Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
fi Capital Journal, Salem.
Dance Event
This Evening
Members of Alphi Epsilon
chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, are
sponsoring a dance this eve
ning in Mayflower hall between
t and 12 o'clock. The party it
a semi-formal one and the Three
Sharps orchestra will play for
Members of Eta chapter and
friends are to be guests.
This is the last social event
of the season for the Alpha Epsi
Ion chapter. In charge of the
dance are Mrs. C. T. Barton,
Mrs. C. Braden Daggett, Mrs
Eldon Lindhorst, Mrs. Robert
At Golf Event
Third round in the spring
handicap tournament was played
at the weekly day for the Sa
lem Women's Golf association,
For those not in the tourna
ment, Class A award went to
Mrs. W. T. Waterman; Class B
to Mrs. Kenneth Potts and Class
C to Mrs. Claybourne Dyer.
Guests for the day were Mrs
Tonv Nunn, Mrs. Clay Carson
of Albany, and Mrs. Ercel Kay
MR. AND MRS. E. J. Simkins
and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnson
are driving east Saturday morn
ing to spend three weeks in Ten
nessee and Michigan. In Mem
phis, Tenn., they will be at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Blaunt, brolher-ln-law and sis
ter of Mr. Simkins, and in Flint,
Mich., they will visit Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Johnson, parents of
Mr. Johnson. On the return trip
they will visit with Dr. C. S.
Simkins of Creighton university.
Omaha, Neb.
lem Council of Women's Organ
izations is Mrs. Robert Hutch
eon. Other officers include: Mrs.
W. H. Barber, vice president;
Mrs. S. L. Auman, secretory
treasurer; Mrs. E. A. Lee. cor
responding secretary. Mrs. W. J.
Beard is the retiring president.
VISITOR hert from Ashland
for a few days la Mrs. Lyndel
Newbry, guest of her mother-
in law, Mrs. Earl T. Newbry
Secretary of State Newbry and
his son are in the east.
Campus Clippings
The annual all-school picnic sponsored by the sophomores
will attract the itudent body Saturday to Island Park outside of
Canby for the traditional spring
tion and transportation are all being furnished by the class who
make the proverbial "bigger and better'' claims for this year's
Russell Tripp, ASWU presi-1
dent-elect for 1949-50, was in-
stalled officially as the head
man of the student body by re
tiring prexy, George Hurt, in
Tuesday's annual awards cha
pel, More than 100 other stu
dents were honored in the cha
pel for their work on student
body activities and for high
scholarship. Awards ranged
from athletic blankets given to
graduating athletes to monetary
presentations and scholarships.
Though uncooperative weath
er discouraged many class mem
bers, the class beach
proceeded on schedule over the
week-end. Seniors were the first)
to leave for the coast on Friday,
and early haturday morning.
The 4!ters took over the Taft
Heights hotel and motel for their
three and four-day outing. Ty
piral picnic meals of hoi dogs;
and crab were served cafeteria
style in one of the motels due
tn the damp beach. Seniors are
all feeling the results of a stren-1
uous week-end of football, base-itive
umB mm
1 m il m S
Be Safe' Stcrt your fun new Guard V ur T I
them ogoinit moth one) warm eo- S J I
Q Twice-buckled sabot rtrap wrdgia t
ther domogt Stora them in th air- JPl ith a platform; open to. and heel. f I
It t L 1111 white genuine leather. m I
Try. v u a """" Add JSt for Mail Ordtrt
ff X. So'em's Newest Shoe Store for Women
S-J rv r0, VPi 170 NORTH LIBERTY jTf
jK. 1JI North Liberty lV -
mm m?m
Oregon, Friday,
Honor Seniors
The Salem alumnae chapter of Mrs. L. C. McLeod. and is to
Delta Gamma will entertain the have as a house guest. Miss Hel
five Delta Gamma seniors of en Simpson of Honolulu.
Willamette university at aj Miss Josephine Caughell also
breakfast at the home of Mrs. will be home from the Univer
Robert D. Gregg, 955 Marion lsjty o( Oregon to be guest of her
street, on Sunday morning, June parent, Mr. and Mr John R
5, at 8:30 o'clock. ICaughell, and will have as a
The seniors are Miss Joy!house gut Mis, Virginia
Bushnell, Carol Dimond, Veei c. . Arfnri
Gould, Patty Holtz and Betty f5".
May Jackman. Dean Regina thc" due nom,e ,ro(m ne
Ewalt and Mrs. Grace Marquam ! u"'vers,ty ,r "iss Crystal
will also be guests. All Delta! Huntington and Kay Hunting
Gamma alumnae are invited toiton to wlth the'r P""". Mr
attend and reservations should and Mrs- Hni w- Huntington
be made with Mrs. Gregg not' Kay Huntington will be leav
later than Thursday, June 2. jing about June 18 to spend the
summer in England and Europe
Zontians '
Salem Zonta club members
enjoyed i social meeting last
evening at the beautiful new
country home of Mrs. Saul Janz
in the Turner district, 39 at
tending the event.
Co-hostesses with Mrs. Janz
were Mrs. Mabel Clock, Dr. Lu
cille Fortner and Mrs. Robert
L. Elfstrom. Dr. Helen Pearce
served the cake and Mrs. Wil
liam Smith poured.
Reports were given on the re
cent district presidents' council;
meeting in Portland and from
some of the committees of the
local club on the year's work.
Plans were made for the an
nual incln lint inn ftf rp u nff irfrs !
for June 8 in conjunction with i
a dinner meeting at Silver Creek!
Falls lodge.
Lodge Accepts Three
Dayton Electa chapter No.
29, OES, met for its regular
communication. Three new
members were initiated into the
order: Mrs. Lloyd Shawver of
Dayton, Mr. Elsie Cole and Ed
Cole of LaFayette. Guests pres
ent were Mesdames Walter Ivie.
Alfred Ivie and Loil Hamstreet
of Sheridan and Mrs. John Orr
of Newport, daughter of Mrs
A Sl'RPRISK birthday party
was given Wednesday evening
by Mrs. Wilbur Davis in honor
of Mr. Davis. Refreshments were
served to Mrs. E. Dearing, Mr
and Mrs. G. D. Baker, Mr. and
avent. Refreshments, recrea
ball, volley ball, bowling, roller
skating and general hiking and
climbing up and down the
Sunday morning an unusually
small group of approximately 13
juniors traveled to the beach via
a hay-filled truck. The uphold
ers of class spirit and honor
served a spaghetti dinner to the
seniors Sunday evening after a
day of beach activities. As the
results of losing a Glee bet
freshmen were hosts to the so
phomores Saturday at Nesko
win. Plenty of food, exercise
and mist occupied the lower
classmen for the day.
Attention is being given this
week to next fall as returning
siunenis spenn the week in ar
ranging classes and obtaining
signatures for the pre-registra-
tion process. Students are faced
with the same old problems of
fulfilling upper and lower divi
sion requirements, major re
quirements and getting in at
least two or three hours of elec-
tn the few hours available.
To Be Home
the Memorial Day week-end
vacation at the colleges and uni
versities will find several Sa
May 27, 1949 Uem students home, arriving this
I Miss Irene McL.eod will be
home from the University of
i Oregon to ba with her mother.
Miss Joan Burgy will be home
from the university, bringing as
her guests, Miss Mary Pruess of
Santa Barbara and Miss Bar
bara Ncedham of Palo Alto. All
three are in the Kappa Kappa
Gamma house at Oregon. They
will accompany Miss Burgy's
mother, Mrs. Francis A Burgy,
to Neskowin for the holiday.
Also home from the univer
sity will be Miss Suzanne Hug
gins and her house guest, Miss
Ann Gillenwaters of Monrovia,
the two to accompany Miss Hug
gins' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Huggins to the beach
at Neskowin for the week-end.
From Cnrvallis
Miss Mary Lou McKay, sen
ior at Oregon State college, her
fiance, Lester Green of Eugene,
and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Green
f r-noii,. u,iii ,om i
accompany Mr. and Mr8.
Wayne Hadle'y and children to
Neskowin lor a holiday stay at!""""!!
the beach home of Governor
and Mrs. Douglas McKay.
Also arriving from Oregon
State will be Miss Nancy Buren
and her week-end guest, Miss
Jane Wilson of Los Angeles.
The two will accompany Miss
Buren's parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Wolcott E. Buren and son, Dick,
to Neskowin for the week-end.
meeting of the Woodbum Busi
ness and Professional Women's
club will be held Tuesday eve-
ning, May 31, instead of the
regular date of June 2 in order
not to conflict with commence
ment exercises at Woodbum
high school. The meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs.
Clark C. McCall, Lancaster
drive, Salem and cars will leave
the Stoller residence, 503 Young
street at 7:15 that evening. Those
wishing transportation should
rail Mrs. Stoller.
fj Three straps add up to fashion m
I I (V, " J "atty sandal with a platform! W
. f ym0000 In white smooth genuine leather
Wed at Mt. Angel The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Stephen Sprauer (Pamela Frances Penner) was solemnized
April 30 at St. Mary's church, Mt. Angel. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J. Penner, Mr. Sprauer the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sprauer. (Jesten-Miller studio
Couple Wed
n Portland
Grand Island Thursday aft
ernoon, May 19, at 3:00 o'clock
in a candlelight service in the
St. Rose Catholic church, Port
land, Miss Mary Elizabeth Dris
coll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Driscoll of Portland,
c-i.-.iErwin LeRoy Douglas, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Douglas of
'Grand Island, exchanged their
The pastor of the church offi
ciated in the presence of more
than 100 relatives and friends.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a lavender
dressmaker suit, a straw color
hat with lavender trim and a
face veil of matching color. She
wore a lavender color orchid
Miss Georgann Driscoll was
her sister's maid of honor and
she wore identical attire with
deeper color lavender colored
accessories and corsage.
Curtis Douglas was best man
for his brother.
Leslie Douglas, brother of
the bridegroom and John Smith
were ushers.
A reception was given Imme
diately following the service.
For going away the bride
wore a navy blue luit and ac
cessories. Her corsage was the
orchid worn during the cere
mony. They left for a week in
Canada and upon their
the casuals!
At Sojourners
Three new members were
welcomed at the meeting of So
journers club, Mrs. George
Keortge. Mrs. Severt Swan son
and Mrs. Gilbert Groff.
Guests for the meeting were
Mrs. J. E. Webster, Mrs. Clyde
A. Warren and Mrs. Robert May
Af the card games, Mrs. Gil
bert Groff and Mrs. E. L. Gra
ham won honors at bridge and
Mrs. George Riach at pinochle.
from a three week trip to the
mid-west and south are Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Loder. They went
east to Detroit by train and
from there drove down through
the south, stopping in New Or
leans and at various places in
Alabama, Texas and home
through California.
will be at home at the Sauvies
Island district.
Tre bride is a graduate of
a Portland high school and was
a WAC with services in Eng
land and other overseas points
during the war. Mr. Douglas is
a graduate of the 1935 class at
Amity Union high school and
served as an airplane mechanic
at several air bases in the Phili
ppine Islands.
Friends of Grand Island and
Lafayette who attended the
wedding Included Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Will, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Are Hosts
Mayor and Mri. Robert L.
Elfstrom were hosta last eve
ning for an informal dinner
gathering at their home to hon
or Captain and Mra. Roger
Simpson. Captain Simpson was
in command of the ship, U.S.S.
Atlanta, on which a group of
Oregon business men went on
a cruise last winter.
At the dinner covert were
marked for Captain and Mrs.
Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Brundige of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Brown and the hosts.
The Simpsons were over
night guests at the Elfstrom
Dramatics Group
Is Entertained
Mrs. Vincent W. Baronovich
entertained the Leslie Dramatic
Activity group with a salama
gundi party Thursday evening in
her Chemeketa street apartment
Prizes at salamagundi were
won by Clarine Woolery and
Ray Cook. The party was given
as a social event to conclude one
semester's dramatic activities
which ended with the broadcast
ing Thursday afternoon of two
one-act plays over radio station
Late in the evening Miss El
eonor Roberts, a special guest
of the group, and Mrs. Barono
vich served a Dutch supper and
dessert course to the following
guests: Jean Smith, Clarine
Woolery, Ha Jo Campbell, Pa
tricia Patton, Doris Frohn, Dor
is Willard, Helen Booth, Chris
Eisman, Grant Shaffner, Grant
Peterson, Ray Cook. Norman
Cocking, Don Hamlin and Paul
Marie Butler, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. W. F. Butler of Kla
math Falls, will wed Melvin
Hollin, son of the Andrew Hol
lins of Silverton, in a quiet
ceremony at Stevenson, Wash
ington, Saturday evening.
Attendants will be a brother
and sister-in-law of the bridegroom-to-be,
Mr. and Mrs. O.
D. Hollin of Silverton.
The couple plans to be in
Salem until after August 1,
when they will return to Kla
math Falls where Mr. Hollin
will re-enter the school for GI's.
Mrs. Monroe Hansen, sister of
the bridegroom, and other local
relatives are planning social af
fairs during the coming week
for the young couple.
ANN JUDSON Missionary
circle of the First Baptist 'hurch
is meeting Friday at 7:45 p.m.
at the home of Mra. Ted Pur-
vine, 80S Oak street.
for the PROUD
Choica ef brown, blua or blach.
Pan. (IS. 00, Pancil. SS.00;
Slralowfitaf. $10.00 Comal.
Trtraaaom in gift cata, W0. 00;
no fatf. tai.
mufwn mrnuM imhmu
ln brawn, alua Waek. Pan,
110.00; ParKil, M 00. Inaambla
cemplala and handiomary rn
0oia4, SH OO; mM.Hi,
mvtrm iwmr mm m
4 Wtjht nl sJlaKnctienl
Wttfa vanaiy at ityiaa a naj
baaaa prcJ tram 10 00 k
S'OOOO Mo4 ahwA M M
Crvatal will) famva "WMt
PM" Pan. SUN
aa tram mil
Unwauat, otaM, utttannf fiftl Maw aw)
m4, UK f4-"4 marttyahaaaa' Pra
t0 m4; maenan'caln parfad Thin
ft a ftna lawaJty. 4Mt-wiwi. St M. put
For Mothers
Twelve Beta Theta Pi wcre married in Vancouver,
Mother' club members 'romiWasni Sunday morning, May
Salem were among the guests
at the annual spring luncheon
given by the Portland Beta
Theta Pi Mothers' club at the:"""'" '
home of Mrs. H. C. Stearns,
Wednesday, Guests came from
Albany, Newberg and other val
ley points In addition to Salem.
Those motoring to the af
fair from here were Mrs. E. M
Page, Mrs. Henry V. Compton,
Mrs. J. Howard Shubert, Mrs.
C. D. Hatfield, Mrs. O. K. Beats,
Mrs. Donald Brazie, Mrs. F. W.
Breakey, Mrs. Blanche Proctor,
Mrs. Floyd L. Seamster, Mrs.
Arthur Cole, Mrs. H. Dickey,
Mrs. Cornelius Bateson.
MM i
L'Aiglon xDfPttM th tyrfe lovthnMt of
lummir In ttilt totty tolortd Bydri print
tfrati f eeol Importad voilt with fin froth
f tin tad Itct to rutftt tht ntek, ttotvts and
feodiet closing , , . and tucks and plots
an around tht skirt Combinations of groan,
fuchsia, aaddla; navy, shoe king. Ktlty; gray,
rust, torn. Snas 10 to 20. s)17.M.
'vonna Haynes. daughter of Mr.
land Mrs. Glenn Haynes, and
' Charles Cully, son of Mr. and
!Mrs. James Cully of Silverton,"
A reception was held for the
'couple during the afternoon
iu..,.. tk Usvnti nnm.
1144 t enter St. galem. Oregon
Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic
nHt ofiiM i-im,
Km: a-MM
Plcnlr f Frr Park
In Mar Ik
Serf 'a
S w
north liberty
smartly tailored
rayon weight
Rcr. 4.95. Be cool in
these strutter type
slacks. Fine, sleek rayon
slacks, full cut and styl
ed with special attention
to waist size. Brown,
black, hunter green,
arrey. Self belt. 12-20.
Capital Drug
40S State Street
p---"""l3SN. Lib.rty