Capital A Journal - Popular People ; An Independent Newspaper Established 1888 ' GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES, Asiistont Publisher v ; Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che- meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Wont Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409. Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and J The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor publication of all news dispatches ' credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also news published tharein. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier: Weekly, t5ej Monthly, 81.00; One Tesr, 812.00. By Mail In Oregon- Monthly, 75c; 6 Mot. II W; One Tear. $8.00. . U 8 Outside Oregon- Monthly, $1.00; 6 Mo.. $6.00; tear, 812. 4 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 28, 1949 Deficit Spending "Cure" for Deflation Norman Thomas, moderate socialist leader in the United States, and perpetual candidate for president, says that "economics as practiced in the United States is a useful art but not a science, certainly not in the sense that astronomy or physics is a science. If astronomical predictions were as uncertain and inaccurate as economic predictions time could scarcely march on. Witness some recent economic predictions." Thomas reviews some of the recent predictions of the majority of the professional economists. They predicted after World War II the trend in the United States would be deflational and it was dubious to talk about "60 million Jobs." Instead we got intlatnii and Jul. employment. &f v 3 a pretty wmSm'MmM CLEAN OUT THE, -31 A I SPOT-BUT C,, n h uf. m mi l, MA CAR BEFORE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND J. Edgar Hoover Has the Respect of Entire Nation By DREW PEARSON Washington The state department's "Voice of America" re cently carried an unusual broadcast to Europe. It told about a po lice chief who was not feared and hated, but who was so loved and respected that the American people were raising money volun tarily to build a boys' school in his honor. That police chief is J. Edgar - Hoover. might want to reach a general From the state department's sememeni on au ouisianoing BY GUILD Wizard of Odds viewpoint this was e x c e llent propag a n d a . Furthermore, It was true. And in E u r o p e it was news. In the United States It war not e s p e clally considered news! for a very good reason. we have come mm east-west problems now. In his cabled report to the White House, however, Acheson cautioned: "One swallow does not a summer make." Dt rarsM THE FIRESIDE PULPIT Freedoms We Enjoy Due to Sacrifices of Millions of Men Race riots make sure-fire headlines, but race harmony doesn't. That's why you won't see front-page headlines about Boykin, Alabama. Nevertheless Alabama's Con gressman Frank Boykin, who votes against- most progressive to take the fair-minded head of naures In the House, has made the FBI so much for granted D' comriDuiion lowara Bet that we don't realize that in ma- ter race relations in this little ny oarts of EuroDe. the head of town. In fact, the Negroes were the secret police is a figure sy- grateful that they named the MacKENZIE'S COLUMN jiuiiyuiuus wiui invasion OI uie " ' - .... home, torture and beatings. Congressman Boykin not only Therefore, the state depart- secured federal money to help ment quite rightly reported to 'he community, sent personal Europe the amazing fact that contributions to improve the the American people wanted to schools, but is now offering Ne raise money voluntarily to iro farmers a Brahma bull and build a Juvenile delinquency thoroughbred boar. ODOS ARE EXACTLY f " WEN VOU'VE MOVED ONCE SINCE f Ma 1940 -70,00PE0tp iTT? ARESTILL21D 1 Ldl I YOUUMARMf CHANCES OF 6ETTIH6 A i jjt ALL EI6HT ACES IN A J Wf Wjf 7 FOUR-HANDED PINOCHLE lW (SL-TT (SAME ARE 762,321 SJf wr j J tinue and anv recession was temporary. On their forecast on which the president in his "State of the Union" address to con- much of our gress called for $4 billion new taxation to stem inflation, food, directly or j Actually the rfpflatinn trend while not serious, is contin- indirectly, de-1 uinir. Now they all agree that in the last analysis, the l" e 'magnitude of government expenditures will avert serious h u m ble eartn. depression which means unbalanced budgets and deficit worn)( Wn0 per apending which the economists advocated as long ago as forms' his task .1938. holding that the more money spent the better be- nuletlv beneath cause the people owed it to tnemseives : Now comes another Harvard economist, Professor Sey mour E. Harris, who declares: the ground. present clvaiza' 4 By Do WITT MocKENZIE vjpi Porclra Attain ntl?tl a. ...t. 4 h i..a,,Am iii. nntlnue in maneuver for Dosi- Hoover. kin WHS ODPnprf trie tnwn fnllr tA 1m Ua DIm TTm h 4nro an minister' council meeting, which of some of nature's greatest Mr. HooY" sInce then- has sent their first letter to the con- opened in Paris last Monday. By REV. GEORGE H. SWIFT tVctor 0t Paut'a Kpucopn Cfturcb Behind all our blessings there are forces, often unsung and Jyment. v-n nnnhwrvpri without which nur lives would be verv much 1 . - ,.,!. .. , Th nresidenffl economic advis-ra as late as beffinninsr .,m.ribi. We .re told that the fertility and workability a " l"DUie w " Bap . ,Anep tne P oi Boy. , . . . .. ' - iiuu v ci . ir in urai nnanai n......iT. of the year, predicted the inflationary 'vrend would con- 0f the soil, up- blesslngs. modestly said he does not think gressman for whom the town When we weaken religion'! f. memorial snouia De Built to a was named. They got the tain and France f hold on DeoDle's confidence by 'lvln man- However, the name town's lone white man. J. R. .mi .v .n ...l habitual neglect, lukewarm at- "ot important It a the spirit Hall, to write It. act interpreU-F ' -a.. ii that COUnbl. AnH mnnov Via. . . n k fc j tenuon, or ouirigni opposiuun, x 1 4i , ' j "inis community," he wrote, tion of Moscow's r that counts. And money has we are, in a sense aissipaung - -- - - - - .. - '1. small and entirely colored, back-flop whenfl anomer capiiai iuna, in uu . - - - ' oui iney nave Hopes of expand- the discussion tne education of the opened on Ger Russia Reverses Position On Control of Germany America, Bri- case a spiritual one. Ve in this f - from all sorts of people. Here lng by norrvi muct Tint hp rnntGnt nAa1ir 4n r-ar-ai no tVl A Vlrccini7 from the past which we now en- "'". " wnies. methods of farming , nuw n weaiuiy man, DUl ,(ri . . ... I want to join in the tribute to .. Bein in Publ,c office, Waco,e"Rahjr t r an7Thrguida;c. nTany's futu KoCrnJewhS;irthUr J" " he. old P"Pl I" better a matter of par- great, unselfish public servant, 0?te" have "thankless job ioy, but should have constantly tions are the constant efforts of before us the importance of pass ihrnnoh fhnn.onrt, nf ing them on to peoples yet un- "May I raise a dissenting voice to the universal demand either year3 to live upon a higher born- vour children's In.. nuMl, BiuinHino nr mnra lnvif Rnplf In .Tflnimrv . . .. . n anH mino the correct policy wa, more taxes. But by the sprint: of 1949 J;, " " tne world When we have "looked unto bJS" has become increasinRiy clear tnat tne proo em m x snot m the ..fulness of tlme.. as the hilr, and the forest,, and amount Import- yOU ance to Euro pean peace ana WA vet un- " uac"ou huuxiu servant:. l..4v ... . . - ..u-KiiitHt i M ' wen, mais ior ivir. visninsKy chUdren especially a tribute which will " nmanth,s. 1f,tter b?iust, The Rulsian shift was disclosed to disclose in his own good time held solve one of our Breatt oken.of. PPreclation and thanks The Russian shift was disclosed nh,..n thinV JL, ph,n vlval of the four-power allied control council to govern Ger many, instead of creating a cen tral German government. Only a few months ago a War saw conference, attended by representatives from Russia and all her satellites, adopted a pro gram calling for a united Ger many under a central German government. Why then the sud den reversal? Well, that's for Mr. Vishinsky held solve one of our greatest fr .11 h. A .ui v "I hv IWim Mlni.r Vishln.W. oume "Divers win mc cnango TZnTtzrzz ,ou n"VB :i:,r;. . ;";:r , . t pan to the set- cy. Therefore, my wife and my aone for u5- son, Paul, agreed with me at the wholly unexpected call for a re- going to be one of inflation, but rather that of preventing a :' ". "., "". """.Z,Z:S. on- Paul. asreec inall decline from snowballing Into a large one. ",,c" ""'' " " - -j ",1?LT"" breakfast table to mail this II I. ,k. nf fnHHIntf nn W (ntHantMMmnuinrigt nni (. Ul lu tutto wuu na.ui, t. " " ' . fnimrintlnr, .iropw vaa- - V, V to the latest statisical findings. To suggest at this point that vl in previous eras There the wonderful works jfGoi for $10 and tQ cont,n tax Increases are no longer expedient would reflect political has always been, in the long When we study the progress of ousy after j am from rtatesmanshlo: to reiterate the Dlea for more Uxes at this point view of things, a constant up- man from the level of primitive 1H might be Interpreted as face-saving. Surely, tne April de- owing in civilizations ana i..s..;i Secretary of SUte Acheson velopmens emphasize the failure to achieve the improvements religions due to the persistent enlightenment, we have seen in reported to president Truman wnich would have justified a continued support of higher taxes, pressures from the more spirit- this, too, the hand of God. For that Soviet Poreien Minister VI The correct policy is not to raise taxes but rather to reduce ual groups of people in every all these things may God's holy shinsky has been even more cor taxes on the masses of consumers, to some extent, thus stim- age. name be praised. djal at ODenjn- ,ession i mating buying. As one who has strongly supported the Fair Back of the freedom we en- The Psalmist wrote, "I will lift the foreinn ministers' Deal program, with great reluctance I dissent on current pro- Joy are the sacrifices of millions up mine eyes unto the hills, "but than was remrted In hj TAr... posals for more axes." of men. While we enjoy this he adds, "From whence cometh Vishinsky also appeared nerv- Profeaaor Harris wants it understood that he is not sup- freedom today we have a great my help?" And he answered his 0us, but this was attributed not porting the economy bloc in its effort to reduce total spend- pnL' .yJ fVi n t0 ?Zn ?u,estion in 'these words to worry over the conference, iV at this time to balance the budKet because the recipi- r nJ "t,.yeiiorv":,. y help "meth from the Lord but to a slight touch of St VU ents of the expenditures would suffer through unemploy- a",", " ":....."" "".-.V" ,.,"?, :,,,..Bna 'Vs ance with which the Rus- ment as a result of reduced public expenditures. He thinks sources used up faster than they In the words of the Doxology it strange that "after 15 years of educational work by are being built up, we are en- "Praise God from whom all economists, congress has not learned the lesson that taxes croachlng upon the capital fund blessings flow." are not increased primarily to balance the budget." He holds it the task of government to stop a decline by spend- prrD AjMM'C DUII OCrtDUCD ing more and taxing less, not spending less and taxing mMri J rniLVZUrntK wore. D I Ci I iauuiu jrar mattes Less In other words, deficit spending is necessary to prevent or cure depression and presumably the "pump priming" must be on an enormous scale, the greater the debt the more the prosperity which is the essence of the New Deal. And if there is no war as an excuse for spending, there is, of course, the "welfare state." World Hop Production At 34 Than He Did at Six By HAL BOYLE New York m How would you like to be 34 years old and Vishinsky replied "There nlfw!'t..,,l,kJ!:f." ' ? d" "ot tw. "t us here; the. sian chieftain has been suffer ing for some time, and which was the reason why he went to Czechoslovakia last winter for a cure. At one point Vishlnsky's ex pression of hope that much would be accomplished during the Paris discussions, caused Britain's Foreign Minister Be vin to say: "That depends in large part on you." It depends on all of us here," are Stunts Atop Bridge New York VPl Are there any missing acrobats in your fam HyT Police are looking for two youths who climbed a Brooklyn bridge tower last night, did some stunt work 300 feet above the East river and disappeared. They were seen by a taxi driver and Patrolman Alex Banish. "I looked ap and rubbed by eyes," Banish said. "I couldn't believe it." He said he saw the youths clamber up a crude cable cat walk, reach the top and "so help me, they were doing acro batics on the tower." "Then I lost sight of them," the policeman said. "I don't know how they got down and away." Police spotlights played on the tower and a police launch zigzagged below the bridge. They found nothing. 11-Year-Old Girl Not Only Is Champ Speller But Has Charm By HARMAN W NICHOLS (UnltKl Prcu staff corrMpondent) Washington U.R Margaret is adorable, she's beautiful, a bundle of charms. Not only that she can spell "platitudinous." That's the word Miss Mar- garet Ledford, 11, of Rogers- Porridge. Dissertation. she's Wendell Holmes is in this position. He is one of the better- four of us here I thl'nV ,m vUle- Tenn., got through to be- clble, known voices from the void 1",, A nere' 1 .ln!nK. .W" W1U mm. finalist In h. national (! A hnn crrrm-incr ia nno nf t.ha main acrriiMiltiirnl Indus. .1... . ., ,,, . ... -iompiisn a great deal." , i.. ....j u , .. ..,.. . ...0 . .......... . ,,.v ,..., . j ,3UU a weex or more," he re- uunng the discussions of the tries of the Willamette valley, a detailed report just issued box. called. "That about ruined me, as agenda for the Paris talks Ach by department of agriculture office of foreign relations And his ca- Cri-w rM rve never been able to equal it eson raised a question as to how contains valuable information and statistics of world pro- reer is a good ajjs since." much could be accomplished duction and markets. example of the r j , h.jl For two seasons he toured with during the talks. To this Vishin- ine iti48 production or nops in reporting countries narcumps in r-: ur J?ifi W""OT Jennings nryan. me sny maae the amazing reply: which before the war accounted for more than 90 percent dio ae t in g , a.JVt-SS jtSfJ boy gave matinee monologues. "We will reach agreement of the world's total, is 6.3 million pounds lower than esti- "eld to which y JHjj Bryan held the natives spell- everything we take up here." mated last fall and approximately the same as the revised many fee'.-tnem'tV.'v CiT.Ji f'.ounf 'm " '""f-nour ten era- Acheson interpreted Vlshin- etsimate for the 1947 crop. A crop of 110.9 million pounds ?clve Ift .S "i n.l.r ehV.T,Hg'. . t ugg!stio,n lhat a Japan- ls now indicated n. airainst the earlier estimate nf 1171 but ,ew hMr AkXL'l ' nevcr heard a more tre- ese peace treaty by considered, is now lnmcawa as against tne earner estimate ot 11 C.3 themselves cho-I !Mf 1 mendous voice," said Holmes, as an indication that Russia million pounds. The reduction was necessitated by down- ,en. For to ma- -KJ "Bryan could make 10.000 peo- 8 ward revisions for the United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia ny golden voices I pie hear him, and he didn't use Hnrl GnnA F,(. and Germany alone with Belirium and the United States. r.Hio offers ,1 mmJ . mlcroohone. nua OOOQ CXCUSe . Information on world hops exports thus far this sea- pewter reward. ..0ne day our car became Oakland, Cal., May 28 u. personality from oozing. gon is fragmentary. United States exports continue at a "There are about 3000 radio stuck in a West Virginia dirt f "'roiman Leo Liskey tagged I am a man who never gets little Marsaret M fllgn level mil are lower man IOr COirespoilUlng niontns OI aciora nere, saiu nwnn. nu ,uu. kui uui in me rain, ".w.i.j- i.iaiauaii s auio- more man mree or lour snon Iras- Vocifer-Kaleido- back the communists had In the recent election in the Soviet zone of Germany. That election was to create a "people's congress" which was to be presented to the foreign ministers' council as the basis of a government for all Germany. But one-third of the voters turn ed thumbs-down on the proposi tion, thus rendering the Red scheme useless. Now the Soviet calls for a re turn to Big Four council rule, a proposal which America, Britain and France promptly rejected. They say the clock can't be turned back. So the next major move is up to Vishinsky, and pending that we must be patient Even when it comes, we may not get the answer, for the Soviet foreign minister is a strategist of devious methods. Developments in the council meeting are going to be worth watching, and for two reasons. We are witnessing the unfolding of one of the major battles of the cold war, and this Is the first time we have seen the noted Vishinsky in action as foreign minister, although he has played a part in the United Nations and In international conferences. Vishinsky was appointed for eign minister last March as sue- Vyacheslav Molotov. the Discomfiture. o n . Maelstrom. spelling bee to be held here to- scopic. day. She is sponsored by the The kid sent me running to Knoxville News-Sentinel. verify every one. Margaret indeed is a lovely Margaret, as unsDOiled as anv .enr to creature. She wins you with a kid from the country could be. When Vishinsky received smile first, a southern accent has had a gay old time in the nnrtfolin it s snatnr Arthur We will reach agreement on econd- And u 1,181 fails she'U national capital. She went to Vandenberg remarked that in pen you uown. a.iumer jnargaret and tne shut a "ruthless" man re- She knocked this old-timer missed another. placed a "rentleless" one. That for a row of jumbled type. The one she did see was Sen wasn't the first time the term Margaret is in the seventh Margaret Chase Smith of Maine "ruthless" had been applied to grade in her little school down the only lady senator at the Vishinsky, because he was inter there in the Tennessee moun- moment. The Margaret she nationally known as the prose tains. She doesn't pretend to missed was Miss M Truman cutor in the Moscow purge trials be too smart, but you can't keep who happened to be out of town! of 1936 1937 and 1938- Mrs. Smith was "very nice." Many observers have felt that the Russians entered the Big "She told me she once won a rour council meeting determin- nrecemng postwar years, wnne Dzornosiovakian and tfrit- y v J"""" " """" u" " a "pto :-" ""h.i.s yesier- paces irom weosier. laiesi. IpeUin contest herself "th. d to get some sort of German Ish crops are lower than last year, both countries are en- weck ,alfry- n'y abut, 50, pry u? out of V,e,ud- He said yi,t ti. Ur Iat" he returned But when Margaret, bobby- n:'e.old said agreement to gain a truce on deavoring to stimulate exports because of the need of for- mana",7 to earn truckdrlver s some nguage to the mud stron- to nd the car gone. Taped to wxed and pert in a starched J nnw their western front Undoubted- eiirn exchnnire ExoorU from Germanv are exiwted to llvin- gf r ,than he ever used on lhe ! , meter wa an envelope, con- print, put me to the test In a Morgaret doesn t know what ly RuMia would like to ee eign excnnnj,e. c.xpom irom uermany are expected to Holmcs, an ex-child Chautau- platform." taining a note and one extracted hotel room without a diction- ,he wants to be when she grows rl-tored if for nn rMheVr.aiTn be larger than last season. No information is available on qu, it now among the top tooth. arv n sight-lhe had me A nurse, maybe. Or a tKt to htJSSd exerts from Yugoslavia and Poland. 150 radio actors whose Incomes When he was ton. Holme, re- "I Put 5 cents in the ma- How do you spell?-and so on. Piano P1"- . Question of what iJo ifin? jPx' RornKe yearly from reach 56veral hundred dollars a alized he was growing up and chine and it is out of order." She rattled off a list of words "There's plenty of time," she concessions she will have to in sam. make. get there. And many were hun gry years. "When I started in 1934 I got $20 a weck for working on 30 shows," he said wryly. Since then Holmes has been the voice of Winston Churchill He went back to school and gra- tooth pulled dilated from Ohio State univer- one hour." sity at 18. His parents wanted him to be come a history teacher. But Holmes chose radio. His first program on a Columbus, O., sta tiona 13-minute monologue which he wrote himself paid $5 a week. Then he came to Man- and was back In probably will come up the final reckoning, or the contest. OPEN FORUM Hit and Run Driver Without Conscience Held Up to Scorn pounds, for lOlti, 116.M0.000 pounds, for 1917, 111,071 ponniis, for 1948, 110,988,00 pounds. United States imports of hops during the first half of the current season have been at a higher level than during the corresponding period last year, but not as high as during the first half of 1916-47. As usual, the bulk of the imports came from Germany, Czechoslovakia and Yu goslavia, wiring we tirst halt of the current season lm- on a number of radio programs Dorts totaled 2.632.000 nounda enmrutred with 1 1.10 000 .nrf M.r.h of Tim. iim M. ! pounds in the same period a year ago and 2,863,000 pounds currently In three daytime soap hattnn. . To the Editr To the hit and run driver who Thursday hit and during the first half of 1946-47. opera serials. He also plays Dr. "It is hard to get known here." k'lled ,he llttle tov black and ,an terrier on Lansing avenue: Canadian hops production in 19-18 amounted to only 1.- Watson on the Mr. Sherlock he said. "It isn't so much what Words cannot express my scorn of you. You might at least have i?oi nn,t rt i. . w a i nn, in. m j ...hi. Holmes Drosrnm and also enact- von ran rio that' Imnnrtant Tt' stopped and tried to find to ..... , . .i,t, ,i, n iminM.i.i k'i ni iirii-riu nun mini wiin . " , , :r . . L -w . wnorn , . , , mat mere is acne in my nean the 2,491,000 pounds produced in 1947. Both area and h role 'n another MBS whether you can convince hT.'.X",8,: h. r!d' yU today. No. nothing matters to a ..i.-ij . u.L... .i . ' . , , production. Scattergood Baincs. enouuh directors and nrodurera mm ,0 die in the road. ... '. ... . H Z ,-on .Z,. n .r Pi' V c"nsln,rnD1 "So far 1 haven't been Intro- that Ihey can relv on you. That He wa "nly a little dog but reduction in acreage in Ontario and a sharply reduced duced on the air as Scatterbrains take, a long time." there were those who loved him. yield in Rntish Columbia were the major factors account- Good." he said with a mild shud- In radio people have an Orlen- I don't suppose it matters to you lng for the reduced crop. der. But it's a tongue-slip some- tal sense of politeness. After y It is too early In the season to estimate the 1949 crop, one'a bound to make eventual- each program the actors usually ....... but locally the conditions seem favorable thus far with the ly. assure each other what a swell oTORItS IN LIFE hit and run driver. They have no conscience. MRS. WILLIAM HUFF 108 Lansing Ave. reorganization of cooperative hop control. lob they did. Then thev set on Holmes was named after Poet the phone and call their wives. Oliver Wendell Holmes by his "How was I honey?'1 they ask schoolteacher parents. At the age anxiously. of 8 he won an oratorical con- "But you can't always trust test In Mlddleport, O., and a even your wife to tell you the Detained Bath New York, May 28 Wfii Whitney, a small Soils, was arimy S'lrt""- M"ln0' d"Wfd ,0 ,,Ve Chiuuuout's-igned him up" tVuth.' rlnn 'ho0 "Sh"." a ba h In the family tub. .Tor t. four j W(nU ,o ,e, A H mm matat K K In ar mrm nlna anil al ..! it. V S 1 a Mailman's Rest Cure After much scrubbing, soaping and rinsing, the bo nulled the stopper from the daln pipe. The water went down. So did Whltey'a right hind leg. The boy's mother, and neighbors tried aiuvceessfully to fret the howllnr, yelping dog. Finally, six members ot a police emergency squad arrived. They sawed the drain pipe, upended the tub, unscrewed the remaining bit of pipe and pushed out White's leg. Fret al last, the dog shook water over everybody. Burglar's Blunder Hull. Que. turn Police said today that Patrick Morphy. 18, was a failure a a robber. Murphy held op Blanche Gendron In her restaurant, took 838 and locked her up while he made his getaway. But police caught him a few minutes later. He had locked the woman la a telephone booth. Los Angeles URv At his own request hockey-playing mall man William E. Lllley, Jr., is going to get three years In a federal prison camp to rest his aching feet. Lllley was sentenced yesterday by Federal Judge Jacob Weinberger. He was arrested April 87 for taking home 8.000 letters because he was "too tired" to deliver them. The Judge wanted to give him a lighter sentence, bat Lllley said he preferred three year. "I want to go to the prison and forget everything," he said. "I got to drinking because of marital troubles. Now I'm an alcoholic and I want to get well." "All right, three years and five years' probation," said the Judge. wumi in i i a, in i wwi) apomeamjwi..1.! ISfii -Special MSffi. W)KMIMaKill- 3 7375 Fresh cut, first qual ity greenhouse carnations. Doi. $2.00 This exceptl o n a 1 1 y heavy cut we are passing on to you at this most unusual low price! Flowers by Wiire 365 Court Open Sunday until 12 Noon Monday until 11 A.M. lowen 1020 Morket St. Open Sunday as usual to 3 P.M. Monday nntil 11 A.M. r