Reserve Uni Leave Sunday First army reserve units in Oregon to take their summer training will be two from Sa lem, the 369th engineers and the 409th quartermasters, the first commanded by Col. George Spaur and the latter by Lt. Col. Homer Lyon, Jr. Men of the two units will stand showdown Inspection Sat urday at the Army Reserve quonset huts and Sunday will leave by auto for Fort Worden for their training. At their maneuver th SRflth engineers will have as their commanding officer Lt. Col. George P. Harber of Albany, assistant executive officer. The commander. Col. Spaur, and the executive officer, Lt. Col. Phil Brownell. both are unable to leave with the unit. Spaur. however, hopes to pay a visit to the post during the training period and visit the . commanding officer nf thp fnrt Brig. Gen. Patrick Tansey, who in 1921-24 was Col. Spaur's ROTC instructor at Oregon State college. The general wt Point graduate in 1918, was a resident of eastern Oregon when appointed to West Point. Col. Lyon will accompany his unit to Fort Worden and also . going with the units will be Capt. Richard RevnnlH inBnA. tor instructor for the Salem rtrmy Reserve units Soviet Agent Soviet Agent Andrei Schevchemko (above) was identified by Mrs. Joseph J Franey of Buffalo, N. Y., in testimony before the House Un-American Activities com mittee, as the Soviet agent who tried to get wartime secrets of ram jet engines at Bell aircraft plant in Buffalo. AP Wirephoto). Miss Evans on Trip Liberty Darlene Evans left by bus for Memphis, Tenn., wiiere she will visit her brother. LaVern Evans, who is stationed there in a Marine base. He has completed his course in radar, and is now on flight for the next four weeks. New Building for Senate Refused Washington. June 9 ' The house appropriations committee refused today to approve $10. 000.000 for work on a new sen ate office building but said the senators may buy new swivel The committee also decided that house members can get along without 2.000 new desk lamps, but should have new car pets for their offices. Completing a $62,200,705 bill to finance the legislative es tablishment for the 12 months starting July 1, the committee refused, too. to approve a re quested $1,500 appropriation for piped-in soft music for the li brary of congress. Luther Evans, the librarian, said he wanted the music in the library's card division because music "increases the productive ness of the staff" in certain rou tine operations. Saying "no," the committee commented that if it let the li brary have music other govern ment departments would want it also, and first thing you knew the government's music bill would be terrific. The bill is to come up for house debate tomorrow. It finances the senate, the house. the architect on the capital, the library of congress, the govern ment printing office and the botanic garden. Despite the cut ordered by the committee, the bill's total is $688,114 more than congress voted for its own and related operations for the current fiscal year. It is $11,697,479 under the to tal recommended in President Truman's budget. 05C Sponsors Soil Conservation Tour Polk county farmers and busi ness men are invited to partici pate in the soil conservation tour of the Oregon State Col lege experiment station on Fri day at 9:30 a.m. standard time, announced N. John Hansen, county extension agent. Mr. Kent Leavitt, national president of Soil Conservation District Supervisors will be the featured speaker at the noon lunch to be served in the new beef barn. Hansen stated that the group would meet at the greenhouses. The morning will be devoted to a tour of the old grass plantings mam YET TRUE! J J. CLOTHES SHOP Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men DOES IT AGAIN We have just received another shipment of those Superfine Quality 100 Wool Worsted 3 Shipments Completely Sold Out This is the 4th, and we advise you not to delay, it you want to share in this miracle giving sale 100 Wool Worsted SUITS Made to Sell Regular 0 With 1 Pair g of PANTS for WW NOW . ! 2 1 PANTS 3 SUITS and viewing Improved and Ir rigated pastures. Following lunch the group will view the hill pasture ex perimental plots. In this area different grasses and legumes are seeded in plots. The area has been established for a num ber of years, Hansen stated. The Polk county group will leave the county extension of fice at 8:30 a.m. standard time, (9:30 daylight). Hansen sug gests that all persons in this area interested can group to gether for transportation at that time. Douglas Fir Cut Far Below Orders Portland, Ore., June 9 M Sawmills in the Douglas fir re gion have cut 430.000.000 feet uf lumber less so far this year than they did for the first five months of 1948. H. E. Smith, secretary oi the West Coast Lumberman's association, an nounced here today. Smith said the weekly aver- Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 9, 194919 age cut for May was 172,269, 000 board feet, about the same as average weekly production for March and April. Shipments during May totaled 170.028,000 board feet. Smith said total orders for the first 21 weeks of 1949 ware I, 342,760.000 board feet, toppinf both production and shipmenti for the same period. Unfilled orders stood at 527,207,000 board feet at the end of May. Palmistry Readings Will tell your past, present and future. Will advise on love, marriage if?'! Answers all fJ questions. Are Ivou worried? Why be in doubt? Special Readings. nn a a.m. -TlOfrt - to 1U p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial f Why Suffer Any Longer When oMtera fail, uit out Chin rr mllrj Amazing uccf for 5000 rtki in Chin. No matter with what allmrntj you arf alfltctfd disorder tlnualtu heart, lung, liver, kidney aa, totutlpatton. ulccra, dlabetea, rheumatism, aall and bladder, fiver tain, imai com pi ami. CHARLIE CHAN CHINFSr RE KB CO. Office Hoars f I Tata, and Sal. Onlr CM N Conmtreial Photia CMS SALEM. ORE. FERTILIZERS NOW AVAILABLE AMMONIUM NITRATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA NITRATE OF SODA CYANAMID 16-20 AMMO-PHOS. 11-48 AMMO-PHOS. Woodburn Feed & Supply Co. Phone M-147 Woodburn FOR ONLY value 39 .50 And we mean you cannot duplicate these extraordinary fine quality suits any where, with 1 pair of pants at the regular price, for lew than $50 to $60. These are choice hard finished 100'7 wool worsteds. You will stare and wonder how we can do it. The quality and tailoring is tops. The selection is large, in every wanted color and pattern, and all sizes from 35 to 4ti in regulars, longs, shorts and stouts. Hundreds of equally great values in 1 and 2-pants suits, priced $10.00 to $15.00 below regular prices. IT WON'T BE LONG NOW As They Are Going Fast Regular $25.00 to $27.50 100 Wool Expertly Tailored SPORT COATS While They Last at In a Wide Range of Colors and Patterns Many Other Finer Grade Sport Coats At $7.50 to $10.00 Less Than Regular Prices SLACKS AND DRESS PANTS Choice 100'f wool gabardines, sharkskins, tweeds, serges and worsteds in solid colors, stripes, checks, plaids and mixtures. Regularly Priced $10.95 to $22.50 NOW $7.95, $9.95, $1 1.95, $13.95 and $16.95 You'll Find It Pays All Ways, to Buy Your Clothes at J.J.'s Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men & Young Men OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 O'CLOCK J. J. CLOTHES SHOP 387 STATE STREET 2 Doors West of Liberty St. lB 11 B All the Wonders of "Quick-Clean" Washing are yours j lz jHl with this De Luxe General Electric Washer I jj "INSTINCTIVE" WRINGER the wash done 25 per cent faster th an ever Wfnre. I v. tffP-W ' ' ' liH---...ffiiiiiiwiM I remarkable new wringer that Stops itself in uaTure i i t r ... JL, afonrfv at the pud, or pull! WATCHES the clock for you-the a.lju.t- mi able timer regulates washing or ringing time J 1 Amazingly simple to operate. One control up to 15 minutes. All you do is set it. f yst s; .tarts, reverses, stops. It shuts off tl Activator when the time I V; I i And the new "Instinctive wringer gives j T v the operator more protection Ouin ever before! n. ... M. . . . ' Si PUsii I 1 r J PLUS "Activator Action Perm a drive. jj - I: 1 25 PER CENT greater capacitymeans Mechanism Quick-emptying Pump f ' y" fewer loads. Takes a full 10 pounds of dry Self-tilting Drainltoard One-year V '-; clothes in each load. Means getting your Written Warranty Ret, u. S. Pat. Off. fa. tm 1L GENERAL ELECTRIC '! HH 1 if DE LUXE WASHER fLIJ SPECIAL 10-DAY FREE TRIAL ( alii T Sfk 1 W Try this marvelous de luxe washer in your own home for 10 full days. J" NTrfLy I will be happy to give you complete demonstration and I I bninie lor this exritmg free home trial. Com. in Utdayl ' ' y For Family Washing tS5k there's no place like home Mr Ajpfl III .ml " . Jj I i I At 0 new low price washes, rinses, domp dries, ot one setting M AJ&JI W" t g W of the diol. Famous G-E Activator for washing action. Amazing ms jf Jf SEE THE NEW LOW-PRICED G-E AUTOMATIC WASHER Here's the washer that does your whole washing job all by itself! At a new low price washes, rinses, domp dries, at one setting of the dial. Famous G-E Activator for washing action. Amazing high-speed spin-drying. Portable, no bolting down. Completely automatic. 30.00 Down 12.60 Per Mo. Plus 5.00 for 5-Yr. Warranty