Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 28, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    AMONG ummr brides-eleet an
nouncing dates for their wedding
1 Mis Norma Jane Cam, who
ha set Sunday, August 28, aa the data
for her marriage to Richard Thurin of
Pasadena, Calif.
The ceremony will be an evening one
in Knight Memorial Congregational
church at 8:30 o'clock.
Miss Cass is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Luis A. E. Cass of Salem, Mr.
Thurin the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
Thurin of Pasadena. The engagement
of the couple was told this past school
year at the Alpha Gamma Delta soror
ity at Oregon State college where the
couple have been students. Mr. Thurin
is a member of Thcta Chi fraternity at
the college.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
pSS MARGARET Jane Cooley,
bride-clcct of John Philip
Maulding of Tillamook, will De
honor guest for a tea for which Mrs,
Eugene I. Foster will be hostess next
Wednesday afternoon between 3 and S
o'clock at her apartment home.
Mrs. Foster and Miss Cooley will re
ceive the guests. Pouring will be Mrs.
Ralph H. Cooley, mother of the honoree,
and Mrs. Douglas McKay. Mrs. Richard
L. Cooley is to assist with the serving.
The tea table will be set with a hand
some crocheted tablecloth and a center
arrangement of roses.
Guests for tile tea will include Miss
Margaret Jane Cooley, Mrs. Ralph H.
Cooley, Mrs. James A. Maulding of Til
lamook, mother of Mr. Maulding: Mrs.
Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. James T. Brand,
Mrs Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Douglas
McKay, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Mrs.
George H. Swift, Mrs. William H. Lytle,
Mrs. P. H. Schncll, Mrs. James H. Nich
olson, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. David
Eason, Mrs. George W. Croisan, Mrs.
Wheeler English, Mrs. Richard L.
Cooley, Mrs. H. B. Pearson, Mrs, Walter
Kirk, Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs. E. J.
Scellars, Mrs. E. F. Smith, Mrs. C. B.
The Maulding-Coolcy wedding is plan
ned for August 6.
Mrs. Helen Goodenough was hostess
Thursday for an informal luncheon at
her home, covers being marked for
Attending the party were Mrs. B. F.
Pound, Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs. Zella
James, Mrs. Elizabeth Higbee, Mist
Olive Dahl, Mrs. J. H. Drysdale, Mrs.
Sheets and Mrs. Goodenough.
One of the eighteen seniors at th
University of Oregon who has been se
lected for membership in Phi Beta Kap
pa, national scholastic honorary, is Miss
Shirley Lukins, daughter of W. S. Lu
kins, 115 Lancaster drive, Salem. Miss
Lukins is an English major.
Miss Nancy Whitmore, daughter of
Mrs. Margaret Whitmore of Portland,
recently announced August 28 as data
for her marriage to Donald Barkley,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Page of Sa
lem. The announcement was made at
the Delta Gamma house at Willamette
university. Both young people are jun
iors at Willamette.
Miss Frances Baum i home from the
University of Oregon for the Memorial
day week-end at the home of her par
ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baum. She
was accompanied to Salem by Miss
Georgia Oberteuffer of Portland who
was here overnight Friday.
Mrs. Howard Arnot of Salem was hon
ored at a surprise luncheon and shower
for which Mrs. B. T. Peterson of Port
land entertained on Thursday at the
home of her mother, Mrs. P W. West,
in Portland. Guests included the group
with whom Mrs. Arnot formerly was in
nursing service in the Multnomah coun
ty hospital. Mrs. Arnot was accompanied
to the party by her mother, Mrs. Elmore
Hill, Salem.
Several Salemilrs are planning trips
swfly for the early summer.
Mrs. Hope Randall and dauglitcr,
Joyce, leave June 14 by plane for Hono
lulu where they will visit Mrs. Randall's
son-in-law and daughter, Lt. tJ.R.) and
Mrs. Charles Strong. They will be
gone a month or six wrrks, planning
to return by way of Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer are leaving
June 12 on a trip to Alaska. They will
go by car ns far as Vancouver, B.C.. and
from there plan a trip on the Krascr
river. On June 17 they will sail from
Vancouver on the Prince George, plan
ning to go as far north as Skagway.
From there they plan an inland trip to
White Horse. They will be gone three
Mrs. Ralph Purvine and children,
Billy and Becky, are leaving June 5
for Winona, Minn., to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Raymond. They
are going by train and will be gone
until about the first of August.
Judge and Mrs. E, M. Page will b
leaving about June 7 (or California,
making the Irip by car. They will at
tend the graduation exorcises at Stan
ford. June IB, their son. Richard Page,
being in the class. Planning to go south
with them are Mrs. Pages brother in
law and sister. Dr. and Mrs. George
Evans of Portland.
Mrs. Mabel Carder left today for th
east. She will meet her sister. Miss
Elizabeth Dotson, in New York City.
Miss Dotson has been attending Colum
bia university this year and living at
International House there.
Th two will spend two weeks in
New York City, then go to Boston and
possibly to Quebec. They will return to
New York before going to Philadelphia
and Washington, n. C. On their way
west they will stop at Chicago to visit
relatives and friends and at Denver to
visit relatives. During her time in New
York Citv. Mrs. Carder plans to attend
Several Broadway plays. Sh and her
titter plan to be back in Salem m about
tlx wMki.
Many Engagement Announcements Are Featured in May Social Aew5
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ANNOI'VCFD RECENTLY wax Ihi enenrrmrnf of MIm Toan Thomax. daughter of Mr.
anri Mm. Robert E. Thomas of Port OrforH, tn John M?cy, on of Mr. and Mrs, O. A. Macy
of Monmouth and recently of tialrm, (Jeslen-Miller itudio photo)
Junior Prom Next Friday Evening
The "big" dance of the year for Salem
high school upperclassmen comes next
Friday evening, June 3. when the junior
class members are hosts to the seniors
'for the annual Junior Prom. The for
mal affair will be given in the school
gymnasium between 9 and 12 o'clock.
Theme for this year'i dance ii "Under
the Sea."
Miss Tatia Williams Is general chair
man for the event and Miss La June
Rahtz heads the decorating committee.
Other committee chairmen working on
the event include Miss Anita Boyeas,
Merlin Shulze, M iss Lesly n Burdette,
Miss Barbara White, Miss Doris Lane,
Miss Jo-Ann DeRoos.
Patrons for the evening include Miss
Mary Elizabeth Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Carleton, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Flesher, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Eshelman,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Miss Isabel
Goodenough, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Rin
gle, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pearce, Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest W. Donkin, Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Case, Miss Vivian Chandler
and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Broadbent.
TIIK KNOCEMKN'T f Ml.. Marlon CcifM.
tn .lerry Tavlnr. son of Mr. and Mr.. K. A.
Coffel home. iJrstrn-MIIIrr studio photo)
The Bon Heur club closed Its dance
year with a no-host supper at the Veter
ans of Foreign Wars hall this month. A
aport dance followed.
A business meeting ended the dinner
hour with the election of the officers for
the year of 1940 SO as follows: Presi
dent, A. J. Crose; vice president, L. S.
Christison; secretary-treasurer. Mrs.
Newell Hearst; publicity chairman. Mrs.
Neil Brown.
The first of the fall aeries will be
dance in October at the Veterans hall,
and the committee In charge will be an
BounM4 at that Urn.
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"EMBERS of Chemeketa chapter.
Daughters of the American Rcv-
olution, have arranged their reg
ular June meeting for next Saturday, a
no-host luncheon to be at the home of
Mrs. Edwin Keech with Mrs. C. C. Best,
Mrs. Lenard Kephart and Mrs, H. G.
Henderson on the committee. Each
member Is to take her own table service.
Reports will be given on pioneers. Mrs.
M .A. Pekar is to read a paper prepared
by Mrs. David Looney.
The annual regent's party for th
chapter comes later in June at Cham
poeg park.
A wedding for next Saturday, June 4,
will be that of Miss Verena Fisch, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fisch of Mar
shalltown, Iowa, who is to wed Loyal A.
Whitney, son of Mrs. Oliver A. Whitney
of Salem. The ceremony will be solemn
ized at 10 a.m., June 4, in St. Joseph's
Catholic church, the Rev. Gerald Lena
han officiating. The reception follow
ing is to be in the Senator hotel.
I ..
ilsuthter f Mr. anri Mr.. rnolrl Cotl'l.
Ta.vlor, HAS annnunred at a parly at the
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor, has discontinued her at home
day for the summer, planning to resume
the weekly event in the fall. The lat
one for the reason was held thij past
Mrs. Brooks Moore was given a sur
prise party Thursday evening by the
young adult class of the First Methodist
church, some .to attending. There was an
Informal program of songs, talks and in
strumental music. A gift was presenter!
Mrs. Moore Hostesses for the evening
wer Mr. Merlin Estep. Jr . Miss Ado
liM WUtoa and Mia Lauta Linton.
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AMONG the varied affairs being
given to honor summer brides
elect will be the luncheon, miscel
laneous shower and bridge party next
Thursday afternoon honoring Miss Mary
Lou McKay, who is to be married July
23 to Lester D. Green of Eugene.
The party is being given by three
close friends of the bride-to-be's mother,
Mrs. Douglas McKay, the hostesses be
ing Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers, Miss
Dorathea Steusloff and Mrs. E. M. Page,
the party to be at the Chambers' home.
Arrangements of roses in little bridal
bouquets will be used as decorations for
the luncheon.
Invited for the affair are Miss Mary
Lou McKay, Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs.
Wayne Hadley, Mrs. William L. Phillips,
Sr., Mrs. William Cole, Mrs. Richard
Slater, Mrs. Karry U. Miller, Mrs. W. W.
Baum Mrs. R. S. Keene (of Corvallir.),
Mrs. Robert E. Shinn, Mrs. Floyd W.
Shcpard, Mrs. George Croisan, Mrs.
Henry V. Compton. Mrs. James T. Brand,
Mrs. Charles McElhinny, Mrs. R. H.
Baldock, Mrs. Stewart Johnson. Mrs.
Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. Burton A. Myers,
Mrs. John S. Beakey, Mrs. Herbert Stiff,
Sr., Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. Mrs.
George Alexander, Mrs. William Busick,
Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, Mrs. Wallace
Eonestcelc, Mrs. Wilmer C. Page.
Mrs. Earl Snrll has invited members
of Town and Country club for a lunch
eon and meeting next Thursday at the
Marion hotel at 1 p.m.
A wedding for Monday morning will
be that of Miss Virjeane Highberger,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. High
berger of Aumsvillc, and Joseph W.
Dougherty of Salem, the couple to say
their vows at a ceremony arranged for
10 o'clock in St. Boniface Catholic
church at Sublimity, the Rev. J. Scher
bring officiating. Mr. Dougherty is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dougherty.
Mrs, Richard Schumacher will be ma
tron of honor and Miss Rosemary
Doughtery the maid of honor. Mips
Lucille Albus, Miss Margaret Lulay and
Miss Marlene Frank are to be brides
maids. Dougie Highberger, brother of
the bride, is to be ring bearer. Ray
mond Doughtery is to be best man and
Eddie Highberger and Dick Pierce the
groomsmen. Ted Highberger, Richard
Schumacher, Jerry Roberts and Douglas
Doughtery are to be ushers. For th
music, Wayne Meusey and Mrs. Vine
Rodakowski, both of Salem, will sing
and Miss Margaret Land will play the
wedding marches.
A large group of relatives and friends
will attend the wedding and the recep
tion following at the Highberger home.
Wednesday brings the regular day for
the Salem Women's Golf association,
play to be at 9 a.m., luncheon at 1 p.m.
Misa Letty Griffith left Thursday for
Pacific Grove, Calif., to visit relatives
and friends.
June Weddings
June brides-elect are announcing plant
for their nuptials.
A prominent wedding for Saturday,
June 11. will be that of Miss Mary Rei
mann, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Reimann, who is to be married to
Oscar C. Christensen, Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar C. Christensen. The
ceremony will be at 8 p.m. in the First
Baptist church, the Rev. J. R. Turnbull
Miss Shirlce Reimann is to be maid
of honor for her sister. Three Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority sisters of the
bride-elect. Miss Mary Lou McKay of
Salem. Miss Nancy Connelly and Miss
Sara Mae Addis, both of Portland, will
be bridesmaids.
Robert Dunn of Corvallis is to be
best man and ushers will be Lester D.
Green, Eugene, Don Burlingham, Salem,
John Kaegi of Portland.
Miss Beverly Kenny, Salem, is to he
soloist and Miss Minnie Miller will play
the organ.
The reception following will also be
In the church.
Rovs-Srntt Ceremony
Miss Eileen Scott, who Is to be mar
ried June 10 to Robert G. Ross, has
announced plans for the wedding. The
service will take place at 2 o'clock the
afternoon of June 10 in the chapel of
St. Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev.
George H. Swift cfficintlqn.
MK LnKyrn Showacy of Portland
will be maid of honor and Al Laue. Jr.,
of Salem, best man.
The couple plan to be in Salem for
the summer. Both are juniors at Wil
lamette university, majoring in English.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs.
G. R. Scott of La Jolla. Calif., who
plans to come north for the wedding.
Mr. Ross is the son of Mrs. M. F. Teter
of Salem,
Smith-llughlett Ceremony
A wedding for June 11 will be that of
Miss Ruth Hughlrtt. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs H. W. Hushlelt. who is to be
married to Boh Lee Smith, son of Mr.
and Mrs. R. S. L. Smith of Portland.
The ceremony will be solemnized at
B oclock in the evening at the First
Congregational church. Dr. Seth R.
Huntington officiating.
Lighting the tapers will be Miss Pa
tricia Hushlett. sister of the bride-to-be.
and Miss Judith Lee Query.
Miss Charlotte Reeves is to be the
bride's only attendant and Robert Nel
son of Portland is to be best man. Usher
will include Robert MacNamera, Harold
Muchow-, Kenneth Owens, and Edward
A Peterson.
Jack and Ricky Query are to be th
ring bearers.
The reception following is to be at
the church also.
Preceding the wedding rehearsal on
June 10, Mr. and Mrs. Hughlett will en
tertain with a dinner at their home for
th wedding party In honor of their
daujhtax and Mr. tmitA.
IIP' y
INTERESTING NEWS to many university friends was announcement of the betrothal of
Miss Phyllis Schnell, only dauthler of Mr. and .Mrs. P II. Srhnell of Salem, to Robrrt
Streblg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter StrebiE, also of Salem. The wedding will be in the
late summer, the eoupje planning to be in Eugene next year while Mr. Strebig finishes
his education at University of Oregon. (Kennell-Ellis phote, Eugene)
THE annual formal dinner given
by the Willamette university fac
ulty wives for the university fac
ulty will be an event of Tuesday eve
ning at 6:30 o'clock in Lausanne hall.
Mrs. G. Herbert Smith is to be toast
mistress for the event. Mrs. Robert D.
Gregg is chairman for the program.
Mrs. Gayle Morris is general chairman
for the committee arranging the dinner
and working with her are Mrs. Paul
Beal. Mrs. James I. Elliott, Mrs. Rob
ert D. Gregg, Mrs. Elizabeth Higbee,
Mrs. Ivan Houser, Mrs. Charles A. Jens,
Mrs. Harold B. Jory, Mrs. Egbert S.
Oliver, Mrs. Fay Owen, Mrs. Ralph Pur
vine, Mrs. Seward P. Reese, Mrs. Murco
Those who have served on the faculty
20 years or longer are to be honored
Expected home this week-end is Mrs.
G. Herbert Smith who has spent the
past month in the mid-west and Ten
nessee. She is one of five Pi Beta Phi
alumnae on the board of directors for
the sorority's settlement school at Gat
linburg. Tenn., and attended the board
meeting there. She also visited in Chi
cago and in Indianapolis and Green Cas
tle. Indiana, at the latter place with her
mother, Mrs. H. H. Brooks.
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ONE of the parties on the new
week's calendar will be the eve
ning bridge party for which Mrs.
Howard Post and Mrs. Lee I. Thomas art
to entertain on Wednesday evening at
the Post home to honor Mrs. T. G. Wise,
who is leaving soon for Seattle to livt,
A late supper will follow the bridCi
games. Sixteen have been invited.
Friday Event
On Friday evening, Mrs. Wis and
Mrs. William R. Moore, who it moving
to Portland to make her home, will share
honors at a party for which Mrs. Arthur
Erickson, Mrs. Gerald Wing, Mrs. Har
mon Harvey and Mrs. Harold O. Schnei
der are to entertain at the Erickson
home. Guests are bidden for dessert
and bridge, about 25 being invited.
Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood will
be entertained Thursdav afternoon by
Mrs. C. E. Illidge and Mrs. W. B. Rob
inson at their home at 1:15 o'clock.
Misses Marilyn Hill, Barbara Hen
drickson and Patricia Wilson, all Sa
lem stue'ents at Oregon State college,
are spending the week-end at Nelscott
with a group of their Gamma Phi Beta
sorority sisters.
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