i f I V FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FBI Gib AIRE automatic W6hr. Usd I month 1210. Ph. 34378. 013I WOOD BUSKING timi 130. Tratlar IIS. Breeding and fryer rabbit. 'SI Chv. with new lira, excellent condition. 166. Rt. I. Box 103, Di!lu hiiu, 0134 FOIt"s ALE 6 R TRADE "practically n Air Way Same Her vacuum (leaner, val- ue4 t 676, trad for cahe t fU. or older or hel aluminum. Write Box No. 491 Capital Journal. nil MDY'tTdTa'rnond ring-! than ' carat. 1 am. diamond. Mr. Marino, 1512 Court Bt. tNo phone.' nil! MONtTwARD U H P. deep well pump. Rl. 6. Box 343. E. C. Arbogaat. nl WOMAN'S black ult. H 40. very nice material. Cost ill. will ell for Ml Call 3-3463 befora a.m. or aft" 1 p.nv nlW GIRL'S blcyel. junior 1. 115. Ph. 3-1641. 1910 Mill at. nl36 ONE DBL. mattress, twin bedstead and springs. Ph. 3-4610. n DOLL-FIN" 13 -foot outboard fishing runabout, safety deals n. ealra framing, bra ocrew and hardware, with or without perfect balance trailer. Phone 3-3467. Henderaon. Bl? ONE "fit IS portabirbul1d1nf. Used for res taurant or apt. Inquire at 343 Chrme keta. Dl3' PRACTICALLY new I room oil burner. 40.000 B.T.U. Will trad tor iood used refrigerator. Ph. 34170. Q134 ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co. 30 Lana Ave LIKE NEW, davenport ft chair, used vacuum cleaner. Ph. 33033. i DR. MeCROE reach In bar. complete, oalc finish. (Ideal for bar in reataurant). I ft. meat ease, complete, computmi acale. electric meat allcer. miut saerl (ice. Ph 28330 134 FAIRBANKS HORSE auto, water pump with foot valve. Ph. 3836. nl34 NEW Smith-Corona portable typewriter for 175 cash. Original price (9143. Uaed lour hour. Ph. 3-6690. Mr. Jame. nl34 3 PLYMOUTH panel, body In iood shape, motor needa work What am I offered. Marin plywood row boat, uaed very little, 140.00. 3Vi h p. heavy duty 3 phaae elect, motor, one 330V. one 440V 34M R.PU. inewi. On wood lathe 127.50. On belt aander I3S.0O. One Thor elect, heavy duty V drill 130 00. One Skilsaw apecial duty aander or buf fer 145.00. One drill pre with motor, it h p. 185.00. On paymaster check protector 135.00. One Foam fire extin guisher, never used, $15.00 Call after 8:30 p.m. Ph. 34711, and ill day Sat. 870 Roaemont, W. Salem. nllS RUDD GAS water heater with tank. Ph. 240 18. nl33 STRAWBERRIES, U-Plck. Dr. Davis place Rte. 7 Box 131 Bt 99 B, Juat north of Friendly Farm. 133 Bjt!YGOOD uaed clothing cheap. Good aa- nrtmnt of men's, ladles and chil dren's clothing. Oarmsnt Basaar. 3020 . John St. Ph. 3S497. ?ltr BRAND NEW 1048 model Johnson S Horse Outboard Motor. P. J. Pusch. Hubbard, Oregon. Rout 1 Boi 0000 or call Hub bard 2713. nl33 FINE Bungalow "Howard" piano stored witn elderly couple. 1300. May take sew ing machine a part payment. Ph. 39881. 1397 n. Com'l. mil FULLER BRUSHES. 1748 Grant. Ph. 38357. M56- 78 LB. Ice Cooler tor, excel, condition Ph. 38802. BUS USED BOBBY SHOP equipment, lathe 110.90, 111 saw 111.60, table law lathe combination with motor ft tool 824,50. other Item. 3055 Portland Rd. nl33 STRAWBERRIES for sale. D. Pick, tc. bring container, plenty ol berries, Mrs Norrl, Rte. 2. Boi II. Turner. nils U WIDE gauge cat. 11790. John R. Smith, Grand Ronde. nl38 FARMERS ATTENTION Fenoa controll ers, milk paateuriter, at close-out price Yeater Appliance Co. n!48 NO WAXING REQUIRED when you US Piaatl-Kote, the ocllophana-Mk flnUh for your floora rr linoleum. Yeater Ap phance Co. a 148 DEEPFREEZE home freezers. 1 139 .85 and up Yeater Appliance Co nl4S ELECTRIC SEWING machine. (Free-We, tint house) Yeater Appliance Co. nl46 USED REFRIGERATORS. washing ma chine, rang, water beaUrs. Tester Appliance Co. nl48 STEEL clotheslln post. 111 up. Rail Inga In stock, copper lantern at vane at reduced price. 1148 N Liberty. nl&3 EXHAUST FANS CI o-out price. Tetter Appliance Co. nl48 PEAT MOSS With turtey dropping 95c per sack. I sacks 84 80. Valley Farm Biort.tJM silver ion na. rn. uv. M40' NEWBERO TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP SOIL. Hlgb quality, attractive price. All kinds: Pit run: gravel; sand; mix eruab: concrete pipe dr tile; re-inforMm iteol; cement, septic tanks OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1408 H. Front St. Ph. 3-3417. 0143 AVE 3 gal. on fist Broadway's Super oerrica, e rt uoeriy. pus' FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior heatform and Bennett -Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry material. Phone 2-6643. PUMILITI WEST SALEM ENTRAL ELECTRIC Croalsy, Olbaop and Moat a Appiianoa at Oevurta GARDEN SAND, traval. crushed rock Shovel A drag-Iln excavating WALL INO SAND at ORAVEL CO Pb 8-9349 FULLER BRUSHES. 1741 Orant Ph 18357 a 130 WHITE HOUSE ProdUCU. Ph 1-8741. nl41 SAVE 3e gal on gait Broadway' Super servic. i n uoerty nua SAUCM SAND Aj GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing DiUhlnd Sewer Basement Equipment Rental II B H yd 13 00 pov hr 10 B yd 9 00 per bt D-7 Cat Doeet If 50 par br D-6 Cat Doter I 40 per br D-4 oat it Doxei 7 ot par br Phone Day 1-808 Eve 3-131 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon CEDAR posts, yew wood posts, shingles tele, and elec poles Phillips Bros. Rt . Bos HI Ph 88F32 a WALLTNO SAND ORAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveways cement, ready mil concrete, garden and. Buildosinf drainage and ditching 4 -yd, hovel and dra Una Ph. 1-1349 FLA TF OCR For oat Ma. rock walla, walks, a-ardeni. Md all rock const We del and sell here or at pit Bee or coll for prices Phillips Bros. Rl 6. BOX 110 m 9ST33 D FERTILIZER. Cow horn or chicken ma nure delivered la Baiem Well ro'ted er rreih, 85 00 per cubic yard del Also manure by aart Si 00 pet cb at plaee er will del Mt sark orders. Phllllpi rea. ni a, bos lie. Baieoa to urn WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Vaughn Oarden tractor for part. L, Bona, Rt. 1, Box 339C. Ph 11282. naiss WE WANT strawberries Market price tB rash. Contact Jory Parking Co at Ter minai Ice, 249 D St. Phone 3-4390. na WANTED rurnitura to repair Le Broa Purn RaflnUblng Co ph 1-7001 aa- I'StD FLRNTTrRB. Fboa l-lill na PHOTOGRAPHY LANDTPINO and architectural pho toirsohy Ph. J-tM noi31 PERSONAL TtMtT KOMI rrctllcU. IU Crou tt n i-M4 pim 4LCOBOLICI Aesormoiu Boi 734- I-I3M Jill Journol Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES '37 FORD 4 door. Motor and front end good. 1114 3rd St., We i Salem. 1S6 W CHEV, Low mileage, excel, tire. V G htruout. HdtD. 31300. Ph. 3-3109. ql33 SPECIAL Plrmouth with new preclsloa rebuilt motor, new brakes, clutch, tall pipe muffler, generator, trerumUston. eat cover. Run 38 miles. Be it Snail Sta tion. State dt Cottaae. 135 TTVoRD 3 dr. dao deluxe, good cond., nice shape. 18 PLYMOUTH 1 dr. edao. very clean car. '84 DODGE coup, new paint lob and good tire. The car are all priced to sell. 'II TON it i International truck. II FORD ton W truck. Theae truck In good cond. For sale at reasonable price. BILL'S AUTO PAINT SHOP 1090 Lancaster Drive. Phon 3-9132 ai34 II CHEV. school bus, new tire, good cond. Mak offer. 396 W. Brownlns Ave. 4137 U FORD Dlx. CP. All leaded In. De Soto bumpers, duals, twin spot. 3 new tire. '48 Merc, motor, completely re built. Everything new. Phone 3-983 after I P.m. Best raah offer. ql36 14A KAIHFD Sedan. 2200 mileage. Ex tra. 2050 Virginia St. ql33 CAR AUCTION Bring Your Car A Title New Low Fee, Sat. Nit 1:30 p.m. Aumsville Sales & Service Aumsville, Or. 1040 FORD 4 Dr. Deluxe 8795. 1394 Saxl- naw. Ph. 35761, Q'3' BEST CASH OFFER takes 1939 Ford 2-dr. sedan. New paint job, new windshield. Radio c heater. Call 3-8635. q!34 CHF.V. COUPE. '34, good motor, uphol- etery. 7. ih w. winter, qua TEAGUE ANNOUNCES A NEW USED CAR LOCATION See Charlie Hayei 2640 Portland Road or Joe Spurlock 352 N. Commercial Here are a few fine cart ii excellent condition 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1947 Frazer Manhattan 1947 Chev. Sedan 1947 Ford Sedan 1946 Mercury Tudor 1946 Plymouth Sedan 1946 Hudson Sedan 1941 Chev. S Pass. Coupe 1941 DeSoto 4 Door 1941 Plymouth Tudor 1941 Nash 5 Pass. Coup 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Chev. Sedan 1940 Pontiac Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe. Deluxe TEAGUE MOTOR CO. Phone 2-4173 Used Trucks 11841 KS-I Int'I.. Chassis Aj Cab. 1 193 Ford, flat bed winl axle locking trailer. 11841 Federal Dump Truck, ,-yd. box. 11840 WA30 Whit with 1847 WA33 motor, Brownllpe and log equip ment. 11941 Federal ChaasU and Cab. 3 1941 K-5 Int'I 39-paenger Buase. ex cellent for Crummlea" or haul ing berry picker, etc. 11941 K-l ton pickup 11937 OMG 3-ton. James H. Maden Co. W58 SilTerton Rd. Ph. 34138 Salem. Ore ql33 BARGAIN MUST SELL 1943 Nash "M0" I pass, coupe. RAH. spotlight and other aeceasorlea. Clean ear In good runnlnc condition. Priced for quick al. One owner. Ph. 34830 or 34031. ql33 Bargain - From Owner '41 FORD 3 DOOR, OOOD OPHOT, STCRT. MOTOR RECONDITIONED 80.000 MI. WILL TALK PRICE. CALL 35891. 11) 1941 BVICK convertible. Oood condition. can Leo at 37791. a; 133 Eisner Motors to Sell FOR SALE or trade: '38 Ford Deluxe 4 Dr. Excel, condition. 9460. 1990 Lancaster Dr. 0.133' '41 FORD 8 pa. Super Deluxe, '49 motor Beat offer. 1130 Uwu St. after 1 p.m. 133 'SO CHEV. Club Coup. RAcH. new tiros 9 89 W. 31th off D St. alter p.m. ! I9M DODGE sdn.. good tire and motor. 9300. 1430 H. Liberty. qllS Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1942 Sulck Super 80 CONVERTIBLE S pats. New top. overhauled motor, food nre, poay pemi. rn. jti. ev, 3-0418. jl34 ORIGINAL OWNER offer 1848 Pontile 4 dr. streamliner hrdramatle, fully quipped. Low mlleai. Phone 3-9710. 138' 1948 FLT De Lux 4 dr. adn Radio, excel tires, bMutlful fray finish. Original owner, iiws. rn. i-e-sn or i-7Bo. .' P0NT1ACS '47 Sdn. cpe $IH$ '41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford D.L. rpt. cpe. 1305 '41 Chev.. sdn $895 '48 Ford pickup $1295 'S9 Nssh coupe $395 '36 Chevrolet sdn. 295 TERMS TRADES Herrall-Owens Co. ) n. Liberty Pb. 14111 CZECH, le than 1,000 miles. Must ll. 1984 Stat Bt. 134 I94T FORD PICKUP H ton, Inquire at house trailer at rear of Central Howell Store on Sllrertoa Road, it, or Sun. 139 FORD 1848 - 8 Super Deluxe Club Coupe Extras, 11998. After I p.aa. Orovaa. 938 N. Church. e.134 R-7 INTERNATIONAL 8 yd. dump truck New tire, good condition. Set) reason able. Call after 4 rn. or Sundays, 444 Young St., Wood burn. Or. Pb. Mam 194. 134 1917 Bl'lCK Super 4 dr. Sdn. Excel, cond throughout, low mileage, must U at sacrifice. Ph. 38848. !! '94 OOOD runnlni I dr. Cher. Oood rub ber, 1100. 795 Judson Bt 134 '38 FORD Panel, rebuilt motor, good rub ber paint, 3 289 Portland Rd. Phone 37110. 131 1949 WILLYS pane) delirery, radio, heater extra seat, new 9Mil8 tire. 1110 00 Call Da U a 3371 fat appointment or see at 1004 Halne St . Dallas. 134 41 PIT I paAi. cp. Recently overhauled 3397 N. K:rer Rd. I35' 9 DOnr.E I pass. 11338 00. Beautiful car. 470 Ratdlff Dr a.138 LIKE NEW: '49 Nash Ambassador. Fully equip. io mi. jiaon ir casn 305 S. 18th. ,114' This Tim It RUDSON1 Service Sales Part Rnn of Oood Car SHROCR UOTOR CO Char) a Cbwitui Su, Pb. 1-9181 AUTOMOBILES USED TRUCKS 'PRICED TO SELL" 1949 ton International pickup 1937 . ton Dodse Pickup 1948 ton Ford Pickup 193T W ton Chevrolet Pickup 1B40 Ford Station Wason 1947 Btudebaker Dump Truck I93T 31-psener Diamond "T School bu for haullns berry pickers. 1 S . 3 ton OMC'i: ChetroleU; Ford: Dodse; Federal; Internationals . . . chau ft cab Lostins Truck and Trailer . . Dump MANY TO CHOOSE FROM TRUCK SALES & SERVICE CO. GMC Dealer Front & Marion Streets Salem, Ore. Ph. 39131 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT - SELL . TRADE TERMS lit Fairgrounds Road Phon S-94S4 Eisner Motors to Buy MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Ct'HHMAN motor scooter, 3 wheel. Etc I. condition. See after 6:30 p.m. at 1335 Vtfia Ave. qal38 Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer Shrock Motorcyclp Sales 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-1433 qa FARM EQUIPMENT '48 CUSHMAN Scooter, motor overhld. Excel, cond. 1S30 Stat. Ph. 37788. obl34 r.OOD GARDEN TRACTOR. 9 H P. motor with cult. Also 3 new 600-18 tires. Sell or trade for Btizs Saw. On Rosedel off Sunnyslde pavement. Rt. 9, Box 000 Fred Bsrr qblSt BOATS 14 METAL BOAT ft trailer 1 100.00. 1935 Tudor Pord 9150.00. 3275 Liberty Road. Ph. 3-9405. qqlI3 AIRPLANES 11944 ERCOUPE with only 350 hourr. Hour meter, sensitive altimeter, 3-way Bendlx radio. Always hansered. James H. Maden Co. TRAILERS 41 NATIONAL house trailer. 37'. sleep 4. Two dr., tandam wheel. Electric brakes. Butane ga ranae. Very good condi tion. 11350.00. 3580 Portland Rd. How ard Trailer Park. tl33 FT. cottage trailer, excel, condition. Reasonable. 323S Portland Rd. tlSB 1947 TRAILER house, factory built, t. blind, butane ranse, electric brakes. Reasonable. Ph. 33548. tl33 NEW KARRIALL TRAILERS 9 -WHEEL DTILITY TRAILERS reduced from 8330 to 8160 BONE8TEELE SALES at SERVICE 370 N CHURCH t!38 FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO.. 818 Stat. Rm. 135. Ph. 3-344. C. R. Allan, Mgr. Lie S-133-M-165. M33- OENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS LI 8-136 and U-336 and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 139 $ Commercie St Tel 9-9191 f 4 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO 153 8 HI1 St Lie 8-318 M-173 r $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 1300 Oar loan up to 6800 Com In er pboo Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairground Road Across street from bank No Parking problem Phone 27032 Lie N M3S9-S391 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. r PRIVATE MONTY Special rate and term on target loan long and short Urn payment ROY H SIMMONS 196 Sov'b Commercial 8t Phon 9-9161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 193 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph. I-94S7 Lie No M-139 8-184 i SEE 08 FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 44 INTER EST 9 to 40 Yeara and No Commlastoa Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 944 State Br Phon l-9f FARM AND CITY LOANS 4li and TOCB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Caen for Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgage CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 901 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph 3-71 r TRANSPORTATION LEAVING July 1st for Yankton, S D. via car. Room for 9 paring peanger. Writ Capita Journal Box 488. xlS7 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES AH make need machln aoM. rwntod repaired Roan 4M Court Phone 9-773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTB1C BOMB appliance repair service Free estimate Trade-ins accepted on new appliance Vloce's Elect rl Phone 3-9339 167 8 Liberty St o AT-CR DOOR GRTNDINO 41TO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radio Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8. Liberty Ph 1-6055 e MARION MOTOR 8 NASH SERVICE Towing service day phon 9-9398 Rlgnt 3-1804 337 Center e Mike Panek. 275 8. Cvm'l. Ph. 3-5161 Brake and Wheel aligning pclaiuu. OtS6 BIILDINO CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now Terms No down payment. Phone 1-4850 0144 BI ILDINO CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also houe raised. New foun dation. Phone 35809. 157a m Ti.boziN o Dean Robinson Ph. 38577. Bul'dor'ng leveling, road bid , clear, ina teeth foi brush Vlrell Huky. 1010 Palrvlrw At Ph 1-3146, Salem. 0134 CAH REfifTER Instant delivery of new RCA cash ret 11 er Al mate sold rented re-pa-ed Roen 454 Court Ph 3-4773 o CF. M E V iC O N TR ACT O R S For expert fuaranteed sat lufsct Ion new or repair of foundations sidewalks driwwaya patio, curb, wall. te Call I-4850 144' CEMENT WORK Building foundation, remodeling, paint Ing. Klang Bros . Ph. 33313 el50 Let ua do your cement work NOT Driveway, aloe walk, pa tie, m Ph 1-4418 Q146 rwiMNFY rrp P'irnee rMmnere vacuum cleaned Bny. T71 8. list. Ph. 6-7176. 1M DIRECTORY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce't Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing 161 8 Libert? Ph 8-9339 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth. Exterminator Service. Pit. 3-3056. Le Cross. 1659 Pearl. o!54 Breitnaupl's for flowtr Dial 3-91T9 f HOL'XEHOLD PBODl'CTS J R Wat kin Co produeU Pre ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5396 LANDSCAPr NI'RSERY F Doerfler M Sons. OrnamentaU 150 N Lancaster Dr. At 4 Cor Ph 9-1333. O LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed aervlce. New power and hand mower. Call Harry W. Scott. 147flo. Com 1 St. OlS5 WWNMOWkB SHARPENINO LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Expert work. F Roacn. call 36036. 0143 At you: door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man Pb 96633 Fireplace, chimney block lajini. Ph. 35968. o MATTRESSES Capita Beddlnj. Phon 9-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin. Banjo etc 1523 Court bt Ph. 3-7569 0136 NURSES' REGISTRY Practical Nurses, day-night. Pb. 35073. 0146 OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPUES Desk chairs, file and filing supplies, safe., duplicator and supplies, desk lamp typewriter stand, brief ease ?irc Wlr Recorder. Roan 458 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-8073. PAPERHANGING Expert Papernanglng and painting. 61 J. Wood worth Ph. 3-5808. Free est. 148 Jerry Johnson. Ph 3-3722 Expert Papernanglng and paint ins. H ). Wood worth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est. 0148 Ylfstrom' r equipped to do youi painting Phone 3-3493 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Call 23601 for your Painting Aj Paper hanging. Attractive rate? 0145 Painting and paperhangtoi. Pre esti mate Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 0133 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutchoo Paint Store Phoa. 3.0687 PLASTERING Patching, Repairing. Ph 3-1101. Flatter. 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. Q1541 PRUNING. SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1208. L. W. Caudla. Ph. 3-7900. RADIO REPAIR Complete serv., rea. rate. Pre pickup A est. John's Radio Shop, 350 Court St Ph 30715 At 23416. O1S0 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr tt Son. Ph 2UB3. By Drlv-ln Theatri. Sine 1917. REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE REPAIR Kelvlnator freesers. Lehman ex Matthews. 337 N. High St. Ph. 37941. 0144 SAND At GRAVfct Garden Soil crushed rock Shovel and dragline axeavatlni Walling Band A Oravei Co Phon 3-9249 o Valley Sand ex Oravei Co Silt, sand Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel ex eat Trader scoop at truck tor dirt moving Ph office 34003. re. 97146 o SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Elec trie Roto-Rooter Exclualv Patent Raaov Jherp Steel Outtlni Blades Clean sewer or Drains Sep tie Tank Cleaned Raa Ph 8-6337 or 1-9466 SEPTIC TANKS Mike' Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewer. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 9-9468. 1-5327. 0156 SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In st alii n th new approved 600 gallon concrete septic tank. W lay drain lines also. Ph. 9-8468. 0149 K. P. Ham el. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machln service on wer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. It 43 -4th St.. West Salem Ph. 3-7404. ol45 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal, Under wood portable All make used machine Repair and rent Roen, 456 Court, o TRANSFEP At STORAGE .ocal ex Distance Transfer, storaxe Burner oil, coal Ji briquet Trucks to Portland dally Agent for Be kins House hold good moved to anywhere In 08 ot Canada Larmor Transfer ex Storage Ph 3-3131 e VENETIAN BLINDS I Mad m Salem Pre apt Pbob 97938 rune ttt Bits man Jelem Venetian Blinds mad to order ti re finished Relnholdt a Lewis 3-3839 e WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 3, Box 117. Ph. 3-5138 J. A. Sneed ex Son, well drllllni Brook St.. Salem. Ph. 9-6809. WEATHERS TRIPPING Pre estimate. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-S0flS. WINDOW SHADES WINDOW CLEANING Acme k. tndow Cleaners Window, wall At woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 8-3337 847 Court Langdoc Culbrtoa and Mather WOOD A SAWDUST West Baler Fuel Co Ph 9-4031. LEGAL RIDS-TOR "HOT WATER TANRS Brooks school. District 31. will accept bids for hot water tanka aa follows: 3 60-yal. Hntpolnt or equal electric hot water heaters. Installed and conner to lavatories and kitchen. Install about 100 ft, ot galvanised steel l'i In pipe Bids wilt close June 10, 1649. Contact A. C. Otlchrist, chairman. Ph. 3-1518 134 NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE PAIR MOUNT AVE NIT E FROM CULVER LANE TO CANDALARIA BOULEVARD Nolle hereby u given that th common council of th city of Salem. Oregon. deem It neceasary and expedient and nereby declare It purpose and intention to Improve Falrmount avenue from the north tin ot Culver Lana to lb north In of Candalarla Boulevard. In the city ol Baiem. Marlon county, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street intersection the expenx of which will b assumed br the city of Baiem, by bringing said por tion of a,d street to th established grade construct mi cement cortcret curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 1W Inch aphaltt concrete pavement 90 feet wide In accordance with th plane and spec! tics t lens therefor which were adopted bv th common rouncll May 38 1949. which are now on file In the office of th city recorder and which by thl reference thereto are made a pert hereof The common rouncll hereby declare tu purpose and Intention t make the abov described improvement by end through he street Improvement department By Order of th Common Council Mai 39, 1946 ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Dat t first publication hereof la Mar 29. 1646 Capital Journal. May 39. tt. 91, June I 9. 9. 4. 8. 7. 9. 9. 1648. 137 LODGES ajjQl-O.or meets svery Wed I ndiy aigal, Vuitors wci loucn. LEGAL NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET PROM LEE STREET TO WALLER STREET Notlc hereby 1 given that the common council of the city of Salem. Oregon, deems ll necessary and expedient and hereby declares it purpose and Intention to Improve South Fifteenth street from the south line of Lee street to the norm line of Waller street. ;n lb city of Salem. Marlon County. Oreoa, at the expense; of in abutting and adjacent property, ex cept in alley Intersection the expense cf which will be assumed by the city of Sa lem, by brine inc sad portion ot said street to the established grade, construct ing cement concrete curbs, and pavink aid portion of said street with a 4-inch Portland concrete cement pavement 80 feet wide In accordance with the plans and specification therefor which were adopted by the common council May 33. 1649, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which br this reference thereto are mad a part hereof. The common council hereby declare iU purpoce and intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street improvement department. By order of the Common Counell May 33, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publclalloo hereof I May 38. 1946. Capital Journal. May 36. 30, 91. Jun 1. 3 9 4. 6. 7, 8. 9. 1849. 137 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE CULVER LANE FROM COMMERCIAL STREET TO FAIR MOUNT AVENUE Notlc hereby is given that th common council of the city of Salem Oregon, deem It necessary and expedient and hereby declare It purpose and intention to Improve Culver Lens from the west line of Commercial atreet to the east line of Fairmount avenue, In the city of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, at th expense of th abutting and adjacent property by ortnging aald portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement wrbs, and paving ssld portion of said street with a 3 'a Inch asphaltlc concrete pavement 30 feet wide in accordance with the plan and specifications therefor which were adopted by th common council May ?3. 1949. which are now on file to the of fice of the city recorder and which by (hi reference thereto are mad a part hereof. The common council hereby declare it purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement depart ment. . By Order of th Common Council Mar 73. 1949 ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Dat of first publication hereof l May 28. 1949. Capital Journal, May 38, 30, 31. Jun 1. 3. 4. 6. 7, 8, 9, 1649. 137 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTIOI i hereby given that th under signed ha filed in the Circuit Court of th Stat of Oregon for the County of Marlon, Probate Department, her duly .er.fied Fina. Account a Executrix of he estate ol Julia E. Blodxett. deceased, and that aald Court bait fixed Monday. ne 20th day of Jun. 1949. at the hour f 10 00 o elocx A. M. of said day a the time, and the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House In Baiem, Marlon Counvy. Orei on a th place tor hearing said Final Account and all objection thereto Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 7th day of May. 1949. SARAH BLODGETT PETERSON. Executrix of the estate of Julia E. Blodxett. deceased. Ronald C. Olover. Attorney for Exeeutrlx. Salem, Oregon May 7 14 31 38; June NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ne. illfii In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Ore ton, for th County of Marion, Probate Department. In th matter of th estate of Ole T. Storaasll, deceased. Nolle 1 hereby given that th under signed ha been appointed administrator, eta of th estate of Ol T storaall. de ceaed. by the Circuit Court of the State of Oreaon, for Marlon County, and ha ratified AH person having claims xatnt aald estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the office ol he Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, with voucher and duly verified, within six month from the date hereof. Dat of first publication May 7, 1949. Date of lM publication Jun 4. 1949. Edwin H. Lewi. Attorney. May 7, 14, 31, 38; June 4. EXECUTRIX' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that PEAHL GERTRUDE OWEN ha been, by order of the Circuit Court or th Stat or Oregon for Marlon County, appointed executrix of the etat of ALBERT EL WYN OWEN, deceased. Any persons having claim against said estate are requested to preent them, with proper vouchers, to said executrix at 316 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, within six month from the dat of this notice Dated this 31st day of May. 1646. PEARL OKRTRUDE OWEN Executrix of the Estate of Albert Elwyn Owen deceased. R HOT EN ft RHOTBN SAM P. SPEERflTRA Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon. Attorney for Executrix. May 31 36. Jun 4 11 16 ADVERTISEMENT FOE BIDS Separate sealed bid will b received oy th Board of Education of School Dis trict No. 34CJ, Marlon County, Oregon, at the School Administration Office, 4E0 N. High Street. Salem, Oregon, until June 7, 1646, 7:30 o'clock P.M., Daylight Saving Time, for the following work: Addition a and Alteration to Enaleweod Grade School and Addition and Alter ation to McKlnley Grade School, and will then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bid received after the time fixed for openlnax will not be considered. Plan, specification and form of con tract document may be examined andor obtained at th of fie of Freeman ft Hayxllp. Amoc. A rent., 3R40 S W. Third Ave., Portland or the office of Connell C. Ward. Clerk. 460 N. High Street. Salem. Oregon. A deposit of 636 00 will b required for each project, which will be refunded upon the return of th plan and pclflcatlon within & reasonable time. Attention Is called to Bidder Prequallfl catlon. (flection 66-103 to 16106 Inc. OCLAi, which must be filed with th Clerk 10 day before date for opening of- bid and for which form may be obtained at th of lie of the Architect or th Clerk. No proposal will be considered Onlaa accompanied by a certified check, cash ier's check or bid bond (with authorised surety company as eurety) mad payable to th owner In an amount of not lass than 6 of the amount of th bid Surety bond will be required In accord ance with th contract document. Th School District reserve th right to reject any or all bid and to wale all informant le. No bidder may withdraw hi bid after the hour set for open in thereof or be fore award of contract, unless ald award 1 delayed for a period exceeding 30 days Connell C. Ward. District Clerk May 31 36. June 4 NATIONAL PORRRT TIMBER FOR RAI.E Oral auction b:d will be received by th Forest Supervisor. New Post Office Building. Viixene, Oregon, beginning at 3:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time. July 6, 1646, for all the llv timber marked or deflxneted for cutting and all mer chantable dead timber located on an area embraclnt about no acre within portion of Section 14. 33 and 33, T. 6 B , R. 6 E. WM. Breitenbuah 'River Watershed, Willamette National Purest, Oregon, es timated to be 4.000 000 fet ) M., more or la, sf Doiila.ftr. 10 000 feet B M more or le, of wetera rcdredar, 10 000 feet BM, more or lea, of western white Pin, and 160 OOf feet B M. more or teas, of western hemlock and other species of aawtlmber. Sealed bid accompanied br th required payment received by th Forest Supervisor prior to 3 00 p m . Pacific Standard Time. July 6. 1646, will be considered the equivalent of an ori, bid end posted for th Information of all bidders. No bid will be considered which l le than 66 00 per M feet for Drxig-fir, ft 00 per M feet for western rodcedar. 16 00 per M feet for wei ern whit pine, and to 10 pr M feet for western hemlock and other per)e. 11000.00 o be applied on th purrnase price, refunded, or retained In part a liquidated dam a as, according to th con dition of :, must accompany each sealed bid and must be hown to be in the posaeMlon or oral bidders a a quali fication for auction blddm. If an oral bid Is declared to be h,ti at in r!ntng of th auction, the bidder must Immedi- teiT mat the required payment and confirm the bid by submitting it m writ-1 In on a Peraat Servk bid form. Th rkiht to r't any and all bwu (a re. I served. Before bid are aubmrVed. full information concern in the timber, the ' rood it: on af sa.e and the ibm4lnn i nf b:ds anou'd b oo'e ned frm the Fort R inert :or Bjgene Or or , the Dtatriot Ranger. Detroit. Oregon I POM 14 Wheat Prices Move Upward rhinaan .Ttin 4 ijPt WhBt pricea moved ahead after a hesi tant start on the board ol trade todav. The July contract led the advance, which extended to I around a cent at times. Other I cereals held steady, but did not show as much itrengm as wneai. Soybeans ana lara lenara a iihi tnw.r most nf the session. ITrade was light in both pits and a dribble o( selling orders was enough to depress prices. Chief reason for the advance in wheat, dealers said, was a firm trend lor ine casn article throughout the country. Wh.,l L.-3. higher. July $1.88-4, corn was un: changed to 4 higher, July $1.29-V oats were higher, July 37 st. rye was Vi to 1 cent higher, July S1.333.. soy hn w,r. j Inwpr to 1. hiBh- er, July $2.17 and lard was 8 cents lower to 3 cents a hundred pounds higher, July $11.20. Health Clinics Coming Week The activity schedule of thp Marion county department of health for the week beginninR June 6 will include pre-school linics at Englcwood school Tuesday and Wednesday and one at the Stayton Women s dun building Thursday. The custom ary child guidance clinic will be held at the health department Friday afternoon. The schedule for the week: unnriiv- Immunlxations for children. health dept.. 10-13 a. m. and 3-8 p. m. Tuesday : Pre-school clinic. Englewood tchooi. 6-13 a. m. Child health conference Eugene Field school. Sllvenon. 3-4 p. m. Parent-nurse conference Woodburn llb rarv, 1:30-1 30 p. m. Wednesday: Pre-srhool clinic Engle wood, 9-13 a. m : fluoroscopic clinic, Sa lem Memorial hospital, by appointment. 1-3 p.m. Thursday: Pre-school clinic, Stayton Womtn'a club. 10-13 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Well baby conference health dept. 9 30 11:30 a.m. Friday: Immunlxation for adults, chil dren, health dept. 10-13 am., 3-6 p,m Child guidance clinic, health dept. 1-6 P m : foodhandler. mllxhandlers exam, blood test, health dept. 6:30-13 a.m., 1-4 p.m. Saturday: 1mm unit I ton for adults, children, health dept. 9 30-11:30 a.m. Cummings Lane Now County Road Completion of Improvement of Cummings lane north of Sa lem as a 40-foot roadway ta)c en over as a county road marks the last 40-foot county road to be allowed in the county, states Dale Graham, county surveyor Proceedings Instituted to des ignate Cummings lane as a county road were put through and completed Just about the same time as a new law went into effect banning anything less than a 50-foot right of way for county roads In the future, he says, which made it possible for the road to be established on that basis. The road runs west from the North river road joining onto that market road Just about op posite from the point where Cherry avenue intersects It from the east. The widening of Cummings lane Included grad ing and also a light course of gravel, the county to maintain it in the future. Residents along the road put up a material sum of money to assist in the im provement. Queen Elected for Molalla Buckaroo Molalla, June 4 (A?) Cathryn Erickson. 16, was elected queen of the Molalla Buckeroo last night. Seven princesses, representing various riding clubs, made the choice from among themselves at a meeting of the Oregon City and Molalla Chambers of Com merce and Buckeroo associations Queen Cathryn represents the Territorial Riders of Oregon City. Her court In the July 2-4 festival will include: Maureen Nelson, Molalla Bu ckeroo Riders: Donna Soles, Powell Valley Riding club: Don na Moon, Pioneer Riders of Port land: Joan Akers, Milwaukie Saddle Club; Lois Palmer. Ore gon Trail Riders of Portland: Barbara MacFarlane, Riders of the Cascades, Estacada. New Wheat Allotment Acreages Received Notices for 1850 new wheat al lotment acreages were received by Claude Hoisington, secretary of the ACA and they are as fol lows: Any operator who has filled out a wheat farm acreage report but did not have wheat in IN47, 1948 or 1948 will not be eligible for a 1950 wheat allotment acre age even though he had a wheat allotment acreage In 1842. In order to be eligible for a 1850 wheat allotment acreage the request must be submitted in writing by the owner or opera tor to the county committee. Persons requesting such wheat allotment acreage should go to the county office. The deadline for making this report will be June 15, 1949. In this request you should specify the amount of the acrt ai you wish to seed In 1850. Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, MARKET QUOTATIONS alee Llvesiawa Market iBj Valley racking Company Cutter cow S10.M to 114 00 Fat dairy cows 414 00 to 116 00 Bui! 116 00 to 130 00 Calves good 1300-460 Ihs.t 630.00 to 633 00 Veal 110000 lbs sood .632 00 to t 00 toes pric paid within I J el Port- tad prices lor each tp Top. 110-336 .be Peruana Pre Bulierfal Teniatlea, tusject to tmma mate change Premium quality maximum I 36 to I percent ecldltv delivered to Portland 6l-64c lb. first auality 19-41r b. second qua) It i 61-enc Valle routes and eountrj points le irse thar first Batter Wboiesal FOB eulh subes t ho.fale; iiad AA. 63 icoie. 61-63C A, 62 score 60-61'ic. B H score, 66e lb.. O. 69 score. 61c lb Above prices are strict ly num. rial 4 'he Set linn price to furtlano whole aie Oregon rngls 36S 46 'e Oregon 6 lb tost 41 W 60',n triplet ten than ingles 6'iis iTe WbMtBlrat graae iara J-iJ'c. A medium. 61-61'aci grad B arte. 47H-V'iC Portland Dairy Market Batter Price to retailers Qraae print 66r: AA cartons 67e. A print 66. A carton. 67c. B print. 63e Eggs Prne to retailers . large k-. certified A large, 66e. A latir i4-ii:. AA medium. 44c. certified A. medium itc. A medium. 63d carton r additional Cheese Price to retailers Port I ami oreion singles 40 v M)'e Oregon loal, b 434-S3Hc; triplet ltl is, than sin glea Poultry- Live Chlcaena - no l Quality FOB plants. No I broilers under 31 lbs 37 -36c b.. frvers 3't to 1 ID. 39-30C .b oa-tiers 4 IB snd over 30-31e lb., fowl. Leghorns under 4 lbs. 34-35c: over 4 bs. 34-He colored fowl all ehts, 30 'Ic. roomers, all welihts. 16-30c RabMl -. -i,.rr toi (1 ihne fryer, white. 4-6 lb. 33-3&C lb.; 3-6 lb. 31-13c lb.; colored 3 cent lower, old or heavy doe. 6-14c, dressed fryers to butcher 34 -?. Turk (Price quote! tie 11 to th- producer on a dteateo eifrv. oaaist O 8 grade a young toma " 63 ib Ne young nem Dominant oc (treated larheys t retailer Ja0e a count hen a 10H New fori' eyl drs ed A grade ittini ton 46 6 Caacara Berk Pry 10c is -ren Te lb Wool Valley eoerre and Ticriluin aradea ite Ib Mohair 36c lb on 13-month growth Hides Calves 36 it . according to -veisht, kip 16c lb., beef 6i-S'c lb. bulls s-6r Ib country buyers pay Jo lea fat Quotation ftalnela r'ranquettee flrl quaitt. turn .Hi. 34 7c, large J3 7c medium 37 3e. sec ond quality (umbo JO 3c .aiga 36 3c medium xe ic Dab Jlie ton nn rirai quality large. 36 7c. medium 36 3. ae ond quality large 37 3e medium 64 "i a by 73 3 Filbert - Jnmoo 30 . large lie. nedium. 1 6c: imill. 13e Quotation abov tuppileo y North Portland Grain Portland. Ore., June 4 (i Cah wheat btdi: Soft white 3.16: soft white (ex cluding rex) 3.16, whit club 3.16; western red 3.16. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3 16. Today" car receipt; Wheat 46: barley 6: flour 6: corn 4: oatj l; mltlfccd 9. Salem Markets Completed rrom reports f Hale deal er fer the galdanee ei Capital Jearnsl Reader. (Revise dally). Retail Feed Frteet. tt Maib 16.10 Rabbit Pellets 1 4 36 Dairy Feed 63 60. Peallr b tvint jr.e Orade a col ed hen 36c: grade A Leghorn hen. 36 cent Grad A colored fryers, three pounds and up, 31c, Orade A old rooster 1 -ent 16 Baying Prices Vxtr lara AA. 46c. lara AA 4Rc; large A 46-S0c; medium AA, 46c: medium A. 43-4Ac: pullet 36-30C. Wkeleaale Prieea Ess wholesale price te 1 cent abov t ne prices abov Orade A generally quoted at 65c; me dium, Hie. tteefal Premium. 63c. No 1. flfli No. 3, 66 6e 'huving price). Rotter Wholesale grad A, 66; .all tit. ield Promoted To Reserve Ensign ' One of the enlisted men from the Salem organized naval re serve unit, James C. Hatfield, has received word from the navy of his promotion to an ensign in the reserves. Hatfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hatfield of 399 North 24th street, Salem,- with his wife, Billie June, lives In Woodburn at 493 South Front street and is a Willamette University gra duate. A veteran of the last war. the officer spent three and a half years in the Asiatic-Pacific and had the rank of radioman, first class, when he terminated his active duty. One of the original members of the Salem surface unit, Hatfield has been a radioman, first class, with the unit until his promotion, which was affective April 20, 1948. Bible Schools by Salem Churches A number of Salem churches will conduct vacation Bible schools during the period June 6-17 from 9 a. m. to noon each ioay Children in the neighbor hood of the various churches are asked to take part. The churches include: Assembly of God, 13th and Ferry; First Baptist and Hayes ville Baptist at Hayesville; Cal vary Baptist, Liberty and Mil ler; Bethel Baptist, Cottage and D; Calvary Chapel, 1143 North Liberty; Court Street Christian 17th and Court; Christian and Missionary Alliance. Fifth and Gaines: Kingwnnd Rlble church. 1111 Kim St., St. Mark Luther an, 343 North Church; Christ Lutheran, 18th and State; Naza rcne, Center and 13th. Eastern Railroads Ask Higher Fares I Wa.hintflnn .ttinn 1 IIP ern railroads have asked for an other boost In passenger fares, j The 60-odd lines late yester day applied to the Interstate I commerce commission for a 12'i percent advance the third pas- :Senffer fare inrrease thfv have asked since the end of the war. ' Whl. 4k . . I Itirrn railroads will follow suit on the request, aa they did the two previous times was not 1m 'medlately clear. Saturday, Junt 4, ITU! II County School Heads to Meet County school superintend ents from throughout the state will begin arriving in Salem Sun day for their annual meeting to be held next week in the base ment conference room at th state library building. Coming to Salem also for a meeting but gathering for only one day, Monday, are the sec retaries to the state county school superintendents. During their one-day session the secretaries will discuss school legislation, basic school compu tation and hold a training school for their group. In charge of this meeting is Fred Remington ol the Marion county school super intendent's office, who Is presi dent of the group. The superintendents at their week-long meeting, held under the direction of the slate depart ment of education, will have as their topics for discussion, schobl legislation and methods used in public schools. Also discussed will be the various problems coo frontlng the various superintend ents in their own areas. Council Will Help Handicapped Children Announced here Fridav was organisation of a Willamette chapter of the International Council of Exceptional Child ren, which is a department of the National Educational asso ciation. The chapter is open to all persons who work with child ren who are handicapped phy sically, emotionally or socially. The object is to Improve th understanding of the children ina id aia mem in education The chapter is the only one n the StAt mit.tri nf Pnrll.nrf The president is Florenq Berndt, remedial reading teach er in the Salem schools, and secretary-treasurer i. r.nnli. Fleener, principal, at Oregon benool zor the Blind. No Honeymoon for Rooney and Bride North Hollywood. Calif.. Junt 4 (A) Because he is scheduled to start a picture next week. pint-sized Mickey Rooney and hia third wife will have no hon eymoon. The third Mrs Rooney 24, the former Martha Vlckers, wore spike heels which made her three inches taller than her husband. And she was 25 minutes late for the ceremony yesterday Rooney gave his age as 28. Rooney's first marital venture involved actress Ava Gardner. Shortly before yesterday's wed ding, a final divorce decree from wife No. 2. beauteous Bettv Jane Rase, was entered in court records. Wife No. 3 recently shed movie Press Agent A. O. Lyles. The couple exchanged plain gold bands bearing the inscrip tion "Today, tomorrow and al ways I love you M. R. to M. R." Quipped Rooney after the ceremony: "If this one doesn't work, there must be something wrong with me." Eastern Star to Meet - Independence The Willa mette Valley Association of Ma trons and Patrons Order of East ern Star will meet in Corvallis with St. Mary'i chapter on Thursday evening, June 9. Prae tlce for the drill to be given at Grand Chapter will start promp tly at 7:30 standard time, 8:30 daylight saving time. The busi ness meeting will follow tha drill practice. Dates to remem ber ar Grand Chapter, June 13. 16 and association picnic at Sil- verton with Ramona chapter hosts, Sunday, July 17. . DEATHS Idward 66. Retlaat Edward 64. Heiran. 1st resident ot IM Lana Ave. at a local hospital May 31, at the as of 44 years. Survived by vldow. Mr. Ola a Reilan of Salem, two son. lari Reiian and !. r Reltan, and a daugh (er. Hr. A.ed Jonruon. all of Minneap olis, Minn , and also fey four grandchild ran. Member of th Lutheran church. fler lee tvill be held al Lhe Hooell-Edward chapel Monday, June 6. at 6 30 a.m. Inter mint In Belcrest Memorial park. Grace Bellamy in Lebanon, Oregon, June 1. ttraeo Bellamy, at tha age of 66 years. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Dora Knapp of Al bany; a inter, Mr. Ora Menuey of Sa lem . and two granrichiMren, Vivian Ann Knapp and Sharon Lee Hohstadt, boin ol A. bam Service oil! he held at th W. T. Rtgdon chapel Monday. Jun t. at t P.m. Concluding service to th Lea Mission cemetery. r( Mrs. F mi lie Pa line Rati hard Mr, tfmilie Pauim Bnunisrd at Wear Wash. Survived by a daugnier, Mr. Dor othy Omen ot Wasco Announcement, of Mrvtca liter by Clouta-Barriek tom oanr Dr. Marraa Walla Dr Ray Marco Walts, late resident of 16 West Superior Street, al a local riM pi'al Jun 3. at the ace of 63 years. Sur vived br wife, Mr. Flora N Walts of Salem: two son. Fiord M Wslts of Fort snd and Lswrence M Wal'i of Salem: two brother, Dr RMwell S Wain of Fore it drove and 1.0 vd r Walts of Spo kane and iwo arandcnlldren Service will fie rield at tlie Clmuh-Hnrrk Ii chapel Mon day. June 6. it 10 30 am .th Dr. Din ie ev hul re offtnannf Concluding oervlrej at the Bellfouotain cmiry at 1 p rs. Monday. tela I. M Luia L Maine, at her re Wane at rout 1. Salem. Jun I, Mother of Mr. T'M.e Perns; an of Wauaeaan. III., and. Mrs. stAflrn Tompkin of rout 1, Salem; and sister of John Wastfall of Summit, Oreion. Harvey Westfall of Seio, Mra. Be i Kidd of Da i on and Mra. Edith Imrl of Salem. Service will Ot held Hon da. June 6 at 3 t m. at the Howewell Unred Brethren ehurrh wi'rt Interment la he Hire eu eegaeury. Direct lot, Mas of McMinnvtl), 1