a Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 28, 1949 Seagull Takes Things Easy Seagulli are like people In many respects, it ii believed by Mr. and Mn. J. F. Thompion, of Nelscott. They like thing! made easy tor them and take every advantage of such an opportun ity. The Thompson! live on the third floor of the Nelscott apart ments, fronting on the ocean where they have a balcony rail. Frequently a large white sea gull lands on the rail and If at tention is not directed in his di rection as soon as he thinks war ranted, he pecks on the window until he gets attention also a handout. To show his appreciation and also interest in the source of supply, the seagull will eat from the hands of his providers. Rebekahs Entertained Hubbard Thalia Rebekah lodge met with 18 members pres ent. Mrs. George Leffler was presented with a gift from the president elect of the Rebekah Assembly, Mrs. Leffler will be outside guardian at the assembly for next year. A report on the assembly was given by Mrs. George Rogers and Mrs. Charles Vredenburg. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Elmer Smucker and Mrs. George Zeek. Commissioners Court The following U tht officii! publication of the record of claim before tha Mar Ian County Commissioner' Court for the April term for 1849, with tha amount allowTd, bills continued, etc., according to the record in tha office of tht County Clrrk. State Industrial Accident Com.. Tna.. SIB 66: Public Employed RetlrementSy tem, Retirement, 3, 9H.es; Ladd it Bush Salem Br U.S. Nat'l Bk of Portland, With hnldlnr. 2.535.50; State Tax Commission, Tux. 1,218. 35. County Atieiien C. A. Lewis, Deputy. 303 20; Ray Lick, Deputy, 174.73; J. L. Siegmund, Deputy, 173.33; Grace N. Babcock, Deputy, 159. 78; Ida M. Balille, Deputy, 147.59; May Holtorf, De puty, 134.90; Helen Snyder. Deputy, 1.12.11; Lone Henderson, Clerk, 113.95; Gordon E. Tower, Draftsman, 330.00. Circuit Court! A. A. Rlcharda, See. for Court. 203.50; Ruby B. Hushes, Deputy, 179.10. County Clerk: M. Reanlcsei, De puty, ISO. 23; F. Crosby, Deputy, 175.50: R. Howard. Deputy, 194.00; Dora Barrett, De puty, lfiO ; Vernon Windsor, Deputy, 10009: Helen L. Mulkey, Deputy, 174.30; Wanda, M. Olfford. Deputy, 153.97: R. J. Stanton, Deputy, 55.00; H. T. Klelheia, Deputy, 16.20: Donna Brown. Deputy. 74 50. County Court Comm.: M. Rer.nic eek. Cleric. 45 00: D. L. Brown, Stenoa., 15.00. Court House: Edw. Brasher, Janitor, 156.(15; W. A. arttt on. Janitor, 1X3 39: Wm. Morlarty, Janitor, 143. 7B; Edwin Booth, Janitor, 147. SO; Rulh Rutchiiu, Kiev. Opcr.. 7100: M. R. Llndsey. Elrv. Opr., 76.40. DIMrlct Attorney: Cordon Moore .Deputy Dlst. Atty., 323.35: Doris M. AlMn. Secretary, .43.50. District Court: Glrota Robinson. Deputy Clerk, II. Si; Clurus Brown. Deputy Clerk. 183.71, pla trlrt Court Constable: Gloria Robinson. Deputy Constable, 90 00. Health Depart ment: Wlllard J. Stone, Health Officer. 5(17 65; P. R. Coleman. County Sanitarian, 370.10; 1. O. Lermon, County Sanitarian. 24"-33; Butty Cooper, County Sanitarian, 261.25: W. B. Qutnn, County Sanitarian. 353, Q0; Lawrence M. Cheney. County Ben It Brian, 160 24; Bernice Yary, Health Nurse, 244.77; Leslie L. Stone, Cllnlr Nurse. 170 95: Merwyn Darby, Co. P. H. N., IBB 74; Evelyn L. Schrader, Co. P. H. N.. 203.70; Eleanor Swedenburi. Co. P. H. N, I04.20: Joan fleiineldrr. Co. P H. N.. 202.90; Helen flteyaert. Co. P. H. N . 100.07; June Domkowskl, Co. P. H. N., 316 70; Erna Ber.Mecher. Co. P. H. .. 161.90: Helen Wancsaard, Co. P. H. N., 314.00; Jean M. Wrlilit, Co. P. H. N.. 1B7.25; Vera Wood. CWk-StenO tl, 183 60: Hflen WallUch. Clerk-Steno I, 150.90; Odessa Melby, Clerk-Typslt I, 144.50; AI lee Berimann, Clerk-Typist I. 128 20; Dar lel Lee. Clerk-Typist I, 130.03: Francis F Relerson, Health Educator. 255.55: Mona Davis. Clerk-Typist I. 20.15; JoAnn Wal ler. Extra, .74. Breltenhuah Juallre Court: Edison Vlckera, Justice of Peace. I. 10: J. O. Fowler, Constable. 34.75; J. C. Fowler. Constable, 34.75. Jefferson Justice; Court; E. E. Howell. Justice of Peace. 131.55; Oen, P, Armstrong. Conatable, 14 86. Mt, Anael Justice Court: N. M. Lauby, Jua tire of Peace. 9 90; Peter J. Bureer. Con stable. 9 90. Hllverlon Justice Court: Alt O. Nelson, Justice of Peace, 139.31: P. N. Burrh, Clerk, 49. SO: 1. J, Jackson, Con atahle, 74.35. Wnndburn Juillea Court) T. C. Gorman. Justice of Peace, 193.19: W. C. Miller, Constable. 49 50: M. V. Gorman. Justice Clerk. 14.65. Recorder's Office; Adella Dirk man, Denuty, 163SO; Vlrelnla Orltton, Deputy, 158 63: Ramona Ivans,, Clerk. 1M SO: Irene Johnson. Clerk. 151. 50 RraMratlon 4V Election: Gladys White, Deputy. 179 17. Sehoal Superintendent! J.1 P. Reminelon, Deputy. 182 41: Vivian i. Hoenti, supervisor, 300 00; Mariuerlta B. Birlnn, Supervisor 314 00: Christine V.; Morley, Srrretary, 143 35. Sheriff l.etal: A. I. Johnson, Deputy. 303 30; B. R. flmllh, Dep-ity, 303 60; Wm DeVall, Deputy, 303101 John Haraer, Deputy, 310 60: Mur el Wood, Deputy, 302 60; I. 0 Scott, Deputy, 180 45; L. M. Wrient. Deputy, 1BR40; nienn Conklln. Deputy. 178 10. flherlff Tex: H. F. Domoislla. Chief Tax Deputy, 334 60; H T. Ivans, Cashier. 20R96; Violet t West, Bkp. Uach. Oper., 161.68: C. Himmini, Deputy, 163.36: Lt. dla Mattson. Deputy. 170 90. Survoyer Of fice: A D. Graham. Surveyor, 395 40: Nel 1a ftimms. Secretary. 146 80. Treasurer Otfire: Aiirfrry H. Ewlni. Deputy, 143.04. Veteran Offlre: Lillian Kllppert. Secre tary, 03 24: H. C. Baalfeld. Service Offi cer, 382 10. Doe Control Fun: Irvln A Ward. Dna Control Officer, 194 11; R J. Sialnn, Clrrk, 100 00 Kittlneer'a Offlre; H. S. Swerl, Co. Enihierr. 310 50: A. M. Prenall, Secretary, 143 19. County Prat er! H Wm. Tlilelaen. Land Aient, 116 -fld. t, M. Jo!itilon, Slrnoe., 45.00. Conn tv clerk: Dora Barren. Depulv, 19 74: Florence M Crosby, Deputy. 21 30; Ivelyn Mrnuls, Kxtrs. 13.16; U. Resnlcaek, li tre. IB 27; Vernon Windsor. Intra, 4 01; Oertrud. P Lobdetl. Bailiff, 37 80: Muth Hi i tc tuns. Kiev. Oper., 11.95; Alice Balllle, Ree. Etf P , 117 75: Murel L. Puth. Rat. Dec. 100 07: Wilion J. Wilt. Ret Flee, 19 78: Ramona Ivans, Ret. llec. 107 50. Juvenile Department: Nona White, Probation Officer, 117 63, D J. Jepaen A.st. Probation Officer. 301 IB; L. M I Johnston. S'enoi . 103 70. Sterlea Jullea Cnurt: W. R Bell, Justice of Peace, 111. 75. Henry Smith, Com t soli. 19 80. Leon I Petervm. Steno. 19 70 Mltcellaaeeas: J, P Asptnwiu, Labor, 114 36. Delbert Bair Labor, 228 IS: J. A Suitn. Labor. 111. 99: Wm. R Picke. Labor. 77 01. Harry H. Lawrence Labor, 163 01: H A. Martin. La ne. 338 91 : Harold L. Martin, Labor. 311 33. Fdwsrd Srhmttt Labor, 109 11: Usa Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Fr of Weed Seeds Odorless A KH $5.00 Bulk 1 ton $10 00 2 tons 17.50 Fre. deliver; anywhere, la Salem Area Phone 3-8127 After 6 PM Phont 24397 Prank Woelka. Labor. 341. t: O. D. Bine ear, Laboi, 311.64; Henry Bower, Labor. 317.36. Law re n re Bower, Labor, ID 1.39; I. Cochran. Labor, 38 81; Wm. P. Cro mer. Labor. 215.07; Onille I.. Dinl -n. Labor, 231 7ft: S. K. Ily. Labor. 33396; Hanty M. Qlrod. Labor. 303D8: Roy Hat- leld. Labor. 1ST 10: Harold K Kepplnter. labor, 131.71; John A. Kinney, Labor. 31141: R. W. Kinney. Labor. 343 90 C. Kirk, Labor, 116.03: Barney J. Kropp. Labor. 199 96: Laurel Lamb. Labor, 337.90; Floyd Lauber, Labor, 315.46; E. A. Law. renca Labo. 33111: W. R. Messey. La bor, 116.19' John McAllister, Labor, 314.11: Ralph McAllister. Labor. 199 39: D. P. Scharf. Labor. 147 95: Amnit Smith, Lt- bor, 306 67; Wm. Shaw, Labor, 1101: Hv bert Smith, Labor. 311.13; G. L. Spencer. Labor. 303-18: Earl D Stnrf!ev, Labor. 323.19: Lloyd E. Taylor, Labor, 335.13; Raymond THui. Labor, 368.11; Orvllle L. Trussetl. Labor. 91.99; Huih Webb, Labor, 345,68: Lee Wells. Labor. 319.53: Toney Woe ke. Labor. 333 90: Theodora Kuenil, Labor 264.98; Wm. R. Brenner. Labor. 231.06; Menno Dalke. Labor, 300.49: Lloyd Jarman. Labor, 301.13; Tom Ritchey. La bor. 323.90: Jos, A. Rob). Labor. 336.31; W. Shelley. Labor. 331.46; Oene Shilling. La bor, 31313; Arthur J. Tarkmicr. Labor. 205.15: T. g. Toneson. Laaor, 8144: L. W. Weber. Labor. 301.74; W. O. William son, Labor 309.29: T'd Watoner, Labor, "3 80; J. C Curnutt, Labur, 131.91: J. An derson Jr.. Labor, 333.50; Lawrence R. Cooper. Labor. 337 65; t. J. Hoover, I.- bor, 168.35; Axel Johnson. Lihor, nasi; 3, R. Patton. Labor, 306 61. H. J. Peter son. Labor 336.74; C G. Ross. Labor, 317. 44: A. B Rested, Labor, 338 45: Wm. Schueller. Labor, 111.23; M. J. McCor- mlck. Labor, 310.37; David DuBols, Labor '94. 67:-Viral' R Fahey. Labor. 30161; P if. Hosteller, Labor, 308 84; H. I. Len- hardt, Labor, 371.93; 0. U. Martin, Labor, 189.87: Wm. Nafttier, Labor. 207.40; Cecl1 R. Roy ton. Labor. 199.03; Delbert C. Shelllto, Labor, 337.38; I. J. Richards 317.63; Arthur Blackourn. Labor, 311.93: Gilbert Broslr. Labor, 313.34, A. A. Rlcharda. Labor, 313.31: Chas. Turker. Labor, 338 99; I. I. fiusbv, Lobor, 1189.05; C. A. Coblne. Labor. 163.79: Tom Bowden, Labor, 304.44; Georio Frauendlerner. La bor, 111.83. Mlieellanaoui: John Henna, Riiht-of-way, 19.00; Jefferson Review, Off. Exp., 3.30: Ray Lick, T.E., 73.95; Mount Antel News, Expense 130; Rem Intton Rand Inc.. Sups., 185.00; J. L, Sleimund, T.E., 56.16: Woodburn Inde pendent, Adv.. 130; Fred A. Williams, Atty. Pees, 1S.M; Abrami At Skinner, Inc., Bond, 65.00; Burrouihs Electric Co., Exp., 8.30: Elcher At Co., Sum., 3 38; Lesion W Howell, Per Diem At T.E., 43.81; Industrial Electronics, Sups., 39.70; Ladd At Bush U.S. Nat'l Bk of Portland, Exp., 15.00; Otis Elevator Company, Exp., 6.50; Salem Hardware Co., Sups., 10.85; Albert O. Oraia. Postmaster, Poslaie, 6.00; Gor don Moore. T.E., 3.30; Howard L. Rich ardson, Exp., 15.00: Johnson Siewert ic Aldrlch. Sups., 16.35; Sybil C. Catlln it Frank H. Spears. Rent. 100.00: Earl Ad- T.E.. 183.91: Dr. Carl Emmons, Exam. 6 00; Dirleen Anderson. Reward. 35.00; John Petsch. Reward. 35.00: Fred Gilbert. Reward. 15.00: A. B. McClellan. Reward, 38.00: John Schmld, Exp., 100.00; Capital City Laundry At Cleaners. O. Sups., 38.18; Capital Dnif Store, Med. Sups., 1.96; Department of Visual In struction, O. Sups., 4 10; Charles H. Derthlck. Child Guidance. 100.00; Dr. Wm. Endicott, Med. Serv,, 10.00: Dr. Lu cille Portner, Med. Serv., 30.00: A. C Q rail, Postmaster. Posteae, 35.00: Hen drle Medical Laboratories, Lab., 139.50; Jackson Medical Supply Co., Med. Sups., 2.62; Dr. Robert E. Joseph, Med. Serv., 42.00: J. O. Penney Co., Med. Sups., 13.51; Perry's Drug Store, Med. Sups., 7.56: Qnlsenberry Pharmacies, Med. Sups., 54. 88: Salem Entrivlnt Co., printing, 8 95: Salem Masonic Temple Aksoc, Rent, 190 00: Salem Medical Laboratories, Lab., 10.. SO: W. B. Saunders Company, O. Sups., 15.00: Scellars Foley St Rlina Inc., O. Sups., 10.80: School Dlst. No. 4, Tie., 1.15: J. W. Stacey Inc., O. Sups.. IS. 00: Dr. Leslie Stone, Med. Serv,, 30.00: W. J. Stone, M.D.. O. Sups., 21.88; J. Gordon Thornton, O. Sups., 9 00; Valley Motor Co., Trans., 124.77: John W, Hanrahan, Ornde, 409 75; Fred W. Lanite. Grade. 388.50: A. W. Simmons, Grade, 497.75: Archie I. Blue. Indemnity, 9 00; Col lis P. Carter. Indemnity. 12.00; Grace O. Car er. Indemnity. 6.3ft: John u. uoran. in demnity. 15 00: Roy M, Franke, Indemnity, 8.00; Lawrence B. Glrardin, Indemnity. 8.00: Karl Heyden, Indemnity. 8.00: Milton P. Hoyser, Indemnity, 16.00: Peter M. Murphy, Indemnity, 8 00: William H. Phillips, Indemnity, 6 00; Herbert P. Reid, Indemnity, 1.50: Rleck Brothers, In demnity, 7.50; Bernard J. Schtedlrr. In demnity, 8.00; Paul R. Townsrnd. Indem nity, 34.00: Dr. Arthur Fisher, Exam. 5.00; Dr, Roscoe C. Wilson, Exam. 20.00: Dr. Paul Wolfe, Exam. 10.00; Burkes Carnere Shop, Misc., 9 38; Denver Younk. Board of Prisoners, BSVS9; An If O. Nelson. Rent At etc., 64.65; Emery J. Jackson, T. E., 31. 45; W. H. Bell, Rent, 30.00; T. C. Oorman, Rent, 30.00; W. C. Miller, T. E.. 10.48: Mra. Carl Dltchen, Hospital, 50 00; Mra. Mary Halvoraon, Hospital, 43.43; Mrs. William Johnson. Hospital 46 00: Mrs. Frank Meier, Hospital. 63.00; Mr. and Mrs. Allison Staar, Hospital, 9.00: Boys At Olrls Aid Society of Ore.. Court Com mitted. 30 00; Catholic Charities Inc., Court Committed, 50.00: Children Farm Home. Court Committed, 60.00: Oregon Protective Society. Court Committed, 22.- J. H. Turnidie, ourt Committed, 140. Qeoraa W. Zehh, O. Exp., 10.00: H. A. Judd. Postaie, 15.00; Wynkoop - Blair Prlntlm. Else. Sups.. 31.65; Ben Brown, Scslp Bounty, 30 00: Aanes C, Booth, T.I., 15.00: Maranerlle R. Burton, T.I, 14 66; Vivian S. Hoenli, tl, 13.10: J. F. Rem Initon, Tl.. 11.80; Department of Afrlcul ture. Beater. 66.35; City of Salem. Radio, 11.78: Douahlon Hardware, Misc., 1.60: General Petroleum Corporation, Trana.. 11.76; Douilas McKay Chevrolet Co, Trans., 6061; Unruh-Knapp Printlni Co., Sups., 1006; Murel Wood. Trane. 4.30: Priden Calculating Machine Co. Malnt.. Atlas Stamp At Die Co.. Sups.. 3.13: Oraham. T.E., 1105; Treasurer of United Slates. Sups.. 1 00; Sam J. Harms. Sups., 9 50: L. H, Ohlson, Equip, 95.00: una a. Postmaster. Poslaie. 19 00: H. O. SaalfeVd. T E , 14.40: Ervln A. Ward. Tl. 76 10: Frank L. Brawnell, Ewes Killed, 35 00; J, M. Coburn, Ewes Killed. 45.00; Roy H. Crltcher. Ewes Killer, 70 00; A R. Ftske. Lamb Killed. 6 00: C. A. Gra ham. Lamb Killed. 16.00; Oeorie Ouerne. Limb Killed. IS 00; C. I. Powell, Hena Killed. 6 36: Karl Btelwer. Lamba Killed. 90 00: Keiine Wain. Lambs Killed. 10 00; Oreaon Slate Board of Forestry, Fire Patrol, 1.675.37; H. P. Ratterman. P. L. 14 00; A. A Geer, A.isn. Time. 39 84; Ore- ion Fairs Association. Assn. Dues. 35 00; Ant hoi Rlney. 4H. 3.865 00: Bancroft-Whitney Co.. Law Books, 10.00; Secretary of Staia Law Books. 3 50; Shtpards Clta t'ons. Iw Books. 63 00: Stevens-Nesi Law Publishing Law Books. 19 50; West Pub lishing Co. Law Books. 117 00: Address-oaraph-Multtiraph Corp., Sups.. 159 11; Oeorie E. Allen Hardware. Rep, 6 01: J. C flair At Sons. Rep , 4 00; Batlou At Wrieht. Reps , 13 03: M. J. Bauthn, Reps., 4 36: Bearlni Master Sales Inc., Rep.. 118; Harry Becker. Gravel, 990 30: Blrke meler and Saremal. Const., 9.398 80; Wil liam Blivrn. Trees., Is p.. 15 00: Brad field Lumber Co. Lumber. 19 86; I H. Burrell, Repj., 36 96; Capital Auto Pans. MISC.. 99 69: Caottal Cite Blnderv Hnu 60 39; Capital Journal. Adv., 8 40: L. M. Case. Haul Grave. 970 80: Uonrna M Cheek, Trans, 9171: City Water Depart ment, Water. 64 09: W. P. Collar. Rep., 35 00; Columbia Metals Corporation. lip.. 73 60: Col year Motor Sales Company, Rep., 91 39: Commercial Book Slore. Suns.. 17- 10: Cooke Stationary Compan. una 1 J. W. Copelsnd Yards, Lumbar, 13 31; Dr. M St. Cr others, Med. Betv, 46 6 . D little Master Service Station. Reps . 3.00; I-AC-RO Materials, Cold Patch, 1. 80S. 50; Enslneers Sand it Gravel Co.. Gravel. 160.00; Farmers Tire Relief Asn.. of Buttevllle, Ins.. 8 16: Ray L. Fermer Hardware Co., Mlse., 10 68: W. Fowholm. Stins. 10 00; Frees O erase Rep.. .75: J. K. Gill Comoany, Exp.. 313.41; Dr. John Ootdsmllh, Exam. 30.06: I F Ooodneii Company. Rept 661.99: J. E. Haseltine At Co., Rps., 460 67; Herrold-Phlllnpl Motor Reps . I 36; Howard Cooper Corp. Reps., 33 61; Interstate Traelor At Fiuir ment Co.. Equipment. 11.044 IS; Inter state Tractor At Equipment Co.. Ripi.. '13 00: Ira Jorienson, RPS., .: H. 4. Judd Patty Rash.. Exp. 09: H. A Indd, Tf . 14.40; Judaons Plumblr-r A Heating. Mlse.. 601: Jungwlrth Sand k Gravel Co., Gravel. JO 36: Keller Sand A nravel. Oravel. 1.056.81; Cleo K"ppln-rr. Haul Gravel. 16 80; Khitka Lumber Co., Lumber 31 M: K'irilienberr Cotntructlon Co., Mlse.. 8167: T, L. K'lhna Cr-mnny, taps.. 37 84' C. J. Lev's. Gas. 14.75; I o--ers A: Contractors. Reus., 111.81: Cr H. InTnerker, Gravel, 100.80- J me H Made) Company. Reps.. 349.56: Varchant Calculatlnt Machine. Malnt., 81 on: Mar- on Feetria rnmpan". Rep... 1.6; M. J. frCirmlrk. Reps.. 1 10: Douala MeKav Tnevrole. Rps., 36.06: A. B. HfLauMar. Men .88' M'll Sjpolv Comnin Pos , '6 16; B .1. Mlnden Lumber Co., Lumber. iSfl; Mountain B'ates Power Co.. LP '1. 90' Ne"dhame Book Store. Suos.. a is Wewhert STd Gravel Co., Gravel, 87.00; Worth west Industrial Laundrv Co.. Mis.. 19: Ralph Olson. MUe , 140 63: Or-eon Onvel Co. Gravel, 448 61: Oreaon Phy Iclens Service. Sal. Ded., 363.90: Oreaon state Hlhway, Equip.. 6.14: Partftc 'SulUHnr. Rent. 93 50: Pacific Tele. Ac Tele, :n.. Te'e,. 361.55: PecV Brothers. MIt.. 19.11; P-rry'a Drug Store. Ml-e., 1.66; hillppl Tire Bervire. Reps.. 3.01: Port- 'and Oeneril Electric Co.. LA-P. 181.13: -sunnset Otri Pens., 47.69: R" Cro," Pharmacy. Med. Serv.. 13 58: F'rhfleld Oil Corpora Ion. Diesel. 190 00' John J. Roberta it On.. Mtsr.. 65.35: J. H. R'dnn. Grave?. 1.602.80- Roen Typewriter Px- hange. Fxp 8 00: Salem A'lto Part. Rep.., 15 63; Salem Blue Print Co.. 8'ipa., 964: Salem Insurance Agents Arsn., In.. 4,318.01: Salem Iron Work. Ren.. 18 15 Salem Memorial Hospital, Hospital. 581.- 10: Salem Nut Growers Co-op.. Refund. '40.96; Salem Steel At Supply Co., Reps., 10.36: Sanitary ervice Co.. Fxp.. 5.40; Schotthoefer Loeglnr.. Misc., 114.00; She' Oil Oomnanv, Gaa, 86 53; H. A. Simmons, Trans. 136 38: H. A. Simmons, Gas, Diesel. i.OftR.03: stiverton Appeal Tribune. Adv.. 15.63: Smith Auto Parts Co.. Rep.. 3.17: Smith Bros. Sand Ac Gravel Co., Grave). I04.70: Smith Bros. Sand it Gravel Co., Gravel, 1. 300.00; Stgyton Gravel Comnany. Gravel. 403 60: tan Baker Motor. Fp.. 14.99; Standard Oil Company of Cali fornia. Gas Ac Diesel, 209.13; S'atesmen Publishing Co., Adv.. 330.82: S'tem?n Publishing Co., Reward. 2.00; state Ttrr Service. Reps.. 41164: St avion Mall. Adv., 11.40: levenson At Mefford. Reps., bi SB: ES O. yron tt Ronald H. Spears, Lumber, 3.585.36: J. L. Taylor. Misc.. 191.15; The Texaa Company. Oil. 46,56; Thornton Sta tionery At Printing Co., Sups., 86.99: Tide , Water Associated Oil Co., Oas. 457.87: Truck Sales Ac Service, Reps., 30.52; J. , rnldae, Misc., 138.00; Union Oil Company of California, Gas. 148.82: Union ! Title Co.. Right-of-way, 16.00; Valley Con- :reta company, cuiv.. no.oo: vau?y wa hlne Works, Reps.. 16.50: Valley Motor !o.. Trans. 89.18: Valley Motor Co., Reps.. 125.82: Valley Welding Co., Reps., 15.50: Valley Welding Supply Co., Rep.. 20.82: K. Vlvvart Reps., 7.15: Willing aano Oravel. Oravel. 436.80: Gordon Weathers, Misc., 131.35: Western Union Tele Co., Tel.. 6.35: Albert E. Wickert it Nora M. wickert, Hiint-or-way. Willamette Valley Transfer, Frt.. 18.31: Willamette Valley Transfer, Sups.. 6.30; Wodoburn Sand tt Oravel Co.. Gravel, 128.70; R. D. Woodrow Company, Reps.. 11.33: Claude M. Woods. Misc., 100.00; Denver Young, Misc., 42.68; Zellerbach Paper Co.. Sups., 8.13: Walter H. Zrwel Co.. 131.35; oroisan Quarries, uravat, 709.27. April 1. 1049: Pole line permit. Port land General Electric Co.; road accepted as part of County Road 912, rinht-of- acetea; oroer ior rriuna oi ,ot I. Block 3, North Salem Addition; Beer license to Maryanne Moslander; Permit to haul logs: Carl Budeau. Her man P. Free. John A. Cook. April 3. Pern It to haul loga, Theo T. Zarher. Hugh M. Johnston. April 4. Permit to haul logs. Mike O. Schwindt: beer li cense, C. A. Durham. April 5. Permit to haul logs, Joseph B. Schmldgall, De Santla and Panti Loaning Co., Hugo Cook, Delayne H. Paulsen: permit to hauling piling. Hclo Transfer. April 6, Pipe line permit, Homer E. Slayton. April 7. Pipe line permit, Portland Gas end Coke Co.; permit to haul logs, John H. Cook, Wm. A. Brlce. April 8, Final hearing on Indemnity r 1 alma of Paul R Towmend. Pelre M. Murphy, Roy M. Franke; beer license. Dr. E. E. Balrd, et ai. Verbal claim by Rich Reimann that County Road 830 encroaches on his prop- ery, matter taoieo. April g, rinai near Ing on indemnity claims of Bernard Schledler, Wm. H. Phillips; permit to haul logs. Hugh Aldrlch, C. I. Gale; beer li cense. W. J. and Alvlns Jarmi. April Order to re-enter certain personal taxes on roll. April 12, Permit to haul logs, Adell Hutchinson, Capitol Lbr. Fuel Francla Mark. Wallace Bevler. Ed R. Miles. Robert L. Hurst. E. C. Goschle; permit to haul piling. James Brown. Affidavit! requesting adjustment on personal taxes. Mike Stelnbock, H. W. Townsend, John C, Schneider; request for reiund for Harry L. Riches on taxes paid In error: Order ra: adjustments on report or county Alienor; bear llcenatv Evelyn O'Kelley; permit to move donkev. Gearld Wade. April 13, Indemnity claims. Skiller Brio.. Milton P. Hoyier. final hearings 4-30-49: agreement granting help to construct a proposed lail at "etron; order re: adjustment on per- When You t f Think of r jrjr LIFE C Insurance ( lJ Think of VX. NEW YORK I UFE And when you think of New York Life think of Walt Wadhams SPECIAL AGENT 578 Rose St. Salem Oreron Phone J7930 "If like an e--tall sat Walt" That phone numbtr ii . , 3-3131 FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel Ueey) Affwert Per PEW VSN UNCI CO. ' LARMER TRANSFER find STORAGE 889 No. I.lherly "Our rrpuUtlon it your iceurlljr" aonal tatei of H W. Tovntend t eor renDond with ssieisor'a report, April 16. Permit to haul logs, Guy Music, Floyd Persons, Curtia F. Deets, Geo. J. Veall; pipe line permit, Wm. E. BsnkatOfl; beer li(.enne. Prank VUsIc and Flovd Maridy. April 19, Permit to haul logs. K. P. Meta lar, Francla M. Blelenberg. Flovd Per sons; bond No. 415. depositor's forgery nono, count? or uarion: poia una per mits I2i. Pacific Telephone and Tela- rph Co.: order for survey of gravel near Aumsvuie, sec. JJ. T. i April 18. Indemnity claims of Paul i Towniend, Ravmond A. Mlnten. final hearlng 4-30-49: order for refund Frank Raria of depotlt toward purchase of real property: order Incorporating Gates Rural F re Prolertlen District. April 19, Pipe line permit, Gut Miles; permit to haul logi, Hugh Evani: petl iion for annexation to Four Corners Rural Fire District. April 20. Beer license. Wm. and Sophronla Qabelman; petition and order for levy In G. A. Miller Drainage District; quit claim deedi. Frank Rada at ux, Sol B. Taylor et ui: permit to move combine, Geo. E. Towle; permit to haul logi, Tom R. Burton. Maurice Dor gan Jr.. Delayne H. Paulnn. Bern Ice Rose. Hugo Cook, John H. Cook. Victor Thorn a i. Olli Branch: bond approved for : nuance of duplicate warrant to Wm. fitrawn. April 21. Permit to haul logi, Wagner and Bevler. April 33. 14 peti tions to form "Middle Grove Rural Fire Protection District." Resolution ra: ap plication for State Highway Fundi. April 23. Quit claim deed to Anna M. Dawn; permit to haul logs, Oeo. Jungwlrth; or rlir for survey of county property in Sec. 26, 9-3-E; order setting hearing on, petition for vacation of portion Sunny Hide Fruit Farms No. 10: transfer order; permit to move building, Ray O, Dar- land. April 26. Approval or piat, ran mount View Addition. April 37. Permit to haul lofri, Ralph E. Mollet. Carl Jones; resolution for relocation and vacation of portion County Road 854: petition to varme rosan nna avenues in pisi oi Chemeketa; dance hall license, Woodburn Post 46 American Legion. April 36, Indemnity claim. of Jemes V. Jackson, Poepping Bros., final hearings 6-9-49; ap proval of plat. R. M. Tone Subdivision: order setting hearing 6-2-49 on vacation of roads and tvenuci In Chemeketa ; pole line permits i3i, Portland General Electric Co : permit to haul logs. Crlbbi Bror., Edwin B. Mites, David Schtfer, Clete Halve y. April 39. Petition of Ida A. Clark et ai for speed limit on Marlon- Jeiierson roarj. April 30, f inal hearing) on Indemnity claims of Milton F. Hoy ier. Skiller Bros., Paul R. Towniand, Ray mond A. Mlnten; indemnity claim of AI- i ren j. mug, nnai nearing a-ji-is; quit claim deed to O. K, DeWitt et ux; permit to haul logs, Alex A. Muzerhenko, pipe line permit, Felix T. Wright. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET FROM LEE STREET TO WALLER STREET Notice hereby la liven that the common council of the city of Salem. Oregon, deems It necesAary and expedient and hereby declares lis purpose and intention to Improve South Fifteenth street from ihe south line of Lee street to the north line of Waller street, in the city of Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, at the expense of the abuttlni and adjacent property, ex cept the alley intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Sa lem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, construct ing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 6-Inch Portland concrete cement pavement 30 feet wide in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council May 23, 1949, which art now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the atreet Improvement department. By order of tha Common Council May 33, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publclation hereof Is May 28. 1949. Capital Journal. May 38. 30, 31, June 1. 3. 3. 4. 6. 1, 8. 9. 1949. 137 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE FAIRMOUNT AVENUE FROM CULVER LANE TO CANDALARIA BOULEVARD Notice hereby is given that the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary end expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve Falrmount avenue from the north line of Culver Lane to the north line of Candalarla Boulevard, in the city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street intersections the expense of which will be tuumtd by the city of Salem, by bringing said por tion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 3't inch aspheltie concrete pavement 30 feet wide in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council May 33. 1949. which ore now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thertto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street improvement department. By Order of tha Common Council May . 1949 ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is May 3B, 1949. Capital Journal. May 28. 80, 31, June 1, 4, S, 1, a, I, g. V, 19H. 137 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE CULVER LANE FROM COMMERCIAL STREET TO FAIRMOUNT AVENUE Notice hereby is given thit the common council of the city of Salem Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention m prove Culver Lane from the west line HELP f0r HERNIA As required, Camp Sup ports erg recommended and prescribed by phytl ciani and ivrgooni before end after operations. The famous Camp ad fxiitment feature b one of Ihe Important tcientWc ele ment which contribute to your Individual need and Comfort See our ok pert fitter toon ond tee for yourtelf how these moderately priced support can bene fit you. CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty en ihe earner IF YOU ... m j You need a Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy if you: 1) Maintain residence 2) Have guests call at your home 3) Are sports enthusiast Call SAI.F.M'S GENERAL OF AMERICA AGENCY far details Customer parkinf at our new location CHUCK INSURANCE ST3 N. Church St. - ' of Commercial street t tha east line or Falrmount avenue, In tha city of Salem Marlon County, Oregon, at the expense of tha abutting and adjacent property bringing said portion of said street to the established trade, constructing cement curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 31 Inch asphaltlc concrete pavement 10 feet wide in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council May 33, 1949, which are now on file in tha of fice of the city recorder and which by thu re fe renca the ret are an ads g part hereof. The common council hereby declarei Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment. By Order f the Common Council May 31, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Data of first publication htraof U May 38. 1949. Capital Journal, May 31, 30, II, Jung 1, 3, 3, 4. 6. 1, 1. 1. 1946. 131 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Na. 13163 In the Circuit Court of tha State of Ore ion, for tha County t Marion. Probate Department. In the spatter of the astaie of Ole T. Atoraei.li, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the under- signed has been appointed administrator, eta of tha estate of Ole T. storaasit, de ceased, by tha Circuit Court of tha State of Ores on, for Marlon County, and has nallfl'd All persona having claims trainst said astats are hereby notified to present the same to me gt tha office .he Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, with vouchers and duly verified, within lx months from the date hereof. Date of first publication May 1, 1949. Date of lajt publiiatlon June 4, 1G49. Edwin H. Lewis. Attornaya. May 7, 14. 31. 38; June 4. NOTICI OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, Probate Department, her duly ,'er.l.ed Float Account as Executrix of he estate of Julia I. Blodgett, deceased, and that sild Court has fixed Monday, ha 20th day of June, 1949, at the hour ..f 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day as the time, and the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House In Salem, Marlon Couniy, Oregon as the place for hearing said Final Account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 1th day of May, 1949. SARAH BLODGETT PETERSON, Executrii of tha estate of Julia I. Blodgett, deceased. Ronald C. Glover, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon May T 14 31 38: Jung 4 ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS Separate sealed bids will be received ny the Board of Education of School Dis trict No. J4CJ, Marion County, Oregon, at the School Administration Office, 460 N. High Street, Salem, Oregon, until June 1, 1949, 1;30 o'clock P.M., Daylight Saving Time, for the following work: Additions and Alterations to Englewood Grade School and Additions and Alter ations to McKlnley Grade School, and will then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for openings will not be considered. Plans, specifications and form of con tract documents may be examined andor obtained at the office of Freeman it Hayslip, Assoc. ArchLs., 3040 S.W. Third Ave.. Portland or the office of Connell O. Ward, Clerk, 460 N. High Street, Salem. Oregon. A deposit of 126.00 will be required for each project, which will be refunded upon the return of the plans and specifications within a reasonable time. Attention is called to Bidder Prequ allo cations, (Sections 98-103 to 98-105 Inc. OCLAi, which must be filed with the Clerk 10 days before date for openlna of blU and for which forms may obtained at tht offica of tha Architects or the cierk. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check, cash ier's check or bid bond (with authorized surety company as surety) made payable to tne owner in an amount of not le.s than 5 of the amount of the bid. Surety bond will be required in accord ance with the contract documents. The School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for opening thereof or be fore award of contract, unless said award la delayed for a period exceeding 30 days. Connell C. Ward, District Clerk. May 21 2fl, June 4 Perk up ytur tome with new TRIM COLORS Paint bright accents of fresh color on house-trim, shutters, doors prestol your home has a gay new look) Costs little with fast, easy FULTEC TRIM PAINT cheery colors 1.89, fULLCR t CO 171 S. Liberty Jint Smith of State H HBT and up JilNTSI aoii mcomtmi mir4J y.i,-r S3 AGENCY fhone S-9111 NOTICI In com H ant with the previsions af Section 116-H07. o. q. L A. u tmandt! set lea la Mrett? lifts that aha Count Court of aiarion County Ores on, will M la session tl the Caurt House in tht Cuy J s!. Ores a, in Ute Court ftoonf-y thereof, en the 10 ih day ef June. 1I4. tt tha hour e II o'clock in the forenoon ef said dai at erhlch tlma and plat opportunity for a full and complete discussion of tha estimates el tha amouat ef money proposed to be raised r taxation for the ensuing year will be liven any taxpaier subject to euch tai levy whea made to be Heard for r as a Inst any proposed tax levies. The foUowlru U an Itemized estimate ef Marlon County's proposed Tai Uvy for each department of County Govern ment, County Office or County Officer, each County Improvement, the maintenance of each County Buildini and Institu tion, tha salary ef each County Officer and employee, laciudini those anose salary la fixed by statute. OENERAL OOVERKUBNT OPPICI OF COUNTY ASSEsUOft: Salary ef County Assessor Salary of Ch.ef Daputi alary oi Deputy Salary of Clerk Salary of Cltrk Salary af Field Deputy .,, Salary of Field Deputy Waies of Extra Clerks ,,,,, Postaie eh Express , Offcle Supplies At Bxeeiuaa Telephone it Telearaph Traveling Expenses Official Bond in Industrial Accident Ins Office Equipment Tots la NEW OWNERSHIP 11APS WOW AAA EAST) eaiary oi Draftsman Blue Print In it Supplies , State Ind. Ace. Insurance Aenti Maps , Totals NEW ASSES9MENT ROLL: Supplies , Equipment Totals AUDITINO COUNTY RECORDS: Audit of Records Totils CIRCUIT COURT: Wales of Bailiffs Fees of Jurors , Fees of Witnesses , Fees of Reporters , Salary of Reporter .., Salary of Reporter Overtime Waies Telephone At Teleiraph Misc. Supplies it Expenses State Industrial Accident Ine , Office Equplment ,,, , TolaU , OFFIOE OF COUNTY CLERK: Salary of County Clerk Salary of Auditor it Chief Auditor ..... Salary of Deputy Circuit Court Salary of Deputy Probate Court , Salary of Deputy Probate Court Salary of Deputy Bookkeeper Salary of Deputy Asst. Bookkeeper , Salary of Deputy License, Etc , Salary of Deputy Photostat , Salary of Deputy Salary of Deputy Secretary , roseate 6t Express Office Supplies it Expense Telephone it Teleiraph , Travelini Expenses Official Bond State Industrial Accident Ine Fonery Insurance , Office At Vault Equipment Bookkeeplni Machine , Mult) List Dexiaraph Totils , COUNTY CORONER'S OFFICE Per Diem of Coroner Fees of Jurors At Witnesses Fee of Reporters Autopsies At Examinations Travelini Exprnsea Official Bond Miscellaneous Telephone At Teleiraph Totals COUNTY COURT AND OOMMISSIONEI Salary of County Judae County Commissioners Two Salary of Clerk Salary of Secretary Travelini Fxpenses Poitnie At Express Telephone Jk Teleiraph .... Adv. Proceedmii St Budiet Miscellaneous , Cointy Amoc Membership Feee Office Supplies Ac Expenses State Industrial Accident Ins U S. 99 MemoerJihip Ffes O. At C Public Land Grant Aun Office Equipment Totals COURT HOUSE Salary of Head Janitor Salary of Janitor Salary of Janitor Salary of Janltf Elevator Operator Twot .'. Waies of Extra Janitor k Overtime ... Light it Power Water Repair ( Furniture and Fixture Fuel Misc. Supplle Ai Expense Insurance State Indumia! Accident Ine Improvement Totals OFFICE OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Salary of Deputy Salary of Stenographer ".. Postaie At Express Reporter' Fees Trlephone it Teleiraph Office Supplies At Expenses Travelini Expense Misc. (Inveatlaauon. Etc.) Slate Industrial Accident In Rent Office Equipment Total DISTRICT COURT Salary of Judge Salary of Clerk ax officio Salary of Deputy Salary of Deputy .... Bailiff Fee Fee of Jurors Fee or Witnesses Fees of Reporier , Postaie At Express , , Office Supplies At Expense , Telephone A Teleirasah , Office Rent Miscellaneous Office. Equipment , Total , DISTRICT COURT CONSTABLE: Salary of Conatable ... Salary of Clerk pert time , Salary ef Deputy Constable Postaie At Express , Office Supplies Expense , Travelini Expenses Criminal Travel Expenses Civil , Bond Premium , Office Equipment Totili SALEM JUSTICE COURT JUSTICE; Salary of Justice Salary of C'erk Salary of and Clerk Feas of Juror Fee of Witnesses Fee of Repot ter Postaie At Express Otflce Supplyiei A Expense Tc'epho'n At Talearapri , Ofdce Rrnt Miscellaneous ,, State Industrial Accident Ino Office Equipment Total! SALEM JUSTICE COURT CO NET ABLE Salary of Conatable . alary ef Clerk Fas' st e At ExprtA Office Supplies At Expense Travelini Expense Criminal Travai Expense Bond Premium , ,, Bute Indusi rial Accident tn Tot a. i BRETT ENBUSK JUSTICE CODTIT: naiary or Justice Fee af Justice Fee ef Juror Fee af Witness Fee ef Reporter Miscellaneous Bond Office Equipment Totals ... BRIETENBUSH JUSTICt OOURT CONST ABLE' Salary ef Constable Deputy Constable .1.....!!! Fee af Con it able Travel Expense Criminal .'. Travel Expense Civil , Office Supplle Expense Bond , Equipment Tot 11 JEFFERSON JVSTICS COURT-jutTICI: Silary or Juetict Fee ef Juror ." Fee ef Witnesses . Otflce Suaplie B Expense ..,.! Rnt Mieeeiianeeua . . . Bond Office leuipmeat . Tota'i JTFFTR.n JUSTICE TOt'RT CONSTAPLB. Ps'ar r: Cnstab' ... Travel Expense Civtl Travel Expense-Criminal Bond Tetala Impended Fiscal Periods July 1. 1141 to tuna SO. 1B4I I 3,110.00 ,, I, J 40. 00 . 1.I30.0B ,. 1.480 34 ,, 1,140 00 .. 1,11100 ,. 1,11100 .. 1103 41 July 1. 1140 July 1. H4T ta to June io. 1141 t a.iao oo 1,110.00 1,130 00 II 00. 00 l.iie.oo 1. ISO 00 1,100.00 t us. si 100.00 M4l.1l II 40 lis ta la. 00 31.10 II. II 111.341.11 June SO. 1941 1. 400. DO 1,160.00 3 1151.00 2,010.00 1,930 00 1.340.00 1.339.00 1.300.14 InO.OO 1.345 23 JO OS t0T.ll It 00 It 11 11.40 It 05 tlT.TII It ...1 1,340 00 $ 1,830 M 1 3,160 00 I 1,800 00 I 1,000.00 1 1,130 00 11010 33.11 80.44 49.37 350.00 350.00 .93 191 . , . 900 00 .. I l.tllfl 1,481,11 8 3.140.44 I 1.549,:7 I 4,150.00 I 3.310.00 319.30 1 1,019.74 t 1.000 00 I 8,000.00 I 1. 114. IT 1,593.33 1,999.51 3,800.00 1.500.00 I l. 17 1,911.13 I 3,011. SI f 9.590.01 I 1.900.0 M . 1.990 00 1.900.00 t J.39S.OO I 00 I 1.4O0 00 t 3.400 OO ...I 1,990.00 I 1.90000 I 3,395.00 9 Oft 9 1,400.00 I 3. 400.00 ...I 343 00 319 00 I 45. 50 I 315.00 I 1.300.00 I t, 300.00 ... 4.641.10 4,819.30 1.714.78 8.118 1ft 10,500.00 10.5O0.G0 119.50 197.80 96S.05 SI8.05 l.luO.UO 1.103.00 401 81 385.00 30 10. OA ... 1, 000. 00 3.008 04 3.000 00 1,300.00 1,000.00 4,100.00 160.00 3.100.00 1,360.(10 3.400.00 4.200.00 100.00 359.95 337 91 326.79 150.14 315.00 313.00 60.40 1,340.14 76U 30 664.31 1,300.00 1,100.00 1.30 1.18 93.13 180.40 450.00 450 09 ...110,400.11 113.061.04 116 551.19 I 1,990 29 139.265 00 1 33,365 .00 ... I 1,160.00 3,160.0ft 1 3.840.00 1 1,920.00 1 3,840.00 1 3,840.00 ... 3,010.09 3.400.00 2,300 00 1 330.00 3.460.00 3,530 00 ... 3.248.00 3.320.00 2,490.00 1.35P 00 3,100.00 3,820.00 ... 1.985.1T 1,049.53 3.003.91 1,350.00 3.700 00 3,920.00 ... 1,914.19 1.330.00 3,400.00 1,135.20 3.380.00 3,100.00 ... 1,113.67 3,160.00 3.460.00 1,190.00 2.SI0.00 3.100.00 ... 1,433 00 1,694.53 1,190.00 1,110 00 3,340.00 3,460.00 ,., 176 41 194.19 980.00 590.00 1.200.00 1,320.00 922.19 1.483.55 1.619.00 1,110.00 3,340.00 3.460.00 ... 1.500.00 1,33.00 140.00 3.340 00 3.400.00 838.44 1.208. 97 524.83 1,020 00 1,080.00 ... 97 90 330.61 319 90 890 00 300.00 600.00 ... 1350.00 1,237.40 3.584 27 3,030.53 3.000.00 4.000. 00 318.30 349.71 358.80 134.05 315.00 375.00 6.80 14.70 10.85 100.00 00 ... 50.00 100.00 186.00 10.00 370.00 100.80 8.18 137 ... 31 30 37.30 120.01 1,000.11 3.170.31 481 59 3.300 00 1 100.00 3.500 00 3.500.00 ...811.131.51 134.938.41 139,442 85 t.433.11 135.045.00 131.303.00 ...I 890.09 ' I 110 00 440.00 I 3lit 00 100 00 I 700.00 ... 63.41 50.60 103.65 II .10 100.00 100.00 ,.. 16.00 32.38 15 00 16.10 20.00 30.00 368.58 390.00 115.00 110 00 900.00 600 0ft 16.11 48.35 34.91 91.69 60. DO 60.00 ... 15.00 15.00 ,., 1.30 14 21 30 36.03 50 00 60.00 10.00 33.99 136.13 50.34 50.09 100.00 ..I 983 90 I 1.05114 925.99 I (OKI 1,689 00 I 1,635.00 S: ,.. 3.814.06 I 3 814.88 3.840.00 I 1.920.00 8 3.940.00 8 3.840.00 . . . 5.470.80 6,820.00 1,200.00 I 800.00 1,200.00 1,200 00 ... 159.13 420.00 480.00 310.00 840.00 600 00 3 7 930.00 524 84 1,020.00 1.080 00 148.47 Z99.U 154.58 373.54 1,000.00 600.00 15.00 34.00 35.00 25.00 149.70 138 90 128 80 73.11 ISO. 00 150.00 488.34 961.09 -1,333.43 958.71 1.330.00 1.600 00 33.05 8.40 49.99 9.96 35.00 35 00 "S-" 372.77 391.17 298 00 385.00 33 04 3S.13 50.60 31 40 16.00 75.09 .35 80 00 50 00 50 00 193.00 Ml. 00 305.00 110 00 305.00 185.00 300.10 31.15 300.00 300.00 ...110,143.74 IU.32a.94 814.899 14 8 T.886.47 US. II 1. 01 116,115.09 ..I 1,704.00 1-813.40 3.l:i4 0O I 1,12200 3,344.00 $ 3,364 00 ,.. 1,813.00 1.693.00 1 920.00 1.020.00 3,040.00 3,160.00 ,.. 1.512.00 1,692.00 1,920.00 1 020.00 3,040.00 J.160,00 ,.. 1,512.00 866.40 1.120 00 1,930.00 1,360.00 3.160.00 ... 1,660.00 1,156.98 3,008.20 1.020.00 3,280.00 3 400 00 39.50 38.01 118.31 141.31 ... 1.414.01 1,442.85 l,4lt:..8S 486.61 1,500.00 1,600.00 333.13 M.M 893.S4 41.5 600.09 700 00 115.43 "1" 313.41 118.51 600 00 900.00 100.00 ... 1.311.39 1.638.18 1,131.15 662.31 1.600.00 1,600 00 514.16 W 833.85 539.48 600 00 00 00 194.66 383.63 1,101.17 61.04 MO 00 150.00 3.82 3 . . . 1,333 15 4.134.10 Ml 84 4t5 10 60.S 10 f ..113,119.99 817.844.11 118,388.49 1 8.411 04 111 314 00 817,644.00 ..I t.fitE .it 2.700 00 1,410.00 I 2.820,00 I 3,840 00 ., 1,373 00 1,560.00 1,800 00 960.00 ' 1,920.00 3.040.00 38.00 00 3 M 38 6 40.00 40.00 33.25 , 7-50 33.00 13.00 .00 113.02 . W0 335.03 116 93 400.00 250 00 .. 366 61 3.034.41 618.12 1.087.44 800.00 600 00 123 42 103 " T1.65 51.91 331.00 100 00 31. M 100.00 .00 .41 1-74 '"-M 5W.00 171.0 tOO. 00 1,080 00 9.33 " 80.00 .00 ..I 1.982.19 8 I.944.S1 .(41.3 . $ 4,013.93 1.160. I 7.011.00 4.485.51 I 3.3B0.O 4.300 00 1 1,000 09 30.13 300.00 900.00 600.00 UOO.O 1.110.00 8.140.00 1 460.00 MO 480.0 1,080.08 1,100.0 10.0 6.00 300.00 100 00 1-004. 10 448.50 1,200 00 1,500 00 623.38 193.80 600.00 400 06 35 0 1,00 71.00 00 .. 36.00 11.00 20,00 30 00 1.418.84 260.81 500.00 800 00 141.11 114.38 178 00 125.00 1.300.00 990.00 1,200 00 1,300 0 3130 30.00 60 00 '"4 180.0 (14,119.14, I 1.998.31 113,141.00 8 14,808. 0ft I 3.000.00 1,100 00 3,000 00 f 1.000 00 619.0 840.00 1,080.00 .00 . 138000 400 IN 3000 3000 .. 131.30 81 300.00 100 00 "10 118 3 800.00 400.00 e M1-4T 491.91 60(1 00 800.06 ".00 25 00 35.00 300.00 t 1,600.91 3,90113 1,135.00 I 1,31100 ...I IflW 00 I 3.000 00 ... 1,880 00 1.900 00 ... 1S6 3I 71.40 I"" ... 311 18 31911 ftft M ... 30.00 18 00 ... 103 01 43MI 103 09 0 3l ... 490 00 1,100.09 4150 43 00 94 13 ... 10111 ...I 1.111 II I 1441 30 ...I 1 400 00 1 1.400 00 ... I85AO "49 8 00 3189 30 41 ... 369 9T 141 99 ... 180 3 HIM 1100 in im .1 1.109 91 I 4.UMI 19 39H I 1,019 31 I 349 44) 111 41 4f M II 90 II I 199.11 I 1.IT8 a I 1.409 0 I 11 I Eat trusted and Appropriated July 1, 1141 ta July 1. 1141 Estimate or Expenditure 1949-50 I 3,800.00 3,120.00 3.341.00 1,140.00 3.340 00 1 843.00 3,843 00 4.440.00 200.00 1,500 00 01 00 1. 180. 00 1100 to Dee. SI, 1141 1,800.00 l.SOO.OO 1,309. 00 1,140 00 1.140 00 1,390.00 1.000 00 1,900 00 1.M 41. n sen June 10. 1149 l.SOO.OO 1,000 09 I.43SM 3.330.00 1.330 00 3 43S 09 3,433.00 4 300.00 200 00 1.300 00 95 00 1, OOft.flO 11.01 I 140M I 1.610 M Mil 84 MM 8M 30 0 20 M 36 0 35 69 MM 99 0 I6M 1.I4I M 1,110 M I 300 00 1.100 M IM H 50 00 100 M 76 M 100 0 11 M 10 00 15 M. I 485 M I 1435 M 1,50 M 1,900 M is m n en II M 16 00 146 M MM 180 M 1 M 10 M 16 0 13 M 36 M I 1,111 M I 1.959 M I 1MM IMA. 31 ft 33 6tH 3 M 38 a 89 M 36 94) I HIM 14. M M 99 30 Of t Ml 90 I 180 90) I 1M M