Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 28, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    Yaks Nab Second Game
Of Crucial Series, 7 to 0
Yakima, Wash., May 18 Dewey Soriano Had everything a
good pitcher should have Friday night aa the Yakima Bears blank
ed the Salem Senator! 7 to t to even the aeries at one game each.
Soriano's control was beyond reproach as he Issued no walks,
gave up but three widely scattered singles and with the exception
of the fourth not a Solon got be
yond second base,
In the fourth Bud Peterson
beat out an infield bunt, stole
necond and went to third when
Mel Wasley grounded out. Bob
Cherry flew out to end the In
Glenn Miller, Salem's left
hander, did an excellent job of
pitching three innings but he
encountered difficulty in the
srlxth when he walked the first
two men up and then permitted
Ray Orteig, Gene Thompson and
Ted Jennings to hit in succes
sion. Gene Peterson took over at
this Juncture and was greeted
with a triple Into deep right
field and a single by Snag
Moore. The upshot of the bom
bardment was six runs. From
there on out Peterson held the
Bears httless although he Issued
three bases on balls.
Bud Peterson got two of the
three hits off Soriano and Mel
Wasley the other. It was the
Yakima moundsman's sixth sruc
eessive victory with not a single
SPtback being charged against
Official paid attendance was
2471, with 800 school boy pa
trols from the valley in the right
field bleachers.
The two clubs will play
single gam Saturday night and
engage in double headers Sun
day and Monday evenings. The
Senators will return to Salem
June 31 to open a three game
stand with Bremerton.
Official Box
Salem (
WIL Standings
(By trw Auoelatwl Prci)
Yakima ..
Salem ....
Spokane . .
Victoria . .
Tacoma . .
W. L.
......25 10
20 13
17 15 .531
19 18 .514
16 20 .444
14 20 .412
15 22 .405
14 22 .389
Game Friday
Spokane o-, wenaicnee o-.
Yakima 7, Salem 0.
Bremerton 11, Victoria 3.
Vancouver 5, Tacoma 4.
9 Major Standings
(Br thf AwociltMl Ptma)
W L Pet W t Pet
Brooklyn 30 is .871 Phlldlphi la 17 .m
5a ton 30 15 .971 Bt. LouU 16 IT .46
4w York 10 1ft .859 ChkllO IS II .408
2inrtnnatl IS 16 .B29 PltUbunb 14 33 J
BfiulU Fridr
Chicio 3, Cincinnati J,
Brooklyn 4, Bo ton 0.
Bt. LouU 3. Pituburih 1.
Phllidelphlt 3, New York I,
W L Pet W L Pet
Nw York 33 19 .697 CMcwft 11 IT .S00
Phlldlphli. 30 16 .ftSfl Detroit IT IS .486
Balon 17 15 .631 Cleveland IS 17 .433
Wuhlnitn 19 17 .538 St. LouU 10 36 3T9
KmiiIU Friday
Nw York 3, Philadelphia 0.
Cleveland 4, Chicago 0.
Detroit ft. Bt. Lnuli i
Wunlniton at Boston, rain.
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 28, 1949
W Pet ran, 3
Milter, p
OUon 10 0
Total 10 3 38 t
-Struck out for
Ran for Moore
3 Janclnto.l
4 3 3 1 Oammn.rf
4 6 1 A Vanni, If
3 13 0 R Ortali.e
3 0 3 0
3 0 3 1 Jennlnsa.S
3 0 0 1 Moort.ef
3 0 0 6 BrlAkey.aa
1 0 0 0 "Soriano,
10 3 1 Paton.l"
(t) Taklma
3 0 3 4
3 0 3 0
3 0 0 0
4 1 11 0
3 3 10
3 1 0 8
Total 3 3T1T
3. PattrioD In 9th.
In 5th.
Salem wo uuo
Yakima wu mm '
Loaint pltcner; Miner.
Pitcher; H H R Br Bo Bb
Miller H 8????
Peteraon " '
Soriano 0
Error: B. Peteraon. Bpaeter, Hedlni
ton. Lett on bae; Salem J. Yakima .
Three baie h!U: Moore. Two baae hlU:
Thompson Runa batted In: R. Ortelf.
Thompaon. Jennlns 3. Moore 3, Brlnkey.
Barl(le: Jacinto, Vannl. fltolen baae;
B. Peterion. Double playa: O. Peteraon to
B. Peteraon to Hedinelon. Time 3:05.
Umpire: nammla, and 8kuUk.
Tha abort coree:
Wenatche M 300 -
Spokane "3 x 6 11 1
iPlrat fame 7 lnnlnaa)
Bruce, Steven l ami Peut; Neelay.
Biahop (It, Howard (. Werbowakl IT)
and Park.
(Second tame.)
W.n(hea 020 040 0303 16 0
Spokane 101 002 0004 4 0
Greenlaw and WlnWr. Pwut (: Tea-
tan, Werbowakl (5). Klmbau () nu
Bromerton MO 30 011-11 IT
Victoria 001 000 010 3 9
Simon and Aonnlnci Jane, Peaky (6
and Morgan. M
t.i 000 101 0204 I I
Vancouver 110 110 01x 5 3 I
Lazor and Warren: Anderon, junoa
father (, NicholR (9) and Sheely.
Lebanon. Tenn.. May 28 CP)
Cumberland university, one of
the south's pioneers In football,
has abandoned Intercollegiate
The board of trustees and the
athletic committee voted yester
day to step out of college com
petition and devote the time and
money to intra-mural sports.
Skits "" Scratches
BY FRED ZIMMERMAN, Capital Journal Sports Editor
American or National?
Grantland Rice, dean of sportswriters, has a provocative ar
ticle in the current issue of "Sport Magazine" entitled "Which
One Is the Big League?" He points out that from 1910 to
1940 "the American league began to assemble great stars such
as Ruth, Cobb, DiMaggio, Williams and Greenberg. League
owners spent thousands of dollars to acquire top flight players,
while tha rival National league had no such spenders. Not
until a few years ago, did the National league wake up and to
day they are building up and moving forward, while the Amer
ican league isn't holding Its own."
League Lopsided
Rice claims the American loop has become lopsided.
There Is strength at the top, but a woeful weakness In
tha three lower teams the Washington Senators,
Rt, Loula Browns and the Chicago White Sox. In eon
trast "the weak National league clubs of a few years
ago have all been strengthened, and today the league
la a well-balanced, eight team circuit, In which any
elub can eause trouble to the leaders." All of which
leads the writer to the conclusion that "unless the
American league ean do something about this situa
tion In the next year or so, the supremacy that be
longed to It for over 30 years will be gone, as the
older league takes evar and runs the show,"
A Quick Shift
The Vlcksburg, Miss., elub must have been in a real rush to
secure the services of Jim Wert or perhaps the former Salem
first seeker was in a hurry to' get on his way. His departure
left the Solons without a capable replacement and Glenn Miller,
a left-handed pitcher was thrown into the breach. Inexperi
ence at the assignment was probably responsible for an error
in the fourth inning when proper handling of Bus Sporer's toss
on Calvey's grounder would have retired the side without dam
age being done. As It turned out the Indians tallied three runs
With Bob Hedlngton no farther away than Portland it does seem
Wert might have been retained for at least one more day. Wert
hadn't been a ball of fire at the plate, but he had sown signs
of coming out of It, and might have hit in the spots where Miller
Bleacher Buddies
Through cooperation of the Senators and KOCO, a
"Bleacher Ruddles" organisation will be formed and
members will occupy the old "Knot Hole club" bleach
ers each Friday night the ball elub Is at Waters park.
Cards will be Issued for the first time next Friday night
to boya within the 10-15 year age group.. To be eligible
the youngster! must agree to be Senator boosters and
behave themselves. Supervision will be by members
of the fire department and of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars. Admission will be free to members who will
be addrewed each Friday evening at 1:30 by some
member of tha ball elub ronrrrnlng the varioua'phasrs
of the fame.
Roelandt Decides
Decision of Franki Roelandt, No. 1 catcher of the OSC
Beaver baseball club to take up coaching rather than turn
pro caused a number of tongues to wag. However, those who
know the financial arrangement between Roelandt and Med-
(ord high school believe the OSC senior has made a wise de
cision. His salary for the coaching lob is a good one. Then
during the summer months It Is probable he will be able to
pick up considerable cash by playing semi-pro ball. It, after
year or two, Roelandt decides he doesn't like coaching, he
will still be young enough to try the professional game.
Hop Toyynies to
Ploy Jefferson
Sunday Afternoon
Independence The town
baseball team will cross bats
with the Jefferson nine Sunday
afternoon on the local high
school field at 2 o'clock.
The Townies took their first
game of the season against Mar
lon, 18 to 1, two weeks am
Perry Jones and Bob Barnhart
did some fancy chucking for the
mcais and Amos, hard hitting
left fielder, garnered a home
run, triple and a single In four
trip to the plate to feature the
Manager Homer Reean will
probably start Perry Jones or
hod Barnhart on the mound and
Don Davis behind the plate.
Others in the Jineup will be
Miller, Bullock, Snyder, Ca-
panna, Amos and Ramey.
Cleveland Finds Plate
To Whitewash ChiSoxers
New York, May 28 UK Be it ever so humble there's no place
like home plate. '
The world champion Indians finally found the plate at home
last night when they beat the Chicago White Sox, 4 to 0.
Castoff Alton Benton, whom the Tigers couldn't use any more,
pitched his second victory for-
Correct for Newport
Mar ll
June 1
0:91 a.m.
1:37 p.m.
1:14 em.
3:10 p.m.
2:00 a.m.
3:53 p.m.
3 3 a.m.
4:40 pm.
1:33 a.m.
S:03 a.m. -0.9
7:30 p.m. 3.5
8:40 a.m. -1.0
3:11 p.m. 3.6
:31 a.m. -1.0
8:53 p.m. 3.7
10:04 a.m. -0.9
8:44 p.m. 3.7
10:51 a.m. -0.8
the Indians, a six-hitter, Mickey
Vernon's double, Jim Hegan's
triple and Dale Mitchell's single
gave the Indians two runs In the
third and doubles by Larry Do
by and Ken Keltner and Mana
ger Boudreau's single provided
two more in the seventh.
The springing Yankees in
creased their league lead to 4 V4
games by blanking the second
place Athletics, 3 to 0, as Ed
Lopat won his fifth straight
game and the Yankees also made
it five In a row. Homers by
Tommy Henrich and Yogi Ber-
ra provided all the tallies in
Lopat's six-hit triumph.
It was "welcome home" else
where as the Tigers ended a six-
game losing streak by defeating
the Browns, 5 to 4, in Detroit,
and in the National league the
Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadel
phia Phillies returned home to
score victories before friendly
fans. In fact all seven games
played in the majors found the
home team the Winner.
The Dodgers pulled into a first
place tie with the Braves in the
National league with a 4 to 0
victory In which Preacher Roe
pitched his second straight shut
out. The Phils topped the Giants,
9 to 3, with a 14-hit drive on
five pitchers that Included a
grand slam homer by Del Ennis
and triples by Bill Nicholson,
Andy Seminick, and Richie Ash-
Those Awakening Cardinals,
sparked by Rookie Eddie Kazak,
who hit a two-run homer, defeat
ed the Pirates, 2 to 1. in St,
Louis for their fourth straight
Lefty Johnny Schmitz held the
Reds to five hits as Emil Ver
ban sparked the Cubs to a 3 to
1 victory in Chicago, Verban
made two singles and a double.
Washington at Boston in the
American league was rained
Former Bulldog
Star Inks Deal
With Oak Team
Albany Bob Kouns, ton of
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Kouns,
Thursday aigned a professional
baseball contract with the Oak
land Acorns in the office of
Vlnce Barrett at his sporting
goods store.
While complete details of the
contract were not announced, It
was learned that the lanky
curve-ball artist, who is 18 years
old, will also go to college two
semesters each year, probably
at Oregon State college.
Reportedly Kouns received
S3000 for signing and will get
$300 per month the balance of
this year.
After seeing his former team
mates play Roosevelt high school
in Portland Thursday afternoon,
Kouns will leave by airplane
Friday for Oakland, where he
will report to Manager Charles
Dressen. A scout stated Thurs
day that Kouns will probably be
carried by the Oaks for several
weeks and then probably will
be sent either to Bremerton of
the Western International
league for seasoning or to Al
buquerque of the West Texas
New Mexico league.
Stars Boost Coast Lead
In Shutout over Beavers
Hollywood Is now four full games ahead of the pack in the
Pacific Coast league pennant chase, thanks to the weary Portland
Beavers and the Los Angeles Angels.
It was simply a case of too much moxie on the part of Holly
wood's Pinky Woods Friday night. He cranked a seven-hit shut
out to give t red Haney'a Comets
PCL Standings
(Br UniUd Truti
Hollvwood IB 22 .033 eVattla 31
Ban Uie0 n o .momvimuv
Oakland 30 29 .508 LosAniel 26 32 .448
nPrsni-jm so 2fl SOB Portland 20 36 .957
Retulti Friday
Los Anerie T, Ban uino .
Oakland 11, ftrattla 4.
Sacramento 9, San Franc IMO 1.
Hollywood 4, Portland 0.
The P.I.T.A. registered shoot
that opened at the Turner road
grounds of the Salem Trapsnoot
ers club will be continued
through Sunday. The Sunday
program will open at 9 a.m. with
the 16-yard event and will be
followed by the 100 target han
Coach Beattie Feathers is
three-deep in guards, tackles
and centers for his 1949 North
Carolina State football team
Eugene to Meet Teddies
For 'A' Diamond Crown
Portland, May 28 UP) Eugene will face the slugging Roosevelt
team here tonight for the championship of Oregon's class A high
scnooi Dasenau teams.
Union, already the state class
B titlist in basketball and track
will try to add the class B base
ball crown in a game against
Drain, a southern Oregon outfit
that has not lost a game this year.
Eugene gained the finals by
the narrowest of margins. It was
a ten-inning 3-2 victory Thurs
day over Oregon City, and a 7-6
win over Klamath Falls in the
semi-finals yesterday.
Roosevelt turned in thumping
victories 14-0 over Albany
Thursday, and 15-4 over Park
rose yesterday.
Klamath Falls meets Parkrose
for third place in class A at 1
p.m. today, and Warrenton plays
Mohawk for third place in class
B at 10 a.m.
Eugene had to come from be
hind to nose out Klamath Falls.
The Pelicans scored four runs in
the first inning. Big Ed Whitney
slammed a home run with two
men on base, then two walks and
a single by Willie Dunster
brought in the fourth run.
Eugene got two in the first,
and another In the second, but
Klamath added two more in the
fifth on a triple by Dunster and
a double by Sam Meyers to make
the score 6-3.
Then came Eugene's rally. Lake
Singles by Don Seigmund, Jim June 3: Clear Lake vs. Team
Barnes and Coce Hodges fillcdlsters.
the bases. Fred Stokes promptly
cleared them with a double. An
error by Dick Petzoldt of Klam
ath Falls allowed Stokes to come
in with the winning run.
In the class B games Union
trimmed Mohawk, 8-2, and Drain
blanked Warrenton, 4-0, behind
three-hit pitching by Sophomore
Southpaw Jerry Cade.
Line scores:
Klamath Falls . . .400 020 0-6 5 4
Eugene 210 040 x-7 8 2
Dimmick, Petzoldt (6) and
Mcpherson; Lessel and Hodges.
Roosevelt 190 030 2 15 14 3
Parkrose .... 000 220 0 4 11 5
Langford, Phillips (7) and R.
Bottler, Mills (6); Wetzel and
t.7"l - - "J-: Ai'j- ?yt I
I msfi i iifliaij,iaiiiilri1illiiiiili)i t; wi .Jhttl, n-it '" V
HMKfPrC ATP rlaniW Champions of the Ma'rion-Polk
nuclei j hic naijy county high ,ch00l basketball
league with eight wins and two losses are these boys from the
Independence high school. Front row shows Coach Bud
Hakanson, Perry Foster, Jack Snyder, Dewey James (named
honorary captain), Norman Scott, Harry Statnaker, Jerry
Lauderback, Ray Harden and John Foster, manager. Back
row, Terrell Sanders, Wayne Webber, Dwaine Venderfeen,
Darrell Davis, Rudy Frykberg, Gordon Allen, Junie Fulmer
and Ken Carter, manager. Absent was Dale Ferris, score
keeper. (Jesten-Mlller photo)
Industrial Slate
For Coming Week
Ihe schedule for next week of
the Industrial division of the
City Softball association in
eludes the following games:
May 30: Post Office vs. Paper
May 31: Naval Reserves vs.
Interstate Tractor.
June 1: Teamsters vs. Post Of
fice (7:30 p.m.).
June 2: Warner's vs. Clear
Beard Sets Pace for Salem
Sluggers With .388 Record
Manager Bill Beard of the Salem Senators held down seventh
place in Western International league batting at the conclusion
o May 22nd games, according to compilations of the Howe News
Bureau. Bob Cherry who had
been in fifth place a week ago
with a percentage of .388 skid
ded to 10th as his efforts at the
plate slumped to .370.
Hal Rhvne. Wenatchee's first
sacker, topped WIL batsmen with
his robust .500. Rhyne also is
leading in the homerun depart
ment with seven and is credited
with 72 total bases.
The Senators were in third
place In the matter of team
fielding, being topped by Vic
toria and Vancouver by three
percentage points each.
The Bremerton Chieff and
the Solons are currently tied in
the double play department,
each with 32.
Individual batting percentag
es of all players .300 and above,
except pitchers, and Salem play
ers below that mark:
nf. Wmmchu lb 88 4J 7 18 800
K of C, Mootry's Win Tight Games
llll LbAi.ll.
O T P 8
Plir..Anta 3
Mootrt'A 3
Rnndlfa 1
K. ( C.
1 000
1 000
1 000
Rock Wool 0 1 .000
MatlnM 0 8 .000
tlth atrtrt 0 1 .000
Gump Monday: 8 00 p m . O. P. m r. va
PhfMtanu, t oo p.m., Handla Oil va 13th
A pair of ball games that pro
vided excellent entertainment
and were close virtually all of
the way were won by Knights Street, respectively, each pitch-
day night on Leslie field. Thelcd airtight ball through four
Knights nosed 12th Street 1 to 01 innings, only to have his mates
while the Phnrmacists blanked
Marine Reserves 5-0.
Two exhibition games will be
on tap Saturday night. The Pi
oneer Insulation club of Seat
tle will engage Roock Wool at 8
o'clock and then take on O. P. &
P. an hour later.
Parton and Winkenwerder,
pitchers for K. of C. and 12th
of Columbus and Mootry'a Fri
Prolonged Contests
The Western International loop occasionally manu
factures one of those "pitchers' battles" In which the
contestants wear themselves out circling the bags, hut
the Far Western league continues to place first In this
connection. For Instance, there was the tg to 14 win
hy Marysvllle over Vallrjo the other night, The
Marysvllle team scored their runa In four innings
8, 10, ( and 4, respectively. The same night Redding
dawned Medford, 15-7, with Rod Province, Senator
owned pitcher, bring one of the five pitchers the losing
elub srnt to Ihe mound. It seems the Far Western
pitchers have control difficulties as well as those In
Class B baseball for the five Vallrjo moundamen te
nted a total ! II wslka.
rVoodburn Women
Tell Winners
Woodburn Winners of low
gross among the women at the
Woodburn golf club Thursday
were Mrs. Marlon Henning In
class A; Mrs. Edgar Tweed in
class B and Mrs. Charles Blinn in
class C.
A committee was appointed to
work with the men on a Jambo
ree tentatively set for June 26.
Those appointed were Mrs. Hen
ry Miller, chairman; Mrs. Nor
man F.astman. Mrs. Carl Hande,
Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth and Mrs.
Marion Henning.
Mrs. Carl Hande and Mrs. Nor
man Eastman were in charge of
the luncheon. The committee for
next week will be Mrs. Dean Bi
shoprick and Mrs. Edward C. Co-
man .
ed two hit ball. It was Hank
Welsner a double in the 5th that
won the contest.
McLeod for the Marines, hurl-
blow high late in the contest
Clancy Applegate blasted a two
run homer for Mootry'a in the
K of C. 0O0 010 t 1 S 1
I3lh fltwt 000 000 00 3 S
Parton and Alltr; Wlnkrawt rdr and
Uarlnt 000 000 8 0 I I
Moolrrs 000 014 a 8 8 t
MrLrod and Eahleman; nawllna and
Hf nf T7.
Indualrtal Ltatua:
Tractor .013 041- S S
Warnrra 103 803 8 t
Krrft and Mannlna; Wrlaht, Mlekrnham
'41 and B ComMock.
Elks Tourney Finalists
Tee Off Sunday Morning
Dirk Yost, Oregon State college sophomore and Jim Shel
don, who won the elub championship In 1947, will tee off at
9:30 Sunday morning In the final round of the 1949 Elks
tournament. The second IS holes will be played In the
afternoon, starting at 1:30.
Tost won the Elks trophy last year and has been going
strong with the Beaver golf club this season. Sheldon, always
a contender when the chips are down. Is prepared to make
match' out of the championship contest.
Gib Wynkoop, exalted ruler of the Salem Clks club, will
present the winner with the championship trophy Immedi
ately after the conclusion of the contest.
Spectators wilt be welcome to follow the players throughout
ike SI hole snatch.
i. Of 133 39
.3b 50 21
,.U 114 47
,..C 34 13
,....C 77 39
..C 91 34
.3b 138 47
.Of 100 37
.of AS 34
.10 114 41
120 43
108 37
Vannl, Yakima
Htukell. Wen. .
Arnericli, Brem.
Brenner, Van.
Beard, fialem
OrtelB. Yakima
Jen n Inn, Yak. .
Cherry, Salem
Goldstein, Wen.
Rasnl, Brem. ,
Peaut, Wen. ..
Oammlno, Yak of
Greco, Tacoma .,of
Johnson, Tacoma 3b
Barton. Spo lb Bfl 33
R. Tran, Van u SB 33
Waxley, Sal ot 103 35
Parka, Spo c 70 34
Moore, Yak of 7 33
Mead, Van. of 111 38
L. Tran, Van 3b 111 38
Cameron, Wen. ,.of 84 38
Warren. Tac. 110 38
Stiinback. Spo.
Jacinto, Yak. .
Buccola, Vic. .
Taylor, Brem. ,
B Peteraon. Sal.
McLean, Van. ,
OrtlB, Sal. ...
Bockman, Tac. .
Hicnardaon. Spo. lb 100 31
Saba tin), Brem. ..of 119 36
Thompaon. Yak. ..of 103 31
Faber, Wen of 90 37
Israel, Vic of flo i7
Constantino, Brem. c 30 S
Olaon. Sal p 2a e
Peterson. Sal. 3b ill si
Spaeter, Sal 3b 106 18
1I 41
133 40
113 36
113 36
1 "V
4n't iy I
( w
tain Dewey James, a
tenlor. was elen.
ted honorary captain of the
Independence Hopsters at a
party given by Coach Bud
Hakanson for the 1949 Mar-Ion-Folk
(Jesten-Mlller Photo)
Notre Dame is preparing for
its 61st football season this year.
For beauty training. Ex
cellent opportunities are al
ways open to the skilled
beautician Claarce are now
forming at Salem's oldest
and most advanced beauty
school. Call or writ, for our
new low rates.
Oregon School of Beatify
130 N Liberty Ph. S680S
J Featuring Crane and
Standard Fixtures
I Call 3-8555
$ Salem Heating &
S Sheet Metal Co.
1085 Broadway J
and you save at Woodrow'a
when you pay CASH for
Willard Batteries Selber
ling tires "with full road
hazard guarantee " Nason
paints, auto glass and un
painted furniture
R. D. Wood row Co.
450 Center 8L Phone 12471
a 4 to 0 victory over the Beav
ers, It was the first shutout of
the season for Woods end hit
seventh triumph.
Ad Liska and George Diehl
toiled on the hill for Portland,
They, too, gave up only seven
hits, but the Twinki made 'em'
At San Diego, meanwhile, Los
Angelee stopped the second
place Padres' winning streak at
four games, with Don Cerlsen
chucking eight-hit ball to give
the Angels a 7 to J win.
Football Ace Jackie Jensen,
recently obtained by Oakland
via the bonus route, is living up
to his price tag. He belted three
singles, drove in three runs at
the Oaks waxed Seattle, 11 to 4.
At Sacramento, Bob Gillespie
made like a wild man but it
didn't help San Francisco. Gil
lespie walked eight and scat
tered 10 hits among the Sealsi
who came out on the ihort end "
of a 9 to 2 count.
Official Box
355 North Liberty Phone 2-4173
Portland Hollrwood
4 3 1 S,! S t t
(Oil H.ndl.j.t 4811
4 18 3 Norcn, cf 4 1 4 a
4 t 8 0 llll
4 3 3 1 Oorman.rt list
4 0 8 1 Sandlock.e I e S 1
3 3 3 1 Baxea, 3 4 3 t 3
3 0 3 1 O Nail, aa 8 3 8 3
3 0 0 1 Wooda, p loss
o Bkurakl.rl o 0
Shupe, 1
Dlehl, p
0 0 0 0
33 7 34 1 Totala M 'Hi.
rur out .or uiaaa in atn.
Portland 000 000 0000
HJt . Ill 000 303 T
Hollywood ,,110 001 OIx 4
, 130 013 0U 1
Pitdiina: Ip Ab R H Ih Bb Bo
Uka 7 38 8 I 3 4 0
Dl'f 1 4 1 1 1 ( 1
Wood 8 83 0 1 1 7
Lonlns pitcher: Llaka. Error: Baalnakl
Hun: Handler, Kelleher, Gorman 3. un
on baae: Portland 7, Hollywood 8. Two
baaa blu: Gorman, Brovia, Baalnakl
Homo run: Kelleher. Sacrlllce: O'Mell.
Stolen baae: Handler. Runa battad In
Noren, O'Nell, Baxea, Kelleher. Double
play: Bandlock to Handler to Sandlock
Time 1:40. Dmplrea: Somen, Orr. and
Doran. Attendance 8,303,
The ahort aoorea:
a"1" 003 000 300 4 11
,kl"d 003 080 OJx 11 IB S
Oalebouae. Karpel (8) and White; Oaa
eaway and Padaett.
San Prancfaeo loo 001 000 I 10 1
Sacramento 083 030 10a u
Dempaey. Oablea (8) and Jarvla; otllaa.
pie and Plumbo.
Anaelea no 004 Of, 17 8 1
, P!'! 000 300 001 S S 1
Jurlaleh and tloorai Oarlaen and Ma.
Monmouth Team
Divide Contests
Monmouth, Ore. After win.
ning the first game, 8-1, with
Corky VanLoo on the mound,
the Oregon College of Educa
tion Wolves lost the nightcap
6-4 as the result of a twin en
gagement Friday afternoon with
Pacific college. Bob Funk was
charged with the loss of the
second game.
Seattle 010 000 0 1 6 1
OCE 030 003 x 8 1 "
D. Bivins and Bostrom: Vafi
Loo and Estes.
Seattle 201 020 18 S 1
OCE 002 101 0 4 T S
B. Bivins and Pokarmy: Funk
and Nasman.
Distinctive Men' Wear
High at Court
Senator Hotel Bldg.
(.30 to 10:6 A. M.
10:30 to 10:45 A. M.
11.45 to 13:00 Noon
1:30 to 1:45 P. M.
Sponsored by
WWi Iria Ce-operorloai ef lee
Manufostvrers of
. Tha Beoadoaet la (Miroteal 80 J9m - f
Doctor of Motnra v'
thai trtadlT raeairnH BB