Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 31, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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Beavers Surprise Pads
loaave noiiywooa Lead
Br tht Aaaociataa Praia)
Hollywood's Stars loit Memorial day doubleheader but the
lowly Portland Braver patrol cam to their reacue.
The Oakland Oaki took the pair from the league-leading
Twinkl 8 to S and 2 to 1. But it made no change in Hollywood !
five-game margin over aecond place San Diego. Portland rose
mightily from the league cellar I
icy ri.1. jranuings
to trim the slugging Padrei 10
to 8 and 3 to 2.
Milo Candini. late of the Wa
ahington Senators, won hia first
tart for Oakland in hurling the
opener. In the aecond game, the
Stan came cloae to tying up-the
ball game in the sixth when
they scored their lone run Herb
Noren, who had doubled, was
called out at the plate with the
tying run on Jack Jensen's
throw from left field. Holly
wood hotly disputed the um
pire's decision.
In the first game at San Di
ego, the Beavers piled up a ten
run lead before Tommy Bridges
tired after blanking the Padres
for six innings. Portland need
ed the ten runs as the Padres
scored nine in the last three in-
nings. Vince Shupe, recently
traded to Portland, was down
right mean to his former mates,
hitting two homers and driving
In five runs. In the second game,
Johnny Rucker hit a first inning
homer with two aboard to give
the Beavers a wining margin. It
was Rucker's second homer of
the day.
Ken Holcombe pitched a three
hit shutout as Sacramento took
a 4-0 opener from Seattle. The
Rainiers took the nightcap 10 to
Huss- Oppliger, usually
liefer, limited the Solons to sev
en hits in his first start of the
season. Six Solon errors helped
the Seattle cause in the nightcap.
Los Angeles and San Francis
co split their twin bill, the An
gels winning the first 10 to 6
and dropping the second 8 to I.
Will Emmerich was the winner
of the opener and Ken Gables
the loser, both in relief roles.
Pat Seerey hit two homers for
the Angels and Roy Jarvis one
for the Seals. In the second
game, Walt Judnich'a three-run
homer in the sixth was the
crushing blow. Arky Vaughan
homered for two more Seal tal
lies in the seventh.
IB? lha Aaaoclattd Preui
W L Frl. - W I Prt
Hollywood 41 34 .S31 Oakland 33 31 .800
nan Ditto 31 31 .MS Baeramnto 30 31 .403
Scattlr 33 33 .Ml Lot Ant 31 3ft .444
San Fran 33 33 .100 Portland 33 3t .361
Rraulta Monday:
Oakland 1-3. Hollywood 3-1.
Loa Antelta 10-1. San Franrlaea i-l.
Portland 10-3, Ban Ditto B-3.
Barramtnto 4-3. Stattla 0-10.
Ahoit Brorea:
Brattla 000 000 00
Barramtnto loo 111 x 4
Brhanat and Whitt: Holcombt and Ktrr.
Btattlt 000 013 34010 11
Barrtmtnlo 003 000 010 3 7
Oppllnttr and Otbmo: Johnaon, Bavo
III, Orovt itt and Plumbo.
Ban Pranrlaco Ill 310 000 S
Loa Anttlra 033 003 03x 10 13
Lltn, Oablta (3t and Jarvla; Lynn, Xm-
rlch (4) and Burbrink.
Franrlaco 000 103 14 I 1
Loa Anarlar 000 OOO 11 1
Drmwry and Brockrr; Lanlranronl a
Hollywood 010 010 0103 I
Oakland on 500 loa I 13
Brhallork. Ollrrr (ft). Olurn S and
patpkt: candlnl and p.almondi.
Hollywood ., ooo 001 01 s 1
Oakland 300 ooo 3
RamadtU and Unarr; Ctcll and Pad-
i Loa
J ttlt!
f Bur
Small savings in
eently passed the
Hop City Fans
Plan 'Night' at
Tacoma-Salem Go
Independence Tickets are
being sold for the Independence
night at the Salem baseball park
next Friday night, June 3. Wil
liam Darling and John Pfaff are
in charge of selling tickets for
the game.
Independence people who plan
to go to the game are asked
tc gather on South Main street
where the caravan will be form
ed to leave here at 7 o'clock
Dr. M. J. Butler is organizing
the caravan which will have a
police escort through Salem.
The Independence high school
band will furnish music before
the game between Salem and
Tocoma and Mayor Ralph Spen
cer has been asked to pitch the
first ball of the game.
Boy Scouts will also be special
guests at the game and will be
escorted to Salem by Tom Smith,
is & 4
Pulp and Paper
Team Undefeated
In Softball Race
Orego Pulp and Paper kept
their slate clean Monday night
as the Salem Softball league
opened its aecond week of com
petition by blanking Golden
Pheasant, 3-0. Bob Knight
pitched three-hit ball for the
winners in a game that was
well played. Don Vandevort,
Papermakers' third s a c k e r.
turned in a 2 for 3 performance
at the plate.
Percy Crofoot, a campaigner
of many Softball wars, dominat
ed the pitching scene as Randle
Oil beat 12th Street, 8 to 12.
Crofoot struck out nine batters.
An eight run fifth inning decid
ed the issue as Catcher Larry
Applrgate slashed out a triple
with the bases loaded.
Rock Wool and Mootry's con
test the 8 o'clock game on Tues
day night s program with
Knights of Columbus and Ma
rine Reserves drawing the
nightcap. j
Phratanu 000 ooo 0- ft 3 3 I
O. P. At P ooo 111 a 3 t I .
Miliar and Wtnttr; Knliht and Wood- -
Randlt's .000 000 0- I 10 3
13th Bt 100 100 03 3 4
Croloot and Matra: Applriatt; Wonktn- I
wtrtitr and Wtavrr.
Phanrllpr TfKtPt otl Chandler of Stanli
Britain re-$70,000,000
f M plumbing-he a rrvo
Use Organic
The Right Way to
Rebuild Soil
Free of Weed Seeds
AKS $5.00
Bulk 1 ton $10.00
2 tons 17.50
Fret delivery anywhere fa
Salem Area
Phone 3-8127
AfterlPM Phone 24397
i ... j
d- n
, !-;-.' i
linT lr'V. "'4
Bremerton's "big John," mem
ber of the Bluejackets' pitch
ing staff who will probably be
seen In action during the Sa-lem-Bremerton
series opening
at Waters park Tuesday night.
iford university
the shot put in the Pacific Coast
conference track meet held in Seattle, Wash., with a throw
of 54 feet 9 and one-quarter Inches to establish a new meet
record. (AP Wirephoto)
Snead to Meet
Palmer in PGA
Richmond, Va., May 31 M"
Sammy Snead, cocky about his
nwe found ability to putt, and
Johnny Palmer, whose greens
wizardry has never been ques
tioned, faced each other today
for the 31st PGA championship.
This was the first time the
two golf stars ever tangled in
match competition. The first
round of the 36-hole finals was
scheduled to start at 10 a.m.
(EST) and the second round at
2 p.m. over thee 8,677 yard Her
mitage course.
Today 1 struggle was expect
ed to be a red-hot battle of put
ters. Snead had his putts fall
ing yesterday as he won an up
hill 3 and 2 victory over one of
the finest putters, m the busi
ness, Jim Ferrier, the trans
planted Australian from San
So hot was , Snead's putter
yesterday that he was eight
under par.
Palmer's 6 and 5 rout of Lloyd
Mangrum of Chicago yesterday
was one of the hottest streaks
in golf in a major tournament
The North Carolina star played
27 consecutive holes in 97
strokes, 10 below par.
PGA Names
Hudson as Official
Richmond, Va., May 28 U.R
Robert A. Hudson of Portland
Ore., was elected honorary sec
retary of the American Ryder
Cup team today at a meeting ot
the PGA executive committee
Hudson, prominent Portland
business man, is a member of
the PGA national advisory com
mittee and 'was "golf's man of
the year" for 1947.
Maynard G. "Scotty" Fessen-
den, prominent Chicago sports
man and "golf's man of the
year" for 1948 was elected chair
man of the PGA's national ad
vistory committee.
Venezuela will permit love let
ters to go through the mails at
half rate provided they are sent
in bright red envelopes.
Ta 8tnorriph
pts. Secretaries,
CMhlere, Book
kcepcri, ttc., to
women tdily
employed. Per
.on 1 1 offer ft
Special Service.
Lours made on
salary no out-
'lorn in voi vera, s ,.,,--Jiwm.,.-'
110.01 per mo 4eW
repays 1M) In 30 mrrurtA. Special
lunch hour aervlee for folk ln a
hurry Phone f tret for tauter aervlee.
Axk for Mr. Boyd Biulneaa WomeoJ
Personal Finance Co.
LIc-S-122-M-16,t Ph. 2-2464
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 81, 1919 9
Correct for Newport
3 u i.a.
:W w.n.
1:33 a.m.
10:04 a.m. .3.1
t:t p.m. i.t
n il a.m. -
Deluxe Tower
A group
from ri
cher, Okla.. and Greenfield,
Ind., combined their efforts
to construct this triple-tiered
observation platform In the
Intlrld of the Indianapolis
Speedway. (AP Wirephoto)
Spokane Signs
Holdout Pitcher
Spokane, Wash., May 31 (UK
Gene Babbitt, Spokane's star
relief pitcher during last year's
championship season, has sign
ed and will arrive for play to
morrow, the club announced to-
day. i
Babbitt, who won six straight.!
a renei periormcr lasi year,
was a holdout. The conditions'
under which he signed were
not announced.
The addition nf Babbitt will
aid the weak Indian pitching
staff in the current Western In
ternational league battle.
Morris Takes Top
Hole in One Spot
Glen Morris took the top prize
in the hole-in-one conipst spon
sored by the Sa'.em Men's club
with a shot 21 Inches from the
Morris had lakpn first for two
weeks of the tournament. Last
week's best shot was posted by
Harry McBurnett who set one
264 inches from the pin. I
tL. Il l I I 1
' ' .a
'Down' Marker 7,ro';s.
man, nf Lou Anneles, dtmon
straten hU new widellnt
"down" marker for football
fames. The number ean b
seen by players, officials and
Journal Want Ads Pay
Compare Size! Compare Feature! Comodre Economy! Compare Style!
t7a.. ii mil
awmwSaV "Om M fnm CsnnJ at atrt. aw tat
mZjyrj jnr X "" " "
3 IJilali!
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Advanced Inglnrlng Datlgn
Her It ths only Cmt MHenHflralty iinni
with gMr built unlriKexl body-and-fram
m ftnlld, welded low-ihinft tinlt th
grMfMt htaalf lmpriTrnent In 4 vnn. Ei
pand Inrcrlnr room . . . adda 5a ptrrnt
ftrMrer rhlldtry . . .Ilmlnare utlMatrsM
wet lit . . . prmmra body aquMhi and raltl
tWai you a hlftftrr, hitter, mttr ear.
r0 . M yA
By every new-car comparison, one car standi
out. That car is the A Air fly It.
Only new ear is completely streamlined,
even to enclosed wheels. Il't Iht Airflylt.
Only tnt car has seats that can make Twin
heds has more room inside Is lower but
has mm road clearance. Il't Iht A Irflylt.
Only nt big ear goes 25 mile on a gallon,'
at average highway speed. Il't Iht Sash
"600" Airflylt.
Only nt ear is Girder-huilt, frame and body
one Unitized structure. Il't Iht Airflylt.
Only nt ear has Uniflo-Jet eerburetion
L'niscope Cockpit Control a one-piere
curved windshield on all models Weather
Eye Conditioned Air, Il't Iht Airflylt.
Compare the Airflyte with any ear at any
price. Let your .Nash dealer demonstrate the
Nash "600" or Naih Ambassador today!
StMCC ltdl
333 Center St.
Salem, Ore.
Wouldn't you rather
drink Four Roses?
Reduced in pricel
Fin Blended Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 grain nsutril
spirits. Fnnklorl Distillers Corp., N.Y.C.
Ever? Motoi Pre-Run
These engines art not just reconditioned. They
art completely rebuilt to precision standards . ,
to jivt you new engine performancei
12 Mo to Pay Only 11. 0 Per Mo.
430 No. Com !
Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer
Dial 2-2487
Wins again at
aS M2il
otoT atuu carina.
I 1
Mobiloil makes it 2 in a row
Sets Hottest Pace in History
BILL HOLLAND let new record of 121.327 miles per
hour to win tht werld'i most torturous roco the 500
mila Indianapolis.
"What a race! and what an ail that Mobiloil is! It gov
mt th prattctisn I needed ta let tht fastest pact in
history and win!"
General Petroleum Corporative
Tht vtry taint Mobiloil (hat wofl
al Indianapolis will givt your car
protection against wtar, iludgt
and acid action. Get Mobiloil
and other Mobil Products uteri
al Indianapolis front"
your helpful
Mobilgas Dealer
AmtP(tvr Aufomebil Aitoffafioft tHa