Ladd At Bush Bank. Price 18900. C. W. Reeve Realtor Business Opportunity We have an Emergency Sale of Grocrey business, including Real Property with ft room living quarters, furniture aoei also. Proprietor called east and must sell at once. $32,500 business In 1948. The price Is $12,500 and 17,500 wll) handle. Location, small town North, submit of fer. Burt Picha Realtors Phone 2-1649 Phong 3-74&1 Cdl SB- ARE YOU Interested In the service sta tion bualness? I have one for sale at Inventory price. In Monmouth, Ore. Con tact Warren Doollttle, Distributor Gen eral Petroleum Products. Plant No. 34019. cdltl- NELSON NEWS IDEAL FOR SPECIALTY MECHANIC A 25x30 building at a good cross rd. lo cation plus ft 2 bdrm. mod. home with elec, wtr. htr., elec. heating system, about acre land, for only $5500. The owner will take a car a., part paym't. Nelson & Nelson Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 703 N. High Ph. 3-4633. cdl38- FOR SALE: Established electrical con tracting business. $300. Plus all or part of $3,000 stock. Ph. 114 Delake, Oregon. OCEAN ELECTRIC. Cdl38 APARTMENT HOUSE 16 Unit concrete bldg. Closein and A-l condition. Shows good return on In vestment at 165,000. INVESTOHS. INVESTIGATE Do you want something good that wilt return you 14 on 830,000 Invested. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271 Evex. 39441 edl37" 10 UNIT auto court. Best of location. Very good living quarters. All furn. Consider home or farm as trade In. Omer's Real Estate. 460 N. 13th. Ph. 2-5091. cdl37 SERVICE station for lease with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district. United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sykes. cd- WITH OPTION to buy fully equipped con fectionery, grossing approx. $36,000 per yr. Writ Capital Journal, box 393. cdlS9 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW S. & H. GREEN STAMPS In addition to giving you quality furni ture at Salem's lowest prices we now offer you even greater saving! by giv ing 8. tt H. GREEN STAMPS with every purchase. This Friday and Saturday we will give double green stamps. Don't forget to ak for them. SAVE $25 B-pc. chrome dinette. Ext. table genuine formica top that will not burn, chip or crack, plus 4 fine chrome chairs, A reg. 174 95 value. Only $49.95. 1ft down. 83 a week. SAVE $59.50 Lovely modern bleached walnut ft-pc. bedroom suite Dlus an excellent imrn- teed 210-coll lnnerspring mattress and matching box spring. Suite consist! of roomy chest of drawers, drop center vanity wtth 32x34 In. landscape plate mirror, vanity bench, full slie bed and night stand. A reg. 8210 value. Now only iip.irv, ia iiuwn. o, in monin. SAVE $50 Excellent Daveno and matching swing "i "ry loveiy tapestry cover. Fully guaranteed construction and i tremendoii saving. Reg. 8149.9ft. Only " J1'"- em oown ana so a month. DOUBLE S. Ac H. GREEN STAMPS H. & H. P'urniture Co. 1690 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-3797 fairgrounds Rd. at N. Cottage dl3l 5 ROOMS of furniture for sale. Reason able. Call after 3 p.m. 847 Saginaw. dl41 4 PC, Bedroom suite, spring Ac mattress ov. Dtonae aining set. millet, table A 0iialrs $B9. Phone 2-095.7. dl37 WANTED FURNITURE " mr.REsT rmcis .ld Phoo. Okno 11 Woodry Auction U.rk.L Ph 1-5110 do LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED LICENSED livestock buver E. c McCandllxh, 1127 S 2ft Pn 1-8147 eatM RABBITS 7 RABBITS tt hutches. 630 Union St. eb!39 PETS ADORABLE COCKER pups. Reasonable. 1 black. 3 blond. 1108 N. Church. ecl41 ROLLER CANARY Singer 110.00. Ph. 25929 eel97 HOLMAN'S Pure Bred Cocker Puppies. Rt. box i3 do, stayton. Near auction fu.e ecl54 FUEL FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 3353 Dallas collect. Summer rates. eel 80 OOOfi 10 In edging. $8 90 ft load Double roao ia, uregoo. run lo. pnone 3-5533. eelM" TRl-CrTY FUEL Fresh nil sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 37442. We give I N Oreea Stamps Oreen 10 In. mill wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood, Ph. 86444 WEST SALEM FUEL CO Biofk, planer At slab wood Js saw- duM Ph. 14031 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HIMPSHIRE chick every Thurs- iav. pn. 2-jafll. i4f Hatchery. ! PRODUCE OOOD STRAWRFRRIF. U Pick. 10c. IS mi. east of Totem Pole. Turn right 2nd house. J. L. McDonald, rt. 1, box 159. mat NETTED OEMS need pot , ft! So hundred. . reo. nr. t, pcx I4r J'i anilea norm Of underpass. Phone 3-1980. ffl.10 PRODUCE TRVw BE R Rirs You pick." Andresen nrm, n, binrmir ina navesvme Drive, Rt. 1, Box 17ft. Phong 3-1801. ffl3" STRAWBERRIES U. pick, c lb. Plenty oi oerriea. joe Henny, i mile east Brooks, mile north. Box 316. If 143 STRAWBERRIES U PICK Ite LB. Bring own containers. Fred N. Ben nett, Rt. 3, box 44B, 1 mi. 1. Kelxer sen. ff!37 OOOD STRAWBERRIES. U-plck. 10c. Joe Fendrkk. Rt. ft. Bos 458 McClay Rd. Bring containers. ff 140 STRAWBERRIES. U-plck. 1 ml. east Of Totem Pole. Ed Zlellnjkt. Rt. T, Box 342. ffl37 STRAWBERRIES. U-plek. 8c R. Bring containers. 1 mile east of Kelter school. No picking Sat. Id. Sproed, Rt. 3. Box 403L. ff 137 STRAWBERRIES U-plck. 10c. Bring eon tamers. Out Bllverton Rd, 3 " mt. to Middle Grove School. Turn rwht ml Herr tt Riensche tt HELP WANTED CHERRY PICKERS register now. Ander son farm, N. Lancaster tt Hayejvllle dr Rt. 7. box 175. Ph. 3-1801. gl42 CHERRY PICKERS register now. Andre- sen farm. n. Lancaster and Hayesvllle Dr . Rt. 7. Box 175. Phone 3-1S01. gl42 HELP WANTED Experienced ' gardener. Aiaoain t,anascape Service. Phone 2-4453 after ft p.m. 18 MANAGER TO PICK cherry crop. Must have exp. and make arrangement! for irucx ana pickers. Phone 2-4463 after . J ; gl38 WANTED Cherry pickers soon. Ph. 23024. 8142 STRAWBERRY PICKERS, 5c a box. R P Barnwell. 4930 N. River Rd., Keixer. gl39 CHERRY PICKERS, start Mon, Ph. 121 77 or 30348 after 7 p.m. gise CHERRY PICKERS register now. Picking about June 20. poslbly sooner. Very heavy crop. Camp sites available. Watch for sign at Y out Orchard Hts. road, 2' miles from Wallace road. Williams Fruit Lands, Rt. 8, box 609. Ph. I7F3 141' CHERRY PICKERS. Very large crop. Fred Kirkwood, 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 1-0547. 13' STRAWBERRY PICKERS. R. P. BarnwelT 4B30N. River Rd. & LADY TO STAY with elderly lady In re turn for room At kitchen prlvtlege.749 N. Liberty gl37 CHERRY PICKERS when crop la ripe. Furnish own transportation. Sunnyalde district. Sign now.. Ph. after 6 p.m. ,a''i": r-r, al37 HELP WANTED MALE COMBINATION waitress tt kitchen help, experienced. Coleg Portland Rd. gbl37 WANTED: Exp. men to heh harvest cherries about June 19. Capital Journal Box 390 ga!38' COOK: Man to cook for large group. $170 mo., less maintenance. Perm. pos. Oregon State Training School, Wood burn. ... HELP WANTED FEMALE NEAT ATTRACTIVE GIRLS for usherettes Apply In person. Grand Theater. gb!37 TYPIST to STENOGRAPHER'S, temporary tt permanent position. $150 to $185 per mo. to start. Apply State Civil Service. 444 Center St. gbl37 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 960 State St Ph. 3-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN SALESMAN. Must have car. Apply 9 a.m. to u a.m. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave. gg WANTED, an aggressive young man, ex perienced in selling real estate. Must have car. P. H. Bell, 381 Chemeketa St. gg" SALESMAN WANTED One that has sales experience and Is also acquainted with Salem and vicinity. rn. jvzfi, ask lor Mrs. Hutr. ggllS1 WANTED POSITIONS CUSTOM HAY baleing. rake with Job. isowiii mow. tn. 27103. hl82 TREE SPRAYING, light tractor work. No- len aatnurst, 4385 Hager St. Ph. 2-2907. hl42 DOZING WORK. D4 86.50. D6 IB tier h At 1 yd. draglines tt crane, truck St crawler mounted. Call Wood burn Red uv, box m oervaix. hl41 GIRL 17. want aummer Job. Exp. with emiaren, Housekeeping. Ethel Skill ings, Lyons. Oregon. ni3B NEED AN office Mar. or salesman? 10 yr. experience retail selling. Capital journal box 395. hl41 exp. GROCERY Mgr. wLihe work In oaiem area. nei. Available July Reply Capital Journal Box 394. hl41 CARPENTERS Nrw or repair. By houi or Job. Phone 3-6520 or 3-9374. hl41 PLASTERING. PATCHWORK and chlm ney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates hl01 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 2-2039 hl01 WANTED by Christian arn. housework, child, etc. ftOc hr. Preferably west Sa lem. Ph. 2-3738. hl37 FISHING RODS refinlshed and repaired, Guaranteed work. Rods made to order. Work accepted at Howard Maple's Sporting Goods or Bramble Hardware i-ouia evenings. hl39 LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put -ti in new ones. pn. 3-2606. hl58 ROVOTILLINO. M. E. Tiller. Ph. 37500. h!37' GRADER WORK by the hr. or lob Street, roads, subdivision. Ph. 39315 or jjavi eve. Til&S- POE'S mlmeogrgphing, typing service rrumpt service, quality worg, lower prices. 809 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. h!55 MARRIED VETERAN, 1949 engineering Brad., desires position. Will consider anything, not afraid of work willing to learn. Welcome Interview. Ph. 39429 hl37 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv- ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hl52 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rot ot tiling. New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph 3-8110. hl49 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6736'. hl4S SEWING and alterations. Ph. 2-4854. hl48 ROTOTILLER work. 1148 Bood St, 2-0594 CEMENT WORK Wanted. Ph. 1-4850. h!44 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H Mc piaster. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1498. hl44 BABY BITTER. Ph. 2-0580. hl38 PAINTING INSIDE or out Free est. Call Bill, 1-2979. hll7 AI'TO PAINTING lust ft shade better by nay inter can avnrocg Motor Co 1-1101 CHILD CARE. Pb. 39924. 1180 Shipping. nijg" FOR RENT ROOMS sTEEPIN GR OOM"Phr3-4335. ' " lk!61' PLEASANT sleeping room. Very eloae tn 34 s. Churchy jkl38 LIOHT fl'KPG rm. with kitchenette. Mod nome. bus. ibio Trade St jklM NICE SLEEP! NO Rm. HAC water. 461 N. High. Jkl40' NICK SLEEPING room imen) 440 Center St, Rear Woodrow Bldg. )kl37 NICK LARGE sleeping room. Twin beds 740 Chemeketa. Jkl40 LIGHT Hni'SEKf EPINO room for gentle man. 117.50 montn. pn. i-jojg. jkiso ATTRACTIVE rms. 2039 McCoy. Pn. 1 0093 IklAS ROOMS TO RENT WEEK Oft MONTH HOTEL SALXM tag. A-8161, FOR RENT APARTMENTS IS RM. furn. apt. Main floor. 2110 M. 4th. Mrs. Fred Lemon. jpl43 CLEAN I RM. unfurn. apt. Prlv. ent. Chil dren excepted. Ph. 2-0900 or 3-8636 before 11 a.m. or after I p.m. jpll9 t PERMANENT partla!. 3-rm. unfurn. apt. in nice res. dlst. Utilities and elec tric range. 1479 Elm St. Ph. 3-8801. 1P139- I BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. 1949 Broadway. Call at 640 Manon. Jpl39 ft KM. furn apt. 692 8, 15th St. JP139 RM, PIRN. apt. Hot At cold water, Shower bath A elec. range. 1 or 3 ad ults. No children. Ph. 1.1430. W. Salem JP142 4 RM. APT. furn. 1 adult, plenty gtorete. 735 N. Capt. Prl. ent. Ph. 17094. Jpl39 t LARGE room furnished apt. Private front and back entrance. Bath. For couple or motnera with toddler. Can stay with me while mother works. 949 So. 13th. JplSI' 5 RM. APT. Unfurn. $80. Plenty bullt-tns. closets. Close In. 866 Rerry St. Ph. 2-1994 JP138 FURN. 1 OR a RM. apt. Cheap, ft fin. walk Kids O.K. 160 Union. Ph. 3-9835. Jpl41 S RM. APT. Close In. partly furn. Ideal for couple. Ph. 24431 or 38953 after Pm. jpllS ATTRACTIVE 1 rm. apt. with bath, part ly furn. All electric. dulU. 1196 Chem eketa. Jpl38 RM. WITH kitchen privileges. Woman en ly. $27 ft month. 1980 N. Church. Jpl37 6 RM. Furn. Flat. Adults 0 N. High. rn. 3-6378. Jpl37 LARGE a rm. furn. apt. Clean. Private bath St entrance. 419 8. Iffln. Jpl37 SMALL, CLEAN, furn. apt. Working wom an preferred. 250 S. Cottage, Jpl37( t RM. APT. partly furn. Private bath entrance. Close In. Inquire 401 Oregon Bldg. jpi37 CLEAN FURN. APT. Private bath. 2455 Slate. jpl40 I ROOM upstairs apt. Elec. ref. Private bath and entrance. Trans p. at door. Working couple preferred. 226 MeNary, West Salem. JP137 ; ROOM furnished upstairs apartment. With bath At outside entrance, to a middle aged, working couple. No drink ing, pets or children. 45ft S. 18th or Ph. 2-7050. Jpl40 FURN. 4 Rm. Apt. Utilities furn. Reason- aoie. 3bs a, lgtn. Jpl39 APT. FOB RENT, closg In. Women only. 425 N. Winter. Ph. 3-1836. Jpl37 FOR RENT HOUSES 2 BDRM. house. 449 N. 23rd. Inquire 1835 Trade St. jml38 NEW S ROOM house for rent. Good dlst. Suburban. $85, Ph. 2-1073. jml42 FOR RENT: 4 room house. Close to can nery. NO CHILDREN. 1031 Elm St. West Salem. ImlSft' t RM. modern furn, cottage. Ph. 2-0018. Jml37 FOR RENT, Three bedroom house, $05. 130 Lansing, Inquire next door north. - Jml37 4 BD. RM. unfurn. hse., 4 ml. from city center, creek, spring, family orchard, for lease. Only tenants who will agree to keep house and grounds In good repair will be considered. Write Capital Journal Box 48S. jml37 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 36 IN. POWER 8YCLE mower: power mow er; garden tillers; paint sprayers; pow er tools; plumbing tools; air compress or and etc. Howaer Bros., 1410 B. 12th. Ph. 3-3646. ji4j FOR RENT: Business location In DeLake, room xuuaoie ror Attorney or Real Estate office. Write Box 101, DeLake, Oregon, or call 226 DeLake or call at Tourist Cafe, DeLake. . ji$9 ' FOR RENT OFFICE One large room the equivalent of 3B ordinary rooms In modern building. Li noleum on fldbr. 409 sq. ft. All services Included. $58.00 per month. Call 3-3898 between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. J137 CLOSE IN N. front. Lower floor suitable for office, living outr. uoat linn n-r mn NEW BUS. BLDG. in Hollywood, large floor space. $179 per mo. Warehouse cloe in So. Haa office and plbg. $45 per mo. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com ! St. Ph. 3-8309. Eve. 9-7440. 1138 BUSINESS for rent. See under Business. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Pb. 15698. 1' GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of- nee or stores. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 14131 J U DRIVE trucks cars Pit 2-1101 POWER TOOL rental lor borne At 'tn dustrlai use Sowser Bros pb 3-3640 J" BUSINESS KM for rent. H. L. Stiff. 1 TRAILERS $2.00 per day Howser Bros 1410 S. 12th. West Salem J GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor gand er. We sell everything to complete the job. RgwAF.R. BROS Pb 1-3646 ! WANTED TO RENT REFINED MAN, wife and 1 child 11 yrs. old, want 2 br. rm. modern home close in. Will give excel, care. Ph. 20057 af ter a p.m. JH39- MGR. MILLER'S Fur Dept. wishes 1 or l bd. rm. hse. in good district. Ref. ph. 28319. jtIja. YOUNG COUPLE expecting child desire 3 bdrm. furn. house. Ph. 2-9990. jalS7 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD. 019 N. Winter. JJ142 VACANCY for room As board. 629 N. Win ter. Jii. WILL BOARD smalt children, day. week ' "m ii. rn. ji-ojo. 1J137 LOST AND FOUND A LADY'S Oruen wriat watch April I. Between Millers St Penny, Ph. 3-8487. kl42 BLUE SILK strep, boarder on Browning bus May 20. Reward. 775 Dearborn ave. kl37 LOST: Small black corday purse. S. Com mercial, sat. nlte, June 4. Reward. Ph. 3-2713. kl41 LOST: Siamese kitten. Child's pet. Re- warn, rn. J-9S40. sag n. summer St. .rrimw1'3'' MISCELLANEOUS LF.s SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. we close Saturdays 13:30. m!56 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State to Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-1311 m RAVE TOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a quai'fled S.ntcr represen ts" e Ph 1-3913 for free pick up and delivery service on ah make of ma chine. Pre? estimate given before work Is started Singer tewing Machine Co 130 N ConVI m' BUILDING MATERIAL SPECIAL!! Outside house paint $3.49 per gal.; paint sprayer rental reduced 11.00 per day with purchase witb paint. Howser Bros.. Ph. 1-3048. ma 143 HOWSER BROS., your power tool rent al head quarter. New address. 1410 S 13th. Ph. 2-3046. mal42 $8.50 per square No, 1 cedar shingles. No. 2 $9 cedar wall shakes and undercourse. $11.10 painted. No. 1 unpalnted 19.00. NO. 1 M M. Ted MuUer. Ph. Salem 1-1196 ma' NEW LUMBER for sale. 1x1 rough. 4000 It. Make an offer. Rt. 1. box 16. I bl. No. of R R, on Wallace rd. nalss AETNA STEEL DOOR FRAMES Assembl ed One unit. Low installation cost. PUMILITE Weat Salem. mel37 REINFORCING STEKLI Bl0k-tneh In 4". 6 '. 8 12 ' Widths. PUMILTTE West Salem. H137 CHTMNFT BLOCKS Foundation Blocks. PUMILITE West Salem. mall7' FT. ROOF RAFTERS, tl each. At Moss BUILDING MATERIAL IS NEW STEEL WINDOWS, 10 off. Phona 1-7071. mel37 HEETROC'K new ahlpment. V See ua for new low cash price. Keith Brown, Front At Court, mi Builder-Contractors We have a complete stock of framing lumber, timbers it ahlplap, all grades, at rock bottom prlrea. West Salem saw mill. 10W Wallace Rd. Pb. 39593. Free Delivery. mal43 ALUM A - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK BHINOLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or Call Dlst. 1-6401. ma lie DOORS, INTERIOR 1 panel doors, at the great special purchase bottom price, bargain of only $6.00 each. Keltb Brown, Fornt tt Court Bts Salem. ni SKIL-TOOL rental aervlc. Tally Farm store. 434ft Bllverton Rd, mal46 NEW SHIPMENT plast board. ", l4d tt", 4 g. ft. Rook latbft. 44 a, ft, 11.15 MONTOOMBRY WARD. 8ALEU ma USED FIR FLOORING. Ph. 30701 or 1-4389. mal39' ED CEDAR ahtngles No. 1, $9.60. No, 1, 84.60. NO. 3. $3.90. We del. Philips Brot, Rt L Box 111, Pb 66F21. ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phono 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM, OREGON aaa ALUMINUM ROOFTNO 1 ft. width Id the following lenxthai 0 81.74 r a il 10 2.90 IF 1.41 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD Al CO. 6ALEM, OREGON ma NURSERY STOCK LATE CABBAGE At broccoli Plants tn any quantity. Femberton Oreenhouse. 1980 S. 12th. mbl37" FUCHSIAS FOR SALE. 180 VARIETIES. MKS, F. E. WARD. 4380 CHEKKY AVE. mbl39 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLEARANCE SALE FLOOR MODELS ODD ITEMS Bring copy of this ad to get these prices: CALORIC GAS RANGE, for City or bot tled as, clock tt timer, light. Brand new, last '48 model, regular price $189.50. Clearance price 8139.50. MAOIO CHEF GAS RANGE for bottled gas, swing-out broiler and oven, light At timer. Regular $234,50. One '49 floor model, to clear at 1187.50, GENERAL OAS WATER HEATER for city gas, 30-gallon. Only one. Regular 377.50. Sale price $43.00. UTILITY FLOOR FURNACE for bottled gas. Pilot light and 100 shut-off. 37, 000 BTU. AGA approved. Sale price $39. PAYNE FLOOR FURNACE for bottled gas. Slightly used. 40,000 BTU, AGA approv ed. With automatic controls. Sale price 150. BRILLI ANTFLH E GAS HEATERS for city gas, or lor bottled gas. 35,000 BTU. AGA approved. Radiant-Circulator-Vented. Sale price $57.50. SERVEL REFRIGERATOR, 4-ft., used. $95.00. Bring This Ad To PROPANE GAS Ac APPLIANCE CO. 340 Ferry Street. Ph. 3-5098 Opposite Marlon Hotel n!39 GOOD USED Hoover vacuum cleaner. $15. pnone j-oaee. nljO NEARLY NEW box spring and lnnerspring mauress. rnone d-Slil, niJB ELECTRIC HOT water tank, colled refuse ourner, pressure cooxer. en. 3-B786. nl39 CEMENT MIXER, baby bed, high chair. JJ3 uurpin. pn, j-vjvt. ni39 LOTS. Bell Crest Memorial park. Ph. 3-J SWING CUTOFF 12" saw, heavy duty, As oencn. ho union St. nl3 STRAWBERRY. 8c a lb., bring container and pick them. Marvin Van Cleave. l' East of Totem Pole. ' mile N. on Van Cleave Rd. Ph. 2-5161. nl37" BABY BUGGY. Excel, eond. 3ft lb. Ice box. Ph. 2-0796. nl39a 1 USED 4 BAR side rake. Interstite Trac tor CO. Ph. 2-4161. 11139 It FT, Co-op Self-propelled Combine. Cut less than 000 acres. Will take 0 It. com bine or cattle. Allen Gingrich, Rt. 2. Albany. 3 ml. N.E. of Knox Butte. nl39 HOPETON Chain Hoist, like new, I14.S0. 18" ft blade lawn mower 87.50. Baby Buggy. 15. Play Pen $7.50. 10-gal. Elec tric Water Heatr, 139.90. 809ft Portland. nl39 JOCKEY SADDLE, pad At bridle like new. Ph. 27103. nl39 METAL BED At gprlni-fllled mattress. Davenport. Electric Sweeper. Ph. 37019 at 1640 Broadway after 4. nl39 MY BOOK HOUSE, ft rot.; travel ship, 3 vol. Like new, $50. Ive. ph. 1-0725. nl3S ARE YOU Interested in the service sta tion business? I have one for sale at In ventory price. In Monmouth, Ore. Con tact Warren Doollttle, Distributor, Gen eral Petroleum Products. Plant No. 34619. nl4l BEAUTIFUL Baldwin Acrosonle Spinet style Piano. 670 Ratcllff Dr. nl38 GIRL'S BICYCLE. Good condition. 750 Beck Ave. Ph. 21115. n!38 T-D 18 Angle At Tilt Dozen At Carry All att, A-l cond. Guarantee. Only 1200 hr. Very reasonable. I. C. Claus. Rt. 2, Box 45. Ph. 2115 Dallas. n 1 4 1 DARK BLUE baby buggy. Excellent eonrL Used only lew months. Was $36, will aell for 125. Will give carrlaie pad. Ph. 2-7488. ni38 GOOD used baby play pen with pad. 1 sleeping trailer. Ph. 1-9092. nI38 STUDIO COUCH $10. 1244 D street. Ph. 3-8217! nl37 BABY TENDA $7.50. Baby bath S3. Heavy mapie. aining leoie at cnairs $40. pn. 2-3587. nl37 AUTOMATIC Donut Machine with track. O. C. Adams, Rt. 1, box 630 Oregon City. nl40 uwon. mo. rn. i-nn oeiween V a.m. Si 9 P m. p!37 OATS VETCH hay. Selling out for $12.00 ton. Ph. 26608. nl40 FULLER brushes. 1745 Orant. Ph. 38337. nl56 HOYT ST. SURPLUS ICE BOXES $10.00. Steam Table $25 00. New DeLux Washer $89.99 Bunk Beds ind Mattresses, Berry Picker bunks, you fix em, 11.00. 10.000 Gal. Wood Water Tank $66.00. 200 Oal. Gas Eng. Irrigation Pump, I H P. Wisconsin, Hay Cover Tarps. Low bed 16' CMC. Ideal hay or farm truck 1'iT International flat bed 41. CLOSV OUT ON LAVA TORIES cast Iron enamel, chrome cen ter get filler and trim $27.90. S At l'i Oilr. Pipe, aoil pipe and fitting, 4eptlo tanks, 500 Gal. Laundry tray, atwem cookers, ateam kettle, bakery elec. oven, spud peeler, washer, swivel chairs, secretarial dek, sinks, toilets, tubs, lavatories, S At V Rope. House and outside wire, entrance conduit, switch boxes, ranee cable and outlets, IS'xO' oak table 130.00. Easy chair $11. Mablc Daveno $22.90. Oil Circulator $39. Wall eafe $1.00. Hammermlll. grind your own feed. $46.00. COME IN AND LOOK. Com south on nth to large HOYT 8ION Turn oast one block. Tel. "916. nijg. FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll ers, mug pasteurner, al close-out prices. Tester Appliance Co. nltl NO WAXING REQUIRED vhen you use piasti-Koie. ino eeuopnane-llke finish for your floor or linoleum. Yeater Ap pliance Co. nl48 DEEPFREEZE home freer era, $129 95 and up. xeaier Appliance co ft 141 ELECTRIC SEWINO machine. (Fret-Wes- tmghousei Yeater Appliance Co. nI41 EXHAUST FANS Close -out price. Tester Appliance co. nl48 USED REFRIGERATORS, washing ma- enmeg, range, water beater. Yeater AoBllanra Ca ! STEEL clothesline post, 111 At up. Rail Journal Want Adi Pay (Continued on Page 23) I -Mt Bfg, I IM, ailT At. 1, boa 31, Turner. Salea n. l-aft7. aalM