r-: 'Mi M WO brides-elect have announced July dates for their weddings. Mary Massee has announced Sun day, July 31, as the date for her mar riage to James Struck of Parkdale. The ceremony will be an afternoon one at 4 o'clock In the First ConercKational church The enpaemcnt of the couple v as announced this pat school year at Oregon State college where both are students, Miss Massec being a member of Alpha Phi sorority, Mr Struck a member of Beta Thcta Pi. The bride elect is the daughter of Mrs. Frank A. Marsee of Salem, Mr. Struck the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Struck of Park dale I.evis-Myers Sunday. July 17, is announced as the date for the wedding of Miss Janice Lea Myers and Lloyd Vernon Lewis of Eu gene. The ceremony will take place at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at Terrace Farm, the Eola country home of Ihe bride-elect's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Bur ton A. Myers, with Dr. Chester W. Ham blin of the First Presbyterian church of ficiating. The reception following will be on the terrace. Announcement of t! engagement was made in January Mr. Lewis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Lewis of Merrill. He is a graduate of Ihe University of Oreson. Mis Myers, former student at Willamette univer sity and University of Oregon, is an active member of the Salem Sprinslcrs club. The couple plan to live in Eugene, Mr. Lewis being in business there. Kappa Alpha Theta alumn.'e are ktnW!n f mount 'ting Thursday evening at t' . Fair- Hill home of Mrs. F ,k J. Burke. On Monday night, May 30. at 8:15 o'clock, Miss Aldene Gould will be pre sented in senior recital at Waller Hall auditorium. Miss Gould, who will receive a bache lor of music degree this spring, has been active in various organizations on the Willamette campus. She is a member of Delta Gamma sorority and served as president during her junior year. She also served as president of Beta Alpha Gamma, sophomore women's honorary; is a member of Cap and Gown, senior women's honorary, and Mu Phi Epsilon, women's music honor society. She was a member of a cappella choir during her four years at Willamette, and held the offices of vice president and secretary. This recital, which is open to the pub lic without charge, will be given as par tial fulfillment of the degree of bachelor of music. The board of officers for the Salem Lions club auxiliary will meet for lunch ton Tuesday t 1 p.m. in the Golden Pheasant, Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer presiding. A group from the Salem Lions club auxiliary will go to McMinnville next Wednesday evening to attend installa tion of officers in the new auxiliary there. Mrs. A. J. Ctose of Salem will conduct the installation. Others plan r g to go from here are Mrs. Jacob Jirer, retiring president of the local 'auxiliary; Mrs. Wayne Doughton, in- earning president for the Salem group; Mr. Harry W. Scott, Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mi. Stanley S. Smith. Cbadwick ahapter, No. 7, Order of Eastern Star, will meet for a party on the fifth Hoor of the Masonic temple, Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Dancing will be enjoyed and other entertain ment provided. " ! Miss Vogl Bride Miss Alice Mae Vogl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vogl, and George B. Wat son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Wat son, exchanged their marriage vows this morning at a ceremony solemnized in St. Vincent de Paul church at 9:30 o'clock, the Rev. George O'Keefe of ficiating at a double ring ceremony. Pink snapdragons and greenery were used in decorating the church. For the music, Wayne Meusey played the or gan and Misses Dolores and Shirley Koutney sang, accompanied by Mr. Meusey. Given in marriage by her father, flie bride wore a dress of ivory slipper satin, designed with sweetheart neckline, a scalloped waist and court train. The fin gertip veil of illusion was arranged Horn a Mary Stuart crown, tor her flowers the bride carried a tan-shaped bouquet of white carnations and pink rosebuds centered with a wnite orcnid. Miss Florian Vvaloert was honor at tendant and sue wore a ligut laven.ar bf'C.cade'a gown witii a crovvnie.-s hat in th same color as tne uiess. tier iiowtrs were a nosegay ot cany summer llow ers. ivliss Leato Clair Vibuort, wearing, a libiil lavtnucr urocauea gown anu a cruwnless hat in matching color, was the bridesmaid, and her flowers also were a nosegay. Miss Annette Dornbusch was junior attendant for the bride. She wore a green taffeta gown and carried a nose gay. Clinton Wiemals was the best man and acting as ushers were Donald Welle, Don Koonce and dim Houges. For her daughters wedding, Mrs. Vogl wore a two-piece afternoon dress ol nark brown print wiin brown acces sories, and her flowers were yellow rosebuds and white carnations. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue dress with navy blue accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds and white car nations. The reception this afternoon was in the St. Vincent de Paul hall. Mrs. Zeno Welle cut the bride's cake. Mrs. Steve Michael and Mrs. Fred Moriarty poured. Miss Helen Ritchey had charge of the guest book. Miss Esther Waiters and Miss Marjorie Wiltsey wen. in charge of the gilts table. Assisting about the room were Miss Helm Miller, Miss Carol Michael of Por.Iana, Misses Shirley and Dolores Koutney. For going away the brine wore a fig ured navy blue dress with gray acces sories and her corsage of orchids. fallowing a trip to scenic places in Oregon the couple will be at home in eleo More Salem '. -"N - ie jr , ' ' -.. r f S NEW PRESIDENT for the Salem branch, American Association of University Women, is Miss Elise Schroeder, Ihe (roup announcing new officers following lis meeting last evening. (Kennell-Ellls studio photo) AAUW'S Election New officers for the Salem branch of the American Association of Univer sity Women were elected at the meeting of the group last evening. Miss Elise Schroeder is the new presi dent and serving with her will be Mrs. Ervin Potter as vice president; Mrs. Gordon Krueger as secretary; Miss Con stance Weinman as treasurer; Mrs. Charles Layport, student loan chairman. The retiring officers included: Mrs. Ver non Wiscarson, president; Miss Schroe der, vice president; Mrs. Robert Corey, secretary; Mrs. Arthur Bone, treasurer; Ms. Ralph Dobbs, student loan chaiman. The Friday meeting was a program and social honoring senior women of Willamette university, an annual event for the branch. A panel of foreign students in the 1 . S 4 . V a- ." ' s t I - ' . " ' I'." ' ajsnr-i' -- -u, ' ' , " "t Nfc. ...... H it , TTLLED THIS week a the n wnrthv Mvtser for me Orfler of Rainbow for Girls, Chadwfck eaassablj, was Miss Saota. Uwtaa-Mlller ataai hoU Groups Choose political science department at the Unl versty of Oregon presented the program. At the business meeting the branch voted to give another $100 scholarship to Miss Aldene Aydelotte, student at the Oregon College of Education in Monmouth. Miss Adyelotte also won the $100 scholarship given by the AAUW last year. The Friday event closed the season for the AAUW members who will re sume their meetings and programs in the fall. Child study group of the American Association of University Women is to meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Gordon Carl, Kingwood Heights, Dr. Lucille Fortner to be the guest speaker. New Officers AT A home wedding this afternoon Miss Nita June White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. While, was married to Glenn Whitmarsh of Chico, Calif., son of Mrs. Ruth Whit marsh of Chico, the rites being solemn ized at 4 o'clock at the White home on Cascade drive. Blue delphiniums and while peonies in baskets were arranged at the fireplace before which the serv ice was read and roses were used in decorating the room. The Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated at the wedding. The bride wore a slreet-length white dress with navy accessories and a cor sage of orchids. Mr. White gave his daughter in marriage. Mrs. Robert Dickson (Betty White) was matron of honor for her sister. She wore a pastel blue dress, street length, and a band of white carnations and pink bouvardia in iter hair. Vernon White, brother of the bride, was best man. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. White wore a lavender and white sheer print with a corsage of gardenias and shattered carnations. At the reception following. Mrs. Jesse Fovier (Evelyn White), sister of Ihe bride, cut the cake and Mrs. Clifton Roop poured. Assisting at the recep tion were Mrs. Clinton Page, cousin of the bride, and Miss Elva Lough, in charge of the gifts table; Mrs. Clar ence Appelgate, cousin of the bride, who passed the guest book and Miss Joyce McClendon, who assisted about the rooms. The couple will be at home at 446 West Second street, Chico, Calif. The bride attended Salem schools and Mr. Whitmarsh attended Alameda schools and was in the army during the war. PORTLAND TEA OF INTEREST Invitations have been received here for a tea to be given by Portland alum nae of Chi Omega sorority on June 7 to honor Mrs. John J. Hess, new president of the Portland Panhellenic and a mem ber of the sorority. The tea will be at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Goodall, 414 S. W. Edgecliit road, Portland. Invited from Salem are officers of the City Panhellenic, of which Mrs. G. Her bert Smith is president; Mrs. C. R. Nel son, Panhellenic adviser at Willamette university, and the president and repre sentative from each group having mem bership in the City Panhellenic here. Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr., Mrs. Earl Snell and Mrs. Fracis T. Wade, all of Salem, will be assisting at the tea. Piano pupils of Miss Dorothy Pearce are to play in recital Tuesday evening at the Pearce residence at 8 o'clock. Those taking part in the program will be Kathleen Busick, Beverly Benner, Earl Eyre, Roberta Eyre, Janet Ham blin, Judith Hume, Roberta Howe (of Dallas), Anne Heltzel, Aloha Schaefer, Muriel Steusloff, Elaine Stanley, Jean Spaulding. Refreshments wil be served following the program. Wedding Friday The First Congregational church, deco rated in pink and white gladioluses, was the scene for a pretty wedding last eve ning when Miss Barbara Louise Robin son, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Robinson of Gooding, Idaho, was mar ried to Stanley D. Ryals, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oren F. Ryals, Sr., of Salem. Dr. Daniel Schulze of Willamette uni versity read the vows at 8 o'clock be fore a large gathering of relatives and friends. For music, Lloyd Powell and Miss Norvada Smedley sang and Alice Rose Jones was at the organ. Lighting the tapers were Misses Col leen Whiteman and Wesley Woodard. The bride's wedding dress had a bodice of lace, with scalloped neckline and long sleeves, and an organdy skirt, full with train, with two lace panels in front and back. The illusion veil was arranged from clusters of pearlized orange blossoms at either side of the head. For her flowers the bride car ried an arm bouquet of pink roses. Dr. Robinson gave his daughter in mar riage. Airs. Kenneth Thompson of Twin Falls, Idaho, was matron of honor for her sister. She wore a gown of pink organdy, designed with scalloped neck line, and she carried a nosegay of pink and white carnations and pink sweet peas. ...ias Vv'c.-ity Wut.:trd ol Boise, Idaho, Miss Betty Cummings of Palo Alto, Calif., Miss Shirley Ambler of Port land and Miss Colleen Whiteman of Hood River were the bridesmaids. They all wore blue organdy frocks fashioned with scalloped necklines, and all car ried nosegays of pink and white car nations and pink sweet peas. Oren F. Ryals, Jr., was best man fur his brother. Ushers were Russell Rob inson, Jesse Jones, Stuart Compton and Ray Fedje. The reception following was at the Chi Omega house. Miss Joan Thomas and Miss Jean Gilmer served the cake. Mrs. Paul Jarrett of Portland poured. Assisting at the reception were Miss Virginia Atkinson as hostess, and Miss Mary Llbby and Miss Llsbeth Trul linger, who ha dcharge of the gifts table. Pink and while gladiolouses were used in decorating the reception rooms and the centerpiece was of roses. For traveling the bride wore a brown and white check suit with dark brown collar and cuffs and a beige hat trimmed in dark brown, and beige and cinna mon accessories. Following a trip to the Oregon beaches the couple will be at home in Salem. The bride attended the Good ing high school and Willamette univer sity where she Is amember of Chi Omega. Mr. Ryals attended Salem schools and Willamette and is a mem ber of Beta Thau PL at Recent Annual Elections iaaua MM 'ml li ELECTED THIS WEEK as president of Unit Bert A. Walker, who has been active In the studio photo) Ft vLANS for an all-parish reception i honor the Rev. and Mrs. George . Swift are under way by groups in St. Paul's Episcopal church, the re ception being given the evening of June 14 at the parish house. The event hon ors Rev. Mr. Swift upon his 20th anni versary with the parish, and also the observance commemorates the centen nial of the acquisition of property for St. Paul's church. Glenn S. Paxson, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. George Weller and Mrs. W. H. Lytle are the general committee in charge for the reception. All guilds of the church are assisting with arrange ments for decorations, tables and invi tations. The evening's program will begin AiL.s.i I. MISS .f FAN IIERIlin Is Ihe nrw honored Installation to come nrst month. (.leslrn - Next week-end will attract many par enls and friends to Corvallis for the an nual commencement of Oregon State college which will take plare June B. Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay will be among those atlending the cere monies, their younger daughter, Miss Mary Lou McKay, being a member of the graduating class. Governor McKay is on the commencement program to ex tend greetings to the graduates. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson will he among those from here going to the commencement event, their daughter, Mri. Leonard Rinearson, Jr., being a V . . . x i : b X yy v No. M6, American Lesion auxiliary, was Mrs. group sines Ms MganiHtloii. W Mien-Mill ef with a vespers and confirmation service at the church at 7:30 o'clock, the Rt. Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell, bishop of the Oregon diocese, to conduct the confirma tion and to give a talk on the centennial of the church. The reception will be at 8:30 o'clock. Preceding the evening service the wives of the vestrymen are entertain ing at a dinner for members of the ves try and for Rev. and Mrs. Swift, the event to be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard. St. Paul's guild, St. Paul's Episcopal ehurch, is to meet Wednesday for a no host luncheon ki the parish bouse at 12:30 o'clock. La J :.ki L oilmen for Ihe lneal bethel of Joh's Daughters, Mlller ituriio photo) member of the class. Also going from Salem will be Mr. and Mrs. Huhbnll Young, their daugh ter. Miss June Young, being among the graduates. Others going from S.ilem for the com mencement week-end are Mrs. Kathleen Caplan, whose son, John Caplan, is grad uating wilh high honors in the school of engineering; ,fr. and Mm. Frrd Gahls rinrf, whose son. Richard J. Gahlsdorf, Is a member of Hie graduating class; and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Probert, whose son, Roger Probert, is a member of the grad uating class. J ' t Te. . v . .' 1 V i ! f