10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 30, 1949 I'M AFRAID CHARLIE'S GIVEN HIS LIFE TO SAVE MINE-" THESE RADIO PROGRAMS Peddler of Dreams THINGS CAME OUT OF HIS POCKETS by PEGGY DtRN I hliiMtth, f THIS DOOM WAS THE CENTER OF TTHEN THESE FIUr6 CASES YCHARLIE HaSPIS HE'sl f I. fanfit tfuli' AN FAVE5DBOPPING WEB EACH I ARE FULL OF VALUABLE HEAD OF AMERICAN iKHtvururs, WIRE RAN TO A DCTOORAPH 4 EVIDENCE BY THE WAY, ,PRESS SERVICE BUREAU f I n HIDDEN SOMEWHcRE IN THE I ROPER" YOU MENTIONED A J-OR-MAYBE I SHOULD rmi - tn mm iim I WAwaiun- 1 r-KltMUSAID WE. MIOHT SAY WAS ' H kw ,0 I -s M v. Chapter 23 Tippy ivoKe iiu.e aftpr six , Fentity mas never to loiyet Uie hour of coaxing ana eiitnaiy which she unauy won the cjiua e ' reiuctant con&eni to oe taken tc the ho&pUai. (Jarre a knocked at the door a , tittle before t.eveii and a-sKtd quiet ly, as thoukh he were a Airunger " ,How Lx Tippy?" "She's fine." answered Felicity "I'm getiing her reaay to go ui the hospital." At tnat moment a limouMiie turned into tiie drive and puneu to atop beside the trailer. A liv eried loot man jumped out and cann over to Felicity. ' Mrs. Fleming I waiting at tn hospital. She wanted lo be sure - there would be a in pie room in tin car.' Felicity thanked him. Her falli er came out carrying Tippj wrapped caret ully in a uiin hiai. ket Felicity got in and Burton laid the cmid in her arms. Tippj cuddlea close to Felicity and aiu. ; like a very ismall, frightened child "It hurts. Fiihs." "It won't hurt long, darling They'll make it all well when you get down to the hospital." Aft the big car turned In at uie driveway, the hospital dooi awung open and Susan, accompanied by a nurse, an interne anu two or- derlics, came down the tep.s. Tip py clung to Felicity, but let hei I father carry her into the hospital clinging to Felicity's hand, j Susan opened the door of Lh j bath adjoining Tippy's room and crossed it to anotner room. inw, she said to Felicity, "is your room I knew you'd want to be here every minute. And me I'm the errand boy. Dr. Curtis came In and, under cover of telling Tippy some funny stories, gave her a brisk but thor ough examination. Tippy's eyes were beginning to iparkie a little and uie unaccus tomed fear was beginning to leave And when the nur&e grinned cheer fully at her and fitted uie ethei cone Into place, aht went under th anesthetic without a whimper oi fear. Susan was waiting in the ball Busan and Burton. They walkeo with Felicity Into a small prlvau sitting room across the hail anc there they settled down for per haps one of Uie most heartbreak ing intervals one may face; wait ing to know whether a beloved it to come safely back or be lost forever. The door behind them openeci once and when Felicity whirled about, it was to face Garrett and not, as she had thought, nevs from across the hall. Garrett was pale behind his sun bronze and his face was set. Hi saw no one In the room but Fe licity and came straight to her. Felicity spoke his name and went Into his arms. And Garrett said huskily, "Forgive me, darling. I'm no good but I do love you." It seemed hours to them all ana none of them had a very clear impression ol the time when the door of the operating room opened and Susan caught her breath and all but cried out at the sight ol Tippy, white and still, her small head swathed in bandages, her eyes closed. Dr. Curtis, still in his white operating garb, came out to them and said heartenlngly, "She's go ing to pull through, my dear. You mustn't give way. She's a sturdy youngster she 'U make the grade." Felicity burst Into tears in Gar rett's arms with the news. But Busan aald, when Garrett tried to hush her, "Let her alone! Let her cry. It's good for her. Shell be all the better for It, later." Chalmers Thorpe came hurry ing in. his face white and anxious. "Darling," he erled, as he caught Busan up in his arms, entirely ob livious to Garrett, Burton and Fe licity, "what's wrong? I called your place the minute I got in sown and they told me you were at the hospital. Dearest what happened?" For a moment Susan rented In his arms, her head tilted back, her yes glowing with a light that made Felicity feel guilty at having seen it. "You care about what happeiu lo me, Chal?" asked Susan, and her Totce shook a little as she Crowded closer in his arms. "You were worried?" 'Worrii'ti. meet?" said Chalm ers, tie tightened his arms about ..er anu heid her very close, his cheek against her hair. Tnen he ,aw Felicity and Garrett and he jsked, "What happened to her? AtiHis the matter with her? Felicity lips curved in a little ..mile that was warm and friendly ma she said. "There's oniy one .mug the matter with her, Mr Thorpe. She's desperately In love wun you." CuaimtTs looked bewildered and At id Suaan a little away from him .sta:ing down at her. puzzled. "It in'l a joke. Mr. Thorpe. It very far lrom being one," said I felicity when she taw that Susan couldn't answer. "It's Tippy. Shet was operated on an hour ago mastoid. But the doctor says she's oing to be all right. She Is ter-l noly frightened." "Oh I am sorry. Suan," said Chalmers gently, and patted herl snouioer. He hesitated a moment and then .ie said almost curtly, 'T think I'd better run along now. I'll see you tomorrow, bus an. oooa nignt, people." Hp went out and closed the door ophlnd him. Susan stood for a long moment drawn to her full heipht, hands clenched into small hard fisu at her side. Felicity tried to sooihe her. "It's only that know what I think? i tnink its because voti hava lot of money and he hasn't enough to keep people from thinking it's your money he loves instead of you. ' (To be continued) n Comfortable Casual Cool com fort . . . the key not of this cap sleeve version of the shirtwaist dress. Added attractions the easy exit buttoning from convertible col lar to hemline, the handy hip pick et. No. 3M7 Is cut In sizes 12. 14, 16. IS. 30. 36 38. 40, 42, 44 and 4 Blzea 18, 4 yds. 35-ln.. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK Is just off the press presenting the best in Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy aewlne and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price Just 30 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 553 Mission street. 8nn Francisco . Calif BBSBBMiHBiaBMaarB i K2757 ' CtaVOt rATTFRN No. R11J1 Rurpllr. Rimlrr tot Mother, of new bablts have enouih of Uim practical aiirpllre awrautri for their InfanU. Ejy knittinc even for a beginner. Uie net Include bootlM and requires less than 1 ounce, of wool lo knit. Pattern ton-elope No RJ77 con tains knitting instruction, allien l Illustrations, material requirement . lor izc 6 month, l and yeara. To ootain una pattern tend JOr in COINS living pattern numtxr voui name addreaa and annt num Dei to Peugv Roberta Capital Jour na. 9:28 Mission street San Fran euwo 1 Calif tSS i -AL 1 tTl 4mtUmmm.mirmZkLXml3 Z. aVJilnA I UJtvA L I HdWJII cus I 1 1 I fT5Tl hn(r :00 :lll a. T gnftC-Q MCVCK rH-CU T i .) Fyc dcoi rw, rn-iw fcw 1 rt. vm- t uwwi wmoiuc I oww 11 uiut i " VtT-WHENVS I'VE 6ESN IN B-B-BLTT VJJ I GVPSV BELLE-TRtEO HS? JOKES PUNJAB? I 3 THOT PUNJAB LEPT FOB WHEN NWPE IN I f ,M I REKL. 0ANGE9 AT LEAST ONE WHO VjEgg It I ON THQSg GUrt-THEV WERE WHO ORE U ME GEE ! I FBfiL J REAL DANGER- I U ,JJ I 0' -DADCV- UiteBUOC? KWSHAS I THEV? lip I I ONty JOKIN' BACK. BUT WOW? 1 THEV? I Ei SAFE NOW- HMI M J M " P0POED LP TO HOL6 IT- 1 I k THE PL" ROUGH- h ' RV- T s . ,M I I THAT SLICE WAS T50WWA.T? TmEB8EnOT-1 I SURE VOOIJE FREE. XREE InOOnETOV 1 KIM lZsJ f'jj, CLOSELlTf ISVajRUPElE Jk TALKTOTA.Lk:ToLI , Xtjastdasopkfec ' .- : (MINUTE SHED A- llM tfxSnr-- 3 i ii m-i i i i - c jrvvfk. u mm u- m . i i zmw r 'in hi -rrm i rr en-: . . i r yiwo'm krra tar u. wis7- "AH IS MABRIEDN f MOSJE VO' l UNDER ARREST. Ftf VT'S NO GOOd (fJ3l' ' UP.r-HAIN'T THAR ) I AT ALL r.F COMMITT1N' MAPtPHAt HERE-,SAMry l TM'MOIIMTlM ' . A MUTT WHY PON T Ii CERTAINLY DO! . I ). "Tsf THAT'S V THEM VOU "n WELL. VES, i MJU60 00TTO I HAVE YO " -PHOTOGRAPH ECLIPSEST RIGHT l WORK ONLV UNLESS, OF COORSET. O .. laORK LIKE ME?J STEADY JOB! HAVE f I p.,.., A REAL lfTijZ) ONE DAV IT HAPPENS TO . f U YOU NEVER jjarl kjl WHAT u ECLIPSE . P$r S IN TEN tOHEON W f T !!! J?t).-- DO ymgi ONLY COMES A YEARS ? i . DAV OFF! j.-mLrai Pl .' "t3 LJ w rlfft- 0 f PID YOU SAV CACTUS WOB ltT SURELY HAS(S I I NOT YET. HAP TO WAfT FDR A CJRECTO 1 lTTV- fV Y6EOSE THAT WHERE I'M lAHPSCAPE FOR tT. I MiETIWa. Q1JT 1 HAVE TUB OKAV , R 6LAP1PgIX)U,0UWTHil n.t.TOa,wc-. f TWNK1N6 OF BUU3HS A l SOLUP HAVE YOU &XI6HT now. I WAS GOING TO 6ENO Tj WHATRE XJJ POH6 OJT f I HAD SOME BUSINESS IN STUPO JUST ID AWE WESTERNS SOME LANP THEREQ AN A6ENT OUT IN A WEEi OR Mm U ONTWiCOASTI J LOS AN6ELES, SO I TH0U6HT . fek SO, BUT IP YOtrRE a0lN6 TO - i .1arfn IO JUST SAY HELLO. I'M ON r-C?!Naa J ll gfi THERE , I THINK I'LL Fine T J jit jklNWL6I:B fffl 1 eO,AYSELF ' r5gi syg Sf W&M Irog : - - 1 ) 1 ' n I i ...... i i i , i Em : 7. - ,.v THE JUDGH IN OUR V? t'M AFRAID EVE THAT ME A BIlw:wuniltiM GOODCHOICE''lH KATHARINE: r J ;f CONTENT MID MK4 IACR05SE l NATURE LIE THrt WILL GIRL FROM UFON THE CANADIAN fC . .WND---WELL MED.-lNTlLLI-fc 1 If S WA-.ANDiauOTE.."THEMT f 4EE Ml A4 A VtRY DULL l . B0Dt?SHEl NEED SOMEONE Jfltf GENTI.-llKt YOU WERE.' , Z U INCITING NEW TALENT T0FLA5H LA COMPANION MR ' 1 1 LmE YOU TO LEAN On!--TAKE JZZAA AC ROM THE ME4 IN MANY -Jmm OREENWOOD' 'Z I MR. WORTH OUT IN THE GARDEN 13 TrT"TTWlflrfS!-S?f'l w f-i " MONDAY -P.M. KSLM u"o KGW JS K0C0T KOIU An. 5:t rallaa Vmlt it. 9mmm'm ttcrtl Im Hrrfe ffhrlncr I rrinh Hnlfj ftvanr imt hlb KsBtfe Lilll iiow MPa.tn( Parida Stmt Ria Cribr ( Ink 15. CR -U I Cirmn C.rllr liMrn Mn4 rl rn V.iwt4 Mnrra m Kurfiim Maileul loir Csnttlrllibl KnJi Niiilii TH CmI, MIdBlihl Vlc f Vhtt RiBtlM JiU t,i Mil rirnl Hwfc Im ltMi Nr 7: nabrlfl nitr TlhH BBr Hvrt'a u Vlt Thtr l I NarihvMi Nwa TrltBbaa Hr Conslant Invadtr dl Tbtr M Muf Dr. 1. Q. To Rand Rdi Tbcair Mti Dr. I. Q. 1 Bmnd di Tblf SMAmritB PrM CataUf1 It Randtland Mr Friend I rata It I American Farvaa CanUnUd Haar Bandaland My FrUnd Irtaa ;a I CI if. Kid Kadi Clip Duaaal Dl Rob Hawk (thaw :Ciifa Kid riayhaaaa BatabaU Bab Ha ark thaw 9:MLI ficarta Da It Snavar Clab Bball lwill Tkiaiaa-- lilLrt Gaarit Da II Nawa af Warid Hat ball jrk Smith Shaw U Shrrlk Ralatas Caralrada Batrball Talent Sraata it ) Shtrlark Halaaaa Cataltada Baaaball Talent Sraata 1 A S, N Nwa FlTa liar Final Ml 11 8Uet Ucal Naws Haaria Pact Flail Bataball lnnat ftaaalaai B7:J Nawa Orehettra Baarball Innar Saartats ' MnaU Orchattra Baeball Ufa Pane n:M Fultaa lawla. Jr. 9mm Hajaa Track I4M Strenada ' II Bob Paala Shaw Carraat Chalaa Track lib Voa and WaHa WBab Paala Ibaw Matla Madema Track MM Orchtatra Malc Bab Bala Qmartal Track Ht Nawa it: I Blia Off tia i Off StB Off ailanl TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Nawt Nawa March Nawa f Tina Nawa Braakfsal GBf Braakfaal Gan To iradaa Barcala Coantar Vlatoi Lladlahr Mont f Pioaaan Mntle North waat Nawa Kale Smith Paatar'a Call Charlla Splvak Nawa Tbraa Seaa Wllea Oraanal. Haiti Saraoada Ladlaa Flril Ladlaa Plral Uncca far a Uuccb far a To Tradaa Nawa Nortbwcat Ncwa Bab gbcrly thai MuiTe Johnion Faaally Tell Nelthbar H.na 8 in ft 4 aa In it tha Slaraa Xialntt tha alaraa Haaar Gana IA Happ GiDf I M Sanaa af Tiai I Nrwa Radia Fadra Hada-a Padaa Nawa Fa rai Tlmt Farm Tlaia Tha Old laan Nawa Fred Waling Fred Warlac Rldart af Saa Sam Haraa Itecand Cap Saeand Cap Jack Bareh iwi S T Hanarmaaa N T Hanermaea Tommy Daraer Tammy Doraay Tammy Doraay Tommy Doraay Today's Chlldraa Brlchtar Day Doable ar Kelblnt Double ar Nathlnc Lliht af Warld T-lfa Bcaatlfal Ma Pcrklna Pcppar Taaat Happlneta Barkalaia Wlfa Stella Dallaa .areata Jaaaa Kidder Brawn A Gtrl Man-lea Portia Facea Llfa Jail Plain Bill Fraat Pae Farrall Road af Llfa l.ara Law tan A ant Mary Wa Lava lara Taa Kilter Nawa a Sparta Tap ' Marniaa Nawa Wet tern Mcladlaa Wetlcrn Meladlas Roma Slnfara Church (nWlld Haven of Rett Haven of Real Mmle Wltheal Wardi Ceffaa Cap N.W. Reparl Rhapaody Rhythm Rbapiady Rhythm Claat Wai Glaaa Wai Glaaa Wai Glaaa Wat Cvarykody'a Idaaa Orian Hoeda New Ted Dala Preacnta Mac'a Mctadlca Mac' Mclodlea Mac'a Mclodlea Mac'a Mclodlea Mac'a Mctodlaa" Mac'a Mclodlea Mac'a Mclodlea Mac'a Mclodlea Mac'a Mcladlaa Mac'a Mclodlea Mac'a Mclodlea Mac'a Mclodlea Women 'a Paaa Pbllmopher Spotlight Hatlo Spatllibl Mnala Nawa KOIN Klacb KOIN Klack KOIN Klack KOIN Klack Nawa Ncwa Fred Back Container Nawi Art Baker Robert Lcwia Robert Iewla Featsr Story Ncwa Grand tlaa Raemary Wendy Warraaj Aant Jenny Helas Trent Oar Gal Sunday Big Slater Ma Perklna Dr. Malana G aiding Light Daneaa McLeod Coma dr Get It Norah Drake Makca Voa Tick 2nd Mrt. Bartos Perry Maaan Pal O'Brlca lba Alr-fla Nawapapar mt Alt Newspaper a All M lnn-r Take All Tanefally Voura DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC. 659 Meet tha Mittaa Mel tha MIib Arthur Godfrey Artbar Godfrey Arthar tiodfray Arthur Gndfrcr Arthar Godfrey ilpy Monday P.M. S:M, Saalrral ,x UA Cage i 5:M. Jack Amur.... t:fr. Keeping Cp With Sparta; d:15. Home Edition. Challenge af Vakawi 1:M, Edwin C. Hillt 1:l. Elmer Davlai T:M. Prraldrnti S:00, !ne Ranrcri S:ia. Dream Girl; :4S. Arthar Gaclhi t:ftt, Railroad Kauri :M. Flla Mae Moraai :., Henrr J. Tarlori IU:WI. Richfield Report- art 10:1.1. Intermeiioi l:M, Concert Hoari 11:30, Mrmo la Tomorrow ; 1I;00, Xtra Uourt 1:00, Sign Off. ICY Turadir A.M ta l:ff P.M. :M, Karly Blrdt :lft, Eddia Arnoldi 7:00, MrCall Ncwa; 1:15, Bob Jobnon; 7: SO, Rnbert'a Almanart 1:1.1. Tlma Tem- S:iHi. Jl.trt and Marget S:lft. Martin Atroniky i S:.tfl, Zcke Manner i Eaay Arcai ff:D0. Brcakfait Clubt 10:00. Nawa 10 :U. Slara af Today I IO:SO. Kay Kvacri It :nn. Ted Malone; 11:111, Galen Drake) I I My True Stnrri lt:(W, Bflty Crorkcn ti: IB. The Ncwai IS:S0. Bank hare Talking) U:U, Club KOAC "" $m- m " haalt :. Mlcrphona Club; :M. Nawa i :la. Dinner Melodteat f:M, Matla af Caaehaalavaklai 7:18. Even lag Farm Hoar; S:oo, Rearera Talai 8:18. Great Storyi S:I8, New! t:M. Ma-le That En dareat Mcdltallanai 10:1, SfgB Off. (Listed aa Standard Time) ItfOAP roaaema am la : mt r Sry )0 n,W9, l0:6. Fat namaai 10:30. Payrhology af Family i 11:00, Con cert Hall. I2:IMI, Nrwn 11:15. Noon Farm Hourt 1:00, Ride m Cowboy; 1:15, Var iety Tlmei 1:80, Melody Lanci t:00. World la Out Affaln 1:50. Book it t:15, Memory Rook af Musk; :00, Ncwa, Timet 1:00, North wetternera; 1:M, Kar West) t;On, Rrrakrait In Hoilywondi X:i, Ladlaa Rr Seated; 3:00. SurprH Parkacei :S0. Bride and Groom i 4:00, Welcomo Travelera; 4:8, Art Llnklrtter. School Scribes Elect Indep endence The high school Journalism club elected officers for the first semester in the fall. They are: President, Al ice Rowland and a close runner- up, Alan Harwood who was then elected vice president by a una nimous vote. Secretary Is Pat Magquier. The editor and Hop ster Herald staff will not be elected until next fall. is. ACROSS L Sailor 4, Promontorlta t. Uncooked 12. Ueiainteroui rock IS. Provwrb 14. Msht be for holiday Ik. Baaed UIon aiperimatit IT. Uetlk-lnitl liKSrett 19. DIllKf-cd 20. Govctd SI. Wet 23. Artdrtaica Haa S7. Farts of church ta Art 1 0ctal Uosuag Tub Lr Tolumia Nothing; Son of Judafc Elector Old hair-do Covara tha Inside aitalB Itarta a trie auddenly Country PufT Kind of rock Capricious Purpoaa Brother at Moaea HtatorlcaJ period tltlnelLjAPB C 0O.MI I 'UIMfljMjA ols lit1 Rl I ADD E R I IS a3Ti iii-Qn op t ap piayIre,n t s3h o,w bTe iRjsIwc' Si I ICiAiN'T GUN EASEL Fie;eiT iicRJllW. Dl I iM. ElTiEIR - T;EISR.01 Solution el Saturday1. Puul 49. VtHUW (0. Custom II. Hold bad 7 3 7 i 5 7 3 T io a a n t nr 21 az ', 2J 34 2S 'r '4, 91 ''.. DOWN I. Pedal digit i. Limb S. Redecorate 4. Vlllata In Ohla a. Mine entranca t. Moccaaln I. For ezamplai abbr. t. Obtains I. Old mualcal lnstrumaot 10. Salutation U. Fabric IS. Taverns 1L Ilex lean nib ber treea 20. Stream 21. Wanderer 22. Cognizant 21. Matrons 24. Hackneyed 86. Bo t torn u tha feat II. Famoui 30. Part of an automobile) 31. Whinnied 33. Small bottle 34. Highwayman It. Andean boat of burden 37. Gleam 19. Choke up 40. Undermlns 41. Hurry 42. Title of a monk 43. Ma'avan coin 44. "wMt potato 47. While ROOM AND BOARD By Gen Ahern W when Pinky took 11? but wmem vduh ..T.T . ME TO A PENNY f COUSIN ROBiM TOOK f5?' I ARCADE TOR AN WE OUT FOR AN ;' I'lTWERENT; Evening. I yi Evening and S.' that he j Thought HE wS Spent rr in watchinS V Hs, ECD : S THE TIGHTWAD TELEVISION PUOGRAAAS): 7, t A i ' T ROBIN AS THE NEW J . ALL( ' VN N. CHEAP-SKATE ,a.