Capital Women Edited bj MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER ft Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 31, 1949 Party for Miss Emmons Mr, fWar T Paulson hai invl 4Dinna nut fnr n m i&rpllanenus ahower nd party to honor Mis Margaret-Jane amnions, Dnoe elect of John Syme of Parma Idaho. The party is to be the eveninf of Thursday, June 9, at the Paul on home. TV, Rvmn.F.mmnnii wedding lj to be September 1 in the First Presbyterian church. Miss Em mons, who is with the Camp Fire Girls office here, will De aireci lng Camp Kilowan during the summer. Garden Club at Brooks Entertained Brooks The Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Hattie Van Cleave for luncheon with Mrs. Gertrude Heed as co-hostess. Mrs. Elva Aspinwall pre jided over the meeting. Mrs. Marie Bosch, Mrs. Gertrude Reed and Mrs. Evelyn Jones were appointed on the nominat ing committee. The club accept ed an invitation to enter the Salem Rose Society rose show June 4 and 5. Mrs. Evelyn Jones and Mrs. Emma Wadley were appointed to make the arrange ment. Guest speakers were Mrs. L. w. Franks of Redmond, and Mrs. Clarence Elder of Bend, who gave reports on the National Council of Garden clubs which they both attended in Portland recently. The National Federa tion is twenty years old, has 61,- 000 garden clubs and a member ahip of 226,000. Several members plan to at tend the Oregon State conven tion at Corvallis. The date has been changed. It will be held June 23 and 24. Guests present were Mrs. W. B. Hutchins of Portland, Mrs. Clarence Elder of Bend, Mrs. L. W. Franks of Redmand, Mrs. F. O. Johnson, Salem, route 7. Members present were Mrs. Marie Bosch, Mrs. Emma Wad ley, Mrs. Elva Aspinwall, Mrs. Elisabeth McNeff, Mrs. Evelyn Jones and Richard and Carol ine, Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Wilia Yinyard, Mrs. Nettie Wright, Mrs. Eva Conn, Miss Janet Bartlett, Mrs. Ora Gregg, Mrs. Hazel Bartlett, Mrs. Anna Dunlavy and Mrs. Van Cleave and Mrs. Reed. Marriage Told Turner Rev. and Mrs. Gil bert R. Carey of the Turner Christian church announce the marriage of their daughter, Vio let Hannah, to Gene Russell Rehberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Rehberg. The young couple will make their home at Sweet Home. WOODBl'RN Belle Passi chapter, Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, dedicated a bronze marker at the Hubbard cemetery Saturday, May 28, for Mrs. Willis Brown, a member who died during the past year. The service was conducted by Mrs. Claude Brown, regent, and Mrs. Rav Baker, ehanlain fitted by other members. Spe- idl speaker was the Rev. Johr O. Dickey, pastor of the Hub bard Community church. AMONG University of Ore fon students home for the Me mnrial dnv varntinn n Mi. Elisabeth Nelson, who spent pari of Hie tune here with her parenw, Mr. and Mrs. G. W Nelson, and also In Portland. OREGON GRAPE earn p. Royal Neighbors of America, is meeting Wednesday at p m. in th Veterana of Foreign Wars ball. A lll.YtK fc-a is planned by the women's fellowship of the Knight Memorial church. Wed nesday, at 2 p.m. Miss Andrea Ipsen is chairman. LADIES of the OAR will mneet Wednesday for a business aaaaion at the YWCA at J p m. Wed This WeekA bride this week will be Miss Clau dine Hahn, who is to wed Au gust Dean Knupp on Friday. Miss Hahn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Hahn, Mr. Knupp the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Knupp. (A. W. Mueller studio). Miss Bushnell In Recital Miss Joy Bushnell of the Wil lamette university college of mu sic will be presented in senior recital at Waller hall auditorium Tuesday night, May 31, at 8:15 o'clock. Miss Bushnell is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority and Mu Phi Epsilon, music honor society. In Mu Phi Epsilon she held the office of vice president and president. She was a mem ber of the a cappella choir dur ing her four years at Willam ette, and during her junior year was president of the Panhel lenic council, and served on the executive glee committee this year. This recital which is open to the public without charge, will be given as partial fulfillment of the degree of bachelor of mu-, sic. I The program follows: I French Bprgerettes of the lfit.h Century Arr. Weckernn i BerRore legere O ma tenrire musette J Non. Je n'irai plus au bow Romance Debussy II Comi Again. Sweet Love . .Dnwland Weep You No More, find Foun tains Dowmnri Love Is a Bnble Jones III Recit. and Aria: Baftl. Be Ml (from "Don Giovanni ).. .Mosnrt IV Der Nuwbaiim Schumann; Gretchen Am Epinnrade. .Schubert I Lllnnei Schubert Die Forelle Schubert V fiweet O' the Year Salter The Dream Horsmann Rest, Sweet Nymphs Warlock1 Floods of Spring ....Rachmaninoff Today's Menu B l.h. AmotIkIhI Ptpm) Tea-Age Special Cream of tomato soup Whole-meal hamburgers Crisp crackers Hot rolls Buttered green beans Milk Whole-Meal Hamburger Ingredients: 1 '- pounds lean ground beef, 4 cups finely shred ded raw potato, 4 cups finely shredded raw rarrot, 1 large on ion (finely grated), 2 teaspoons salt, 4 teaspoon pepper, fat (for frying). Method: Mix beef, potato, rar rot, onion, salt, and pepper to gether in a large mixing bowl; shape into B or 12 patties. Heat a few tablespoons of fat In a large heavy skillet; add patties and pan-brown slowly about 15 minutes, or until evenly browned, turning occasionally Then cover and cook 15 minutes lunger or until cooked thrmiKh. (The small patties will cook in less time.) Mitkcs 6 servings. Before broiling tomato halves, sprinkle them with finely crush ed cracker crumbs that have been mixed well with melted butter or margarine. 'Club Names New Officers New officers for the Tri-Y and V-Teen Mothers club are announced as follows: Mrs. E. F. Andresen, president; Mrs. F. B. Landoti, vice president; Mrs. A. B. Pederson, secretary. The of ficers were chosen at the meet ing of the group last week. Retiring officers include: Mrs. Glen Weaver, president; Mrs. A. E. Archibald, vice president; Mrs. Stanley S. Smith, secretary. The meeting was the last one for the group until fall. Star Meeting Saturday Event Friendship night was observ ed by Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Start, Saturday. Jeffer son. Mill City, Stayton, Turner and Silverton chapters were represented. Especially honored guests were: the worthy grand patron, Rex Hartley, Jefferson; Mrs. Rex Hartley, grand marshal; Mrs. Nancy Parker, grand war den of the grand chapter of Ore gon; Mrs. Alice Rupp, grand representative of Louisiana and the following worthy matrons and worthy patrons Mrs. Fern Shue and Wilson Stevens, Mill City; Mrs. Margaret Cunning ham, Stayton; Mrs. Evelyn Ash- bough, Silverton; Mr. and Mrs. Merton Foils, Blue River chap ter. Eugene. Other out-of-town guests in cluded Mrs. C. W. Prigge, Port land; Mrs. Bertha Folts, Kla math Falls; Miss Edith Fauming, Corvallis; Mrs. Violet Parker, Dayton; Mrs. Nellie Noble, Man itoba, Canada; Philip Weeks and Miss Gertrude Wilson, Chad wich chapter, Salem. The Courtesy group's line of ficers and star points participat ed in an addenda for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Brown who are leaving Thursday to make their home in southern California. They were presented a gift from the chapter. Committees for the evening were Mrs. K. L. Foster in charge of entertainment, decorating. Mrs. Lloyd Hughes, Mrs. Ronald Rossner, Mrs. Robert Kendall, Mrs. James Darby; Dining room: Mrs. Mona Yoder assisted by Philip Yoder, Mrs. W. L. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sha fer, Mrs. Alma Goss and Mrs. Ua Austin. At the close of the meeting a social hour was held on the fifth floor where refreshments were served. Miss Marjorie Le thin dressed in costume enter tained with a group of Gav Ninety songs, followed by group singing. Mrs. K. L. Foster was at the piano. OFFICERS of the La Grande Women's Republican club enter tained Saturday at a luncheon to honor Mrs. Douglas McKay. Mrs. McKay accompanied Gov ernor McKay to La Grande over the week-end, the governor of ficiating at the dedication of the Stella Mayfield school at Elgin and the safety week ceremonies in La Grande. -STORAGE! -CLEANING! -RESTYLING! ( v ) If ' ' J lis! yp t?'7x - At Anniversary Meadowlark auxiliary, Veterans of For eign Wars, recently observed its anniversary. Mrs. Bill Kelso is shown here cutting the birthday cake. Piano Recital On Wednesday Jessie Bush Mickelson will present piano students in reci tal Wednesday in Roberts stu dio, 505 N. Summer street at 8 and 9 p.m. The affair is invi tational due to limited seating capacity. Grade school pupils will play from 8 to 9, assisted by Susan Lee Bush in several dances. The high school students will play from 9:15 until 10 p.m., assisted by Mrs. E. Donald Jes- sop, soprano, who will be accom panied by Mrs. Victor Falmason. The grade school pupils are Tommy Dunham, Ricky Wood, Peter Erickson, Suzette Taylor, Chris Wood, Geri McAllister, Billy Bush, Fruzie Manbeck, Lane Olson, Marie Schindler, Becky Templeton, Marilyn Zel ler, Brenda A s c h e n b r enner, John Wood, Darlene Loose, Mar jorie McAllister, Roberta Sears, Naydeen Taylor. The following program will be presented by the high school students: Tumble Weed Paul Bliss Doris Lane To a Wild Rose MacDowell From an Indian Lodge .. MacDowell Darrel Decasby Invitation to the Dance Weber Marilyn Blnkly Portland Event Interests Here Notice has come to Salem re garding the "house and garden" tour planned by the Council of Oregon Republican Women for Wednesday and the annual meeting of the council on Thursday at the Benson hotel. Several homes are to be open for the tour on Wednesday. Speakers at the annual meeting on Thursday will include Mrs. Marjorie Benedict, republican national committee woman for California, and Mrs. Alfred McLaughlin, San Francisco, re publican women's leader in the Bay area. Graduation Of Interest Among Salem folk who will be going to Corvallis next week end for annual graduation at Oregon State college will be Mr. and Mrs. George Skaggs. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark (Rena Skaggs), are both members of the graduating class, he finish ing in accounting, she in home economics. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ullman also will be going for the gradu ation event, their son, Robert E. Ullman, being in the first grad uating class Sunday evening, that for the engineering stu dents. Baccalaureate will be Sunday morning, one graduating class for engineering -students Sunday evening, the other two graduat ing classes Monday. Golden- Wedding Event Due Sunday Silverton Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Cramer of 401 S. Water street are to be feted by mem bers of their family, Sunday, June 12, in observance of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Cramer (Ivy Hall) were married in Albany at the home of Mrs. E. C. Neal. The family have made their home at Detroit, Mill City, Al bany and Silverton since their marriage. Their three children plan to be present for the anni versary social affair. They are Mrs. Vivian Price and Mrs. Nana MacPherson, both of Riv erside, Calif., and a son, W. H. Cramer o' Klamath Falls. Friends are invited to attend the affair at the armory fireside room from 2 to 5 o'clock, Sun day afternoon, June 12. Piano Students To Give Recital Miss Ruth Bedford will pre sent a arouD of her piano stu dents In recital Wednesday eve ning, June 1, at 7:45 o clock in the Carrier room of the First Methodist church. Appearing on the same program will be two students studying with Miss Leah Case and Miss Betty Jo DavenDort. The interested pub lic is invited. The following will appear: Freddie and Shirley Pugh, Su san Thomas, Carol Buck, Dickie Burkland, Carol George, Lila Mae Burger and Jerry Burger, Nancy and Richard Teague, Mary Beth Lochenour, Sharon Truax, Molly Allen, Mavis and Laurel Malbon, Mary Ellen Campbell, Gail Fitzgerald, Bruce Wulf, Ann Marie Cates, Jack Bowman, Richard Nelson Betty and Wanda Coe, Judith Friesen, Beth Hoffman, Wally Parks, Diane Don, Gladista Mor Installation Wednesday The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Leslie Methodist church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the church parlors for a dessert luncheon, program and business session. Mrs. W. S. Ankney it in charge of the devotional service. Mrs. Carl Gies will talk on her recent, trip to Mexico and Gua tamala. Mrs. Henry Otto, presi dent of the Salem District Wom an's Society of Christian Service, will install the officers for the new year. Hostesses are Mei dames Carl Bell, Eugene Finlay, C. W. Slacey and Pearl Fengel. itz, Judith Seamster. Suzanne Bauer, Jerry Davenport, Joanne Saling, Jon Miller, Carla Henderson. To an Old White Pine. MacDowell Sois Bois Victor Staub Shirley Herr Sonata In C Flat Minor. .Beethoven Joyce Edgell Pollchlnelle Rachmaninoff Marilyn Blakly Voice Selected Mrs. E. Donald Jessop Mrs. Victor Palmason, accomp. Sonata in D Major Mozart Edna Marie Mill Elfin Dance Anton Bilottt Polonaise in C Flat Minor. .Chopin Joyce Edgell Malaguena Lecouna Etude E Major Chopin Etude G Flat Major, "Black Key" Chopin Impromptu in A Flat Major Schubert Edna Marie Hill r SAVING MONEY AT SALEM FEDERAL IflfH Muff tAUC T4 feet C&OOtct Any Amount Any Time Save By - Mail Save At Our Office Earn our current 2'j return on tavinas S60 Stat Street facing Court House SALEM, OREGON SAVINGS M DIRALIY INSUMD thousands hare railed tm . , . written In . , . demanding e repeat nf this Ml . . . So . .. for limited number nf diva , . , Its "I for e etly Mia price ef 1." LEON'S Bnr the fir pair at Hit regular price get tha second pair FREE!.., "fbrdk WHITE WASHES, I'll take ew dcptc Chad NOW! ? lllVVwSW'iA I 0 ) "ri 1 V V Sal, at OflBa II says Mn. Mark Thomas 20 Tuscaloosa, Atherton, Calif. tit THE DIFFERENCE... OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY 1ACK! New Teet's mill prove itself to you. Try it. If it doesn't give you the whitest, brightest wash you ever had, simply send the unused portion of the psrksge tn Colgate-Pslmnlive-Peet Co., Berk eley 10, California, with your name and addrea and the price you paid. Wt'U tend you doubit hat fmi't Soap eoat you. , I "SEEINQ NEW PEET'I WASH It RELIEVING", says Mrs. Thomas, "and I've seen a tig change in the w hiteness and brightness of my wash since I started using nnv Feet's Snap. I've nriwhsd such marvelous resulta with so little effort! New Teet's Soap is a washday blessing." For rtally whit washes, try new Pact's Soopf UfKAffirZATrol 1 1 OAlyiii Of ltlilli0nt " NOW IMPROVED J WJ I with m NEW Bus Service DIRECT TO OREGON BEACHES OCEAN LAKE, TAFT, DEPOT BAY, NEWPORT Leaving Salem JHy 9:15 A. M. 1:00 P. M. Leavlnr Newport tally 7:00 A.M. S:00 P.M. DaylHe Time Pacific Coast Lines TRAILWAY BUS DEPOT S20 No. High & Marion Ph. 3-381S LADIES! Leather or Composition HEEL LIFTS OFFER GOOD WED.-THUR.-FRI. FAST WHILK-U-WAIT OR SHOP SERVICE 24c Shoe repair dept. DOWNSTAIRS MEET THE -1 A LAWN CHAMP WEED & FEED Doubt action for ent price this dry compound deilroy brood-lavd wttdi as it fetds the gross to richer color and thicker growth. Harmless to lawns, including bentgrass. when put on at economical rate specified. Easily applied with a Scotts Spreader. Hondy Shaker Box $1.00 lorg to, trtrato 1500 ft . UM StOttL SMIADtRI - prvid quick, Miy lawn application, rub ber tWd . (10.83 and 117.50. rill In voids kft by Mj wood with afctZ8. trip) tWtod Mod, I lb 3,000,000 Modi $1.45. F. A. Doerf ler & Sons Nursery ISO N. Lancaster Drive t 4 Corners Phono -im 0 V th delightful debut of Faberge perfume , . for which you have been to patiently waiting. When you wail our perfume department you will find e beautiful auortmtnt ef lne worldly famout fathion fragrance in Aphroditia, Woodhue, Tigreu and Straw HaU Perfume S. 8. IS. Fabertette 2. SO Coloane 2. 3.50 S. 10 B.lh Powder I.7S 3.50 Sachet 2.00 Enoemble of Perfume and Cologne 2.50 Plul IOH -VM mix j - 1 lv? irk A m