Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 30, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 80, 1949
Woodburn Public Invited
To Rainbow Girls Ritual
Woodburn A large crowd filled the Masonic temple for open
Installation of the officers of Evergreen assembly No. 12, Order
of the Rainbow for Girls, when Miss Hetty Jo DeHaan was in
stalled as worthy advisor.
Miss Lois Thompson, retiring worthy advisor, was the Install-
Woodburn PTA
Seats Officers
Woodburn Norman F. Tyler
vii installed as president of
the Woodburn Parent - Teacher
association at the final meeting
of the group for the school year,
held at the local high school
Mrs. Ralph B. Sipprell of Sa
lem, now president of the coun
ty PTA council was the Install
ing officer. Other officers instal
led were: Mrs. Don MacMillan,
vlce-Dresident: Miss Bcrnice Le-
hrman, secretary; and Mrs. Del
bert Seely, treasurer. Lyman
Seely Is the retiring president
Mrs. Nellie Mulr, principal of
the Lincoln school, who is re
tiring at the close of the current
school year after 25 years of
teaching in the Woodburn
schools, was honored by the
group and presented with a
gift In appreciation of her long
service. Frank McDonnell gave
a vocal selection dedicated to
her and Kenneth Thompson led
the audience in a special song
in her honor.
Several numbers were played
by the Junior high school band
directed by Mrs. Alice Rose
4-H achievement awards for
100 per cent completion of proj
ects were presented to Mrs. C
K. McNary and Mrs. Lucille
Holt for their clubs by Anne
Berkholtz of the 4-H depart
ment in Salem,
The following scholarships
were announced: PTA Joan
Hopkins and Joyce Graham;
BPW, Evelyn Becker; Wood
burn Womans' club, Janie Mc
Grath; First National Bank of
Portland, Woodburn branch, Joy
Graham; American Legion aux
iliary, Joyce Eckwortzel.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Lester Henn, Mrs. Howard
Quigley, Mrs. Mary Zastoupil,
Mrs. Delbert Seely, Mr. and
Mrs. M. G. Henderson, Lyman
Seely and Mrs. Harold Ticknor.
Ninety-One Grade
Pupils to Graduate
Dallas Diplomas will be pre
sented to 91 eighth grade stu
dents of Dallas junior high at
graduation exercises Wednesday
evening, June 1, in the school's
Lyle Thomas, Polk county
representative in the legislature
and a former Dallas Junior high
principal will speak on "Oppor
tunities for Citizenship."
Paul Bollman, chairman of the
school board, will present di
plomas and J. Marion O'Brien,
principal, will introduce the
During the exercises the award
of Carl B. Fenton Post, Ameri
can Legion, will be presented to
the outstanding boy of the class
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller and
Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Dickey at
tended the Oregon State confer
ence of Congregational churches
in Eugene.
The J. H. Garlands of Rick-
reall will be featured in the June
issue of the Country Gentlemen,
according to word from his sister,
Mrs. Harold Colgan of Hubbard,
Mrs. E. J. Hartig of Thorn.
Calif., is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Ben Miller and family.
George Huff was home from
Lakcview for the week-end.
Josslin to Address
Linn County Demos
Albany Announcement Is
made by Larl Mason, Albany
Linn county chairman of the
Democratic central committee
that William Josslin, Portland
chairman of the Oregon state
democratic central committee
will address a public meeting at
the Fairmotint Grange hall In
North Albany Tuesriav nicht at
B o clock DST. Other speakers
will include: Jim Goodsell, As
toria, executive secretary; John
Winkler, Portland; Robert D.
Davis, president of the Young
Democratic clubs of Oregon, a
University of Oregon student
and Walter J. Dennis, Portland,
president of the Young Demo
cratic club of Multnomah
Native Dayton Man
Has 87th Birthday
Dayton Joe P. Dorsey of the
Webfoot district was 87 years
of age Friday. He was born on
his parents home near Dayton
and that Is his present home al
though he resided at short In
tervals in the Unlonvale dis
trict. His son-in-law and daugh
ter. Dr. and Mrs. Orr C. Good
rich reside with him. With Mrs
Goodrich and his other daughter,
Mrs. Claire J. Rcid of near Mc
Mlnnvllle he spent the day with
them on a motor trip at the
ing olticer, assisted by Mrs
Phyliss Engle, Installing mar
shal; Mis Merry McGrath, in
stalling chaplain; Miss Jackie
Berkey, installing recorder
Mrs. Edythe Ticknor, Installing
musician and Susan Lantz as
the gift bearer.
Introduced nd honored In Iht
wer Mr. tnd Mr. Ort F. Morrit, Wor
thy mitron find worthy patron of Evtr-
Rrtco cntpicr, order 01 tne .era
BUr; Lester E. Keller. Dd of DernoUjr;
Roy Henri, m ft iter councilor or wmouy
Mrs. Jcialo Butterfleld. put mother d-
vlior, iu Alio setted In the et. Others
Introduced were Mr. Joyce Enele. mother
or Hlie Hei smie. r.rnfl wormy a
visor of FUlnbow for Oreeon. Ml Ptrl
tit. House wert, innd drill leader of the
rrtnd autmbJy of Oregon : Mrs. Robert
Treupel, the new mother id I nor of Ever
green ABiembly; Mr. end Un. Edward
UeHnin, parents of the newly Instilled
worthy advlaor, and her brother. Walter
Many gifts were presented to Mill
DeHaan at the time of her Installation
and flowera were presented by MUtei
Careen and Caroline Helsel.
Other elective and appointive officers
Installed were: Mitt Patricia Houneweart,
amioclata worthy advisor; Mini Patricia
Wlthen. Charity; Mill Carleen Helsel,
Hone: MIm Ullrlred Outhrle. Palth: Miss
Carol Taylor, chaplain: MIm June Polly,
arm leader; Miss Caroline Helm. aM
tant drill leader; Misses flhlrley Ander
on, tove: Nancy Bchuler. reunion; PJiy-
Ilia Roberts, nature; Arlyii Nelion. Im
mortality; Kathryn Miller, fidelity: Eileen, patriotism; ixiris Merriott. aer
vlra: Vera Pantle. confidential observer:
Shirley Knox, outer obierver: Joanne
Mattion and Joanne Wlllamioa. pftgei;
Lorli La r ton. muiiclan: Patty Luffman.
choir director: Lorelei Lanti. Owen Kav.
Dollle Cummlngs, Sharon Compton, Jan
ice rainier. Kooena jonee, Irene Lavne,
Janet Blanchard and Jeanette Bauman,
choir membrra.
Muilcal numbera InteriDereed throueh
tha profram were vocal aoloa bv MIm
Arlyii Nelson, accompanied bv Mlii Pa
tricia Withers, an appropriate vocal num
ber, "I Shall! Not Paia Afaln Thla Way,"
by Prank P. McDonnell who played hli
own accompaniment, and a piano duet by
! Merry ana wanie Mcurtin.
me grind eroia or colon, which wei
warded to Mill Nation for Aiiitani4ln.t
Rainbow work, at the grand Kiarably thla
summer wai presented to her.
Following the installation the
impressive DeMoley crowning
ceremony was put on by the
ooys ol the local DeMolay chap
ter with Roy Henn, master coun
cilor, in charge.
ahort talks were made by
Mrs. Jessie Butterfield, past
mother advisor; Miss Lois
Thompson, retiring worthy ad
visor; Miss DeHann, the newly
installed worthy advisor; Mr.
and Mrs. Ora Morris, worthy
matron and patron of Evergreen
chapter; and Lester Keller, Dad
of DeMolay. Moving pictures
were taken by Dr. George KtngJ
Mrs. Anna Arocha of Santa
Monica, Calif., is spending a
few days at the home of her
cousin Mrs. Harry Sherman and
Mrs. Oscar Dower. Mrs. Arocha
is en route home from visiting
daughter in Seattle. Miss Thel-
ma Sherman was also a guest
of the Sherman family,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson of
Sunnyvale, Cal., are spending
part of their two weeks vacation
here with his sisters. Miss An
nabelle Nelson and Mrs. Rita
Mae Amos.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Filer
and Charlotte had as their house
guest for the past two weeks
their daughter and sister, Mrs,
Bernard Llpplni. of Vivian,
N.D. Their son, Martin, was able
to be at home and the reunion
was a happy one. Mrs. Lippins
and her mother, Mrs. Filer spent
two days In Portland, in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Abbott
spent Sunday night in Salem In
the home of her sister, Mrs. Es
ther Hicks, caring for the chil
nren wnne the mother was
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rossner and
sons of Bellvlew, and Mrs. and
Mrs. Ronald Rossner and sons
of Salem were guests of their
mother and sister. Mrs. Wesa
Rossner and Madalene.
Floyd Root, of Wasco was a
caller at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Wlllert. It had been
14 years since Root wat a teach
er in the high school here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Filz of Cor
vallis, visited In the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Heider. She
Is a neice of Clare Heider.
Recently Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Abbott purchased the home of
Mr. and, Mrs. Al Gould located
near the Brookslde cemetery.
and nave rented It to Mr. and
Mrs. William Lachelt of New-
berg. The Goulds moved to their
new home recently.
W. L. Frank of Falls City. Is
i na nome or nis son
and daughter-in-law, Mr,
Mrs. Harold Frlnk.
Dayton Clark Foster has re
turned home after spending a
month in the hospital in Port
land. He had an operation on his
eyes and was receiving treat
ment during that time. Mrs. Fos
ter was with him the entire
time and their daughter Eunice
stayed with her aunt, Mrs.
Dolph Goodrich. He is Improv
ing rapidly and w.ith patience
TUtS. i WED.
"The Kissing Bandit"
Bethel Pupil
Entire Class
Bethel The school year clos
ed on Friday with a picnic din
ner served at noon in the
school dining room. Eighth grade
graduation took place at 2
o'clock. Gloria Sanders, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Kib-
bey, was graduated and Mrs.
Marguerite R. Burton, Marion
county school supervisor made
a brief address and presented
the diploma.
Eugene Lowen was program
chairman and announced the fol
lowing numbers: Welcome, Roy
Faria; songs, lower grades; song,
George Allanby with Dianna
Watson accompanying: piano
solos, Estclla Reese; song by
school; solo, Gloria Sanders ac
companied by Patricia Neufeldt;
piano solo, Dianna Watson; song,
4-H sewing club with Mrs. R.
F. Watson at the piano; reading,
Helen Allenby. Eugene Lowen
presented the gifts to the gradu
Books made by the pupils "My
Oregon" and "My Flowers" were
on .display as were articles of
hammered copper and painting
on textiles, also health posters.
These were prepared under the
direction of Mrs. May A. Brown,
Bethel teacher. The 4-H club had
a display of needlework and
weaving. This had been done
under the direction of the leader.
Mrs. R. F. Watson. The members
of the club are Gloria Sanders,
Myra Wilson, Janice Hageman,
Patsy Neufeldt, Helen Allenby,
and Dianna Watson.
Volunteer firemen were
called to Grant street to
control a fire that was burning
in an automobile registered to
Bill Robbins. Some damage was
Jonas F. Taylor and his fa
ther, James L. Taylor, have re
turned from a three-day grand
lodge meeting of the Odd Fel
lows held in North Bend.
Craig Clark, cub scoutmaster.
is opening his home Friday
evening at 8 o'clock, to the
scouts, their leaders and par
ents when program skits will be
given and advancement awards
Silas Torvend and Oscar
Strand have returned from at
tending the San Francisco Pa
cific District convention of
Evangelical Lutheran churches.
Dr. H. L. Foss, former local pas
tor, is president of the district
The T. J. Densons are located
in their new home in Jerome
street which they bought from
Harlan Loes. Denson is mana
ger of the Standard Oil, named
to succeed the late O. E. Royer
At the home of his parents,
the' Henry Peters, for several
days before shipping out again,
if George Peters, who arrived in
the states the first of the week
from a six-weeks marine trip to
Rev. S. L. Almlle of Imman-
uel Lutheran church gave the
eighth grade commencement ad
dress at Bethany school for
three graduates, Ben Bolliger.
Louise Lahners and Myra Nel
son. A $60,000 church rebuilding
and remodeling project is being
undertaken by Rev. B. H. Scott
and the congregation of the As
sembly of God organization on
Front street.
Cordell Woodall, principal of
the local Junior high school,
gave the address of graduation
to the eighth grade class at the
Silverton Hills hall auditorium,
Ernest Todd, validictorlan. Jack
Todd, salutatorian. other mem
bers including John Anderson
Frank Beckley, Earl and James
Bleakncy. Dorothy Case. Linu
el and Vinetta Maxwell, Joan
Simpson and Paul Strugiss.
they expect the operation to be
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Zinsll an
nounce that their first grandson
was born to their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Schmidt of LaFayctte, May 21
at the General hospital in Mc
Minnville. The baby weighed 8
lbs. 3 ozs., and has been named
Donald Richard.
Mrs. Ulyssis Morris and son
are spending a couple of weeks
with her mother in Lorenzo,
Graduation Date Set
Victor Point Mrs. Dorothy
Carpenter, principal of Victor
Point school is announcing grad
uation for June 3 at 8 o'clock
at the Union Hill Grange hall.
The school picnic will be held
on the old Victor Point school
grounds on the last day of
school, June 7.
M.VriNhfc TODAY!
Showing Continuant 1:45
On th HUf
Our Kadi Talent Show
Dairymen Unload SS Hawaiian Citizen Husky dairy hands,
using hand winches, unload dairy feed from the SS Hawaiian
Citizen in Honolulu. Longshoremen in Hawaii are on strike.
The ship was taken over by the U. S. government on a court
order obtained by the Honolulu Dairymen's association in an
effort to get vital stock feed off the ship. The dairy hands
removed the cargo when longshoremen refused. Members
of the ships crew walked off in protest. (AP Wirephoto)
Polk Rural Schools
Plan Improvements
Dallas Two rural schools of
Polk county are going ahead
with plans for improvement dur
ing the summer.
Charles Wledeman, Dallas
contractor, has been awarded the
Job of constructing a new 2-
room school at Bridgeport at a
cost of $26,817. He expects to
start work early in June and the
building is to be completed by
mid-Scptcmbcr, in time for use
for the winter school term.
The old Bridgeport school
building will be used as a play
room and for utility purposes.
At Bucll the board of direc
tors has called a special election
for June 14 to decide upon a
$15,000 bond issue. The money
will be used to construct an ad
ditional room on the elementary
building to care for growing
needs of the school.
The election will be in the
school house from 2 until 7 p.
Grahams Back Hon -
From Coastal Visit
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Graham returned to their South
Water street home the first of
the week from Florence, and
Siltcoos lake on the coast where
they made a fishing Jaunt and
visit with relatives.
The Grahams were guests
at a farewell party for a brother
of Mrs. Graham, Harvey Welty
and Mrs. Welty at Mapleton on
the Sluslaw river. Welty is re
tiring from thirty years' serv
ice in forestry in that section.
Seventy five neighbors and rel
atives attended the party.
The Wcltys plan to move to
Foster, temporarily, their final
plans to be decided later. They
are well known in Marlon coun
ty. Mrs. Thibeau Hostess
Independence Mrs. Harvey
Jhlbeau entertained the Young
Matrons' Bridge club at her
home. Mrs. Roy Morris won high
score and Mrs. Clyde Major won
second. Guests were Mesdamcs
John Martin, Dean Smith, Roy
Morris, Paul Worthington, Ray
Houfley, Harold Eniblom,
Wayne Allen, LoRoy Harlman,
Jr., Cecil Lamb and Mrs, Clyde
Diced cooked carrots and
white turnips may be served to
gether in a cream sauce; a small
amound of cooked peas (left
over) may also be added for
m m if.sra
Kllfa Dm. I
Scotts Mills
Scotts Mills Mr. and Mrs.
Harry De la Mater of Detroit,
Mich., are visiting their daugh
ter, son-in-law and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Millard, who
live on the Abiqua road.
Mrs. Milton Partridge and In
fant daughter have returned to
their home in Sweet Home.
Strawberry picking has be
gun. More crates of berries are
being brought to the receiving
station daily.,
Queener Homecoming
Names Mrs. Hinrichs
Stayton Queener school held
its 17th annual homecoming at
the school when more than 100
people were present for the
basket dinner, visiting, games
and program.
Mrs. bylvia Hinrichs was
elected president for the coming
year; Arthur Leffler, vice presi
dent; and Mrs. Margaret Ware,
There were those who drove
many miles to attend the annual
affair. Coming the greatest dis
tance were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Harold and daughters Louise and
Lois of Redmond; Mr. and Mrs.
Liston Darby of Springfield:
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lewis of
Oregon City; Clay Hensley of
Sutherlin; and Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd McCray. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Durham and family and
Dillon McLain, all of Portland.
Mrs. Leonard Frank has been
seriously ill for several weeks.
She underwent surgery and re
turned to her home but had to
go back to the hospital Monday
and is critically ill, she is at the
Salem Memorial hospital.
Miss Mary June Wolf who has
been ill at the Salem hospital
has been taken to the Good Sa
maritan hospital in Portland.
The cause of her illness has not
yet been determined.
The sophomore class of St.
Boniface high has elected class
otflcers for the comine vear:
President, Duane Bradley, vice
president, Marlene Ode nthal
secretary, Betty Wolf; student
body council representative, La-
,veta Dozler.
12 Thrilling Rides 12
10 Big Shows 10
35 Attractions 35
See the Only
Portland Road & Lana Aye.
Look for the Giant Searchlights In tht Skj
The Salem Fire Department
Music Arranged
For Rotary Club
Woodburn Perry Williams,
program chairman for the Wood-
burn Rotary club Thursday
noon, presented a number of
students from Woodburn high
school in an entertaining musical
program. Numbers included a
trio of trumpets and clarinet by
Merle Henn, Vera Pantle and
Doris Prinslow, accompanied by
Mrs. Alice Rose Jones, music
supervisor; a vocal solo by Mrs.
Jones, accompanied by Miss
Pantle; and several selections by
Miss Jane Pearmine and her Hill
Billy orchestra which were dedi
cated to various members of the
club. Members of the orchestra
and Martin Krupicka, Dwaine
Rogers, Delmar, Richard and
Sammy Slover, Judy McClure,
Ruth Jeppson and Miss Pear
mine. Tentative plans were made for
the annual Rotary golf tourna
ment on June 7.
Friendship Council
Girls Are Visitors
Independence The Pythian
Sunshine girls of Friendship
council, No, 3, and LaVelle
Scranton, installing officer, as
sisted by Jean Hamblen, Mae El
len Harmon and Shirley Klas-
sen installed the officers for the
coming year at the McMinnville
council at McMinnville. The
Sunshine chorus sang several
numbers during the installation
Pythian Sisters accompany
ing the girls were Mrs. Gus Fish
er, royal advisor, Mrs. Adolph
Riha, Mrs. Ralph Scranton, Mrs
Rena Harmon, Mrs. Moberly,
Mrs. Rudolph Frykberg, Mrs
William Linville, Mrs. Charles
Wilson, Mrs. W. C. Frantz and
Mrs. C. O. Sloper.
Mothers of Demolay
Circle Entertained
Woodburn The regular meet
ing of the Mothers' Circle of De
Molay was held at the Masonic
parlors with Mrs. George Rogers
presiding and twelve members
present. Mrs. L. E. Keller was
welcomed as a new member.
Refreshments were served
after the meeting to 23 DeMolay
boys and eight members of the
advisory board by Mrs. J. F
Horn, Mrs. Georgia Horn, Mrs.
John Hooper and Mrs. B. H.
The refreshments committee
for the next meeting will be
Mrs. Harlow C. Dixon, Mrs. M.
G. Henderson, Mrs. Raymond
Krieger and Mrs. Arthur M.
Entertainment for All
For Silverton
Silverton When Mrs. Clar
ence Morley, first clerk of the
election board, confronted pros
Dective voters at the special elec
tion with the direct question: "To
what precinct do you belong?
she received In most cases
blank stare and an "I don't
Very few knew what was
meant by the query, until it was
explained that now that Silver
ton had grown to be a little big
town, four precinct divisions
u,a tha KAn- r Vmt-n twn had
&taw pe7.
have received post card notices!
cincts but few had done so.
The new divisions for Silver
ton are No 138 Oak and Water
streets to city limits; No. 140
South Water and West Main to
city limits: No. 142 West Main
and Water to limits; and No. 144
boundaries at South Water, Oak
and city limits. The voting pla
ces were not yet designated.
Other members of the election
board assisting in explaining to
voters their own new precinct lo
cation were: J. D. Drake, chair
man: Mrs. James Hollingsworth,
Judge; Mrs J. D. Drake, third
clerk, and Mrs. Ruth Oveross,
second clerk.
Amity Church Group
Installs Officers
Amity Mrs. Ralph Konzel
man was hostess for the Baptist
Women's Mission Circle at her
home In McMinnville. Mrs. Ed
ward Lehman presided and Mrs.
Edwin Rutschman had the devo-
tionals using for her topic
"Building a Better World". She
was assisted by her daughters,
Mrs. Fred Withee, Jr., who sang
accompanied by Mrs. Ralph
Mrs. Lehman installed the new
officers for 1949-50. Mrs. Louis
Lynch, president; Mrs. Wm. Nee
ly, vice-president; Mrs. W. H.
Loop, secretary-treasurer, white
cross chairman, Mrs. Ray Kon
zelman; christian citizenship,
Mrs. Al Newby; spiritual life
leader, Mrs. Edward Leh
man; missionary education, Mrs.
L. Lynch; reading program, Mrs
Andrew Wakeman; children's
world crusade, Mrs. M. J. Leh
man, christian friendliness, Mrs.
J. O. Castul. The 1949-50 study
book "Build Together in Him
will be the basis of study for the
new year.
The women surprised their
hostess with a shower assisted
by her nephew, Stanley Withee.
Guests were Mrs. Fred Withee,
Sr., Mrs. Williams, and Mrs.
Preddy. The hostess served re
freshments. Mrs. Louis Lynch
will be hostess for June.
Cooked beets, either slices or
cut in strips, may be dressed
with a sauce of sour cream fla
vored with a little sugar and
prepared mustard, and seasoned
with salt and freshly ground
"Continuous Show Today"
Ends Tonight!
"soi th or st. i.oriv
A New and Greater
Adventure from the
Studio that cave too
George Brent
tut am
Paillette Goddard
Color by Technicolor!
Ford Goes Fast
There is nothing like being
tops in your field and this
little Capital Journal Classi
fied Ad has the dubious dis
tinction of having sold the
'Cleanest car in town'l
'sa roao ci ra emu, ci'.bmi r
la loan RAH. rim l-tiw.
Phone 1-H0. '
Capital Journal
9t1r talH N fr"
II twt Mtk kr tarrtr.
Polk County Anglers
Haled into Court
Independence Three Polk
county residents paid fines of
$25 and costs each when they
appeared in Justice court before'
Judge W. A. Wiest on charges
of illegal fishing. They were
found fishing in the south fork
of Rickreall creek. Fined were
Sylvester J. Garrison, Dallas;
Norman L. Marsh, Monmouth
and James Douglas Bowman,
Falls City. Niles R. Donnell, Sa-.
lem, was fined $10 and costs for
failure to stop at the scene of an
accident and John L. Proctor
$12 for an over-loaded truck.
More Eighth Graders
- . ... r
rinisn rears worn
Amity The eighth grade stu
dents of the Bethel district and
Oak Grove were honored with
a program at the school gym
nasium. There were four, Dorothy and
Donald Lynch (twins), Phyllis
Stephens, and Rose Doughty,
from the Bethel school, and two,
Bob Smith and Miss Lang, of
Oak Grove. Phyllis Stephens
was valedictorian, Donald Lynch
read the class will and Dorothy
Lynch gave the class history.
There were musical numbers.
Mrs. August Rhode, soloist; and
a guest speaker. The Bethel grad
uates will attend high school in
Amity next year.
Rebekah Lodge Club
Guest for Afternoon
Silverton Mrs. Ida Makln
ster, Mrs. Charles Amos and
Mrs. George Brewer entertained
the members of the , Rebekah
Triple Link club at the Coolidge
street home of Mrs. Makinster
and Mrs. Lydia Dawes.
The afternoon was spent so
cially with the guests including
Mrs. Icabella Scott, Mrs.. Lloyd
Moser, Mrs. Nellie Lorenzen,
Miss Tuth Lorenzen, Mrs. Ber
tha Morley, Mrs. Alice Egan,
Mrs. Jack Tuggle, Mrs. Ed R.
Adams, Mrs. Helen Burrier, Mrs.
Larry Taylor, Mrs. Pearl Por
ter, Mrs. Theodore Grace, Mrs.
Lloyd Taylor, Mrs. John Gehr
ke, Mrs. Clay Allen, Mrs. S. A.
Gay, Mrs. Roscoe Langley, Mrs.
Carl Rutherford, Mrs. Frank Gl-
roux and Mrs. Orlo Thompson.
llTVr?raf3rh i
Last Times Tonite!
Starts at Dusk
Van Heflin
Janet Leigh -"ACT
Richard Arlen
Late News!
Color Cartoon
.Hat. Daily Irom 1 t. M.
And Morr Fun!
Now! Double Thrills!
First Time in Salem!
Now! Opens 6:45 P. M.
Loretta Young
Rod Cameron