Club Lists r New Date For Meeting Salem Woman'i club will meet the lecond and fourth Fri days from now on, it was report-1 ed at the last meeting of the' season for the group, Saturday afternoon. The change In meet ing date was announced follow ing balloting by the member ship. Featuring the Saturday meet ing was installation of new of ficers, headed by Mrs. George W. Ailing as president. Mrs. David Wright was in charge of the installation, assisted by Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding. Both are past presidents of the club. A special meeting of the club is called for Monday, June 13, by Mrs. Ailing, the session to be gin at 10:30 a.m. and a no-host luncheon to be served at noon. Purpose for the meeting Is to plan activities for the new year. Mrs. Clay Cochran is to be year book chairman for the new year. At the Saturday meeting, Mrs. Guy N. Hickok, retiring presi dent, presided at the business session. Welcomed as a new member was Mrs. Robert D. Gregg. Mrs. E. A. Lee led the flag salute and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, the club collect. An m mial reports were given by Mrs. Hickok and officers and com mittee chairmen for the past year. A salad luncheon preceded the meeting with Mrs. Donald Parker as chairman, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Kirk. Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mrs. Justina Kildee, Mrs. W. W. Woodruff, Mrs. Stuart Chis holm, Miss Antoinette White. Extension Officers Installed at Pratum Pratum The Pratum - Ma cleay Home Extension unit held the last meeting for this spring at the home of Mrs. John Hain with Mrs. J. G. Lauderback co hostess. Miss Eleanor Trindle was leader. Her subject was "Conserving You." Officers for next year were installed by Miss Trindle. They are: chairman, Mrs. Robert An derson; vice chairman, Mrs. Ar chie Bowen; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Albert Mantie. A cor sage was presented to each offi cer. Mrs. David Ramseyer Sr., was auctioneer for the white el ephant sale with the proceeds to go to Azalea House fund. Card Club Season Closed with Play Independence Mrs. Elmer Addison entertained in her new home for the members of her Bridge club, concluding the sea son's meetings. A 7 o'clock salad supper was served followed by an evening of cards. High score for the evening was won by Mrs. Ivy Thomas. For the year, Mrs. R. M. Walker received high and Mrs. Paul Robinson, second high. Mrs. Addison was elected president for the ensuing year and announced that the first meeting in the fall would be at the home of Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. Murphy Hostess Hubbard Mrs. A. L. Murphy was hostess for the Ladies Aid of the Hubbard Community church (Congregational) with 13 members and one guest, Mrs. Marvin Reed present. Devotion als were led by Mrs. George Leffler and Mrs. Clarence Coch ran and the program presented by Mrs. Max Cook and included reading of a letter from Miss Frances Clapp, missionary to Japan. Co-hostesses were Mrs J. G. Dickey, Mrs. Shaffler and Mrs. Peter Hunt. Home from Trip Home from a vacation trip to Hawaii is Miss Flora Schlag, who left here May 4, flying to the islands. While there she visited Mr. and Mrs. John Nel son and Mrs. Olive Beardsley, visited the capitol building and took in other interesting places. Al'RORA In a candlelight ceremony Saturday evening. May 14, in the First Christian church in Canby, Miss Delia Maude Lingel, youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lingel, Canby, was married to Kenneth Martin Christensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chris tensen, also of Canby. The serv ice was read by the Rev. John J. Stone and witnessed by 200 guests. FAVORITE yt - ir.jltr St. Joi-Dh AtDlrln is i-i"""" I aspirin at Its belt. So IT"" for f.t. pure. World's ti&X,!'1 lart-it Mller at 10c. Gt li.""- I O- c. MJ to take n CASH TALKS and you save at Woodrow's when you pay CASH for Wlllard Batteries Seiber ling tires "with full road hazard guarantee " Nasoo paints auto (lass and un painted furniture R. D. Woodrow Co. 450 Center St. Phone Milt jr Vs j i in j v ,w - I I : I .''.V,t Ann Curtis Weds Gordon Cuneo, former University of California basketball star and his bride, the former Ann Curtis, Olympia swimming champion, leave San Francisco's St. Luke's Episcopal church after their wedding. The two became engaged while students at the University. The couple plan to honeymoon in Honolulu. (AP Wirephoto) Miss Gries Is Wed Recently Sublimity On Saturday morning at 9 o'clock Miss Donna Lou Gries, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gries of Sublimity was wed to Gregory Frost, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Frost of Stayton. The ceremony was performed at the St. Boniface church by Father Joseph Scherbring. The altars were beautifully decorated in spring flowers of red and white. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin, witn a fitted shirred bodice and sweet heart neckline. The sleeves were shirred at the shoulders and were long pointed at the wrist. The skirt had a full train and was tucked up in two places fingertip length veil was of tulle with lace edge and was arranged from a sweetheart bonnet of lace with pearl trim. The maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Marjorie Gries, and her gown was of white dotted Swiss with full skirt gathered to a fitted bodice with bertha collar. She wore a bon net of the dotted swiss with the tiny brim lined with yellow carnations, and she carried draw string bag to which was pinned a corsage of yellow car nations. Mrs. Walter Hafner and Mrs. Ralph Lulay, twin sisters of the bride were bridesmaids and wore gowns like that of the hon or attendant and carried like accessories. Darrell Etzel was best man for the bride-groom. Ushers were Walter Hafner and Ralph Lulay. Miss Margaret Laux played the wedding music and the high school choir sang the high mass. ine brides mother wore a navy blue ensemble for the wed ding and the bride-groom's mother wore red with black ac cessories. Both wore corsages of white carnations. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the par ish hall to the wedding party and a large group of relatives and friends. At the reception, aunts of the bride, Mrs. A. C. Winther, pour ed, and Mrs. Sim Etzel cut the cake. A cousin of the bride groom, Mrs. Leo Frost, was at the punch bowl and Mrs. Vincent Mertz cut the ices. For going away the bride chose a navy blue suit with white topper and navy and white Cham dtafc' MRS. EMMA K. HALEY Dont be t blur! Just u you check your stocking teams when you go out. check al.v your make-up outline. Is there pow der In the edges of your hair or on your eyelashes or eyebrows? Brush It out! Dof your make up leave a visible line some where between your throat and the neckline of your dreu? Is your lipstick outline a Mule rac ked? Correct thew things and mske It a habit to check them alwavs before going out. It's at tention to these little details that, mark the well groomed woman. OREGON SCHOOL of BEAUTY CULTURE PHONE 3-6800 230 N. Liberty St. Watch Next Monday's Paper Surprise Party Mrs. Charles Shaffer was given a surprise party and show er last week at the home of Mrs. R. W. Riggs. In the group were Mrs. Shaffer, Mrs, Ernest Evans and daughter, Maxine, Mrs. Pearl Owen, Mrs. B. E. Rose, Mrs. Al Aschelman, Mrs. W. Hanna, Mrs. P. J. Jensen, Mrs. Lloyd Doty, Mrs. Richard Gaskins and son, Jerry, Mrs. Ted Bernard and the hostess. WOODBURN The regular meeting of the Junior Woman's club has been postponed from the regular date, June 1, to the following Wednesday evening, June 8, in order not to conflict with the eighth grade gradua tion exercises. This will be the annual installation of officers and members of the senior wo men's club will be guests. INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Keith Reich entertained for Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood of Sa- em with a dessert supper. This chapter is composed of members of Salem, Dallas and Independ ence. The program included in itiation of new members, a busi ness meeting and a shower hon oring Miss Elva Hughes of Sa lem. DAYTON Word has been re ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Morris of the marriage of a son, Olen Morris to Miss Esther Guild of Brattleboro, Vermont on Monday, May 23, in Wichita Kansas. For the present they will make their home in Ver mont. HUBBARD The Hubbard Woman's club will hold the last meeting for this term, Wednes day afternoon, June 1, at the home of Mrs. A. O. Sodcrholm A past president's parade will be held, the new officers will be installed and the Camp Fire Girls will provide entertain ment. accessories. She wore a corsage of red roses. After a honeymoon of two weeks to the Oregon beaches and south Mr. and Mrs. Frost will be at home near Sublimity. Tirst in AMERICA! FIRST IN MOVING Mayflower Warehousemen offer the finest and most dependable moving ter -vice. FIRST IN STORAGE Protection and care are as sured for your poeseMlons when you store In May flower Warehouse. FIRST IN PACKING "Packed with Pride" Is not Just a slogan of Mayflower tut en earnest Interest la the Job at hand. Capital City Transfer Co. Ml S. Front SL Phone MI3 Dougherty-Highberger Ceremony This Morning St. Boniface Catholic church at Sublimity was the scene for a wedding this morning when Miss Virjeane Highberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Highberger, Aumsville, was married to Joseph W. Dougherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dougherty of Salem, The service took place at 10 o'clock. Rev J. Scherbring offi ciating. Baskets of Calla lilies and red gladioluses decorated the church for the service. There was a white aisle cloth and white satin bows at each pew. Waynn Meusev and Mrs. Vince Roda kowski of Salem sang and Miss Margaret Laux played the wed ding marches. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white satin, designed with fitted bodice, mandarian neck line of Venice lace, sleeves pointed over the wrist and edged in the lace, and a full court train. The long, hand rolled edge veil of imported Swiss il lusion was held in place with a headdress of Venice lace For her flowers the bride carried a cascade of red roses and white gardenias. She also carried a handkerchief used at her moth er's wedding 22 years ago, and wore pearl ear rings, gift of the bridegroom. Mrs. Richard Schumacher as ill matron of honor. Miss Rose mary Dougherty as maid of hon or, and Misses Lucille Albus, Margaret Lulay and Marlene Frank as bridesmaids all wore spring green dotted swiss frocks, made in off-shoulder style with fitted bodices and hooped skirts. All wore matching headdresses in period style, tied under the chin, and each carried a white lace crocheted basket filled with red rosebuds and stephanotis. Dougie Highberger, brother of the bride, was the ring bearer. Raymond Dougherty was best man and Eddie Highberger and Dick Pierce were the grooms men. Ushers were Ted Highber ger, Richard Schumaker, Jerry Roberts and Douglas Dougherty. For the wedding the bride's mother wore a navy blue suit with white accessories and the bridegroom's mother was in black with white accessories. Both wore corsages of orchids. A breakfast was served at the O. E. Roberts home in Aums ville following the ceremony. Hli D To America's Valiant Bead On this Memorial Day the nation turns once more in solemn remembrance to the quiet places of the earth, where those who gave their lives for America lie at rest. There the fallen soldiers of democracy sleep in peace. We honor them in our ceremonies and in our hearts . . . knowing full well that nothing we can do, nothing we can say will give complete expression to our gratitude and our love. Only as we match their faith and their sacrifice in our striving to preserve the freedom for which they laid down their lives, can we truly honor them. To us, the living, it means work and great devotion. God grant that it be enough! ': - ' I k ' J ' Tells Engagement The en gagement of Miss Vivian Sag notty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rene H. Sagnotty, to Michael Horstman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Horstman of St. Louis, Mo., was announced recently. (Kenncll-EUis stu dio picture) Miss Shirley Kintz and Miss Marilyn Palmer assisted. The reception later was at the Highberger home in Aumsville. Mrs. Ome E. Roberts, aunt of the bride, cut the cake. Mrs. Wesley Schrunk, sister of the Me Pay Oar 131? Wm Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 30, 1949 t bride-groom, cut the bride groom's cake. At the punch bowl were Mrs. Irving Palmer and Mrs. Fred Albus. The bride's table was set with a white satin cloth and roses and other spring flowers. Passing the guest book was Miss Helen Gisler. In charge of gifts were Miss Mary Fahl- man and Mrs. Ray Boedighei mer. Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. William Hermens, Mrs. Bill Roberts, Mrs. Mike Fink, aunts of the bride and bridegroom. For going away the bride wore a yellow bolero suit of wool bot any, brown and green acessories and a corsage of orchids. Following a trip to Lake Ta- hoe the couple will be at home at 1140 South 13th, Salem. WOODBURN Officers of the Woodburn Woman's club will be installed at the regular meeting, Wednesday, June 1 at 2 p.m with Mrs. J. J. Hall, past presi dent of the club, as the install ing officer. A no-host luncheon will be served at 1 p.m. and the installa tion and business meeting will follow. The committee in charge of the program includes Mrs. Walter Schuler. Mrs. Fred 'Frentz and Mrs. R. L. Anderson TBIBOTE Mrs Hnrri? k Feted at Party Mrs. C. C. Harris was honor ed Friday at a luncheon given by Mrs. Robert Eyre and Mrs. Ralph Eyre at the Robert Eyre home. Guests included Mrs. Harris, Mrs. C. H. Talmadge, Mrs. W. W. Neal, Mrs. Roy Melson, Mrs. Charles Eyre. Mrs. Otto Wilson, Sr.. Mrs. B. H. White, Mrs. E. W. Harland, Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mrs. Ralph Harris, Mrs. A. R. Barnard, Mrs. R. E. Edwards, Mrs. E. T. Armstrong and Mrs. A. C. Haag. DUTCH BOY PAINTS KEM-TONE WOODROW'S 450 Center St. Phone 22476 Journal Want- Ads Pay lbs i