GOP Tells All About Election Washington. May 31 J The republican national com mittee is out today with a book full of figures and footnotes seeking to answer the question: Who won the 1948 election? Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday. May 31. 1949 3 U3j? 6 J y . Dentist-Gunmaker Dr. Elmer Calif., dentist, showi guns built 'WE TOO' WAS LUCKY 'Act of Providence' Saves Six from River Disaster '. Lovers Point, Md., May 31 M Six persons agreed today that only an "act of Providence" saved them from injury or death when their little pleasure boat sank in the dark waters of the Potomac river Sunday night. ' The six, who had boarded the vessel at Piney Point, Md., In the afternoon for a fishing trip down the river, were picked up by the motorship "Seafarer" after they had clung for two hours to the superstructure of the partially-submerged craft, the "We Too." One of the rescued, George Crosby, a refrigeration engineer of Washington, telephoned that the "Seafarer" just "happened by the scene." He said it was only by the sheerest good for tune that all escaped injury. Crosby said the "We Too," which is owned by Wilbur M. Sherwood of Washington, began shipping water through a faulty hose connection. He said the passengers aboard the craft did not notice the trouble until the ship became "sluggish." The six passengers donned life preservers, he said, and the ship sank within five minutes. Luck ily, however, he added, it sank over a sand bar so that the superstructure was never com pletely under water. Only two states have more counties than Kentucky's 120. Electric Sewing Machines FREE-WESTINGHOUSE Made by Free ' Electrified by Westinghouse Salem's Oldest Exclusive Appliance Store Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty St Ph. 3-4311 BUILDING OREGON ...Family by family . ...Farm by farm ...Business by business Ask for Your Thii new booklet explains in detail the many ways our bank can help you. A copy awaiu you at any banking office) b the Firn National Group. McKeen, Huntington Park, to lire .32 cal. blanks. Big Ben Celebrates 90th Birthday Today London, May 31 W Big Ben, the giant clock that booms the hours above the house of par liament is 90 years old today. Ben Ben has failed only once in these nine decades a broken pendulum spring put it out of action In 1944. The clock was named aftpr Sir Benjamin Hall, chief works commissioner in 1858 wnen me clock was built. It started serv ice in 1859. thousands have called in . . . written in , . . demanding a repeat of this sale . . . So . . . for a limited number of days its "2 for ex actly the price of 1." NOW! ? Daily throughout Oregon, people in every walk of life re learning what this "Building Oregon" program means to them. By providing complete, easy-to-use banking services, we assist them toward individual financial security. Through these constructive banking services we help build Oregon... family by family...' farm by farm... business by business. We want you, too, to be familiar with til our banking services because we know many of them can be most helpful to you. matter how large or how small your bank transactions. "Cet - Acquaintad" Booklet Now) SALEM BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or PORTLAND " rttitui iirostt mtuaiuci cutr.aaiiea There is no dispute about who lost that election. The re publicans lost it, and the com mittee does not attempt any fast figuring to challenge that fact. But the republicans do argue that labor claims too much when it takes credit for Mr. Tru man's election. In 44 pages of text and up wards of 100 pages of statistical tables, the committee has analy zed last November's returns more thoroughly than any pre vious election ever was analy zed. If you have wondered by what percentage the Gallup poll over-estimated the nation-wide republican vote for president last year, the answer is 4.4 per cent. The Crossley poll was wrong by 4.8 percent. Don't be too hard on the poll takers. These fresh republican statistics show that the Ameri can people voted last November against the trends and against tradition. The American political trend for 20 years or more has been for a presidential ticket to build up popularity and momen tum sufficient to sweep into of fice many congressional candi dates who were not strong enough to win on their own Scores of congressional candi dates rode the late FDR's coat tails to such victories. The republican election analy sis shows that President Truman was not able to give 1948 demo cratic congressional candidates such a life. In nearly a dozen big industrial cities, Mr. Truman ran behind the democratic con gressional candidates. These cities were Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Denver, Detroit, Jersey City, New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis. Shoe Sale at LEON'S Buy the first pair at the regular price . . . get the second pair FREE! . . . 111 DOUBLE VALUES 1000 Yards Percale Prints 25C yd. Crisp Cotton Geometric Designs Various Colors DOUBLE VALUES Flour Sacks 20C each Opened Style Bleached White 100 lb. 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