10 Capital Journal, Sam. OrrRnn, Saturday, May 2H, 1949 Peddler of Dreams RADIO PROGRAMS b PEGGY DERN Chapter St And to Garrett ataitpd anothi biAtk, Uiouga there were pi-iou ueprtuMon and diacoura.c ihl-u when F'.lclty loiinci ii upfficii to get him to work. She walked to thf grocery on afternoon lor the following day' uppllea. Fmlciiy -im lima, wo. ried about Garrett; atie almoi l: got to atop in at the poaiohce next door to Uie grocery jttore, lo mail. Tht pleasant, elderly man be hind the General Delivery wimiov. of the branch postoMlce greetet. her wiUi a smile and Mid, "Om only today, Mlsa Home, Love.) dav Un't it?" She thanked him and acceptei. the long, rather plump envelope he gave her. It waft tddrr.sAi tf her, and in the upper right-ham. corner there waa the addrp.s "Arlcerman & Conner, Inc., New York City." Puzzled, Felicity tore open the envelope. Out of It ahe drew a letter, a printed legal-looking docu mentand a long green aiip which he atudied with wide, lncredu.ou. evea. It read: Pay to the order ol Felicity Home, One thousand dol lar. It wu signed: Harry J. Ack erman, Pres., At iter man & Connen, Inc. Felicity' hand ahook a he un folded the letter. It wan brief mm to the point. It told her that her play, Meet the Familv, had been turned over to Ackerman At Con ner by Charles Drummond and that they Ackerman At Connent liked the play and were enclo. Ing her a check for one thousand dollars covering a ix monui up tion on Uie play, together with a ontract, one copy of which ahe would keep, the other ane was to ilgn and return to mem. i ney would adviae her aa to the begin ning of rehearsals, and they would look forward to meeting her should he care to come to New York to attend the rehearsals. Her firat Impulse was to run a.s faat aa aht could to the camp with the news. And then like a aasn or eold water in her face, she thousht of Oarrett. Ol hla dejection and un happiness of the failure of hi book to find a publisher. He was already so miserable that she knew the news of her aucceM would be Ilka rubbing salt in an open wound. Garrett would oe giaa lor ner sake and would rejoice with her. but It would only add to his own depression and unhappiness. It might even give him an inferiority complex. It might even wreck their love. She decided, for the present, to say nothing to anybody about the aale. She would put the check In the bank. She felt guilty aa ahe prepared upper and served it, but Garreit'h discouraged Xace, his manner when upper was over, told her that he was going through dark waters and convinced her that she had been right to withhold her news. Things were at thla pass when, on a certain stormy night, she was awakened well past midnight by a small voice crying. "Fliss! Fliss let me In!" end by amall hands pounding on the door. Still dazed with sleep, she slid out of bed. opened the door and a white-faced, dishevelled, very wet Tippy atum bled into her arms. "Oh. Fliss don't let 'em don't let 'em! ' walled Tippy. "Darling, don't cry so. Nobody's going to do anything to you. sweet, atop crying and tell Flls what's wrong 1" "I've I've had an earache. Fliss and they're goln' to to op'raiel" aid Tippy through her sobs, her eyes wide with terror. Felicity gathered that the doc-: tor had diagnosed the earache as something more serious. From Tip py's stammered gasping of the word. Felicity knew that it had been ma told it la. and her heart failed her at the bare thought. There was a plan to operate In the morning. Susan had not mean: 1 'ppy to know. One of the erv us had ovei lira id and hd told nmher servant and Tippy, wilh .i.y die vaguest Inra ol what wa , leant, nad heard them aiM:uj.ii.fi iie com i lift operation. Overcome .vith tenor. Tippy had managed to .ip om or t he house that night ind had lied to Felicity, on her )icclr. 'I ney had quieted Tippy, bundled ifr in a warm biarkei and tucked er lino bed when there was the .iund of a car ouUide and Felicity went out to lace Susan. A white .acrd Suan In a quilted satin nouserofU beneath a dark fur coat. "felicity, I'm aick about this." .-.aid Susan swiftly. "I meant to make a game of li " "I know, Buan. Rut tell me what the doctor said, ' Felicity cut In. "It's mastoiditis, darling. Oh. I know how you (cel. It knocked die pins from under me, too." said Suan. 'The operation is ab.so-: utely necessary. Dr. Curtis is one . the finest child specialists In uie country and I was lucky to catch him. Hi s here on a vaca tion, but he will oiwrate if I ask him to. She couldn't possibly have neuer chance." 'You've been more than kind Mrs. Fleming." Burton said grave ly. "I can't tell you how grateful we are. Unfortunately, we are not In a position to er ofter to even ihare the terrific expense, since we happen to be well. Just about 'fresh out of money as my son would say ' "We've got money. Father plen ty of it," Felicity exclaimed. "I've got a thousand dollars in the bank Susan and Burton stared at her as though they thought she had lost her mind, She did not see Garrett behind her in the shadows, "I wrote a play, Father. Uncle Charles sold It for me to Acker man Ar Conners. They sent me a check for a thousands dollars as a payment for an option," said Fe licity, her mind so concerned with Tippy's plight that she told her news almost carelessly. (To be continued) "Sun' Hay BnU-The two-way I ensemble Is an Important Item in every warm weather wardrobe! Especially smart Is thla scoop-, shouldered dress it can become a city edition by merely adding its marcning ooiero. No. 2515 is cut in sizes 10. 12, 14. 18, 18. and 20. Size 16 dress. 3V I yds. 35-in.; bolero, is yds. 35-in. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is just off the press presenting thel oesi in summer i ash ions, ail de signed with the simplicity that) spells good style and easy aewinn and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern I designs lor all attea and occasions I Send now for your copy, price just I 20 cents. Address pattern lepart-i ment. Capital Journal, 552 Mission street Sun Frnncisco 5. Calif. R2740 PATTERN Ne. Mil 4ft CrnM-MUtch Km OroM-stltch embroidery Is aa easv to do as it la pretty to look at. Kmbroider the chunky floral motifs In different shading of the same color on pil lowcases, towels and bureau scarves fo ra smart modern effect. Pattern Envelope No. R2740 con tains hot-Iron transfer for 2 de signs 5S by HI inches and 2 de sign 5'? by 10 inches, color chart, stitch Illustrations and material requirements. To otnain this pattern send 20c in coins giving pattern numoer vour name address and tone num oei to Pt'tfKV Roberts Capital Jour .ia. 8:28 Mission Street San Fran eisco 3 Calif ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern WHAT A DISMAL W.Y TO SPEND SATLianv EvtsisG.' FEIGNING ILLNEtS SO AS TO M0 HAVING TO TAKE UNCLE WOlfSAMi Out ran the night ' I KNOW HELL FE CQVMNr.3 IN TO ?EE WHAT S WRONG WITH M6 LA - LETS SEE I II TFLL UIV IT5 A RfOCCLKtRENCE Cf A-J Ol D AFRICAN MM DY I GOT IN V - ' L-A-- LETS SEE I'LL W - I TFLL WlA ITS A b 1 I RfOCCURENCE Cf ' AM OLD AFRICAN J : I I MM M7V I GOT IN I KNOW HELL PE 1 ANWJOW, ILL SAVE iTHlS CQVMN.3 IN TO ?EE V AT LEM.T fZO' JTTfJ fV, WHATS WRONG S . . V. WITH MS S I J "n 0 i vl 1 A set for. y r.. ... Anusa u i Lift wflta Lutil I.Hf wllb Llil HfIvh Rtrn Helen Hitn Omr Mlu RrMkl Oar MIm llrMkfl Jack Knnj Jack Bnr Pat ta ha tcnorant Tha Whlillar The IVbhllr riva Star Flaal Sam Spadt Sa Spad Hr. af Si. Franrla Seranada Maht Rditar Orrhaatra Ore tint ra j COUNTE55 aAWAAfi AN "l GOOD TmEQE'S T AN FBI PAiDNO DETAIL T BETTER ttDE AL.0N& TO THE T AND Mi$S THE lAT fiCT?-WJT MUCH. II e ITHt pWARF WILL BOTH J A rtUtBAL i 15 READV TO 5WOOP DOWN I HOSPITAL WITH THE OTHEW5.' WtVVt 5, If I HtY Vt KUl UNt II 1 1 llF UP DODPD --Rr INT V ON THAT ri HtP iHiF I - vDH'DC D0P7TV RADi V DF NTFD VlkTATf.H ON TH E hU Y Vi HO OWNS II 1 k' ( VAPifTV OF VFPMIN I mrZSM HERE AND TmERE y-a-THlS COAT- I WANT TO WuARE 1 , 1 I i T PTriS2V !JNrI tAK,, SATURDAY k. M. ; v Efc4 M'lTt -ydS1 KSLM aKGW ,g.K0C0 g'KOIN W..iMH4ft fmJ II wf, i f I 7-LZA 1 lsrfl TV wi I I .n rnd a-.ii mc ihm ... i ti. ".; "' . ;. "v-z if'L f aV- 1 JiS3l KyiiflF.: Mtiv-'flS'i L; I in..irr.ii. o,.n...,. siirtir " tPvvV vfS .v i -tJS'tfvVV I lii'IWN.U ' 'Vl JIV Vvjfe f :U '"" ;' u """' . --w..nii i imm ne: iaplM uiJ m ,t xhjimiUi " smuj f v T ir..4 , .,. D. si.i ,.. I v I I V I I t I I t f : .1 Tralb jrinolof I n....ll lnl II Ai.l 1 nj--1 PlVV -i ruJ-i 1 W 1 Ci T Wv - nJ-r-1 Jvl M. m.i ih. rr... tinM.t.w a..tb.n o.m t..u,t j ri ' 1 j 1 i i e3X -v d rfn T 1 ia'- " .x ...- n-.i , . ' ' l fyy J "111 ' Mmrl Bani fb.l.b va 101114 I'l lbi Jraai M f J - N ( XV. r ' I NtS I 0 I -V Nwa SUr Th'!r naaflm Pari lb Jm - V J P - ( J yyA Yft'in VT YI" 1 - !4 "au wr Tbaalf . Dmrlns rrl Jaiilfn B.fll I VV )Gj In' Si'Vl JayC JJ t:T l-;i'"ri.it b.Hiin. j..,,.. kHt LMJ Cra Ctt? : iW . ts mzzrt szzr- l - j AMPgrfJOHi-l V ,4. Cwl. .J-Mlr. Cb... 1. H.-. D.e Drnnl. f," Zl - - I -V" " " " ii- Nwi r.n.wibip v.i.t In,.. .. tMbm Bbib"libr WW . 1 W i" , ' Mom. K.rcnstfa riarb Otnalt Hr Imlth - 4J " " ,l"aa"""ll -1 1 PJG"THE ONE WITH THE 1 W FANCY COSTUME- LEflPIN' LIZARDS ! T9 :" IT "! I?;"!! " Klltr. G.ulp O 7 CfiEL T BB-g-R-THOSE TWO- afiTlJ I W"T SW1TA aUS WHISKOK-SEVEH I V TURBAN -SASH- I KNOW THOSE III I - LiLT-'i?1"'? "'. AMIJI.. N.. B KTTFR I SHOULD HOE KtOWN rNLi. I DjD THEY FEETTnLL-TWU IKUN' EYES - I I BIG KNIFE-EVES QUYWtNO YOU B IA 2'' ""MIpp ! rb.r,b In Wild. Invluilall f ISal LOOS 0 SMART- I IL I .y.. 1 B.R.R L THEId? JB ' '" uV.lV, L, " 5wm '.'. ESS EUlX $1 "''fm. i f liP IM i 5;S SIS ' Ui j3iJ.lf t&5&UiJi;S& - ..jabti 5g Si- SSrSur I p 1 HOPE 1 J I VM SO SLAD VOO'RE WERE , I R0DV MEB8 TOLD WILBUR "YwUV, AMBROSE. WHATS) QLHl! ""I" Fia.h . "m.h.. "und"';ks.";ri" n."""' I ROSETTA DOktT AMBROSE. 1 I4AV SOME- ) AND PHOEBE TOLD METMAT 1TUE MATTER?lJl . -Ma"''k " F'""lJam M.u.n sand., i.a.j. , ,,.. lvfiTAriiSi(TtD icDi'fDXNl inS THRILLING TQ TELL. MAX WONfT CALL ON ME ANY I THOUSMT YOU'D JlM S-SORRY 4 2" ".. 2"'!' ! """" S5irH.S : T S,mUCWH MORE BECAUSE HE PEELS 7 BE WAPPyWrOSIE GIRL. A "? SiVb" D::.!J S""l"'Hi" H SwtBEiSN f VOU MAVETHEIMSire MTUEONLYl SUESSIM c.n- ob.',b"Vr." Sj. . 5 SSS S 5lSS ? ia fcffli reV a ?s--?s i x-rs-r- 1 ' " LJU . 1 '-I I I M a 1 i. U I UJ """" Daaaal Dapa rH"MaHaHMMMpHMMIH'BVBBBPHPaHHHaBBBaBaaaBBMM aaaaHHaMaHaaBaHapvaaavMaaTH , :4a Norlhwast Ncwa Haraaa Ham Baacball it Nice beikj' marbiweTwi; isXsoon-sahgitsA awthen H'LL-SCRAM.f- rir warn't no " A i !! MARRIED.r-AHVE KIKJ BH HUSBInTI THIS POINT-AH'LlJ LAFF AT THIS HIDEOUS MftRBIASE DREAM.C V- W-S iSur wTHhT R?.taVS 5"'J','! MABRIELDOPTHOO- DEAUT.IL J AN' WFE. VKE UP r-r- WKSHTMARE. AHM HIKIT W -AH IS MARRiEDrlL Jm "."". P.ra!. ' ,S Sal, S", , SAWDSCVSUCKERS, -LOOK VDtAR DON'T . -fCTtl Ari - - - ,ai ' ' ""'ball f--AHMES AT U.T ) YO'CITTH J 3 9' W. ' J, S- AH "ffW VO Iftf Jpbaai Jaaa Baiaball I EVM CHUMP ENUFF--,(y (CTSf J-jWV ' V SfV ' StsSilM YON.r-t - - - ijll i VLvjriK-r:..TraHJ w n.- i r' a i aas rf rai , n tMS V fc,XJV P taWlsSWW iicv -m.-.:M. ,,.,,. : I aWiiLfl hc rxfifeKtt lsSS2 1 ' ' 1 i I I R.a.b Ih, B,, P:M. Pal Na.ak f.i fiooK AT YOUR l YEH! I W AN ABSENT-MINDED J BUT. SfOHHHH H HHN - I NUTHN' LIKE 1 da .'T.-.v n."Va A",,"; ,a,"'n."" PANTS.JEFF.' VMEAN TO SUY LIltE YoU SHOULD FUml0VE- SOYoUDIDWiM . ,.. Trt 9 0.,.n T 1 Orrh., UiOO, Xlr. Hour, ,M, Sl,n , I e'V-iS' fl 1' I I KtMOUEDhTOMOUK;,,fjf V W.y . T-V -V CLOTHES' J MAY BE DIRTY Pi Fallk. :P. rrprt Hl.lPlpm :. T frALiPI 11 . CLOTHES' y 1 V'AJip) KT-TT-AiS it-VJ V BOTMYvWlUTj . Maaa af l.r.al:: I 'a.WTi I TTIUTN. II I 1)1 'J'lvy tK't-'ti' t fl I AlNT ll ". Tap a Iba Marnlni, 11:11, Eamaaaa . .... . .jt j-mj a ir,rMl R TS 1 T .A 1 r.bV iVT! " Mu.lc al Taaaai rr-i-i r I w'Hty.Mau - - -- urn T i "tm-i- i r P fHo, T CANT. TEX. I Lav I PROBBLV WONT 6ET (JiJl j l.seAA,r, .v tynooojf I THAil Yaj I I Bccn ETTIN'A 1 1 fVSM THAT SMALL CENTAL. NO I a'f I COME IN.Mff.MILES. s R ?D0T TO leu EIt Rf4L uPf THAT eeAZil' tSD. A CHANCE CN H LIVE VJ iH! J AT III s frlL.X iY-rs ISEEv ,pHn I 1 l?!lWr T 211 -IStf'iL- -pVav 4fciJ ' f lU fc iFJ . l rlU-Ti.TJif I lr':".Tn.":'H".:'' -ia : li"iimiI' f 1 nuit "mt- I n" , - w -wmui across si. o, to 1.. 1cia:R' ii 1 n j 11 1 1 j . 111 1 1' . ti n- . J V I 7 1 r-nn.i.ii.ima 32. Blllar valcll -""" 1 ir . 1 --0 j j 1 11 v v. - , nj y 1 . ,r 11m a ' j s i 1: j, . S ' Qfr O '!3 ,11- J 1 1 . a 1. 1 1 3 v r ii ii n j i1! r 1 iip.'vii tar ii i"ai ii;iiii'f rir",r"' n . -.j i L CPJCVA. f.-TVk--I JJ7;A I 1 I fft U V..-V B I Ml" . 1 : SVJ.-'.VJ" ln fa.l D E A RUAIL IU1 L A T Jlin-OII t:U, Oparp Albpmt S:IMI. Tl.la Chapalnr WarIA; S:IS. Hanardraamarai l;IP, Sanday. With Tapi 4:IM. Dana.r. Dr. Daaflaldi 4:M, Graalaat Starr Evar Taldl b:M, Slap tba Maalci P'PP. Lltlla Harpiani tiaft. Oalel. :0P. Wallar Wlnrhall: T:IS. Laa- alla Paraanai T:M. Tbaatra Galldt :M, Jltnnla Fldlar; ll:U, Raadilda Chapali :INI. Draw Pairaeni t:IA, Manriaa Hnrn.. Inf Hradllnai; 0:0, Wallar Winahrlli :S. Intarmaraai IfliOn, Rkhfleld Bapartrri IA:IK, Drrw Paaraanl loino, riaramnnt Halal Orrh.l 1I:IMI. Raaaaralt Ratal Orrh.i HiMI, Mr-ana la Tamarrpwl 11:00, Xlra Hapr; 1:M. Slpn Oil. llJ.lrd ai mapdarl Tlaa) afrtAr alrd P.l.-A:t Op tba rN-A- t'pbaali 1:50. AM Ipprla plabi 0:00. Nawai 0:11 Laab PI OpalrpllPI :M. linden tallan 0:411, Ralland Ta rtar and Tnmarroiri 7:110, Grand Oparp li,nlfhtt 0:IK, Nawal 0:00, Danaa Foradai ln:00. Kirn Oil. Mrs. Reimer Honored With Dallas Shower Smithfield A shower was given in honor of Mrs. Herman Reimer at the Evangelical Men nonite Brethren church In Dal las. Hostesses were Mrs. Mel vin Olfrrt of Dallas, who is Mrs. Reimer's sister, Mrs. Clar ence Bowman of Ellendale, Mrs. Ernest Reimer of Polk Station and Mrs. Paul Reimer of Salt Creek. Among those that attended or sent gifts were Mrs. Arnold Claassen and Mrs. Elwln Quir ing both of Salem; Mrs. William Heibert of Ellendale; Mrs. Earl Feil of Polk Station; Mrs. Eu gene Reimer and Mrs. S. N. Ediger of Smithfield; Mrs. Levi Thlessen of Monmouth; Mr. Henry Warkentin of Indepen dence; Mrs. Elmer Frey of Dal las route 1; Mrs. David Schultz of Oakdale; Mrs. N. E. Goert zen, Mrs. John A. Friesen, and Mrs. David Kroeker all of North Dallas: Mrs. Chester Feil, Mrs. John R. Friesen, Mrs. William Dick, Miss Adeline Dick, Misa Marie Dick, Mrs. A. A. Warken tin, Mrs. Dietrich Olfert, and Mrs. Peter Eitzen all of Dallas. Go to law Blttar vatch ih. oil ond I !. Trap It. Tandlns IP Krwturp halprp 41. Artlat'a ptanA 44. Alrnlana throttlp 45. Stnrtad 11. To 12. Varaa nf two faal 14. Expartanrp Bithjactlvarp M. Faattvpl Flan apn 17. Uaapiirap pf Ipngth HjO I R IN'' AiF I C,iSH E W ElR' I C A'NiTlt e!nI 1 "! TJ?JJ' S TS H9J Lj iV!f Y a,TB"NOBHB'Mii'W BC L'E A S E M t S A IDV t S TiU,U,A olutlon of Vottorday's Puszla IV. Parprtlap II. lnd.nnlip pmounl 1 12 IJ I j I. 17 Z,B 9 " 11 ZZ zzzeCzzzz Ti 35 n 1 DOWN Fln openwork 1. FlMtral tnwar t. r-u Unity 4. Vaia I. Nolpy C Mourn for t. Y.WmX t. riarlnr t I. In Ionlalans, a count lft. Hc1ipodgs II. Notirnj II. rrlppls 17. Atnnnr 32. Rumanian coin 24. Author of "Thi Ravan" 2L Tool for ntaro Int holf 2H. At no tirra 3. Ai-knowlcdg 2ff loltcn 34. Hnv trait ST. HnW-hrrl mlttni 40. Chrrirr t "Ir Oynl" ?. Trpln . Blow i. Arrnar KISoll 4T. QtM 4. r.ia of t air U. tmtol I