I AUTOMOBILES THIS AD IS LOADED With Real BARGAINS FARMERS AND FRUIT OROWVR4 Hrt Ii a Low Coit Aunr to Tour Hauling Problem t l4f Ford ton Pickups 11934 Char, tfc ton Fiekup 1MI Ford 1'b Ton L.W.B. Truck i mi Loni Wheel Bate Truck. I apeed axle, rebuilt motor. 194C Chev. L.W.B. Truck, i apee4 tranamLuion, I apead atria. DUMP TRUCKS PRICED TO SELL 1940 Chtv. Dump Truck. I apeed ail. 1940 Ford Dump Truck, t apd axlt, new tire. 1941 Ford Short Wheel Bui Chaaala 3 apaad axle and Brownlt. VALLEY MOTOR Liberty at Marion Open All Day FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! 14 CU. FT. CHEST freeur New 9330 OA Ph. 1-4384. n gal on gail Broadway'! Super 899 N Liberty. nl3S SALEM BAND & GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Head - Ctoarlnt - DlWblns Hewer & Baaement Equipment Rental 19 B Ida. 13. 00 per hr 10 B H TdJ. 9.00 per hr D-7 Cat Doaer 10.30 per or D-9 Cat Dozer 40 per hr D-4 Oat A Doaer 1.00 per br Phone Days 1-9408 Evas 3-83 or 3-4400 balem Ore ton n CZDAft poita, jew wood poita. ahlnglea, tale, and alec, polet. Phllllpa Broa. Rt. 9. Boi liS Ph 08F33. n WALLING SAND A ORAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roadi and drive wen camcnt, ready mix concrete, garden aand. Bulldoaing dralnai and dltchmt a-yd. ahoral and drai Una Ph. 9-9349 FLATROCX For patloa. rock walla, walk a, gardena. and all rock conat. We del and aell here or at pit. Bee or tall for prlcei. Phitlipa Broa., Rt. 6. Box 118 pn 68F23. o FERTILIZER. Cow. horaa or chicken ma nure delivered in Salem Well rotted or fresh, 18 00 per cubic yard del Alao manure by aark 81.00 per aack at place or will del five aack order. Phillips Broa.. Rt. 1 Box 119, Salem. Pn. 98F33. COOLERATOR Refrigerator. 8 ft. Exclnt. cond. Ph. 3-0S37 or ace at 1830 Hickory. nl3T WANTED MISCELLANEOUS USED APT. alae elec. ranga and refrlg. Ph. 11408 after 9:30 p.m. na!37 TOUR FURNITURE to aril at auction or will par apot eaah. Ph. Olenn Woodry tha auctioneer. 35110. nal30 ESTATES bought outright. Glen auction. Ph. 3-8110. WE WANT atrawberr.ee. Market price In cash. Contact Jory Parking Co at Ter minal Ice, 349 D 6t. Phone 3-4590. pa WANTED furnlturt to glue Si repair. Lee Broa. Furs Raflnlahlng Co Ph 3-100 1 na USED FURNITURE Phnne 3-9183 PERSONAL WILL NOT be responsible for any other bllla but my own from May 37. Paul W. Harcourt. Jr. pl28 PERSONAL tani.t.y HOME Producta. 858 Croat St Ph. 3-8448. P140 AUTOMOBILES 4 CHEV. 4 dr. apeclal deluxe. Lots of ex tra. Like new. One owner. 930 N. 13th St. Ph. 3-8383. 0.129 181 CHEV. 4 -door aedan by owner. Motor In eood condition. I2.W. Call at 471 x;ni wood Ave.. W. Salem. Q130 Ml HALE: 1936 Pontine eI. aedan. 1141. See after 8 P.m. To try. 1365 Broadway- 1 "FOR SALE or trade for automobile, 1939 ton ITC panel. 3395. Ph. 3-7844 ql3Ba 11 CHRYSLER 6. 860. 1303 N. 4th. ql37 4t DODGE Sedan, good condition. Must aell today. Beat offer over 1700. Ph 3-4080. 4127' 104a FORD truck. Mcel. ond. Ph. 3-8530 or 1880 Center. 'is STUDE. Champ. 3 dr. aedan. Heater At overdrive. 11330. 3590 8. Com'l. Ql28 1 CHRYSLER Roval 4 door, overdrive. axcep. clean. Reasonable. Ph. 26010 or aee at 1410 Ferry St. after 8 P m. q 1 27" FOR BALE or trade: Ford i door aedan. Excel, cond. 1990 Lancaster Drive, ql 38 1947 CHEV. Fleetmejiter. olrae. low mtle- aae, aeat cover, heater, eport llaht. ex cellent condition, original owner, 11495 Ola'a Texaco Sta., Woodburn. qlll lai NASH Lafayette 4 door aedan, radio, neater, V00. Phona 13341. ql37 '41 STUDEBAKER truck, 4x4. Sublimity Lumber Co. Ph. 15F37 Starton. qlSl 'tt FORD 8 nasi, convert. Oood eond throughout. Needa grill and panels, but only 32ft ror quick aaie. n. m ot. or Ph. 1-1332. . q!27' It..' STUDEBAKER Comm. Deluxe Sedan O'D. RAH. Recent overhaul. White aide- ull tlrea. All extras. Excellent care by one owner. No dcalera. Phone 3-4797 901 H. Winter St. ql37 Used Trucks 11946 KS-I Int'., ChaMla cab. 11330 11999 Ford, flat bed walnale axle logelng trailer. 11941 Federal Dump Truck. H-yd. box. 1900. 1194 WA30 Whit With 1947 WA33 motor, Brownlipe and log equip ment. I1JSO. 1141 Federal. ChaMla and Cab. 130 11941 X-3 Int l. 99-paMienier Buaaea. excellent for "Cnimmlea" or . hauling berry plckera, etc. 11250 each. i 11941 K-l W-lon pickup. 1137 OMO 3-ton. James H. Maden Co. H5 Stlvertoa Rd. Ph. 24113. Salem. Ore qlJV M FORD 4-dr. Deluxe. Oood ahape. B'st offer aver 1330. Ph. 8390. 310 Clay t Dallaa. qHj 141 DODGE Luxury Liner, 13 000 mtle n '47 motor, tsoo. Brownie Fountain lunch at 1140 N. Capitol ql39 '41 CHEV. I ostr. couoe. radio, heater, defroatar, tailored aeat covera. Recent motor overhaul, nr tranamlMion dutch A brake, good tirea. 1910. Trade Si terms After I p m A BU. J. O Jolley, Rte. I Box 70 J A, corner Sunny view St Hollywood drive. qlll WILL SELL r trade my equttv in 41 Pont. In excellent cond Call 36367 from a m. till 9 p m q I CHtV. Veetmajtter Station Waion Extras. New tlrea. Orli:nal owner. 1 yr insuranct. 11530.00. 3030 Virginia Si after 9 pm e.117 I at MERCtRY a?at:cn wsenn. etrel condition. 1140. 315 Portland Rd Pi 13I9 0117 C LEANEST " 44 DO OOF S-ptJU. cpe In town On v 11399. Harry! 470 Rate::!' Dr '8 lem ' ll3 . Eisner Motors to Sell '47 CHEV. convertible. Black PH. fen- ar skirts, twin aport lisht. Ph. 110 Teu Ave f.2t LEAVING TOWN, mu-t sell n Chev t ..Td dump una. 1260 Tom a. Ft' 94144. 13I lAUTOMOBMH TRUCK DEPT. Saturdays Ph. S-3147 AUTOMOBILES lsi chev. coupe. Black. Clean. Car re centiy overnauiea. una owner, lino n 14th. Ph. 3-9861. q!3T Eisner Motors to Buy 1948 CHEV. aedan In excellent condition. 13,100 milaa, one owner, extraa, only 91.343. 1680 8. Winter. ql28' I94 FLY De Luxe 4 dr. adn. Radio, excel tires, beautiful gray iinian. original owner, ansa, en. a-ojis or a-iova. Eisner Motors Fine Cars Thta Time It'g HUDSON! Service Salaa Part Home of Good Uaed Cara SHROCK kiOTOR CO. Church Si Chemcket Sta. Ph. 1-911 PONTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1595 41 Spt. cpe 995 '47 Ford D.L. ipt. cpe. 1445 '41 Chev. sdn $895 '48 Ford pickup $1295 '39 Nash coupe $395 '34 Ford sdn $95 Herrall-Owens Co. 6 N. Liberty Ph. Hill ThU im. IT BUDftom md, Ooo4 oiad o.n HROCE MOTOR CO. Ohareb 01mib.mu eu n t ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT - SELL TRADB TERMS 111 Fairground Road 1947 DODGE pickup. Mileage 13.000. new rubber, itke new. 11,300. Suaan MllLe. 1003 Palrvlew Ave. Ph. 18116. ql31 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS IS CUSHMAN Motor Scooter. Oood cond. Motor overhauled. 1520 State. Ph. 1-7788. 4a 129 Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-1433 qa' FARM EQUIPMENT FOR BALE: International pickup hay bal er. Mills Broa. Implement Co., Mc- Mtnnville. bl33 WISCONSIN 6'i H P. motor with clutch, 8123.00. 183 H.P. Buda Dleael motor like new 14 500. Portable aaw mill, 33.000 ft., complete. 99.000. H.D. 90 cat with Iaaacaon hydraulic blade with 11.300 overhaul, 93.500. Susan MLUa, 1008 Fair view Ave. Ph. 23116. o.bl31' TRAILERS GOOD TRAILER, aprlnaa and overload aprlnga. 6.50x19 tlrea. Oood ahape. 170. Phone 3-3513. tl29 1948 LAND TACHT, factory built 18 foot trailer house. Uaed very little. Modern In evert detail. Butane cooking & heating, two bed, lota of built-in. In Jul ted, electric brakes. Cash or would consider trading for 1 or 3 ton flatbed truck. Inquire 701 Cherry St., Dallaa, Ore. Phone Dallaa 2608. tl37 TRAILER apace 810 per mo. With modernconvenlencea. Lota of apace for children to play. Wm. Roth. 1740 Ox- iora, eouin aioe oi rauiua cannery. Ph. 38885. 1130 NEW KARRIALL TRAILERS 1 -WHEEL OTTLITT TRAILERS redured from 9330 to 8150 BONE8TEELX SALES At SERVICE 17 H. CHURCH FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 9300 Car loan up to 958 Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairground Road Acroaa atreet from bank No Parking problems Phone 27032 LIS. N M369-8191 Fiord Ken-on, Mir. t GENERAL FIN A NCR CORP. LOANS LM 8-131 and M-13 and ROT R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 S Commereia St. Tel. 1-9161 f PRIVATE MONET Special ratea and wrvaa on larger loans long and short time payments ROT H SIMMONS HI Sor'h Commercial St Phone llll 4't REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 131 B Hl' St Lie S-316 M-171 r SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 44 INTEREST I to 40 Years and No CommUsloa Leo N. Childs, Inc. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 183 S Church Parking a Plenty J-3417 Lie NO M-13 S-1M ! FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'-. and 6 TOt'R OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Sernnd Mocaej CAPITOL SECURITIES CO Wi Pioneer TruM B:de Pn 1-711 t AIRPLANES l lie ERroi'PE with only 93 hours. Hnur meter, sensitive ammeter. 1-way B-nd.x radio. Always bantered. Price I19V0. James H. Maden Co. 3!J Sllrerton Rd. Ph 14131. Salem. Ore ijt Journal Want Ads Pay TRANSPORTATION WANTED RIDERS to ahare expenar to from Albany. Leaving saiem 711 am. Leaving Albany 615 pit. Mon. thru Sat. Private auto. Ph. 371 Alhanv. xlia DIRECTOR ADDING MACHINES All makes a mm) maeblnea sold, rented, repaired Roaa 4M Court Phone 1-771 APPLIANCE SERVICE LECTBIC HOME appliance repair acrvlce Free eetimaiea Tiade-ina accepted on new appliance. Vince'a C tec trie. Phone 1-9339. 157 S. Liberty St. o AT-HE DOOR GRINDING ALTO RADIOS Aut horded Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radio Morrow Radio Co., 153 8 Liberty Ph 1-6965. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing aervice day phone 1-9399. Nlgnt 3-1604 333 Center o BL'ILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment. Phone 1-4830. 0144 kike Panek, 375 S. Com'l. Ph. 1-8161. Brake Wheel aligning aped a It t RL'LLDOZING Dean Roblnaon. Ph. 36537. Bulldozing leveling, road bids., clear ing teeth for bruah. Vlrxll Htukoy. 1010 Palrvlew Ave. Ph. i-3141, Salem. ol34 CASH REGISTERS Inatam delivery of new RCA caab ragUtar Al. make sold, rented, re paired Roen 456 Court Ph 1-6773 o CEMENT" WORK Building founds t Ion, remodeling, paint Ina. Klang Broa.. Ph. 33283. ol50 Let ua do your cement work NOW. Drivewaya, aide waits, patloa, etc. Ph. 34413. 0l4B For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundations, aldewalka. drivewaya, patloa, curba, wall, etc. Call 3-4860. 0144 CHIMNET SWEEP Furnace chlmneya vacuum cleaned. Kruley. T71 8. 3Ut Ph 3-7178. ol30 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce' Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing 157 aV Liberty Ph 1-9239 O EXTERMINATORS Cockroach Moth, Exterminator Service. Ph. 1-3056. Let Crou. 1535 Pearl. olsO Breithaupt'a lor flow era Dial 117. o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watklna Co producta. Free de .Uery 1717 Center Ph 3-5399. o INSULATION A.B.C. Insulation Co. Ph. 3-3748. ol30 LAN DSC APr NURSERY F A. Doerfler Bona, Ornamentala. 160 N. Lancaater Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 1-1133. o' LAWNMOWER8 Sharpening, guaranteed acrvlea. New power and hand mowerg Call Harry W. Scott. 147 So. Com'l St 0139 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING work. F. Roach, call 38038. At yout door lawnmower aharpenlng Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 16833 Fireplaces, chlmneya Ph. 33968. St block laying MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 14069. Smltty'a Clipper San trucks, cara reotid Pb 8900. eor Canter Churcrt MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar, Mando lin. Banjo, ttc. 1633 Court bt. Ph. 1-7363. 0136 NURSES' REGISTRY OFFICE FURNITURE Si SUPPLIES Desk chairs, Illes and filing supplies, aafea, duplicators and aupplieg, desk lamps, typewriter si arias, orici cases Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 43 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 1-6071. PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanglng and painting. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est. 0148 Jerry Johnson. Ph. 33733. Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-5666. Free est. Q14B' Elfstrom's are equipped to do yout painting Phone 1-3491 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Call 3380 for your Fainting Paper- hanging. Attractive rates. ono Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate, pn. J-8S13. sal snipping. on.' PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutcbeoo Paint Store. Phone 1-6687 PLASTERING Patching, Repairing. Ph. 1-1101. PLUM RING Fisher 144 8 Com'l, Ph. 1-1019. PRUNING. FhFG Philip W, Belike. Ph. 1-1308. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900. Philip W. BcUke. Ph. 1-1306. RADIO REPAIR Complete aert., reaa. rates. Free pickup Si est. John's Radio Shop, 130 Court St. Ph. 30715 fc 33416. O150 Ray Moore 3370 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433. RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr At Sons. Ph. 31191. By Drlve-ln Theatre. Since 1917. Ol49a Ray Moore 1370 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-9433. REFRIGERATION A APPLIANCE REPAIR SAND St GRAVEL Oarden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating waning o-do Gravel Co. Phone 1-9349 Valley Sand Orarel Co Silt, sand 1 11 dirt Excavating 10B shovel eau Tractor scoop Si trucks tor dirt moving Ph. office 34003, res. 37141 e' SEWERS AND SEfflC I ANRS Dec trie Roto-Rooter Exclusive Paten l Reset harp Steel Cutting Bladea Clean Sewers at Drama Senile Tank Cleaned Heas Pb 1-4117 of 9-9464 4EFT1C TANRS SEE MIRE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In atellini the new approved 500 gallon concrete septic tank. We lay drain line also. Ph. 1-9466. 0l49 K P." Hamel. Septle tank leaned Elertric machine servire on sewer and drain lines. Ouaranteed work. 1141-lth St.. Wast Salem Ph 3-7404. 014S tf.ke'a Beptle Service Tanks cleaned Rote Rooter Service on Aers 1079 r.Bj St.. W Salem Ph 6-8444. 1 137 O!30 TRANSFER STORAGI oeel At Distance Transfer, atoraie Birner one. coal Si erlttueta Trucu to Portland dailv Aernt for B-kins House hold goods moved to anrwhere In OI . Canada Larmer Transfer 4a Storage Ph 1-3I1I tVinil ITERS Smith Corona, Remlnitno Royal. Under wood porta bias Ail makes d machines Repairs and rent Rcn, 430 Court, a Venetian blinds Usde in Saiem Free est Phone IT338 rimer the S.ind man ' slem Venetian Blinds made te ordr m ralinUhed, Reiano.di 4 Lewi. I16ie Grains, Lard ... Reported Lower Chicago. May 28 UPi Hedge selling and a general lack of speculative demand sent grains, soybeans and lard lower on the board of trade today. Dealings became quite active late in the session after a mild rally failed to recover much of the ground lost early. It was the third straight day of fair-sized losses. Wheat closed 7i-Vt lower, July $1.91 4-i, corn was l'k-2 'i lower, J July S1.27 j-k, Oats were -H lower, July $1.33 Mi , soybeans were 4-2'ii lower, Ju ly 2.16 4-4, and lard was 3 to 10 cents a hundred pounds low er, July ail.25-SH.27. Eisler Hidina To Remain Safe London. May 28 fm Bail- jumping Gerhart Eisler, commu nist fugitive from the United States, was in hiding today to be "safe from Americans," he said. Eisler was freed yesterday by a Bow street court magistrate In extradition proceedings institut ed by the United States. Meanwhile in Washington, At torney General Tom Clark said his office would "exert every effort to secure the return of the fugitive" and would not give up efforts to get him back. "I expected it," Eisler said in a press interview. I expect ev ery dirty trick from them the house un-American activities committee and the justice de partment." The American embassy was pledged publicy to abide by the British court decision. The em bassy said it was waiting, how ever, for word from the state department, which, in turn, through a Washington spokes man, said it was waiting for a report from the embassy. Eisler was convicted and sen tenced te prison terms for falsi fication of a visa application and refusing to testify before the house un-American activities committee. He fled while free on bail pending an appeal of his conviction. The Bow street magistrate. Sir Laurence Dunn, held that the charge against Eisler was not an extraditable offense. Warsaw, Poland, May 28 M") The Polish government aid to- day, Gerhart Eisler will be wel come here, and may remain as long as he likes. An official spokesman voiced Rratifictaion that a British tribunal had ruled that Eisler should not be returned to the United States. Watson Pleads Guilty To Fraud Charge John Robert Watson, 20, was held by the sheriff's office Sat urday for grand jury action on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. He pleaded guil ty to the charge in Silverton dis trict court. He also signed a confession for Salem police to a charge of lar ceny Involving the theft of a purse belonging to Marion Fox. The purse was alleged to have contained approximately $170. Both charges against Watson were brought while he was serv ing In the navy. Later, he signed up with the army, and upon his release, he was arrested by San Francisco authorities and held for Salem. Returned to Marion county, he was taken before the Silverton justice court for arraignment on the charges when the Salem dis trict court was closed. Probe Alaska Steamship Washington, May 27 fli Rep. Jackson (D., Wash.), told the house today its merchant marine committee plans to investigate financial affairs of the Alaska Steamship Co., and the North land Transportation Co. If your eyeglasses have heavy frames, do not wear a hat loaded with flowers, feathers and yards of veiling swathed around your face. DIRECTORY WELL DRILLING Prod Wymore. Rt . lot 111 Ph 88138 0133 WRATHfRT RIPPING Free estimate 1 PULLMAN. Pb. 1-8368. 0110 WINDOW SHADES Arm. Indow Ct.tn.r, Window,. .1U A woodwork el,.n4 Ploor, cl.ao.d. w.iHl nd pomrtrd fh I-S317 111 Court Ltnidoo. Culocruoa tn4 Utut.r WOOD A 8AWDI.PT W.t S.ttr Fr.l Co Ph LODOES 1 I.O.O.r. mttu evr Wtd nemliy nljht. VUltort wel come. Alrwworth Ixxi No 201. A F mi tt AM, Mon., My SO; MM dgre, 7 JO pm. 1M Dt MoIav ComandPry No. t. K T. mnu with St. Elmo Com a n fiery. Aoodburn Tpmpl Tum.. My 31. 7:30 pm. Or pr of the Temple. Re frMhmenu. Meet At After Wedding Ceremony Prince Aly Khan and his new Brooklyn-born Princess, film star Rita Hayworth, smile hap pily as they leave the city hall at Vallauris, France, follow in f their wedding. Seated in a grey convertible coupe, the couple drove off to Aly's nearby Chateau de L'Horizon and their wedding reception, as 500 Vallauris villagers cheered. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Paris) MARKET QUOTATIONS Portland Preder Rnlterfat Tentative, eueiect to ttnoaa dlale ehariie Premium quality maximum to .39 to l percent eeiauv ammia in Portland 61-64c 10.. first quality 9-63c b. second Quality 57-60C. Valley route and country points le lees than Aral Better wnoiesaie run ouia euors to trho!esale;a srade AA. 93 ;ore. 6l-63c. A. 93 at ore U4IV,(; B. 90 acore. 88e lb.. O. 69 acore, 61c lb. Above prices are atrlet ly nominal Cheese Selltnt price to Portland whole ale Orearon sin flee. 38 S 48 We Oreion 6 lb loal. 41 -60 Wo: triplet 14a lear than Infles Em Te Wholesalers) A fraoe larga 53- 53 l,ic; A medium, 91-91 Vfcei trade R, are. 47'4,-H0'4c Portland Dairy Market Bolter Price lo retallera Grade AA prints 86c; AA carton 67e; A prints. 68c: A cartons. 67c; B prinu, S3c. Em Price to retailers: AA large 66c. certified A lara. 66c; A lane. 54- 55-; AA medium. B4c; certified A. medium. 54ej A medium, 63c; cartons Ic additional Cheese Price to retallera: Portland Oreion almlea 40H-60Hc Oreion loaf, 1 .b 4-3Vc; triplets Itae leas than sin 6lea Peatlrr Live Chlekene - Wo 1 quality POB plants. No. 1 brollera under JW lbs IT -38c lb.; mere 3W to l ins., w-soe id : roasters 4 lbs and over. 30-31e lb.; fowl. Lei horns under 4 lbs., 34 -35c: over 4 lbs. 26-38t: colored fowl, all welrhU, 30 31c; roosters, all afelihla. 18-30e. Rabbits Averaae to a rower tor live white frrera. white. 4-9 lbs 36-38e lb; i-i lbs. 34-360 lb.: colored 3 cents lower; old or heavy does, 13-lBc; dressed fryera to butchers VJ tor old near ones. 35-sat Turkey (Price quoted are not to the producer on a dressed ereif nz eaaiai -U 8 trade A young toma m 63e tt : No I young hens, nominally toe Dreascd tarkeye U retailer: Otade A voung hen. 70-He New Tore atyla dree d A trade to tine toma 66-89V Portland Mlwellaneaoe .C scars Bark Dry 300 lb. freen la lb Wool Valley coarse and medium trade 48c lb Mohair 38e lb, on 13-month growth. Hide ChIvf 38 lb., accordlni la weliht, kips 18c lb., beef 8 4-9'e lb.. taulU 5 -Be lb country buyers pay 3e leaa Nat Qnotitlone Wain at Pranquettee Aral quairt foni oo. 34 1c. large. 33 7e; medium. 37 3a; sec ond Quality lumboa. 10 3c. tarte 98 3e; medium. 36 3e: baby 3 3c. soft hel first quality large, 39 7c: medium 36 3a: aee ond quality larga 17 3c; medium 14 It lbv 33 3e. Fllberta - Jumbo, 30 n t large ISe tipdium. Ite: email. ISe Quotations above auppiies oy North Prtln1 Grain Portland. May 38 ' and caah train unquoted Wheat futures Caah wheat (bid): Soft oft white eicludint rexi white 133; 3 33; white club 3 33: wextern red 3 33. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3 33; 10 per cent 3 33; other unquoted. Hard white heart: Unquoted. Today's car receipts: Wheal 36: barley 4; flour 9; corn 3: oats 6; mlllfeed 11. Salem Markets Completes frees report of Baler deal era far the goldane at Capital Joarnal Sedera. lfvle dally s tall Peed Prtee rt Masl) 80.18. Rabbit Pellet 14 38 Dairy Peed 84 00 Paaltr: tvivms nritM Grade A cote ed hens 30c; trade A Lea horn hens. 36 cents Orsde A colored fryera. three pounds and up, 90c Orade A old rooster 19 -ents gge Sarin i Prleea Extra larro AA. 49e I art AA 48c; lart A. 46c; medium AA. 46c. medium A. 43 -44c: pullet. 31-SOc. Wbilnil price Beg wholesale price 8 le 3 cents above these prices above Orde A generally quoted at 63c; me d' w 4e atlerfat Premium, 61c. No. 1, llet No. S, 99; 9r 'buvSnt Prices). Ratter W hoi wale trade A. 16c; re .all Tie, Sale MvesUr M artel Bv Vallev Packing Company' Spring lamh. top 838 00 to 937 00 Shearrd lambs, tup 818 00 to 430 00 Y'arllnga light 114 00 to 11800 RweJ II 00 to IS 00 Cutter rows 110 00 to 114 00 Fat dalrr cowa 114 00 to tit on lulls lit 00 to t)t on Calvea good I300-4M IbB.) 830 00 to 833 00 Veal flSO-100 lbs mod . 113 00 to IIS 00 tjgs prlres patd within ISe of Port and price for each tvpe Top. 170-338 .b Portland Fliers Near Goal Windsor Locks, Conn., May 27 & In 40 planes, a group of 125 good will trip members from Portland, Ore., flew into Brad ley field today for two-hour stop en route to Portland, Me. They had stopped overnight at Lnrkhaven, Pa. WINDOW SCREENS All Metal "NU-FRAMI" Window Scrt-tni Requir no fitting . come ready to Install . are nf permanent all-iteel con itruction . . need no paint ing or upkeep . . will not rot nor separate at the corners . . . made to fit any standard window they are the finest flat screen that money can buy yet they Tost No More Than Wood Frame Screen! DICK MEYER Lumber Company 15 l.sns Ave. Phone V4M9 t blocks north, 1 block est nf underpsM i !- a AffllfU lltSnOrC Hllllll UlUUCI J " Given Diplomas Amitv One of the largest crnwris in the history of Amitv grade school attended the eighth grade commencement exercises I the grade school gym., on Thursday evening. Clarice Mich-, elle played the processional,! while the 29 graduates entered.! The class presented Miss Mich elle with a gift. i Highlights of the program were the salutatory address byi Helen Marie Ojua; valedictory! address by Sylvia Faye Wood ward, and the commencement address by Rev. Faul. Norman Wood, president of the class, made the presentation of a trophy chest to the school. and gifts to the class instruc tors, and the ladies in the culi nary department. Albert Yoder, principal, gave the cash awards, seventh and eighth grade students which amounted to $105. of which $100 is given each year by an an on a mo us doner. Mr. Yoder added $5 to the sum. Elva Bontrayer, seventh, and John Heffley received the award j for best student; Jackie Haber-I ly was runner-up for that prize. Best citizens were Naomi Swar zentruber, Dorothy Davis and John Heffley. For the most pro gress: Garry Coleson, Betty Brown, Jean Keller. Valedictor ian, Sylvia Faye Woodworth. P. E. Meeker presented the diplo mas. Cherry Cily Scouts To Stage Camporee The annual camporee of the Cherry City district. Boy Scouts of America, will he held June 4 and 5 on the Santiam river about three miles above the bridge at Taylor's grove. The ite is a former Scout camp. The first day's program will include a flapjack contest, string burning, sack races and other familiar events; preparation of dinner under the inspection of camp officers and a camp fire program. Church services will be con ducted at 8 o'clock Sunday morning while demonstrations of fire making, camp cooking, signaling and flag handling are scheduled. Camporee awards will be distributed Sunday af ternoon. Young Folk to Conduct Rslly Young people of the Christian ana missionary Alliance cnurcn , sinck and curb exchanges, oth to the number of more than air Uniu.d stat(l, s1()Ck exchanf(. chartered bus will leavr at 8:30 PSi Toron1o aiH Montreal Mondny morning for T;.ft where f.h.,nj;rj, pw York NVw Qr. they will have a beach rally. ;r.in. and Chicago cotton mar Rev. Shirk, dean of men of the kKs nd 0(her maj((r commod. Simpson Bible institute of (V CCntcrs V B ,! Tn In" Bnfl " pianist will be here Thursday . prayer service will be ; conjunction. held in Sunday's services will Include a morning sermon by Merman J. Bohl on the subject "Memorials to Our Christian Inheritance" and a message by Rev. D. D. Randle of Med ford ff""1 111 iiit,&sjr Ii :. b i W H'l ilk , Ln lit St,. I j Capital Journal, Salem, Orfpon. Legion to Pass Of July Fete for Convention Because of the amount of work involved in staging a suc cessful state convention. Capital post No. 9 of the American Legion will not sponsor any celebration here for the Fourth of July. The convention comes just a month later, from August 3 to 6, and special entertainment is being arranged for delegates and the public at that time. . - Entertainment highlight this! summer will be an outdoor show'f at the state fairgrounds t h e 'night of August 5 under the di rection of Dave Hoss. Negoti ations are underway to obtain topflight stage and radio stars, 'augmented by nationally known vaudeville acts for the two-hour stage show. i Among some of the more j important events scheduled in connection with the convention iwill be the appearance of crack troops from the west coast mili tary installations who will take part in the parade together with many drum corps from various Oregon posts. Plans are rapidly taking shape, according to John C. Ker-1 rick, general chairman of the 31st annual department meet ing, with business sessions for the Legion and Legion auxili ary to be held in the legislative chambers of the state house. mrs. Laura uoode, Portland, national president of the Legion auxiliary, will be guest of hon- or at a hanniipt thp .vpnins nt August 4 at the Salem armory. Mrs. Gladys Bacon, Capital Unit No. 9, is general chairman for auxiliary convention activi- ;lcs- convention headquarters have been established near the Court street entrance to the Senator hotel and are open daily from 1 to 5 o'clock. Garfield Students Win Art Awards In ceremonies which will be held June 2 at Garfield grade school, 8 year old Charles Sie wert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Char les L. Siewert, 300 Park Ave., and Sally Ann Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. My ers, route 7, box 404, for their achievement in winning f 1 r prizes in the third annual "Am erica the Beautiful" crayon art competition for grade school pu pils. Charles placed first in the third grade and Sally in the second. The youngsters will be pre sented with mounted planues sie- MII.VH1K outstanding ability by mny it. snutn. principal at Gar field on behalf of the sponsor ing Milton Bradley company of Springfield, Mass. Charles and his classmates wno entered this year's compe tition were guided in their art work by their teacher, Kathryn McKinnon, while Mrs. Neva Mundinger was the teacher of aally Ann. As state winners the drawings were finalists in the judging for national awards, conducted it the Waldorf-Astoria in New lorK. Youngsters from every slate in the union, Alaska, Hawaii and the District of Columbia sub mitted a nation-wide total of over 55.000 crayon drawings in uns years "America the Beauti ful'' program. Security Exchange Closed on Saturdays New York. May 2R I1! Major security and commodity ex changes today began their sum mer schedules under which mosl of them will be closed each Sat! urday through September 24. The first week-end closings will be stretched to three days, since all domestic markets shut down Monday for the Memorial iay observance. Principal exceptions to the Saturday closings are the grain markets and some livestock markets, which will remain lprn for trading. Suspensions of Saturday trad ing will affect the New York i The totton exchanges will re ; sume Saturday sessions Sept em- er 3. SACRIFICE This home goes off the market if not sold by June 3. Re- L sold by June 3. Price is greatly reduced! Space does not allow description. Seeing is believing. Open All Day Sunday 890 Rat-cliff Ii Drive Phont 3-6394 Saturday, May 2S, 1949 13 Up Fourth Takes Shanghai Advance units of Chinese communist troops under Gen. Chen Yl (above), entered Shanghai in the southwestern sector. The troops wore emblems on their green uniforms identifying them as "The Peoples Liber ation Army." (AP Wirepho to.) DEATHS Charles Meenev At the :idenc at 93 Locust street. Mar 31. Charles Moonev. at tha age oi It years. Announcement of services isier br w, T. Rlgdoo company. Ear Kenneth Cannlnrhaaa in thl eltv May 34. Roy Kenneth Cun ningham, late resident of Portland, at tha a of 46 rears, survived or wue, ream mother, Mrs. D. O. Dunnlniham of Snld, Okla.; and three brothers, James O. Cun- nlntbam of Orand Ronde, Ellis oaie cun nine hem of Salt Lake City, and Lynn Cunnlntham of Wichita, Kans. Services were held at kit. crest Aooey Mausoleum rrlrtay. May 37. at 1 p.m. under the di rection of W. T. Ritdon company. Frank Garrard Prank Oerrard. late resident of 114S South Commercial street, at a local hos pital May 37. at tha ace of 74 yeara. Sur vived by a outer, Mrs. Pearl Loser of Alma. Mich, and a half-sister. Mrs. A. P. Tradewelll of San Oleto. Calfl. An nouncement of services later by W. T. Rit don company. Carrie Jennlnt At the residence tt route S. box 384. Salem. May 38. Carrie Jennlnt. Survived bv two dauthters. Mra. Erma Wabel of Henry. III., and Mrs. Viola J. ClemenU of Bslem: three sons, Leland Jennings of Junction Citv. Oreion, and Kenneth Jen nines and Marc Jenntnas. both of Sa lem; a brother, Ivan Shuns of Bradford, 111 , ettht erandchlldren and five treat arandchildren. Member of the Rebrkeh lod and tha Flrt Methodist church. Announcement of services later by W. T, Ritdon company. OBITUARY Mra. Ella Peate Silverton -Mrs. Ella Pouts. 83. died at a Portland hospital Friday afternoon af ter a three weeks lllne.w. She was the daughter of R. M. and Susie Mace and was born In Milton. Ore.. Aug. 30, 1881. Trie family moed to Iowa when ahe was five jeers old and she received ner edu cation there, traduatlnt from the Wood bine normal School and leacmnt in iowa and Oreaon for several years. Sh waj married to D. E. Pouts at California, la.. Sept. 3t. 1908. movint est In 18M. spend- lnt one year In Idaho and 70 yeara in 'em before eomlnt here nine years a. Mrs. Pout.t was active In the work of ttie Advent h Pay AdventUt church In both Salem and Silverton. Surviving are her iiuAband: son, Bevere Pouts. Spans le. Wash.; dauihters. Louise Pout. Newbury Park. Calif : Mrs, Lorravne Wolff Win kle, Lonevlw, Wah.: brother, Oeorse Mare, Cnrelnnd, Alberta. Canada and four arandchildren. Funeral services have not b"n completed hut will be held (mm 'he Seventh Day AdventLst church In Sa lem. Marv Klvlra Cecil Ivbsnon Mrs. Mary Eh Ira Cecil dld at a Portland hnspital on Mar 37. Hne was born In Hsrrnburs. AuuM 1813 and had lited all her lire In Oreaon. the past 30 vim heme spent In Lebanon at her home on Weft Oak Street. Services were held Saturday at 11 a m. at the Howe-HuMnn chapel with Rev. Carl Maon oltlclatlnt. Burial In the IOOP cemetery. Survivors ar her skiers, Hstiie Warner and Lyrlia Thomas. Lbnon, Grace Ma.'on. Los An- seles. Mandv Gardne and Donna Talor, Portland, brother . W. M. Mw and Brad ley llov, Sister. Jes Moss, Lcbanoi, wnd O. C. Moss, Lakeview. Gearae William Rail Woodburn- (Wone William Ball. 8t, died sudden Iv Frldav afternoon. May 37, at trie home ot h.x alster, Mrs. Hen ry Beaman. of Woodburn, where he hd 'ieen vUlflnj for th pn.M five weeks. Hi 'Hirrte U at Hell, Montana, where he was railway at,-don a-cni. Mr. Bill was born n Minnesota Arnt 3. 193. He is survived nv )u i1ow. Mrs. Ouincv Ball of Mon tana a da ua liter, Kathleen Morris in Mi.'ourl- Iei-son, John Pierre oT Fair fWd. Montsna: brothers, Francis M. Ball of Idaho and Artalhm Ball of Brod- ;ew, Mon'an- sl'ters Mrs H'nr Bea man of Wiodbirn: half-brother. Pred'r !fk Ball of Wenarcrie. Wali . and half- :'ter. Pert il a I.k.nrn if Duluth. Minn. He as a mmbr of 'he Methodit f lurch, toe Ms on ir lode and Ror at rrh Mr. on and the Ordr of tt-0 Svtrn yWr Funeral announcement ll b b R:ni6 A 1 Sip Tht New High Energy TRIANGLE BROILER FEED Poulinrrtrn rVftiinp Tfisnple'a new htth erifrRv Brotler Feed report " prnducinft .4 pound broilen inonlr 9 ccks. See for tourtelf hotv ynvj can ran larger bird on lea feed and in lets time muh TnuiRle't new high energy broiler feed... available in math or pellet is t rrumbliird form. DhttihuieM tAttttj h YOUR TRIANGLE DEALER TempH 1 pin. J3-