X Capital Journal. Salem, Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN chanter I Along tha road which ld (rem ; the Crown ranch to In town ol , Cougar wept a buckboard. On the teal, reins wrapped about her amall hands, sat Constance King. Connie was nineteen and as pretty as a prairie rose. The fact that she was heir to the richest cattle ranch In vie state had spoiled here no more than had the school for young . . Indies which she had attended: she atlil mananed to retain the iresh neu and level-eyed honesty which was her Western heritage. The road iollowed the middle of a broad valley in wnwn iraaea mnnnv Lhttu&ndi of Crown cattle. Along the fringe of the valley were the ahac.es oi aquaiura, wno. ii&e Jackals around the lair of the lion. iad feathered to snatch what crumbe they could. Many a fat yearling bearing the Crown brand had fallen victim to their greedy loop and had moved by devious (rails far back Into the hills. Just where they went no man would openly say; but Chuck Gale owned a ranch in the far reaches of the northern slopes where visi tor! were not welcomed, and even the tolerant and easy-going Jab King could find a logical answer to the question. But mere conjecture m not auiiicieni 10 warrant, an c casation of cattle theft, so Chuck and his hard bitten crew rode back Him 1UIIM lA VUUKU i pw4 uv himself was courteously received at uie crown ranch house. The buckboard werH around bend, rising to the two outside wheels as It took the turn. Expertly, Connie straightened out the rac ing ponies and the vehicle settled on four wheels, then swayed with Its weight on the Inside ones. The right rear wheel flew from the axle, ran craaily for a hundred feet or so Into the sage and grease wood, ttien wobbled uncertainly and settled on Its side, still spinning. The buckboard sagged and the wheelless axle gouged a furrow in the road, while the broncs, startled at the accident, plunged wldly and threatened to throw each other, Connie leaned back on the reins bracing her feet against the dash, and sawed them to a pawing, prancing stop. She held them until tney naa Quieiea somewnat, men cautiously slacked the reins. She got from the seat, and went after the wheel. She rolled It back and leaned It against the tilted buckboard and started walking back along the course she had fol lowed, her eyes searching the ground for the axle nut. Bhe walked a hundred yards, two hundred yards, without finding It, then re traced her steps. She halted at the buckboard. gave a gesture of exasperation, and for the first time looked about her. Her Raze swept the western boun dary of the valley, passed along the unbroken horizon to the north, swung along its west side and was arrested. A horseman had left one of the homesteads on that side and was angling for the road on a course that would bring him to It a milt or so beyond her. The horseman turned his horse in her direction and put him to a lope. Connie was aware of a feel ing of relief. She noticed the rider and her first Impression was that he de served no more than on glance. He was not handsome, and his hair needed cutting. Just another squatter. When he was only fifty vi w m tt evj . vuiiuie miAfu at nun again, and saw retails which she naa missea at first glance. To be gin with, he was clean. His range clothing was well worn, but neat and spotless: his tanned face shone; his boots were scuffed but freshly polished. His face was somber to the point of dournes. but there was a quiet assuranca about his bearing that impressed her despite her prejudice against squatters. He rode up, halted the sorrel with a gentle rein, and quietly raised his hat. "Good morning, Hiss King. Looks like you're hav ing a little trouble." Connie stood up. Indicating the Wheel with a wave of her hand. "I looked for the nut but couldn't find It, and there Isn't even a piece of balling wire handy." He nodded gravplv and turned the sorrel. He walked him to the point where the axle had first dug into the ground, pulled up for a moment to consider, then moved slowly on, bent In the saddle to can the ground. Fifty feet farther on he reined in. leaned over and picked up the missing nut. He rod back and dismounted. "Rolled Into a little hollow," he R24A1 whatever 60 wot w fix to i v: vtni Oregon, Thunwlay, June 9, 1949 explained. "That's why you couldn't1 caa it. I mm that ma4 " I He raised the axle, and she notic ed the bulge of his smooth muscles beneath the dark coat. She slipped the wheel on and he lowered the buckboard. With pliers taken from his saddlebags, he tightened the nut as best he could. "That ought to hold until you get to Cougar. Tou can stop at the blacksmith shop and have it ogntenea wun a wrench.' He stepped back and raised his hat. Connie smiled a thin smile. "Thank you," she said. He returned her smille and Con nie was guilty of an impolite stare. That smile changed his whole ap pearance; It was as thougn the sun had suddenly popped from behind a doua. The aomDerness vamsnea he appeared almost boyish. Connie lingered. You re a homesteader?" She Just couldn't say squatter. xe m jnied on a ouarter-sec tion at the foot of the hills." He made a little motion toward the slope behind him. Trying to raise a few purebred cattle. I'm on my way to Cougar to meet the stage. My brother's coming on it. He's a lawyer." He said 11 prouaiy. "Really?" said Connie, and un fastened the reins. "Going to settle in jougar r' I sure hope so. She nodded and smiled again "Then perhaps I'U have the pleas ure of meeting him some time Thank you again. Mister ?" ryier. jeii ryier. "I'm glad you happened alone. Mr. Tyler. Ooodbye." She didn't look back, but she knew that Jeff Tyler was trailing her to be on hand U she shed the wheel again. (To be continued) SIZES I 16 p.ru Teen Mates The sun-drew with lu very own bolero rates high in the teen scene. tool Pattern No. 3019 la especially smart because It has the new walat-whlttllng midriff. Pattern No. 3861 makes a matchuu drawstring bag. (Two separate pat terns'. . No. 1015 la cut In teen-age sizea S. 10. 12, 14, and 16. Slae 13 dress. 34 yds. 38-ln.; bolero, m yds. 15-ln. No. 3891 la cut In one slae. V yd. 39-ln. Bend 39e for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Bize desired. Ion note. They are inexpensive for t h. ftPR.rvn V A HUTAW nnnv which Includes In Its 190 pattern ceeiKiu, a Dig selection or alluring auggestlona for cotton taahlona for every age and occasion Price Just 30 cents. Address Caoltal Journal. 993 Mission 8t San Francisco 9 Calif. DAISY KHGING8-Plne edilnas maae lint handkerchiefs, especially wnen ine afsinna are as love v a.. thee Illustrated above. Tailored or iriuy, the pniierns work up In little time and require only two balls of tatting cotton for all of them. Pattern Envelope No R24t con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, stitch Illustrations, material requirement, and finishing direc tions. To obtain tna pattern lend 30c in COINS giving pattern number your name, addreas and acme num bei to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour na. 126 Mission street San Fran etaco 1. Call! watf& ML I , , ( HOW CAN SPOTSrOT THE TRUTH IS, MR. 1 I idSft -- HELP SNUFF OUr THE ROPER, If PEOPLE - i BOGUS MONEY BOYS, JTDOK THE TIME TO T.ean lMR.BAUWMANr,aawf'tIARN AND THE J , tM .. tS-. r rJr TBmiRI f TO LOOK. 1 ' J. -JIh LL-JEEf I COUNTERFEITERS WOULD! A80UT IT SO I'M 6IVING YOU V lu.ur.ii. WrtMM - ' ' BE AS EkTINrrr A.S THF A FFvV QUICK ewaewaewaw-liTUi I FILING- ttgg g fea Bfe Ca cz Ca DEPARTMENT ZI I I 7K ZT H S D J CD 0 MMS ,0 a,.. C""n;M O asiawaawaaiiaaawaisMawaawaawaawaaaaaw tLbWe-VeaX-UTTLa3 V I NEED ACVrCt5lM TTfWT m LAWVB? UDCU8T, T LOCUBX? TrWT Cti ONME-OND UGSOO0ME J I I WrLUt-f AND ABLE TO I PINE, (SMNie RN6 VGS TH" BECT ODO NOMC-BUT F HE I W-COME M-AMD SdHDV. TDO-1 PLBNTV- I I PtV FOR IT I WOMT I HM-M-6UT0F COtRSE, t fMONO HERE- ) O0RUP ON XP Etoe, I MHAT CAN I DO FOR vr? V In "TO BUILD A REAL I THAT WILL RE4URE IXL CALL ' ANOWAS 1 SURPRISED TO " IT SEBVES AMETV POTTS HKIN-SO IT WAS A riTiim" ROSETTA SOONS SEE ROSeT.TA STONE OUTV RlSWTWE THOUGHT HE J MAM SWE WENT OUT l!i T , 1 1 GET TO THE W1TW ANOTHER MAN COULD HAVE HIS CAKE i WITH WOMEM 15 SURE A) T OPTICE..THAT DATE SHE HAD 1 LAST NISHTtU --s V AND EAT IT.TOO ,RAJN IK4 THE. HEART! J 'mV BtTTCWnT BIVAlT wPtG MASU-T A C''0N - A NO, VOU INHUMAN Bur-HfS V US.V-MK. WAS OUST j WTUEWtOTTMEl CHANCE! AGAINST MV A THAT C '. 1 BE.AST ON THAT WJ1f,- S2A S"?"'' Jt YS CONTEST IS T BROTHER'S:' THE J. ft PIS P ) THE. PO UOVf HIM.T S klKARLl FtEK- BOTEF VCK L ' MV OWN (OGM.T) S OMLV WAV I CAN I T " IF SOMETHING HIDEOUS V to WIUJW TFMN 'US rOfT- , BABY BROTHER WIN IS TO USE VlLrfSLl-is HAPPENED TO THE LAD WHO'D E4C .THET'LL MftJE rT TMCS ' hamVton FATBACK.r) VrOUENCE ST J -SoLOl LD P, J )A1 aiaSSW J7t r, - .. V? ' Ca. a 1 nwarv -rr woold i to hurt him J TH NAHt ' J v 'WHEN IS THAT LITTLE "1 o -ggy pooR SIKNOSTwHATBeT IM MaKIM' ) 'iM GONNA ASK ) O M BOOB COIN' TO BED? J NOW LET ME SEP- OUT AND THIS ONE f YOU . MYSELF f- HIM IF I CAN ( V U LtT3 3AM.- OM. ( ipj THERE ARE Tt) j SWINGS IN AND l J'1 l:- '.. A T 3n JEFF J V in WINDOWS AND f THE STAIRWAY IS ) ( 11 DAUGHTER J'bJ, T JTTJ ll '.JZ-,''r'i'uiitly r RcaLLy KEEP THE 1,0 70 TtLU ME T f WELL TEX, THESE VWST WAS TVUT MJU SAiP Y am ,mt.i m RMWrnA - lSSfll ae about a movie ? what7 al R hJe to leVS uJSi I benen- AziNe5 6vevbow 0FsureasrrTO0S .Mojn.v, picture was made mape abiX eorLoiltt L n" "SE0 io w SmmA thevbb afbaip out there, tokv ?X mSvere ' U fjo v ZSfmA E taxes - but liSgSlIVr A POISON WEED 66 Olv it v. Alled-tmc TOR AW4ILET iTHTS FIWSHEP N0Wyf T THEB6. IF ONLY ANOTHER "J ALITTER' TRAIL : f 4 l it. r'VOU CIO SSINS "oC-l I TH A.TS 6000! THI STORE w0 NKM ptf ERtHT N ?)(!! f !?7) 0$ A PRLi WITH VUU, .?nv JroST MAv?a TAIL "OO NOW-ANO A MM Of A BLUt OX ! I I I flV - J I PUV HER AT aEAyiK. TAIL , rHj lts THAN AN HOUR Till f ONLY WEAR THEE WAN TO r- ' M fc. rV0"1 JW-T TlMfO.ENWO00W CHURCH ! 4HE TOUOH ! -TlaC TIK ' V-l ,, fI tORfAAlOlNNER'-.WE tiKt BOCMKEN!6O00 J , "BUT TO RECOGNIZE BAD MONEY. CHILDREN AND ADULTS MUST HAVE U CHANCE TO SEC IT (V E lU XJ IKiKTAJLIr"E APjri TH WRITe AfSoUT IT. YOU !BUUI 1 1 3D IM OIVINO A FEW QUICK ANYBODY WiT NORMAL EYES SHOULD SPOT THI! DOLLAR BILL AS A PHONY WHY? IN VOUR MUST KNOW YfU RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P.M. 'KSLM JiT 'KGW .S5IK0C0 r'KniN 5:M FbHb Lerwta. Jr.. WfaaB' m Urtha Etiicb Urb Shrlavr :U rrak tarwftr lar BhrtiiB Suck Ltttl shew :M rhMldg rsata Nw Blue Crabr Club IS. CM i4 Ntwi Qrf Mr 1t fi Ed. B. Mrr 6:M Strftlrbl Arraw Blriac tmsala Cdl Llcbl and Knoi Mann in f" til Slralibt Arrtw Blrlaf Imudi Sllrir Brit lab iM CipC Mlialfkl HaiUal CacklaUa Nwi Chn Hanlltr ' Tm Ml tint FtUMif Bill fltf Ntwi 7Jt Gabrtl ltr Naka IMr CjiI Stir " Smpcni ill NcrtbwMt. Ntwi NibN IMr Kddla UMir HuipcnM US Mail Daratbp Laaiaar T Band Crlam rhalat. ' Mailt ParathF L mt Tap Band Crlat rbu. 8taa Mtdlclaa DratM aaraaa Oalld BaadaUnd Colunbla faataraa :U Mla Baaaa limi Galld Baadlaa4 CalanMa Fvalar 'Hi I""" Warta Daiaal Dap f .i NUbUr Marg Mawaar frW Warlag Bkwball Flrat WlibUf 9? S1 rT7 Clab BaMball LawaH Tbaaaa ' ill Cmt tarrar Ntv c WarM Baiball j.CB Snllb lhw Iai AldrUb Faaillr Baaaball Mr. tera AJdrtab FaUy Bawball nr. IA Jf"" . . M BaaabaU rira liar Final I ! iparta Faa Ftaal Nam rHI. Pact-Hr ill :!! H? Traeh 1IM . vu w i4 Maak Band Wajan Track 11W) Lai . Daoct n 00 Fallan Lcwlt, Jr. 9mm Hajaa Track HM Srran.Oa :ll Bab Faala Sbaw Carraat Obaiaa Track llv y0a Iba Warl :M Bab Faala Bkaw U'a Daaca Track UN Orchnlr ; Mailt Ll i Oant Track HHP Orebnlrr. Sign Off tin Off Bltn Off stum " FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. ' Mada Fadtra Ntwa XU Hadf a Fadva KOIN Klaek fr 'lM Nawa KOTO Klark KOIN Klack v' ' , Badta Fadga KOCO Klark KOIN Block 7:M Maaleal Tlaa- im Tina Tti BIlUr KOIN Klack :1ft "' Farm TIbm Nawa Bparu Nrwt iM tBM Tba Old ftaan Tap Haraini Stmt ! Nw Nawa Stmt Frtd Bck F Wart Wtattra M Hod In Caniamcr Ntwa :1ft BrcakfaM Oan Frad Waring Wtattra Mrtadlc Art Babcr .M Bldtn at Baca Homi Btniera Kobcrl Uwla M Tradaa Sai Bayai Charch la Wild Room Law la 9 "araala Caaatar Sataad Cap Mtltdy Tina Vacal Varletlta :ll Vlctar Uadlabr Saeaad Cap Malady Tlma Nawa :M Saai a riaaaara Jack Bcrak Mailt Wlibaaf Grand Slan I I4 Maila Ntwt Wardi Kwroarj Jka tM Ntrtbwatt Ntwa Hatlaaa Haaaa Cafftt Cap Wtndr Warren litll Rata Smith llara Baitaaa Haaaa Nortbwcit BcporU Aant Jenny J-.M Faatar1! CaB bm Faatlval Bbapaody la Helen Trent w M W'lca Walti Baaa FtttlTal Bbytbn Our Gal Sunday aj aj lit Ntwa Bate FtttlTal Glaaa Was Blf Sliler " :1S Oaapal flattra Bat Faatlval Olui Wai Ma Perking 1B:M Perry Cenaa Tadar'a Cblldraa Glaaa Wai Young Dr. Malent " ' Walti gcrenadt Brighter Pay Glaaa Wa Guiding Llgbt B JWA :M To Trade Denblt ar Nothing Everybody! Ideas Newt " I M :1? Nw" Doubla ar Nothing irgan Maada Coma Get II I " far a Day Newt Nawa Nor.h Drake Qaeea far a Day Light af Wtrld Ted Date Frtitntt Makci Yea Tick 1: Ladlea Llfa bcaullfal Mac't Melodln tnd Mrs. Bartaa " :1B Ladiea Ma Perkins Mac's MHodlra Perry Maaaa M North weal Nawa Papptr Taang Mac's Melodies Pat O'Brien 8 bow I4 Bob Ebtrly Shaw Bappiatts Mac's Melodies Peggy Let ? Mmu Backstaca Wifa Mae's Mrlodies Nrwapaper ar Alr :ll Jabaaaa Family Stella Dallas Mae's Mrlodies Ncwapaper af Air TeU NtUh. Larenia Janaa Mae'a Melodies Winner Take All Ba llnga Wlddeg Brawn Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yours 0 m Against tba Itarm A Girl Marrlca Mae's Melodies Nrwa J :1ft Against tha Storm Fartla Facta Llfa Mac's Melodiea Meet tbt Mlssat 1 :M Salam High Jast Plain 6111 Mac s Melodiea Meet tba Mlit.ua . ' -N'aycltlts aa Far Front Faga Farratt Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4:00 Happy Gang Bead of Llfa Women's Pagt Ai'bur Ondfrty :ll Happy Gang Lara Lawlea Philosopher .rthur Godfrey : 8a Oar Aant Mary RpolllU an Masle Arthur Godfrey :4ft News Wa Laet Laarn Spotlltt an Music Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 IrPY Thursday P.M. 1:00. Squirrel P- tA cage. I:M. Sky King i :00. Keep ing Up With 8 porta i ;1S, Heme Edit torn 6:M, Grata Hararti ttH, Bdwla C. Billi 1:15, Elmer Davtai 1 M, Name Iba Marie 1 1:10. Caanterapy; S:M, TBAt t:M, MU lan Barlet :M. Damaa Banyaa Theatre i I0:a. Richfield Reverter! 11:45. Inter, mesial l:M, Concert Henri ll:ftu, Menee ta Ttmarrawi U:M, Xtra Bean 1:00, Sign Off. WFY X'r iH M, Earir Bird: t 7:0t. Lawsea McCalli t:IS, Bob Jehntani 7:M. Bab Haaea Shawt 7:41, Farm Nawst S:00, Mrrt and Margat 1:11, Martin Acraaakpi l:M. Sake Maanarat l:4S. Eaiy Aeeai 0:M. Breakfast abi 10. News; I:I5. Stars af Tod ay i o:0, Kay Kyser's Kollagti 11, Tad Malaaai 11:11, Ga len Drabet 11:M, True Ssaryi IS:00, Bot ty Crocker i lt:lS. Newsi 1S:M, Baukbaaat naacy vraigi i:aa, HertB' trnars; l:M), Kay Waati 1:00, Breakfast fn Visit Tifard GmrdciM Dayton Mrs. Russell May and daughter Helen, Mrs. Em met Filer and daughter Char lotte, visited the Rosefield gar dens at Tigard. ACROSS L Cover with a bard aurf aca &. Imill rounw mark I. Cards held at a deal II. Mohammedan noble 11. Asa 14. Exchanjro premium 15. Flowers 17. Hidden 19. Before JO. Ventilated 22. Xei-atlva So. Borough la Pennajrl vanla JS. Father J7. Early S. Adult form of an Inaact It. Near 13. Angry (t. Infatuatloa It. Babylonhua deity l. Charreo St. One who makea thread 10. Knack 41. Foot) eat animals 41. Limb 44. Devoured 44. Turmeria At. Leave 11. 8 tar like 61. Afresh (4. Jt'octurnat bird St. Stocktnta 17. Early part of day: poetlo St. Footllke part (9. la under obiifatloa r lull " w I III i j aa p2T-ar w'W ROOM AND BOARD W TH' JUD3E HAS SMftED Sf MAM fflf I WEAR H( SBXl 1 W5 UNCLE VKXJWG B VKXTGANa fpf CAM OPSN6RS, i 7 INTO A CARD SAMS CAM DJAU pf.l AND TM SAfUKj f I DOWNSTAIRS, IN AN 1 'EM FBOW - TU J1XJGE WUJ. j- I ATTEMPT TO SET BACK A 7 V JiJDUS- . PART OfTUC iSO MS . CTOCUr 1 ULEW ON ENTERTAIN ) TOO I H5 MXPSAM09 L. TU CX NlOtSL-HUSCSA 7"TSJ MllT- 1 Listed Paclfle Standard Time) lflAf Thursday p.m.: a, labaali rW'A ft: 50 Hearts Claitt 4:00 The Newsi 0:1ft. Dinner Melodiesi :, Round Ibo Campflrc: 1:15. Evening Fares Bean S:VO, Adventures la Raearcht ft:M, Great Songti 1:45. Newai :fMi, Music i T-at Endures t 0:11. Erening Mcdltatlaaa. (Listed Paelfla Standard Time) AAf Friday nam. ta :45 VWAw 10:0a. Tha Newsi 10:11. ha paclally far Womeni 11:00, The Concert Haiti U:0O. Newsi It :1ft. Noon Farm Uean 1:00. Ride 'can Cawbori 1:11, Variety i 1:M. Mdodr Lane; 1:00, Es pecially for Womeni t:S0, Menorr Book af Music: S:M, News. Hollywood I t:S0. Talk Toar Way Out af fti S:00, Surprise Packagei l:M, Bride and Rraarai 1:00. Weleama Travelerai 4:30. Art Lmklelter. Knhns Sell Home Gervals Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kuhn have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Merle B. Lucas of the Fairfield district who will take possession before fall. OMgT E.RllT IIR t EHoHWliT piri lRlftPlEVi U IE VI wp Trie orrw fad Bolutlon of Yestarday'a Puzzla DOWN i. Top of th. had I. River In China I. rilthlest 4. 8IHcworm a. WIhJ 1 Indicative of choice T. Tarn I. Article of apparel 9. Things to bo done 10. One of Coinm- bus'a ahipa 11. Olyrolored by t decay 14. Officer who pays aalarloo 1R. Increases 21. Thing: law 2. Ono who points t Kun 2". Improve 27. Close firmly 2fi. Greek letter 30. Tenmter"a command 21. Rowing imp to ment 14. Takes to a higher court 17. Meddle 15. Occupied a ' chair 19. Not wldo 41. Firm man 43. Seat of the University of Nevada 41. On tha tummtt 47. Alleviate 48. Malt liquor 60. Beard of grata 62. Indo-Chlneao native If. Oaraalvea By Gene Aharn R 6 IL IMTJIIdJI L0 RjA ys1erUtub;eHroe