Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 30, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    Yaks Take Series Lead as
Senators Split Twin Bill
Yakima, Wash., May 3D Before one of the best crowds of
the season approximately 35S0 persons the Salem Senators and
the Yakima Packers split a Sunday double-header. Since the
Bears won the Saturday night encounter 11 to 5, the series stands
at 3 to 1 for the home-town sluggers. The two clubs will wind up
WIL Standings
(Br Mm Aaaociawd Preul
W. L. Pet.
Yakima 27 It "1
Balem 21 15
Vancouver 21 15 .583
Wenatchee 1 20 487
Bremerton 1 21 '
Victoria 1 M no
Tacoma 1 24 .400
Spokane 14 23 Sit
Yesterday's ReiulU
Salem 6-5. Yakima 3-9
Tacoma 4-7. Victoria 0-0.
Wenatc hee 13-5 Spokane 7-3
Vancouver 5-7. Bremerton 1-8.
sturday'l Result
Vancouver 8-13. Tacoma 4-8.
Yakima 11. Salem 5.
Wenatchee t. Spokane t.
Victoria 13. Bremerton 3.
New Oak x':.. 'S7T
versity of California All
American football star, wears
an Oakland baseball uniform
at the Oakland park after
igning with the Pacific Coast
League club. -CAP Wlrephoto)
Chambers' Bird
Wins First in .
Walla Walla Race
A bird owned by Doug Cham
bers finished first in the Sa
lem Racing Pigeon association's
flight from Walla Walla to Sa
lem Sunday. Average time was
835.29 yards per minute for the
240 miles air distance. A Cecil
McNeil pigeon finished second
and third went to Al Brown. The
pigeons bucked a head wind all
of the way.
A race from Lewiston, Idaho,
is planned for next Sunday.
Learn to Swim
Campaign Opens
At Y on June 6
The 28th annual learn-to-iwlm
campaign of the Salem
YMCA will open June 6 and ex
tend through the 10th, accord
lne to announcement by Fred
Cords, physical director. Cords
and Jess Juarez, Y staff mem
ber. will have charge of the in
atruction. There will be no
Girls will be given lessons
during the forenoon and boys
in the aftprnoon on the follow
ing schedule: Girls 9 years old,
9-9:30 a.m.; 10 years, 9:30-10
a.m.; 11 years. 11-11:30 a.m.;
junior and senior high, 11:30
12 noon; boys 9 years, 1-1:30
p.m.; 10 years. 1:30-2 p.m.; 11
years, 2-2:30 p m.; junior and
aenior high, 2:30-3 p.m.; boys 9
and 10 from 3 to 3:30 p.m.
Men will swim from 7 to 8
each Monday, Wednesday and
Thursday evening, 7 to 8, be
ginning June 6 and women
Tuesday and Friday evenings, 7
to 8, beginning June 7.
Registration blanks must be
signed by parents or guardians
Snead Still Is
PGA Win Choice
Richmond. Va., May 30 UR
Th pre-tournament etioict of
Sammy Snead to win the nation
al PGA golf championship look
ed as good as ever today as the
alanrpmer met Jim Ferrier and
Lloyd Mangrum played Johnny
Palmer in the aemifinal
Snead was as hot at the Vir
ginia un as he belted out a 4
and 8 triumph over Jimmy De
mur! of OJai, Cal., in their
quarterfinal match yesterday.
And today he was the choice
again as he played Ferrier, the
transplanted Australian now of
San Francisco, in the 36-hole
The final are tomorrow.
Postpone Monday
Softball Gomes
Monday evenings scheduled
Industrial snftball league as me
between Oregon Pulp & Paper
mnd Postoffice has been post
poned until 6.30 Thursday eve
ning. The City league schedule
Monday night pits O. P. At P
against Golden Pheasant at II
o'clock and Randle Oil v 13th
.their competition with a Me
morial day doubleheader Mon
day night.
The Bears, boasting a fat .316
team batting average, the best
in the loop, smacked Ray Mc
Nulty and Jim Osborn for 18
solid blows Saturday night with
McNulty taking the loss.
Bus Sporer went the route for
the Senators in the first game
Sunday night as he limited Yak
ima to five hits. And white the,
big right hander had control dif
'iculties at times, the hitting
support given him was more
than sufficient. The Solons
drove Teddy Savarese. one of
the Bears' prize pitchers, from
the mound in the third after
Bud Peterson had opened the
frame with a home run over
the left field fence. Dick Drill
ing replaced Savarese and con
trolled the situation thereafter '
Mel Wasley had opened the
second inning with a towering
homer over the center field
fence. Bob Cherry then came
through with a double. Bill
Beard and Bob Hedington with
singles to tally two more runs.
That ended the Solon scoring in
the first game but it proved more
than sufficient since the Bears
were unable to add to their
string of three collected in the
first frame.
The second tilt was close for
seven innings and when the
Bears went to bat In the last of
the eighth the Solons trailed by
a single run 5 to 4. But Jim Fos
ter was the victim of a blister
ing Bear attack In the eighth
and when the cannonading had
died down, Yakima had surged
to the front 9 to 4. Bus Sporer
replaced Foster midway of the
attack but his second pitch was
greeted by Ted Jennings with
a triple that drove in three runs
placed on the sacks by his pre
Official Box
(Pint am)
Yakima S fUlrm (i
2 1 o o w pmn J i o i s
Vannl. If
Jacinto. 1 3
1 BPrtmn. 4 1
Qammno.rf 4
0 L.OrtPli.rl
2 0
Orteti, c
4 9 4 1 Waaler, If
10 0
s o
i i
i o
1 Brard.c
Moore, cf
0 Spartrr.S
3 Hfdlniin.l
I 0 1
3 3 11 i
0 0 0 Sport r.p i
D. Drill rjg.p
9 0 4
Tot ft I
36 A 11 ToUl 31 I 31 13
Atlrm 003 000 0
Yakima 300 000 03
Loelni pltchtr: Bavarii.
Pitcher IP At) H R Br Bo Bb
flporrr .....7 lb 3 3 ft 7
Savin 3 plus 13 7 J 0
O. Drilling ft Ift 3 0 0 3 2
Wild pitches: Sporer. Errors: Jacinto.
W. Pteron. Pawed balls: ft. Oriels.
Beard. Left on baf: fit lam 4, Yakima 0.
Horns runs: Waslej. B. Peterson. Two
hits: Cherry. Sac M tier: Jacinto.
Sporer. Double plays: W. Peterson lo
Hedlntton. Tims l:is. Umpires Nenasich
and MeCullouch.
(Second same)
Rale (0)
1 Vannl. It
ft 3 4
1 I Jacinto,!
I 0 Oammn.rf
Oriels. rt ft
Wis ley. II
ft 1 2 1 Jennlnis.3
S 3 3 Olhompsn.l 4 3
ft 3 4 Moore, ft
3 0 4 0 Brisker.
3 0 4 0 Tornay, c
4 0 0 0 Powell, p
0 0 0 R Orteli.c1
Poster, p
Tot si
37 11 34 0 Total 37 14 31 10
1 Grounded for Tornay In 7th
Salem 000 301 013 -0
Yakima 031 100 Ma
LoMnt Pitcher: Poster.
Pitcher: IP Ab HR It So Bb
Poster 1', II 13 I 14 I
Sporer H 4 3 110 1
Powell 37 11 0 ft 7 4
Hit by pitcher: BrUkey, Oammino by
Foxier; Bpaeter by Powell. Led on bsaea.
Balem 0. Yakima 11. Errors: Wasley3.
Iledinston. Moor. Jenntnts. Three base
hits: Jennlnsa. Thompson. Beard. Two
baM htu: Moore. Torna. L. Ormi. Run
batted in. L. Ortels. Ctierry. Beard. Hed
in at on, Vannl 3. Jennlnia 3. Thompson.
Moore, Tornav. Time 3.10. Umpires. Me
Cullouch and Meniich.
The short scores:
Victoria OPO Oftfl Oflfl A 4
Tacoma MM 303 00x 4 0 1
Lome and Day: Waldrn and Warren
Victoria 000 000 0- 0 4 6
T a coin a 013 0.11 7 7 I
Tobias tnd Monan; Kerrlsan and War
ren. Vancouver 004 001 0 3 0 1
Bremerton 001000 01 ft 0
Heriaerock and Brenner. Kotiout and
Vancouer 310 00 000 7 13 1
Bremerton 000 001 011-3 7 4
Kind (at her and Briefly, Sullivan and
Ronnina, Corey 7).
Spokane 000 010 0-711
Wenatchee 10 013 1-13 111 3
Kimball. Ncelv 1 and Rossi; Weaker,
MrCtfliin ii and Pe.Mii
Spokane .000 300 000 I 4 4
Wenatchee . OflO 400 02x I 0 0
Teaaan and Parka, Caplinaer and Winter.
Stayton Legions
Blank Woodburn
In District Go
Stayton The Stayton Ameri
can Legion junior baseball club
whitewashed Woodburn'i jun
iors 6 to 0 in the first of the
district games. Stayton'i E. Rus
sell proved too much for the
Woodburn batters as he fanned
17 of the 23 who faced him dur
ing his seven inning stint.
Stayton started with a rush
and collected three tallies in the
first on as many singles, plus a
base on balls.
The locals will travel to Mt.
Angel Wednesday afternoon.
Woodburn . 000 000 0 0 2 3
Stayton 310 020 x 7 2
Collier, Larson (2) and Hen
derson, Butterfield (7); E. Rus
sell and T. Highberger.
Hollywood Shoves Bevos
Deeper into PCL Cellar
San Francisco. May 30 UR The Hollywood stars, who would
like nothing better than to play the Portland Beavers all season,
today had a comfortable five-game padding for their Pacific
Coast league lead.
The Stars, riding an eight-game winning streak, slapped Port
land twice yesterday for the
first full-series sweep of the cur-
rent season. The league leaders
sunk the Beavers deeper in the
basement mire with 8-4 and 3-2
In other games yesterday Se
attle dropped Oakland into the
second division by taking 6-1
and 2-1 victories. San Diego and
Los Angeles split, the Padres
whining number one 7-5 and
Los Angeles copping the second
game 6-5. The Sacramento So
lons took both ends from San
Francisco, 8 3. and 10-3.
9 PCL Standings
(By the Aaaociated Frew)
WLPct W L Pet
Hollywood 41 33 .091 Sacramnto ag 30 .493
Sin DI.IO 35 3 .574 Oakland 30 33.4a'
9attl 32 31 .508 LoaAnlFU 37 34.443
SnFrncaco 31 31 .500 Portland 30 30 .13
n,nUi Sunday
Bflcramtnlo 0-10. San Pranctaco 3-3.
Brattle fl-2. Oakland 1-1.
Hollywood 0-3. Portland 4-2.
San Diaao 7-5, Loa Anstlaa S-f.
Hollywood got fine pitching
and timely hitting as the Stars
pulled out further ahead of the
rest of the league. Gordon
Maltzberger and Jack Salveson
notched the wins over the un
happy Portlanders.
Seattle got back into the up
per division with their two wins
over the Acorns. Long Herman
Besse won the opener for his
first win in nine games.
Max West homered for San
Diego in each of the two con
tests with Los Angeles but his
second game blast fell one short
of tying up the game. In the
first game Luke Easter and Har
vey Storey hit for the circuit for
San Diego and Wayne Terwilli
ger slammed one for the Angels.
In the second game, Orestes Mi-
noso hit his first Pacific Coast
league homer with two on to
give the Padres a temporary
Ancient Tony Freitas tamed
the San Francisco Seals in the
first game of that doubleheader
tossing a seven-hitter in his first
start of the year. The Sacs ex
ploded for seven runs in the
fifth inning off their ex-mate
Steve Nagy, who had beaten
them three times in a row this
In the second game the Sacs
gave ex-fireballer Frankie Das
so plenty of margin to work
with as they got 12 hits and 10
early runs. Dasso pitched care
ful six-hit ball, one of the hits
being a three-run homer bv Di
no Restelll. The double win gave
the Solons the series four to
three and marked the first time
this season they have won both
ends of a twin bill.
1 -
ftlltl LUItm ft aanatVi llilt koMnlnnil tfm P..rH CV. Torb
Hat to t' Tn in a)! TV. I mint, ym Alt Wilm"
. ,
rorriana runner
Shoots 100, Tops
Field in PITA
Banging out a perfect 100.
W. McCredy, Portland scatter
gun artist, captured first place
in Sunday's firing of the regis
tered shoot over the Salem
traps. McCredy topped a list of
64 participants in the event.
Second place went to Jack Red
dy of Seattle with 98 while Lar
ry Imlah, G. H. Bailey of La
comb and V. White of Mt. Angel,
each broke 97.
C. Leith of Portland shatter
ed 93 bluerocks to take first
money in the handicap. C. Jac
oby of Toledo, L. Hurlburt of
Independence and E. Winstan
ley of Drain each broke 90. Im
lah of Salem, B. Boyd, Valsetz
and J. Williams of Tillamook
split third money with their
The doubles event was cap
tured by O. Stingley as he crack
ed 46. McCredy tallied a 44 for
second place, a score equalled by
Harold Stone. Third place was a
three way tie between H. Peters,
Sublimity, G. Bailey, Lacomb
and F. Windolph. Portland.
Correct for Newport
.3:00 a m.
3 S3 p m.
2 43 a m.
4.40 p.m.
9-21 a.m.
1:53 p.m.
10:04 a.m.
t:44 p.m.
3:33 a.m. 1.3 10:31 a.m. -0.0
Yost Shoots Second
An Oregon State college soph-1
omore, Dick Yost, showed his!
skill to Salem golfers Sunday byf
The hort Koru:
Attltlf 000 aOA 301 10 1
OtklltKl 010 000 0001 S 0
Bfrtf ind Otimo: Toot. Fu-rht-r S and
V-aillf 000 00(1 11 1 S 3
Oakland 100 000 001 7 1
McCall. Barrett 7. Karpel tnd
ClraAAo, Hittle and Ralmondl.
Lo AntflM 100 010 001 5 11 1
San Difio 300 300 10 7 13 2
Anthonv. VanDvttr and Rurbrlnk:
Llndr. Thnmpfton and Moore.
Los Anielea 001 03fl 2 9 0
San Dirso no 000 15 0
Hide. Walk las S and Burbrlnk; Hafey,
Moot iSi and Ritchey.
Sun PranrLuro 000 003 03 ? 2
Sacramento 000 170 I u o
Naay. and B rocker: PreitM and Plumbo
San FrancUeo ,. 000 00) 000 3 0
Sarramenio 303 141 OOx 10 13 0
Slnileton. Oablea iM, and Parte; Du-
and Kerr.
Snead Lines Up
up the final putt a one footer in his 36-hole battle wilh
Dave Douglas (left) of Wilmington, Del., in the third round
of the National PGA tournament at Richmond, Va. The ball
is obscured by roll of the green, Snead got his par three to
take the match, 1 up. (AP Wirephoto)
Salem, Oregon,
Los Angeles, May 30 VP)
Southern California won the un
official Coast Conference base
ball title by whipping Washing
ton State college, 2-1 and 9-2
Saturday. The first game went
10 innings. WSC won the Friday
opener, 15-2.
Battle Royal Is
Rasslin' Mainer
A battle royal, featuring sev
en mat specialists, will feature
Tuesday night's weekly profes
sional wrestling production at
the armory. The contenders will
include Rene LaBell, Jack Ki
ser. Sugi Hyamaki, Tony Faletti.
Jack Lipscomb, Bill Weidner
and Tony Olivas.
The show starts at 8:30.
Albrich Sinks
Ace on Eighth
Frank Albrich, playing in a
foursome over the Salem Golf
club course, Saturday sank a
hole in one on the eighth green.
The distance is 152 yards and
is a par three hole. Albrich's
tee shot hit the green and
bounced into the cup.
It was the golfer's first ace
in 14 years of playing.
defeating Jim Sheldon on t h e
31st hole in the final match of the
Elks tournament to retain his ti
tle. Yost had to fight back a two
hole margin which Sheldon es
tablished on the first line. Shel
don's score going out was 32.
while Yost posted a 34 They
ended the morning 18 with Shel
don posting a 70 and Yost a 69.
The 19-year-old Yost, who
lives in Portland, continued his
tight, competitive game in the
afternoon by going out in 32
while Sheldon trailed with a 37.
Jack Brande defeated Vine
1. Wa ll adjust them for greater safety . . .
Remov wheel! innpect lining and drum
Adjust all brnkea
Add fluid to mantar reservoir
i Luhricat brake mechaniem
2. Or we'll recondition them at low cost
Replace brake Inunn
Repine cylinder!, if rwreaMtry
1 rupee brake drum; reeiirfiic. If required
Drain and replace brake fluid
Adjuat brake, including brak
Repack wheel bearing
Replace rear wheel greaae retainer!
Free additional adjustment within 30 days
and HERE'S
430 No. Commercial
Sam Snead (right) of White Sulphur
Springs, W. Vs., leans over to line
Monday, May 30. 1949
Trojans Win 9th
Straight Pacific
Loop Track Crown
Seattle, May 30 M The Tro
jan horse has nine lives, too.
Southern California's men of
Troy erased any lingering doubt
Saturday they can run faster,
jump better and throw farther
than anybody in the west. For
the ninth straight time they won
the Pacific Coast conference
track and field meet, scoring
almost as many points as the
next two teams put together.
It was so easy they didn't have
to come up with any sensation
al performances to slap the rest
of the conference into line. Their
71 points were within 212 of
the combined second and third
place totals. Stanford was runner-up
with 42, and UCLA third
with 32. Scrambling to get into
the picture was California with
The north side of the confer
ence picked the bones. It could
first place and tie for a couple
of others. Washington State had
14 points, Oregon lO'i, Ore
gon State 10, Washington 7,
Montana 5 and Idaho 4. Only in
1941 and '42 were the winning
totals higher, at 72 and 79
Elks Title
Kleksa to take the first flight
trophy in a playoff which was
also held Sunday morning. Other
flight championships were deter
mined a week ago.
By the 15th hole, Yost had
evened the cards of the match.
Championship flit lit, firt round:
Sheldon out
Yoat out
I-S-2-S-4-8-8-3-4 S3
..4-4-a-4-8-4-4-5-8 10
,. 4-4-3-4-4-8-8-8-4 34
... 4-8-4-4-4-3-8-4-4 37
. 4-4-3-4
In ...
Second round:
Sheldon out ....
Yoat out ....
The first power-driven saw
mill in America was at Salmon
Falls River, Me.
Motor Co.
Dial 2-2487
kfl yam wftM t ri M t
yvwr b'mkm rf4-ir4 ar ffJ
Vg - tan Mr EU
fix MT f'e- fjS
Satchel Paige Tosses
Winner for Cleveland
By th. AaaoclatMl Prt
Will Satchell Paige, Cleveland legendary Negro pitcher, prove
another life-saver for the World champion Indians?
The ageless righthander indicated he might be a great help to
Manager Lou Boudreau'i injury-ridden pitching staff when he
hurled a seven-hit ball for a brilliant 2-1 11-inning victory yes
terday over the Chicago White I
Sox. Chicago won the first
game, 4-2.
Paige's performance nearly
overshadowed the zany goings
on in the National league pen
nant race, which today showed
three teams Brooklyn, New
York and Boston tied for first
place, with Cincinnati only one
game behind.
The top run in the National
league reached the suffocating
point as Brooklyn edged out
Boston 3-2, and the New York
Giants took a twin bill from the
Phillies in Philadelphia, 4-2 and
3-0. All three now own identi
cal 21-16 won and lost records.
Jackie Robinson's single off
Warren Spahn with the bases
loaded in the seventh drove in
the tying and winning runs for
Bobby Thomson was the big
gun in the Giants' double-barrelled
triumph. He smashed a
two-run homer to break up a
15-inning battle in the opener
and collected two singles and a
triple in the nightcap as first
time starter Hank Behrman
pitched a seven-inning one-hitter
for the Giants.
The Reds lost an opportunity
to make it a four-way tie for
first when the Chicago Cubs
whipped them 10-2 after Cincin
nati won the first game of their
doubleheader, 4-1. The Cubs ex
ploded for nine runs in the sixth
to rout Herman Wehmeier.
Pittsburgh snapped a seven
game losing streak with a 4-2
victory over Harry Brecheen
and the Cards in St. Louis. The
defeat ended a five-game win
ning streak for the Redbirds.
The Pirates' home run threat,
Ralph Kiner, boosted his aver
age up to a league leading .370.
The Cards' Red Schoendienst
ended his record 44-game error
less streak in the fourth inning
after handling 268 consecutive
chances over a two-season span.
The Philadelphia Athletics
moved to within four and a half
games of the American league
leading Yankees, defeating New
York, 3-1. The defeat snapped a
six-game winning streak for the
Bronx Bombers. Rookie Alex
Kellner limited the Yanks to six
hits for his sixth victory, half
of them over New York. A two-
run homer by Shortstop Eddie
Joost off Bob Porterfield high
lighted a three-run fifth inning
Bespectacled Paul Calvert
pitched the Washington Sena
tors to a 10-4 victory over the
Red Sox in Boston to drop Joe
McCarthy s men into third place.
Detroit swept its three-game
series with St. Louis, slamming
three Brownie pitchers for 14
hits and a 6-4 victory. A home
run by Hoot Evers with a mate
aboard in the seventh broke up
a tie.
Preps Blanked
By Packers, 4-0
Mt. Angel Unable to get but
two hits, while committing a
half dozen errors, Mt. Angel was
blanked Sunday afternoon 4 to
0 by Stayton. It was a Willam
ette Valley league game. Lone
Elder defeated Aurora 6 to 3.
Stayton 4 8 2
Mt. Angel 0 2 6
Lucas and Schwartz; Biele
meier and Russell.
A sparkling btsury "at home" in the ho est basement, laundry
or utility room. The perfect partner for your modern wash
ing machine.
Made of smooth, acid-resisting, easy-to-clean Crane Dura
clay. Large double compartments with moldtd-ia washboard
oo left-hand side. Dut-tti faucets open and close at a tnger's
touch chromium-plated mixing spout. Built-in soap dish is
elf.draining. One-piece construction and rounded corners
eliminate dirt-catching cracks and crevices. Sturdy Heel frame
with leveling screws to compensate for uneven Boors. Alio
available in single baiin model.
See this modern aid lo easier washdays today.
2 79 N. COMMERCIA L PHONi 3- 4141
Major Standings
W L Pet
Boaton 21 10 .558 St. Loula
Brooklyn 31 10 558 Phlldlphla
New York 31 10 .388 Chlcaao
Cincinnati 30-17.341 Pltuburkh
aeaalta Sanday
pniladelpma 3. New York 1.
Detroit 0. St. Loula 4.
Wahlntton 10. SoMon 4
Chlcaso 4-1. Cleveland 3-2.
oama 11 Inninsa.l
W L Pel
New York 24 II .888 Detroit
Phildlphta 21 17 .553 cniraro
Boaton 18 18 .528 Cleveland
Waahlnstn 30 18 .538 St. Loula
W L Pet
17 II .480
17 10 .473
14 31 .400
15 33 .291
W L Pet
10 IS .314
18 II 481
15 II .455
10 31 .383
Reiulta Sanday
Brooklyn 3. Boalon 3.
New York 4-3. Philadelphia 1-0.
13: aeeond 7 Innlnve.i
Cincinnati 4-2. Chlraio 1-10.
Plltaburah 4. St. Ln'ila 3
Roosevelt Takes
A Title; Drain
Wins B Baseball
Portland, May 30 tP Bill
Bottler, 16-year-old right hand
er. hurled the Roosevelt Rough
Riders of Portland to the state
class A high school baseball
championship Saturday night.
The youthful moundsman al
lowed only three hits as he
handcuffed the hard playing Eu
gene Axeman who bowed before
Roosevelt 5 to 3.
Drain captured the class B
crown in a decisive 15 to 2
thumping of Union that saw 10
runs scored by the title-bound
western Oregon team in the
fifth inning. Drain was unde
feated this year.
Fastest Human
To Quit Racing
Seattle. May 30 W Pell-Mel
Patton, the fastest thing in spik
ed shoes, will hang 'em up at
the end of the collegiate sea
son this summer.
After leading Southern Cal
ifornia to victory in the Pacific
Coast conference track and field
meet Saturday, Patton said he
will compete in two more events
and then "I'm quitting for good."
Ahead of him are the NCAA
meet in Los Angeles June 17-18
and the Big Nine-PCC compe
tition in Berkeley, Calif., June
Walton Paces
Leslie Keglers
Jeff Walton paced Leslie Jun
ior high bowlers to the closeout
of a nine week campaign with
an average of 124 while Douglas
Connary posted the top game of
The four bowlers who follow
ed Walton are: George Hart,
122; Dick Cornelius, 120; Con
nary. 119. and Dick Morris, 118.
Tuesday Night 8:30
CRANE laundrette!
toireei an hour later. t
av- Mi