Stocks Decline Minor Fractions New York. June S (f The itock market loafed (long at lightly lower price leveli to day. The trend wai far from de cisive but losses did have an edge over gains. Few stocks moved more than minor frac tions either way and numerous key issues remained at Wednes day's close. Business was unusually slow, with neither buying or selling forces inclined to tackle the market on any scale. Turnover was at the rate of only 650,000 shares for the full session, one of the smallest totals of the year Investors and s p e c ul ators shrugged off good news and bad. The approaching long week-end, plus widespread doubts concern ing the future progress of the market, were mainly responsi ble. The general price level is now just above a two-year low which was hit Monday. Meager de mand has helped the market since then. Higher prices were paid most of the day for U.S. Steel, Bethle hem Steel, Woolworth, General Electric, Radio Corp , Standard Oil (N.J., and Twentieth Century-Fox. Holding back were General Motors, Chrysler, U.S. Rubber, Montgomery Ward, Sears Roe buck, United Aircraft, Western Union, Gulf Oil and United Airlines, MARKET QUOTATIONS (Bj VtUlty Putlnf Comptari Culttr cow f i)0 to I1JO0 Fat Dairy co Ill 00 to 111 00 Bull! 11100 to 110 00 Cftlvej. lood (300-150 lb ) 11100 to 130 00 Veil UMJ-100 lb.) lood ..110.00 to 114 00 loci prlcw paid ltblo It o Port md prlcw tot tub itt Top. 11-331 .bo Portland EaiUMe Markat Strawbrrrita aold (or IJ.00-1.M t flit on the Portland KuUldt Farmer Whole tale Produce market today. Pra brought 13. 75 to U 00 ft H-lb. bot. Lettuce tu 11. SO a crate. Spinach wu quoted at 11.00 an oramt box, Boeta were to to W cent a doien bunche. Radlahea moved at U to 70 ttnti a dozen bunortea. The ame price wu quoted for green onion. Woodburn Mission To Hold Communion Woodburn St. Mary's mis- ion at Woodburn will join in the world-wide observance of the 400th anniversary of the First Book of Common Prayer with the celebration of the holy communion at 11 a.m. on Whit sunday, June 5. This day marks the close of the winter program of St Mary's mission with the last session of Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Next week, June 12, the summer schedule will be gin with the services at 8:30 a.m. Church school will be re sumed in September. Rev. Earl Baker of Salem will preach at the Bible Baptist church here again this Sunday. His morning service topic will be "God's Command," and for the 7:45 a.m. service, "A Four fold Look at the Cross." Young people's meeting will be at 6:45 p.m. Rev. D. D. Priest of the Chris tian church, who has completed one year as minister, reports an increase in attendance of 35 to 40 per cent in the Sunday school and 30 per cent in the church attendance. A new oil furnace has been installed, new lighting fixtures also installed and the basement remodeled. Portia n PreOee Better-fat Tenia tl to. ttuject dlate cbanio Premium quality maximum h ji m I percent ecioiw oeiirereo Portland 61-ec ib. tim Quality i-e b. second quality bl-AQc Valley route and country polnta lea thai firat. tier Wholesale FOB bulk euboe u chol ei ale: arade AA. 03 score. l-c; A. 3 cor M-Ol'ic: B. score. B7e lb.: C, n score, Uc Ib. Abo prices are strict ly nominal Cbeese Aellini orleo to Portland whole- tale Oregon angles, 3ll4-mo Oregon 0 to loar, ittMvri: aripiet e tea waa tingles Eft (To Wholesaler) a grade larso 5J-53 lc; A medium, 53-53 Vic; grade B. arte, 41'4-H0lic Portland Dairy Market Batter Prico to retailer- Orad AA prmu 60c: AA carton 6lc: A print. 66c, A cartons, lie; B prints, 63c. Eggs Prk to retailer: aa large 56c, cert tnd A large. 56c: A large. 34-sSc; AA medium. 5Sc: certified A medium 55c: A mrdlum Sic; cartons 3c additional. Cbreao Price to retailers. Portland oreaon einiiei 40H-5O'c Oregon loaf, i .b O'.i-Uoi trlpleu lo laai tban aln glea Poultrr Live Chlekene - No I quality POB plant. No i broilers under m lbs 31 -38c id; iryer ibi jo-sac; 9- lb ji-32c: roasters 4 lb, and over 31-33e lb.; fowl, Leihorns under 4 lbs, 33c: over i lbs. 35c; colored fowl, all weight, 31: roosters, au weights, i-aoc Rabbit Averaie to growers for Ue vhite fryers, white, 4-5 Ib 21-3 Je lb - lbs 1(1-3 lc lb; colored 3 cents lower old or heavy does, l-lc; dressed frrers to Sutchers S7-60C. Tarkeya iPrlcaa quotgd are not to Uu producer on a aretsea weigns oasis ) u 9 trad A young toms 11 oze no young nena. nominally we Dressed turkeys to retailer: Uiad A young hens 10-llc New tfor style drete d A grade vcune torn !- Portland Mlaeellaneoaa C'aseara Bark Dry I3ic lb., green 4e lb Wool Valley eoarao and medium grades no ib Mobalr 35c Ib. on 13-montb growth, nominally. Hides Calves. IQc lb., according to weight, kips 30c lb., beef t-lOe lb., bull 6-7c lb. Country buyer pay 3c less. Nat Quotations Wolnala Pranquettea first o.uallt fum do. 34.7c, largo. 13 To: medium, tile; eeo ond quality Jumbos, 30.2o: targe U.3c, medium. 36 3e: baby 33 3e; eofl shel first quality largo. 3t.7e; medium 3o: aee- ona quality largo. ST Jo: medium 14-to baby 77 3c Pllberta - Jumbo, too a j larga. lie medium. 16c; small, 13e Quotations above supplied oy North Portland Grain Portland, Ore.. Oau No t. M il) whlto H Ni barley No. 2, 45B.W. 50.00. oaso wneat eu men wnito i n; son whits (eieludlng rex) 1.141 whlto lub 1.34; l wasters red 3 34, Hard red winter: Ordinary 134: IS per oent 1.34; U per eent 3.11; 11 per cent 3.36. Hard white baart: Ordinary 1.34; 11 per cent 3.35; 11 per cent 1.31; 11 per cent 1 31. Today car receipt: wneat ow Hour 4: corn I; oau 3; mlllfeed 1. Portland LJvesteefe. Portland, Ore June f ajA Livestock: Cattle salable 300: calves 50: market very slow, most classes under uneven pressure; good fed steers quoted to Mon day' top of 37.00; early bid caaner and cutter cows 36 to 50 wall lower or fully I. 00 lower than Tueday; most early bid II. 00 to 1S.00; medium aatuaie bulls 10.00 to 31.00; good vealera 16.00; choice quoted 10 37.00. Hog alabls 100; market Iow: scattered ssles steady: good and choke 180-310 lb. 33.50; selected lot 13.00; odd good sow 16.00 to 16.54; soma held hignsrj leader scarce. Sheep salable 500: market mostly steady to weak: aome bids SO cents or mora lower; early sale good and choice apring lambf 16.00; medium and good 74 lbs 37.00; com mon 33.00; good light awes i.OOi uli and commons 3.00 to 5.00. 34 eenu. Orada A colored fryers, three pound and up, I la. Orada A old roosters 14 enU gge Baying Prices Katra larga AA. 63c: large AA 51c; largo A. 46-43c: medium AA, 46c: medium A. 4146c; pullets 10-13e. OTkolesale Price Sag wholesale prlea ta t cent above those prices aoov arade A generally quoted at lie; me dium 53c. BoHrfa4 Premium. Mc. No- L, Hoi Ha- 1. 64 le (buying price . Bauer Wbelssala grade A, 66c; ra .aU 11a. The arteries are always empty after death of an organism and early anatomists believed they were normally filled with air. Buying Helps in Wheat Support Chicago, June 9 W) Moder ate buying on the part of flour milli supported wheat on the board of trade today. The mllli were mojt active in July, which ran up more than a cent at timet. Other wheat contracts did not show the strength o the near by month. Mill buying wai traced to larger flour booking!, which in turn appeared based on the ex tended government price sup port program announced late Tuesday. Some bakers evidently felt that, as a result of the pro gram, wheat and flour prices would not drop as much as had been expected at harvest time. The firm tone in July wheat did not give much help to oth er commodities. Corn eased as purchases of cash grain on a to-arrive basis from the country increased to around 100,000 Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon, Thursday, June , 1949 21 bushels. Soybeans and lard re covered from an early sell-off, but dealings were light Wheat closed 1 V lower to H higher, July $1.937,-1 94, corn was a-H lower, July $1.32V a, oats were unchanged to H higher, July SQ-Ti, rye was 'i-4 higher, July $1.36 H, soy beans were ,4-2Vt higher, July $2 22-2.21 4. and lard was 7 to 15 cents a hundred pounds high er. July $11.20. (Advtrtuwmeno Piles Hurt Like Sin! But Now I Grin Thounanda chnn groans to arlna. Uaa a doctors' formula to relievo discomfort of piles. Sent drucKlBto by noted Thorn ton k Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK palliative relief of pain. Itch, irritation. Tends to soften, shrink swell In . Usui doctor1 way. ;t tube Thornton A Minor's Rectal Ointment or Kectal Sup posltorles today. Follow label direction a. For sale at all drug; stores everywhere. In Hslrn St frrd Meter Or us Ch Icage LiveaUek Chicago. June t OJJB Livestock: Hogs salable 1,000; mast sales butchers and sow 2k cent higher; trade opened slow, but later fairly active; uneven, par ticularly on bu Where over 100 lbs; top 31.11; good and choice 170-240 lbs 21. M to 31.15; 250-210 lbs. 20 SO to 21.25; 20-120 lbs 10.15 to 20.50 : 220260 lbs 11.15 to 10.15; few up to 400 Hu. down to 1125; sow. under 31ft lb 11.75 to 18. It; lew 11.00: 400-4M lbs 10.25 to 11.25; 41I-5M Ife 15 25 to K M; heavier weights down to 14.15. Sheep salable 100: slaughter lambs weak to 1.00 lower; aheep 50 cents lower; choice native spring lambs 20.00; mostly 29.00 down, ewe 1.00 to 10.00. Cattle alable 2.500; calves 400: Tar slow; general market weak to 50 cem. lower; a load or so of choice steers held at 31.00 and above; good to low cho.ct steer 1211 lbs down 25.30 to 21.25; two loads choice 1400 lbs 21.00; two loads oi good 1425 lb steers 25.50; medium to lo good steer 22. SO to 25.2ft; medium in good heller 22.00 to 20.00; a load of good to choice 910 Ib weights 20.35: common u good beef cowa 11.15 to 21.00; cannera am cutters 13.00 to 10.50; medium and good lautasa bulla 21.00 and 23.00; practice' top vealera 21.00: few up to 31.00. Salem Markets Cempleted Cram reports ! ialesa fas re for the guidance ei Capital Journal Header (He vised ar). Bet all reed Prtoea Esg Mash 15.10. Rabbit Pelleta 14.31 Oalrr Feed 13.90. peultrvi bmng one Orada eol ed hen 38c; grade A Leghorn hens. June tKi Cash grain: WOMEN WANTED Fat Deauty training ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to the skilled beautician Claaaet are now forming at Salem a oldest and most advanced beauty school. Call or write for our new low rates. Oregon School of Beouty Culture ISO N Liberty Ph. S80 Congratulations Capital Electric On Your Fine New Store Did the Plastering and Stucco R. F. MEIER 146 Gerth St., West Salem Ph. S6311 or 2215S We Do Commercial, Industrial and Residential Plastering and Stuccoing; Last Meeting for Eastern Star Gervais Gervais chapter No 118, Order of the Eastern Star, held its last meeting of the sea ion. The proposed amendments of Grand Chapter were dis cussed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc Claugnry will attend as dele gates when the session convenes June 14. Refreshments were served by Mrs. J. P. Aspinwall, Mrs. J. E. Cutsforth and Mrs Allen Dean. Congratulations to CAPITAL ELECTRIC Pumice blocks for their new building were furnished by 12TH smn BLOCK CO. So. 12th & Vista Dial 2-5363 Grand Opening FKDDAY and SATURDAY a Open Each Day from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. REFRESHMENTS 2 P.M. to 9 P.M. GIFTS FOR THE LADIES See Our New Store Building 1480 FAIRGROUNDS RD. (Next door to Curly-! Dairy) Featuring SALES AND SERVICE ON ESTATE RANGES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FREEZERS AND REFRIGERATORS HARDER FREEZERS A.B.C. WASHERS All Types of Commercial Refrigeration Capital Electric WO FAIRGROUNDS ROAD 'HONE 3-7484 make your figure slim as stem, smooth as a Salem rose petal bestform girdles Girdles and panty girdles with special control that let you move about as nature intended, while they flatten your tummy, smooth your hips and improve your posture. Let our experts help you select Bestform garments that do the most for your figure. 11 north liberty I, 6V -s. . . y S Jfiftjjf Cotton-ind-nyon elaitlc girdle In Mn i " f&&J r two-way Itretch ityle with lightly Foundations, ttcond Hoot VV I boned, inner-front panel; for the lA V B JlJff fuller figure. 16-inch lenRth; sizes rl Vjw1 JJ, 34, 36, 38, 10. Tcaiose. 2.95 j3JL Let Reba White, BEST- 8 " 'lfr m& Mf FORM'S special figure con- '&ZA ,' ZT'V X sultant, ast you Friday and f " C-? 7i rw,piV 3JTiAk t,ons.ofourSe! . ' M white , V tJy Satin Bra H yMi '"- Light as a petal, ' 1 j I ' V 'VVii II L'2ff7J '' IJ' ,rom rolling. .Two-way but artfully de- iJ. fi$A'- CtM- 'Jk ? stretch; eotton-and-rayon ?RH tbymBtE.SnTd U'Fryl ' VW Ml. . elastic. White; sma.,, ma- separate. fl -"3 rT ';; '" 'u Wf t dium and large sues. J1.9J A Cup . . 32 to 36 M VT7 I JTn ' y v VI IP Jf - ? WuWh" k ' 'lVj Pny slip-on in white ha. VW ? 'Ml 1 W$'h &VlR&k I ' Y L crotch. Small, medium and MiMsiw - "Wit? Vi. 'mKtfaWiitffl&K "-V J',!Z. a two-way stretch cotton- "-2?tf':l R 'l!V f V 111 uJLi W7 and-rayon girdle. White in vat; asfeV'A ZSMr I AlflY C t)J small, medium, large sizes. 'wfcnwwTrnwsaa f CTuLj ' (Sues style a b, e, d) SPECIAL Wtcn PURCHASE l)!p BED SHEETS VV V 81x108 . . . $1.94 sXv . J s 72x108 . . . $1.84 qN f Cases 42c mm First Quality sheets at a phenomenally low, low irice Through arrangements with a nationally amoua mill, Kolierts purchased a hutte quantity; if these First Quality 'Slumber Queen" sheets' md the ,avini? are passed on to you ! ', These First Quality sheets are made to our own; xactinif specif ications closely woven, 128 breads to the inch, snowy white muslin, neatly lemmed and are identified with our own brand,; 'Slumber Queen"! Stock up today for your home for gifts! '. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT MEZZANINE ; We Give and Redeem S&H Green Stamps