1 St. Paul Cemetery Improved A clean-up and landscaping project is nearing completion at the St. Paul cemetery as a preliminary to caretaking program which will be followed each year. In the background of the photo above, a tractor is shown touring through the markers to grade the ploughed soil preparatory to seeding. A well has been drilled on the eastern edge of the cemetery to provide Irrigation for the cemetery. A Reward Set Up f Missing Airmen Wives of the three army men who disappeared in a B-26 on April 21 on a flight from Hamil ton Field, California, to Port land, have offered a $1500 re ward to the person locating the trio or their bodies. Aboard the plane were Air Force Colonel A. Y. Smith, Ar my Colonel . Walter W. Hodge and Air Force Sergeant H. E. Sluga. A search of certain areas con ducted by the air rescue serv ice ended May 12, with negative results. The search was resum ed few days after that when a Marion county deputy sheriff reported an object resembling a plane in the timbered area near Detroit. The object was lat er identified from the air as a patch of snow. The families of the men be lieve that the trio may hava par achuted or landed in some re mote area, and may be await ing rescue. They were last heard from while near Portland. Anyone finding these men, or who has information pertain ing to the case, is asked to con tact the nearest ranger station, sheriff's office, highway patrol, army or air force station or the Civil Air Patrol headquarters, 291 Geary street, San Francis co. The reward money Is on de posit at a San Francisco bank. Postmasters to Meet in Newport The Oregon state branch and auxiliary of the National Asso ciation of Postal Supervisors is holding its annual convention at Newport Saturday and Sun day with around 100 delegates expected. The business sessions will be held the first day and the second day devoted to recre ation. Frederick O'Dwyer, San Fran cisco, national committeeman of the NAPS, will speak at the din ner Saturday night with officers elected earlier in the day to be Installed. Tom Becker, president of the Newport Chamber of Commerce, will welcome the delegates together with Frank On rftsplWy now! New Scott'Atosttr 1-20 $tr to mW - -a - - W ptJTTsjaT RKVDwia 4200 am IT vtVH YOU outer eoofrol the wwiiomJ Seon-Atmter FT ftiutert advance la oatboardt te 23 yeanl It peed, nre starting wtth an eat? ft-tneh pal, and foolproof wathcr.proof opera tion far yean to cone. Yet ffce 1-20 MM? etaatty cam no . -a -iWTaVar" oa I J SfF" board)'! Sec h sowl I I m . OSfI I f MYIRSI W--ntS"l i FORWARD jusT&r "SS I IT LETS YOU '.HjV'' perfect lendtnf V Paden, Newport postmaster. W. A. Hughitt, Redmond, president of the Oregon branch, will re spond. Mendenhall Family entertains Guests Liberty Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mendenhall have as guests Mr and Mrs. James Mendenhall and son James Jr. and Victor of In terior So. Dakota, and Mrs. Joe Risseeuw of Lakeview So. Dakota. Visiting Mrs. Mendenhall were Rev. and Mrs. Jesse Luthl of Rosedale, Mr. and Mrs. Al Doyle, and Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Knettle of Salem. They were honored at din ner Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lappin, Wanda and Lin da, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Giersch, Larry and Julia of Salem, Wal ter Mendenhall Jr. of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mendenhall of Donald and the Mendenhall family. To cool their hands on sum mer days, American ladies of long ago used to hold a smooth hand-made glass ball. Summer Piano Instruction JOANNE. TWEDT Graduate, U of O Music School ADVANCED & BEGINNERS Phona 3-3252 PLUMBING - CONTRACTING Featuring Crane and Standard Fixtures Call 3-8555 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. tAOE B) i M i wo Droaowajr 8 FREE ESTIMATES No Luncheon Meet Of Chamber Monday No luncheon meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held Monday because it is the Memorial day holiday. At the meeting for the follow ing Monday, June 6, the speak er will be LaVerne (Kip) Tay lor, the new football coach at Oregon State college. The regular Monday lunch eon schedule will be dropped for the remainder of the sum mer, but there will be occasion al luncheon meetings during the summer season in the inter est of new memberships. The membership department, under the leadership of Ed Schreder, will be active through the year. Iter Graduation Day It's one of the most Important days in their lives. Your feelings of pride and sincere con gratulations can easily be expressed in the . most appropriate manner WITH A 4J ALLMARK CARD EDWARD 330 Court Bible Academy To Graduate 51 Fifty-one seniors will receive their diplomas from the Salem Bible academy during a com mencement program to be held at the Nazarene church, 13th anr Center streets, at 8 p.m. Friday. June 3. Baccalaureate services will take place at the First Bap tist church at 8 o'clock Sundf.y night. May 29. The commencement address will be given by Dr. William T. Milliken. Leona VanTassel has been named valedictorian and Josephine Hildebrand salu tatorian. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. G. Rundstrom. The graduating seniors: Bette Jo Allred, Gwenn Vir- ginia Blevins, Ella Bernice Buh- ler, Laura Louise Buhler, Rich ard Carlyle Carper, Harvey Charles Classen, David Lee Coo ley, James F. DeLapp, GeraH Duane Dillon, Harry L. Ediger, Marilyn Maxine Fern, Bette Lorene Friesen, LeRoy M. Ges- ner, Don Phillip Goertzen, El vin Emory Goode, Dean M. Grif fith, Harold M. Groat, Beth Hamilton, Marie Harder, Donna Arlene Harriman, William Rob ert Heinrichs, Josephine Jane Hilderbrand, Doris Florene Jones, Dianne Gay Lunde, Ray mond D. Mendenhall, Gene Gor don Mulkey, Minnie Flora Neu harth, Margaret Rose Pardo, Marie Elizabeth Pardo, Wesley Pauls, Tillie Rask, Anna Marie Rundstrom, Betty Marie Reimer. Donald D. Triessen, Ruth Thies sen, Jim Dwight Tallman, Eve lyn Ilene Stephens, Betty Knuth Shaff, Sylvia Beryl Spillman, Lyman L. Sundvall, Robert Lee Unger, Leo M. Wahl, Leola Ruth Wall, Dean Allyn Walter, Rena from WILLIAMS Salem Lassie, the screen's out standing dog star, Tom Drake and Janet Leigh form the de voted threesome of M-G-M's appealing new Technicolor drama, "Hills of Home," at the Capitol theater today. Story of a courageous Scotch doctor and his equally cour ageous collie, the picture also stars Edmund Gwenn and Donald Crisp. Lois Warkentin, Lois Jean White, Leona M. VanTassel, Samuel J. Wiens,, Enid Betty Wintermantel, John Edward Wood, Winton E. Zimmerman, for limifed Trine Only I WHITE ROSE Tram Baraat GLYCERINE SOAP For Softer, Smoother Skin (Jteffuforfr 3 for H.00) To PINT JAR mk Fight Over Girls Jails Five Youths Lebanon Competition for the attention of two local girls was blamed by city police for the battle Tuesday night on the lawn of an east Grant street home, that resulted in jailing of five youths, the escape of an other, and the apprehension of four others, all juveniles. According to Chief of Police Price, the two girls were driven home by their escorts, and they left the car, were accosted by a group of seven boys, all from outside of Lebanon. Night police arriving on the scene in answer to a phone call apprehended all but one of the participating youths. Ten dollar fines were levied against parents and guardians of each child involved for al lowing them to be out after hours, and an additional $10 was levied against the lads who pro voked the fight. win thousands of Limited time only! V!e make No Made the same way you'd make mayotv naise at home... with eggs, pure salad oil, fine vinegar, elected apices. Then, fresh No. Made is rushed to torea.That'a why Nu Made Ustee homemade. ..why it eddo the right degree of delicate tang to salads. Try it today NU MADE TASTES HOMEMADE GUARANTEED OR MONEY BACK At S&FEWAY now! Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 27, 19499 III BB ft EXTRA PROTECTION in blocks air-dried three weeks. Look for the date . . . and be sure of thoroughly seasoned, prc-shrunk SHITHWICS PUMICE BLOCKSI Writa far DcasslBtlva.Utararaal Civ.: c I I H Rdait V YARE, PHONf S-9I6I new customers for QUART JAR SAVINGS EARN MORE at Satem Federal January 1st end July lit, savers are paid liberal divi dends . . . increasing your funds. Our current 2 Vi re turn encourages thrift. 560 Stat Street facing Court House SALEM, OREGON SAVINGS FIDIRALLY INSURID MP ED rem! I It 1 'CI IH RPnT 4. XWjf ( 176 N. LIBERTY j