12 Capital Journal, Salem, ClJUSlFIED ADVERTISING- Pf LIB II Ptr Um i time ....40 Par Um I UmM os Ptr Lis t month . M M Ouutd e Ssier II ptr Um day at in loci I time rata 88 I time mla II JO No Refund BEAD OA la Local Mm Cat Ooln fit ua 0 To PIaca an Ad Phent S-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES ST OWNER, furn. or unfurn. mod. 4 B R. hu rtn la, corner lot. dble. Plumb., 1 blk to froc. Ch., I blk. to grade, 3 to Jr. Ht- to Sen. HI Soft. sua I on. Ph. 30447. " OPEN HOUSE Evening 4 to till sold by owner. Hew PHA. built a bdrm. ranch type boon. With oil tho finest feature: Ilk hard wood flflou, fireplace, picture window, etc, plus th flnwt construction. But this bow for about 13000 below today's market price. Com outh on Ml to th M Cafe, turn right up Bweld at, to Ut trtt Wit. (Welty AW.) to eeeond bouse on rliht. a 111' Br OWNER 3 bdrm.. plutrd 1-story ham, waved At. Quiet dlst. Ph. J '51 alM BT OWNER 3 rm. house. Cement floors Shower. Built-in. Attic. Utility hous u urt. Price 13100. mall nortiai. lmmedlt possession. 4 block t of At at hospital. 039 Norman Ave, alio' FOB SALE: fllx room hous. newly dee orated, inside and out. Lart corner lot. Paved at Met and side wall. kind fruit tree. Ac owner at U4 Walnut St.. Independence, Or. al2S BT OWNEB: Rt. , Box 16ft College Height, a Bd. rm., living rm., dining rm. A kitchen A nook. Utility gar age. 18500. al2l PRICE REDUCED on email bom. Aom terme. 1S15 N. Liberty. al38' BT OWNER: I rm. mod. 3 -BR he. tM0. tlOOO down, 146 per mo. Open hw. Aundar from a to I p.m. 334 H. 4th At. Owner at 4H N. 31st. al3B l'i TR. OLD HUE., 49713, 3349ft Equity, bal. I5 per mo. PHA. Completely nicely furn. for 1454 more. If you it nor thU you ain't no bargain hun ter. Ao. Com'l to Liberty Rd., 10 Aalem Ht. Are., to 1350 Winola. al FOR BALE BY OWNER Mfio I5O0 down, 183 a mo. 3 bod rm home, llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen, at tached garage. 10'xlW lot. 13 Royal Ann cherry tree. Aalem Height dis trict. ThU home U only m yrs. old. Nie surroundings. Located at 380 Brownln Ave. Now vacant, for Imme dlat posMsalon. Call owner at IMS Nebraska At. Ph. 3-031. aistr UNFINISHED HOUSE, 130 mo. Ph. 35311. Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors NEAT t BEDRM. HOME. Large room. Clos to bus. Price 14500. DON'T Miss THIS. 3 bedrm. horn on High At. I rm. and breakfast nook. Pt replace: full cement basement: auto, oil furnace: large closets. Trees and Shrubs. Desirable district. Cloa to school and bua. Price 113.800. 4).ts ACRE. Some fruit and nut. On Crolsan creek. Price 13000 10 ACBXS. 4 bedrm. bouse. Bern: chick en hous; lot fruit. Year around crock. Clos in. Price 110.000. 8780 down. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS Ph. 3-M03 344 Stat St Evening J-4007, 1-4819 al24 BRAND NEW Listing. Well built 3 B.R. horn with unflnUhed upstair, fin place, hardwood floors, full basement, sawdust heat. Close In eouth. Only 34000.00 full price. Ae thU. Good terms. Goodwin & McMillin REALTOR Ph. 3-4707 444 Court Eve. 3-7383 3-4773 133 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS 311,000 Lie. Liv. Rm., Din. Rm., 3 bdrm. and den, basement, oil furnace, bwd. firs. V. blinds. FAIRMOUNT HILL 113.500 Lovely new 3 bd. rm. A den or 3 bd. rm.. Ige. llv. rm., din. room. French doors to patio, fireplace, hwd. firs. Elect, heat. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 19371 Eve. 39141 0138' rot SALE BT OWNER: IS4T Court. Ph. 3-0353. 17300 SPECIAL 1 BR. new home. Kk A. Loc. an Llvlne- aton Ave. Deep well. Good eoll. Intl.. elect, ht. Bend Ix. owner win eons, oi ler for quick deal. Ph. 144M. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440H. 14th St. al 3 1 i RM. house, 3 years old, auto, oil Tit. and air cond. Pull baiement. 111. 900. Ph. 3-9904. 411 Wayne Drive. a!3l BT OWNER: New 3 bdrm. home. Hard wood floors. Attached arae. Auto, heat. Ptreplac. P H A. Terms. 1970 N. a3ro aiar SEE THUt Price cut 11000. 3 bdrm. home. PHA appr. Call 1-419. a 134 HEW I bdrm. house. Large living rm., dining rm., kitchen 4k nook, hardwood floors. Oil furnace. V. blinds. 130 1111- nois off center St. a 134' HIWAT PRONTAOE 4'. A. Over 300 ft. front., neat, clean 3 rm. house. Nice fir tree. Good court r trailer park loc. aO0. Ph. 3 MM. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. al31' CHEAP Small down payment. New unfinished I rm. hae. Plumbing A wiring roughed in. PUU price 13950. Vi acre North. C. W. Reeve Realtor 9)41 A. Oomm'l. Ph. 1-4190, Eve. 3-9538 aias1 A GOOD BUY 14380. 3 bdrm. hse. Plastered. Auto. fir. fur. Oar. Paved at. New fas range. Cor tner lot. I turned, poaa. C. W. Reeve Realtor 941 A. Comm'l. Ph. I-4490. Ev. 3-9530 a 134 Why Pay Rent 16450 New Auburban. I rm. with util ity rm. Hdwd. firs. Attached gar. Laree lot. Beat ot garden soil. Small down pay ment. C. W. Reeve Realtor til S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4W0. It. 3-0934 . 138 OPEN F. H. A. HOUSES Esit Englewood Addition 2280 Englewood Avenue DO WW Modern bungalow, I bed room, electric heat and fireplace, llv Ing room 4k dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook. Laundry room, hard wood floor, garace. tone ret drive A walk, paved tret. New. Putt price III 300. 2270 Englewood Avenue AM DOWN Moderw totlag tTP 3 bedroom, oil heat and fireplace, living A dtnln room, kit end breaklast pook. laundry room, hardweod floors, era and concrete drive A welk. Pevod Btreel. New. Pull pelt 119.100. 2285 Englewood Avenue Axwao DOWN Jtaneh alrl I bedroom, ! rtrie heat. Insulated, kiUhen A laun dry room, alnal a race with bum in atrae room, omeret delve walk, pavad street, Pull prtee 91000. 1185 N. 24th Street AtlAw DOWN 3 bedroom hung slew, fir, pleo. electric heat, living dlntne room, tar, utility. Pull prte II9.7W All hous brand new and ready for im mediate poaeion. Can be financed thru PHA. Top lean at 4t latere! for 30 year tern if wanted. Abrami & Skinner, Inc. Ill Masoan Bid Ph. t-9117 tHaurano Real Betat Mte. Loans ai3i I" BDRJt. modern b., lareo lot, tltV buT r. 4k, pfwat. Mil Maar, a 134 Oregon, Monday, May 30, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES Englewood Special A very desirable new house avallabl at . ulldr' coat. A flo S BR bom await aom particular buyer. Excellent term can b arranged, for details call 3-0411 aias NEW 3 B.R. close In. Lawn, shad trees. Consider soma trade. Price 110,800 Open Sunday. 30ft E. Lefell. 129 SUBURBAN NORTHEAST 81750 A modern 3 bedroom home lo cated within a blk. of city bus line automatic heat, attached aaraie. 11400 down. bal. 155 per month, Including prm int., taxes at ins. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phon. I-M3B Ml North High Iv. Ph. J.KM. 1-1711. Mill .lit Owner Leaving! This 4 bedrm. home has lust been re duced from 19500 to 11900. If you need a lood family home, in a delightful setting, be sure to se this one. A host of trees, shrubs, flowers, fruit and ber ries. Lot frontaie 330 ft. Corner Park way Drive and olen Creek Rd. New Kingwood View Smart new 3 bedrm. ranch horn with wonderful view. Lot 130x131. On of th most attract! homes w'v seen Priced at 113,500. City Lot $1,075 A fine corner lot, 40x100, paved on both streets, city park across street. Close to everything. Walter Musgrave, Realtors Phone 3-3109. 1311 Edgewattr St. f U2 DON'T MISS ThU five room modern home. Hdwd. firs. New modern colored Plumbing. Roman brick fireplace and flower bed. Lot 40x100 In East Englewood Addi tion. Only 10950. PHA terms. 114S evergreen, call 3-338S. Builder. a 129 BT OWNER: New rm. house Just fin ished. With utility, attached garage, bus by door, close to market and two schools. You will be proud to own this house. It's a beauty. See at 955 Highland at Myrtle. Ph. 3-9867. el29 FOR SALE LOTS WANTED by builder: 1 or 3 lou. north or ast within city. State full cash price or particulars. Reply Capital Journal Box 478. al29 CHOICE BUILDING lot. Englewood DM. Inquire 1970 N. 33rd. Ph. 34554. aa!28 8ILVERTON ADDI1ION 3 frontage lots, 50x100. Building lou, 70x100. On Bil verton Rd. near new school. Ph. 37S74. aal37 LARGE CORNER lot 100x130 In a No. 3 sone. fin location for a court or apart ment house. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 A. Commercial Phon 33849 Ev. 39340 aal28 $10 DOWN III per month will buy you a lot with water, olec., trees, bus service, close to school. You can park your trailer. Hurry) Over of them are ionei Reimann For Real Estate 301 South High Ph. 3-9303 Ann Eve. 3-3733, 3-1341, 3-5905 i aaiJO' VIEW LOTS. 800 blk., Vm Av WOOD- aaj lots, eoo blk Ratdlff Dr. Re stricted, city water. Ph 3-4384. at FOR SALE FARMS s acres river bottom. A. peaches with crop. Choice home sites. Pace year around creek. 3 mile from 8a- wm. rnone x-ubo. Owner. bl33' TRADE 31 acre farm, will take tn small hse. In town, irrigation ditch. 3 rm. hse, nirn, reneea. C. W. Reeve Realtor 941 A. Comm'L Ph. 3-4590. Ev. 3-9538 bias1 FOR SALE ACREAGE S'.i ACRES With hlihwav frontaie on A 99. 3 bdrm. home. Out buildings. Fruit ana an ace tree. 15750. Ph. 3-8110. bb!39' 35 ACRES IT acres under cult. Oood home built 1944. Several out bide. Located W. ml from Bend, Oregon. Want to trad for saiem property. What hav rouT Total prc two. Call lor Mr. Leaven. 18 ACRES All sou under cultivation. Very food home. Out bid. In good condition. Small family orchard. Only I mile from Aalem. Total price 914.750. Term. Will iraoe lor smaller acreage. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Member of Multiple Llstlnc Burn 3039 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830. 3-4590 Eves. 3-9403. 3-3558 bb!38 fi ACRES, beautiful view, unflnUhed nse. good well. Phone 3-7131 after P m. Price 19.300. bblSI BT OWNER, 10 A. In Dallas city ItmlU 0 rm modern home. Double urin barn, chicken house, 5A of prunes and i cow. rn. asoi ueiiax. oftia REAL ESTATE 98 DOWN 110 monthly. LoU and acre age. California. Oregon and Washing ton. Easy Terms. PR EE INFORM A. TION. P.O. Box 3350-PJ, Hollywood 39, Calif. cm HOLLYWOOD DIST 111,800. Ovrr 9100 mo. Inc. from 3 apt ma in., um. Fin., ipic, a tin. tit. for owner 3 pvt. baths, 3 tep. ent., Inel. Oil ht., burnt. Ph. 3fi6M. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. cl31 OOOD BOt'ND INVESTMENT Valuable hl-way property with long term lease a (40000 per month. 110,000.00 down. Balance 1175 00 per month Includes principal A interest. Be owner at 1873 State Street. C139 EAST PRONT. side by arte duplex. Ex- ronomon. on corner lot with bus i ooor. uouDie garage. Room on lot for another duplex and may have third apartment updairi. Has lawn, lots of m". pinei renre. oood income. This place will pay for lUelf. Be from io p.m. 78 s. am. pn. J.0313. c!30 POR TOI R Savinus investment buy a ngnrm on real estate, aalem A ,K,oi'. iamin security yourself Amount 1500 to evral thousand dou Urs. net investor 1. We mac all col lection for you if deal red TATE FINANCE CO, 13 A RUb. WANTED REAL ESTATE OOOD grocery store in Salem from owner. wa capital Journal. eaiJ WANTED TO BVT: I houses for rental pwrpose. Charle O Briert, 899 N. First St. Ph. 91315. cal WE ARE tn need at good bouse to gii ta or near Salem If row wish a Uat your property for isle OAABENHOR9T BROS.. REALTORS 194 S Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 e HOT I CI i u your property at for cat! rvn wr eicnan Its! It with u We aii iitMu oi aA buyer STATB ITNA NCR CO.. REALTORS 13 A fltgb St i EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE CONSIDER TRADE H reasonable on lower home, farm or other, lllnes force chant. Money making apt. hous. Income, 4 unit and file, list. Also, large 3 bdrm. own era apt. Rental well furnished. E. L Carter, owner. 959 S. 11th at. Ph. 3-8311 ebi NEW five room modem horn and W aer. Barrlf. fmit tree. Water system, laraw aaraa. Outatd elty north. Will trad far city km near acteol. iseo Shady Une. tsllg To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 3 UNIT COURT 1 yr. old, t unit court plus very attractive owner heme. Income 1133 id. 3 unit furnished. No. I son, located oa main arterial. ThU 1 clean. Call Peter Oelser. SEE THIS GOOD HOME 3 bdrm.. large llv, rm.. with fireplace, din. rm., hdwd. fir., lot of closet space, full basmt., Ige. yard with baex yard fenced. Osrsie off alley. Clos to Jr. High and irada school, and on bus lln. Call Richard B. Ora benhorst. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 A. Liberty Offlc Phong 3-3471 Evening and Aunday caQ Peter Oouer 3-9981 Roy PerrU 3-8010 Earl Wast 31333 RESORT PROPERTY DEVIL'S LAKE near golf link and store, flv minute from beach, beautiful lake front and lake view lot on very ay terms. Also few nice lakefront homes furnished or unfurnUhed. Aee then now. c. W. THOU, Broker, NEOTBU, Oregon. cel38' SEE "WESTWINDI ADDITION." 40 Beach Pront and Ocean View lou mil south of Oleneden Beach P. O. S Owen Werterberg ft Doxsie on land cc!39 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GAIL HOTEL, priced reasonable. 3337. Dallas, Oregon. HARDWARE store, til brick building, plat gias iront. room living apart' ment. Modern. 118.500. stock fix. tures at Invoice. About 98000. term. I owned 17 years; retiring Mann' Hardware, Dtlak. Ore. Open Sunday. cdl31 DRIVE-IN cafe on 99W in McMlnnvllle. All equip. Long leas on bide. Price 15500 Plus Inventory. P. O. Box 381, McMlnnvllle. cdl39 CLE A NINO ft PRESSING 37.800. Every piece of equip, ll first claei. Business showing steady increase 111 health reason for selling. ThU Is really top. Ph. 30880. ED LUKINBEAL REAL KATATE 440 N. 14th St. edni Investors Look! Beautiful new 11 unit apartment house In an excellent location with a monthly Income of 3488, showing 13 on vestment. Geo. A. Walters. Realtor 040 A. Commercial Phon 33849 Ev. 35300 edisa Beer Tavern Real good on. Groceries 3 to choose from. Call Len Orton Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 39371 Eve. 33983 Cdl3S ARE YOU Interested in the service station business? I have a service station busi ness for sal at Inventory price In Dal- las. Ore. Contact warren Dootlttl, Oeneral Petroleum DUtr. Ph. 34019. edlSO Business Location Ideal eoot for that new business bid. Lot 00 x 135. 1300 blk., Broadway. Will pay It's way until you are ready to ouiia. en. j-4a2. Eve. z-imt. cam' RESTAURANT for sale. Nice large place. No competition. SeaU 45. I rooms liv ing qu titers On highway 97. 11.000. 14000 down. Bend, Oregon. Henry Cafe, 1800 NE First street. edl38 FURNITURE FOR SALE WASHING MACHINE 183. Brown frlese rug 9x9. 135. Dinette mahogany 4 Lyre hack chairs 805. Grandfathers clock 1150. Marble top table 145. Antique hand- carved chair 145. "Gone With the Wind' lamp 145. Chippendale sofa, maroon sat in. 105. Black walnut coffee table, early American, no. Hoover vacuum cleaner, 810. Westlnghouie atov. too. Drapes, lamp, other miscellaneous article. 1775 Baslnaw. dl3B' GOOD used daveno. l'fc ml. N.W. Chem awa. Rt. 3, Box 403. Ouan Bears. dl39 FOR HALE: Daveno and chair, 170: oc casional chair lift. Aalem-Dalla Hlway, first hous east of Sola Acre Florist. dias HAVE BEST outlet for furniture, appll ances, household effects, pay top prices, apot cash or sell for U on commission. Olenn Woodry, auctioneer. Ph. 35110. diso WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Olen a at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 3-IUO. da FT A.N A Households Ph. 3-5811. AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION Every Tuesday. Olen wood Ballroom, 1:00 p.m. We sell for U or pay apot cash. Estate bought o-.itrlght. OLEN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER Phone 35110 ddllf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 3 heifer calves. 3 and 8 week old. good milk stock. Mike Raker Rt. 3, Box 306. Allverton. 1 mil E.. south North Howell. 119 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandlUh, 1137 8. 35. Ph. 3-9147 alS3 FUEL t4 CORDS good dry 10" mill block wood. Ph. 3-0831. 3055 N. Churoh. el3B Special 13 In. clean Insld mill wood TRI-C1TY FUEL. Ph. 3-7443 139' GOOD 10 In. edging. 15 30 load. Double loan no. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-5533. e140 WENT SALEM FUEL CO. Block. Planer A slab wood A dust. Ph. 34031. TRl-Cmr PUEl Fresh rut sawdust Prompt delivery. Pb 17442. W give 8 A H Green Stamp Oreen II In. mill wood ee CALL HIOHWAT PUEL FOR PlMel and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End A Block Wood. Pb. 11444 FOR SALE POULTRY 4i LB. frrere allre, 31c lb. Ph. 3411 fill BABT CRICKS. May 90. Hampahtres. Lechorna and Wyandotte. Ph. 33111. Leea Hatchery. f PRODUCE RID FAT IRS: Llv or dressed en order. hi. t, box 494A. McCain Av. oft all verton Rd. fill STRAWRERRIES U-Pkk, 10c. Bring con- lainera. out piiverton Rd. I1 ml. to Middle urore arnooL Turn right H ml Herr A Rlertache. ff STRAWBERRIES: V Pick. He H. ! ml. n. w unemawn, hi. a, al 409. Du ane Sears. ffij HELP WANTED STR4TBCRRT PICKERS. 3nd pteklns Wed.. June I. R. P. Barnwell, 4919 N. River Rd . Kelaer. a no RTRAWBCRRT PICKERS. Four Corner Dlitrlct. Picking new. Just 8 mile owl McCleay Road oa left. R. M. Uvestey. Rt. I. Box 471. aiH BERRT PICKERS wanted on Cherry Av! mi. norm or aluminum plant. L Hart maiv aias HELP WANTED MALE TOI'NO MAN to learn appliance A fur niture ulne. kcireltent peotiuntt) ta become connect with Willamette Valley Leading Appliance A Pwrn. atore Permanent position, food salary while Mrning. Apply Hogg Bro 30 State Bt tl0 (FOR SALE HOUSES HELP WANTED MALE PIN SETTERS wanted. 1340 State. Uni versity Bowling Alley. ga!38" LICENSED Journeyman Electrician, give ase, experience, etc. Capital Journal Box 4a. galJl COOK: Man to cook for large croup. 1170 mo., less maintenance. Perm. do. Ore eon State Training School, Wood burn, ga WE NEED men who want to learn or bet ter themselves In the highest psld pro fession in the world, selling. Integrity hard work and willingness to follow Instructions only qualification necea aerr. Aee Mr. Ceirlock at Aenator Ho tel Desk. 10 a.m. Tuesday. gal38 WANTED Experienced electrical appli ance salesman. Floor and field. Phone 3-1443. g138' WANTED MAN with experience digging shaft A wells. Call Shaffer. 43171. ext. 493 from I to 8. gal38 HELP WANTED FEMALE MIDDLE AGED woman to do light house work for elderly lady. In quiet, com fortable home. Reasonable hour. 385 N. 33rd St. Ph. 3-7189. gbl20 NEAT, attractive girl over 18. Apply In person, urano sweet anop. gbias STENO-BKPR (Out Of town) 215 SECRETARY mn STENO-BKPR 170 STENOGRAPHER TYPIST-CLERK TYPIST 140 i-WMMLitUAl, rLACEHENT AGENCY 380 State St. Phone 2-1488 bl39- WANTED: Middle-aged woman to keep nous ana care lor children. Room, board A wage. Ph. 1-031 or write J. L. Durst. 048 E. Grant, Lebanon. Ore. gbl38 CARE OF I yr. old child wanted between a 00 St 8:00 week day only. Prefer mother of child approximately th same ace. Cell 4-2171, ez. 443 between 1:00 ft :fla- gbl28 EXPERIENCED GIRL. Capitol Variety atore. 1382 State. gbl30 WAITRESS. EXPERIENCED, night work. Brooknook restaurant. Brooks or Ph. 3-3776. 10138 WANTED: Middle-aged woman to work In summer home. Oood salary and ex penses. Modern convenience. Party must be reliable with first cla references. Apply Hogg Bros.. 210 Stat St. gb EXPERIENCED LADT bookkeeper to work in 01110 91 wiuamette Valley' leading Puraltur and Appliance store, good aalarr, pleasant working cond. Apply Hogg Bros., 380 State. cb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OmCK AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 380 Stat Bt Ph. 1-1498. gf WANTED SALESMAN WANTED: Salesman. Must have expert' oca in lurnuure s uoor covering. Per- management position. Oood salary and commission. Apply Montgomery Ward, saiem. WANTED POSITIONS BOARD your child safely, inexpensively In country, write Mrs. T. s. Garrison, rout 1. Oervai. Oregon. hl29 baby sitter. Mr. Martin, 3-4553 hl28 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 nr. erv ice, former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h!52 WANTED: Full or part time Janitor work References. Ph. 3-3801. hl38 POWDER WORK wanted, quarry, stump ing, ditching. Donald Thorn, 2295 Lee St. Phone 28398. hlSl ROTOTILLING M. E. TEARS IN dress-making and alterations. rn. j-asis. hi 30' GOOD care for babies under ltt years. vu aiier e or weea-end. rn. jsssj. hl2' LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototllling. New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 3-1110. hltl INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Pb. 3-0738. hl SEWING and alteration. Ph. 3-4854. hl48 ROTOTILLER work. 1141 Hood BU 3-0594. bl44 CEMENT WORK Wanted. Ph. 3-4850. h!44 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov. ing. ins. op. won guar. w. u. Mc Allister, 149 Trade. Ph. 2-149. hl44 BABT SITTER. Ph. 3-050. PAINTING INSIDE or out Pre ast. Call B1IL, 1-3971. hl37 FLASTERINO, PATCHWORK and chlm- aey building Pb. 3-4398. Pre estimates hl33' STACK your sewing then Phon 3-8893 hl34 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Pb. 2-2093. hl38 LAWN CUTTING. Phone 3-8403. 1ST CLASS CARPENTER, new, remodel. repair. Large small. 9-9381 ait. hist WILL PROVIDE excellent nome or day car for small child. Ph. 3-8395. hl39 AUTO PAINTING just a shade better by nay alter call anrock Motor Co 3-1101 FOE'S mimeographing, typing aervlce. prompt service qua lit a ork lower prices. 045 N. 10th. Ph. 3-343. hl23 CHILD CARE. Ph" 19934. llWBhtpplne hl3l EDUCATION EDUCATION U Job Insurance. Writ or call lor free catalog on 400 I. C. A course. Don McNeill, International Cor respondence School. 1953 State At.. Ph. 36330. o I. approved hhlll FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING rm. Ph. 3-7358 ATTRACTIVE rm., private home, gentle- man. awa summer, rn. x-sex. jnur WELL FVRN. sleeping rm. Clos In. HAC water, aaen onty. ur tenter at. jaig SLEEPING PLEASANT sleeping for gentleman. 1090 norway. rn. jean. JI1W DESIRABLE sleeping rm. Ph. possible down tow, Private bom. Ph. 34443. Jkl30 ATTRACTIVE rm. 3033 McCoy. Ph. 1-903 jkltl ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL, SALEM Tel 9-111 FOR RENT APARTMENTS I RM. FVRN. APT. Prlr. bath, refrla ec. heat. Ph. 1-103. JP134 TERT MODERN front apt. Cool A attrac- uv. cioae in. 489 N. winter. Jpl3 CLOSE IN. Newly red fura. 1 BR upstairs iiai. aaum. rn JJ i. jpis RM- Apt. 2nd floor. Lady preferred Ph. 31930 jpisi A I rwaea famtehad and aafiirnuhed aparwnenu. Phon 1-199. ipllt A3 RM. furn. apt. far rent. Private bath. Ph. 1714. JP199 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT: New 3 bedroom bouse, auto matic beat, fireplace, mc location. Out S. Commercial to Ewald, west 3 blocks. uien north to 389 acenic vmw on. jml3l ON MILL CREEK: To lease 3 B R. mod ern home, fireplace, hdw. floor dnstr. double plumbing, full basement, wood furnace. lec. water htr.. atat. tubs; eparat garage and turn, sleeping porch, a peel oiss landscaped grounds, lawn furniture. 118 month. 3491 Trad at. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 459 Court Bt Telephone 3-3039. Jml29 FOR RENT MIScTLxANEOUS TRAILER SPACE. Camp Joy Motel. J134 0 DRIVE truck car Pb 3-1103 TRUCKS and car. Smltty' Clipper Ser vice pit 3-9000- Cor. center Church. I GROUND FLOOR rooms, suttabj for of- STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34131 ' POWER TOOL rental tor bom A In dostrlaj um Bowser Bros Pb 1-3444 r AUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. stiff. 1" TRAILERS. 13.00 Per day. Howier Bro 109 Edgewatci St.. West Balem. I GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Moot ornery Ward. TO DO a good lob rent a good floor Sand er. We cll everything to complet the job. HOWSER BROS. Ph 9-3841. J' WANTED TO RENT COUPLE with child urgently need 2 bdrm. house. Ph. 3-0139. jalJS RESPONSIBLE COUPLE would Ilk a 1 or 2 bdrm. unfurn. or partly furn. hous. Will care for like own home. Permanent tenants. Phone 3-8844 or 3-8739. JalJl WANTED TO RENT with option to buy. mod. 2 bdrm. house, reasonably priced, low down payment. Give particulars in Ut letter. P. O. Box 012, Aalem. Jal29 VETERAN AND wife wife urgently need two bedrm. unfurnUhed house. Write W. E. Turner, Oen'l Del., MolaUa, Ore. la 131 COUPLE tn need of apt. or small house. Furnished or partly. Please call 3-5000. )al30 WANTED TO RENT: House In vicinity of 20th ft Chemeketa. Phone 2-6418. Jal30 house. jal29 ROOM AND BOARD GENTLEMAN, young or old. My home In country. Box 388. Capital Journal. 1J131 MISCELLANEOUS ,ES SPRINGER, men batter 404 Court. ml30 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Commercial At. BALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE TOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer rtpresen- ta1-. Ph 3-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on all make of chine. Pre s estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l. m BUILDING MATERIAL STEEL AND ALUMINUM window frame Residential casements, double bung and commercial types. PUMILITE - OUT EDGEWATER ST. ma 138 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior heatform ft Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. Phone 35043. PUMILITE . WEST SALEM ma 138 SHEETROCK, new shipment. W ft W nee us ror new low casu prices. Keith crown, rrom at louri. I 509 NEW WINDOW sash. Your choice or size and style. Car load of new Vi in Flrtex. Special price 5c sq. ft. C. G Long. Ph. 3-5831, one mil north Kelrer. mal29 Builder-Contractors W hav a complete stock of framing lumber, timbers ft shlplap. all grades, at rock bottom prices. West Salem saw mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. Free Delivery. ma 143 TILLAMOOK cedar ahlnele del. No. 1. 19; No. 3. 15. Cedar wall 18 in. painted shakes. 113.80 per sq. Under course free. Also baled cedar tow. Ted Muller. for merly Eola yard. Ph. Salem 3-U90. Salem Independence road. ma DOORS. INTERIOR 3 Panel doors, at the great special purcnas Bottom price, bargain of only 88.00 each. Keith Brown. Fornt ft Court 8 Is., Salem. ma CLOSE-OI'T, Plywood cut-offa. 48"xll"x lor ceiling panel, wail panel, aid ing and many other use. Only lc per aq. ft. Keith Brown. Front ft Court St., Balem matf BKIL-TOOL rental service. store. 4349 siiverton Rd. NEW SHIPMENT ptast board. S" IUc; H . a aq. n. Rock lath, U . ft 1.7B MONTOOMERT WARD 8VLEM ma RE-ROOF NOW One, two or three years to pap. Pot ree eHiimaiee pnone 3-7177. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. maI3l' FLOORING. Pb. 39703 O ma 139 CLOAE-OUT SPECIAL, Hardwood Floor- ing, pecan and gum in a variety of sixes at only 1123 M. Keith Brown. Front A court bis., flaiem. matf RED CEDAR shingles No 1. 89 50. 2, so. so. no. 3, m so. we del Philips nros, nt. , box lis. va earxz. ma1 SAVE ON ROOFING Let Ward glv you complet 174 STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of color Call our outside aelesman for free astlmat Phon 33191 MONTOOMERT WARD A CO. AALEM. OREOON ma1 HARDWOOD FLOORING, now only 195M. Mixed Pecan ft Oax. Hx3 at Keith Brown. Front ft Court . Salem, matf ALUMINUM ROOF1NO I ft width la the following lentttui 1174 r 3 33 ir 3 90 IT 8.41 Ask about Installation aervlc MONTOOMERT WARD CO. AALEM. OREGON ma NURSERY STOCK rrntfiiAS for sale, in variettes. MRS. P. E, WARD. 4340 CHIRR T AVE. tnMJ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR TOI R TRIP. Fibre ault rase 81.19 plus tax We gtve green at amps. AALEM HOME FURN. CO. 117 S. Com 1. Hi 10 CABINETS Priced to Save You Money Regardless of Source HniKwn.rB Cofltrtctor, B.for You Buy Cbln.tj Lrt. or 6m. ID Crttck ThM, KRAFTW00D FEATURra AND 8EHVICI SELECTED WESTERN WOOD Assembled In one unit. ALL OLUED CONSTRUCTION Finger tip drawer slide. SKA LED TN SINKS Hardwood bread board fire. TOUR OWN PTH90NALIZED DESION Ousranteed Satisfaction. FREE Delivery and Installing Hall Cir4 tor rn. rtaal krt4 BitifnitM SID HENDRICKS KRAFTWOOD CABINETS Doc, aid Phone Aurora 7304 FOR SALE MISCELUNE0USIAUT0M0BILES ALMOST new 30 gal. Oeneral ga water neater, rnone j-1751. n!29' 3t WIDE gauge cat. 11750. John H. Smith. Orand Ronde. nl3 9 GAL. ga water beater, used 3 yrs. 135. Phon 3-504. nl FOR SALE: 400 used fir brick. 3930 River Road. nl39 OOOD ELECTRIC trolln motor 140. 3350 hcci Ave. nl38 MATTAG Washing Machine, baby car riage, drags w, nearly new. 739 N. Lib erty at ni34 RERRT CARRIERS few left. Round handle. Ph. 37374 or 37331 eves. nl38 BALDWIN BUNGALOW style piano. Move lore saieA 70 Hetcllff Dr. nlll CUSHION Davenport with floret slip covers. 111. Ideal for play room. Shallow well turbin pump and tank. ISO. Ph. alT. mas M FT. mahogany plank boat. Ph. 37119. ARE TOU Interested in the Service Station nusinessr 1 nav a service station busi ness for sale at inventory price In Dalles, Or. Contact Warren Doollttl. Oeneral Petroleum DUtr. Ph. 34019. FOUR DRAWER Nat l Cash Register, with recording tape. Has been In steady use, and Is in good mechanical condition. Ph. 2-3495. nl30 TURKET FERTILIZER II sack, 10 sacks tor ia. rn. , nW FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll ers, mil- pasteuriser, at cloac-out prices. Tester Appliance Co. nl4B' NO WAXINO REQUIRED when you use Platl-Kote, the cellophane-like finish for your floor or linoleum. Yeater Ap pliance Co. nl48 DEEPFREEZE home treesera. 8129.95 and up. Yeater Appliance Co n WHITE HOUSE Product. Ph 3-9741. nl41 ELECTRIC SEWING machine. (Free-Wes-tlnghous) Yeater Appliance Co. nl48 USED REFRIGERATORS, washing ma chine, range, water heaters. Yeater Appliance co. nl48' EXHAUST FANS Close-out price. Yeater Appliance co. nl48 FOR SALE: Clean 1 gal. jug. 0Oc per doz. rn. nl29' WESTINGHOUSE Elcc. ranxe, I mo, old. a -oven moaei. reriect condit. 1250. Ph. 23534. nl38 PEAT MOBS with turkey dropping 95c per lack. 8 sacki 14.50. Valley Farm atore,434S allverton Rd. Ph. 32024. nl40 NEWBERG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP boil. High quality, attractive price. All kinds: Pit run; gravel; sand: mix crush; cuncreta pipe oi me; ra-iniorrinf steel cement; septic tanks. OREGON ORAVEL CO. 1408 W. Front St. Ph. 3-3417. nl42' SAVE 3 gal. on gaal Broadway's Super GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson and Mootaa Appiiano at Ocvurta. GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock Shovel ft drag-line excavating. WALL- 1HU BAND s ORAVEL CO. Pb. 1-9249 FULLER 39357. BRUSHES. 1745 Grant. Pb GOOD STRAWBERRIES. U-Plck. 10c. Joe Pendrlck. Rt. 5. Box 458, Salem. 4 mile N. W. of Maclear. nl39 OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT. Special 83.35 oai. nous end Farm quality. Morris Walker Paint Co., 250 Court. nl28' BEAUTIFUL Zenith wood range with res ervoir. Reg. price 8189.50. Floor sample uiose out im.os. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 S. Com'l. yjl30 STEEL clothesline posts, 111 ft up. Rail ing In stock, copper lantern ft vanes at reduced price. 1145 N. Liberty. nl53 ARVTN METAL outdoor chair. Red ft green. 15.95. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 S. Com'l. nI30' SAVE 3e ga). on gasl Broadway' Super octticsj, ova n. UDtriy. m SALEM BAND ft ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental II B 4 yd. 13.00 per hr 10 B yd. o.m per br D-7 Cat A Doser 10.50 per br. D-0 Cat ft Doxer 1.40 per hr, D-4 Cat ft Dosci 7.00 per br Phon Day 3-0408 Eva 3-920 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon n CEDAR post, yew wood posts, shingles, sua eiec. poie. rauiip tfro. til 0. Box 111 Ph 08F32. n WALLTNO BAND ft ORAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway cement, reaor mix concrete, garden and. Bulldoxing drainage and ditching -yd. above! and drag lln Ph. 8-9249 FLATROCK Por vatloa. rock walla walka MPitena. and all rock const. W del and sell here or at pit. See or call for prices. Phillips OtOi.. Ht O, BOX 110 f n FERTILIZER. Cow. hors or chicken ma nura delivered In Salem Well rotted or fresh, 5 00 per cubic yard del Also manure by sack 11.00 per sack at place or will del flv tack order. Phillips Bro ni, , do lie, oaitm. rn. asm. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS YOUR FURNITURE to sell st auction or wlU pay spot cash. Ph. Olenn Woodry in auctioneer, jshq. naiso1 ESTATES bought outright. Glen auction. Ph. 3-5110. WE WANT strawberries. Market price In cash. Contact Jory Packing Co at Ter minal ice, ail u oi. rnone j-4590. WANTED furnltur to glue A repair. Lee Bro. rurn Krmianing co pq 1-7001 USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 PERSONAL EDITH SCOTT from Eugene. Reading' dally from 10 to 3. 1085 N. Cottage. pl2B' WILL NOT be responsible for anv other oiiia du. my own irom May 37. paui w Harcourt. Jr. pl28 STANLET HOME ProducU. 154 Cross 6t en. 3-8446. pl40 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Box 724. 3-5234 P1B5 AUTOMOBILES '34 CHEV., 10.000 mile on motor over haul. Oood tire A body. Ph. 32F12. A J. Mader. Rt. I. Box 431. ql30 USED CARS 1941 Chev. 4 ton Pickup (H) Motor overhauled com pletely. Spec, price $875 CHEAPIES 1938 Panel Chev. 193d Panel Chev. 1 ton. 1935 Ford Panel 1934 Chev. 2 dr., rebuilt motor. 1934 Chev. 4 dr., new rings and pins, valve grind. $95 - Take Your Pick 1934 Ford Sedan $125 1941 Chev. Spec. Deluxe Sedan. R.H.D. Very cln. runs good 1939 Buick Spec. R.H., clean, motor overhauled. 1935 Ford Club Cpe. Dressed up. Looks and runs nice. 1938 Ply. Cpe. R.H. New Dodge motor. 1947 Crosley. 90 day free Lub. and Wash job with every car purchased in this sale. RON'S MOTOR CO. 149 A High St. Phone 3-4598 Open Every Night tlO 18 o'clock S Block Below EUtnor Theater ql39 40 CHEV. 4 dr. special delwx. Lois of rx tra. Like new. On owner. Ill N. Ut Si. Ph. .v) 0.12' Journal Want Ads Pay USED TRUCKS "PRICED TO SELL" 1948 ton International Pickup 1937 ton Dodge Pickup 1948 ' ton Ford Pickup 1931 r ton Chevrolet Pickup 1940 Ford Station Was on 1947 Atudebaker Dump Truck 1937 31-paucnier Diamond T" School bus for hauling berry pickers. 1 '1 - 3 ton GMC's: Chevrolet; Fords Dodies; Federals; Internationals . chassis ft cabs. Los tint Truck and Trailers . . Dumps MANY TO CHOOSE FROM TRUCK SALES & SERVICE CO. GMC Dealer Front & Marion Streets Salem, Ore. Ph. 39131 0133 1937 CHEV. 4-door sedan by owner. Motor In good condition. S350. Call at 471 King wood Ave.. W. Balem. q!30 FOR SALE or trade for automobile. 1939 too ITG panel. 8293. Ph. 3-7844 4139' ' STl'DE. Champ. 2 dr. sedan. Heater ft overdrive. 11350. 3590 S. Com'l. 4128 FOR SALE or trade: Ford 4 door sedan Excel, cond. 1990 Lancaster Drive. ql39 1947 CHEV. Fleet muter, blege, low mile age, seat covers, neater, sport light, ex cellent condition, original owner, 11495 Ole's Texaco Sta.. Woodburn. ql38 '41 8TCDEBAKER truck. 4x4, Sublimity iumoer co. en. 15F37 at ay ton. ql31 1941 DODGE Luxury Liner, 12.000 miles on '47 motor. I B00. Brownie Fountain lunch at 1140 N. Capitol. ql29 CLEANEST 40 DODGE 5-pasx. cpe. town. On;y 11295. Hurry I 870 Ratcliff Dr. (S. Salem). qt28 Eisner Motors to Sell '47 CHEV. convertible. Black. RftH. der skirt, twin sport light. Ph. 39744 3280 Tea Ave ql28 LEAVING TOWN, must sell new Chev. .yd. dump truck. 3280 Teas Av. Phone 28744. ql38 Eisner Motors to Buy 1948 CHEV. edan in excellent condition. 15,100 miles, one owner, extras, only ,. 1080 8. winter. ql38' 1946 PLY De Luxe 4 dr. sdn. Radio, excel. tires, beautiful gray finish. Original mnucr, rn.- 4-0 JIM Of Eisner Motors Fine Cars WANTED clean used car. Bob Marr. 2100 a. com'l. This Tim It' HUDSON! Service - Salea Part Home of Good Used Can 8HROCK MOTOR CO. Church ft Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9101 PONTIACS 47 Sdn. cpe $1595 '41 Spt. cpe 995 47 Ford D.L. spt cpe. 1445 '41 Chev. sdn $895 '48 Ford pickup $1295 '39 Nash coupe $395 '34 Ford sdn $95 Herrall-Owens Co. M0 H. Llb.Hj Ph. Mill ThU flow It', BUDflONI aarrlft. . 0,!u . pvt. Bom, ol Oooo Oud Oua HROCB MOTOR OO. Church ft Oh,m.k.tt tt n l-llol ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRADE TERMS 232 Fairground Road Phono 3-6454 1947 DODGE pickup. Mileage 12.000, new ruouer, iix new. 11,300. Susan Mills, 1005 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 15118. ql31 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS OR TRADE, my equity in 1949 Indian Scout M. 3142 80. Winter S.t Pb. 20718. qal30 '46 CUSHMAN Motor Scooter. Good cond Motor overhauled. 1520 State. Ph. 3-7788. qal29 CUSHMAN Motor scooter. 1935 Hasel ave. qal2S Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE; International pickup hay bal er. Mills Bros, Implement Co., Mc- MInnviUr. qbl32 WISCONSIN 4'fr H P. motor with clutch. 1125.00. 185 H.P. Buda Diesel motor like new 14.500. Portable saw mill. 25.000 ft., complete. 19.000. H.D. 80 cat with Isaacson hydraulic blade with 11.200 overhaul, 13.500. Susan Mill. 1003 Fair Vlrw Ave. Ph. 25118 qbl3I' TRAILERS GOOD TRAILER, sprints and overload springs. 1.50x18 tire. Oood shape. 70. Phone 3-5513. tl39- TRAILER spare 110 per mo. With all modern conveniencex. Lots of space for cnnaren to play. win. Roth. 1740 Ox ford, South sld of Paulus Cannery. Ph. 38885. tl30 NEW KARRIALL TRAILERS 3-WHEEL UTILITY TRAILERS reduced from 320 to 8150 BONESTEELE SALES ft SERVICE 370 N. CHURCH tl36 FINANCIAL CASH NOW ON SMALLER PAYMENTS -quickly, privately, without embar rassment. No co-s liners necessary. Up to $300 on Salary-Furniture Up to $500 on Auto Now 20 Months to Repay W say Ye" to 4 out of I who requett a loan here. Phone or visit th YES MAN, TODAY PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY 511 Suit. Rm. 13S Ph 1.3484 Lie. a-l-U-lU C. R. ALLEN. M.r rias $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANA UP TO 1300 Cr to an p to 1508 Com Id or phon Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Palrtround Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 37033-Llc N M 3 SB -8291 Floyd Kenyon. Mar. r OENERAL FTNANCIj CORP. LOANA Lie 8-131 and U-131 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 111 S ommerela St Tel. 8-1111 PRIVATE MONEY Apeclal rate and term ob larger loan toe and short tin payment ROY H SIMMONS 131 8orb Commercial St Phon 8-8181 44 REAL ESTATE LOANA PERSONAL LOANA CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 14 8. Big St. Lie. 8-311 U TTi r AUTO LOANS WTLLAMrTTB CREDIT CO 11 8 Churrh Parking Plenty , 1-3157 LM, J4x M-1M A-1H r FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANB ONLY 4". OR 4Va INTEREST I to 40 Year and No Commlaslo Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORA 944 Stat 8i Phono 3-1469 r FARM AND CITY LOANA 4,i-, and 1 VOL'R OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 3-7183 r DIRECTOR ADDING MACHINES All makes used machtn. sold, rvoUd. repaired Roan 45 Court Poos 3-T7i. APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair eervica rre estimate, i iaae-ins accepted on new appliance. Vine' Electric Phon 3-9239 157 A Liberty Bt. AT-UR DOOR GRINDING '.awnmower sharpening aod repairing. Dexter'. Pn 34833 Al'TO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 153 B Liberty Ph. 3-1953. MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing aervlce day phon 8-9388. Night 2-1804 333 Center 0 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Term. No down payment. Phone 3-4880. o!44 Ulke Panek. 373 A Com'l. Ph. 3-5181. Brake ft Wheel aligning apacialtsu. O130 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 28337. Bulldozing leveling, road bld clear- ' Ing teeth for brush. Virgil Husk, 1010 Fsirvlew Av. Ph. 2-3148. Balem. 0114 CASH REGISTERS Instanr delivery of new RCA ah register All make (old. rented, re paired. Roen 450 Court. Ph 3-1773 o CEMENT WORK Building foundations, remodeling, paint ing. Klang Bros., Ph. 33392. ol50 Let us do your cement work NOW. Driveways, sidewalk, patio, tc. Ph, 3-4 13- 0148 Por expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundations, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, wall. te. Call 2-4850. 0144 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnac chimney vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 B. 21st. Ph. 3-7178. e!30 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vine' Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 157 A. Liberty. Ph. 3-9239. EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth, ExUnnlnator Acrrlc. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1591 Peart. 0130" Breithaupf for flower. Dial t-117. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watkin Co. product. Pre -drery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-1318. INSULATION A.B.C. Insulation Co. Ph. 3-3748. o!30 LANDSCAPF NURSERY P. A- Doerfler ft Bona, Ornamental, lit N. Lancaster Dr. at Cor. Ph. 3-1333, LAWNMOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mower. Call Barry W. Scott. 147 So. Com'L St. ol2t LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Expert wora. r. rtoacn. cau sbos. oU2 At your door lawnmower sharpening. Dexter th lawnmower man Pb. 38833. Fireplaces, Ph. 35908. MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phon 3-4089. SmJttj' Clipper Ben. truck, car ranted Ph 10600. oor Center ft Church. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court Bt, Pn. 3-7589. ol38 NURSES' REGISTRY Practical Nurses, day-night. Ph. 35072. 0149 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chair, file and filing uppllag, safe, duplicator and uppliaa, desk lamps typewriter stand, brief ease. Pierce Wire Recorder. Rota. 454 Court. OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-8072. PAPERHANGINO Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5898. Free eat. olll Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-3722. Expert Psperhsnglng and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-3888. Pre est. ol48 Ufitrom's are equipped painting Phone 2-3493 PAINTING AND PAPERH ANQING Call 22808 for your Painting ft Paper hanglng. Attractive rate. 0145 Painting and paperhanglng. ft mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutcbaoa Paint Btoro. Paou 3-8887 PLASTERING Patching, Repairing. Pb, 3-1101. Fisher 344 S Com'L Ph. 3-3019. 0138 PRUNING. SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1208. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900. Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1308. RADIO REPAIR Complete serv.. re as. rate. Free Blckuw & est. John Radio Shop, 250 Court St. en 30713 ft 23410. O150 Ray Moor 3270 Portland Rd. Pb. 3-9433. RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr ft Aon. Ph. 21193. By Drive-m Theatr. Sine 1917. 0149 Ray Moor 3270 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433. o REFRIGERATION A APPLIANCE REPAIR Kelvlnator freeters. Lehman ft Matthews. 337 N. High 8L Ph. 37941. 0144 SAND A GRAVM. Garden SolL cnuhed rock. Abovel and drailin excavating Walling Sand ft Gravel Co. Phone 3-9241 o Valley Sand ft Gravel Co Silt, sand A) Ml dirt Excavating 1IB bovi ft cat. Tractor scoop ft truck for dirt aaonng Ph. office 34003, re. 17141. Balem Saw Wrk. Pb. 3-7803. 1313 N. 1th. j 0151 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Cectn Roto-Rooter. Excluslv patent Rator Jharp Steal OutUng Blade. Clean Sewer or Drams. Acptt Tank Cleaned Ra Pb 8-4337 a 1-849 SEPTIC TANKS SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In stalling th new approved 400 gallon concrete septic tank. W lay drain line also. Ph. 8-9481. 0i4i K. P. HameL Aeptle tanks cleaned. Electric machine eervlc on lwer and drain lines. Ouarantetd work. 1143-lth St.. West Salem Ph 7404. 0141 M.kas Septl Servic Tanks cleaned. Rote Rooter Servlo oa Aewtr. 1071 Ba St, w. Aalem. Pb. 8-1488. 1-1337. Ol 30 TY1E WATTE RS Bmitb Corona, Remington Royal, Under wnod portable Ail make asd aacblnw R pa;rs and rent Roen 458 Court 9 . (Continued on Pag 13)