KT. ANOIL COtTHT: alary ef Justice ,,,.$ Fee of Justie ,,,,, is 40 FM of Juror 9 00 Fa of Witness 1.70 Miscellaneous Bonl Totals t MT. ANOEL JUSTICE COURT CONST ABU: Salary of Constable ...9 Fe of Constable Travel Expense Civil Travel Expense Criminal Bond 1 It 96 Total .79 SILVERTON JUSTICE COURT JUSTICE : Salary of Justie Salary of Clerk Fees of Justice 140 M Fea of Juror I 00 Fees of Wltnwu 14.30 Fees of Reporters Off lcl al Bond 10 00 MlaceUaneoiu I 10 Kent no. oo Offle Supplies ft Expense I IM.It 110.00 I coot 00.00 110 00 696 Total iio.iQ SILVERTON JUSTICE COURT CONSTABLE: Sit try of Conxtibl I Fee of Constable i.o Travel Expense criminal Travaj Expense Olvll Office Supplies A Expense Bond Premium Totals Tl tToO STAYTON JUSTICE COURT JUSTICE: Salary of Jiutie I Salary of Stenographer Fee of J lis tie 04 90 Fees of Juror 10 M Feea of Witnesses 0.00 Miscellaneous 0.00 Bond Rnt Postage Stationery Total I 117.00 STAYTON JUSTICE COURT CONSTABLE: Salary of Coast abl Feu ol Constable 30.90 Travel Exp-nse Civil Travel Experts Criminal Office Supplle A Expense Bond Total 30.30 WOODB'JRN JUSTICE COURT JUSTICE: Salary of Justice f Salary of Secretary Ten of Justice 43.69 Fee of Jurora Fee of Witnesses 9.79 Fees of Reporter Official Bond Miscellaneous Sup A Exp 10.00 Rent Office Equipment Total ... 0 13.30 WOODBURN JUSTICE COURT CONSTABLE: Salary of Constable S Fee of Constable M.90 Travel Expense Civil Travel Expense Criminal Bond 3 00 U S3 340.00 56 70 t 1,406.71 115.00 100M 37.30 15.10 50 30 1.011 M I 1.371 00 14.70 t 1.433 70 l no. 00 I 350.00 I 3,035.00 90 00 340 00 111.10 t 1.1 II. 19 I 450.00 108 33 80 83 10.40 160 00 100.00 1.150 30 9 13000 I 1 t 1.1 68 35 6.30 11.10 33.30 111.00 14.30 90.55 31.34 oo, do 130 00 16.60 550 00 0 80 114 41 15.85 13.35 35 00 53 20 90.00 113.05 t 1,631.40 f 10000 11 84 10 00 Total 50.10 JUVENILE COURT: Salary of Juvenile Officer I 3.400.00 Salary of Asst. Probation Off 1.383.30 Salary of Clerk 38.10 Transportation 366.00 Telephone A Teleitraph 53.30 F'ate Industrial Accident In 50.30 Miscellaneous 100. 4L Supplies 37.70 Postage ft Express ifl.nft Juvenile Hospital 436.76 Office Equipment New Car Total 0 4.096.07 OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER: Salary of Recorder I 3.415.00 Salary of Chief Deputy 1.800.00 Salary of Deputy 1,693.80 Salary of Deputy 1,539.50 Salary of Deputy , 1.433.40 Salary of Deputy 1.034.01 Salary of Deputy 040.10 Postage ft Ex pre 475.00 Office Supplies 087.54 Telephone ft Teleiraph . 70.30 Official Bond 1500 Photostat Supplle 4,311 10 Miscellaneous 14.30 State Industrial Accident In 1.31 Office Equipment Total 116.510.15 REGISTRATIONS ft ELECTIONS: Salary of Election Clerk 3 130.00 Wane of Ret ft Elee. Clerks 074.40 Fee- of Election Judge ft Clerk 7,031.60 Election Supplies 975.70 Rent of Polling Place 883 50 Canvassing Vote 30S.60 Dravage 394.10 Postage llfj.lS Registration Supplies 81.41 Fees of Registrar 5390 Miscellaneous .. 500 Equipment Total 110,717.17 I 14.30 I 3.700 00 3.400 00 440.30 330.03 111.15 75.03 141.34 83.84 16.50 380.50 141.00 9 0.711.40 9 3.4IS.OO 1,980.00 1.733 AO 1.740.00 1.073.00 1.6430 1.111.41 450.00 1,004. 90 15.50 15.00 9,370 90 31.10 4.87 313.00 9 300.00 1.003.51 4.311.60 1.733.43 513.00 103.30 319 71 93.58 143.43 113.10 49.36 178.30 9 1.099.19 9 3.520 00 3.333.00 1.988.30 1,730.13 860 31 3.936.08 1.990.00 OFFICE OF COUNTY SHERIFF TAX DEFT: Salary of Chief Tax Deputy 3.340 0 Salary of Tax Deputy (Cashier) 901. Salary of Tax Deputy 1.440.0 Salary of Tax Deputy 1.819.9 Salary o! Tax Deputy 1.030.9 Extra Clerks ft Overtime 089 6 Salary of Bkktng Machine Over 9.300.1 Salary of Ass't. Machine Oper Salary of Ass't. Cashier Postage ft Express 1.3100 Of r lee Supplies ft Expenses 1,700.4 Traveling Expenses 132.7 Official Bond 10.O State Industrial Ace. Ins 157.8 Advertising 39.0 Telephone and Telegraph 76.0 Office Equipment 1.786.4 Totals 117.781.34 119,115.01 121.447.68 OFFICE COUNTY SHERIFF TAX DIPT: NEW ASS EBSMENT ROLL EQUIPMENT Equipment t 3 OFFICE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR: Salary of Surveyor I 3,400.00 Salary of Clerk Office Supplies and Expenses 979.10 Telephone ft Telegraph 01.10 State Industrial Accident In 17.11 Official Bond Index 300.00 Traveling Expenses Miscellaneous Office Equipment 00.11 1.316 00 1.385 53 195.50 35 00 196.37 13.66 76.90 1.003.96 966 00 76.00 10.04 1.350 00 1.488 10 50.74 40.00 76.33 . 81 00 1.043.34 Total I 3.072 63 OFFICE OF COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT: Salary of Superintendent Salary of Supervisor Salary or Supervisor Salary of Deputy ft Attendance , Salary of Clerk Postage ft Express Office Supplle a Expenses Telephone ft Telegraph Institute Fund Exam Tr.--.ttng Program) Official Bond Snot, ft Truant Officer Travel E Supervisor's Traveling Expense Miscellaneous Rent State Industrial Accident Ins Office Equipment . Total RURAL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: 4-H Club Aient Clerical Hire Traveling Expense Material ft Expenses , Telephone A Telegraph Boys A Oirl 4H Club Fair Tour , Equipment Rent Payment to Extension Service Totals , HOME DEMONSTRATION AO INT Orlcal Hire Traveling Expenses Materia la ft Expenses , Telephone ft Telegraph ; Equipment , Rent , Payments to Extension Service , Totals OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER: Salary of Treasurer Salary of Deputy Advertising Potfaae ft Express Office Supplies ft Expenses Telephone ft Telearaph Traveling Expenses Official Bond Miscellaneous Robbery Insurance State Industrial Accident Ins Office Equipment ,.8 3.4100 3.300 00 1.00 00 1.020 .00 1,61900 338.30 029.10 1040 194.00 401.40 6.00 149 30 199 50 HI .50 9 1.033.14 9 3 416 00 3.640.00 2.100.00 3.140.00 1.738 87 315 00 1.084 80 137.30 13 00 37 80 8 00 191.64 469 00 10 17 91)0 00 30 30 4.30 1. 600,00 1.980.00 361.00 100.10 ' 6 00 60.70 398.00 344.10 I 6.6J7 14 9 9.600 00 3.000 00 2.400.00 3.304 00 1,956.00 160 00 843.43 311.65 134.60 390 00 5 00 129.95 641.79 49 50 1,110.00 77.07 313 Totals I 4.099 44 VETERANS- SERVICE OFFICE: Service Officer 11.17100 Secretary 071 00 Telephone and Teleoraph 90 o Supplies 04 00 Pwteee . . 04 00 Travel Expense 30 40 S'ate In -lust rial Accident Ins 74 Crfftr Equipment ... 13919 Totals I 3,939.19 PROTECTION TO PERSONS ft PROPERTY: Scalp bounty 1 It 00 Sealer ot Weights Measure T81T S ate Industrial Accident Ins Microfilming OFFICE OF COUNTY SHERIFF LEGAL DIPT Salary of Sheriff 9 3.700 00 Silary of CiW Deputy 3 3 40 00 Salary of Deput 1.114 00 Salary of Dput? 3 114 00 eWiary K Deputy 1,141.91 I 1.000 00 I 9.416 00 1.964 00 60 36 100 00 149 10 16 00 19 06 9 9,544 IT 1,300 00 73 47 40 00 05 50 131 33 1 91 9 3 100 AO 3 610 M I 1A4 00 3 1A4 M 1.994 09 9 3.900 00 I 1.000 00 9.134 00 111 85 10 00 118 43 93 50 14.40 19 00 91600 I 9.461 13 671 41 118 90 113 00 007 61 9.001.71 9 444 0 9 64 00 1.644 00 3.038 40 1.591 19 30.50 40833 115.001 40 9 943.40 1,600 00 1,00.00 192.73 61.35 12 00 3 60 146 00 I 1.900 00 1.560 00 1.20 no 1.12 00 1,050 00 36 00 740 23 09 70 140.95 110 00 112 39 I 9,903 94 I 4.550.09 9 9 1.900 00 1.133 00 138 96 130 OS 46 50 907 60 9100 30 00 500 10 00 300 100 00 130 00 9 145 00 9 9.100 00 76 00 100 00 35.00 300 50 00 9 3,55.00 9 900 00 30 00 30 00 00 00 10.00 1.470.0 60 00 60 00 00.00 84 00 300 00 40.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I 3.950.00 9 600.00 9 707.00 6 997.50 9 910.00 8 2.940.00 9 1.530 00 9 3.000 00 3.640 00 1,440 00 3.880 00 1,360.00 782 90 1,500.00 319 .13 138 14 400 00 165.66 74.71 100.00 56.78 8 03 150.00 101.84 01 97 7 00 30.00 101 00 20.00 1 439.04 573.97 1,500.00 13.05 10.00 600.00 005.70 700.00 9 0.636.50 8 6,404.40 910.535.00 9 3.000.00 9 1. 900.00 8 1,000 00 3.330.00 1.300 00 3.400.00 3.049.93 1.093.75 3.230 00 1,894.67 1. 110.00 2.320 00 1.805.60 1.00.00 2.230.00 1.980.83 1. 050.00 2.220.00 670.00 3300 2.230.00 542.70 63 00 000.00 3.233.17 336.47 1,300.00 64.45 40 80 96 00 15.00 100 1 00 3.814.30 1,853 25 4.000 00 394.51 61.46 100.p M'i.30 358 32 600 00 130,643.31 110,16296 933.671.00 8 3,490 00 1 1.350.00 1 2.700 00 3.433.30 1.781.00 3.32 00 8,503.40 5.736.64 10,000.00 1,54.87 1,523.33 2,000.00 . 1.073 50 64 0 1,100.00 105.11 646.74 400 00 514 80 149.30 500.00 234.00 135.00 20 00 143.85 111.40 500.00 430.50 112.50 400.00 83.48 17.41 10 00 4,713.24 570.00 3,100.00 32,578.02 112,786.63 123.335.00 9 3,940.00 9 1.500 00 9 3.000.00 3.473.00 1.396.00 2.592.00 3,260.00 1,300 00 3,400 00 1.139.00 1.200.00 2.400.00 766 00 047.80 2.400.00 4.830.10 1.990 3.300 00 3.400.00 1,300.00 3.330.00 1.400 00 3.000.00 too 00 930.00 100 00 too 00 300.00 3.600 00 3,100 00 500 00 too 00 00.00 100 00 50 00 00.00 1 7,040.00 I 3.600 00 3.130 00 1.000.00 3.104 00 3.100 00 300 00 150 00 10 00 300.00 000 00 5 00 400 00 400 00 50 00 1,110.00 18.D89.O0 9 1.966 00 000 no 310 00 . 100 00 52 00 80 no 76 no 16 00 170 00 3.950 00 I 1.000 00 3,244 00 ton oo 100 00 ln oo 100 00 9 7.977 00 I 9.730 00 3 040 no 10 no 30 00 300 00 200 00 150 00 9 300 00 I 3 M 00 j ono no 3 inn no 3 ion 00 9,700 00 to 00 600 10 00 15 00 9 160.00 9 130 00 10 00 I 16 on 36 00 I 3.10000 000.00 460.00 100.00 Bstlmated Pleesl Period July 1. 1944 July 1. 1041 30.00 30 00 60 00 60.00 9 3,100 00 960.00 14 00 ISO 00 00.00 Salary of Deputy Salary of Deputy Salary of Deputy (Ntfht) Salary of Deputy Emergency Labor Fund Extra Deputy Uniform Allowance Criminal Deputy Detroit -Mann Dist. , Postage ft Express Office Supplies Expenses Telephone A Telegraph Traveling Expenses Criminal Traveling Expense Civil Official Bond Stste Industrial Accident Ins Miscellaneous Radio Equipment ft Repairs Transportation Transportation Idanha-Detrolt District Office Equipment New Cars New Car Idan ha-Detroit District Totals RODENT CONTROL PREDATORY ANIMAL CONTROL I RATIONING BOARD 1 KEEP OREGON GREEN COMMITTEE I DEVELOPMENT QF NATURAL RESOURCES: ADVERTISING 8 OFFICE OF COUNTY AOENT: Salary of Clerk 1 Salary of Horticulturist ft Osst, Aient .... Office Supplies ft Expenses Traveling Expenses Telephone A Telegraph Equipment . Payments to Extension Service Juno 10. 1940 ... 1.M4 10 14 00 104 04 16120 13011 1,614 96 1.330 61 10 00 390 96 181.44 33 09 Jitae 90. 147 9 .104 00 3.000.00 103 00 111 u 393 40 1.460 15 1.81 64 Jus a 10. 194 1.81 1.1500 107 3 1193 141. 47 My 1. 1944 to Dee. 11. 194 1.3900 1.194.46 1.301.11 407 4 471 36 Set line ted and Appropriated July 1. 194 to Mao 90, 1440 1,700 eo 3.100 00 1,100 00 64 0 343 66 11.41 940.00 135 00 960 00 360.00 attmate of Expenditures 149-50 1.830 00 1.830 00 J.830 00 1,100 90 30 00 3.830 M 4S0 00 I 000 00 I 1.039 00 9 340.00 100 00 30 00 10.00 36 00 I 395.00 3 on 300 160.00 300.00 15 00 35.00 1 840.00 9 3.180 00 1.000 00 1.560. on 400.00 100.00 100.00 IS .00 20,00 1.600.00 150.00 110.385.00 9 3.i)0 00 3,580.00 2.340.00 2.340.00 3.340.00 3,340.00 .00 no,oo 1,300 00 100.00 15 on 4.000.00 100.00 600.00 123.055.00 3,820.00 3,225 00 7,500.00 3.000.00 800.00 ino.oo 300.00 3sn.no 250.00 400 00 150.00 600.00 I18.B95.C 8 3,120.00 2.712 00 2.S2O.00 3.530 00 3.S20.A0 4.S00 00 3.640 00 3.520.00 3.510.00 1.800 00 3,400.00 50.00 390.00 100 00 ion on 300.00 130,613.00 I 3,389.45 35.00 300 00 50.00 600.00 9 1.395.00 1 3.400 00 1 240 00 i.isw on 3.104 on 3.320 O0 300 00 70 00 10 00 4no on 000 00 on 400.00 400 00 m oo 1.330.00 100. t 3,800 00 73n on 310 01 110.00 3in on I 4.550 00 1 1.000 on no or 310 on lift oo 170. 00 9 1.000 9 1 000 00 2.384 on 10 on inn oo 3o on loo oo 30 00 313 00 60 on 150.00 150 00 9 1,164 00 I I 940 on 1,060 00 150 Of) 30 00 300 00 900 00 190 00 I I 970 00 I 300 00 60f 00 1 non on 4.000 00 3 1 onn on 3 13ft no I 810 oo 3 830 00 3.U0.OC ..117.307.94 ..8 318 41 140 00 033.60 100 00 35 00 10 6 991.71 98 00 11560 41 64 1.003 30 136 5 (49 19 31 00 300 00 6.3 87J 30 417.15 600 00 000 00 1 .757.76 1.251 41 1.000 00 1 000 00 500 00 15 1 708 7 103 01 100 00 100 00 4.471 1.114.30 1.10000 122.366.10 137,193.71 117,694 90 137.313.00 138.975 0 6 169.7 147.30 9 30 00 t 30 00 1 1,136.93 1 1,308 57 9 950.00 1 1.340.00 1 1,600 00 4 100. 00 9 100.00 t 100.00 9 10000 9 100.00 I 300.00 I 300 00 9 300 00 1 300 00 1 300.00 1 I I I 1.130 00 9 4.000 00 1,00 00 1,00 00 400 00 500 00 1.300 0O 1.300 00 300 00 30 00 160 00 000.00 Totals 8 9.13000 OFFICE OF COUNTY HORTICULTURIST: Payments to Extension Service 9 3. 3 10. 00 Totals I 3.710.00 WILLAMETTE RIVER PROJECT 3 80000 WATER MASTER .1 100 00 OFFICE OF COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER: Kl Public Health Physician II 1 4.931 09 K10 County Sanitarian 3.300 no Kit County Sanitarian (City) 3,000.00 K13 County Sanitarian (City) KI3 Senior County Sanitarian (City) K14 County Sanitarian Clty K20 Co. Director of P H. N 3.M0 01 K21 Co. P. H. N. (City) 976.61 K22 CO. P. H. N. 2.320.00 K23 Co. P. H. N 1.05.01 K24 Co. P. H. N 1.403.59 K2S Co. P H. N. iSchOoll 3,14 00 K26 Co. P. H. N. (School) 1,933.44 K27 Co. P. H N K38 Assist. Co P. H N. . .. 1,939 3 K39 Kellogg Supervising Co. P. H. N K30 Kellogg Co. P. H. N. K31 Kellogg Co. P. H. N K32 Kellogg CO. P. H. N ft K33 Kellotcg Co P. H. N KM Clerk-Stenographer n 1.451 45 KM Clerk-Stenographer I 1.318.79 KS2 Clerk-Typist I 1.3400 KM Clerk-Typist I 1.39 69 KS4 Clerk-Typist I 911.6 K60 County Health Educator Rent 1.0108 Printing Post, a Off. Supp. Etc 805.41 Laboratory 3.00.11 X-Ray ft Fliioioscope 497.10 Transportation (2.000.00 Kellogg) 2.658 45 Medical Servlro 1.174 90 Dental Service 31 50 Medical Supplies 1,718 16 State Industrial Accident Ins 98.36 Retirement Rodent Supplies ft Expenses Clinical Psychiatrist K65 313 76 Office Equipment 716 80 New Car (County) 1,784.15 New Csrs (Kellogg) Totals 144,983 40 GARBAOE P1SPOSAL HERD INSPECTOR: TB A BANGS DISEASE TESTING FEES 113,031.10 INDEMNITY FOR SLAUGHTER OF DISEASED CATTLE 9 007 94 REGISTRARS OF VITAL STATISTICS ....I 1.36 CHARITIFS A CORRECTIONS: FEEBLE MINDED EXAMS ft EXPENSE ...9 00 00 INDIGENT OLDIER RELIEF 9 100.00 INSANE EXAMINATION A CARE: Examination Pee I 430 00 Traveling Expense 17.50 Miscellaneous ...... JO 4.130 00 4.060 00 T 440 00 4.220 00 4.440.00 7.450 00 3.310 00 3.510OO I 3.310 00 3.510 00 I 400 00 8 (10 OO 9 (00 00 I 501.93 1 530.53 1 301.11 (.100 00 9.0O6 62 3.70 00 s.nnono i.ioooo 1,14000 1.000 00 1.300.00 1.740 0ft 1.890 00 1,166.04 1,740.00 1. 590.0O 3.000 00 3.179 IS 1.740 00 1,26 77 3 819 26 1.1R3 00 3.400.1)0 2,590 00 100 00 3,315 no 3.819 27 1.031 0 1.925 89 3.56 61 1,21)6 39 1,996.40 3.170 no 1,179 68 3.412.00 2.600 00 1.380 00 1.8J0.00 1.111 67 1. 343.53 1.320.00 L 006 .94 1.677 58 3.470 00 1,360 00 1.871.29 3.110 00 1.110 00 1,30. II 1 100 6 915 00 1.446.00 1.46 19 92 00 3.28.14 1.886 39 1,048.20 2.160.00 3.910.0O 23 00 3.194 17 3.224 45 1.140 0 1.713.07 1,661 7 1.567.80 1.841.61 1.747 40 679 1 735.10 774 00 91 10 2. 589.56 3.169 96 1.321 03 2.213 2 3.967 93 1,746. 56 33 00 1. OAS 00 53 SO 1,691.95 1.697 06 993 33 137.17 165.74 170.49 1,081.72 IS 8i 418 75 803 50 105 08 969.30 523.86 33.67 3.296.83 1,836.40 1.883.60 157.695.61 8 259.40 1 50 00 9 117.20 643.517.55 8 664.3 9 69 77 9 1636 300 00 203.00 7 500 00 3.430 00 3.4RO 00 3.78n 00 3 480 00 1.160 00 3 480 00 3.000.00 3.120.00 2.820 00 2.640.00 2.940 00 2.630 00 2..S20 00 3.830.00 3,000 00 3 000 00 3.000 00 3.000.00 3.000 00 2, 520 00 3.230 00 t.920 00 1 920 00 1.740 00 1.240 00 2 260 00 3.000 00 2.nn no 1.400 no 6.000 no 4.000 no i.oon no 2, son no 163.80 1.014 10 son oo 3,400 no 600.00 3.000.00 1.500.00 1131.016.10 I 6.000. 0O 130 000 00 8 1,150.00 9 300 00 I 1.000 00 Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 28, 19499 7 620 00 1. 540.00 2.480.00 3.780 00 3.480 00 3.180 on 1. 600.00 3.000 on 3.240.00 2 140. on 3.760 00 3.940.00 2.620 00 2.640.00 2.940.00 1.600 00 3.000.00 1.000.00 3.000.00 1,000 00 3.640.00 3 340 00 3.040 00 3.04P 00 1.860 00 1 160 00 3.000 00 3.500 00 3.S00 00 1.(00 Oft 5.000.00 4.500 00 S oon oo 2,600 00 542.00 l.ooo no 500 on 1. 500.00 6no no 3, 000. 0.1 4,500.00 1130.583.00 110.000.00 1 1.150 00 135 00 1 900 00 15.00 Total 1 441.1 COUNTY JAIL: Board ot Prisoners 9 1.190 54 Supplies 131.51 Repairs A Improvements 406 Medical Supplies, Hospitalisation 55.11 Fuel 111,00 Laundry San. Serv ............ 30,60 Radio Transmitter 13.03 Office Equipment 73,(6 Totals I 8.190-11 CARE OF POOR, MISCELLANEOUS: Care of Court Committed Children I 3.108.78 COUNTY PUR. ASSISTANCE FOR BLIND .1 4,487.10 GENERAL ASSISTANCE 131,573.68 AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN 146.017.40 OLD AGE 1170.301.30 UNCLASSIFIED: EMERGENCY 1 4.940 1 REBATE OF TAXES PD. IN ADVANCE ...851.301 IS RETIREMENT tPrior Years) CIVIL DEFENSE 9 91591 RENT RETIREMENT (CURRENT) CHERRY FLY CONTROL 9 109 44 9 608.85 8 977.00 351.16 6 (15.00 1 (75 00 9 4.341 ft ( 4,635 31 9 1.S39.9X 9 9,(00 00 9 1.000 00 414 44 309 11 331 30 315 00 400 On 368 61 154 84 11 36 300 0(1 200 00 85 02 406 61 11.51 10 .00 400 00 303.72 1S6 46 102.55 US 00 200 00 91.62 70.9 1 22.(4 175.00 60 00 11.55 32 33 300.00 300 00 9 7,478.49 7,747.7 9 3.916 6 I 8.075.00 9 9,450.00 8 1.734.97 1 1.883 38 I 1,038. 6( I 3,500.00 9 3,500 00 I 1.711.40 I 3.730.00 ' 9 1.42ROO I 3.86 00 I 3.034.00 113.996.72 149.73 5 64 3 25.200.00 1 50,400.00 163,800 00 863.377.80 148.600 00 124,300.00 145.600.00 347.733 00 9191.S94.8S 1135.000.00 151.071.55 1105.750.00 9114.611.00 9 4.513 95 US, 000 M 938.000.00 159.739.7 173 373 72 117.70 3 (60,000 00 0t 1 6.301.99 ( 1,344.54 8 7.100.00 1 7.100,00 9,400 00 9 9.039 30 I 7,166 46 I 3.833 54 9 9.000 00 9 6.000 00 9 7(3.11 1 386 73 I 4915 I 1,300 00 1.300 00 MARKET ROADS IMPROVEMENTS: Bridge Construction Improvements Right ot Way July 1.194 to June 10, 1949 ,.l 9.526 54 41,015.7 Totats MARKET ROAD MAINTENANCE: Ordinary Maintenance (415 Miles) MARKET ROAD REVENUE: Delinquent Taxes and Rebates .... Miscellaneous Revenue . . . Expendid Fiscal Periods July 1, 194 July 1. 1947 to to June 30. 1947 June 30. 1044 11.418 75 972.590 90 47.253.61 41.037 (0 1 1.043.94 170.811.91 9125.004 (7 113.391.57 262.61 July 1. 1949 to Dec. 31. 19a Sift. 431. 61 32.875 01 130.30 Estimated and Appropriated July 1. 1948 158.912.3 110.461.00 9 7,770 24 403.41 171.926 (4 151,697.81 175.000.00 1(8 000,00 Estimate of Expenditures 1940-60 140.000 00 50.000 00 6.000 00 195.000.00 192.000 00 I 3.000 nn 35n.O0 Totals t 3.250.00 ROADS AND HIGHWAYS FUND July 1.1946 to Expended Fiscal Periods July 1, 1944 July 1. 1947 Juna 30. 14 IMPROVEMENT FOR DEDICATED ROADS RD. CONSTRUCTION A MAINTENANCE .119.001.39 OENERAL ROAD FUND: Road Districts Outsld of Salem 11)6, '.44 90 COUNTY ROADS, BRIDGES A FERRIES: Salary of Enoncer 9 98o Halarv of Clerk Salary ot Extra Clerk Of.'ice Supplies A Expenso Telephone ft Telegraph Postage ft Express .. Official Bond Sts'.e Industrial Accident Ins Traveling Expense Office Equipment .. 1.373.10 5. 88 16 65 (00 167 60 Sub-Totals 3,646.63 Retirement Fund For construction, Imp-ovement A main tenance of Public Hithways. Roads, Bridges and Fernei and all labor in connection therewith Including wages of foreman and ferryman, etc , pur ch nses, maln:enance and operation of road equipment: general and adminis trative expenses In connection there with, etc 47.96 (4 Total 10.(1414 (o June 30. 147 140.100 50 110.03(44 9 3.49 77 1.488 67 S 00 310 77 0 6(1 5.00 15 57 11 55 450.00 6.135.18 6.995.53 to June 30. 194 116,184 16 1318.494 34 9 4 410 00 3.100 00 4(0 3 as 55 9 00 7.603.69 9.156. IT Estimated and Appropriated Inly 1. 1949 Estimate of to Expenditures June 30, 194 1949-50 976,0 1 3.3(0 iHt 1,170 on 66 (4 117 70 49 30 I 00 6 00 3.703 00 3.91 34 100 00 300 00 10 00 30 00 6.00 135.0 150.000.00 3 4 60 00 2.410 O0 100 00 300 00 isn on 30 00 6 00 ' 13.006 00 1109.830 00 Ten Dollars per Capua on Faplla , Tn cent per capita on pupils, 33 A6 on censtts ... COUNTY SCHOOL FUND Expendid Fiscal Periods July 1.114 July 1. 149 July 1. 1947 to to to June 10. 14 June 30. 147 June 30. 1049 ,.9313 418 0 1304 (63 06 1323 614 0 COUNTY SCHOOL LIBRARY FUND Dec 31. 14 1116.753 CI Estimated and Appropriated July 1. 1949 to June in. 14 1311.520 00 Estimate of Expenditures 1949-50 I339.SO0 00 COMPUTATION OF TAX LEVIES Year 194-. 0 Juiy 1, 194 to June 9. 16 Total Budget Expenditures Estimated Delinquency , Total Requirements .. Las Estimated Misc. Revenue? , Less Expendable Surplus July L 194 , General Fund ..9 917 3156 50.981 1 104.0 100 RnadS Highway Fund 9 611.620 00 I 631.(30 00 448 sen no 91.20 00 Market Rnad Fund 1 lainnnmr 2r.no no 9 207 500 oo 2.250 no County School Find 9 338 8.n 00 12,611 00 9 111.748 00 13.164 no eV.honl Library Fund 9 3,260 216 60 f. 517 20 338 40 ESTIMATED MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Estimate of Receipts far Year 1949-60 A Coverlac Period Iron July 1, 140 to Juno 10, 15 OENIRAL GOVERNMENT: County Clerk Fees Courty Recorder s Fees District Court Fee District Court Coiutable Fees Reporter's Fee Breitrnbush Justice Fee Bre:tenbuh Constable Fee Jefferson J'.istice Fee Jefltrson CmMable Fees Mt. Anael Justice Fees Mt. Ar.geJ Cin-Mable Fees 8 lerton Justice Fees SilVerton Constable Fees St a ton Justice Fees St avion Constable Fes Woodburn Justice For Woodhurn Constable Fees Surveyor's Fees Coi'Bty Sheriff Fee. Health Officers Fee. Etc Fines ft Bail Forfeiture Interest on Deposit. Etc Interest on Delinquent Taxes ft Rebate Cedlt) .... Dog Licence in Excess of II M. O. ft C. I.and Grant Tax Sale of Property, Etc , Miscellaneous Collection Expense Refund Cutt'e Testing Program Rent , 8l'B TOTAL (Revenue other than taxation) , PROPERTY TAXES Levies of Prior Years , Yield Taxes Proposed Levy for 141-1 lnsMe limit .( 6M.M0.M I .00 9 905.350 00 9 396,860 00 9 1,3(6. 80 Proposed Levy for 1149-1960 outside 6 limit , General Fund and OM Ase lvy Combined In addition to the amounts shown above there U an Item of 9200 006 oo Road Sinking Fund, est (mated to be expended and i (Oenerally these expenditures will be shown In Oenerai Road A Market Road Funds t COMPUTATION OP TAX LEVIES Year 14. 114 July 1, 14 t Jum 9. 14 , ,.9 39 600 00 ,. 27.500 00 ,. 13.000 00 t.snoM ,. 4 000 00 1.00000 ,. 30 00 ,. 1.500 00 ,. 3 00 3 00 2 no ,. 1,256 00 9.000 00 300 00 300.00 6 400.OO , 76.163,14 7.000.00 s.ono no , o.soo no , 800 00 , 95.000 00 7,500 00 9,000 00 isnoo , 7.500 00 , 7,500 00 , 329.111.14 Total Revenue 4364.411-14 ESTIMATED AND APPROPRIATED ROADS A HIGHWAY SINKING FUND 1200.000.00 (Chapter 117 Oregon Ls 1943 1 Satinet of Receipt ROADS A HIGHWAY FUND REVENUE: Year 1940-50 Delinquent Taxes aoo 00 Forest Rental ft Sales 15 000 00 Fines A Bail Forfeitures 16,000 00 Yield Taxes (0 00 Miscellaneous 7,000 00 State Apportionment Motor Tax 410,000 00 Delinquent Taxes on Special Road Districts 10 00 Log Hauling Permits 1.000.00 Totals 1448.60.00 NEW COURT HOUSE FUND New Court House Estimated and Appropriated to June 30, 194 1450,000.0 C6UNTYPUBLICASSISTANCE FOR OLD AGE EXPENSES AssiManct for Old Ase 91M04.B4) REVENUE Apportionment of Liquor Tax .1 4,00000 Apportionment of Amusement Tax 10.000.00 Tots, Revenue 119,000.0; i NO LEVY) DOG LICENSE FUND EXPENSES: Salarv of Dog Control Board Enforcement Officer Collection' on Penalty Basis Salary of License Clerk Indemnity to Sheep Owners .... ( Collection Expenses Surplus to General Fund Expenses Of Board Traveling Expenses Total Expenditures A Appropriation REVENUE: Dog Licenses 1NO LEVY! ..I 1.990 00 10 00 ,.. 1.200.00 ... 4,500.00 00000 ,.. 800.00 180 OO COUNTY PROPERTY REVOLVINO FUND EXPENSES: Salary of Property Clerk 13.940.00 M&lntenanre of Property, ett 1,000.00 Salary of Office Clerk 000 0 Foreclosure Expenses 600 00 Indirect Expenses 600.00 To General Fund To Other Funds A Districts 1.000.00 Total Expenses 18. 40.00 REVENUE Sale of Property .16.440 0 Interest on Contracts . 600M Total Revenue 9O.94O.0O (NO LEVY) PHOTOSTAT REVOLVINO FUND EXPENSES: Photostat Supplies 14.000 00 Depreciation 355.00 Total Appropriation ...14.355 00 RECEIPTS: Charges to Dept. Using Equipment 64.34 00 Cash Sales t 10 00 Total Revenue .14.355.00 (NO LEVY) ROAD OPERATIONS REVOLVINO FUND: Purchase of Road Equipment 1 35,000.00 Gasoline. Oil. Repairs, Operators Wages A Operating Supplies for all County Road Equipment, Purchase of Stores etc.. Operation of County Shops 400.000 00 Total Expenditures 1435.000 00 REVENUE: Chant ea to other accounts 3435,000.00 INO LHVY) LAW LIBRAHr: Expense .... ............ .12.000 00 Revenue 33.000.00 (NO TAX LEVY COUNTY FAIR FUND: Expenses 115 000.04 Apportionment frnm Rar ni Commission .....913 000 00 Revenue from Mlllate Tax 2,100 00 Revenue from Premium ft Sales ot Produce. Etc 100.00 (NO TAX LEVY) LEVY The Budget Commit lee of Marion County. Oregon, recommends that there be levied upoi all of Ine property within Marlon County: For the General Fund of Marion County ...9 509 400 00 For the Market Road Fund of Marlon County 206.20.00 For Roads ft Hlithw-ty Fund of Marlon County No Levy For County School Fund of Marlon County 328 860 00 For County School Llbrarv Fund of Marion County 2,788 00 For New Court House Fund of Marion County 76,000.00 NOTE: The Levy for Old Age Pension Is combined with the Oenerai Fund That there be levied upon all the property In Marion County outslrte the C;ty of Salem: For the General Road Fund of Marlon County for Road Dlalrlet Outside of the City of Salem That there be levied outside the ' limit as approved by tote ot the people at the Election held November 6, 194 Court House Special Levy 1,030.998. 0 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonded Indebtedness Warrant Indebtedness Other Indebtedness Ron , None . Current Claims STATE OF OREGON) MM. CoLn'y of Marlon ) We. the underslined Budeet Committee and Oounty Court of Marion emn'T. State of Oreson. On hereby rerlifr that itie ahor la a true fair, and complete etmate of the probable expense of said Count for tne ensuing period from Jly L, 1949 In June 30. 190. We fur met certify that the estimate or expense of the various Institutions of the County, of the amount required for public enterprise, roads, bridges, ferries, etc , and all other expenses of the County as herein set out, la Just and Is base upnn a careful study of the expense of th county during the past and a thorough examination of Its ptobable nerds dunnt the year for which such estimate is made. Tnat each and evrry Hem herein Is twlleted to be tie- essary for the proper trans action ol tiie business of the County, the proiectlon of Its property and Interest and to be for the public welfare. Thai every expense estimated La In accordance wild law. and is a iemilmaie rim rue against the Coutu Daied at Salem, Oregon the Jelt-n dav of Mav, 194 BUDGET COMMITTEE OF MARION COUNTY. OTtBOOtf by GRANT MLRPHY. Cnairman P B. HILL, Secretary JNO RAM AOS A C. HA AG ROY J RITE F I RCKtrttS COUNTY COURT OF MARION rVdTNTY, Oft BOON GRANT Ml 1 RFHY. Cnuntv Judee ROY J Pirr. Cn'tnt Commissioner F I. ROftF RSI Co'in'f Commissioner Court House Construction Fund I 4 mi nw no 7.500 oo I 457 500 00 Revolving and Levy Misc. Funds Outsid No Levy V Required L'mitenon I 491,195.00 9 300.000 00 Total Lexv 3 ana t 103,101 9 13 119 ,254 54 765.411 14 692.674 40 300.000 00 13.010.01 54 1.16. 618 34 693.174 00 Total Budget Expenditure Estimated Delinquency , Tot at Requirements , Loss Estimated Me. Sever-ue .. Loas Expendable Burpiu July 1, 14 . 74 Roods Highway Fund I 475 000 00 47 000 00 318 810 Ml 144 .1M 0 Market Roed Fmo 9 is non no 13 000 0 9 17) onno $ in 40 oo 36.000 00 County Vhool Find I 31inoo 11 853 0 140 373 00 11.951 00 School Library I 4M 73 11171 Court Hons Construction Fund I 115,000 0 Total within '. l:mit 13.09 a 4 ft . 8 614 83 II 18 .49 73 84 114 73 646 00 00 Revolving and Mtse Funda No tT Re-i nred 9 376 )0 00 9 300.000 00 Lev Outside on 816 10 00 3T6 10 0 Proposed Levy toy 14-14 tnikle 9-. Limit 9 131.430M I 114.1600 I 111 630 0 I 1.19600 I 1l Proposed Levy for 148 -1(46 ou'slde 6 Limit General Fund and Otd Aee Combined In addition to the amounts shown above there If a Item of lion 000 oo Hood Sin tin Fund, est lane ted to be otpended id received, (Gene roily umh expenditures triU show to Oori Road A Mark tt Rood Puod. I1.0S0.MI 4 I 900.00000 To el 12.54 eei o 6 614 (1 II 614 80 T3 H 441 73 1400 0 9 rll.ITlOO 100 .000 4) t '