Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 30, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 30. 1949
Lists Visits
' Mrs. James B. Manning,
grand royal matron for the Or
der of Amaranth, has a busy
schedule this spring, visiting
lodges in the state.
! Mrs. Manning is to make her
official visit to her home court,
Hanna Bosa, in Salem, on June
On June 18 she will officiate
it institution of a new court at
I Mrs. Manning also Is planning
to attend the supreme council
at New York Cty. June 23-25.
i Last week, Mrs. Manning
inade official visits to courts at
Portland, Gresham and Milwau
kee. Past Presidents
I The past presidents of Capital
unit No. 9, American Legion
auxiliary, met at Robindale, the
country home ol Mr. ana Mrs.
Onas S. Olson Thursday evening
tor a dessert supper. Assisting
hostesses were Mrs. Leon M.
Brown, Mrs. H. G. Kottke and
Mrs. Bess Wagner.
, The date of the party at the
Portland Veterans' hospital has
been changed from June 10 to
July IS. Plans were completed
ior the trip to Taft June 1
when the ritual teams from the
Legion and auxiliary will go by
chartered bus for the Installs
tion of new officers for the Taft
post and unit.
New officers of the Past Pre
sidents club were elected as fol
lows: Mrs. I. N. Bacon, presi
dent; Mrs. H. H. Henry, secre
tary. Other officers are appoint
ive and will be announced later.
Following the business session a
skit, "School Daze," was put on
by the outgoing officers, Mrs.
paul Gemmell, Mrs. Albert C.
Gragg, Mrs. Earl T. Andresen,
Mrs. Mem Pearce and Mrs. Aus
tin Wilson.
! Members present were Mrs.
H. H. Henry, Mrs. Frank Mar
shall, Mrs. Oscar Christensen,
Mrs. Ella Voves, Mrs. Minnie
Gregory, Mrs. James Garson,
Mrs. O. E. Palmateer, Mrs. Mem
Pearce, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg.
Mrs. Al Cleveland of Dallas
Mrs. Paul Gemmell. Mrs. Austin
Wilson, Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs.
E. W. Richey, Mrs. W. W. Wood
ruff, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs.
Hattie Cook, Mrs. Earl T. An
dresen, Mrs. Arthur M. Johnson
Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs.
Florence Ames and the hostess
es. ' The next meeting will be June
S3 with husbands and friends as
special guests.
ored guest at a party given by
his mother, Mrs. John Geren,
on the occasion of his ninth
birthday. A large birthday cake
red roses and green tapers fram
ed the center piece. Gifts were
presented Stephen in the eve
ning. Those present were Sandra
Kay McMorris. Ivan Geren.
Michael McMorris, Mr. and
Mrs. R. a. Lant, Mrs. Vera Mc
Morris. John Geren and the hos
tess, Mrs. John Geren.
ber of the program staff al the
local .YWCA. will be at Seaberk
June 12 to 27. During the first
Week she will be attending a
conference for the college stu
dents and during the final week
one for the high school Y-Teens.
Miss Carrirn will then return to
Salem to carry on the program
work with the high school ty-Y
and Y-Teen weekly tours which
start July 11.
; FROM STANFORD university
enmes word that Ted Bauni, son
of Dr. and Mrs W. W. Baum of
Salem, has been elected to Rams
Head, the dramatic society at
Stanford. Ted is a Junior at the
thousands hare alter!
In , . . written In . . .
demanding a repeat nf
this sale . , . So , .. for
a limited number ol
dsvs ... Its "2 for ex
actly the price of 1."
NOW! p-
Going to Europe
Among Salem folk leaving on
interesting trips is Mrs. Arnold
S. Johnson, who plans a trip
abroad. She will leave next
Sunday via the streamliner for
the east coast with Mrs. M. E.
Walters of Roscburg, formerly
of Salem, also going on the same
tour. Mrs. Johnson will stop in
Chicago and Niagara Falls, then
will visit at Dover, N. J., with
her sister, Mrs. Robert Leary.
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Wal
ters will sail on the Queen Eliz
abeth from New York City on
June 15 for England. They will
tour England, then go on a tour
of Holland, Belgium, Switzer
land, Italy, Germany and
France. Mrs. Johnson upon the
return to England will spend
five weeks visiting relatives of
her mother. She will make the
return to Salem on September
Piano Recital
To Be Tuesday
Mrs. Ronald Craven will pre
sent a group of students in piano
recital Tuesday, May 31, 8 p.m.
at the First Methodist church in
the Carrier room. She will be
assisted by a group of pupils of
Emil Bandcl, teacher of violin
and cello, and Miss Barbara Cal
loway, soprano soloist.
Following is the program, to
which the interested public is in
vited to attend.
Invitation to the Dance Weher
Barbara Calloway and Mrs. Craven
Swans On the Lake Thompson
Freddie Tweedie
A Bird Calls in the Wilderness
Douelas Adams
Fairies Harp Thompson
sue rlermaer
Air from Hyttn, arranged
Carl and Barbara Jean bmiui
Among the Daffodils. . .Dittenhaner
sue zuicxer
Bedtime Story Bentley
Judy Barry
Caro Mlo-Ben Olrdanl
Gene Pettn. violin, accompanied
by Mrs. Craven
Sailor Boy MacLachlan
Gary zwlcKer
Sona of the Volga Boatman. ar-
ranged by uiuer
Eldon Herlnger
a. The Peasant Dance ....Bentley
b. China Town Hughes
Wanda Lee Noel
Habanera Weybright
Mary Jane Riches
a. Excerpts from HMS Pina
fore Gilbert & Sullivan
b. March in C Quigley
Karen Covert
Shadows of the Night Podeska
Barbara Jean Smith
Calloway, vocal solo
a. Rondoletto Beethoven
b. White Violets Bentley
Maryls Clark
Petite Walls Dancha
Jo Ann Grim, violin,
accompanied by Jerry Hunsaker
Triumphal March from Peter
and the Wolf Prokofieff
Richard Claus
Cossacks Rebe
Roland Schlrman
Moonlight On the Hudson. . -Wilson
Natalie Cunningham and
Mrs. Craven
a. Toccatina ..Bach
b. The Cathedral at Twilight
Jerry Hunsaker
Sabre Dance Khachaturian
Arranged by Levant
Keith Lucas
Melodle Oluck-Kriesher
Homer Davenport, violin
Accompanied by Mrs. Craven
Juba Dance Ditt
Mac Bnker
Caprice Vlrnnois Kriesler
Natalie Cunningham
Poltchinelle Rachmalnorr
Celia Weaver
Prelude O Minor Rachmaninoff
Paul Baker
MEMBERS of Ann Judsnn cir
cle of the First Baptist church
met Friday evening at the home
of Mrs. Ted Purvine. The girls
chorus sang and Mrs. Paul Rey
nolds led devotions Mrs. Mar
ion Curry, president, presented
the white cross program. Hos
tesses for the meeting were Mrs.
John Seitz. Mrs. Frank Hughes,
Mrs. Walter Loltis. Mrs. Clyde
CKNTRAI.IA temple. Pythian
Sisters, plans formal initiation
Wednesday of this week at 8
p.m. in the Knights of Pythias
hall. Arion temple degree staff,
directed by Mrs. Cobie de Les
pinasse, will put on the floor
Sale at
Riiy the first pair at the regular
price . get the second pair
Betrothal Told
At Lawn Party
The engagement of Miss
June Camp, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. M. Camp, to James
E. Phipps, son of Mrs. Mamie
Phipps, was announced recently
at a lawn party at the Camp
Attending the affair were: Mr.
and Mrs. F. R. Camp of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. William
Phipps, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Moorhouse: Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
Webb, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Webb,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamrick,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robertson
of Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Phipps, Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Cades, Mr. and Mrs. Ned
Jensen of Turner, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Garret. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt
Farren, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Imel,
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Browning,
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Chamber
lain, Miss Donna Camp, Ken
neth Camp, Miss Florence Hall
of Gervais, Vernon Hogan,
Frank Thompson, Mrs. Mamie
Phipps, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Party on Birthday
Anne Froman. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Allison Froman,
celebrated her sixth birthday
anniversary Friday with a par
ty at her home.
Bidden to honor Anne were
Bill Brown, Chuck Lineberry,
Delbert Loose, Donnie and Mar
ilyn Anders, Elaine Standish,
Janice and Judy Barr, Jane,
Martha and Michael Froman,
Kathy Sprague, Larry Brown,
Margaret Lancefield, Mark
Wulf, Pamela Burgoyne, Phyl
lis and Stephen Jenks, Raymond
Horn, Sara Cutshaw, Stevie
Ceremony of Rose
For Initiation
Silverton The ceremonial of
the rose, featuring pink blos
soms and buds and lighted can
dies with soft music accompani
ment, was effective for initia
tion preceding the installation
of officers for the coming year
in the Silverton Junior Woman's
club at the First Christian
church auditorium.
A guest, Mrs. Emery Ingham.
Portland, state Junior Woman's
club executive chairman, was
installing officer.
Inducted as president was
Mrs. Jerry Gastineau; as vice
president, Mrs. Orville Frank;
secretary, Mrs. Wilson Johnson
treasurer, Mrs. Lowell Hoblitt;
historian, Mrs. Max McMillan
news reporter, Mrs. James Nel
Mrs. Allan Foster, retiring
president, was presented a past-
president's pin on behalf of the
club by Mrs. Orville Frank.
A musical program was given
with Mrs. Robert Fry as vocal
ist in two special numbers and
Mrs. Craig Clark singing with
Mrs. Arthur Dahl assisting as ac
companist for both.
During the social hour. Mrs,
William Starkey presided at the
urns, and was assisted bv all
members of the club in serving
tne large group of guests.
The club members are dis
continuing meetings until the
beginning of the club year in
Al'RORA Invitatinna pro nut
for the wedding on May 31 of
Donald O. Rabe, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Rabe of Oak Lawn.
and Miss Ruth Rnlh H.iiohl.,
of Rev. and Mrs. Paul N. Roth.
I ne ceremony will be at 8 p.m.
in Calvary Mennonite church at
Barlow of which the bride's
father is pastor. Matron of
honor will be Mrs. Frank Mor
ris. Bridesmaids are Miss Win
ona Roth and Miss Betty Hos
teller. Leonard Roth. Larrv
Woolever. Leland Roth and
Wallace Burck will usher. Carol
Wolfe and Verbue Miller will
serve as candlellghters.
All broadcasts are held in the
Drop In for rnffee and
Men.. Ml, so Thee win tjftB PXjsf X""
k r!le rap Meat- Y 1 I jf-M jW
rial Day. II C25r tpn)
Tatiar. Rlfalrara'a Heme f g j.
trMirlt. "Lei's 'da' I Jff 5w-
Wed . lane 1 Mre. l.
Fttimaarlr. " a 1 e al ' 1st f JTTS-,
Annaal Haa Skw. aOBxf BxVaBVfiasiWkar
Thae.. Jan I ? naatd TlMl 7rBTasV7
Jeaaap. Ban Director Pa- Tif, Z2l S T 4t
leea ,hl.. "Oar aaa- rT" TTaTTS'TlTd"
fr Ma.le rratraaa." gSfmSmmJfttifir
Fri. lane S Mare Thavaaa, f SSiO 'TTJaOafJslOlT
t.te.l.r Dee.ralar. "Oat- ,MCeAft II If (
da ij,i... YaYw aj. j.lTIajaJ
I - .t 1
-; !,n I
Wed Recently The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Lit
tlefield, Jr. (Theresa Stravens) was solemnized recently. The
couple will live in Portland. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Stravens of Gervais.
League Meeting
A membership meeting for
the local League of Women
Voters is planned for next Tues
day, May 31, between 12:30 and
3:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Harold A. Rosebraugn. tor
transportation members are
meeting at noon in the parking
lot at Court and Front streets.
Four subjects will be discuss
ed at the meeting: A Colum
bia Valley authority, health in
surance, fair employment prac
tices bill, and economic planning
to eliminate boom-bust cycles,
(add to this item)
Leaders for the day's discus
sion will be Mrs. William C.
Crothers on Columbia valley
authority; Mrs. Alvin Bowes,
health insurance; Mrs. William
G. Phelps, fair employment
practices act; Mrs. Arthur Bone
on the proposed national bud
get; Mrs. John Goldsmith,
league program chairman.
Trotters Dance
Last dance of the season for
the Trotters club will be next
Friday evening at Glenwood
ballroom, dancing to be between
10 and 1 o'clock with Glenn
Woodry orchestra playing.
The retiring officers, Mr. and
Mrs. Max Allen and Mr. and
Mrs. Loring Grier will be hosts
New officers are to be elected
during the evening.
AURORA In a candlelight
ceremony at the Canby Church
of the Nazarene, Friday night
May 20, Miss Lucille Shafer
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Shafer, exchanged vows with
Donald R. Kraft, son of Mrs
Henry Kraft. The bride's broth
er, Joseph P. Shafer of Waits-
burg. Wash., assisted by the pas
tor, Rev. Eugene McDowell, of
ficiated at the wedding rites.
SALEM friends have received
announcement of the birth of a
son, Donell, on May 26 to Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Stearns (Glad
ys Crawford). Both Mr. and Mrs.
Stearns are former Willamette
university students and Mrs.
Stearns formerly lived here.
They are now residing in Port
land, Mrs. Stearns being a jun
ior in medical college.
VISITOR in Salem for a few
days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson is Mrs. W
A. Gellatly of Corvallis, mother
of Mrs. Paulson.
MISSES Rl'TH Nyberg and
Yvonne Rowsell. 1P0 N. Liberty
street, are vacationing at the
Hollywood-Roosevelt hotel, Hol-
ywood, Calif.
a - K Model Kitchen at fcltsirom a
listen lo the interviews.
Fete Mrs. Schmidt
Honoring Mrs. Loring
Schmidt, Mrs. Garlen L. Simp
son and Mrs. Vernon Perry will
entertain Tuesday afternoon at
the Simpson home, inviting
guests for tea at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. Schmidt and children
Bucky and Bobby, will leave
soon for Chevy Chase, Mary
land, to spend the summer with
Mrs, Schmidt's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Sweeney.
Home from Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Letts
Jones returned Sunday from a
two and one-half weeks trip to
the mid-west.
They went first to California
and while there visited a broth
er of Mr. Jones, Oliver R. Jones,
at North Hollywood, then went
on to Kansas City where they
visited another brother, Madi
son R. Jones. Later they went to
Chicago and to Flint, Mich.,
driving home by way of Minne
apolis and the northern route.
LIBERTY The Liberty Wo
man's club held its annual pic
nic at the home of Mrs. Har
old A. Rosebraugh on IJt. 0.
There were 20 members pres
Plans were made for the pro
grams for the following year.
Chairmen were named for the
following committees: Gift box
Mrs. Wayne Blaco; cards and
gift wrappings, Mrs. Roland See
ger; sick and flower, Mrs. Paul
Wishart; child welfare, Mrs. C.
W. Stacey: and publicity, Mrs
Louis Kurth.
AURORA The wedding of
Miss Inez Carol Blodgett,
daughter of the Clinton Blod
getts of Oregon City and the
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Koehler of Canby, was
married to Ronald Earl Schmitz
at the First Baptist church in
Oregon City, May 14. with Rev.
Lawrence F. Slaht officiating at
the double ring ceremony. The
couple have flown to Palmer,
Alaska, to make their home.
Washing is Fun with
Soap Dolls
What o wonderful way to moke toap-up time loads of fun I
Three hond-tied loap-dolli of LITTLE LADY in a lovely gift
bos, Fine castilt loop hand-poinltd with harmless vta
tobls coloring.
A "jumbo-siitd" LITTLE LADY
doll torved oul of Ant coilils
soap. Attractively hand-painttd
with harmless vegetable coloring
and daintily rost-scenttd to in
vilt frequent tcrubbings,
tNO tfOtlAl tAX)
TH( QUHtSiilir CO IN ft
KfC'C! CfNTfat M4NCM
14 M4t Ttlit Aaa MitP
Party for
Among parties this week for
brides-elect will be the shower
for which Mrs. Raymond C,
Bond and Mrs. Albert Lindbeck
wifl entertain Tuesday evening
at the Bond home to honor Miss
Artie Mae Phillips, who is to
be wed June 11 to Lt. Paul C.
Rodgers. The shower is to be a
linen one and a late supper will
be served.
Invited are Miss Phillips, Mrs.
Robert Phillips, Jr., Mrs. R. H.
Butte, Mrs. Elmer A. Berglund,
Mrs. W. B. Kummel, Mrs. James
Hatfield, Mrs. Gerald M. Robi
son, Mrs. William Carlson, Mrs.
Leslie Leffler, Mrs. George
Hurt, Miss Roberta Meyer, Miss
Vinita Howard, Miss Carlotta
Hendricks, Miss Sheila Ryan,
Miss Rosabelle Ross, Miss Jose
phine Haury, Miss' Vera Jack,
Miss Margaret Austin, Miss
Gwen Harper, Miss Marjorie
Stockman, Miss Joan Cloudy,
Mrs. Lorimer McLaughlin.
Christening Event
Christening services were
held last week at the University
of Portland chapel for Timothy,
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Bergquist (Peggy Connor), the
Rev. Mr. Hooybeir officiating.
John Gallegar and Miss Jean
Wise were godparents. The ba
by is the grandson of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Connor of St. Paul
and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Berg
quist of Portland.
Motoring to Portland for the
occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Ger
ald Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Connor and Corinne, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Connor.
The baptismal dress was the
same one worn by his great
grandmother nearly 90 years
GATES The Gates Woman's
club sponsored a birthday and
farewell party honoring Miss
Georgia Shane at her home.
Miss Shane who sold her home
here, will leave in the near fu
ture for her new home in Ssa-
lem. Following an evening of
games and the opening of per
sonal gifts a gift was presented
Miss Shane from the club.
Refreshments were served at
the close of the evening to the
honoree. Miss Shane; Mrs.
Gwyn Schaer, Mrs. Lincoln
Henness, Mrs. Steve Champ,
Mrs. Robert Levon, Mrs. Wil
liam Hertie, Mrs. Clarence John
son, Mrs. Nelson Lanphear, Mrs.
Theodore Burton, Mrs. Harold
Wilson, Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs.
Melbourne Rambo, Mrs. Mary
Howell, Mrs. Tilmon Rains, Mrs.
Norman Garrison, Mrs. Albert
Millsap, Mrs. Elmer Stewart and
Mrs. Harry Edwards.
THE THURSDAY evening lit
erature group of the American
Association of University Wom
en is to meet June 2 at 8 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. George
Martin. 891 North Winter, Miss
Helen Fletcher to give the re
view. AMONG those leaving this
week on trips are Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert W. Winkler, who will
go to Detroit, Mich. They will
drive home by way of the Ca
nadian Rockies, stopping at the
various parks, also at Lake Lou
ise and Banff.
lfitt optrstt ss ot
- ' -
'" ' - r- .
1 -am
M aaaaKatTI' iAi J I M Jt
Senior Recital
Monday Evening
Program Is announced for
the senior recital to be given
this evening by Miss Aldene
Gould. Willamette university
student. The program is to be
at 8:15 p.m. Monday in Waller
hall auditorium. It is as follows:
Sonata D Ualor Srarlattl
Sonata C Major Scarlatti
Choral Prelude: Awake tne voice
Command uacn-Hiuoni
Of lha maeterworlu of the chorale
prelude aa alven ua by Bach and pre
served by Buaonl tn hu re-aettinea
for the piano of toe Bach Orean Work
we hear this one baaed on the chor
al melody. "Awake, the Voice Com
mand." Finale A Minor Sonatel Haessler
Haeaaler 177-1821. The work of Jo
hann WUhrlm Haeaaler forma an ln
tereatlni link In a pianoforte coinpo
attlon between Bach and Beethoven.
Thia finale u an excellent example of
but atyl of composition.
Sonata Op. S3
Allearo con brio
Adatlo molto
Rondo: Allecretto moderalo
Beethoven wrote thu Sonata In 104,
the aame year he wrote the Erocia
Symphony. Tht Sonata, which he ded
icated to Count van Waldatein, varlea
from Uie form of prevloua aonataa
In that the Adaalo aervea a. an Intro
duction to the Allearetto. Resplendent
with virtuosity. It poaaea&ea more xran
deur than any of hu former Sonataa,
and more than any other, haa won lor
itself a place lo the concert room.
Etude D Sharp Minor Scrlabtne
Baaatella No. a r Sharp
Minor Tcherepnln
Baiatelte No. 1 C Minor Tcherepnln
Arabeake E Major Debussy
Sarcasm Op. 17 No. 4 Proflev
Scherso B Flat Minor Chopin
This recital is given as a par
tial fulfillment for the degree of
bachelor of music. The public
is invited
GIRL SCOUT troop No. 33
led by Mrs. W. D. Troth with
Mrs. Chester Cummings, assist
ing, met for a no-host supper at
the Presbyterian church. The
girls prepared the dishes them
selves and entertained their
Those attending with their
fathers were: Pamela Clayton,
Jill Cummings, Patricia Evans,
Ila May Warren, Roberta Eyre,
Doris Hein, Shirley Wilcox, San
dra Hill, Deby Lamb, Phyllis
Newland. Helen Steinbock, and
Laurel Warner.
Oregon Federation of Women's
Clubs over KOAC will be next
Friday with Dr. Eva Seen of
Corvallis as the speaker on the
topic "Building for the Future."
Mrs. Guy N. Hickok has been
state radio chairman to arrange
the series during the year for
the federation.
50t DOWN
Hunry! Hurry! Don't miss this Ward Bigger-tnan-ever
your blanket today from splendid selections,
complete stocks!
100 WOOL44 LB.
Extra value! Chartreuse, flamingo
aqua, rose, blue, yellow. 7" binding.
100 WOOL 4 LB. BLANKET, Reg. 10.98
Grand buy for warmth, serviceabil
ity! Five luscious shades. 6" binding.
100 WOOL 3'. LB.
Thickly napped for warmth! Blue,
yellow, rose turquoise, peach. 6''
binding. 72x90".
Sells regularly at 8 98 to 7.50! 25
wool, 73 rayon. 7 shades. 72x90"
Fine Quality,
satin covering.
low priced! Havon
3 gorgeous shades.
Every Blanket Purchased at Wards is Tested and
Approved by Wards "Bureau of Standards"
Today's Menu
(By the Associated Frees)
Split Pea Soup
Broiled Ham
Fluffy Mashed Potatoes
Salad Bowl Hot Rolls
Angel food Cake Coffee
Skillet Apples
Ingredients: 3 medium-sized
apples ( 1 pound), 1 tablespoon
butter or margarine, 3 table
spoons water, salt and granulat
ed or brown sugar.
Method: Wash the apples,
core and cut into Vi -men rounds.
Melt the butter or margarine in
a skillet, add the apple rounds
and the water; springle apples
with salt and sugar. Cover and
cook slowly, turning apple slices
several times, until water is ab
sorbed and apples are tender.
Makes 4 servings.
THE LADIES auxiliary to Pat
riarchs Militant, Canton Capital,
No. 11, met last week at the
IOOF temple with Mrs. L. A.
Wood presiding. Mrs. Victor
Koop, one of the delegates, gave
a report on the recent associa
tion meeting at North Bend.
Local members holding state
association offices and commit
tee appointments are Mrs. Wil
liam Beard, Mrs. Robert Hender
son, Mrs. Clarence Townsen and
Mrs. L. A. Wood.
The homecoming event is next
on the calendar for the local aux
iliary and on the committee are
Mrs. G. C. Pomeroy, Mrs. Clem
Ohlsen, Mrs. P. C. Harland.
BLANKET, Reg. 15.98
BLANKET, Reg. 8.98