1 i t Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 28, 1949 Forum Active At Silverton Silverton Activities reported by the secretary of the chamber of commerce, Walter Gcren, for the immediate future announced at the week's business session of the forum are numerous and vary in kinds of projects. Cooperating with other groups of Silverton. the Jorum is inter ested in doing work at McGinnis Field in making the grounds in soori shape for the coming sum mer's flames. Members are to meet at 7 o'clock, Tuesday eve- nine at the ball field for two hours' work. On Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12, a group from Silver ton plan to join engineer's cara van that is scheduled to start from Salem at 7:30 o'clock Sat urday morning, the local folk meeting the caravan at Stayton, continuing on to Detroit. Satur day noon luncheon will be at Albany with the Chamber of Commerce, there. During Sat urday afternoon the trekkers will go to Fern Ridge, and on to Eugene for she early evening banquet. On Sunday the Dorena dam site and Cottage Grove will be visited. V. V. Runyan, president of the Silverton forum, is urging many local folk as can to make the trip with the engineers. Ladies night for the Chamber of Commerce members is plan red for a 6:30 o'clock program at the Washington Irving recent ly remodeled rooms with Col. Miles of the army engineers as speaker. In the interest of soil conser vation, two permanent engineers are being arranged for in this .district, and will be provided, if possible, with office room space at the Washington Irving build .ing where a secretary will be on the Job. Schools Unite For Graduation Hopewell Approximately 350 patrons gathered at the Hopewell United Brethren -church to witness the joint eighth grade graduation exer ciFes of three rural schools, Grand Island, Hopewell and Wheatland held Thursday eve ning. Nine were In the class. I Miss Joy Hills, principal of the Leslie junior high school of Sa lem, was the speaker taking for her subject, "Side Roads." ; The program was by the stu dent body of the school. , ine program included: pro cessional. Mrs. fieorge K. Mil- Irn; welcome. Marcena Dale Fowler; harmonica solo, Bobby Wright; piano solo, Harry Wright; piano solo, Harry Culp; iddress. Miss Hills; harmonica quartet, Bobby Wright, Jules Hill, Norman Lind and Jimmy MeKenney. Presentation of diplomas, Mrs. Dale Fowler; school chorus, tnree sections; benediction. Rev Cieorge K. Millen; recessional. Mrs. George K. Millen. Includ ed In the class by schools; Grand Island, Harry Dale Culp, Marcena Dale Fowler, Myrtle Jane Smith. Hopewell, Jules Arlo Hill George T. Kirkwood, James Me Kenney, Robert Ernest Wright. Wheatland, Norman Peter Lind. Syble Roberson. Ushers, Patricia Palmer, Hel m Lind, Floyd .Worthington, John Clark, Jen'aetta Apple bury, Lorna Graam. Graders to Graduate : Hubbard the eighth grade graduation exercises of the Hub bard school. District No. 15. will be held in the school gymnasium, Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. The speaker for the evening will be Mrs. Vivian S. Hoenig. .-,1 .Mti - ,Hlf.Myl RANIK11.PII SCOTT MAHfU'FRITK CHAPMAN CORONER CREEK TONIGHT Puddln' Head Strawberry Roan rvns TODAY! ntly Gr.hlf . rtan rMr In "MOTHIR WORK Tl (HITS' AIM -KIOHTINO BACK" Marts Tomorrow font. 1:45 wwmmm MM IK! U' m IVII m "ii ubi m ara aw mi ua ixi au was Ten New Leftermen Weird 'Characters' Independence Strange- ly dressed characters attended school this week. They were the ten new lettermen wearing initiation outfits of gunny sack suits, ladies hat and baby bon nets, and rubber hip boots. As a part of the annual spring initiation they had to wear the wierd costumes all day. Each one also had to bring two pounds of candy for the members of the Letterman's club. After school the club enjoyed a picnic and steak fry at the Dal las City park. The new letter men initiated were: Gordon Al len, Jim Bell, Kenneth Carter, Tom Hardwick, Alan Oppliger, Bob Robinson, Jack Snyder, Jack Walters, and Lee Weaver. War Veterans Wait Services Woodburn Members of Woodburn post and auxiliary of American Legion and Champoeg Post and Auxiliary, Veterans of post and auxiliary. Veterans of Foreign Wars, will join in the Memorial services to be held at Belle Passi cemetery Monday. starting at 10:30 o'clock. Repre sentatives of the two organiza tions are asked to meet at the cemetery gate by 10:1S a. m. Winton J. Hunt of Woodburn will be the speaker of the dav and Rev. Arthur Goble of the Foursquare church will act as chaplain. Special music is be ing arranged and the ceremonies will close with "taps" at 11 a. m. Wreathes will be placed at the cemetery monument in tribute to the heroic dead of the two world wars, the Spanish-Ameri can war and the Grand Army of ine Hepublic and others. Buglers and a firing sauad will be nro- vided by the heavy tank com pany of the national guard. The graves registration com mittee of the American Legion will place flags on the graves of veterans of all wars in St. Luke's Belle Passi. St. I.nni Gervais Masonic, Gervais Cath olic, and Pioneer cemeteries Nearly all of Woodburn'. stores and business houses, the post office, schools, bank and city hall will be closed for the day in tribute to the dead. Rural Fire District Proposed for Gates Gates An election will be held in the basement of the Gates high school, Tuesday, May 31, the polls to be 'open from 8 a. to 8 p. m. The election is for the organization of the Gates rural fire protection district and the selection of directors. All legal voters In the district, in both Marion and Linn counties are eligible to vote and It is hoped that all property owners and others Interested will turn out. Brooks Man Injured Silverton Treated for minor injuries at Silverton hospital early Friday morning as the re sult of an automobile accident was Manuel Alayon of Brooks. STARTS TODAY! THE rJGOES ANDY DEVINE l C t snuaM 4 it 7 s ' Man 99 mm avvt, t. tX X aM-ktinl Churches Join For Services Silverton Church activities for the coming week include a general union of all groups for the baccalaureate services Sun day evening at the high school auditorium beginning at 8 o'clock, when Rev. Arthur Bates of the First Christian church will be the speaker with other ministers of town assist ing. A class of 78 young men and women members of the graduating class are special guests. Rev. Gordon T. Bratvold of Christian and Missionary Alli ance is accompanying a group to the young people's rally at Taft on the coast Monday, leav ing here early in the forenoon, for the day's services. Immanuel Lutheran choir re hearses Wednesday evening, 8 p.m. Ladies Aid will meet Thursday afternoon at the Fire side room, the program to begin at 2 o'clock. Public examina tion of confirmation class on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, con firmation services will be on Pentacoast Sunday, June 5. Va cation Bible school will begin Monday, June 6 at 9 o'clock. Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid hostesses Wednesday at 2 o'clock I in the afternoon will be Mrs. Ole Sunde and Josephine Setness in the church parlors. Choir re hearses Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Calvary Lutheran confirma tion services will be during the Sunday forenoon 11 o'clock wor ship hour with the class of con firmants, Dolores Katherine Johnson, Theodora Pae Kohl meier and John Edward Hol llngsworth. Mrs. Katherine Gregerson will be hostess to the Ladies Aid in the church parlors Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A missionary retreat was held by the senior group and the junior woman's guild of the First Christian church during the past week. Methodist official board will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the church. Silverton PTA Board Is Guest i i Silverton Mrs. Craig Clark entertained at her East Hill home following a business ses sion of the executive board of the Parent-Teachers' association of which Mrs. Clark has been elected as president for the com ing school year. 1 Members of the executive board include officers, commit tee chairmen and heads of de partments of school. AuiMing tntmbara to thr president re Mr. tUrrv Riches, fir prldnt; MUa MBrxutrptt Hillock, aecrftarr; Mra. Allan foster. traurer; tiot-pltallty chairman. Mm. Harold Toft: membership. Mra. Law rence Ernst: propram, Mrs. Harrv Vetter: xrrap and hlalortan. Mrs. Earl Eric anon and Mrs. C. Wood a 11: character and spiritual education. Mrs. Estell Owen: lirilUon and parliamentarian. Mrs. Irene Dmioai: student welfare, mikb uih Jonn on: health, Mrs. Harley DePeel; safety, Ilarley DePeel; lunch room, Mn, Oordon Van rtrave: m as a r ine. Mrs. R. P. Schmidt and Mrs. Allan Brown: year book. Mrs. Orlle Russell and Mrs James Holllnis worth: publicity. Miss Hannah M, Olson; and budget and finance, Mrs. Lela Quin tal. Other memben are A ate B. Anderson, superintendent of schools In district No. 4: Howard George, high school principal; Cordell Wood a 11. principal of the luntor high school; and M. R. ford, principal el the Kuaene Field grades. PH. 3-3467 MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. OUR BIG HOLIDAY PROGRAM DOUBLE FUN BORDER PATROL INTO ACTION - if -r Rl Ernest Duvail Silverton Senior Class Will Receive Diplomas Silverton Commencement exercises for the 42 boys and 38, girls of the Silverton high school senior class will be held at the high school auditorium Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, A. B. An derson, superintendent of schools, in charge of the program. Superintendent Anderson will also present the diplomas. Dr. Roy A. Fedje, Salem, district superintendent of the Methodist church, will give the commencement address with Rev. B. F. Browning the invoca- t'O" " Rev- G- T- Bratvold the benediction. Announcement of awards and presentation of the senior class will be by Howard W. George, principal. Musical numbers will be by the high school band; mixed quartet with Doris Roth, Rita Uselman, Jack Green and Marvin Williams, ac companied by Alta Brown; and the trumpet trio, Lionel Dickey, Kenneth Hahn and Kenneth Naegeli. Music for the program is under arrangement by J. P. Dyrud. For the fint time In history rtlinen school honor go to the born, with Erneat Duvall valedictorian and Lawrence Ho bart aalutatorlan. The 78 members of the class are: Olrls Marlene Ann Alley. Jovce Evelyn Bailey, Betty Jean Banks. Jean Anne Bark hurst. Bonnie Jewell Blaney. Martha Ann Browning. Artene Maria Carstena. Patricia Lucille Cooper, Ardis June Estenson. Velma Naomi Fields, Prances Dee Olbbr. Sibyl Ann Ollbert. Mary Elisabeth Granger. Lots Ardell Hartvlckson. Lou Ann Hatte berg, Ann Louise Heater. Collren Ann .lonnson. Janice Ann jonnson, Mary sue Jones, Beverly Jean Jory. El lea bet h Joan Lehr, Lucille Irene Miles. Patricia, Mary Pickens. Amelia Roatt Pierce. Bettv Joyce Polk. Cleone Reed. Cathaleene Ann Rice. Marlene Elltabeth Rutherford, Pearl Marie Simpson. Raunhlld Oertrude Storruste. Merllyn Sue Teter, Shirley Louise Thomp son. Rose Marie Torresdal. Marr Louis Uselman, Peggy Uaurlne Watteraon, and Adelaide Elizabeth Westendorf. Boys Warren Charles Anderson, Paul . Becker. Raymond L. Bergman. James Charles Bonnichsen, James Henrv Briggs. James Carl Brotherton. Ernest Rlckards Duvall, Boyd Keith Pish. Flovd Theodore Fox. Robert Oala Goodall. John Carleton Hande, Lawrence Scott Hobart. Donald Raymond Holm, Robert Hugh Howell. Robert Emery Jackson. Robert Helna Janott, Clarence D. Jon amen, Harlan Jay Kraus. Ronald George Kraus, Rav Ken neth Lester, Kenneth Kellogg Mngee. David l,. Marcoe, vernon Lenoy Mattox, Dale Lee Miller, Raymond Steward Myers, Keith Alton Nelson, Stanley Phillip Ncperud. Robert Fred Pfaff. Charlea Alden Relnhart. Armand Lee Rlveness. Gene Louis Roberts. Kenneth W. Rose. Win. Theodore Roubal, Charles William Saund ers. Leland M. Sctiaap. Edward Lee Schmidt. Donald Carl Schulke. John Fre mont Sell, Floyd Murvll Simpson. Marvin Orlo Thompson. John Paul Wolf, and Alan Duane Zimmerman. Hermosa Club Guest Gervais The Hermosa club met at the home of Mrs. Marion Hennlng for a one o'clock lunch eon with ten members present. The club contributed $5 to the Chin-Up club in response to its campaign for funds. Commit tees were appointed for the an nual picnic of the club, which will be later in the season. Mrs. Frank Holoubeck will be hostess for the June meeting. FOR EVERYONE! Yoo should see the other guYz'olks... ., rim SINGLETON 1 JtUtEssffi ARTHUR LARRY J-OT LAKE SIMMS COLOR CARTOON . Lawrence Hobart UCIWH PhOtM Adah Chapter Evening Host Independence About 100 members and guests attended the regular meeting of Adah chapter, No. 34. Naomi chapter, Dallas; Rhododendron chapter, Falls City and Euclid chapter, Jefferson, were invited guests. Escorted to the east were Rex Hartley, worthy grand pa tron and Esther Hartley, grand marshal, from Jefferson; Alice Robinson, associate grand con ductress; Virginia Plagmann and Harold Reiley, worthy matron and patron of Jefferson; Iona Holmes and Aaron Mercer, ma tron and patron of Dallas; Mable Helmer and Robert Orr, matron and patron of Falls City. A floral degree for all mem bers and guests was presented bv the courtesy girls and cor sages in shapes of May baskets were presented to everyone. A trio of young people from the Oregon College of Educa tion presented several varied musical numbers. Adah chapter has been invited to Euclid chapter on June 21 when they will have a special meeting. Refreshments were served following chapter by a commit tee composed of Opal York, Hazel Hughes, Belle McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth Van Den Bosch, Mr. .and Mrs. Ed Jensen, Mabel Payton and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mix. The tables were beautifully decorated with May baskets. iwwi inniiiniitiWi New Woodbnrn PIX Theatre Oregon O-SO-EAS? SEATS ENDS SAT. R. Scott and J. Wyatt "CANADIAN PACIFIC" (SUN. and MON. . VAN HEFLIN in "TAP ROOTS" Complete Owl Show Tonifre After 11:10 P.M. (IN FACT, YOU SHOUID SCE THE WHOIE WCTURei) AIRMAIL FOX NEWS! Big Reservoir Well UnderWay Dallas Excavation on the new 3 million gallon water re servoir for Dallas ia going for ward rapidly with F. B. Miller and company, contractors, do ing the work. They had reached a depth of 12 feet this week for the 230 x 115 foot reservoir. An unexpect ed ledge of blue shale was struck In one half of the exca- vatlon, running diagonally across the area. The contracting company hoped that a strata of rock would not be encountered The ends and bisecting wall of the reservoir will drop 12 feet straight down, then taper in war diagonally until a total depth of 24 feet is reached. Meanwhile, the Salem Sand and Gravel company is pro gressing at a fast pace on the lo-inch pipeline from the reser voir above West Clay street to Main street. The main runs down Clay street and the ditch is being dug, pipe laid and cov ered as the work proceeds. The operation was only about two blocks from Main street Wed nesday. E. L. McCleary, manager of the .Dallas water commission, states that the pipeline will be completed, including the "clean up by mid-June. The manager has advised sightseers to stay away f Aim the operations during the day time because of the fact that It was necessary to lay the line down the middle of the road to the reservoir, allowing little room for traffic and no parking space. Lamb Orphans Keep Interest for Show Lebanon Lambing - suffered acutely from the rigors of last winter, and contrary to custom, Scio sheepmen have given spe cial care to lamb orphans. Inter est has been keen among the various stockmen to save these youngsters and give them place as useful members of the herd. A new innovation at the Scio Fat Lamb and Wool show Sat urday was the showing of bottle lambs. Each of the ten show di rectors entered his best baby and competition promises to be keen for the cash prizes and monogrammed nursing bottle for the most boxom infant. COM. FROM 1 P.M. Now! Double Thrills! First Time in Salem! THRILL CO-HIT! Ends Today! Cont. Shows Wanda Hendrli "MISS TATLOCK S MILLIONS" Charles'starrett "LONE HAND TEXAN" TOMORROW! Loretta Young "THE CRUSADES" Rod Cameron "THE PLUNDERERS" 1 I7IV Jl McCrea KV 'V Alexis Smith Ij Zachary Scott 5j Dorothy Malone in S "SOUTH OF 3 ST. LOUIS" S In Color by S Technicolor 'HILLS OF HOME' with Lassie 1 I .miaiiaj ust Times Tonite! i fj 3ZStarts at Dusk Wl SI Edmund Gwenn I I I & Lassy I I I In Technicolor 1 I "HILLS OF HOME" If I Gloria Jean ifl il III 1 al'KRENDtn III ll CARTOON. NEWS III f ""TSuthui rani " "V IHH HIsTHIt Streets at Stayton Undergoing Repairs Stayton Annual patching and repair work is being given the streets of Stayton this week by the Portland Construction com pany of Portland, of which J. Fullerton is manager. The work was made more extensive this year because of damage caused by severe freezing conditions last winter. Patching of asphaltic paving is being used and some streets are requiring more than one application. Although the crew and aquipment arrived in Stay- ton last week, they had to wait for the arrival of material be fore they could begin the work here. Gervais to Observe 1 Day with Program Gervais Memorial dav serv ices will be held at the Pioneer church chapel, near Brooks, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. John T. Myers of Eu gene the speaker. There will be a program and also a short busi ness meeting following to take care of matters DertaininB to the cemetery. A welcome is extended to all. Fresh Leis Received Woodburn Mrs. Nellie Muir recently received two leis of red carnations from Hawaii, the gift of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Kiloatrick of Honolulu. The leis arrived by air in good condition and Mrs. Muir has worn them to several teachers meetings. Summer Piano Instruction JOANNE TWEDT Graduate, V of O Music School ADVANCED & BEGINNERS Phon. 3-3252 A" itoday! II I! NEW WAtm BROS. SMASH La, I fe" zacharySCOTT-1 SYDNEYGREENSTREET LlELj DAVID BRIAN Keicurtiz JERRY WAID W kyROBERT WILDER OWim av ttV0 W HOWTM I ni'M fe a rr to OftCBI SALLY WILD! ft I 2ND MAJOR HIT! John WAYNE In a Thrill-Loaded Romantic Adventura "THE CROOKED WAY" Eatra! Bugs lunny Color Cartoon Latest World-Wide Warner Newt 1 Election Is Called ' ; For Crowfoot School Lebanon In order to provide two new class rooms and a new heading system for the rapidly growing Crowfoot school, an election is being called at the school Wednesday, June 1, ac cording to C. M. Price, clerk of the board. The proposal being submitted is to exceed the six per cent limitation by $36,000 for the im provements deemed necessary. The school employed nine class room teachers beside the prin cipal last year. The polls will be open from 7 to 9 p. m. Pal. once llheeatre VlllT Sun.-Mon.-Tue. TECHNICOLOR rlODOCTHM Journal Want Ads Pay MILDRED PIERCE DOES IT AGAIN and . everybody teHs! I JUNEALLYSON I ! PETER LAWFORD I MARGARET O'BRIEN wEUZA8ETH TAYLOB k r JANET LEI6H J! Ellen DREW Sonnr TUFTS I