f. 12 Capital Journal, Salem, C1.ASS1FIED ADVIBTISINOl Per Lla la Per Lin I time . 0e Per Un I time e Pet Una I montb 19 00 Outside f lilta IH par lla M day kilo toci I time mm IN timet mla IU0. No Refund READERS la Local New CL Oalfi PM UU To Place an Ad Phone t-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES T OWNER, turn, or unfurn. nod. 4 BR. taM.. fin loe.. eorner lot. del, plumb., 1 blk to I roc. Ch., 3 talks, to grade, 2 to Jr. HL I to Sen. HI Sch. Bui 1 blk. ph. aoi. S BDRM. 17000. 118 Senat. W. Salem. . awM.' Hew modern 3 bdrm. bom South- out. CIom to achoeL Bua at door. Im mediate possession. 11000 down. Bsl- ance FHA. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1M B. High Bt. ' Phona 1-4111. alll J COUNTRY LIVING In town. 1 BR Insulated home, fireplace. Ui. lot. Oarden pac Fruit and nut treat, grape, t dozen laying hen. 16,000. 110 Weat Bush St - Ph. 1-6934 127 ' SSM0. V Aero with clean 1-bdrm. home " cloaa In. AU on ont Uoor. Lota of fruit. 1 Oarden. ate. Cil) Stanley Brown with i STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS j TAKE BEST offer over $3405 for equity In 064 sq. ft. of nearly new 3-bdrm. hae., bat. FHA. 3350 Wlnola, Ave, off Balem Hghta. Ave. a 137 SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEK: New 4 BR on 1 floor. Fireplace. Hdwd. floor. Util ity. Youngstown aiicnen, mw Attached garage. Lawn garden in. it it i.M.n at. l talk. Eait of Laming. i Off Sunnyvlew. New School close, city bua 1 blk. Owner 36 Laming Ave. alll BY OWNER: Make me an offer for my 1W yr. old FH A. appraised a arm homa. 1374 3rd Bt., West Salem. 12T S5t. Clean plastered 3-bdrm. homa ep- n aid. North. Lot 10x150. ' Paved street, full treea, lawn, flowers and garden. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 151 B. High Bt. Ph. 1-4131, Eves. 3-5561 am ONE BDRM. HOME, pleasant hillside lo cation, 4 fruit tress, furnished, bua at door. 13800. 070 iwcim u'- $ZM. New unfinished nous Eaat. At tached garaie. w iwxuv. Call Stanley Brown with . STATE FINANCE CO., : REALTORS 111 S. Hlgb Bt. ..11400. New modern 3-bdrm. boms South. Oil furnace. Large lot. HMO down. Bal . ance FHA loan. Call Btanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS ll B. HIIK at. - Ph. 1-4111. CVU. 1-1 137 OPEN HOUSE Evenlnaa 4 to t till aoW by owner. New F H.A. built a Ddrm. rancn type noma wiLh all the finest features: Ilka hard wood floors, fireplace, picture windows, etc , Plus the finest construction. Buy thla now for about 120OO below today's market price. Come aoutn on bwe io me so rrf. turn riant un Kwald ava. to lat street left. (Weity Aval to eectmd house on Hint. 13a . Iflft.w. 1-bedroom home in W. Salem. Hss - basement, sawdust neat, luwnro rase. 11000 down, .annua. Nw P. -room home on view lot Basement, electric beat, fireplace. 11000 down. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 193 S. High St. - Ph. 3-4121, EvaJ. 3-9300 a la I BY OWNER 3 bdrm., plastered 1-story home, paved St. Qulat dlst. Ph. 37541. al29 Y OWNER S rm. houae. Cement floors. - Shower. Bullt-lna. Attic. Utility house. 4 acre. Price 12800. Small mortsaie. "" Immediate possession. 4 block east of " State hospital. 030 Norman Ave, alio 13500. Kelier Diat. 3-rm. homa on bus . line. Haa bath. Electric water heater, laundry trays, drilled well, garage. Lot 1.1x360. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS ran. ttALE: Six room house, newly dec orated. Inside and out. Lane corner lot. Paved street and aidewalka. 4 " frinjia fmit trees. Bee owner at 114 Walnut St.. Independence, Ore. 128 BY OWNER: Rt. 8, Bo 165 Colleie Helihu. 3 Bd. rm., living rm., dining .. rm. kitchen nook. Utility itr- SltM. Late built 1-room home. NE on bus line. Attached garaie Utility room Lot 67x117. II M0 down will handle. Cal' O V. Hume with - STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 111 1. Hllh Bt. ' Fitice RFnt'rrD on .111.11 homt. ftnm, t.rmi IIU JI. LlWrtr " SPECIALS SPECIALS S bares, hewie with unfinished attic, large LR. 1R. Modern K. bath. Full baaement. sawdust furnace. All newly ' re-decorated. Very mod location In Hollywood district. Price 18.000, only . 10; down. Balance like rent. 6 Mr. heme, LR. DR. K. bath. Cooklm elec. Lane corner lot 15x130. Some fruit i trees and shade trees, lota of shrubs . 3 blks to bus. 1 blks to grocery store Whv rent when you can buv a homi like this A make It your own Price - t.ssoo. tMK down, balance Ml. 50 per moMn inclitdmi Interest. Geo. W. Hubbs Co. Jnhn lee. Manager . 1851 N. Capitol Ph. 3-1031 al31 "3 BD. RM. VIEW HOME KlNdWOOD REinRTS. laraa living rm. with picture windows. Full dining rm. Breakfast nook. I baths. Laraa porch overlooking city. 1 car garage. Large lot. Immed pnaseaslon. WEST SALEM ALL MODERN 3 bd. rm. Buna. 14iI4 ft Garaae. Framed but not finished. Close to school and bua. A good value for 15500 00 Call Bob Cleary. Walter Musprrave Realtor 1311 Edaewater Ph. 13100, Eve. !f 1137" BT'bWNTR: View home. Candalarla Hili New 3 BR. lge. LR. DR. Kltch. Si nook Dble. gar., auto, ell turn., lae. lot. 141 Alice Ave. Out S. Com !., turn Weit al Dairy Queen. Ph. 3-4401. al3l Sacrificing for Quick Sale Brand new 1 bdrm. home. In Holly wood Dm. Owner builder has Jutt reduced price over 1800 Now selling be low appraised value. Thti It a Quality ronttrurted home The latest modern features Only 11300 down payment re quired for FHA loan on thla outstand ing offering. Don t delay. Fh. 11474 or 17743 for appointment. el 27' O WNER RE flTcTlON 3 " B R.homV Lane LR, DR, hardwood floors, bit., full bath. elec. heat, ven. blinds in IR ft D R. Ins. and west her stripped Pull cement basement, studied aarase I yra old. FHA. appraised. Just reV lahed In ide. Cloaa in Priced for quick sale, 18650. Phone 3-1400. alll BY OWNFR: rm. mod. 3-BR he iooo. Hoot down. 161 per mo. open rise. Sunday from 3 to 1 p m. 3316 N 4th Bt. Owner at 490 N. list. alll Journal Want Ads Pay Oregon, Saturday, May 28, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors NEAT t BEDRM. HOME. Large T00RI4. Close to biu. Price 14500. DON'T HISS THIS. 3 bedrm. home on B High St. I rma. and breakfast nook Fireplace: full cement basement; auto. oil furnace; laraa closets. Treea and anruo. Desirable district. Cloaa school and bua. Price 112,500. 4.M ACRES. Soma fruit and null. Crotsan creek. Prlca 13000 IS ACRES. 4 bedrm. home. Barn: chick en house; lou fruit. Year around craak uiose in. Price no.ooo. 1750 down. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS Ph. 2-1661 144 Stat Evenings 1-4007, 3-4910 BRAND NEW Lilting. Well built 3 BR noma with unfinished upstairs, (ire p. ace. hardwood Iloora, full basemen sawdust heat. Cloaa in aouth. Only laooo.oo lull prlca. Boa this. Good terms. Goodwin & McMillin REALTOR Ph. 1-4707 414 Court ve. 3-7313 - 3-4771 alll' KINGWOOD HEIGHTS 113.000 Ue. Llv. Rm., Din. Rm bdrms. and den, basement, oil furnace, nwd. nrs. V. blinds. FAIRMOUNT HILL tit. 500 Lovely new 3 bd. rm. ft den or s oo. rm.. it, uv. rm., din. room French doors to Patio, fireplace, hwd nrs. Elect, neat. Call Harvey Hutr. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 141 Chemeketa St Ph. 10271 Eves. 1841 all! FOR A few daya only, my 3 bed-r modern noma. Pavement, lawn, shrubs, stares bus. school, church. What else do you want. 10750.00. 1345 N. 17th St. a 137 FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1547 Court. Ph. 3-6353. $7200 SPECIAL 3 BR. new home, ' A. Loe. on Living, aton Ave. Deep well. Good soil. Ins), elect, ht. Bendix. Owner will cons, of' far ror quick deal. Ph. 38880. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. alll BT OWNER: On Highway 101 Ona large j oarm. nouse. 3 z-narm. cottages, a 3. room cottages, ft refrigerators, t ranges, completely modern, fully furn ished, newly decorated. 125.700. Will tane pan trade. Ben SebreU. Lincoln Beach. BY OWNER: 3 rm. gar. house. El. heat ft water heater. acre with garden. $3500 cash or 12150 terms. 1300 Shady Lane. Ph. 35713. al37 S RM. house, 3 years old. auto, oil ht. and air cond. Full basement. 111.000 Ph. 2-1804. 415 Wayne Drive. a 121 BY OWNER: New 1 bdrm. home. Hard wood floors. Attached garage. Auto. neat. Fireplace. F H A. Terms. 1070 N 33rd. a 121' SEE THIS! Price cut 11000. 3 bdrm. home. fha appr. Call 3-8189. NEW S bdrm. house. Large living rm.. dining rm., kitchen ft nook, hardwood floors. Oil furnace. V. blinds. 530 Illi nois on center at. a!21' HI WAY FRONTAGE 4 '.4 A. Over 300 ft. front., nest efean 3 rm. house. Nice fir trees. Good court or trailer park loc. 18500. Ph. 20080. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. alll COME IN! SAY8 MRS. PARSONS and aee her For Sale Home at 2605 Hulaey (Off Ratcliff Dr.) Don't lust drive by. The deslin and ap pointments of thla home will please you oenniteiy. ill, 850. F H.A. financed. E. A. McOlauflln Edw. A. Dyck Realtor 328 N. Commercial St. Phone 1-5211 3-3203 - 2-6056 . 2-3240. al21 CHEAP Small down payment. New unfinished 1 rm. hae. Plumbing St wiring roughed in. run price ijbso. Vj acre North. C. W. Reeve Realtor 141 B. Comm'l. Ph. 1-4590. Eve. 3-9536. al28 A GOOD BUY 14350. 3 bdrm. hae. Plastered. Auto. fir. fur. Oar. Paved at. New gaa range. Cor Tner lot. Immed. poaa. C. W. Reeve Realtor 141 B. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 1-9536 a 138- Why Pay Rent M150. New Suburban. 1 rma. with util ity rm. Hdwd. flra. Attached gar. Large lot. Best of garden soil. Small down pay ment. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536. a!28 HERE'S A HOME 6 YRS. OLD 3 bdrms.. hdwd. floors, .unfinished up. Garage, lot 100 ft. front, V block to bua 15905. Terms. HOME CLOSE TO PEN 4-COR !i acre, nice 3 bdrm. house, chicken house, f araie. 15950, OWNER SAYS SELL THIS WEEK 3 bdrms., full basement, garage. 661 N. 30th St. Look It over and make offer. OWNER LEAVING, MAKE OFFER 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. ulira modern unfin ished up, full baaement. Garaie, lane lot. Auto oil heat. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate North of urey hound Bua Depot Ph. 3-1643 Res. 2-0136. 127 WANT ACTION SELLING YOUR HOME? Buyers Waiting. Listings Wanted L. E. Klumpp Real Estate OPEN F. H. A. HOUSES East Englpwood Addition 2280 Englewood Avenue m DOWN Modern bunialow. 1 bed rooms, electric heat and fireplace, liv Ina room St dlntna room, kitchen and breakfast nook Laundry room, hard wood floors, garaae, concrete drive At walks, paved alreet. New. Full price in 10Q. 2270 Englewood Avenue RHtaw down Modern cottage type 3 bedrooms, oil heat and fireplace, llvlnt St dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook, laundry room, hardwood floors. eraee and concrete drive walks. Paved streets. New. Pull prlca 110.800. 2285 Englewood Avenue EMM DOW N Ranch at Tit t bedroom, el ectric heat. Insulated, kitchen ek laun dry room, alnale laraae with built in atoraie room, concrete drive As walks, paved street. Pull price 110 600. 1185 N. 24th Street IflM DOWN l bedroom bungalow, fire place, electric heat, living A dining room, garaae, utility. Pull price 110.750. All houses brand new and ready for Im mediate poaseaaion Can be financed mru mA. Top loana at 4' Interest for 36 year term II wanted. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Ill Masonic "Ida Ph. 3-9111 Insurance Real Eslatt Mtae. Losna alll 1 RURM. modern he.. large lot, city bus reas. dn. Pmt 110 Monroe. aiM BY OWNER, new I bdrm. home, ' hard ood floors. Insulated, electric heat Bus by door. Open house Sunday. t Rat ell If Ave. altl READ Tl 1 ENCALL- Bv oner. lovely two bedroom atream liner, large llv. rm. aiih fireplace, lie pict. window, din rm., kit. and nook. Alao piet. window In master bedroom Lge. bath, all pecan floors. Lge util rm. Attached garaae. Oarden all in. Will go with sale. Bus stop at doer, cloaa ta atores. school and church A real home in a rral neighborhood at a real price i Out SUM lot appointment. gill FOR SALE HOUSES EXCLUSIVE SHOWING at 1570 N. 24th St., Just South of Market SATURDAY, MAY 163 P.M. TO 7 P.M. SUNDAY, MAY 392 P.M. TO 7 P.M. OP THIS BEAUTIFUL, spacious 1 bedroom home, tops Id modern construction and design, with beautiful larga living room, fireplace, large picture windows and opening onto cement patio. Family site dinette with aervatte to a large; light, nicely arranged kitchen. Breakfast nook. Thla spacious ranch atyle home haa automatic oil heat, nice utility room, big double garage, large lot nicely landscaped. If you are looking for a really ntca home, see this for sure. Our salesmen will be on hand to show you through. THIS JS PRICED AT ONLY 114.600. ALDEN BOWES 3316 Fairground! Rd. 3-4101 GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1169 D STREET 8 bdrm.. full burnt., lge. lot 115x158 ft., lge. enough for good resi dential court aite, one of the finest yards In Salem. SEE THIS. Call Roy Farm. HOME PLUS 3 COURTS excellent location on main arterial, courts partially furnished, elec. heat, splendid I rm. homa for owner's quarters. Shows ex cellent return. Call Cob urn L. Orabenhorst. 2 ACRES EAST 3 bdrm. home, barn, chicken house, nicely landscaped, just re modeled and in excellent condition. Shade treea. TO SEE THIS call Earl Weat. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty Office Phone 3-3411 Sundays and Evening Call Peter Geiser 3-9961 Roy Ferris 3-1010 Earl West 3-1332 al21 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW t-BR BOL'SE on Kathleen ave., off Lanalng ave. Hardwood floors, auto, oil heat, lou of closet apace, lovely mcJien, attached garage, lawn in, only blocks from new Capltola achool. quire at 106 Lanalng ave. or call 3-3117. Open Houses Sunday Englewood Special A very dealrabU new house available at builder's cost. A fine 1 BR home awaits some particular buyer. Excellent terms can be arranged. For details call 3-0611. 139 NEW t BEDRM. plastered home. hdwd. firs. St fir. furnace. Cheap. Fh. a-5M or 1180 Center. al27 NEW t B.R. dose in. Lawn, shade trees. Consider some trade. Price 110.800. Open Sunday. 263 E. Le telle. SUBURBAN NORTHEAST 11150 A modern 1 bedroom home lo cated within 2 blks. of city bua line: automatic heat, attached garaie. 11600 down, bal. 155 per month, including prln., int, taxes St Ins. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phona 3-5831 331 North High Eve. Pb. 3-7534, 1-1734, 3-7423 al38' Owner Leaving! This 4 bedrm. home has Just been re duced from 19500 to 18900. If you need a good family home. In a delightful aettlng, be sure to see this one. A host of trees, shrubs, flowers, fruit and ber ries. Lot frontage 330 it. corner fara way Drive and Glen Creek Rd. New Kingwood View Smart new 3 bedrm. ranch home with wonderful view. Lot 130x137. One of the moat attractive homes we vc seen. Priced at 116,500. City Lot $1,075 A fine corner lot, 50x100, paved on both alreets. City park across street. Close to everything Walter Musgrave, Realtors Phone 1-1109. 1211 Edaewater St. COMPLETELY furnished 3 bdrm. homa on N. Church St. Living rm. 32 ft., din, rm., kit., nook, bat h, full baae ment, oil furn. Nice lawn and shrubs. Call Hughes. 1-7040. OWNER anxious to aell I acres, 3 houses; each has own water system, barn and chicken house. Nice tees. Price 19300 or will sell 4 acre. 1 bedrm. for I2S50, shoo down, monthly payment aama rent. Few minutes drive from Salem. Call Bederatrom for more information. 2-7693. bukmi.. l.k., D.R., kit., comb. bath, all comp. furnished. Laundromat, refrlg., elec. range, attached garage, fenced back yard. In South Salem. 16625. Call Hill tit. 3-7049. NICE St LIVABLE 3 bedrm. home. Pull plumbing. Garaie. Furnished. Price 14350. Terms. Call Bederatrom, 3-1692 eves. Sevenn Realty Co. Ill North High Ph. 1-4018. a!37' SO MUCH For so little! 3 bedroom home with floored atltc. Double garage with partitioned Into workshop and deep freeae unit. Wired for rame and Plumbed for automatic waaher. Sprink ling arstero in lawn, corner lot, outdoor fireplace. Only 17000. No. 232 PERFECT SUBURBAN Here'a a awell place for the whole fam- g acres with good rustic ranch style home In aettlng of firs. Oarden in. Barn til rt horse stalls and workshop. Price 19350. Terms or trade tor larm. FHA LOANS Multiple Listings Reimann for Real Estate Ml South High St. Phone 2-9301 Sun. k Ev. 2-1121. 3-8341. 3-5905. al27 DON'T MISS This five room modern home. Hdwd. nra New modern colored plumbing. Roman brick fireplace and flower bed. Lot 80x100 In East Enelewood Addi tion. Only 19950. FHA terms. 1185 Evenreen. Cal 2-3381. Builder, a 129 BT OWNP.R: New 1 rm. house Just fln- isnra. nun utility, attached garage, bus bv door, clone to market and two school. You will be proud lo own this hotue Its a beauty. See at 95 Highland at Mvnie. Ph. 1-9817. H29- INGLEWOOD A nice clean almost new 3 bdrm. home with an ample yard, nice ah rub, fir enoua h a w sy from t racks a nd mill, price 19150. Call Graham Sharkey. Severin Realty Co. 3J1W Hteh. pn l-4fMB a!27 FOR SALE LOTS WANTED bv builder: t or 3 lou, north or east within eity. State full cash price or particulars. Reply Capital Journal Box 474. aalll CROtt-K B1IU11NO lot. Englewood-DIM Inquire 0N. 13rd. Ph. 34394. aalll 9II.VERTON ADDITION 1 frontaae lots, 60x100. Building lota, 70x100. On Sil ver ton Rd. near new school. Ph. 37176 aalll LARGE CORNER lot 100x120 In a No. 3 one. fine location for a court or apart ment house. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor t0 a. Commercial Phona 31649 Eta. 35360 aalll $10 DOWN 111 per month will buy you a let with water, alec., trees, bus service, close to school. You can park your trailer. Hurry! Ortr of them are geni Reimann For Real Estate 101 Bouth High Ph. 3-92M Bun Evaa. I 1731, 1111, 3.3905 aalM ONE OR two suburban lots trade for car, tardea cultivator, tta. Terms. Ph. 1-3168. aa!37 YlfW LOTS, 900 blk.. Tuta At. WOOD ED LOTS, e lt Ratallff Dr. R 'irlftsd. tilt water. Fh 3-4214. aa To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SAL! HOUSK REAL ESTATE Mr. West 1-5611 FOR SALE FARMS i ACRES river bottom. 3' A. peaches with crop. Choice home sites. Face yeer around creek. 3 miles from 8a. lem. Phone 2-1160. Owner. b!32' 50 ACRES! With excellent ground. Plenty of good pasture. Year 'round creek. Older type home. Oood barn. Priced right at 113.000. No. 171 120 ACRES! Excellent soiL Exceptional barn. All tillable land. Located neact Independ ence. A good buy at 120,000.' No. 1024 Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High St. Phone 1-9203. Sua. Si Eve. 3-1731, 3-1241, 3-5903 bl27 TRADE 16 acre farm, will take In small hie. In town. Irrigation ditch. 1 rm. bse. Bsrn. Fenced. C. W. Reeve Realtor 941 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536. bl38 178 ACRE well Improved farm 1 miles irom naiem. Large home. Orada A dairy barn. Water rights for 40 acres. This la a good garm. Price 147,500. Cal O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 113 8. High St. Ph. 34121, Eves. 35206 FOR RENT FARMS WONDERFUL FARM buy. 100 acres. Lovely nouse. Near Salem. 112.000. Approx, 1 mil. 2nd growth. 15750. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 8. Liberty Ph. 3-7113. bal27 FOR SALE ACREAGE 30 A. OF PRUNES. Very nice crop. Prune dryer. 10 a. very good pasture with spring. 1 mile south of Liberty on Sky line Rd. Rt. 0, Box 706. bbl27 l',i ACRES With highway frontage on S. 99. a oarm. home. Out buildings. Fruit ana snaqe trees. 85750. Ph. 2-1110. bbl29' 35 ACRES 17 acres under cult. Good home built In 1944. Several out bldis. Located 1 ml. from Bend. Oregon. Want to trade for Baiem property. What have youT Total price losao. call for Mr. Leavens. 18 ACRES All soil under cultivation. Very good noma, out Didas. In good condition. Small family orchard. Only 6 mllea from Salem. Total price 114,750. Terms, Will trace ror smaller acreage. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 3025 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4506. Eves. 3-9403, 3-1558 bbl28' 3H ACRES, beautiful view, unfinished rue, good wen. Phone 1-7832 after 4 P.m. Price 13,300. bblSl ACRES 3 ,i miles downtown Salem Ab. 10 A. bear, cherries. 2 A. open land. 8 A. wooded area. Fir, Oak As Maple trees. Over 1900 ft. road frontage. Some VIETW spots. Only 15500. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate Ph. 3-1835 bbl27 164) A. of bottom land. 13 miles South of saiem. on nighwsy 99. It can be Irri gated. Terms. Sea owner, 3510 Cherry DD137 BY OWNER. 10 A. In Dallas city limits. a rm modern home. Double ru barn, chicken house, 5A of prunes and 1 cow. rn. 707 uaiias. bbl38' REAL ESTATE HOLLYWOOD DIST. 113.500. Over 1100 mo. Inc. from 3 apts. Plus Uv.. din. rm.. rule, a BR. kit for owner 3 pvt. baths. 3 scp. ent., toil.. au m.. Dimi. rn. 30 WW. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St cl31' GOOD SOl'ND INVESTMENT Valuable ni-way property with long term lease at 1400.00 per month. 110,000.00 down, Balance 1175.00 per month Includes principal tt Interest. Bee owner at U73 State Street. cl29 BEST BUYS 3 bdrm. home. Close In with extra lge lot. Attached garage. Clone to bus. atort achool. Well worth 19000. Terms. NEW $8500 An extra well built home, with full easement. Electric neat, weather It rip ped and Insulated. Attached urin Immed. poss. F H A. Finance. A choice listing. RESTAURANTS Here's a real buy. Owner forced to aelt at once. Exrel. money maker. New eguipment. Long leaie. very reasonable rent, lerms. Total price onlv 14700. you are interested in the food business, here Is a deal you have been weltinc for. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor (Member of Multiple Listing Bureau) 3015 Portland Rd. Pb. 37120. 24596 Eva. 30473. 33151 ,el31 READ THIS $1500 ACRE. 30x20 unfln. house. Cherrv treea. paving, water at 13 month. Elec. 6600 aown, an gaontn. AND 131M buve t Bdrma., liv.. din., tit. City bua. garag. eiwo oown. 3 APARTMENTS IMM Income 1110 month, oood town. Oood location. 11000 down or consider late car kb aown pevment. 3 BDRMS. I31O0 Located on Broadway. Plastered. Ga raae. S yra. built. 11500 down. E. M. Hunter Real Estate TTt 8. Comi; Ph. 3484929497 c1? EAST FRONT, side by side dunlex Tt. ceueni condition, on comer lot with bus at door. Double gariee. Room on lot for another duplex and mar have third apartment upstairs. Haa lawn, lota ef flowera. picket fence. Oood income. Thla place will pay for Itself. Reg from j io p.m. tw b. ust. Ph. 1-8311, ewe FOR VOIR SAVINGS Investment buy a ur maniiii on reai estate, saiem m vicinity. Examine tecum mrif Amounts 1508 to several thousand dou lara. ael investor 1. We make an col lections ror you 11 desired. BTATB FINANCE CO, 111 B, RUb. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT I bdrm. hae. Also Income property, Hollywood Diet. Ait. 1-7111. call! TO BIT 3 bdrm. hae. BrnL down payment At the edge ef town. Ph. 3-0617. call7 GOOD grocery store In Salem from owner" Box T4. Capital Journal. rallt WNTtDTO"l'Tnr h noses for rental purpose. Charles O Brian, It N First SB, Pb, 1-6611. Mitt WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need 01 good bouses to aell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale aee GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 124 S Liberty St. Phono 3-1411 ea NOTICE! If your property Is for sala, rent or exchange, list tt with us We have in kinds of cash buyers. STA7S FINANCE CO. REALTORS 151 a Hlib St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE CONSIDER TRADE If reasonable on lower home, farm or other. Illness forces change. Money making apt. house. Ineome. 4 units and ornce. was. auo, large a oarm. own en apt. Rentals well furnished, E. L. Carter, owner. 959 8. 13th St. Pb. 1-5323 Cbl2l NEW five room modern homa and V acre. Berries, fruit trees. Water system, large garage. Outside city north. Will trade for city borne near school. 1540 Shady Lane. cblll BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GAIL HOTEL, priced reasonable. Phone 2237, Dallas. Oregon. cdlSO HARDWARE store, tile brick building. plate g;eA iront. a room living apart ment. Modern. 111.500. stock fix tures at invoice. About 18000. some terms. I owned 11 years; retiring. Mann's Hardware, Delake, Ore. Open Sunday. cdlll FOR SALE or Trade: New garage St sta tion with living quarters. Owner. Ph. 3-6621. 1694 N. Commercial. Cdl37 WANTED: Partner for garage tt atatlon. Phone 1-6621. 1694 North Commercial. cd!27 DRIVE-IN cafe on 99W In UcMlnnvllle. All equip. Long lease on bids. Price 15500 plus Inventory, p. O. Box 361. McMinnville. cd!39 CLEANING & PRESSING 127.500. Every piece of equip. Is first class. Buslnesi showing steady Increase. Ill health reason for selling. Thla Is really top. Ph. 28880. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. cdlSl' Investors Look! Beautiful new 11 unit apartment house In an excellent location with a monthly Income of 1615, showing 12 on la vestment. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 60 B. Commercial Phone 23149 ' Eva. 35260 cdlll Beer Tavern Real good ona. Groceries 3 to choose from. Call Lcn Orton Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Cbemekata St. Ph. 39271 Eves. 33913 edl28 ARE YOU interested in the service station businrasT 1 have a service atatlon bust. ness for sale at Inventory price In Dal las. Ore. Contact Warren Doollttlc, General Petroleum Dlstr. Ph. 34619. cdlSO Looking For a Bargain? Owner must sell good going business, long term lease, cheap rent. Stock will inventory for 13.000. WiU sacrifice for i 00, or trade for what have you. Call 26367 seven days a wk. from 9 a.m. till S p.m. cdl27 Business Location Ideal spot for that new business bldg. Lot 66 x 125. 1300 blk.. Broadway. Will pay It'a way until you are ready to ouiia. tn. j-B42. Eve. 2-1047, eaiZ9' RESTAURANT for sale. Nice large place. no competition. Beats 45. rooms liv ing quaiters On highway 97, 19.000. 14000 down. Bend, Oregon. Henry Cafe, 1800 NE First street. cdl28 FURNITURE FOR SALE OOOD used daveno, l'fc ml. N.W. Chem awa. Rt. 2, Box 405. Duane Sears, dl29 WASHING machine 169. Brown frieze rug, 9x9, 136. Daveno. rose mohair. 147.50. Chest of drawers, lined oak, 115. Dress ing table with skirt Si bench. 110. Poker table, hdwd., 120. Chippendale sofa, sa tin atrtpe. 185. Mahogany commode ta bles. 932.50 ea. Period alabaster lamns. 132.50 ea. Mahogany coffee table, early American, 110. Card table, wood. tX Love seat, frieze, blue, 185. Record canines 01a, 93.90. vacuum cleaner. Hoover, 112. 4 mahogany lyre back cnairs, 310 ea. Mahoiany console ta ble, 130. 3-way portable radio. 110. Read ing lamp, metal, 13. Westlnghouse range. 198. Lge. antique mirror, 175. Marble top table, 149. Antique hand carved chair. 145. "Gone With the Wind" lamp, hand-painted. 845. Grandfather's ciocK, iou. wararooe trunx. drapes, lamps, other miscellaneous articles 1775 Saginaw. dl27 FOR SALE: Daveno and chair, 175; oc casional chair 115. Salem-Dallas Hiway, first house cast of Eola Acrea Florist. dl28 FURNITURE for salt at a bargain. Call dl27 HAVE BEST outlet for furniture, appli ances, nousenoid enects, pay top prices, spot cash or sell for U on commission. Glenn Woodry, auctioneer. Ph. 33110. dlSO WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at woodry Auction Market. Ph. 1-5110. da" FURN. s Households Ph. 3-3511. AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION Every Tuesday, Olenwood Ballroom, 8:041 p.m. We aell for U or pay spot cash Estates bought outright. OLEN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER Phone 3M10 ddI36 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOB SALE: i yr. old ssddle horse. hands hlih. wt. 1050. Will take any offer over 150. Ph. 2-4291 or come to Rt. 7. Box 90S. Kelxer. 127 FRESH COW. Guernsey-Milking Short horn cross. Ph 22921. el37 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer C. McCandlltb, 1127 B. 31. Ph. 3-8147. eal37 FUEL Special 13 In. clean Inside mill wood TRI-CITY FUEL. Ph. 2-7443 GOOD 16 in. easing. 15.50 a load. Double load 810. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-5533. eel46' WEST BALEM FUEL CO. Biock, plaaer tt alab wood St dust. Ph. 24031. TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 37442. We give S H Oreea Stamps Oreen 16 In. mill wood CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Dte.e1 and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends tt Block Wood. Ph. 36444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY LIVE RED FRTERS tor your locker or picnic. 13c a lb. N. on 99E to Hood view. W ml. E. Rt. T. Box 301. 1137 BABY CHICKS, May 10, Hampshire, Leghorns and Wyandotte. Ph. 12261 Lees Hatcherv. f PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES U PICK 9c. Bring your own container. Rt. I. Box tll-O. 1 mi. E. of 4-Cor . en E. Slat St. Look for sign 00 highway Howard J. Grimm ffl27 Rrn PRTlRS: Live or dressed on order. Rt. 7. P. ix 414A. McCain Ave. off Sll verton Rd. fill 1 AUSTfU Whites, 4 star laying hens. m old. 12 each. mil west, 4 mile south Bunnvstde School. Rt, I. Box 46. P. H Norman. ff 127" TR 4WRERR1ES U-Plck, Iflc. Bring con tainers, out uver ton Rd. l' mi. to Mtddl Orovo School Turn rttnl SM Ban St Rjetisjil. ff PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES: D Pick, lie lb. lis ml, n. w. unemawa. nt. 3. box 403. Di ane Bears. ffl2 HELP WANTED BERRY PICKERS wanted on Cherry Ave ml. north of aluminum plant. I. Hart- nan. sl21 HELP WANTED MALE DRAW $75.00 WEEKLY atainst commissions and small token quota in selling roof leakproofing direct to Industrial, commercial and farm buildini owners. Huh prices, new roof ing create live market for this econom ical compound. Exclusive territory Minimum aupervisloa. Home every mint. En Joy own business. Write M-29. Box 1768. Cleveland. Ohio. gal27 COOK: Man to cook for laraa group. 1170 mo., less maintenance. Perm. pos. Oregon Stat Training School, Wood- ourn. PIN SETTERS wanted. 1340 State. Unl verstty Bowling Alley. ga!28 LICENSED Journeyman Electrician, give sie. experience, etc. Capital Journal "ox i gal31 WANTED Experienced electrical appll ance aalasman. Floor and field. Phone 3-1585. Bxi28' WANTED MAN with experience digging snails tt weiia. call Shaffer. 42171. ext 492 from 8 to 5. ga!28' HELP WANTED FEMALE MIDDLE AGED woman to do Hint house- ora ror eioeriy lady. In quiet, com. fortable home. Reasonable hours. 38; N. 23rd St. Ph. 3-7119. gbl28' NEAT, attractive girl over 18. person. Grand Sweet Shop. Apply In gb!29' WANTED: Girl for sales floor and some relief office work. Apply In person. western Auto supply Co. ibl27' KTENO-BKPR (Out Of town! 1215 nc.iHE.lAKr , II HTENO-BKPR ' STENOGRAPHER u TYPIST-CLERK i TYPIST 1 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 State St. Phone 2-1488 gblifl WANTED: Middle-aged woman to keep nouse and care lor children. Room, nmiu at oiih, ra. 1 -oil or write J. L. Durst, 641 X. Grant, Lebanon. Ore. gbl28 SEAMSTRESS wanted. Must have lndus- inii mac nine experience. Salem Tent & Awning Co. 729 N. Liberty St. gb!27 CARE OF 1 yr. old child wanted between wu a b:uu wee daya only. Prefer moiaer 01 cnuo. approximately the same ase. CaU 4-2171, ex. 443 between 8:00 & 1:00. 1D128 RELIABLE WOMAN for housework St care 01 cmraren. Km.. Bd. St waies. Mrs. J. B. Fox, 145 8. Lancaster. Fh. 34969 EXPERIENCED GIRL. Store. 1382 State. Variety gbl30 WAITRESS, EXPERIENCED, night work. jurooitnook restaurant. Brooks or Ph. 3-3776. gb!29a WANTED: Middle-aged woman to work In summer home. Good salary and ex penses. Modern conveniences. Party must be reliable with first els as references. Apply Hogg Bros.. 210 State St. gb EXPERIENCED LADY bookkeeper to work In office of Willamette Valley's leading Furniture and Appliance atore, good salary, pleasant working cond. AppIv Hong Bros., 260 State. Kb". EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 3-1489. ef WANTED SALESMAN DUE TO expansion of our company we need e, live wire man who is Interested in high earnings, with opportunity for advancement to management positions. Applications confidential. Write Box 487, Capital Journal, stating experience. IB 137 WANTED: Salesman. Must have experi ence In furniture St floor covering. Per management position. Good salary and commission. Apply Montgomery Ward, Salem. B2 WANTED POSITIONS BOARD your child safely. Inexpensively In country, write Mrs. T, E. Garrison, route 1. Per valg, Oregon. h!29 EXP. baby sitter. Mrs. Martin, TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice, former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hl52' WANTED: Full or part time Janitor work neierences. Ph. 2-3801. hl28 baby sitting. Ph. POWDER WORK wanted. Quarry, stumo- ing, ditching. Donald Thorn, 2295 Lee at. rnone 38398. hl31 ROTOTILLING M. E. Tiller. Ph. 27500. h!30' CHILD CARE or baby sitting, your home or mine any lime. rn. 2194a. h!27' YOUNG MAN would like delivery route DO YOU want a good home with lots of piay yard lor your children. Would 10 ve to take cart of them. Ph. 3-3850. hl27' YEARS IN dress-making and alterations. Ph. 3-1518. M30- GOOD care for babies under Ui years. siw 9 or weex-ends. ra. inn. M29 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rotottlling. New lawns, tree mcnaro noyer. rn. x-auo. ni49' INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Fh. 3-6738 SEWING and alterations. Ph. 3-4854. hl4S NEW LAWNS prepared tt seeded. Have ice. irac. on ruooer with doser, plo' etc. Ph. 3-8137. hi 27 ROTOTILLER work. 1143 Hood 8U 3-0594 hl44 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. M44' TREB WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. wore guar. w. h. Mc- Aiiiatcr. 84 Trade. Ph. 1-1496. h 1 44 BABY SITTER. Ph. 3-O5B0. hljl PAINTING INSIDE or out Free est. Call BUI. 2-2979 h!37 FLASTEBING. PATCHWORK and chim ey building Ph. 3-4389 Free estimate hl33' STACK your sawing then Phona 3-8693 hl34 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 3-3093 h!35 LAWN CUTTING. Phone 3-1403. 1ST CLASS CARPENTER, new. remodel repair. Large small. 3-8281 aft. 6 M34 WILL PROVIDE excellent nome or day care for small child. Ph. 1-8395. hl29 LAVARS NURSERY for Infants. Orad reg. nurse in charge. Ph "23291. hl37 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter. Call Bhrocb Motor Co. 3-0101 FOE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service, duality work, lower prices. 683 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3843. hl39 CHILD CARE. Ph. 39924, IIM Shipping hi 36 EDUCATION EDUCATION U Job Insurance. Writ or call for free catalog on 400 I. c. 8. courses. Don McNeill, International Cor respondence School. 1551 State St . Ph. 3S3M. OI. approved hhlM FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPINO rm. Ph. 1-7558. ATTRACTIVE rm., private home, gentle- man. 995 Summer. Ph. 1-8388. Jkl39 WELL FURN. sleeping rm. Close In. HAC ater. Men oniy, in center at. jaiaa PLEASANT sleeping for gentleman. I050 Norway, rn. 34341. it no DESIRABLE sleeping rm. Pn. possible down ton. Private hone. Ph. 14163. jkiso IN RUSINFSS D!t. Nlc alee ping rm. with Hrc water, aaa center. )ki37' Journal Want Ads Pay FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING rm. Hot St cold water. 1st floor. 481 N. High. kl37 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 1-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM.APT. 40. Ph. 1-3530. Jpl . RM. URN. APT. Prlv. bath, refrlg.. eiec. neat. rn. i-hn, jpiiv 5 RM. PIRN. spt. 3210 Hazel Ave. Jp127" FOUR ROOM modern court apt. Ranxe, Frialdaire furnished. Rent 160. Ph. 3-4iO jpl27 CLOSE IN. Newlv red. furn. 3 BR upstairs ust. Auuui. rn. JCJ7B. jpufl 1 RM. Apt. 2nd floor. Lady preferred. Ph. 31S20. Jpl28 3 BR furn. Apt. Close in. Ph. 31422. JP127" 3 tt 4 room furnished and unfurnished apartments. Phone 3-1505. JP128 81 RM. furn. apt. for rent. Private baths. Fh. 37034. Jpl28" 3 RM. furn. Apt. Prlv. bath St entrance. Aauus iua n. Liberty. Jpl7 IF YOU like something nice, aee this new large one oarm. uniurn. apt. Stove tt refrlg. furn. Ph. 39355. Jpl27 RM. APT. Pullman Kltrh. Nicely Furn. Women only. 1111 Oak St. Jpl27 LARGE UNFUBN. 4 rm. apt. with sleep ing porch, hdwd. firs., heat St water turn. 150 a month. Ph. 21391 Jpl27 CLLAN. QUIET 1 rm. apt. Middle azed lady preferred. 845 Ferry. bl27" FOR RENT HOUSES REASONABLE 2 bdrm. or equivalent, chll- orrn. rn. it-W37. Jml27 PARTLY furn. 4 rm. house. 525 N. 19th. Jml29 rnone 3-7465. SMALL cabin, furn. Rear nice yard on Mill Creek. One or two people only. 137.50. 280 N. 18th. Phone 2-6787. jml27 ON MILL CREEK: To lease 2 B.R. mod em nome, Iirepiace. Adw. floor druttrs double plumbing, full basement, wood lumace, eiec. water ntr., slat, tubs: separate garage and furn. sleeping porch, spacioiss landscaped grounds, lawn furniture. 185 month. 2491 Trade Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Telephone 2-3629. Jmlll1 FOR RENT: New 3 bedroom house, auto matic ni, iirepiace, nice location. Out o. ummrrciai 10 twaia, west 3 blocks, then north to 1693 Scenic View Drive. Jml28' WHY PAY RENT when you can buy thla ! yr. old 2 Bdrm. home? From owner tor small down payment and 148.00 a month. Immed. possession. 1374 3rd St., r.Y.t. . Jmi27' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TRAILER SPACE. Camp Joy Motel. J134 U DRIVE trucks cars Ph 2-9 103 TRUCKS and ears. Smltty's Clipper Ser- vica rn s-noQ. cor center St Church r GROUND FLOOR rooms, aultable for of- nee or stores. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 POWER TOOL rentals tor home tt In ausiriat use aowser Bros Pb 1-1648 f" business RM for rent. H. L. stiff. J TRAILERS. 12.00 per day Howser Bros dub egc water at., West Salem. J GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Montgomery mrg, j TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Bind er, we sail everything to complete the lob. ROWSER BROS Pb 1-3646. ) WANTED TO RENT COUPLE with child urgently need 2 bdrm. nouse. Ph. 3-0139. Jal29 RESPONSIBLE COUPLE would like a 1 or 4 oarm. uniurn. or partly lurn. house. Will care for like own home. Permanent tenants. Phone 2-6844 or 2-6739, Jal31 WANTED TO RENT with option to buy, moo. 2 bdrm. house, reasonably priced, low down payment. Give particulars In 1st letter. P. O. Box 612, Salem. Jal29 OIL CO. representative St wife being transferred to Salem June 1st. Urgent ly need unfurn. hae. or apt. Exc. Refs. Write Box 471, Capital Journal. Jal27' VETERAN AND wife wife urgently nerd two bedrm. unfurnished house. Write W. E. Turner, Oen'l Del., Molalla, Ore. Jam COUPLE in need of apt. or small house. Furnished or partly. Fleas call 3-5660. Jal30 WANTED TO RENT: House In vicinity of 20th St Chemeketa. Phone 2-5488. Jal30 UNFURNISHED 2 or 3 bedrm. home, "by employed couple and two girls. Pref. Kelier Dlst. Ref. Writ Box 470 Capital Journal. Jal27 WANTED: BY middle-aged couple June 1st. 2 rm. furn. apt. Walking distance of P.O. No drinkers. Reasonable rent. Box 469 Capital Journal. Jal27 CLEAN, pleasant furn. apt. ny employed couple. Must be near city library. Large enough for small piano, not mora than 155. Box No. 466 Capital Journal. Jal2" 3 BEDROOM unfurnished mod. Ph. 3-3253 or 3-7922. house. Jal29 ROOM AND BOARD GENTLEMAN, young or old. My bom ta country. Box 388. Capital Journal. J1131 MISCELLANEOUS ES SPRINGER, men a hatter 464 Court ml30 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids State St Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE TOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen ts"' a Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on ai makes of ma chines Pre- estimate given before work Is started Sinxer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'1 m BUILDING MATErTal'"' STEEL AND ALUMINUM window frames. Residential casements, double hung and commercial types. PUMILITE OUT EDGEWATER ST. ma 127 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior heatform and Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and mason rr materials. Phone 2-5643. PUMILITE WEST SALEM mal27 8HFETROCK, new shipment. V V. see us lor new low casa prices, rteitn Brown. Front tt Court. ma 500 NEW WINDOW saih. Your cholc f sib and style. Car load of new H la. Pirteg. Special price 5c a, ft. C. O. Long. Pb. 2-9621, one mil north Kelier. ma 119 Builder-Contractors We hay a complet stock of framing lumber, timbers ft ahlplap. all grades, at rock bottom prices. West Salem saw mill. 1050 Wallac Rd. Pa. 39593. Pre Delivery m143 TILLAMOOK cedar shinties del. No. 1, 19: No. 2. 13. Cedar wall 11 la. painted shakes, 112.10 per sq. Under course fre. Also baled cedar tow. Ted Muller. for merly Eola yard. Pb. Salem 1-119. Balem Independence road. ma DOORS, INTERIOR 2 panel doors, at the great apeclal purchase bottom prlca, baraala of only 16 60 each. Keith Brown. Fornt ft Court Sts., Salem. ma CLOSE-OI T, Plywood cut-offs. 49"gll"x V tor celling panel, wall panel, aid ing and many other uses. Only 1H per sq. ft. Keith Brown. Front ft Court Sts.. Salem matf. NEW SHIPMENT piast board. V le. H . 6 . ft Rock lath, tl H. It $1.71 MONTGOMERY WARD. S6XEM na RE-ROOF NOW On twe. or three tear ta pay Pot tree estimate phnne 3-7177. WE8TE1U4 AUTO SUPPLY CO. sslMa BUILDING MATERIAL USED FIR FLOORING. 3-4389. Ph. 39702 el mal39 1 CLOSE-OUT SPECIAL, Hardwood Floor ing, pecan and gum In a variety of aires at only 1125 M, Keith Brown. Front j Court Sts.. Salem. matf REDtVdar ahtngiea No. 1, 19 T N 2. 16.50. No. 3. 1310 We del Phllipf Bros, RL L Box 111 Pb 68F32. ma SAVE ON ROOF1NO Lat Warda give you com plat IN STALLED price on your roofing Deeds. Wide range of colors Call our outaidg aaiesman tor free aatlmata Phong 1-31B1 MONTGOMERY WARD ag OO. SALEM. OREGON ma HARDWOOD FLOORING now only I95M. Mixed Pecan it Oak, hx3 at Keith brown, Front tt Court, Salem, matf ALUMINUM ROOFINO I ft. width lo the following lengths. 6 11.14 r 3 31 0 3 90 13" 1.46 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD tt CO. SALEM- OREOON ma NURSERY STOCK DAHLIA BULBS S for 11. Bedding plantg j on. lur i. ueraniums aa per a os. Bouquets tt cut flowera for Memorial Day. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. mbl27 FUCHSIAS FOR SALE. 180 VARIETIES. MRS. F. E. WARD, 4380 CHERRY AVE. mbt3f FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WESTING HO USE elec. range, dinette set. rug. wamut oarm. suite, daveno and cha lr. 1795 N. Cottag e . n 1 3 7 GOOD STRAWBERRIES. U-plck. 10c. Joe rrnaricx. ni. 9. BOX H, Salem. 4 mile N. W. of Maclcay. n!2l ALMOST new 30 gal. General gaa water neater, rnone 1-3759. nl39" 78 WIDE gauge cat. 11750. John H. Smith, urana jtonde. nill GAL. gas water heater, used 3 yrs. 3. Phone 1-5086. B128 Strawberries U Pick 8c lb. ' Bring Containers II Acrea No Bat. Picking Coma Sun.-Mon. ED SPROED. RT. 2. BOX 403L l'i Miles N E. of Kelier School B121 6 CU. FT. COLDS POT refrlg. Excel, cond. 195. One set child's metal dble. swims. 112. One used kitchen sink. 12. On drum type trash burner and water heat er, colled with 30 ft. copper coJL 17.50. P"- -"3- U137 FOR SALE: 400 used fire brick. 3920 N. River Road. ni21 GOOD ELECTRIC trollng motor 140. 3350 Ncp' Ave- nl2l OUTSIDE WHITE FAINT. Special 13.38 Gal. House and Farm quality. Norrls Walker Paint Co.. 250 Court. nl28" MAYTAG Washing Machine, baby car. riage. dragsaw, nearly new. 129 N. Llb- nl2l BERRY CARRIERS a few left. Round handlcs. Ph. 27274 or 27331 eves. nl28 BALDWIN BUNGALOW style piano. Move forces sale. 870 Ratcliff Dr. nlll CUSHION Davenport with floral slip covers. 115. Ideal for play room. Shallow well turbine pump and tank, 150. Ph. "707. nlll' iM RIDING Outfit for 1150. 1895 Oarden Rod- nl27 GRASS and Clover hay, your for cut ting. 3855 Oarden Road. ni27 GIRL'S ALL wool suit, Ilk new, alie 3. J.'mho,Iftny Dlnk b0t- P- 37119. 1360 Candlewood. n!30 WE DEFY anyone, any place, to offer mattress bargain such as this, extremely high grade matching box spring St Inner spring mattress by famous manufac turer, gorgeous covers, superior con struction, guaranteed, 199 set. Yours today for only 199, and your spring St mattress. OLENN FURNITURE 1605 N. Summer Ph. 35110 TERMS - TRADES - WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE nl27 CHINA CLOSET 118. High grad bungalow moacrn wainut piano 1250, club chair 115, solid leather wing back rocker 111, old washer In working cond., 112, used colled springs 14.50. Used beds 4.50, used mattress 14.50, daveno 110, davenport need recovering 11, l piece dinette set 118, hundreds of comparable bargains. GLENN 8 FURNITURE MARKET Terms, Trades, We Pay Cash for Your Furniture nl27 DRAFTING TABLE, professional model. ujuKuw tvp wun drawers tt book shelf, 117.50. 3360 Laurel Ave. B13T ARE YOU Interested In the Service Station business? I have a service station busi ness for sale at Inventory price la DaUas, Ore. Contact Warren Doolittle, General Petroleum Dlstr. Ph. 34619. nl30 FOUR DRAWER Nat'I Cash Register, with rcoiwoa pe. nas been In steady use, and Is In good mechanic al condition. Ph. 3-2485. nll0 HAND GARDEN cultivator, 24 In. wheel. ' uisacs, reiuiar now 14.95 while they last. Borkman Lumber and Hardware Co.. 2460 State St. nl27 TURKEY FERTILIZER 11 sack, 10 sacks " nisi" FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll ers, mux pasteuriser, at close-out prices. Ycater Appliance Co. nl46 NO WAXINO REQUIRED when you us riMH.Ron, me ceuopnane-lik finish for your floors or Un oleum. YaaUr Ap pliance Co. nl41a DEEPFREEZE home merer. 1129.95 and up. xeater Appliance Co B148" WHITE HOUSE Products. Ph. 3-1741. nl41 ELECTRIC SEWING machines. (Frs-Wes- tinenouse) Yeater Appliance Co. nl41 USED REFRIGERATORS, washing ma- c nines, ranges, water beaters. Yeater Appliance Co. nl48" EXHAUST FANS Close-out prices. Yeater Appliance Co. b14S FOR SALE: Clean 1 Ph. 3-6U6. gal. Jugs. 60c per dox.-"!? nl ' WESTINGHOUSE Elec. range. I mos. old. 2-oven model. Perfect condlt. 1250. Ph. 13J34. nl38 HOYT ST. SURPLUS RESTAURANT DISH WASHERS. Spud peeler, steam kettle and cookerg. bak ery electric oven. Wards farm lit Plant, 600 watt. 165.00. Wisconsin t h p. motor, also Wisconsin motored irriga tion pump 300 gal., laundry dryer, 10.000 gai wood water tank, 165.00. Wood rang 110.00, tent and tarpa, pup tents, leather passenger bus seats tig ea., hot water and hot air furnaces, oliv drab paint 11.31 gal., tl circula tor 126.00. swivel chairs 11.10, oak radio or phonograph tables 14.00, nous and outside wire, range cable, electric water heaters, 1165 00 DeLux washer, damaged la transit 191.95, 1 ton I ton ohala hoists, wall safes 11.00. unit heater for low pressure steam. 194T O.M.C. 16" bed 1H ton truck. International K-l flat bed ! ton. FIRE ENGINE Metal secretar ial desk, file, bath room fixture, ao0 Pipe, caulking lead. KAROEX. I am in the mood for going flahtng, com ta and help ma clean husa so X can get away. Com south on 12th to tara HOYT SIGN, turn EAST on block. Tel. 17916. will PEAT MOSS with turxey dropping 4e per aack. I sacks 14 50. Valley Fam 8tor.434 ailvsrtoa Rd. PR. 33014. B140 NEWRERG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP BOIL High quality, attractive price. All kinds- Pit run: gravel; aand; ml crush; concrete pipe ft isle; n-lnforriag ateal; cement; septic tanks. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1401 W. Front St. Ph. 3-3417. BUI AVI ) gal on gas! Broadways Supef Service. 696 N Liberty alll GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Glbsoa and Monte Appliance at oavurta GARDEN BAND, gravel, crushed rock, Shov1 ft drag -Una excATatlsg. WALL LNO SAND ft GRAVEL CO. PR. 1-639. n 1LFR 18357 BR US RES. 1141 Oraat Pfl.4l (Continued on Page 19)