, f 10 Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon, Tuesday, May 31. 1949 Peddler of Dreams B PEGGY DERN "But that's so Derfectly crazy I Siiaan critd furiously. "Am I to to. me because my grandfather wa a shrewd old Yankee trader wh piled up gob of money and hnf nobody but me to leave It to? Can I help li?" "Of r.nnrs not. Mr. Fleming. aald Oarrett unexpectedly. "Bui after all. a man has hi pride, yoi know." Felicity caught her breath anc turned sharply to stare at Gar rett with a dawning suspicion In her eyes. Throughout the entire scene Bur ton had been a silent onlooker musina nothing of the give-and- take; nothing of the startled look In Felicity eyes wnen uarreu nan mentioned a man's necessity lot pride; missing nothing of tht stormy rebellion, the heart-hungei in Susan's when Chalmers Thoipr had flung himself out of the room Burton said nothing. He lookeo. as though his thoughts were lon. thoughts and not especially happ ones. TiDDv save them all a few very bad hours during the next couple of weeks. But at last the word was definitely on the road to recovery, and from now on it was merely a matter of expert nursing, and the little patient herself. At the end ol the third week, Susan was told she might take the child home. "You're going along, Fliss, my girl," said 8usan grimly. "You need a rest. Heavens, you've had almost M hard a time as Tippy really harder these three week. A cou ple of weeks of rest and relaxation at Cms del Mar will set you up Main." She and Susan were on the beach with the baby one afternoon when a servant summoned Susan to the telephone, with word that the call was very urgent. Susan stood up, dumped the baby into Felicity's arms, and went across the beach and up to the house. Chalmers Thorpe came down be fore Susan had returned and look ed down at the baby in Felicity's arms with an odd. hungry look in bis eves. The baby knew him and r rowed an enthusiastic, If unintel ligible, greeting and held up plump little arms. "You two are very becoming to aach other," said Chalmers in a tone that tried hard to be light, as he bent and lifted the baby In his arms, holding him close. The fat little knees pummeled Chalmers' chest as the baby tried hard to climb up his body, as though he were a tree and the baby a monkey. "Isn't he a darling?" said Fe licity, in the slightly fatuous tone all women use in speaking of a baby. And then daringly she said, "Isn't it a shame he hasn't a fa ther to be crazy about him?" Chalmers put the baby back in her lap almost roughly and said. "It so happens that he has a fa ther who's very much alive." "I suppose you know that his lawyers advised Susan two weeks ago that unless she made a cash se t tl erne nt of one hund red thou -sand dollars, he would sue for the custody of the child?" "It's a bluff he wouldn't dare," said Chalmers grimly. "He wouldn't if Susan were mar- lied again to a man who could help her fight," answered Felicity "Oh, don't go looking stern and savage with me, Mr. Thorpe. I'm not afraid of you! If you weren't quite so big. Id shake you until your teeth rattled. Of all the silly, stupid, prlde-craiy creatures I ever saw In my life, you're the worst. You're mad about Susan, and she's eating her heart out for you. She needs you so badly and you go around being stiff and proud!" Chalmers was furious and made no attempt to disguise the fact. . Having gone so far, she rea soned that she might Just as well ?:o a little farther. "So you're go-i rig to deny her the happiness anv woman treasures more than all the money In the world while you're depriving yourself of her love and of the grand fun of bringing up the baby. Oh. men make me sirk! They're so darn stubborn and child ish!" Ohatonem looked as though noth lne; In the world would please htm oiii! so much as to turn her down arrows hto knee. "Go on. Mis Horne. if you can tmnk oi any more insults "Oh, I can think of lot of them,' relicity assured hiin. "But insult ,et us no place. The only thina is it seems a rotten trick, to me, .or you to deny yourself, and Suhan i he happiness you could so easily have, just because of anything so smy ax money. "You think It would be a small amine of pricie to be known far and wide as a fortune-hunter?" Felicity's eyes widened in hon est amazement. "Oh, is that what's bothering you?" she demanded. "Goodness. T thought and so does Susan that you resented the fact that when she couldn't get you she mar ried a couple of other men. And you know that you were to blame lor that, don t you? Chalmers was startled. Too star tled, for (lie moment, to remember that he was blazingly angry with ner. 'I was to blame for her two mar riages?" He was outraged at the Dare idea. Of course. She's been in love with you since she was seventeen. Felicity sighed and shook her head. "I Just wonder when you're croicneiy, loneiy old man of ninety, sitting in an empty cor ner of some bachelor's club, you won't look back and realize what lool you ve been. (To be continued) 2495 SIZES 1 - 10 Two of a Kind Crisp sun-back pinaiore make cool "dress-alike costumes for mother and daughter! Mother's pinafore features big picKeis, Dack-Duttomng. Daughters version is the same style on a smaller scale. (Two separate pat terns.) No. 2532 Is cut In sizes 12. M. 10. 18. 20, 36. 38 40 and 42. Size 18. 41 yds. 35-in. No. 24flS Is cut In sizes 2. 4. 6. 8. and 10. Size 8, 2' yds. 35-in. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is Just off the press presenting the ori in summer iasnions, an de signed with the simnlirltv that spells good style and easy sewinr and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 oattern designs for all ages and occasions 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment., vapuai journal, 8S2 Mission Street. San Francisco 8. Calif. Modern l)iin You'll v the ume technique and itltrhe on th modern hikck weaving designs you did buck In x-liool on that huck towel with lie colored border The three design Illustrated are for guest or finger-tip towels, knitting bags, pillow tons and wearables. Pattern Envelope No. R28JS con tains charts for each of the three designs pictured, itltch Illustrations and atep-by-step Injunctions for weaving on huck; color suggestions and finishing. To obtain th pattern tend X in COINS giving pattern number vout name address ann Rone nunv bei to Peitgy Roberta Capital Jour na. 828 Mission street San Fran cisco 1. Calif nil i ii i i " l II. f ' 1 CAN'T SEE HOW OUU QUACSY, ESCAPED, R0PR-THE LIGHTS rtENT OFF JUST AS WE ARRIVEDAND WHEN WE CAMf NTOTHIS ROOM THROUGH THE FIREPLACE, THAT LIOH WAS 5 TILL SWINGING 1t:oa Islfn ort " THESE WALLSl PABDON ME. SIR TWO WAIT.' LET 1 11 T I LOOK SOLID 4 kOF THE FILING CASES (ME HAVE THAT I I ENOUGH Bljrj SEEM TO BE BOLTEDTOV CBOWBAI? A II I ,mm i TTrl I r u.vnr... ii" 8 tost ci tvD ... uxi i if ..iumti-- III m r.i I I '- ' I Ilt i yitf! I BULB VaL t i"vS"k 1 , r-.....' ,111 -Bll C-V j-yrT mt 1 4t nriKn ante FHJLI 1 ill -n &U W N rs y V ckf.A LI AivA5 L V VaV ' ig .' ' .S ' -CAIJL. 'O :S iw. Km, hhH to. innw. AMDeF71OM-- 0 bums! NOCLftw- T sure3fvw7 t ves, sip, LtssA-wrrH1 uIelTe" ! I LOOK! THOT BRflT MUST ) St AH; BUT LOOK NO ORQANI2AnON-THIS SOY SO, BAT- B f THIS GREEN OROQON WHerr-S HOPPENEO m I H(VE RXJNDTH'SECBET AT WHOT HAPPENED I THING IS BIG WELL, BUT WHCT DO B WHISTLE I'M NOT ITo SCARED ALL fl r p I COVE-LOOK AT TW0O1KH TO ALL TH' BOVS WE I WE'RE BK5-W6 GOT I Wt DO NOW? ( SCARED ANV MOPE- TH" TIME.- Jl kNCW '"'j 7 Vj XT r " W. F'fe . IP DREAMS IS THE 1 1 " t -'jr , N T iIm. PAPAf . REFLECTION! op the 7TV n ?r.r-TH' 'Jlzds&802--': E -AND ALL ItTT THERE'S STIU ir7AVBE.S: MARRIAGE WARN T JZTCZkiSX '-C ( MOUNTAIN COST WAS A SHADOW 'UC ? . LEGAL- BECUZ . Lv Wft ' V HAS r FORT V LNES- ON tT-FROM WllC. L THIS rtOUNT'lH JT Vv'i J 7 BEEN l. NOT COUNTING ) A PLANE , IS ONI (T I HAIkTINI J XX; ? ImCVED.) HILLBILLIES,. My 2jT.r.r PATCH rJtr1 KatPlW MR OF CCXIPSE.- " , -r5- l , HS'rjfSt " v23fanthe Xnr (PLANE.v i tt!T"AT ? "L- 109 xV DONE SET-ANI' T if SHINE ON V4 M TTl -vTV .X--g tV- v v UUfeEr x k i vm nay- -i I MOTT ALWAYS THINKS OH MUTT. HAVE WE S ntGOTA W 6R- WHV DON'T ' VEH. THAT'S O I .ccc ,c vo. to I w HE'S THE SMART GUV ANY" MONACETIC Jl HUH HEADACHE! YOU TAKE AN I WHAT , MEAM I : Unul UUAT CU4 ,N THIS COMIC STRIP ACIDESTER OF (WHAT? I WANT (aSP- , CAH NEVE R Jf CA IT WILL U ftt-AHl HEBE Vn?T THINK OF gf. HELP THAT . l"1 THBYPlD.EH? I I IT COMES FROM A PLANT. "HMM. THEN IT I M ONLY THINS TEX.THS POLICE UBCCATORY UEMME THUiC ., NUX VOMICA IS THE BOTANICAL ItA'AS A DELIBERATE J ZL?C. JtSSSm ll'iSf S. JUST PHONEP. THOSE CATTLE DOcT THAT COME NAME. BUT THAT DOESNT OROw JOS! COME ON- T .SEeT?!?! w.TS? ISJS fSt ., P!ED FROM STRYCHNINE. ALL J FROM EAT1N' A HERE. BESIPES, THE POBON LETS TALK TOTDNV. U RK3HT. y WEED NAMEP MAS 6'VEN IN CRYSTALLINE HE'S OUT THERE FOISONEDI few STRIP O 6RAZIN S V y"1 STH AJSIE ENEM MW.WOKTH HA rn p ath S Sf Wt 'LL tlHO JORfiE WITH YOU ' a tNr WOMAN 1 THAT WHY YOU YX kXlM 1 ' ACCtPrD,FATHtR-.ATA 1 IINMRPAIOTHAM mi TO FETCH VOURLU60A&E--PLAN TO JUNIOR'--EMIND!. J BU5HEB OUR HAIR t W.Wtj); K "6, , 1 $ALARV 0 LOW WE'LL SmZbM 1TAY THREE MONTH..-THATL COVER THE I me OF VOURMOTHER AND STRAIGHTENED YOUR J OtlVih.it. itZ V '? - k ftittCA J . BECHAR6EDWITHU5INa 1 Vrruw?nL.CJf 0 TIMl MIS LACROME ATTENDIN6 ART Sj f TIE WHILE WE WERE . - 1 JfcNrTI -SX ' Vl J rC;,,l M IAVE LABOR If IT EVER l t , r r pTTt R Ajft SCHOOL ON THE SCHOLARSHIP THAT ll"gaVr!7 OUT OF THE ROOM ?J f NTVW i I KM'Si V H 11" A COMES OUT! " (tj INWauMCOrM!6 VWL tW ' ' VllL l ' - &'K IPro jyP RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM tit M i Fulton Ltwli Jr. :1 i Frank Hrmintwa! M : Fal Panda :4 Newt :M , Klraiiht Arraw I ft Straight Arrtiw :S ICaal. Mldnlfht lur Mi Gabriel Hattf N'arthwrtt Nawa MubIc :4ft MubIc TUESDAY P.M. 'KGW J2 K0C0 r KOIN Medlrlnt Drama It Music Chit holm Trail Chltholni Trail Hontt Crlita Mont Crlita Favarila Ktary Favoritt Starr Newi Newi Krlvel Lacal Newt Newi Mmle Fulton Iwli, li Rob Paala Shaw Music Woman't Hrcrel Hnnnr ildt Craraa M oar ad MuTical Carktall Ma-.ial Cocktail Alan Yavni Khaw Alan Vount Show Bob Hopt Bub Hop Flbbrr McGra Fibber MtCiat Holbwood Theatra Hollywood Theatre PropU Ara Fonnt Peaple Are Funnr Rhythm Ranrh Khilhra Ranch Bint I'raib Sport Paie CandtHlfbt . rtd Kllver Naval Air Reicrvr r.ddle UMar BandMand Bandttand Ruiaut Dope Baseball Baseball Baseball OBS flypper Clab Baseball News af W.rld 1 Baseball This la Yoar Life I Baseball This la Year Life I Baseball News Sparta Paia Pinal Bands af Land Band Willi flan Havre Morten Downey Western Caravan Westers Caravan Sin Off Baseball Baseball News Cam be Club Trarb MM Track MM Track U!0 Traek HB Herb Khrlner I.lllle Khew Club U Fdward Murrnw Knot Marnlni Beulah Cbot Hunt lor Newi l.vnn Cola Rob Yeuni Shew Strike It Rich Strike It Rich Hit the Jack pot Hit the Jarkpot Pan the Bock Pass the Buck Lowell Thomas Jack imltb Show Mr. A Mri. North Mr. A Mrs. N"J Flvt Star Final Mrslerv Theatre .el's Dane Serenade You e the World Orchestra, Orchestra Newi Nlin Off Client WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. ks mil kk in Sm KOCO Kleck KOIN Klnck Hod. P-ds. KOCO Klacjl KOINlllort T((M Ti BJt(r KOIN Klack Ncwa Faraa Time New Sperli News March riaso The Old Senra Top O Mornlnt Newi Newj N FltA Bffc Tw Fred Warlnp Weitern Melodlea Consumer Sewe Breabfait Gam Fred Wartni Western Melodies Art Btker Breakfast Gani Rlden of Rait Western Melodlea Kohert l.ew Top Trades Sara Hayei Churchy In Wild Robrrl Uwla Barialn ConnteT Strond Cup Melody Time aeal Varletlea Victor Llndlabr Second Cap Melody Time ,w . . Sons af Pioneers Jack Berch Musle f.rand diam Music News Muslr Rosemary yt Sm u w H...mB.a Co" Cup Wendy Warren i::; i...h 5 1 s ::::: kj-'ssi P.st.r-i C.U Tommy D.r.ey RhP,f S-r V-T S-td-w Wllea Haiti Time Tommy Dorsey Bhtt)M Our Clal gnnday N' " TomnVToariey J"1" Gospel Slnaara Tommr Dorsey G ass Wai Ma P"klM Lean Back Today's Children n,a H' Youna Dr. Malona Walts Serenada Brighter Day Glaii Wax Guiding Llrht Ladles First Double ar Nothing Eterybody'a Idea Nrwe Ladles Plrat Dnubla ar Nothing Organ Moods Come Get II Queen far a Day sw NarabDraka Queen far a Day tight af World Ted Dale Presents Makea Vait Tick Tap Tradea Life Beautiful M-' Melodlea tnd Mrs. Bnrton Newi Ma Perkins MHodlei Perry Masan News Pepper Younf Melodlea , Pat O'Brien Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mae'a Melodlea Organist Music Backstage Wife t'1,91' N'Piwr af Air Johnson Family Stella Dallas M"r ' M,,,0("" Newspaper of Air Tell Kclbgbar l.oreni. Jonea "! " Winner Take All Bins i"gi Wldder Brown Mac a Melodies Tunefully loura Against the Storm A V.irl Marries Mac's Melodlea Newa Against tba Storm Portia Fares Lift Mar's Melodies Meet the Mitsne Music just Plain Bill Mac s Melodlea Meet tbl Missus On Parade Front Page Farrell Mae's Melodies Arthur Godfrey Happy Gang Road ar Life Women 'i Page Arthnr Godfrey Happy Gang Lara I.awton Friendly Arthur Godfrey Songi or Times Aunt Mary Spotllte Music Arthur Godfrey Newa We I.ova Learn Spotlight on Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC. 5S0 (Listed as Pacific Standard Time) PV Tuesday P. M. 5:. Squirrel lCA Caiei h:M, Sky King) 6:90. Keep ing up With Sports: ft: 15. Home Edition; ft: 30. Hop-along Cassldyt 1:00. Edwin C. Hill i 7:15, Elmer Davlst 7:Xfl, Tour School A Tout S, Counterspy! :(. Town Meet Ingi 8:S0, Monitor News; Book Ade.t O:0n. Richfield Reporter! 10:1.1, Intermei ai 10:3(t. Concert Hour; 1t:S0. Memo to Fomarrowt 12:00, Xtra Hoori 1:04, Sign Off. lCY Wednesday. A.M. to 4:45 P.M. ICA ft:0fl. Early Bird: 1:00, MrCall Newai 7: II., Bob Johnson Show; 1:30. Bob Haien Show; :t&. Farm Newsi :(, Myrt and Margei II: 1ft. Martin Agronkvt Zeka Manners! :t5. Easy Aces i :00. Breakfast Club: 10:00. News; 10:111. Stars of Today: 10:30, Kay Kyser's Kollege; 1 1, Ted Malone: 11:15. Galen Drake; II:A0. Trae Story: It. Betty Crock er: 11:15. Newa; lt:30, Baukhage: 1T:5, Nancy Craig; 1:00. Northwevternerst 1:30, Kay West! Z:00. Break(at In lA Af Tues PM :0 On the On fWM beat; ft'.SO Sparta Clab: , The Newsi a: IK. Grata Bergtr al the KOAC Organ; ft:S0, Ronnd tbo Campflrai :15, Farm Hour; :0A, Errand ( Merry; :1S, Vnlv. of Oregon Symposium; S:4K, News: :, Musfe That Endures; :, Eyening Meditationsi 10:110, Sign Off. (Listed as Pacific Standard Time) WAip Wed A.M. 10, Newcj lt:li, IXWMVe Especially for Women; t1:M, Concert Hall; lt:00. Newit l?:l. farm Houn t:. Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:1S, Va riety Timet 1:S. Melody I.anei t:00. Es perially for Women: t:M, Memory Book af Music; t:15. Oregon School af tha Air I X:00, News. Hollyywondt :S0, Talk Tonr Way Out of It; 3:00, Surprise Package; 3: SO. Bride and Groom: 4:0, Welcome Travelers; 4:10, Art Llnkletter. Silverton Firemen uell Auto Fires Silverton The last two fires attended by the volunteer fight ers have been in cars'. Wednes day night the car belonging to Billy Bobbins caught fire while the owner was driving on Grant street, near his home, damage reported as nominal. Saturday night the firemen, were called to 713 S. Water street to control a car fire with "considerable damage" reported, with build ings protected near by. ACROSS U Pathetic 4. Glossy Ittbrlc 8. Baby'a bed 12, Unseal: poet to 13. Paradise 14. Part la plxj i. ucean 16. Grade 17. Competent IS. Flower 20. Wag 22. Tidings 26. Leaf of a calyx 29. Like a jearnrk 62. S3. Speed content 24. Tropical bird 85. Exchange) L 27. Vaaa I IS. Worry S. 42. 61. 61. C2. Laitera Closed ear Pack Follow Tall elender structurs Curvs R i scour toons The herb avs Object of devotion Dec I ara M oor K not ' Numerous Unit of work DOWN Tolerable) Point Bargain r TjAlRllC A P EjSflRjAjW ont If a d a g'eT vte E'MlPj I ff TtcWc' Uj B E I B Ba"cIthrul "fcij.J QMNifswRAivklsaR o v:Ai3Wr1oMjE sBn i l. EMV;OiTE:RnTi' T E R glj 'NEsHSH E Pi1 ,n dEPTh uTgEI S, H . A Lj E H F l"L I cnTV PElAUaiS1AlClEipAM Solution of Yesterday'! Puzii Srtako . Uounialn In Creta 3 ?jb 7T r-j " " !L3fe i m s aCaj at 38"' " aijr Z L 1L Z Z V J fx ;;' n A Newifeorvres I. Allow T. Was a wa.ro tv Mouth of a, volcano . Steal 10. Sick U. Industrious insect 11. Daughtet of Cadmus II. F.xtsts 23. Metal thread 24. Break suddenly If. Msctilina nam 27. Land meanttro 28. Optical class 29. Klapne 30. Poker stuks 31. Contended 32. Redact 26. Ob.rure doctrine 19, Salt of a ri 41. Firnt even number u. Negative if. Small nalk lit 48. ilnrrlert woman 49. At any ttms bQ. Resounded 61. Gain 62. Artificial lan run S3. Grow droway 65. Pulpy fruit 66. Lair ROOM AND BOARD By Gens Ahem